Results for 'Maurice Dionne'

946 found
  1.  28
    Black nurses in action: A social movement to end racism and discrimination.Angela Cooper Brathwaite, Dania Versailles, Daria A. Juüdi-Hope, Maurice Coppin, Keisha Jefferies, Renee Bradley, Racquel Campbell, Corsita T. Garraway, Ola A. T. Obewu, Cheryl LaRonde-Ogilvie, Dionne Sinclair, Brittany Groom, Harveer Punia & Doris Grinspun - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (1).
    We bear witness to a sweeping social movement for change—fostered and driven by a powerful group of Black nurses and nursing students determined to call out and dismantle anti‐Black racism and discrimination within the profession of nursing. The Black Nurses Task Force, launched by the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO) in July 2020, is building momentum for long‐standing change in the profession by critically examining the racist and discriminatory history of nursing, listening to and learning from the lived experiences (...)
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    Tackling discrimination and systemic racism in academic and workplace settings.Angela Cooper Brathwaite, Dania Versailles, Daria Juüdi-Hope, Maurice Coppin, Keisha Jefferies, Renee Bradley, Racquel Campbell, Corsita Garraway, Ola Obewu, Cheryl LaRonde-Ogilvie, Dionne Sinclair, Brittany Groom & Doris Grinspun - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (4):e12485.
    Racism against Black people, Indigenous and other racialized people continues to exist in healthcare and academic settings. Racism produces profound harm to racialized people. Strategies to address systemic racism must be implemented to bring about sustainable changes in healthcare and academic settings. This quality improvement initiative provides strategies to address systemic racism and discrimination against Black nurses and nursing students in Ontario, Canada. It is part of a broader initiative showcasing Black nurses in action to end racism and discrimination. We (...)
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    To the Memory of Msgr. Maurice Dionne.Duane H. Berquist - 1980 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 36 (3):227-228.
  4.  41
    Care Ethics in the Age of Precarity.Maurice Hamington & Michael A. Flower (eds.) - 2021 - Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
    How care can resist the stifling force of the neoliberal paradigm In a world brimming with tremendous wealth and resources, too many are suffering the oppression of precarious existences--and with no adequate relief from free market-driven institutions. Care Ethics in the Age of Precarity assembles an international group of interdisciplinary scholars to explore the question of care theory as a response to market-driven capitalism, addressing the relationship of three of the most compelling social and political subjects today: care, precarity, and (...)
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    Mind Forming and Manuductio in Aquinas.Marie I. George - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (2):201-213.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:MIND FORMING AND MANUDUCTIO IN AQUINAS* MARIE I. GEORGE St. John's University Jamaica, New York QUINAS'S CONCERN for pedagogy is plain from his explicit discussions of the subject, the most noteworthy of which is found in the preface to the Summa Theologiae. His qualities as a teacher of beginning students have been brought out by numerous modern authors, among whom are Josef Pieper,1 who underlines both Thomas's ability to (...)
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  6.  54
    Calpurnia’s Dinner-Party.Maurice Baring - 2009 - The Chesterton Review 35 (1/2):36-43.
  7. Le Structuralisme de Michel Foucault.Maurice Corvez - 1968 - Revue Thomiste 68 (1):101-24.
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  8.  52
    (1 other version)Gramsci: An alternative communism?Maurice A. Finocchiaro - 1984 - Studies in East European Thought 27 (2):123-146.
    This is an attempt to determine the character of Antonio Gramsci''s Marxism by way of a critical analysis of Luciano Pellicani''sGramsci: An Alternative Communism? His interpretation is that, except for a peaceful revolutionary strategy, Gramsci is a typical Marxist-Leninist. This is criticized by pointing out that it is largely grounded on non-Gramscian texts, that its references to Gramsci are primarily to an intermediate phase of his development, and that its construal of the mature texts of thePrison Notebooks does violence to (...)
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    Science and praxis in Gramsci's critique of bukharin.Maurice Finocchiaro - 1979 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 6 (1):26-56.
  10.  6
    Fouilles au temple d'Apollon Ptoos : Statuettes archaïques.Maurice Holleaux - 1887 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 11 (1):354-363.
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  11. (1 other version)Mill and liberalism.Maurice Cowling - 1963 - Cambridge [Eng.]: University Press.
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    The Analytic Spirit: Essays on the History of Science in Honor of Henry Guerlac. Harry Woolf.Maurice Crosland - 1982 - Isis 73 (3):434-435.
  13.  18
    Les introuvabLes éditions Des oDes d'anacréon (rémy belleau).Maurice F. Verdier - 1971 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 33 (2):359-363.
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    The Rehearsal.Maurice Baring - 2007 - The Chesterton Review 33 (1/2):55-62.
  15. Revues.Maurice Millioud - 1897 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 30 (4):384.
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    Chronique de carectérologie no 3.Maurice Gex - 1956 - Dialectica 10 (1):54-79.
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    (1 other version)The social dynamics of George H. Mead.Maurice Natanson - 1956 - Washington,: Public Affairs Press.
  18.  26
    Les arguments de Newton concernant l'existence du mouvement, de l'espace et du temps absolus.Maurice Gagnon - 1986 - Dialogue 25 (4):629.
    Le présent essai examine d'abord les notions newtoniennes d'espace et de temps absolus en elles-mêmes et dans leurs relations réciproques, puis ensuite dans leurs rapports avec d'autres notions connexes comme celles de lieu et de mouvement, en prenant pour base le Scholium qui fait suite aux définitions formulées au début des Principia mathematica philosophiae naturalis. La seconde partie analyse les arguments et precédés utilisés par Newton pour identifier des mouvements absolus, et prouver ainsi que de tels mouvements existent. La troisième (...)
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  19.  27
    La philosophie de la nature est-elle encore possible?Maurice Gagnon - 1981 - Dialogue 20 (3):415-429.
    Pour Répondre à la question qui constitue le titre de cet essai, il faut d'abord répondre à une autre question, à savoir: qu'est-ce que la philosophie de la nature? De quoi parlons-nous au juste quand nous parlons de philosophie de la nature?
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  20. Jews and the construction of French identity from Balzac to Proust.Maurice Samuels - 2010 - In Christie McDonald & Susan Rubin Suleiman (eds.), French Global: A New Approach to Literary History. Columbia University Press.
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    (1 other version)Essai sur l'histoire naturelle Des idées.Maurice Millioud - 1908 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 65:113 - 144.
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  22.  49
    Commensality and Poisoning.Maurice Bloch - 1999 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 66.
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  23. The Cost of Sport, by M. Adams and J. Connell.Maurice Adams & James Connell - 1911
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    Contributions to the Interpretation of the Veda: Fourth Series.Maurice Bloomfield - 1891 - American Journal of Philology 12 (4):414.
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    (1 other version)The Essentials of Buddhist Doctrine and Ethics.Maurice Bloomfield - 1891 - International Journal of Ethics 2 (3):313.
  26. A Travers Les revues.Maurice Muller - 1945 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 33 (36):221.
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    Idées et archétypes: De Platon à Elie Cartan.Maurice Muller - 1959 - La Baconnière.
  28. (1 other version)Idées et archétypes.Maurice Muller - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 15 (3):410-411.
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  29.  59
    A critique of Jean-Paul Sartre's ontology.Maurice Alexander Natanson - 1972 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    This is a basic work for students specializing in philosophy & for any scholar studying the works of Sartre.
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    Phenomenology as a Rigorous Science.Maurice Natanson - 1967 - International Philosophical Quarterly 7 (1):5-20.
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    Philosophy, Rhetoric, and Argumentation.Maurice Alexander Natanson & Henry Webb Johnstone Jr (eds.) - 1965 - University Park, PA, USA: Pennsylvania State University Press.
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    Le problème de la philosophie catholique ; supplement, Les idées et les livres [par] Paul Archambault [et autres].Maurice Blondel - 1932 - Bloud & Gay.
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  33.  21
    Transgenerational transmission in psychoanalysis: A phenomenology of dislocating errands.Maurice Apprey - 2023 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 23 (1).
    In the process of psychical transmission from one generation to the next, who asks what of whom? The evocative expression of an ‘errand’ suggests that a subject is sent on a mission, sent in error, wanders away, and returns home, adversely changed. A vocative imperative is at the heart of a mission. When there is a call from an anterior Other, there must be a response. Before, there was an experience of a call and its response, then, there would be (...)
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  34. L'Être et les Êtres.Maurice Blondel - 1937 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 44 (4):1-2.
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  35. Analyses et comptes rendus l85.Maurice Lagueux - 1985 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 152:184.
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    L’arrière-fond philosophique du concept de plan.Maurice Lagueux - 1974 - Philosophiques 1 (1):51-82.
    Le concept de plan utilisé en planification socialiste est rapproché du concept de plan invoqué par diverses philosophies de l'histoire. Pour ce faire, la notion de « plan divin » est analysée à l'aide d'une structure à sept termes qui, s'appliquant également au concept socialiste de plan, permet de fonder ce rapprochement. Les avatars du concept de plan en philosophie de l'histoire sont ensuite examinés de manière à faire ressortir un parallèle entre les dilemmes de cette philosophie et ceux de (...)
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  37.  45
    (1 other version)Kinship and evolved psychological dispositions: The mother's brother controversy reconsidered (to appear in current anthropology).Maurice Bloch & Dan Sperber - manuscript
    The article revisits the old controversy concerning the relation of the mother's brother and sister's son in patrilineal societies in the light both of anthropological criticisms of the very notion of kinship and of evolutionary and epidemiological approaches to culture. It argues that the ritualized patterns of behavior that had been discussed by Radcliffe-Brown, Goody and others are to be explained in terms of the interaction of a variety of factors, some local and historical, others pertaining to general human dispositions. (...)
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  38. The Presbyterian Enterprise, Sources of American Presbyterian History.Maurice W. Amstrong, Lefferts A. Loetscher & Charles A. Anderson - 1956
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    Images of Psychoanalysis: A Phenomenological Study of Medical Students’ Sense of Psychoanalysis Before and After a Four-Week Elective Course.Maurice Apprey - 2016 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 16 (1-2):141-152.
    In concept, an image has both verticality and horizontal dimensions. Saturated images within this space have a horizon and can exceed that horizon. Within that horizon where the image dwells something chances itself upon the observer and the observed. Into that public space between self and other, students bring an instrumental approach to how they plan to deploy their new fund of knowledge, only to discover that the setting itself has become an event where surprise and upheaval disrupt their illusion (...)
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  40.  34
    Breakfast with Henry VIII.Maurice Baring - 2006 - The Chesterton Review 32 (1/2):5-10.
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    From the Diary of George Washington.Maurice Baring - 2008 - The Chesterton Review 34 (1-2):59-62.
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    Letter from Baring to Chesterton.Maurice Baring - 2008 - The Chesterton Review 34 (1/2):65-67.
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    The development of James's pragmatism prior to 1879.Maurice Baum - 1933 - Journal of Philosophy 30 (2):43-51.
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    La psyghologie collective d'aprés Charles Blondel.Maurice Halbwachs - 1929 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 107:444 - 456.
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  45. A critique of Jean-Paul Sartre's ontology.Maurice Alexander Natanson - 1951 - New York,: Haskell House Publishers.
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    (1 other version)L'etre et Les etres.Maurice Blondel & Raymond Bourgarel - 1936 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 10 (1/2):27 - 35.
  47.  9
    On Assimilation and Adaptation in Congeneric Classes of Words.Maurice Bloomfield - 1895 - American Journal of Philology 16 (4):409.
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    On ṛcīṣama, an Epithet of IndraOn rcisama, an Epithet of Indra.Maurice Bloomfield - 1900 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 21:50.
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    On the Etymology and Meaning of the Sanskrit Root Varj.Maurice Bloomfield - 1915 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 35:273-288.
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  50. Préface à l'édition italienne de "La philosophie et l'esprit chrétien".Maurice Blondel - 1949 - Giornale di Metafisica 4 (3):213.
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