Results for 'Maxmudjanova Diana Kaxramonovna'

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  1.  57
    Integrating ethics into the business school curriculum.Thomas W. Dunfee & Diana C. Robertson - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (11):847 - 859.
    A project on teaching business ethics at The Wharton School concluded that ethics should be directly incorporated into key MBA courses and taught by the core business faculty. The project team, comprised of students, ethics faculty and functional business faculty, designed a model program for integrating ethics. The project was funded by the Exxon Education Foundation.The program originates with a general introduction designed to familiarize students with literature and concepts pertaining to professional and business ethics and corporate social responsibility. This (...)
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    Personal vision: enhancing work engagement and the retention of women in the engineering profession.Kathleen R. Buse & Diana Bilimoria - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Episode of Situated Learning to Enhance Student Engagement and Promote Deep Learning: Preliminary Results in a High School Classroom.Ilaria Terrenghi, Barbara Diana, Valentino Zurloni, Pier Cesare Rivoltella, Massimiliano Elia, Marta Castañer, Oleguer Camerino & M. Teresa Anguera - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Impact of Bilingualism on Executive Functions in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review Based on the PRISMA Method.Jasmine Giovannoli, Diana Martella, Francesca Federico, Sabine Pirchio & Maria Casagrande - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  5. Analytic philosophy.Gustavo Ortiz Millán & Diana I. Pérez - 2009 - In Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno (eds.), A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  6. The Impact of the Content of the Label on the Buying Intention of a Wine Consumer.Diana Escandon-Barbosa & Josep Rialp-Criado - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Exploring the musical taste of expert listeners: musicology students reveal tendency toward omnivorous taste.Paul Elvers, Diana Omigie, Wolfgang Fuhrmann & Timo Fischinger - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:154078.
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  8. Las prácticas de distinción social. Un estudio de caso entre jóvenes de la ciudad de Cali, Colombia.Diana Britto Ruiz & Jorge Ordóñez Valverde - 2005 - Polis 11.
    El artículo presenta los principales resultados de un estudio realizado entre 1998 y 2000 con hombres jóvenes de la Ciudad de Cali, Colombia, profundizando en sus prácticas de distinción en torno al cuerpo, la vestimenta, los espacios de sociabilidad, las mujeres como objetos de ostentación y sus dinámicas de prestigio. El estudio es desarrollado en base a observación participante y a la implementación de entrevistas con grupos de jóvenes entre 14 y 22 años, tanto de sectores medios bajos, como medios (...)
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    Beyond reason : the legal importance of emotions.Thom Brooks & Diana Sankey - 2017 - In Patrick Capps & Shaun D. Pattinson (eds.), Ethical rationalism and the law. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
    Deryck Beyleveld has forged a theory of ethical rationalism that has made an important impact on legal and moral philosophy—that this collection of essays makes clear. He has not only refined and improved the original account developed by Alan Gewirth, but provides us with ethical rationalism’s most prolific defender today. One area of particular insight is Beyleveld’s many applications of ethical rationalism to practice and, most especially, to medical law and ethics which has been especially influential. This work has set (...)
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    Contextualism and the Sorites Paradox.Inga Bones & Diana Raffman - 2019 - In Sergi Oms & Elia Zardini (eds.), The Sorites Paradox. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 63-77.
  11.  21
    Aportaciones filosóficas y antropológicas del Sumak Kawsay para las pedagogías de las artes en la Educación Superior ecuatoriana.Diana Patricia Pauta-Ortiz, Alexander Mansutti-Rodriguez & Javier Collado Ruano - 2023 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 34:87-115.
    Este artículo tiene el objetivo de reflexionar críticamente sobre la construcción del perfil profesional de los docentes de artes y humanidades en la Educación Superior de Ecuador, con el fin de mejorar su empleabilidad en escuelas, colegios e institutos. Por este motivo, la investigación utiliza una metodología cualitativa, de carácter exploratorio y descriptivo, que promueve una revisión filosófica y antropológica para reconceptualizar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje que se dan en la asignatura ‘Educación Cultural y Artística’ (ECA) del currículo de Educación (...)
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    The New York Times as a Resource for Mode 2.Jian Wang & Diana Hicks - 2013 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 38 (6):851-877.
    The New York Times receives more citations from academic journals than the American Sociological Review, Research Policy, or the Harvard Law Review. This article explores the reasons why scholars cite the NYT so much. Reasons include studying the newspaper itself or New York City, establishing public interest in a topic by referencing press coverage, introducing specificity, and treating the NYT very much like an academic journal. The phenomenon seems to reflect a mode 2 type of scholarship produced in the context (...)
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    Disruptive Academic Behaviors: The Dance Between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Incivility.Tracy Hudgins, Diana Layne, Celena E. Kusch & Karen Lounsbury - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (3):449-469.
    This study aims to better understand the perceptions and experiences related to incivility by students and faculty across multiple academic programs and respondent subgroups at a regional university in the southern United States. The study used a thematic analysis to examine student and faculty responses to three qualitative questions that focused on their perceptions of recent experiences and primary causes of incivility in higher education. Clark’s ( 2007, revised 2020) Conceptual Model for Fostering Civility in Nursing Education and Daniel Goleman’s (...)
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    La enfermedad como rasgo humano. Hacia una consideración de la enfermedad en cuanto fenómeno existencial.Diana Aurenque Stephan & François Jaran Duquette - 2019 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 47:161-176.
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    The Interplay of Students’ School Engagement, School Self-Concept and Motivational Relations during Adolescence.Olga Bakadorova & Diana Raufelder - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Importancia de la administración logística.Diana Paola Ballesteros Riveros & Pedro Pablo Ballesteros Silva - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Posthumanism: the Future of Homo Sapiens.Michael Bess & Diana Walsh Pasulka (eds.) - 2018 - Farmington Hills, Mich.: Macmillan Reference USA, a part of Gale, a Cengage Company.
    Provides an introduction to a vast array of scholarly perspectives on emergent technologies and biotechnologies used to modify or augment the capabilities of human beings.
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    Sciamanesimo e persona: una svolta ontologica?: omaggio a Enrico Comba.Sergio Botta, Diana Riboli, Davide Torri & Enrico Comba (eds.) - 2023 - Roma: Edizioni Nuova cultura.
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    Formation of socially responsable professionals at the Autonomus University of Mexico State.Diana Castro Ricalde & Díaz Flores - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (1):238-256.
    Se realizó la revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de que los jóvenes profesionales de la salud conozcan acerca de la historia, origen y significado del distintivo que representa a la Medicina en todos sus campos con un carácter humanista y elevados valores éticos y morales: el emblema de Esculapio, al que se le atribuyen dotes para calmar o apaciguar. Esta imagen del bastón con la serpiente es la que ha quedado como un atributo del dios curativo y ha llegado hasta (...)
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  20. Early quotations from Maimonides' Guide of the perplexed in the Latin Middle Ages.Diana Di Segni - 1900 - In Charles Harry Manekin & Daniel Davies (eds.), Interpreting Maimonides: Critical Essays. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  21. Autonomy Trumps All.Sister Mary Diana Dreger - 2012 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 12 (4):653-654.
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    Music in Mood Regulation and Coping Orientations in Response to COVID-19 Lockdown Measures Within the United Kingdom.Noah Henry, Diana Kayser & Hauke Egermann - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Music is a tool used in daily life in order to mitigate negative and enhance positive emotions. Listeners may orientate their engagement with music around its ability to facilitate particular emotional responses and to subsequently regulate mood. Existing scales have aimed to gauge both individual coping orientations in response to stress, as well as individual use of music for the purposes of mood regulation. This study utilised pre-validated scales through an online survey in order to measure whether music’s use in (...)
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    A Model of Students' Decimal Computation Procedures.James Hiebert & Diana Wearne - unknown
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    Reseña. Recepción, fundamentos y desarrollos de la Escuela de Frankfurt en Colombia de Óscar Mejía Quintana.Diana Hincapié-Cetina - 2024 - Revista Filosofía Uis 23 (2):257-263.
    Reseña. Recepción, fundamentos y desarrollos de la Escuela de Frankfurt en Colombia (2023) de Óscar Mejía Quintana. Editorial Ibañez. Colección Filosofía y Sociología del Derecho, 464 p. Para una huella de la Teoría Crítica en Colombia es viable rastrear desarrollos de algunos autores, sin embargo, la propuesta sistemática de Óscar Mejía Quintana en su libro “Recepción, fundamentos y desarrollos de la Escuela de Frankfurt en Colombia”, permite registrar las cuatro generaciones de la Escuela de Frankfurt (1923-2023), con caracterizaciones históricas y (...)
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    Revisiting the context dependence of cofactor‐recruiting motifs.Stefanie Diana Hueber - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (7):585-585.
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  26. Representaciones sociales sobre participación comunitaria E infancia como agente movilizador.Andrea Acosta Jaramillo & Diana Yolanda Chacón Sánchez - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 4 (1):132 - 163.
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    Fostering the patriotism of adolescents and youth: how to identify, measure, and evaluate the contribution of juvenile media.Larisa Аleksandrovna Kosolapova & Diana Igorevna Miasnikova - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):266-272.
    The purpose of the study is to identify indicators that characterize and allow assessing the potential of media material posted in juvenile media for fostering patriotism in adolescents and youth. The article examines the essential characteristics of the concept of "patriotism" in the historical and contemporary contexts; clarified the definition of the term "juvenile media" and characterized their potential for solving educational problems; revealed the content and style of media material posted in juvenile media, which has the potential to foster (...)
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    In touch: Cardiac and respiratory patterns synchronize during ensemble singing with physical contact.Elke B. Lange, Diana Omigie, Carlos Trenado, Viktor Müller, Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann & Julia Merrill - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Musical ensemble performances provide an ideal environment to gain knowledge about complex human interactions. Network structures of synchronization can reflect specific roles of individual performers on the one hand and a higher level of organization of all performers as a superordinate system on the other. This study builds on research on joint singing, using hyperscanning of respiration and heart rate variability from eight professional singers. Singers performed polyphonic music, distributing their breathing within the same voice and singing without and with (...)
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    El idealismo alemán como filosofía de la libertad: Julio De Zan, in memoriam.Diana María López & Julio de Zan (eds.) - 2020 - Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina: Editorial UADER.
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    Tourists’ apprehension toward choosing the next destination: A study based on the learning zone model.Adriana Manolicǎ, Diana-Sînziana Ionesi, Lorin-Mircea Drǎgan, Teodora Roman, Patricia Elena Bertea & Gabriela Boldureanu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The current research is based on Senninger’s Learning Zone Model applied to the tourists’ comfort zone. This model was created in 2000 and it proved to be useful in many applied areas: Psychology, Sociology, Marketing and Management. This modes is a behavioral one and shows how a person can justify his action based on previous tested experiences or dares to step beyond in fear, learn or growth zone. Our research is extending the existent area of expertise to tourism. We aimed (...)
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    EEG Topographies in High and Low Extraverts.Lum Melanie, Fernando Thanoja, Karamacoska Diana, Barry Robert & Steiner Genevieve - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    The false state.Hilda Diana Oakeley - 1937 - London,: Williams & Norgate.
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    Editors’ Note.Irene Oh & Diana Fritz Cates - 2021 - Journal of Religious Ethics 49 (3):436-436.
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    Maite Ezcurdia.Eleonora Orlando & Diana Perez - 2019 - Análisis Filosófico 39 (1):91-93.
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    Gender differences in social interactions of children: A naturalistic approach.J. Martin Ramirez & Diana L. Mendoza - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (6):553-556.
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    When timing is key: How autocratic and democratic leadership relate to follower trust in emergency contexts.Florian Rosing, Diana Boer & Claudia Buengeler - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In emergency contexts, leaders’ ability to develop others’ trust in them is critical to leadership effectiveness. By integrating functional leadership and team process theories, we argue that democratic and autocratic leadership can create trust in the leader depending on the performance phase of the action team. We further argue that action and transition phases produce different task demands for leadership behavior to enhance trust in the leader, and different leader characteristics mediate these effects. The results of a scenario experiment and (...)
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  37. Are we living in 1984? / Stefan Storrie and Ezio Di Nucci. Part I. War is peace. Revolutionary from the waist down.Stefan Storrie & Diana Adela Martin - 2018 - In Ezio Di Nucci & Stefan Storrie (eds.), 1984 and philosophy, is resistance futile? Chicago: Open Court.
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  38. Revolutionary from the waist down - Sex and Politics in Orwell's 1984.Stefan Storrie & Diana Adela Martin - 2018 - Chicago, IL, USA: Open Court.
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    Interferon and myeloproliferative neoplasms: Evolving therapeutic approaches.Alok Swaroop, Diana Saleiro & Leonidas C. Platanias - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (3):2200203.
    Interferons (IFNs) are a diverse group of cytokines whose potent antitumor effects have piqued the interest of scientists for decades. Some of the most sustained clinical accomplishments have been in the field of myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs). Here, we discuss how both historical and novel breakthroughs in our understanding of IFN function may lead to more effective therapies for MPNs. The particular relevance and importance of modulating the novel IFN‐regulated ULK1 pathway to optimize IFN responses is highlighted.
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    The Structure of Workaholism and Types of Workaholic.Aleksandra Tokarz & Diana Malinowska - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (2):211-222.
    The aim of the study presented was to verify empirically a conception of workaholism as a multidimensional syndrome. The study also investigated the notion of ‘functional’ and ‘dysfunctional’ types of workaholic, on the basis of the participants’ cognitive evaluations of their quality of life. The research group comprised Polish managers who had graduated with, or were studying to attain, a Master’s degree in Business Administration. The 137 participants completed a set of questionnaires that were based on five different research tools. (...)
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    La relación entre arte y lenguaje en las disquisiciones sobre arte moderno y contemporáneo en dos revistas colombianas.Diana Carolina Toro Henao - 2018 - Co-herencia 15 (29):199-228.
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    Determinants of perceptions of cheating: Ethical orientation, personality and demographics. [REVIEW]Dean E. Allmon, Diana Page & Ralph Rpberts - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 23 (4):411 - 422.
    A sample of 227 business students from the United States and Australia was used to evaluate factors that impact business students' ethical orientation and factors that impact students' perceptions of ethical classroom behaviors. Perceptions of classroom behaviors was considered a surrogate for future perceptions of business behaviors. Independent factors included age, gender, religious orientation, country of origin, personality, and ethical orientation. A number of factors were related to ethical orientation, but only age and religious orientation exhibited much impact upon perceptions (...)
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    Gender, land, and water: From reform to counter-reform in Latin America. [REVIEW]Carmen Diana Deere & Magdalena Leon - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (4):375-386.
    Rural women did not fare very well inthe land reforms carried out during the Latin American“reformist period” of the 1960s and 1970s, with womenbeing under-represented among the beneficiaries. It isargued that women have been excluded from access toand control over water for similar reasons that theywere excluded from access to land during thesereforms. The paper also investigates the extent towhich women have gained or lost access to land duringthe “counter-reforms” of the 1980s and 1990s. Underthe neo-liberal agenda, production cooperatives aswell (...)
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    TORRIJOS-CASTRILLEJO, DAVID, Anaxágoras y su recepción en Aristóteles, Dissertationes. Series Philosophica XLIII, EDUSC, Roma, 2014, 528 pp. [REVIEW]Diana María Murguía Monsalvo - 2015 - Anuario Filosófico:614-617.
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    New Materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Politics.Diana Coole & Samantha Frost (eds.) - 2010 - Duke University Press.
    New Materialisms brings into focus and explains the significance of the innovative materialist critiques that are emerging across the social sciences and humanities. By gathering essays that exemplify the new thinking about matter and processes of materialization, this important collection shows how scholars are reworking older materialist traditions, contemporary theoretical debates, and advances in scientific knowledge to address pressing ethical and political challenges. In the introduction, Diana Coole and Samantha Frost highlight common themes among the distinctive critical projects that (...)
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  46. Essentially speaking: feminism, nature & difference.Diana Fuss - 1989 - New York: Routledge.
    In this brief and powerful book, Diana Fuss takes on the debate of pure essence versus social construct, engaging with the work of Luce Irigaray and Monique ...
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  47. Unruly Words: A Study of Vague Language.Diana Raffman - 2013 - Oxford, England: Oup Usa.
    In Unruly Words, Diana Raffman advances a new theory of vagueness which, unlike previous accounts, is genuinely semantic while preserving bivalence. According to this new approach, called the multiple range theory, vagueness consists essentially in a term's being applicable in multiple arbitrarily different, but equally competent, ways, even when contextual factors are fixed.
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  48. Essentially Speaking: Feminism, Nature, and Difference.Diana Fuss & Elizabeth Grosz - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (3):208-217.
    A critical analysis of Diana Fuss's Essentially Speaking: Feminism, Nature, and Difference and Elizabeth Grosz's Sexual Subversions: Three French Feminists.
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  49. Subjection and Subjectivity: Psychoanalytic Feminism and Moral Philosophy.Diana T. Meyers - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    Diana Tietjens Meyers examines the political underpinnings of psychoanalytic feminism, analyzing the relation between the nature of the self and the structure of good societies. She argues that impartial reason--the approach to moral reflection which has dominated 20th-century Anglo-American philosophy--is inadequate for addressing real world injustices. ____Subjection and Subjectivity__ is central to feminist thought across a wide range of disciplines.
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    Thinking about Consciousness.Diana Raffman - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71 (1):171-186.
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