Results for 'Mauricio Molina'

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  1. Bayes y el círculo de la probabilidad.Mauricio Molina Delgado - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 47 (122):75-80.
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    The discovery/justification context dichotomy within formal and computational models of scientific theories: a weakening of the distinction based on the perspective of non-monotonic logics.Jorge A. Morales & Mauricio Molina Delgado - 2016 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 26 (4):315-335.
    The present paper analyses the topic of scientific discovery and the problem of the existence of a logical framework involved in such endeavour. We inquire how several non-monotonic logic frameworks and other formalisms can account for such a task. In the same vein, we analyse some key aspects of the historical and theoretical debate surrounding scientific discovery, in particular, the context of discovery and context of justification context distinction. We present an argument concerning the weakening of the discovery/justification context dichotomy (...)
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  3. "De prospectiva pingendi sive perspectiva artificialis": las observaciones de Thomas Harriot y Galileo Galilei del relieve lunar.Edgar Mauricio Ulloa Molina - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 47 (122):173-179.
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  4. El estudio de la conciencia y la muerte de la filosofía.Mauricio Molina - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 47 (120):155-161.
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    Reinaldo Lomboy Veloso: literato y periodista de los territorios australes y antárticos.Pablo Mancilla González, Mauricio Jara Fernández & Mario Molina Olivares - 2018 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 28 (2):471-482.
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    Psychometric Properties of the 20-Item Toronto Alexithymia Scale in the Chilean Population.Mauricio González-Arias, Agustín Martínez-Molina, Susan Galdames & Alfonso Urzúa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Ruptura y subversión en las novelas de Mauricio Wacquez: una propuesta de lectura a partir de la teoria escisionista.Claudia Molina - 2016 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 7:99-121.
    This article is the result of a critical exercise that is, reading the novels of Mauricio Wacquez understanding them as a rupture and writing project. For this, our proposal takes as its starting point the methodology of stratigraphic cuts proposed by Michel Houellebecq, applying in turn the theoretical dimension of François Meyronnis contained in L’ Axe du Néant, specifically, the concept of division in writing.
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    The Evolution of the Concept of Historical Narration: Apogee and Crisis of the Dialectical Idea of Narration.Mauricio Casanova Brito - 2014 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 16 (2):9-19.
    A pesar de que los historiadores han considerado frecuentemente que el conocimiento histórico moderno surge como contraparte a la filosofía de la historia y el positivismo, en la idea tradicional de narración la herencia de la filosofía dialéctica de Hegel es recurrente: en ambos casos, el devenir de la auto-constitución del ser determina el método de conocimiento. Hegel afirma que las fases de la lógica no son solamente condiciones trascendentales que hacen posible la experiencia, sino etapas en la auto-determinación del (...)
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    The Complex Nexus of Evolutionary Fitness.Mauricio Suárez - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (1):1-26.
    The propensity nature of evolutionary fitness has long been appreciated and is nowadays amply discussed. The discussion has, however, on occasion followed long standing conflations in the philosophy of probability literature between propensities, probabilities, and frequencies. In this paper, I apply a more recent conception of propensities in modelling practice to some of the key issues, regarding the mathematical representation of fitness and how it may be regarded as explanatory. The ensuing complex nexus of fitness emphasises the distinction between biological (...)
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    Late Frontal Negativity Discriminates Outcomes and Intentions in Trust-Repayment Behavior.Mauricio Aspé-Sánchez, Paola Mengotti, Raffaella Rumiati, Carlos Rodríguez-Sickert, John Ewer & Pablo Billeke - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:532295.
    Altruism (a costly action that benefits others) and reciprocity (the repayment of acts in kind) differ in that the former expresses preferences about the outcome of a social interaction, whereas the latter requires, in addition, ascribing intentions to others. Interestingly, an individual’s behavior and neurophysiological activity under outcome- versus intention-based interactions has not been compared directly using different endowments in the same subject and during the same session. Here, we used a mixed version of the Dictator and the Investment games, (...)
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  11. Historia de la Filosofía Cristiana en Mexico.José Rubén Sanabria & Mauricio Beuchot - 1999 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 189 (1):110-110.
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  12. Defining Function in Medicine: Bridging the Gap between Biology and Clinical Practice.Alberto Molina-Pérez - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (3):282-285.
    The classification of preserved hypothalamic activity in brain death and brainstem death as functional or non-functional has become a subject of debate. While proponents of the neurological criterion claim that these activities lack functional significance (Shemie et al. 2014), Nair-Collins and Joffe (2023) argue for their functional physiological role. However, the interpretation of the term "function" within the medico-legal framework, where death is characterized by the irreversible cessation of all brain functions, remains unclear. -/- My intention here is not to (...)
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    Why iBlastoids (Embryo-like Structures) Do Not Raise Significant Ethical Issues.Alberto Molina Pérez & Aníbal Monasterio Astobiza - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (1):59-61.
    Most technology is used properly for their intended purpose, but certain technological breakthroughs have a dual-use nature, pose risks or lead to unintended consequences when applied in some areas...
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    De corpo presente (De uma Belém a outra) | Body present (From one Belém to another).Mauricio Igor Almeida & Laura Benevides - 2021 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 3 (2):418-428.
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  15. Estética y cotidianidad en la vivienda vernácula Mexicana.Mauricio Velasco Avalos [Y.] Alma Pineda Almanza - 2021 - In Nicolás Amoroso, Olivia Fragoso Susunaga & Alejandra Olvera Rabadán (eds.), Lo estético en el arte, el diseño y la vida cotidiana. Ciudad de México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco.
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    Ensino de filosofia: Onde reside O problema?Mauricio Silva Alves - 2016 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 7 (14):72-79.
    Desde a aprovação da Lei nº 11.684, de 02 de junho de 2008, as questões sobre o Ensino da Filosofia tem tomado amplamente diversos âmbitos teóricos. De um lado tem-se a abordagem de autores que defendem o ensino de filosofia numa perspectiva filosófica e não pedagógica. O que se quer dizer aqui, é que o Ensino de Filosofia no Ensino Médio em sua essência não é intelectualmente inferior à docência universitária, já que ambos possuem suas técnicas e aportes teóricos específicos. (...)
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    La colectivización como estrategia de resistencia ante la censura en el teatro moderno en Colombia.Mauricio Trujillo Sánchez - 2022 - Escritos 30 (64):121-135.
    The article seeks to investigate the role that censorship had in the history of modern Colombian theater during the decades from 1950 to 1980, on the basis of a journey through the trajectory of groups such as Candelaria, TEC and Escuela Municipal de Teatro, as well as its directors Santiago García, Enrique Buenaventura and Gilberto Martínez. The censorship usually came from government institutions, Church ministers, or educational institutions such as universities and colleges. In addition to the analysis of direct censorship (...)
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    Rhetorical Construction of Legal Arguments.João Maurício Adeodato - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (5):1857-1877.
    This study examines the concept of argumentation empirically, to correct the normative conception of argumentation adopted by most scholars since Aristotle. They are not interested in what argumentation is, but in what it ought to be. The pre-Aristotelian approach is preferable, because it recognizes that argumentation, although it includes persuasion, also embraces other eristic techniques in which the speaker does not necessarily seek to persuade, but simply to prevail. This broader descriptive and pragmatic analysis explains the different ways in which (...)
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  19. Argentinian Validation of Consideration of Future Consequences Scale.Ignacio Acuña, Mauricio Federico Zalazar-Jaime, Yanina Michelini, Juan Ignacio Guzmán, Juan Carlos Godoy, Ezequiel Galarce & Jeffrey Joireman - 2020 - Acta Colombiana de Psicología 23 (1):346-356.
    The extent to which people anticipate and are influenced by the potential future consequences of their current behavior is called Consideration of Future Consequences. A well-established tool to measure this construct is the 14-item Consideration of Future Consequences Scale. The CFC-14 has shown appropriate psychometric properties in several languages. This scale comprises two factors: the CFC-Immediate and the CFC-Future. The main goal of this study was to assess the psychometric properties and internal consistency of the CFC-14 Scale in Spanish, using (...)
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  20. Legal decision-making proceedings in underdeveloped countries.JoÅo [ieJoão] Mauricio Adeodato - 1993 - In K. B. Agrawal & Rajendra Kumar Raizada (eds.), Sociological Jurisprudence and Legal Philosophy: Random Thoughts On. University Book House.
  21.  15
    Contribution of Academic Satisfaction Judgments to Subjective Well-Being.Mauricio F. Zalazar-Jaime, Luciana S. Moretti & Leonardo A. Medrano - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The role of academic satisfaction on persistence and successful academic behavior has been the focus of research for decades. Nevertheless, driven by positive educational psychology, subjective well-being has been highlighted as another central feature in the academic path of students. Studies aimed at identifying the variables that contribute to explain different aspects of academic performance have been widely investigated, although studies aimed at identifying the determinants of subjective well-being are still limited. The present paper examined the contribution of AS judgments (...)
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    Equivalence for the G 3 ′ -stable models semantics.José Luis Carballido, Mauricio Osorio & José Ramón Arrazola - 2010 - Journal of Applied Logic 8 (1):82-96.
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    A consistência do tratamento de Platão à retórica.Pedro Mauricio Garcia Dotto - 2024 - Dois Pontos 21 (2).
    Comentadores de Platão tendem a assumir que o filósofo alterou sua percepção sobre a retórica no decurso do tempo. Geralmente, tais comentadores se concentram nas críticas de Sócrates à retórica no Górgias e na reivindicação de uma retórica filosófica no Fedro para constatar uma descontinuidade fundamental no tratamento platônico à retórica. De maneira oposta, o meu objetivo será demonstrar uma continuidade fundamental nas considerações platônicas sobre a retórica, suplantando as evidências textuais comumente analisadas neste debate com algumas passagens da Apologia, (...)
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    The principle of common cause and indeterminism: a review.Iñaki San Pedro & Mauricio Suárez - unknown
    We offer a review of some of the most influential views on the status of Reichenbach’s Principle of the Common Cause (PCC) for genuinely indeterministic systems. We first argue that the PCC is properly a conjunction of two distinct claims, one metaphysical and another methodological. Both claims can and have been contested in the literature, but here we simply assume that the metaphysical claim is correct, in order to focus our analysis on the status of the methodological claim. We briefly (...)
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  25. O neoconstitucionalismo E a concretização da dignidade da Pessoa idosa.Ricardo Maurício Freire Soares & Gilson Alves de Santana Júnior - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (2).
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  26. Argumentación y falacias en la lógica de Port-Royal.Mauricio Beuchot Puente - 1996 - Dianoia 42:169-178.
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    La política en la ciudad del hombre.Mauricio Guzmán - 1952 - San Salvador, El Salvador: Ministerio de Educación, Dirección de Cultura, Dirección de Publicaciones.
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    El hombre, yo pienso: introducción al pensamiento moderno: de Descartes ("Discurso del método," "La búsqueda de la verdad") a Hume ("Tratado de la naturaleza humana"): experiencia, material didáctico.Blas López Molina - 1989 - Granada: Grupo de Autores Unidos.
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    Inference and representation: a study in modeling science.Mauricio Suárez - 2024 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Mauricio Suárez develops a conception of representation that delivers a compelling account of modeling practice. He begins by discussing the history and methodology of model building, helpfully charting the emergence of what he calls the modeling attitude, a nineteenth century and fin de siècle development. Throughout the book, prominent cases of models, both historical and contemporary, are used as benchmarks for the accounts of representation considered throughout the book. After arguing against reductive naturalist theories of scientific representation, Suárez sets (...)
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  30. Algunos aportes feministas a la teoría del Estado.Rocío. Alfaro Molina - 2002 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 40 (100):119-124.
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    Argumentar En Dos Disciplinas Universitarias: Una Aproximación Toulminiana a La Argumentación Académica En Letras y Biología.María Elena Molina & Constanza Padilla - 2013 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 23 (1):62-79.
    Toulmin (2001) sostiene que la invención de las disciplinas,un cambio iniciado en el siglo XVII, involucró factores tantointelectuales como institucionales. Intelectualmente, el uso dela geometría cartesiana como modelo de conocimiento proveyólos fundamentos; institucionalmente, la división del trabajo enprofesiones y disciplinas hizo el resto. Sin embargo, este cambiose produjo lentamente y sólo alcanzó su apogeo durante el sigloXX, con la conformación de lo que Snow (2012) reconoce comolas dos culturas: las Humanidades y las Ciencias Naturales.Focalizando esta distinción, proponemos reflexionar sobre laargumentación (...)
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    A Great Decline Behind Us.Stefano Molina - 2009 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 23 (2):285-294.
  33. A Noção De Prova Do Ponto De Vista Intuicionista.Jorge Molina - 1998 - Episteme 7.
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  34. A Playful Reading of the Double Quotation in The Descent of Alette by Alice Notley.Feliz Molina - 2011 - Continent 1 (4):230-233.
    continent. 1.4 (2011): 230—233. A word about the quotation marks. People ask about them, in the beginning; in the process of giving themselves up to reading the poem, they become comfortable with them, without necessarily thinking precisely about why they’re there. But they’re there, mostly to measure the poem. The phrases they enclose are poetic feet. If I had simply left white spaces between the phrases, the phrases would be read too fast for my musical intention. The quotation marks make (...)
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    “Si yo no tengo dinero, ¿para qué quieres mi herencia?”: la figura del mendigo en la poesía de Joaquín Pablo Posada.Guillermo Molina Morales - 2020 - Co-herencia 17 (32):257-278.
    La figura popular del mendigo se define por su alegría, comicidad y autoexclusión social. En el siglo xix, surgió una nueva visión, de carácter realista, en torno a este personaje. El objetivo del presente artículo es rescatar la obra poética del colombiano Joaquín Pablo Posada, ya prácticamente olvidada, para estudiar cómo conforma la figura del mendigo en un tiempo de transición. Los resultados señalan la existencia de un imaginario híbrido y de carácter joco-serio. Por un lado, se mantienen los rasgos (...)
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    The Factor Structure of the CA-MIR as Evaluated Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis.Paola Molina, Marta Casonato, Maria N. Sala & Silvia Testa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Una revisión del pensamiento Cirenaico. Rasgos generales del hedonismo antiguo.Pablo Molina Alonso - 2017 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 34 (1):247-254.
    Una revisión del pensamiento Cirenaico. Rasgos generales del hedonismo antiguo.
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    Teaching strategy for the self-employment development in the subject Methodology of Qualitative Research in Health.German Onelio Márquez Molina & Tarajano Roselló - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (2):498-525.
    Introducción: La asignatura Metodología de la Investigación Cualitativa en Salud se imparte a los estudiantes de tercer año de la Licenciatura en Enfermería en la modalidad de clase teórico-práctica como forma organizativa de la docencia. Ello recalca la importancia del trabajo independiente. Las insuficiencias con relación a éste inciden directamente en la asimilación y apropiación de los conocimientos de la asignatura. Objetivo: Elaborar una estrategia didáctica que contribuya al desarrollo del trabajo independiente correspondiente a la asignatura Metodología de la Investigación (...)
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    Egología, generatividad y la complementación biológica de la fenomenología trascendental de Husserl.Cristián Mauricio Martínez Bravo - 2024 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 9:251-274.
    En el presente artículo, señalaremos que la determinación husserliana de lo vivo incluye tanto momentos genéticos como generativos, los cuales funcionan en paralelo y que no pueden ser ignorados. A partir del análisis de las propuestas de Steinbock y de Walton sobre la tensión que existe entre el método generativo y el genético, mostraremos que la determinación del mundo humano contiene elementos biológicos que son indispensables de considerar y que, por lo tanto, la generatividad debe incluirlo. De este modo, sostendremos (...)
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  40. Escravidão, ética e razão de Estado.José Mauricio de Carvalho - 2020 - In Delmar Cardoso & Paulo Roberto Margutti Pinto (eds.), III Colóquio Pensadores Brasileiros: coletânea de textos, 2019. Porto Alegre: Editora Fi.
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    A hybrid architecture for text comprehension.Jesús Ezquerro & Mauricio Iza Miqueleiz - 1995 - Pragmatics and Cognition 3 (2):247-279.
    O'Brien et al. reported that readers generated elaborative inferences only when a text contained characteristics that made it easy to predict the specific inference that a reader would draw, and virtually eliminated the possibility of the inference being discon-firmed. Garrod et al., however, offered two qualifications to these conclusions. First, the two text characteristics manipulated may have produced different types of elaborative inferencing: a biasing context results in a passive form of elaborative inferencing, involving setting up a context of interpretation, (...)
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    Historia de la filosofía cristiana en México.José Rubén Sanabria & Mauricio Beuchot - 1994 - México: Universidad Iberoamericana. Edited by Mauricio Beuchot.
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    La voluntad como primer motor creado en Francisco Suárez.Mauricio Lecón Rosales - 2017 - Scientia et Fides 5 (1):165.
    The will as first mover created in Francisco Suárez: The aim of this paper is to show that Francisco Suarez’s claim that the will is the prime mover of the human actions is grounded in his own metaphysical system. For that purpose, I argue that the will is not necessitated to act by any extrinsic efficient cause: nor by God’s grace, neither by the intellect, the law or fate. For all these active principles are either just a necessary condition for (...)
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    Género neopolicial e imaginarios sociales sobre la violencia.Mauricio López Alvarado - 2020 - Argos 7 (20):106-119.
    En medio de un desencanto social por un sistema político corrupto y reacio al cambio democrático, desde los años setenta el género neopolicial irrumpió en México, abandonando las temáticas propias de la novela policial clásica que se encontraban centradas en la resolución de crímenes por detectives cuya inteligencia y habilidades permitían hacer justicia y reestablecer el orden social. Una vez que al país llega la alternancia política las autoridades de gobierno en turno utilizan los medios masivos de comunicación para difundir (...)
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    Experiencia de la historicidad E historicidad de la experiencia: El mundo como espacio hermenéutico.Mauricio Mancilla Muñoz - 2013 - Alpha (Osorno) 36:177-190.
    El siguiente artículo tiene por objetivo mostrar la mutua correspondencia entre experiencia e historicidad en la obra de Hans-Georg Gadamer. La experiencia es entendida como el movimiento fundamental de la existencia histórica, la que articula las diversas esferas de la acción humana. La experiencia hermenéutica pone de manifiesto que el comprender no puede fundarse en un procedimiento metódico, sino en la forma del existir situado en el mundo. El acto hermenéutico es entendido como un continuo proceso de apropiación, que se (...)
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    Intencionalidade e ética formal em Husserl.Fernando Maurício Silva - 2017 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 33 (2).
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    The Conflict Between Partnership and Fairness in the Decision of Whom to Help.Mauricio Palmeira & Kunter Gunasti - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (4):1173-1188.
    Many activities in organizations benefit from informal networks, in which individuals help each other without an obligation to do so. Helping can take time and effort and expert helpers may find themselves in high demand not being able to help every requester. In this research, we examine the impact of prior help in the decision to help the same person again versus help someone new. We propose that feelings of partnership created by an initial act of help encourage helpers to (...)
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    Daniela Flesler and Adrián Pérez Melgosa. The Memory Work of Jewish Spain. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 2020. 390 pp. [REVIEW]Mauricio Tenorio-Trillo - 2022 - Critical Inquiry 48 (3):627-628.
  49. Quantum Selections, Propensities and the Problem of Measurement.Mauricio Suárez - 2004 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (2):219-255.
    This paper expands on, and provides a qualified defence of, Arthur Fine's selective interactions solution to the measurement problem. Fine's approach must be understood against the background of the insolubility proof of the quantum measurement. I first defend the proof as an appropriate formal representation of the quantum measurement problem. The nature of selective interactions, and more generally selections, is then clarified, and three arguments in their favour are offered. First, selections provide the only known solution to the measurement problem (...)
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    Catástrofe algorítmica – A vingança da contingência, de Yuk Hui.Maurício Fernando Pitta & José Fernandes Weber - 2024 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 14 (2):e85093.
    O presente texto é a tradução para o português brasileiro do artigo “Algorithmic Catastrophe — The Revenge of Contingency”, do filósofo chinês Yuk Hui (2015), professor na City University of Hong Kong, criador dos conceitos de “tecnodiversidade” e “cosmotécnica” e autor de livros como The Question Concerning Technology in China (2016) e Recursivity and Contingency (2019). O presente artigo, cedido generosamente pelo autor para tradução sob licença CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, originalmente fazia parte de uma edição especial da revista Parrhesia dedicada (...)
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