Results for 'Matilda Ruck'

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  1.  35
    Marlene Ruck Simmonds 79.Marlene Ruck Simmonds - forthcoming - Journal of Thought.
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  2. The Person as Environmentally Integrated.Matilda Carter - 2024 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 28 (1).
    While there are urgent health-related demands surrounding dementia, there are sociopolitical dimensions to this issue that ought not to be neglected, concerning the ways in which institutions and individuals treat people living with dementia. Key among these concerns, for dementia self-advocate Christine Bryden, is the dominant narrative of dementia as a process that irreversibly sets those that live with it on a path to the destruction of their personal identities and personhood. In this paper, I bolster Bryden’s arguments against the (...)
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  3. Grief, trauma and mistaken identity: Ethically deceiving people living with dementia in complex cases.Matilda Carter - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (9):850-856.
    Across care settings, the practice of lying to or withholding the truth from people living with dementia is common, yet it is objected to by many. Contrary to this common discomfort, I have argued in previous work that respecting members of this group as moral equals sometimes requires deceiving them. In this paper, I test my proposed practice against complex, controversial cases, demonstrating both its theoretical strength and its practical value for those working in social care.
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    The Indirect Approach: Towards Non-Dominating Dementia Care.Matilda Carter - 2022 - Res Publica 28 (3):467-480.
    Carers often interfere with the choices of people living with dementia. On neorepublican and (most) relational egalitarian views, interference can be justified if it tracks a person's interests: if it does not lead to a relationship of domination. However, the kind of environment-shaping interventions carers often pursue would be considered infantilising or objectionably paternalistic in other cases. In this paper, I defend this indirect approach and argue that it offers the best prospects of dementia care without domination.
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    The imperative of professional dementia care.Matilda Carter - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (3):292-302.
    Despite negative effects on their health and social lives, many informal carers of people living with dementia claim to be acting in accordance with a moral obligation. Indeed, feelings of failure and shame are commonly reported by those who later give up their caring responsibilities, suggesting a widespread belief that professional dementia care, whether delivered in the person's own home or in an institutional setting, ought always to be a last resort. In this paper, however, I suggest that this common (...)
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    Withdrawing life-sustaining treatment: a stock-take of the legal and ethical position.Alexander Charles Edward Ruck Keene & Annabel Lee - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (12):794-799.
    This article, prompted by an extended essay published in theJournal of Medical Ethicsby Charles Foster, and the current controversy surrounding the case of Vincent Lambert, analyses the legal and ethical arguments in relation to the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment from patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness. The article analyses the legal framework through the prism of domestic law, case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and examines the challenge to (...)
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    Marek Haltof (2012) Polish Film and the Holocaust: Politics and Memory.Matilda Mroz - 2015 - Film-Philosophy 19 (1).
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    Ethical Deception? Responding to Parallel Subjectivities in People Living with Dementia.Matilda Carter - 2020 - Disability Studies Quarterly 40 (3).
    Many caregivers feel that they need to lie or withhold the truth from people living with dementia, but worry that, in doing so, they are violating a duty to tell the truth. In this article, I argue that withholding the truth from and, in limited circumstances, lying to people living with dementia is not only morally permissible, but morally required by a more general requirement that we treat each other as persons worthy of respect. I do so through an analysis (...)
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    On the Quality of Relational Justice.Matilda Carter - 2025 - Analytic Philosophy.
    By emphasising the role of concepts like social status, power and respect, all relational egalitarians seek to demonstrate that there is more to the political concept of equality than the distribution of goods. While there is a broad consensus on the nature of equality, however, the nature of justice is a matter of internal dispute. The aim of this paper is to disentangle these argumentative threads, building on work in early relational egalitarian scholarship to develop a relational approach to justice, (...)
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  10. Advance Directives: The Principle of Determining Authenticity.Matilda Carter - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (1):32-41.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue 1, Page 32-41, January/February 2022.
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    Temporality and film analysis.Matilda Mroz - 2013 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Matilda Mroz argues that cinema provides an ideal opportunity to engage with ideas of temporal flow and change. Temporality, however, remains an underexplored area of film analysis, which frequently discusses images as though they were still rather than moving. This book traces the operation of duration in cinema, and argues that temporality should be a central concern of film scholarship. In close readings of Michelangelo Antonioni’s L’Avventura, Andrei Tarkovsky’s Mirror, and the ten short films that make up Krzysztof Kielowski’s (...)
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  12. Fictions of the female voice: the women troubadours.Matilda Tomaryn Bruckner - 1992 - Speculum 67 (4):865-891.
    Not least among the many enigmas attending the origins and development of the first vernacular lyric in the European Middle Ages is the existence of at least twenty women poets who lived in southern France from about the mid-twelfth to the mid-thirteenth century and who participated in the highly conventionalized poetic system created by the troubadours, those humble poetlovers who sang to their beloved as domna, the superior lady. In periods when the tides of feminism are high these women's voices (...)
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    Esope au feminin: Marie de France et la politique de l'interculturalite.Matilda Tomaryn Bruckner & Sahar Amer - 2002 - Substance 31 (2/3):288.
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    Love is a challenge.Matilda A. Gocek - 1978 - Monroe, N.Y.: Library Research Associates.
  15.  9
    Die Leibniz'sche Staatsidee.Erwin Ruck - 1969 - Aalen: Scientia Verlag.
  16.  10
    Die Leibniz'sche Staatsidee aus den Quellen dargestellt.Erwin Ruck - 1909 - Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck).
  17.  30
    Physiognomy, Reality Television and the Cosmetic Gaze.Nora Ruck & Bernadette Wegenstein - 2011 - Body and Society 17 (4):27-54.
    In this article we argue that our present-day mode of looking at bodies expresses a cosmetic gaze, that is, a gaze already informed by the techniques, expectations and strategies of bodily modification and a way of looking at bodies as awaiting an improvement. The cosmetic gaze, as we see it epitomized in contemporary media phenomena like reality makeover shows on television, is also a physiognomic gaze in that it creates a short-circuit between inside and outside beauty. Our article traces some (...)
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  18.  24
    Remembering the Trojan War: Violence Past, Present, and Future in Benoît de Sainte-Maure's Roman de Troie.Matilda Tomaryn Bruckner - 2015 - Speculum 90 (2):366-390.
    At the intersection of literature and history, three “antique romances” initiated a new genre in the mid-twelfth century by transposing into French the great stories of Greek and Latin epic: the fratricidal war of Oedipus's sons in the Roman de Thèbes, the founding of Rome in the Eneas, and the Roman de Troie's Trojan War based on Dares and Dictys. Rejecting Homer's version for these “eyewitness” accounts, Benoît de Sainte-Maure translated the full history of the Trojan War from its beginning (...)
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    Correction: The Indirect Approach: Towards Non-Dominating Dementia Care.Matilda Carter - forthcoming - Res Publica:1-2.
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  20. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Care Ethics.Matilda Carter (ed.) - forthcoming
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  21. Minority Minds: Mental Disability and the Presumption of Value Neutrality.Matilda Carter - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 40 (2):358-375.
    Elizabeth Barnes has recently developed an account of disability that is sensitive to the role of self-evaluation. To have a physical disability is, according to Barnes, to have a body that is merely different from the norm. Yet, as Barnes notes, some disabilities will genuinely frustrate some life plans. It may be the case, therefore, that a disability is instrumentally bad for a person and that acquiring one may be a genuine loss. Equally, however, a person may genuinely value a (...)
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  22.  16
    International law and posthuman theory.Matilda Arvidsson & Emily Jones (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Assembling a series of voices from across the field, this book demonstrates how posthuman theory can be employed to better understand and tackle some of the challenges faced by contemporary international law. With the vast environmental devastation being caused by climate change, the increasing use of artificial intelligence by international legal actors, and the need for international law to face up to its colonial past, international law needs to change. But in regulating and preserving a stable global order in which (...)
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  23. Posthuman feminism as a theoretical and methodological approach to international law.Matilda Arvidsson - 2024 - In Matilda Arvidsson & Emily Jones (eds.), International law and posthuman theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
  24. Trans Women Are (or Are Becoming) Female: Disputing the Endogeneity Constraint.Matilda Carter - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (2):384-401.
    The dispute between the transgender-rights movement and “gender-critical” activists represents a stark division in British public discourse. Although the issues of contention are numerous and require their own philosophical treatment, a core metaphysical concern underlies them. Gender-critical activists, such as Kathleen Stock, tend to argue that recognizing trans women as women requires erasing the category of biological sex. This implies that all trans women are male, and thus recognizing them as women rips female biology from the root of the category (...)
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    Self-Efficacy, Psychological Flexibility, and Basic Needs Satisfaction Make a Difference: Recently Graduated Psychologists at Increased or Decreased Risk for Future Health Issues.Ingrid Schéle, Matilda Olby, Hanna Wallin & Sofie Holmquist - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The transition from university to working life appears a critical period impacting human service workers’ long-term health. More research is needed on how psychological factors affect the risk. We aimed to investigate how subgroups, based on self-efficacy, psychological flexibility, and basic psychological needs satisfaction ratings, differed on self-rated health, wellbeing, and intention to leave. A postal survey was sent to 1,077 recently graduated psychologists in Sweden, response rate 57.5%, and final sample 532. A hierarchical cluster analysis resulted in a satisfactory (...)
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  26.  26
    Family members, ambulance clinicians and attempting CPR in the community: the ethical and legal imperative to reach collaborative consensus at speed.Robert Cole, Mike Stone, Alexander Ruck Keene & Zoe Fritz - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (10):650-653.
    Here we present the personal perspectives of two authors on the important and unfortunately frequent scenario of ambulance clinicians facing a deceased individual and family members who do not wish them to attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation. We examine the professional guidance and the protection provided to clinicians, which is not matched by guidance to protect family members. We look at the legal framework in which these scenarios are taking place, and the ethical issues which are presented. We consider the interaction between (...)
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    Axiomatizing modal inclusion logic and its variants.Aleksi Anttila, Matilda Häggblom & Fan Yang - forthcoming - Archive for Mathematical Logic:1-39.
    We provide a complete axiomatization of modal inclusion logic—team-based modal logic extended with inclusion atoms. We review and refine an expressive completeness and normal form theorem for the logic, define a natural deduction proof system, and use the normal form to prove completeness of the axiomatization. Complete axiomatizations are also provided for two other extensions of modal logic with the same expressive power as modal inclusion logic: one augmented with a might operator and the other with a single-world variant of (...)
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    17. Individuelles und gesellschaftliches Potential des Alterns.John W. Riley & Matilda White Riley - 1994 - In Ursula M. Staudinger, Jürgen Mittelstraß & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), Alter Und Altern: Ein Interdisziplinärer Studientext Zur Gerontologie. De Gruyter. pp. 437-460.
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    Body stakes: an existential ethics of care in living with biometrics and AI.Amanda Lagerkvist, Matilda Tudor, Jacek Smolicki, Charles M. Ess, Jenny Eriksson Lundström & Maria Rogg - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (1):169-181.
    This article discusses the key existential stakes of implementing biometrics in human lifeworlds. In this pursuit, we offer a problematization and reinvention of central values often taken for granted within the “ethical turn” of AI development and discourse, such as autonomy, agency, privacy and integrity, as we revisit basic questions about what it means to be human and embodied. Within a framework of existential media studies, we introduce an existential ethics of care—through a conversation between existentialism, virtue ethics, a feminist (...)
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  30.  17
    Can the courts be viewed as an appropriate vehicle to settle clinical unease?Bernadette Wren & Alexander Ruck Keene - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (7):452-459.
    This paper is an exploration of the state of ‘clinical unease’ experienced by clinicians in contexts where professional judgement—grounded in clinical knowledge, critical reflection and a sound grasp of the law—indicates that there is more than one ethically defensible way to proceed. The question posed is whether the courts can be viewed as an appropriate vehicle to settle clinical unease by providing a ruling that clarifies the legal and ethical issues arising in the case, even in situations where there is (...)
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    Compulsory treatment of physical illness under MHA 1983.Robert Wheeler & Alexander Ruck Keene - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (11):821-824.
    Taken together, Sections 145 and 63 of the Mental Health Act 1983 provide for treatment without consent of physical illness ancillary to the mental disorder with which a patient presents. On a daily basis, clinicians make both the decision that the Act’s authority can be applied to their patient’s case, and that it should be applied. But in the unusual circumstances where there is uncertainty as to the applicability of the MHA to the ancillary treatment of physical illness, the assistance (...)
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    Teenager and the transplant: how the case of William Verden highlights action is needed to optimise equitable access to organs for patients with impaired decision-making.Bonnie Venter, Alexander Ruck Keene & Antonia J. Cronin - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (12):803-807.
    In February 2022, the Court of Protection was faced with the question of whether a kidney transplant was in the best interests of William Verden. The case highlighted the legal, ethical and clinical complexities of treating potential kidney transplant patients with impaired decision-making. Above all, it exposed the potential risk of discrimination on the basis of disability when treatment decisions in relation to potential kidney recipients with impaired capacity are being made. In this paper, we draw on the Verden case (...)
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    A new kind of paternalism in surrogate decision-making? The case of Barnsley Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v MSP.Scott Y. H. Kim & Alexander Ruck Keene - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e81-e81.
    The modern legal and ethical movement against traditional welfare paternalism in medical decision-making extends to how decisions are made for patients lacking decisional capacity, prioritising surrogates’ judgment about what patients would have decided over even their best interests. In England and Wales, the Mental Capacity Act 2005 follows this trend of prioritising the patient’s prior wishes, values and beliefs but the dominant interpretation in life-sustaining treatment cases does so by in effect calling those values the ‘best interests’ of the patient (...)
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    The Shamanic Odyssey: Homer, Tolkien, and the Visionary Experience. Tindall, Robert and Susana, Bustos. Park Street/Inner Traditions, 2012. 212 pp. ISBN 978‐1594773969, $13.38. [REVIEW]Carl A. P. Ruck - 2016 - Anthropology of Consciousness 27 (1):97-101.
  35. Supported Voting: A How‐To Guide.Kasim Khorasanee & Matilda Carter - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 38 (4):674-685.
    This article takes as its starting point the moral requirement to include persons with serious cognitive impairments in democratic decision‐making. That said, including such persons poses particular practical challenges to effective democratic participation. Nussbaum has set out the most extensive proposals for inclusion based on a model of guardianship, but we find they fall short due to not suitably respecting and facilitating the subjective decision‐making of impaired persons. Instead, we argue for a model of co‐constitution, whereby aides work within a (...)
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    Neurofeedback of Slow Cortical Potentials in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Multicenter Randomized Trial Controlling for Unspecific Effects.Ute Strehl, Pascal Aggensteiner, Daniel Wachtlin, Daniel Brandeis, Björn Albrecht, Maria Arana, Christiane Bach, Tobias Banaschewski, Thorsten Bogen, Andrea Flaig-Röhr, Christine M. Freitag, Yvonne Fuchsenberger, Stephanie Gest, Holger Gevensleben, Laura Herde, Sarah Hohmann, Tanja Legenbauer, Anna-Maria Marx, Sabina Millenet, Benjamin Pniewski, Aribert Rothenberger, Christian Ruckes, Sonja Wörz & Martin Holtmann - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  37.  16
    Ethics in global research: Creating a toolkit to support integrity and ethical action throughout the research journey.Corinne Reid, Clara Calia, Cristóbal Guerra, Liz Grant, Matilda Anderson, Khama Chibwana, Paul Kawale & Action Amos - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (3):359-374.
    Global challenge-led research seeks to contribute to solution-generation for complex problems. Multicultural, multidisciplinary, and multisectoral teams must be capable of operating in highly demanding contexts. This brings with it a swathe of ethical conflicts that require quick and effective solutions that respect both international conventions and cultural diversity. The objective of this article is to describe the process of creating a toolkit designed to support global researchers in navigating these ethical challenges. The process of creating the toolkit embodied the model (...)
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  38.  32
    Should age matter in COVID-19 triage? A deliberative study.Margot N. I. Kuylen, Scott Y. Kim, Alexander Ruck Keene & Gareth S. Owen - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    The COVID-19 pandemic put a large burden on many healthcare systems, causing fears about resource scarcity and triage. Several COVID-19 guidelines included age as an explicit factor and practices of both triage and ‘anticipatory triage’ likely limited access to hospital care for elderly patients, especially those in care homes. To ensure the legitimacy of triage guidelines, which affect the public, it is important to engage the public’s moral intuitions. Our study aimed to explore general public views in the UK on (...)
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  39.  42
    No consent for brain death testing.Thaddeus Mason Pope, Alexander Ruck Keene & Jennifer Chandler - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (7):494-495.
    The overwhelming weight of legal authority in the USA and Canada holds that consent is not required for brain death testing. The situation in England and Wales is similar but different. While clinicians in England and Wales may have a prima facie duty to obtain consent, lack of consent has not barred testing. In three recent cases where consent for brain death testing was formally presented to the court, lack of consent was not determinative, and in one case the court (...)
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  40. Reasons for endorsing or rejecting ‘self-binding directives’ in bipolar disorder: a qualitative study of survey responses from UK service users.Tania Gergel, Preety Das, Lucy Stephenson, Gareth Owen, Larry Rifkin, John Dawson, Alex Ruck Keene & Guy Hindley - 2021 - The Lancet Psychiatry 8.
    Summary Background Self-binding directives instruct clinicians to overrule treatment refusal during future severe episodes of illness. These directives are promoted as having potential to increase autonomy for individuals with severe episodic mental illness. Although lived experience is central to their creation, service users’ views on self-binding directives have not been investigated substantially. This study aimed to explore whether reasons for endorsement, ambivalence, or rejection given by service users with bipolar disorder can address concerns regarding self-binding directives, decision-making capacity, and human (...)
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  41.  20
    Broad concepts and messy realities: optimising the application of mental capacity criteria.Scott Y. H. Kim, Nuala B. Kane, Alexander Ruck Keene & Gareth S. Owen - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (11):838-844.
    Most jurisdictions require that a mental capacity assessment be conducted using a functional model whose definition includes several abilities. In England and Wales and in increasing number of countries, the law requires a person be able to understand, to retain, to use or weigh relevant information and to communicate one’s decision. But interpreting and applying broad and vague criteria, such as the ability ‘to use or weigh’ to a diverse range of presentations is challenging. By examining actual court judgements of (...)
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    Conceptualising constructive resistance as a thriving strategy for men in nursing.Jonathan Bayuo, Wise Awunyo, Noble Agbenu Agbakpe, Matilda Mawusi Kodjo, Emmanuel Akpalu, Kennedy Kofi Kru, Cynthia Dordor, Dziedzorm Abotsi, Priscilla Adjei, David Buufu-ire Donkere, Claudia Obuba, Ethel Agbinku, Mary Adaeze Udeoha, Eric Tettegah, Dzawu Obed Criswell & Nicholas Kwablah Azumah - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (4):e12507.
    Nursing has improved over the centuries from the physician's handmaiden to a recognised profession. Yet, the image of a nurse is often associated with notions of caring and nurturing‐ attributes considered feminine. Indeed, cultural, and societal biases exist that can deter men from entering the nursing profession where their sense of masculinity is questioned. Several studies have highlighted the existence of gender‐based stereotypes, stigma, rejection, loneliness and discrimination which impact the retention of men in the nursing profession. Despite the established (...)
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  43.  12
    Kronos Philosophical Journal, vol.V/2016.Vladimir Varava, Natalia Rostova, Piotr Nowak, Janusz Dobieszewski, Fedor Girenok, Marina Savel'eva, Anastasia Gacheva, Irena Księżopolska, Carl A. P. Ruck, John Uebersax, Peter Warnek, Edward P. Butler, Apostolos L. Pierris, Jeff Love, Svetozar Minkov, Ivan Dimitrijević, Wawrzyniec Rymkiewicz, Grzegorz Czemiel & David Kretz - unknown
    The annual Kronos Philosophical Journal was established in Warsaw in 2012. The papers presented in the annual might be of interest to the readers from outside Poland, allowing them to familiarize themselves with the dynamic thought of contemporary Polish authors, as well as entirely new topics, rarely discussed by English speaking authors. Volume V/2016 comprises articles problematizing Russian phlosophy and literature as well as Ancient Greek philosophy and culture.
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    Questioning our presumptions about the presumption of capacity.Isabel Marie Astrachan, Alexander Ruck Keene & Scott Y. H. Kim - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (7):471-475.
    All contemporary frameworks of mental capacity stipulate that we must begin from the presumption that an adult has capacity. This presumption is crucial, as it manifests respect for autonomy and guards against prejudice and paternalism on the part of the evaluator. Given its ubiquity, we might presume that we all understand the presumption’s meaning and application in the same way. Evidence demonstrates that this is not the case and that this has led to harm in vulnerable persons. There is thus (...)
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    (1 other version)Ressentiment As Morally Disclosive Posture? Conceptual Issues from a Psychological Point of View.Natalie Rodax, Markus Wrbouschek, Katharina Hametner, Sara Paloni, Nora Ruck & Leonard Brixel - 2021 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-17.
    In psychological research, ressentiment is alluded to as a negative emotional response directed at social groups that are mostly marked as ‘inferior others’. However, conceptual work on this notion is sorely missing. In our conceptual proposal, we use the notion of ‘moral emotions’ as a starting point: typically referred to as “other-condemning” moral emotions (Haidt), psychologists have loosely conceptualised anger, contempt and disgust as a set of negative emotions that have distinct elicitors and involve affective responses to sanction moral misconduct (...)
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    Rationing health and social goods during pandemics: Guidance for Ghanaian decision makers.Amos Laar, Debra DeBruin, Richard Ofori-Asenso, Matilda Essandoh Laar, Barbara Redman & Arthur Caplan - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (3):165-170.
    Healthcare rationing during pandemics has been widely discussed in global bioethics literature. However, existing scenarios and analyses have focused on high income countries, except for very few disease areas such as HIV treatment where some analyses related to African countries exist. We argue that the lack of scholastic discourse, and by extension, professional and democratic engagement on the subject constitute an unacceptable ethical omission. Not only have African governments failed to develop robust ethical plans for pandemics, ethicists in this region (...)
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    F. Rück- und Ausblick.Christopher Erhard - 2014 - In Denken über nichts - Intentionalität und Nicht-Existenz bei Husserl. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 556-567.
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    Matilda and the Underdog.Peter Hunt - 1997 - The Chesterton Review 23 (4):520-522.
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    10 Rück- Und Ausblick: Ist Eine Säkulare Geschichtsphilosophie Möglich?Matthias Hoesch - 2014 - In Vernunft Und Vorsehung: Säkularisierte Eschatologie in Kants Religions- Und Geschichtsphilosophie. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 356-365.
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    Rück- und Ausblick.Gerhard Schreiber - 2014 - In Apriorische Gewissheit: Das Glaubensverständnis des Jungen Kierkegaard Und Seine Philosophisch-Theologischen Voraussetzungen. De Gruyter. pp. 404-432.
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