Results for 'Melancholy (Philosophy) '

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  1.  47
    Kant on melancholy: philosophy as a relief to the disgust for life.Serena Feloj - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (13):123-132.
    Melancholy occupies a privileged place in the Kantian taxonomy of temperaments since the pre- critical phase, but it is in the Nineties that it reveals its philosophical fecundity. Melancholy becomes, in fact, an interesting notion not so much because of its relationship with Kantian biography, nor because of its presence in the description of psychopathies, but because it lies, unique in this, on the borderline between pathology and sanity. Melancholy thus provides an opportunity to show the topicality (...)
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    Philosophy and Melancholy: Benjamin's Early Reflections on Theater and Language.Ilit Ferber - 2013 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    This book traces the concept of melancholy in Walter Benjamin's early writings. Rather than focusing on the overtly melancholic subject matter of Benjamin's work or the unhappy circumstances of his own fate, Ferber considers the concept's implications for his philosophy. Informed by Heidegger's discussion of moods and their importance for philosophical thought, she contends that a melancholic mood is the organizing principle or structure of Benjamin's early metaphysics and ontology. Her novel analysis of Benjamin's arguments about theater and (...)
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    Abjection and abandonment: melancholy in philosophy and art.Saitya Brata Das (ed.) - 2018 - Delhi, India: Aakar.
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    Saturn and Melancholy: Studies in the History of Natural Philosophy, Religion, and Art.Raymond Klibansky, Erwin Panofsky & Fritz Saxl - 1964 - Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press. Edited by Raymond Klibansky, Erwin Panofsky & Fritz Saxl.
    Saturn and Melancholy remains an iconic text in art history, intellectual history, and the study of culture, despite being long out of print in English. Rooted in the tradition established by Aby Warburg and the Warburg Library, this book has deeply influenced understandings of the interrelations between the humanities disciplines since its first publication in English in 1964. This new edition makes the original English text available for the first time in decades. Saturn and Melancholy offers an unparalleled (...)
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    Philosophical Melancholy and Delirium: Hume's Pathology of Philosophy.Donald W. Livingston - 1998 - University of Chicago Press.
    Here Donald Livingston traces this distinction through all of Hume's writings and reveals its relevance for contemporary discussion.
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    Melancholy and the Therapeutic Language of Moral Philosophy in Seventeenth-Century Thought.Jeremy Schmidt - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (4):583-601.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Melancholy and the Therapeutic Language of Moral Philosophy in Seventeenth-Century ThoughtJeremy SchmidtThe concept of melancholy comprehended a wide range of characteristics and conditions in seventeenth-century European culture, from the brooding introspection of the genius and the scholar to a condition of delirious and delusory madness.1 Its central and most immediately identifiable characteristic, however, was the excessive and unreasonable nature of its symptomologically defining emotions of fear (...)
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    Natural Philosophy between Medicine and Metaphysics: Albert the Great’s System of Sciences and the Case of Melancholy.Evelina Miteva - 2023 - Quaestio 23:86-108.
    The article traces the peculiar position that natural philosophy takes within Albert the Great’s system of sciences. Natural philosophy studies a wide range of topics, both the particular phenomena as well as their causes. Thus natural philosophy occupies a space between medicine on its ‘lower’ end, and metaphysics on its ‘higher’ end. In the first part of the article I study the complex relation between natural philosophy and medicine. In the second part I determine Albert’s position (...)
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  8. Melancholy leibniz's monad: melancholy and harmony / I. Ferber ; Perhaps truth is a woman: on shame and philosophy / D. Strassberg ; Philosophy's nostalgia.J. Malpas - 2011 - In Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber (eds.), Philosophy's moods: the affective grounds of thinking. New York: Springer.
  9. Philosophical Melancholy and Delirium: Hume's Pathology of Philosophy.Marina Frasca-Spada - 2001 - Mind 110 (439):783-789.
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    Philosophy and Melancholy: Benjamin on Language and Truth. [REVIEW]Saitya Brata Das - 2014 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 6 (1):90-98.
    This essay attempts to discuss the relation of mood to philosophy in the context of Benjamin's early thought. Reviewing Ilit Ferber's Melancholy and Philosophy: Benjamin's Early Reflections on Theatre and Language, I try to show that melancholy, far from merely a psychological-solipsistic-pathological condition as it is generally understood today, is rather to be understood as philosophical attunement and which as such is inseparably connected with profound ethico-political questions concerning responsibility and justice, with work and play and (...)
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    Melancholy and the Care of the Soul: Religion, Moral Philosophy and Madness in Early Modern England, The History of Medicine in Context.Mary Ann Lund - 2009 - Intellectual History Review 19 (1):149-151.
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    The Nature of Melancholy: From Aristotle to Kristeva.Jennifer Radden (ed.) - 2002 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Spanning 24 centuries, this anthology collects over thirty selections of important Western writing about melancholy and its related conditions by philosophers, doctors, religious and literary figures, and modern psychologists. Truly interdisciplinary, it is the first such anthology. As it traces Western attitudes, it reveals a conversation across centuries and continents as the authors interpret, respond, and build on each other's work. Editor Jennifer Radden provides an extensive, in-depth introduction that draws links and parallels between the selections, and reveals the (...)
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  13. Die Melancholie, der Geist des Kapitalismus und die Depression.Marco Solinas - 2010 - Freie Assoziation 13 (4):79-99.
    The essay aims to analyse the gradual historical process of the partial overlap, replacement and expansion of the theoretical paradigm of depression with respect to that of melancholy. The first part is devoted to analysing some of the central features of the multivalent thematizations of melancholy drawn up during modernity, also with relation to the spirit of capitalism (in its Weberian acceptation). This is followed by an overview of the birth of the modern category of depression, and the (...)
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    Melancholy and the Otherness of God: A Study in the Genealogy, Hermeneutics, and Therapeutics of Depression.Alina N. Feld - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    This probing study of melancholy invites readers to view "depression" genealogically through the history of its interpretation. It plumbs interior depths where psychology, theology, philosophy, and literary creation intersect. Therapies proposed for the dark mood have included work, prayer, care of the self, and deepening awareness of its indispensable role in the development of consciousness of oneself and God. Reflecting on these historical responses and cures can prompt a personal exploration, making this a practical manual for self-knowing and (...)
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    Double melancholy: art, beauty, and the making of a brown queer man.C. E. Gatchalian - 2019 - Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press.
    According to Didier Eribon, melancholy is where it all starts and where it also ends: the lifelong process of mourning that each homosexual experiences, and through which they construct their own identity. In this beguiling book, an introverted, anxious, ambitious, artistically gifted queer Filipino-Canadian boy finds solace, inspiration, and a "syllabus for living" in art--works of literature and music, from the children's literary classic Anne of Green Gables to the music of Maria Callas. But their contribution to his intellectual, (...)
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    Shame, Depression, and Social Melancholy.Kelly Oliver - 2020 - Sophia 59 (1):31-38.
    The pathologization of women’s depression covers over the social and institutional causes of that symptomology. Insofar as patriarchal values continue to devalue and debase women and mothers in ways that colonize psychic space, and depression becomes a cover for what I call ‘social melancholy.’ This is not the melancholy of traditional psychoanalysis, but a form of melancholy that results from oppression, domination, and the colonization of psychic space. Social melancholy differs from both Freud’s notion of (...) in that it is the result of social factors that constitute the depressed subject as ashamed and lacking agency. Crucial to my analysis is a distinction between shame and guilt missing from traditional psychoanalytic accounts of melancholy and depression. (shrink)
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    Melancholy and the Care of the Soul: Religion, Moral Philosophy and Madness in Early Modern England. By Jeremy Schmidt. [REVIEW]Guido Giglioni - 2008 - Heythrop Journal 49 (6):1078-1079.
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    Rainer Jehl, Melancholie und Acedia: Ein Beitrag zu Anthropologie und Ethik Bonaventuras. (Veröffentlichungen des Grabmann-Instituts zur Erforschung der mittelalterlichen Theologie und Philosophie, n.s. 32.) Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, for Münchener Universitäts-Schriften, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultat, 1984. Paper. Pp. xxxix, 323. DM 88. [REVIEW]Thomas Reist - 1986 - Speculum 61 (4):1026-1027.
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    " A Melancholy Instance of Complicated Misery": Ireland and Irish National Identity in Eighteenth Century English Travel Writing.Padhraig Higgins - 1995 - American Journal of Semiotics 12 (1-4):403-424.
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    Melancholie und Ethik: eine philosophisch-theologische Auseinandersetzung mit den Grenzen sittlichen Subjektseins im 20. Jahrhundert.Klaus Arntz - 2003 - Regensburg: Pustet.
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    Jeremy Schmidt. Melancholy and the Care of the Soul: Religion, Moral Philosophy, and Madness in Early Modern England. vi + 217 pp., bibl., index. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. $99.95. [REVIEW]William Clark - 2008 - Isis 99 (3):626-627.
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  22. Situating Melancholy in Kierkegaard's "The Concept of Anxiety".Hannah Venable - 2014 - Philosophy and Theology 26 (1):39-64.
    In this article, I draw on Kierkegaard’s often over-looked work, The Concept of Anxiety, to gain deeper insight into the tenor of melancholy. We discover that Kierkegaard labels anxiety, due to its connection to hereditary sin, as the source for melancholy. Thus, contrary to the usual interpretation of Kierkegaard, I argue that melancholy is more than an individual’s struggle with existence, but is intimately tied to the historical environment, because it is steeped in an ever-increasing, ever-deepening anxiety. (...)
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    The Melancholy Assemblage: Affect and Epistemology in the English Renaissance.Drew Daniel - 2013 - Fordham University Press.
    Placing readings of early modern painting and literature in conversation with psychoanalytic theory and assemblage theory, this book argues that, far from isolating its sufferers, melancholy brings people together.
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    Spinoza on Melancholy and Cheerfulness.Christopher Thomas - 2022 - Dialogue 61 (1):161-176.
    RésuméLa philosophie de Spinoza est souvent célébrée pour son fort courant anti-normatif. Spinoza soutient, par exemple, que le bien et le mal n'indiquent rien de positif dans les choses, et que les affects sont toujours particuliers à la situation dans laquelle ils surviennent. Et pourtant, Spinoza soutient que la mélancolie est « toujours mauvaise » et la gaieté « toujours bonne », problématisant ainsi un principe métaphysique clé de son système. Prêtant attention à certaines sections de l’Éthique et du Traité (...)
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    Melancholy and happiness.Steven R. Smith - 2014 - South African Journal of Philosophy 33 (4):447-458.
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    Philosophische Bewusstseinsformen in George Eliots Middlemarch: Ironie, Melancholie, Sympathie.Günter Bachmann - 2000 - New York: Beiträge zur anglo-amerikanischen Literatur.
    Diese Arbeit wählt eine postmoderne Paradigmenanalyse als methodischen Ansatz. Der reflexive Gehalt von Middlemarch wird auf dem Weg theoretischer Pluralität und Differenz ermittelt. Die genuin philosophische Dekonstruktion macht die unauflösbare Spannung eines Textes deutlich, die sich als Widerspruch zwischen dynamischen (Hegel) und statischen Denkmodellen (Schopenhauer) paradigmatisch beschreiben läßt. Abgesichert durch zahlreiche textimmanente Befunde gelangt diese Begriffsklärung schließlich zu einer präzisen Erfassung der Eliotschen Ironie, Melancholie und Sympathie in Middlemarch. In Gestalt prägnanter philosophischer Bewußtseinsformen werden sie als ästhetische Vermittlung reflexiven Erzählens (...)
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    The Black Stone of Melancholy.Anna Wolińska - 2018 - Dialogue and Universalism 28 (1):195-203.
    The subject of my analyses is the concept of melancholy developed by Alicja Kuczyńska. I am interested in the connection between the creative aspect of melancholy—understood as a certain kind of philosophical attitude—and the concept of a whole. Taking a whole to be an “ideal model in the evaluation of the world and of things” gives us an insight into the meaning of being provided by the philosophical attitude of melancholy. Kuczyńska believes the application of this model (...)
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    Against Melancholy Madness: The Duty of Artists.Baudouin de Guillebon - 2024 - Human Affairs 34 (4):484-493.
    In this paper I explain what the duty of artists could be according to the philosopher R.G. Collingwood. My aim is not only to focus on Collingwood’s writings on the philosophy of art, but to show the parallel between the concepts used in his aesthetics and his ethics. In fact, the major role of “emotion” in both his art and moral theory gives me the occasion to develop an understanding of artists’ tasks within their communities. Moreover, it provides an (...)
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  29. Melancholy, Anxious, and Ek-static Selves: Feminism between Eros and Thanatos.Hasana Sharp - 2007 - Symposium 11 (2):315-331.
    In examining Judith Butler's treatment of Spinoza insofar as it reflects the tenacity of a commitment to the need to "honor the death drive," a need often justified by the ethical and political resources it provides, this essay asks about the basis of this need for feminist theory. From whence does it come? What ethical and political work does a primary vigilance toward our destructive and death-bent urges do? Thus, I begin with a review of Butler's treatment of Spinoza, and (...)
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    Melancholy, Irony, and Kierkegaard.Abrahim Khan - 1985 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (1/2):67 - 85.
  31. Pornography and Melancholy.Hans Maes - forthcoming - Apa Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy.
    Section 1 proposes a new philosophical account of melancholy. Section 2 examines the reasons why one might think that pornography and melancholy are incompatible. Section 3 discusses some successful examples of melancholic pornography and makes the case that feminist pornographers are particularly well-placed to produce such material.
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    Melancholy as Disease: Learning about Depression as Disease from Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy.Jennifer Radden - 2018 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 25 (4):225-234.
    Psychiatry has a habit of ignoring its past, which is understandable but, in some instances, a mistake. It is my contention that some of the lacunae about mood disorder in today's psychiatric understanding and treatment may be illuminated by the medical lore captured in Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy (1621). The implications of the present analysis for network based accounts of depression seem to encourage a reconsideration of therapeutic and remedial principles based on those found in Burton's work.
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    ‘Chatter’: Language and History in Kierkegaard, by Peter Fenves Melancholy and the Critique of Modernity: Søren Kierkegaard's Religious Psychology, by Harvie Ferguson Kierkegaard as Religious Thinker, by David J. Gouwens In Search of Authenticity: From Kierkegaard to Camus, by Jacob Golomb Kierkegaard and Modern Continental Philosophy: An Introduction, by Michael Weston.Joanna Hodge - 1998 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 29 (1):102-105.
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    A melancholy science? On Bergson's appreciation of Lucretius.Keith Ansell-Pearson - 2015 - Pli 27:83.
    Some significant receptions of Epicurean philosophy take place in nineteenth century European thought. For Marx, writing in the 1840s, and in defiance of Hegel’s negative assessment, Epicurus is the ‘greatest representative of the Greek enlightenment’,1 whilst for Jean-Marie Guyau, writing in the 1870s, Epicurus is the original free spirit, ‘Still today it is the spirit of old Epicurus who, combined with new doctrines, works away at and undermines Christianity.’ 2 For Nietzsche, Epicurus is one of the greatest human beings (...)
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  35.  77
    The Melancholy of the Philosopher: Hume and Spinoza on Emotions and Wisdom.Willem Lemmens - 2005 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 3 (1):47-65.
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    A melancholy skeptic.Lívia Guimarães - 2003 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 44 (108):180-190.
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    Echoing Sentiments: Art and Melancholy in the Work of Pleshette DeArmitt.Michael Naas - 2015 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 23 (2):76-83.
    During those first few days, those first few weeks, truth be told, still today, something in me has wanted simply to echo the sentiments of others. That’s because I myself didn’t know exactly what to say and, truth be told, I still don’t know today. But it’s also because others, including and especially some of the people here today, beginning with my co-panelists and, perhaps especially, early on, Leigh Johnson, knew at the time just what had to be said and (...)
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  38. Melancholy Whiteness.Kate Manne - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 96 (1):233-242.
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    Saturn and Melancholy: Studies in the History of Natural Philosophy, Religion and Art. [REVIEW]E. D. Phillips - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (2):239-240.
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    Quiet desperation, secret melancholy: polemos and passion in citizenship education.Naoko Saito - 2011 - Ethics and Education 6 (1):3 - 14.
    Contemporary scenes of democracy and education exemplify a real scepticism about the point of political participation, and by implication about one's place in society in relation to others. What is called for is a recovery of desire per se ? of people's desire to say what they want to say and their desire to participate in the creation of the public. In response, this article examines Stanley Cavell's ordinary language philosophy. The way he reconstructs philosophy from the perspective (...)
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    Kierkegaard, the melancholy Dane.Harold Victor Martin - 1950 - London,: Epworth Press.
    “Kierkegaard is not a writer who can be safely ignored. Whether in philosophy or in theology, he is a force to be reckoned with, and a figure whose influence is becoming increasingly far-reaching and formative in modern thought.His writings are voluminous and often difficult. There is a bewildering variety of material which can only be grasped through the study of his life. This book seeks to give an appreciative account of his life and writings, with an estimate of the (...)
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  42. Moody Minds Distempered: Essays on Melancholy and Depression.Jennifer Radden (ed.) - 2009 - Oup Usa.
    In Moody Minds Distempered philosopher Jennifer Radden assembles several decades of her research on melancholy and depression. The chapters are ordered into three categories: those about intellectual and medical history of melancholy and depression; those that emphasize aspects of the moral, psychological and medical features of these concepts; and finally, those that explore the sad and apprehensive mood states long associated with melancholy and depressive subjectivity. A newly written introduction maps the conceptual landscape, and draws out the (...)
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  43. Is This Dame Melancholy?: Equating Today's Depression and Past Melancholia.Jennifer Radden - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (1):37-52.
    The theoretical implications of equating the melancholic states of past eras with today's depression are explored. These include the presuppositions of the descriptive psychiatry so influential in twentieth century classification, which attempts to identify and describe mental disorders without reference to underlying causes. It also includes claims made about different forms of masked, and non-Western depression, and the new "drug cartography" assigning psychiatric categories based on psychopharmacological effect. An evaluation of the relative merits of descriptivist and causal ontologies, together with (...)
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  44.  36
    Merleau-Ponty’s Melancholy.Shannon Hayes - 2019 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (1):201-219.
    I offer a re-evaluation of Freudian melancholy by reading it in-conjunction with Merleau-Ponty’s analysis of phantom limbs and Marcel Proust’s involuntary memories. As an affective response to loss, melancholy bears a strange, belated temporality (Nachträglichkeit). Through Merleau-Ponty’s analysis of the phantom limb, I emphasize that the melancholic subject remains affectively bound to a past world. While this can be read as problematic insofar as the subject is attuned to both the possibilities that belong to the present and the (...)
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    Saturn and Melancholy. Studies in the History of Natural Philosophy, Religion, and Art. [REVIEW]W. J. Verdenius - 1970 - Mnemosyne 23 (1):100-100.
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    The Experience of Modernity. Shock and Melancholy in Walter Benjamin.Natalia Taccetta - 2019 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (15):107-133.
    If modernity involves a view through which it is possible to read the uninterrupted historical continuity of social utopia and the harmony of class and the progress of the 19th century, it is fundamental to explore what is the other face of this fantasy of progress that places the individual in modernity in a situation of depression and debt, inasmuch as those promises are never fully fulfilled. Walter Benjamin builds his idea of history rethinking this legacy. He imagines the way (...)
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  47. Ratmond Klibansky - Erwin Panofsky - Fritz Saxl, "saturn and melancholy. Studies in the history of natural philosophy, religion and art". [REVIEW]Pfeiffer Pfeiffer - 1966 - Theologie Und Philosophie 41 (2):284.
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    Melancholie und Studium: Zum Begriff ›Arbeitsaelikeit‹, seinen Vorläufern und seinem Weiterleben in Medizin und Literatur.C. Stephen Jaeger - 1992 - In Literatur, Artes Und Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 117-140.
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    Francesco Sticchi (2019) Melancholy Emotion in Contemporary Cinema: A Spinozian Analysis of Film Experience.Claudio Celis Bueno - 2021 - Film-Philosophy 25 (1):70-73.
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    Philosophical Melancholy and Delirium. [REVIEW]Antony Flew - 1999 - International Philosophical Quarterly 39 (3):359-360.
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