Results for 'May Freeman'

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  1.  26
    The relation of temperament to size of family.May Freeman - 1925 - The Eugenics Review 17 (3):169.
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    The Place of Informal Logic in Philosophy.James B. Freeman - 2000 - Informal Logic 20 (2).
    We argue that informal logic is epistemological. Two central questions concern premise acceptability and connection adequacy. Both may be explicated in tenns of justification, a central epistemological concept. That some premises are basic parallels a foundationalist account of basic beliefs and epistemic support. Some epistemological accounts of these concepts may advance the analysis of premise acceptability and connection adequacy. Infonnallogic has implications for other aspects of philosophy. If causal interpretations are acceptable premises and thus justified, does the world have a (...)
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    Relevance, warrants, backing, inductive support.James B. Freeman - 1992 - Argumentation 6 (2):219-275.
    We perceive relevance by virtue of inference habits, which may be expressed as Pierce's leading principles or as Toulmin's warrants. Hence relevance in a descriptive sense is a ternary relation between two statements and a set of inference rules. For a normative sense, the warrants must be properly backed. Different types of warrant to empirical generalizations, we introduce L.J. Cohen's notion of inductive support. A to empirical generalizations, we introduce L.J. Cohen's notion of inductive support. A generalization H is supported (...)
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    The concept of teaching.Helen Freeman - 1973 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 7 (1):7–38.
    Helen Freeman; The Concept of Teaching, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 7, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 7–25,
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    Interests and educational value.Helen Freeman - 1975 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 9 (1):119–136.
    Helen Freeman; Interests and Educational Value, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 9, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 119–136,
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    On women's education.Helen Freeman - 1977 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 11 (1):113–135.
    Helen Freeman; On Women’s Education, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 11, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 113–135,
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    Argument Structure and Disciplinary Perspective.James B. Freeman - 2001 - Argumentation 15 (4):397-423.
    Many in the informal logic tradition distinguish convergent from linked argument structure. The pragma-dialectical tradition distinguishes multiple from co-ordinatively compound argumentation. Although these two distinctions may appear to coincide, constituting only a terminological difference, we argue that they are distinct, indeed expressing different disciplinary perspectives on argumentation. From a logical point of view, where the primary evaluative issue concerns sufficient strength of support, the unit of analysis is the individual argument, the particular premises put forward to support a given conclusion. (...)
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    What types of arguments are there?James B. Freeman - unknown
    Our typology is based on two ground adequacy factors, one logical and one epistemic. Logically, the step from premises to conclusion may be conclusive or only ceteris paribus. Epistemically, warrants may be backed a priori or a posteriori. Hence there are four types of arguments: conclusive a priori, defeasible a priori, defeasible a posteriori, and prima facie conclusive a posteriori. We shall give an example of each and compare our scheme with other typologies.
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    "Moments of Beating: Addiction and Inscription in Virginia Woolf's" A Sketch of the past".Barbara Claire Freeman - 1997 - Diacritics 27 (3):65-76.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Moments of Beating Addiction and Inscription in Virginia Woolf’s “A Sketch of the Past”Barbara Claire Freeman (bio)My title, which alludes to the collection of autobiographical essays authored by Virginia Woolf and entitled Moments of Being, implies that being and beating are co-constitutive and that exploring their interdependence may shed light upon the logic that binds the one to the other. In particular, I want to examine the ways (...)
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    Argument Strength, the Toulmin Model, and Ampliative Probability.James B. Freeman - 2006 - Informal Logic 26 (1):25-40.
    We argue that Cohen’s concept of inductive or ampliative probability facilitates proper explication of sufficient strength for non-demonstrative arguments conforming to the Toulmin model. The data and claims of such arguments are singular statements. We may epistemically classify the warrants of such arguments as empirical (either physical or personal), institutional, or evaluative. Backing evidence and rebutting considerations vary with the epistemic type of warrant, but in each case the notion of ampliative probability for arguments with warrants of that type can (...)
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  11. How brains make chaos in order to make sense of the world.Christine A. Skarda & Walter J. Freeman - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (2):161-173.
    Recent “connectionist” models provide a new explanatory alternative to the digital computer as a model for brain function. Evidence from our EEG research on the olfactory bulb suggests that the brain may indeed use computational mechanisms like those found in connectionist models. In the present paper we discuss our data and develop a model to describe the neural dynamics responsible for odor recognition and discrimination. The results indicate the existence of sensory- and motor-specific information in the spatial dimension of EEG (...)
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  12.  49
    Nation-State and Cosmopolis: A Response to David Miller.Michael Freeman - 1994 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 11 (1):79-87.
    ABSTRACT The contemporary world is politically organised on the assumption that there exists an international community which should be governed by the rule of law under the authority of the United Nations Organisation. This idea may be called cosmopolitan liberalism. It is commonly criticised for ineffectiveness caused by excessive respect for the sovereignty of states. Recently, it has become apparent that cosmopolitan liberalism is inadequate to conceptualise and consequently to solve the practical problems posed by nationalism. David Miller has sought (...)
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  13.  26
    Factors for Evaluating Presumptions and Presumptive Inferences.James Freeman - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (2):215-240.
    Lilian Bermejo-Luque has posed these questions:1.What is the relationship between presumption and presumptive inference? 2.What are the correctness conditions for presumptions and presumptive inferences? Cohen’s method of relevant variables, Toulmin’s model, and Rescher’s theory of plausibility suggest answers. An inference is presumptive just in case its warrant transfers presumption from its premises to its conclusion. A warrant licencing an inference from the claim that an empirical property φ holds to the claim that some other property ψ holds is backed by (...)
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  14.  44
    Epistemic justification and premise acceptability.James B. Freeman - 1996 - Argumentation 10 (1):59-68.
    In this paper, we want to explore the connection between premises' being acceptable and their being in some sense justified. The equivalence of premise acceptability and justification seems intuitively correct. But to argue for such a connection, we need to analyze the concepts of acceptability and justification. Such an analysis also seems necessary if this equivalence is to advance our understanding of premise acceptability. Following L. J. Cohen, we may say S believes that p when S is disposed to feel (...)
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    Immersed In Pellet Technology: Motivation Paths of Innovative DIYers.Stephanie Freeman - 2015 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 16 (1):54-80.
    What drives and moves an individual towards certain goals and activities is a familiar question for scholars dealing with motivation in the context of schooling or work practices. However, non-school contexts such as Internet-enabled volunteer-based technical DIY communities are also important to understand since a growing part of everyday social life is spent on the Internet. This article offers the analytical concept of 'motivation path' for understanding changing and dilemmatic motives in innovative pellet DIY development. It also introduces the concept (...)
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  16.  27
    The truth about truth as a condition of premise adequacy.James B. Freeman - unknown
    Is truth a condition of premise adequacy? We may distinguish objective and subjective argument correctness. Objective correctness means true premises rendering the conclusion true or probable. Subjective correctness means acceptable pr emises rendering the conclusion acceptable. Acceptability depends on evidence available and so is internalist. Objective and subjective correctness of the premises is ordinarily distinct. For connection adequacy, objective rightness and subjective righ tness coincide. We recognize entailment or rendering probably a priori. Logic is thus internalist. Logic needs an internalist (...)
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  17.  24
    Resolving Moral Dissensus: Possibilities for Argumentation.James B. Freeman - unknown
    Moral dissensus may arise first because persons may disagree over the warrants licensing inferring an evaluative conclusion from premises asserting that properties alleged evaluatively relevant hold. This results in seeing different properties as evaluatively relevant. Secondly, such properties will frequently not be descriptive but interpretive, asserting some nomic connection. Persons may disagree over what evaluatively relevant properties hold in a given case. We explore the possibilities for argumentation to resolve these two types of disagreement.
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    A Feminist Theology of Disability.Doreen Freeman - 2002 - Feminist Theology 10 (29):71-85.
    Disability and long term incurable illness still attract a variety of demonisation and prejudice. This includes many of the same kinds of hostility that have faced women. Disabled people are blamed for their condition, regarded as bestial, grotesque and unclean. They are excluded from ritual spaces by Levitical law, modern prejudice and practical indifference. Feminist Theology has sometimes contributed to prevailing hostility, or at least, failed to counter it, in its insistence on the sacredness of the body. On the other (...)
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  19.  7
    Comparative politics.Edward A. Freeman - 1896 - New York,: Macmillan & Co..
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Death Perception: How Temporary Ventilator Disconnection Helped my Family Accept Brain Death and Donate Organs.Thomas B. Freeman - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (1):9-12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Death Perception:How Temporary Ventilator Disconnection Helped my Family Accept Brain Death and Donate OrgansThomas B. FreemanThe night of my nephew’s closed head injury in Boston, I was on call as a neurosurgeon at Tampa General Hospital. I was therefore not shocked at first when my telephone rang at four o’clock in the morning, but I soon understood the severity of the tragic news. The next half hour was a (...)
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  21.  16
    Dont Shoot the Editor A Personal Account of Editing JCS.Anthony Freeman - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (11-12):11-12.
    The author of this paper was managing editor of the Journal of Consciousness Studies from its launch in 1994 until this year. As he steps down from the post, he reflects on the role of the editor, who has by turns to encourage, support, cajole, and even threaten, the team of contributors and reviewers, whose servant and master he is. What follows may be taken both as an apologia for his time in office, addressed to the consciousness community, and a (...)
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  22.  85
    Emotion is from preparatory brain chaos; irrational action is from premature closure.Walter J. Freeman - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):204-205.
    EEG evidence supports the view that each cerebral hemisphere maintains a scale-free network that generates and maintains a global state of chaos. By its own evolution, and under environmental impacts, this hemispheric chaos can rise to heights that may either escape containment and engender incontinent action or be constrained by predictive control and yield creative action of great power and beauty.
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    Higher Level Moral Principles in Argumentation.James B. Freeman - unknown
    Suppose two persons disagree over whether an act is right, justifying their judgments by appealing to divergent higher-level moral principles. These principles function as backing and rebuttals in their argumentation. To justify these principles, we may argue either that they would be accepted in some ideal model or that they are in reflective equilibrium with our considered moral judgments. Disagreement over the model indicates difference in philosophical anthropology but does not preclude resolution through argument.
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    Noise-driven attractor landscapes for perception by mesoscopic brain dynamics.Walter J. Freeman - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):816-817.
    Tsuda offers advanced concepts to model brain functions, includ-ing “chaotic itinerancy,” “attractor ruins,” “singular-continuous nowhere-differentiable attractors,” “Cantor coding,” “multi-Milnor attractor systems,” and “dynamically generated noise.” References to physiological descriptions of attractor landscapes governing activity over cortical fields maintained by millions of action potentials may facilitate their application in future experimental designs and data analyses.
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    Roles of allocortex and centrencephalon in intentionality and consciousness.Walter J. Freeman - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (1):92-93.
    “Decortication” does not distinguish between removing all cerebral cortex, including three-layered allocortex or just six-layered neocortex. Functional decortication, by spreading depression, reversibly suppresses only neocortex, leaving minimal intentionality. Removal of all forebrain structures except a hypothalamic “island” blocks all intentional behaviors, leaving only tropisms. To what extent do Merker's examples retain allocortex, and how might such residues affect his interpretations? (Published Online May 1 2007).
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    Shakespeare and Philosophy.David Freeman - 2005 - Cultura 2 (2):40-49.
    The nineteenth-century poet, critic and philosopher, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, once characterized the mind of William Shakespeare as "oceanic". Oceans, of course, teem with myriad forms of life: is philosophy one such form in the oceanic vastness of Shakespeare 's creative genius? If so, how do we identify philosophic elements in his plays and assess the place they occupy? What sense does it make to speak of "philosophical criticism" of individual plays? How does Shakespeare incorporate epistemologies of his own time and (...)
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    The Fallacy of Misplaced Presumption.James B. Freeman - 2023 - Argumentation 37 (2):217-231.
    One takes one’s word that p when a source vouches for p and one accepts the word of that source. If the source is reliable in this case, p is acceptable. The reliability of the source is a measure of its plausibility. If a source has the relevant competence, credibility, authority, that word is acceptable. Likewise, the word may be acceptable if accompanied by a cogent argument, but presumption may be misplaced. One may recognize a presumption for a statement when (...)
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    The Shimmering Shining: The Promise of Art in Heidegger and Nietzsche.Timothy Freeman - 2013 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 5 (1):49-66.
    In response to Hegel’s thesis concerning the “end of art,” John Sallis suggests that the future or the “promise of art” may be opened in thinking through Heidegger’s essay “The Origin of the Work of Art.” Sallis proposes that this promise of art may lie in the capacity to “set forth various elements through transfigurement into shining.” In this paper I reflect on what this suggestion concerning the promise of art may mean. Furthermore, I propose that “The Origin of the (...)
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    Weinstein, Mark: Logic, Truth and Inquiry: College Publications, London, 2013.J. B. Freeman - 2015 - Argumentation 29 (3):361-377.
    In this essay, Weinstein wants to address the issue of argument strength, of how strongly the premises of an argument support a conclusion. Using the framework of the Toulmin model, arguments have warrants which indicate some general connection between the premises and the conclusion of the argument. We may ask for the backing of the warrant, evidence for it. If the connection is an empirical generalization, the backing includes data supporting the generalization. But the backing may include theoretical generalizations, which (...)
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  30. Tensions in Stakeholder Theory.Rajendra Sisodia, Robert Phillips & R. Edward Freeman - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (2):213-231.
    A number of tensions have been suggested between stakeholder theory and strategic management (SM). Following a brief review of the histories of stakeholder theory and mainstream SM, we argue that many of the tensions are more apparent than real, representing different narratives about stakeholder theory, SM, business, and ethics. Part of the difference in these two theoretical positions is due to the fact that they seek to solve different problems. However, we suggest how there are areas of overlap, and we (...)
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  31. Ethics and agency theory: an introduction.Norman E. Bowie & R. Edward Freeman (eds.) - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Agency theory involves what is known as the principal-agent problem, a topic widely discussed in economics, management, and business ethics today. It is a characteristic of nearly all modern business firms that the principals (the owners and shareholders) are not the same people as the agents (the managers who run the firms for the principals). This creates situations in which the goals of the principals may not be the same as the agents--the principals will want growth in profits and stock (...)
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  32.  46
    Ethics and Rural Healthcare: What Really Happens? What Might Help?Ann Freeman Cook & Helena Hoas - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (4):52-56.
    Relatively few articles discuss the ethical issues that accompany healthcare in rural areas. This article presents and discusses the key findings obtained from multi-method research studies conducted over a 9-year period of time in a multi-state rural area. It challenges the efficacy of current models for bioethics, shows what kinds of ethical issues develop in rural communities, and offers a framework for envisioning resources and approaches that may be more appropriate.
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    Profit and Other Values: Thick Evaluation in Decision Making.Bastiaan van der Linden & R. Edward Freeman - 2017 - Business Ethics Quarterly 27 (3):353-379.
    ABSTRACT:Profit maximizers have reasons to agree with stakeholder theorists that managers may need to consider different values simultaneously in decision making. However, it remains unclear how maximizing a single value can be reconciled with simultaneously considering different values. A solution can neither be found in substantive normative philosophical theories, nor in postulating the maximization of profit. Managers make sense of the values in a situation by means of the many thick value concepts of ordinary language. Thick evaluation involves the simultaneous (...)
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  34. Metontology , moral particularism, and the “art of existing:” A dialogue between Heidegger, Aristotle, and Bernard Williams. [REVIEW]Lauren Freeman - 2010 - Continental Philosophy Review 43 (4):545-568.
    An important shift occurs in Martin Heidegger’s thinking one year after the publication of Being and Time , in the Appendix to the Metaphysical Foundations of Logic . The shift is from his project of fundamental ontology—which provides an existential analysis of human existence on an ontological level—to metontology . Metontology is a neologism that refers to the ontic sphere of human experience and to the regional ontologies that were excluded from Being and Time. It is within metontology, Heidegger states, (...)
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    Margaret Sharp, ed., Accounts of the Constables of Bristol Castle in the Thirteenth and Early Fourteenth Centuries. Bristol: Bristol Record Society, 1982. Pp. lxiii, 128. £9. May be ordered from the Department of History, University of Bristol. [REVIEW]A. Z. Freeman - 1984 - Speculum 59 (2):486-487.
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    The Protectors and the Protected: What Regulators and Researchers Can Learn from IRB Members and Subjects.Ann Freeman Cook, Helena Hoas & Jane Clare Joyner - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (1):51-65.
    Clinical research is increasingly conducted in settings that include private physicians’ offices, clinics, community hospitals, local institutes, and independent research centers. The migration of such research into this new, non–academic environment has brought new cadres of researchers into the clinical research enterprise and also broadened the pool of potential research participants. Regulatory approaches for protecting human subjects who participate in research have also evolved. Some institutions retain their own Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), but Independent IRBs, community hospital IRBs and community–based (...)
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  37.  21
    Academic integrity in upper year nursing students’ work-integrated settings.Kim Sears, John Freeman, Rosemary Wilson & Jennie Miron - 2022 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 18 (1).
    Work-integrated learning is an educational approach that aims to support students’ integration of theory to practice. These rich learning opportunities provide students with real-world experiences and introduce practice and ethical situations that help consolidate and bridge their knowledge and skill. Academic integrity has been defined as the ongoing commitment to values that are consistent with ethical practice: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage. It is important to understand what specifically influences students’ intentions to behave with integrity in WIL settings. (...)
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    Consider the source: One step in assessing premise acceptability. [REVIEW]James B. Freeman - 1996 - Argumentation 10 (4):453-460.
    Premise acceptability is conceptually connected to presumption. To say that a premise is acceptable just when there is a presumption in its favor is to give a first approximation to this connection. A number of popular principles of presumption suggest that whether there is a presumption for a premise, belief, or claim depends on the sources which vouch for it. Sources consist of internal belief-generating mechanisms and external testimony. Alvin Plantinga's notion of warrant lays down four conditions upon a source (...)
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    Dooyeweerd and the Amsterdam Philosophy (review). [REVIEW]David H. Freeman - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (1):122-123.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:122 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY the godlike in himself. No longer would his serf-alienation be put at a distance and reified so that it overpowers him. No longer would a world without aim and without meaning compel him to refer aim and meaning to transmundane powers, Transcendental aims and meanings are not known and are not needed: the innocence of becoming, whose moments are equally valuable or valueless since there (...)
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    Exploring the Potential for Moral Hazard When Clinical Trial Research is Conducted in Rural Communities: Do Traditional Ethics Concepts Apply?Ann Freeman Cook & Helena Hoas - 2015 - HEC Forum 27 (2):171-187.
    Over the past 20 years, clinical research has migrated from academic medical centers to community-based settings, including rural settings. This evolving research environment may present some moral hazards or challenges that could undermine traditionally accepted standards for the protection of human subjects. The study described in this article was designed to explore the influence of motives driving the decisions to conduct clinical trial research in rural community settings. The researchers conducted semi-structured interviews with 80 participants who conducted clinical trials with (...)
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  41.  48
    Classical second-order intensional logic with maximal propositions.Charles B. Daniels & James B. Freeman - 1977 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (1):1 - 31.
    By the standards presented in the Introduction, CMFC2 is deficient on at least one ontological ground: ‘∀’ is a syncategorematic expression and so CMFC2 is not an ideal language. To some there may be an additional difficulty: any two wffs provably equivalent in the classical sense are provably identical. We hope in sequel to present systems free of these difficulties, free either of one or the other, or perhaps both.This work was done with the aid of Canada Council Grant S74-0551-S1.
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    Revisiting Ethics and Rural Healthcare: What Really Happens? What Might Help?Ann Freeman Cook & Helena Hoas - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (4):3-4.
    Relatively few articles discuss the ethical issues that accompany healthcare in rural areas. This article presents and discusses the key findings obtained from multi-method research studies conducted over a 9-year period of time in a multi-state rural area. It challenges the efficacy of current models for bioethics, shows what kinds of ethical issues develop in rural communities, and offers a framework for envisioning resources and approaches that may be more appropriate.
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  43.  20
    Adults Reading Aloud: A Survey of Contemporary Practices in Britain.Sam Duncan & Mark Freeman - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (1):97-123.
    While much is written about reading aloud to children, and as a teaching tool, far less is known about the oral reading that adults do at home, at work or in the community. This article presents the results of a national survey into whether, what, how and why adults across Britain may read aloud rather than in silence. Analysing data from 529 questionnaire responses, the article examines the frequency with which different text types are read aloud, the formations in which (...)
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    Embedding Ethics in the Business Curriculum: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach.David S. Waller, Lynne M. Freeman, Gerhard Hambusch, Katrina Waite & John Neil - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 11:239-259.
    In response to recent corporate ethical and financial disasters there has been increased pressure on business schools to improve their teaching of corporate ethics. Accreditation bodies, such as the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), now require member institutions to develop the ethical awareness of business students, either through a dedicated subject or an integrated coverage of ethics across the curriculum. This paper describes an institutional approach to the incorporation of a comprehensive multi-disciplinary ethics framework into the business (...)
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  45. Wittgensteinian : Looking at the World From the Viewpoint of Wittgenstein’s Philosophy.A. C. Grayling, Shyam Wuppuluri, Christopher Norris, Nikolay Milkov, Oskari Kuusela, Danièle Moyal-Sharrock, Beth Savickey, Jonathan Beale, Duncan Pritchard, Annalisa Coliva, Jakub Mácha, David R. Cerbone, Paul Horwich, Michael Nedo, Gregory Landini, Pascal Zambito, Yoshihiro Maruyama, Chon Tejedor, Susan G. Sterrett, Carlo Penco, Susan Edwards-Mckie, Lars Hertzberg, Edward Witherspoon, Michel ter Hark, Paul F. Snowdon, Rupert Read, Nana Last, Ilse Somavilla & Freeman Dyson (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    “Tell me," Wittgenstein once asked a friend, "why do people always say, it was natural for man to assume that the sun went round the earth rather than that the earth was rotating?" His friend replied, "Well, obviously because it just looks as though the Sun is going round the Earth." Wittgenstein replied, "Well, what would it have looked like if it had looked as though the Earth was rotating?” What would it have looked like if we looked at all (...)
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    Cognitive correlates of hallucinations and delusions in Parkinson’s disease.S. A. Factor, M. K. Scullin, A. B. Sollinger, J. O. Land, C. Wood-Siverio, L. Zanders, A. Freeman, D. L. Bliwise, W. M. McDonald & F. C. Goldstein - 2014 - Journal of the Neurological Sciences 347 (1-2):316–21.
    BACKGROUND: Hallucinations and delusions that complicate Parkinson’s disease could lead to nursing home placement and are linked to increased mortality. Cognitive impairments are typically associated with the presence of hallucinations but there are no data regarding whether such a relationship exists with delusions. OBJECTIVE: We hypothesized that hallucinations would be associated with executive and visuospatial disturbance. An exploratory examination of cognitive correlates of delusions was also completed to address the question of whether they differ from hallucinations. METHODS: 144 PD subjects (...)
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    Medical assistance in dying: A political issue for nurses and nursing in Canada.Davina Banner, Catharine J. Schiller & Shannon Freeman - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (4):e12281.
    Death and dying are natural phenomena embedded within complex political, cultural and social systems. Nurses often practice at the forefront of this process and have a fundamental role in caring for both patients and those close to them during the process of dying and following death. While nursing has a rich tradition in advancing the palliative and end‐of‐life care movement, new modes of care for patients with serious and irremediable medical conditions arise when assisted death is legalized in a particular (...)
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  48. The Curious Case of Freeman Dyson and the Paranormal.Matthew Dentith - 2008 - Skeptic 14 (2).
    Michael Shermer recently attacked Freeman Dyson for putting forward the claim that there might be something in paranormal claims after all. Whilst I agree with Shermer on many points, I do think you can put forward a plausible theory as to why the Natural Sciences may not describe all phenomena, and that the undescribed phenomena might well be called 'paranormal' because of it. In this paper I will put forward the view that the language of the Natural Sciences may (...)
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    Models and mechanisms of consciousness: Report on ASSC-7 in memphis: May 30-June 2, 2003.Bill Faw - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (8):79-89.
    In the town where Elvis' occurrent consciousness status is periodically asserted, the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness held another great conference. The King of rockabilly did not show, but many stars of consciousness- and related-gigs did, such as Ned Block, Walter Freeman, Bernie Baars, Alva Noë, Dan Dennett, Christof Koch, Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Peter Carruthers and Petra Stoerig. Even though this was my fifth ASSC conference I had never heard the famous Freeman nor the devilish Dennett before. (...)
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  50. Give Space My Love, An Intellectual Odyssey with Dr. Stephen Hawking.Terry Bristol - 2015 - Portland Oregon: Institute for Science, Engineering and Public Policy.
    This book is a record of my dialogues with Stephen Hawking, his graduate assistants and his nurses during a four city public lecture tour I organized for Hawking, including Portland, Eugene, Seattle, Vancouver, BC. We discussed 20th century science and philosophy of science. Since I was often the one being questioned, much of the contents reflect my PhD research at the University of London. My focus was on understanding the limits of science, as represented by quantum theory and relativity. My (...)
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