Results for 'Mc Goulet'

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  1. New creations-commentary.B. Freedman & Mc Goulet - 1991 - Hastings Center Report 21 (1):34-35.
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    Jason MC Price.Jason Mc Price - forthcoming - Journal of Thought.
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    Le livre VI de Diogène Laërce: analyse de sa structure et réflexions méthodologiques.Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé - 1987 - In Wolfgang Haase (ed.), Philosophie, Wissenschaften, Technik. Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 3880-4048.
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  4. Bilimde Sınır Çizme Problemi: Popper, Lakatos, Kuhn ve Sonrası.Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı - 2018 - Dissertation,
    Bilimin ne olduğunun belirlenmesi ve bu bağlamda bilimin sözde bilim ya da bilimsel olmayan alanlara ilişkin sınırının nasıl çizileceği tartışması, bilim felsefesinde sınır çizme problemi olarak ele alınmaktadır. Çalışmanın ana konusunu oluşturan bu problem, özellikle yirminci yüzyıldan itibaren, bilim felsefecileri tarafından birçok ölçüt ortaya konularak çözümlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu ölçütler genellikle, bilim ile sözde bilim arasındaki sınırı belirlemek amacıyla, bilimi mantık ve mantıksal önermeler üzerinden değerlendirmektedir. Şu ana kadar Viyana Çevresi, Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos gibi filozoflarca ortaya konulan ölçütler, nihai olarak problemi (...)
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  5. Dictionnaire des Philosophes Antiques.R. Goulet - 1991 - Apeiron 24 (1):71-80.
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    Partager les savoirs: pratiques orales et écrites de la philosophie dans l'Antiquité.Mathilde Cambron-Goulet - 2023 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    La méfiance à l'égard de l'écriture traverse l'histoire de la philosophie grecque. Comment éviter que l'usage de l'écrit ne mette à mal le partage des savoirs essentiel à toute pratique philosophique? À travers une étude des pratiques orales et écrites d'élaboration et de transmission des savoirs philosophiques dans l'Antiquité, cet ouvrage révèle une philosophie qui, pour être mieux partagée, préfère prendre naissance et se développer dans le corps même de ceux qui la pratiquent, dans la matérialité des livres et des (...)
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    Exportando bosques, importando insustentabilidad. Comercio forestal y transformaciones socio-ambientales en Centroamérica: una aproximación desde la historia global, siglos XVIII al XX.Anthony Goebel Mc Dermott - 2019 - Dialogos 23 (1):5.
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    A Value Argument Against Incompatibilism.Justin Mc Brayer - 2018 - Philosophical Inquiry 42 (3-4):138-150.
    Incompatibilism is the view that free will is incompatible with determinism. Combatibilism is the view that free will is compatible with determinism. The debate between the two positions is seemingly intractable. However, just as elsewhere in philosophy, leveraging assumptions about value can offer progress. A promising value argument against incompatibilism is as follows: given facts about both human psychology and the value of free will, incompatibilism is false. This is because we would want our choices to be free but we (...)
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  9. The fragility of fortune-reply.Mc Nussbaum - 1993 - Philosophical Investigations 16 (1):63-69.
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    Cynicism and Christianity in antiquity.Marie-Odile Goulet-Caze - 2019 - Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    A literary tour de force that analyzes and refutes the hypothesis that Jesus was a Cynic Was Jesus really a Cynic? This book examines the arguments submitted by some New Testament scholars who believe that Jesus and his disciples were influenced by the ethics and social behaviors of Cynic preachers in Galilee. In examining the "Cynic Jesus hypothesis," Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé offers a reliable, accessible, and fully documented summary of Cynicism and its ideas, from Diogenes to the Imperial Period, and (...)
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  11. Variations Romanesques sur la Mélancolie de Porphyre.Richard Goulet - 1982 - Hermes 110 (4):443-457.
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  12. Düşünce Deneylerinin Tarihsel Kökeni, Kavramın İlk Kullanımı ve Ernst Mach’ın Düşünce Deneyi.Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı (ed.) - 2020 - London: Ijopec Publication.
    In this study, the existing definitions of thought experiments and the origin of this concept with its first usage in history will be discussed. Then, the epistemology of Ernst Mach, who conducted the first systematic research on thought experiments, will be provided in order to grasp his views on this subject correctly. In this context, the views of James Brown and John Norton, who support different positions, will be briefly described in order to draw the general framework of the epistemological (...)
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    Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques.Richard Goulet (ed.) - 1989 - Paris: Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique.
    Aucun manuel de philosophie ni aucune encyclopédie ne nous avait procuré jusqu'ici un dictionnaire exhaustif des philosophes de l'Antiquité. Exhaustivité dans la liste des auteurs, connus ou pas, mais aussi dans la présentation des sources, puisque Richard Goulet et son équipe mobilisent textes littéraires grecs, documents iconographiques, papyrologiques, épigraphiques, sources arméniennes, géorgiennes, hébraïques, syriaques et arabes. Des présocratiques aux néoplatoniciens du VIe siècle, d'Athènes à Byzance, de Rome à Alexandrie, ce chef-d'œuvre d'érudition offre un regard vraiment universel sur les (...)
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    Kynismus und Christentum in der Antike.Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé - 2016 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co.. Edited by Lena R. Seehausen & Marco Frenschkowski.
    English summary: Marie-Odile Goulet-Caze examines the thesis of some Theologians following Q, that Jesus and his disciples where highly influence by cynic preachers in Galilee. Translated into German by Lena Seehausen. German description: Mit seiner Kritik an der Zivilisation, seiner Infragestellung von sozialen Hierarchien, seiner Verachtung von Reichtumern und seiner radikalen Askese bot der Kynismus dem fruhen Christentum der ersten Jahrhunderte diverse Beruhrungspunkte. Unter den Exegeten und Theologen des Neuen Testaments findet man sogar jene, namlich die Anhanger und Befurworter (...)
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    Chaldean triads in Neoplatonic exegesis: some reconsiderations.M. O. Goulet-Cazé & ΤΟΖΙΘΤ ΝΑΙΘΥΟΣΕΤ - 2001 - Classical Quarterly 51:265-296.
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  16. Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques, t.II Babélyca d'Argos à Dyscolius.Richard Goulet - 1995 - Apeiron 28 (1):67-73.
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    Le cynisme ancien et la sexualité.Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé - 2005 - Clio 22:17-35.
    Le cynisme ancien préconise un retour total à la nature et refuse de se soumettre aux interdits qui relèvent de l’arbitraire social. Pour un Cynique, le plaisir que procure la sexualité est un plaisir naturel, instinctif, qui ne diffère en rien de celui que connaissent les animaux. C’est pourquoi ces philosophes admettent, en matière de sexualité, des actes qui choquaient les contemporains, tels que la masturbation ou l’union en public, l’inceste, l’union libre ou encore la communauté des femmes et des (...)
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    Pierre Hadot 1922-2010.Richard Goulet - 2010 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 4 (2):109-113.
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    Etudes sur les vies de philosophes de l'antiquité tardive: Diogène Laërce, Porphyre de Tyr, Eunape de Sardes.Richard Goulet - 2001 - Paris: Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
    Réunit 19 études publiées entre 1977 et 2001 concernant le corpus des vies de philosophes. Celles-ci, dépassant le simple compte rendu biographique, dévoilent dans la vie du philosophe la réalisation d'un idéal philosophique, soulèvent des questions d'ordre historique, prosopographique ou chronologique.
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    Les kynica du stoïcisme.Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé - 2003 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Si le cynisme a toujours eu mauvaise presse sur la scene philosophique, c'est en partie a cause des traits scandaleux que l'Antiquite, s'appuyant sur la Politeia et les tragedies de Diogene, lui a pretes. Mais ces traits se retrouvent dans la Politeia de Zenon et chez des Stoiciens aussi importants que Cleanthe et Chrysippe. Comment expliquer que des philosophes dont la reputation de serieux est bien connue aient pu accepter et meme louer des principes aussi scandaleux que l'anthrophagie, la liberte (...)
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  21. Le cynisme ancien et ses prolongements, Actes du colloque international du CNRS.Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé & Richard Goulet - 1994 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 99 (4):534-536.
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  22. Bilim ve Sözde Bilim: Bilimsel Topluluğun Doğasının Belirlenmesi ve Sözde Bilimin Ayırt Edilmesine Yönelik Sosyal Bir Ölçüt.Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı - 2019 - Kaygı. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi 18 (2):567-588.
    Bilimin ne olduğunun tespit edilmesi ve bilimi sözde bilimlerden ya da bilimsel olmayan alanlardan ayırt edecek ölçütün ne olması gerektiğine yönelik tartışma, bilim felsefesinde sınır çizme sorunu olarak ele alınmaktadır. Bu makalede, öncelikle söz konusu soruna yönelik geleneksel yaklaşımlar incelenmiş ve ardından bu yaklaşımların bilimsel toplulukların doğasına ilişkin özellikleri göz ardı ettiği ortaya konmuştur. Daha önce yapılan çalışmalar bilimi daha çok önermeler, ifadeler ya da salt epistemik bir sistem olarak ele almakta ve bilimsel akıl yürütmenin biçimi ile bilimsel kuramların özelliklerine (...)
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  23. Norton-Brown Tartışması Bağlamında Bilimsel Düşünce Deneyleri.Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı - 2020 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 10 (4):1235-1255.
    The question of where the knowledge comes from when we conduct thought experiments has been one of the most fundamental issues discussed in the epistemological position of thought experiments. In this regard, Pierre Duhem shows a skeptical attitude on the subject by stating that thought experiments cannot be evaluated as real experiments or cannot be accepted as an alternative to real experiments. James R. Brown, on the other hand, states that thought experiments, which are not based on new experimental evidence (...)
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  24. San Agustín en la Alta Edad Media española a través de sus manuscritos.Mc Díaz Y. Díaz - forthcoming - Augustinus.
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  25. Sull'empirismo probabilistico di Patrick Suppes.Mc Galavotti - 1986 - Rivista di Filosofia 77 (3):519-531.
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    Entre orient et occident: la philosophie et la science gréco-romaines dans le monde arabe.Richard Goulet & Ulrich Rudolph (eds.) - 2010 - Genève: Vandœuvres.
    Papers from a conference held August 2010.
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    La philosophie de Moïse: essai de reconstitution d'un commentaire philosophique préphilonien du Pentateuque.Richard Goulet - 1987 - Vrin.
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  28. Bilimsel Bilginin Sosyolojisi ve Keşif-Gerekçelendirme Ayrımı Üzerine.Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı - 2019 - FLSF (Felsefe Ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi) 1 (28):387-403.
    Bilime ve bilimsel bilgiye yönelik yaygın görüş, bilimin objektif bir faaliyet olduğudur. Bu görüş bilimsel bilginin elde edilmesinde, bilim insanlarının nesnel bir tavır sergilediğini ve onların sosyal faktörlerden etkilenmediğini varsaymaktadır. Yirminci yüzyılın ikinci çeyreğinde, Viyana Çevresi ve Karl Popper'ın düşünceleri ile bilimde sosyolojik ve psikolojik unsurların keşif bağlamı içerisinde görülebileceği, bilimsel kuramların ve araştırmaların gerekçelendirilmesine yönelik girişimlerin ise yalnızca nesnel, epistemik çalışmalardan oluştuğu ileri sürülmektedir. Keşif bağlamı ve gerekçelendirme bağlamı adı altında yapılan bu ayrıma ilişkin iddialar, Thomas Kuhn'un 1962 yılında (...)
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  29. Le cynisme, une philosophie antique.Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé - 2017
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  30. An Analysis of the Demarcation Problem in Philosophy of Science and Its Application to Homeopathy.Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı - 2018 - Flsf 1 (25):91-107.
    This paper presents a preliminary analysis of homeopathy from the perspective of the demarcation problem in the philosophy of science. In this context, Popper, Kuhn and Feyerabend’s solution to the problem will be given respectively and their criteria will be applied to homeopathy, aiming to shed some light on the controversy over its scientific status. It then examines homeopathy under the lens of demarcation criteria to conclude that homeopathy is regarded as science by Feyerabend and is considered as pseudoscience by (...)
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    Jean-Michel Charrue, La philosophie néoplatonicienne de l’éducation : Hypatie, Plotin, Jamblique, Proclus.Mathilde Cambron-Goulet - 2023 - Philosophie Antique 23 (23).
    Alors que l’éducation apparaît comme un thème principal de la pensée néoplatonicienne, et qu’elle a fait l’objet de nombreux articles scientifiques et chapitres de livres, il n’existe que très peu de monographies sur cette question (on songe par exemple à l’ouvrage d’E. Watts, 2006, City and School in Late Antique Athens and Alexandria, University of California Press, qui a déjà une quinzaine d’années). La contribution de Jean-Michel Charrue, parce qu’elle place l’éducation, même disséminée d...
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    A new moral order: studies in development ethics and liberation theology.Denis Goulet - 1974 - Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books.
    "Even those professionally concerned with the problems of development find it distressingly easy to start thinking in terms of graphs and statistics and to stop thinking in terms of people--the hundreds of millions of men, women and children daily beset by poverty, hunger and illiteracy. For Denis Goulet, people remain people, and a primary challenge to those who work for world development must be "to restore the links between economic science and moral philosophy. For the development problem resurrects, in (...)
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  33. Schelling-the formation of consciousness through mythology, or the mythological origins of history.Mc Challiolgillet - 1995 - Archives de Philosophie 58 (1):123-143.
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    Comparison of paired-associate transfer effects between the A-B, C-A and A-B, B-C paradigms.L. R. Goulet & A. Barclay - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (5):537.
  35. Creating Wealth, or Causing Poverty?Denis Goulet - forthcoming - Ethics and the Multinational Enterprise: Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Business Ethics. Lanham, Md: University Press of America, Inc.
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  36. Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques VI de Sabinillus à Tyrsénos.Richard Goulet (ed.) - 2016 - CNRS Éditions.
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  37. Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques V b de Plotina à Rutilius Rufus.Richard Goulet (ed.) - 2012 - CNRS Éditions.
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    Dois tratados plotinianos em Eusébio de Cesaréia.Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé - 2010 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 5:11-28.
    Eusebius of Cesarea, in his Praeparatio Evangelica, quotes a large piece of Plotinus’ writing to which Porphyry, in his edition of the Enneads, gave the title “On the Immortality of Soul”. Surprisingly, the piece quoted by Eusebius is absent from the Porphyrian edition. Some reasons for this absence have been adduced: some scholars think that the text quoted by Eusebius might be a trace of the edition of Plotinus’s writings made by Eustochius; others think that it might come from the (...)
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    Kierkegaard, Aquinas, and the Dilemma of Abraham.Denis A. Goulet - 1957 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 32 (2):165-188.
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    Un nouveau fragment stoïcien chez sévérien de gabala.Richard Goulet - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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    A Study of Nietzsche.Joseph Mc Bride - 1984 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 30:346-347.
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  42. Redemptive suffering.M. Mc Cord Adams, R. Audi & W. Wainwright - 1986 - In Robert Audi & William J. Wainwright (eds.), Rationality, religious belief, and moral commitment: new essays in the philosophy of religion. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
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    (1 other version)A Muted Variation on a Theme of Mendelson.T. G. Mc Laughlin - 1961 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 7 (1-5):57-60.
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  44. Word selection in reading sentences-preceding versus following context.Mc Potter - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):480-480.
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    Aristotle and the Eleatics: Aristotele e gli Eleati.Mc Kirahan Richard - 2023 - Academia – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
    Richard McKirahan untersucht systematisch die aristotelische Diskussion des Denkens von Parmenides, Zeno und Melissus und bringt Licht in die obskureren und komplexeren Passagen. Er ergänzt seine Studie durch eine neuartige "aristotelisierende" Interpretation des Gedichts von Parmenides. Die Texte werden von einem umfassenden Essay der Herausgeber eingeleitet, der die Grundlinien des Bandes definiert und eine Bestandsaufnahme der Studien über die Beziehung zwischen Aristoteles und der Eleaticis vornimmt. Der zweite Teil des Bandes versammelt die Beiträge von neun Wissenschaftlern, die sich an einer (...)
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  46. Sinoplu Filozof Diogenes (Diyojen) ve Etik Anlayışı.Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı - 2018 - Berikan Yayınevi.
    Diogenes of Sinope, bilinen adıyla Diogenes ya da Sinoplu Diyojen’e yönelik yapılan bu çalışmada amacım, Dioegenes’in yaşamının, felsefi duruşunun ve benimsediği etik kuralların kapsamlı ve belgelenmiş bir şekilde sunulmasıdır. Diogenes’in hayatını ve öğretilerini güvenilir bir şekilde aktarmak aşırı derecede zordur, çünkü diğer antik filozoflardan ayrı olarak, onun yaşamına ilişkin güvenilir kaynaklar bulmak oldukça sınırlıdır. Ayrıca, fıçının içinde yaşayan bir Kinikli’ye yönelik ortaya konulmuş birçok kurmaca anekdot ile uğraşılması gerekmektedir. Güvenilir bilginin azlığı ve belgesiz atıfların yarattığı zorluklara rağmen, yine de birçok (...)
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    L'ascèse cynique: un commentaire de Diogène Laërce VI 70-71.Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé - 1986 - Paris: Libr. philosophique J. Vrin. Edited by Diogenes Laertius.
    Le cynisme, en raison peut-etre de son mepris pour la speculation theorique et de la rarete des textes de contenu doctrinal qui en a resulte, reste le parent pauvre de la philosophie antique. Le present ouvrage fut l'un des premiers a lui etre exclusivement consacre. Pour rendre compte d'un passage doxographique, transmis par Diogene Laerce, sur l'ascese selon Diogene le Cynique, il tente de retrouver, a travers l'analyse d'un riche corpus d'anecdotes et de dits diogeniens, l'inspiration fondamentale qui oriente tout (...)
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    The Cynics: The Cynic Movement in Antiquity and its Legacy.R. Bracht Branham & Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé (eds.) - 1996 - University of California Press.
    This collection of essays—the first of its kind in English—brings together the work of an international group of scholars examining the entire tradition associated with the ancient Cynics. The essays give a history of the movement as well as a state-of-the-art account of the literary, philosophical and cultural significance of Cynicism from antiquity to the present. Arguably the most original and influential branch of the Socratic tradition, Cynicism has become the focus of renewed scholarly interest in recent years, thanks to (...)
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  49. Les enjeux éthiques en réadaptation. Un état des lieux de la conceptualisation de notions éthiques.Marie Goulet & Marie-Josée Drolet - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 1 (3):9-21.
    In rehabilitation, there is a growing interest in ethics. That said, few meta-ethical reflections have been conducted to date. Therefore, a review and critical analysis of the use of the concept of “ethical issue” is warranted. To this end, a systematic and critical review of the literature discussing ethical issues in rehabilitation was conducted. This review, based on the method developed by McCullough and colleagues, identified and analyzed 80 articles. Several characteristics and gaps in the conceptualization of the ethical issue (...)
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  50. Thomas Kuhn ve Bilimin Doğası: Fen Eğitimi ve Bilim Felsefesi Açısından Bir İnceleme.Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı - 2022 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 1 (39):30-42.
    Fen eğitimi ve öğretiminin anahtar unsurlarından bir tanesi bilimin doğasının ve özelliklerinin doğru bir şekilde tespit edilmesidir. Bilimin doğasına yönelik tespitler fen eğitimi yöntemlerini birçok açıdan etkilemektedir. Fen eğitimi ve fen öğretimi ile ilgili olan kişiler bilimin doğasının açık bir şekilde öğretilmesi gerektiğini kabul etmektedir. Thomas Kuhn’un bilim tarihi, bilim felsefesi ve bilim sosyolojisi alanlarını içeren incelemeleri neticesinde ileri sürdüğü bilimin yapısına, işleyişine ve doğasına yönelik tezleri (paradigma, olağan bilim, bilimsel devrimler, eşölçülemezlik, bulmaca çözme, kuram seçimi, keşif ve gerekçelendirme ayrımı) (...)
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