Results for 'Maya Steinitz'

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  1.  15
    The Big Read Collaboration between Kingston University, the University of Wolverhampton, Edge Hill University, and the University of the West of Scotland, 2018–2019.Alison Baverstock, Jackie Steinitz, Tanuja Shelar, Kelly Squires, Nazira Karodia, Rebecca Butler, Sara Smith, Natia Sopromadze, Sara Crowley, Alison Clark, Maya Hutchinson, Rebecca Holderness, Clare Carney, Jeanette Castle & Richard Jefferies - 2020 - Logos 31 (3):34-65.
    This paper outlines the experience of four universities that collaborated on a pre-arrival shared reading project, the Big Read, in 2018/2019. They did so primarily to promote student engagement and retention and also to ease the transition into higher education, particularly for first-generation students, to promote staff connectedness, and to provide a USP for their institution. The paper covers all the associated processes, from isolating the respective aims of the collaborators to the choosing and sharing of a single agreed title. (...)
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    Introduction.John Brigham, Ahmad Pakatchi & Maya Steinitz - 2007 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 20 (3):217-222.
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    Necessary Beings.Yuval Steinitz - 1994 - American Philosophical Quarterly 31 (2):177 - 182.
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  4. Brains in a vat: Different perspectives.Yuval Steinitz - 1994 - Philosophical Quarterly 44 (175):213-222.
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    A pageant of proportion in illustrated books of the 15th and 16th century in the Elmer belt library of vinciana.Kate Trauman Steinitz - 1951 - Centaurus 1 (4):309-333.
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    Failing to Beg the question.Yuval Steinitz - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (179):202-204.
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    Invitation to Philosophy : Imagined Dialogues with Great Philosophers.Yuval Steinitz - 1994 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Classical positions on central topics--mind/body, epistemology, freedom/determinism--are presented in a series of imagined discussions between renowned philosophers and critical interlocutors.
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  8. Les Décors De Thé'tre De Léonard De Vinci Paradis Et Enfer.Kate Steinitz - 1958 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 20 (2):257-265.
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    Prediction Versus Retrodiction in Mill.Yuval Steinitz - 1994 - International Philosophical Quarterly 34 (4):481-483.
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    Russell's Reductionism Revisited.Yuval Steinitz - 1994 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 48 (1):117-122.
    Is pure mathematics - arithmetic as well as geometry - reducible to formal logic? Russell answered in the affirmative, considering this so significant as to constitute a fatal blow to Kant's synthetic-apriori philosophy of mathematics. But either pure arithmetic and pure geometry include the full, extra-logical content of their unique axioms and hence their unique theorems, or they do not. If they do, then this reductionism is trivially unsound. It they do not - if they include only the logic of (...)
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    The Logical Paradox of Causation.Yuval Steinitz - 2001 - Journal of Philosophical Research 26:223-227.
    According to Hume’s classical definition of causal relations, a cause must fulfill two distinct conditions: a) be a sufficient condition for the occurrence of its effect; b) be temporally prior to it. However, a careful logical analysis shows that the combination of sufficiency and temporality is impossible. This is because if a complete cause is a sufficient condition for its effect to occur-then the effect is a necessary condition for the occurrence of its own complete cause! Thus, there can be (...)
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  12. The Voyage Of Isabella D'aragon: From Naples To Milan, January 1489.Kate Trauman Steinitz - 1961 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 23 (1):17-33.
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    The logical asymmetry of causation.Yuval Steinitz - 1994 - Philosophical Papers 23 (1):49-57.
  14.  52
    Poor judgment of distance between nociceptive stimuli.Flavia Mancini, Hannah Steinitz, James Steckelmacher, Gian Domenico Iannetti & Patrick Haggard - 2015 - Cognition 143 (C):41-47.
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    What Were the Process and Response of University Staff and Students to the Availability of a Shared Reading Scheme for Those Embarking on a University Education?: A case study.Alison Baverstock, Jackie Steinitz & Laura Bryars - 2017 - Logos 28 (1):29-44.
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    Using Pre-arrival Shared Reading to Promote a Sense of Community.Alison Baverstock, Jackie Steinitz, Brian Webster-Henderson, Laura Bryars, Sandra Cairncross, Laura Ennis, Wendy Morris, Avril Gray & Connie McLuckie - 2018 - Logos 29 (4):37-52.
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    How Do You Choose a Book for a Pre-arrival Shared Reading Scheme in a University?Alison Baverstock, Jackie Steinitz, Laura Bryars, Kimberley Sheehan, Charlotte Butler, Allison Williams, Angelika Dalba, Dan Brixey, Adam Conor, Ciara Higgins & Elle Waddington - 2017 - Logos 28 (3):41-57.
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    How can shared reading be used to develop community connectivity in the contemporary church?Alison Baverstock, Jackie Steinitz & Andrew Cowie - 2022 - Logos 33 (1):36-45.
    This paper reports on a project to use, within church communities, previous experience in universities and schools of shared reading for the purposes of outreach, widening participation, and community inclusion. It outlines and explores the experience of selecting a book, and its subsequent discussion among a group of parishioners, to promote a sense of connectedness and belonging. The outcomes have implications for creating and strengthening links within existing church communities, reaching out to those who live locally but are not regular (...)
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    What President Trump Has Shown Us about Choosing a Subject for Political Biography.Alison Baverstock & Jackie Steinitz - 2019 - Logos 30 (2):7-11.
    To explore the reason why some biographies by or about politicians are more successful than others, and to help publishers consider the range of factors that may impact on their commissioning decisions, we sought to establish a range of likely influencing factors and to combine them in a formula. This is not a magic prediction tool, but rather a range of considerations that need to be worked through for various publishing propositions before decisions are made. As an exercise, and a (...)
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  20. Renate Bartsch. Adverbialsemantik. Die Konstitution logischsemantischer Repräsentationen von Adverbialkonstruktionen.Ewald Lang & Renate Steinitz - 1976 - Foundations of Language 14:137-151.
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  21. Rezension zu R. Bartsch: Adverbial semant ik.E. Lang & R. Steinitz - 1976 - Foundations of Language 1:137-151.
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  22. Wolfgang Motsch.Wolfgang Steinitz Zum Gedenken - forthcoming - Foundations of Language.
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  23. Against Interpretability: a Critical Examination of the Interpretability Problem in Machine Learning.Maya Krishnan - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 33 (3):487-502.
    The usefulness of machine learning algorithms has led to their widespread adoption prior to the development of a conceptual framework for making sense of them. One common response to this situation is to say that machine learning suffers from a “black box problem.” That is, machine learning algorithms are “opaque” to human users, failing to be “interpretable” or “explicable” in terms that would render categorization procedures “understandable.” The purpose of this paper is to challenge the widespread agreement about the existence (...)
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  24. Public Misunderstanding of Science? Reframing the Problem of Vaccine Hesitancy.Maya J. Goldenberg - 2016 - Perspectives on Science 24 (5):552-581.
    The public rejection of scientific claims is widely recognized by scientific and governmental institutions to be threatening to modern democratic societies. Intense conflict between science and the public over diverse health and environmental issues have invited speculation by concerned officials regarding both the source of and the solution to the problem of public resistance towards scientific and policy positions on such hot-button issues as global warming, genetically modified crops, environmental toxins, and nuclear waste disposal. The London Royal Society’s influential report (...)
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  25. On Evidence and Evidence-Based Medicine: Lessons from the Philosophy of Science.Maya J. Goldenberg - 2006 - Social Science and Medicine 62 (11):2621-2632.
    The evidence-based medicine (EBM) movement is touted as a new paradigm in medical education and practice, a description that carries with it an enthusiasm for science that has not been seen since logical positivism flourished (circa 1920–1950). At the same time, the term ‘‘evidence-based medicine’’ has a ring of obviousness to it, as few physicians, one suspects, would claim that they do not attempt to base their clinical decision-making on available evidence. However, the apparent obviousness of EBM can and should (...)
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  26. (1 other version)How can Feminist Theories of Evidence Assist Clinical Reasoning and Decision-Making?Maya J. Goldenberg - 2013 - Social Epistemology (TBA):1-28.
    While most of healthcare research and practice fully endorses evidence-based healthcare, a minority view borrows popular themes from philosophy of science like underdetermination and value-ladenness to question the legitimacy of the evidence-based movement’s philosophical underpinnings. While the feminist origins go unacknowledged, those critics adopt a feminist reading of the “gap argument” to challenge the perceived objectivism of evidence-based practice. From there, the critics seem to despair over the “subjective elements” that values introduce to clinical reasoning, demonstrating that they do not (...)
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  27. Intrinsicality and Hyperintensionality.Maya Eddon - 2010 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 82 (2):314-336.
    The standard counterexamples to David Lewis’s account of intrinsicality involve two sorts of properties: identity properties and necessary properties. Proponents of the account have attempted to deflect these counterexamples in a number of ways. This paper argues that none of these moves are legitimate. Furthermore, this paper argues that no account along the lines of Lewis’s can succeed, for an adequate account of intrinsicality must be sensitive to hyperintensional distinctions among properties.
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    Structural Racism in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Moving Forward.Maya Sabatello, Mary Jackson Scroggins, Greta Goto, Alicia Santiago, Alma McCormick, Kimberly Jacoby Morris, Christina R. Daulton, Carla L. Easter & Gwen Darien - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (3):56-74.
    Pandemics first and foremost hit those who are most vulnerable, and the COVID-19 pandemic is not different. Although the infection rate in the nation’s poorest neighborhoods is twice as it is in th...
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  29. Armstrong on Quantities and Resemblance.Maya Eddon - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 136 (3):385-404.
    Resemblances obtain not only between objects but between properties. Resemblances of the latter sort - in particular resemblances between quantitative properties - prove to be the downfall of a well-known theory of universals, namely the one presented by David Armstrong. This paper examines Armstrong's efforts to account for such resemblances within the framework of his theory and also explores several extensions of that theory. All of them fail.
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  30. Iconoclast or Creed? Objectivism, pragmatism, and the hierarchy of evidence.Maya J. Goldenberg - 2009 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 52 (2):168-187.
    Because “evidence” is at issue in evidence-based medicine (EBM), the critical responses to the movement have taken up themes from post-positivist philosophy of science to demonstrate the untenability of the objectivist account of evidence. While these post-positivist critiques seem largely correct, I propose that when they focus their analyses on what counts as evidence, the critics miss important and desirable pragmatic features of the evidence-based approach. This article redirects critical attention toward EBM’s rigid hierarchy of evidence as the culprit of (...)
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    The Precision Medicine Nation.Maya Sabatello & Paul S. Appelbaum - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (4):19-29.
    The United States’ ambitious Precision Medicine Initiative proposes to accelerate exponentially the adoption of precision medicine, an approach to health care that tailors disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention to individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle. It aims to achieve this by creating a cohort of volunteers for precision medicine research, accelerating biomedical research innovation, and adopting policies geared toward patients’ empowerment. As strategies to implement the PMI are formulated, critical consideration of the initiative's ethical and sociopolitical dimensions is needed. (...)
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  32. Evidence-based ethics? On evidence-based practice and the "empirical turn" from normative bioethics.Maya J. Goldenberg - 2005 - BMC Medical Ethics 6 (1):1-9.
    Background The increase in empirical methods of research in bioethics over the last two decades is typically perceived as a welcomed broadening of the discipline, with increased integration of social and life scientists into the field and ethics consultants into the clinical setting, however it also represents a loss of confidence in the typical normative and analytic methods of bioethics. Discussion The recent incipiency of "Evidence-Based Ethics" attests to this phenomenon and should be rejected as a solution to the current (...)
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  33. Whose social values? Evaluating Canada’s ‘death of evidence’ controversy.Maya J. Goldenberg - 2015 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 45 (3):404-424.
    With twentieth- and twenty-first-century philosophy of science’s unfolding acceptance of the nature of scientific inquiry being value-laden, the persistent worry has been that there are no means for legitimate negotiation of the social or non-epistemic values that enter into science. The rejection of the value-free ideal in science has thereby been coupled with the spectres of indiscriminate relativism and bias in scientific inquiry. I challenge this view in the context of recently expressed concerns regarding Canada's death of evidence controversy. The (...)
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    Early development of turn-taking in vocal interaction between mothers and infants.Maya Gratier, Emmanuel Devouche, Bahia Guellai, Rubia Infanti, Ebru Yilmaz & Erika Parlato-Oliveira - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Navigating a social world with robot partners: A quantitative cartography of the Uncanny Valley.Maya B. Mathur & David B. Reichling - 2016 - Cognition 146 (C):22-32.
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    Genomic Essentialism: Its Provenance and Trajectory as an Anticipatory Ethical Concern.Maya Sabatello & Eric Juengst - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (S1):10-18.
    Since the inception of large‐scale human genome research, there has been much caution about the risks of exacerbating a number of socially dangerous attitudes linked to human genetics. These attitudes are usually labeled with one of a family of genetic or genomic “isms” or “ations” such as “genetic essentialism,” “genetic determinism,” “genetic reductionism,” “geneticization,” “genetic stigmatization,” and “genetic discrimination.” The psychosocial processes these terms refer to are taken to exacerbate several ills that are similarly labeled, from medical racism and psychological (...)
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    Fault-tolerant sampled-data mixed ℋ∞and passivity control of stochastic systems and its application.Maya Joby, R. Sakthivel, K. Mathiyalagan & S. Marshal Anthoni - 2016 - Complexity 21 (6):420-429.
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    Trust, Precision Medicine Research, and Equitable Participation of Underserved Populations.Maya Sabatello, Shawneequa Callier, Nanibaa' A. Garrison & Elizabeth G. Cohn - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (4):34-36.
    Through the use of culturally appropriate videos on precision medicine research (PMR) that were developed and tailored to five racial and ethnic groups of patients, and subsequent focus-group discu...
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  39. The Maturing Field of Emotion Regulation.Maya Tamir - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (1):3-7.
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    Pediatric Participation in Medical Decision Making: Optimized or Personalized?Maya Sabatello, Annie Janvier, Eduard Verhagen, Wynne Morrison & John Lantos - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (3):1-3.
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  41. From Popperian Science to Normal Science. Commentary on Sestini (2010).Maya J. Goldenberg - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (2):306-310.
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    Monkeys are curious about counterfactual outcomes.Maya Zhe Wang & Benjamin Y. Hayden - 2019 - Cognition 189 (C):1-10.
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    Nursing’s metaparadigm, climate change and planetary health.Maya Reshef Kalogirou, Joanne Olson & Sandra Davidson - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (3):e12356.
    This paper offers a theoretical discussion on why the nursing profession has had a delayed response to the issue of climate change. We suggest this delay may have been influenced by the early days of nursing's professionalization. Specifically, we examine nursing's professional mandate, the generally accepted metaparadigm, and the grand theorists’ conceptualizations of both the environment and the nurse–environment relationship. We conclude that these works may have encouraged nurses to conceptualize the environment, as well as their relationship with it, mainly (...)
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    Wrongful Birth: AI-Tools for Moral Decisions in Clinical Care in the Absence of Disability Ethics.Maya Sabatello - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (7):43-46.
    Meier et al. describe a pilot study that developed METHAD, an AI-based Medical Ethics Advisor tool that draws on the principlism approach and was tested using text-book cases and clinical et...
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    Nature vs. Nurture in Precision Education: Insights of Parents and the Public.Maya Sabatello, Bree Martin, Thomas Corbeil, Seonjoo Lee, Bruce G. Link & Paul S. Appelbaum - 2022 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 13 (2):79-88.
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    Raising Genomic Citizens: Adolescents and the Return of Secondary Genomic Findings.Maya Sabatello & Paul S. Appelbaum - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (2):292-308.
    Whole genome and exome sequencing techniques raise hope for a new scale of diagnosis, prevention, and prediction of genetic conditions, and improved care for children. For these hopes to materialize, extensive genomic research with children will be needed. However, the use of WGS/WES in pediatric research settings raises considerable challenges for families, researchers, and policy development. In particular, the possibility that these techniques will generate genetic findings unrelated to the primary goal of sequencing has stirred intense debate about whether, which, (...)
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    Grape expectations: The role of cognitive influences in color–flavor interactions.Maya U. Shankar, Carmel A. Levitan & Charles Spence - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):380-390.
    Color conveys critical information about the flavor of food and drink by providing clues as to edibility, flavor identity, and flavor intensity. Despite the fact that more than 100 published papers have investigated the influence of color on flavor perception in humans, surprisingly little research has considered how cognitive and contextual constraints may mediate color–flavor interactions. In this review, we argue that the discrepancies demonstrated in previously-published color–flavor studies may, at least in part, reflect differences in the sensory expectations that (...)
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    Musical narrative and motives for culture in mother-infant vocal interaction.Maya Gratier & Colwy Trevarthen - 2008 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 15 (10-11):122-158.
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    Perceptions of high-tech controlled environment agriculture among local food consumers: using interviews to explore sense-making and connections to good food.Maya Ezzeddine, Wythe Marschall & Garrett M. Broad - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):417-433.
    In recent years, new forms of high-tech controlled environment agriculture (CEA) have received increased attention and investment. These systems integrate a suite of technologies – including automation, LED lighting, vertical plant stacking, and hydroponic fertilization – to allow for greater control of temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and light in an enclosed growing environment. Proponents insist that CEA can produce sustainable, nutritious, and tasty local food, particularly for the cities of the future. At the same time, a variety of critics (...)
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    Cesar Chavez and the Ethics of Exemplarity.Gustavo Maya - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (3):601-625.
    In recent years, Cesar Chavez’s life and legacy have been subjected to increased scrutiny. The ensuing reevaluations of Chavez, wittingly or not, are matters of ethical, as well as historical and biographical, concern. This article has two aims. First, it reconstructs Chavez’s account of exemplarity and uses it to assess his legacy. Second, it provides an account of exemplarity situated within social practices. As I argue, exemplarity operates through social practices, rather than mystically as posited by a contagion model. The (...)
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