Results for 'Melisa Maida'

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  1.  2
    Accordion Books of Belonging: Self-representing Narratives of Seeking Sanctuary Through Participatory Photography (Creative Intervention).Melisa Maida - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (4):856-872.
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    Intensional Concepts in Propositional Semantic Networks.Anthony S. Maida & Stuart C. Shapiro - 1982 - Cognitive Science 6 (4):291-330.
    An integrated statement is made concerning the semantic status of nodes in a propositional semantic network, claiming that such nodes represent only intensions. Within the network, the only reference to extensionality is via a mechanism to assert that two intensions have the same extension in same world. This framework is employed in three application problems to illustrate the nature of its solutions.The formalism used here utilizes only assertional information and no structural, or definitional, information. This restriction corresponds to many of (...)
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    Maintaining mental models of agents who have existential misconceptions.Anthony S. Maida - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 50 (3):331-383.
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    The High and Low Distinction in Linguistics Applied to Dialect Conservation.Sara Maida-Nicol - 2010 - Semiotics:182-189.
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    Broken data: Conceptualising data in an emerging world.Melisa Duque, Robert Willim, Minna Ruckenstein & Sarah Pink - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (1).
    In this article, we introduce and demonstrate the concept-metaphor of broken data. In doing so, we advance critical discussions of digital data by accounting for how data might be in processes of decay, making, repair, re-making and growth, which are inextricable from the ongoing forms of creativity that stem from everyday contingencies and improvisatory human activity. We build and demonstrate our argument through three examples drawn from mundane everyday activity: the incompleteness, inaccuracy and dispersed nature of personal self-tracking data; the (...)
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    Establishing joint decisions in a dyad.Melisa Stevanovic - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (6):779-803.
    This study analyses joint decisions. Drawing on video-recorded planning meetings in a workplace context as data, and on conversation analysis as a method, I investigate what is needed for a proposal to get turned into a joint decision: How do people negotiate the outcome of the decision-making processes in terms of whether they indeed comprise new decisions and whether these decisions are really joint ones? This study identifies three essential components in arriving at joint decisions, and discusses two other possible (...)
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  7. Numbers as properties.Melisa Vivanco - 2023 - Synthese 202 (4):1-23.
    Although number sentences are ostensibly simple, familiar, and applicable, the justification for our arithmetical beliefs has been considered mysterious by the philosophical tradition. In this paper, I argue that such a mystery is due to a preconception of two realities, one mathematical and one nonmathematical, which are alien to each other. My proposal shows that the theory of numbers as properties entails a homogeneous domain in which arithmetical and nonmathematical truth occur. As a result, the possibility of arithmetical knowledge is (...)
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    Deontic authority and the maintenance of lay and expert identities during joint decision making: Balancing resistance and compliance.Melisa Stevanovic - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (5):670-689.
    Expertise is commonly viewed as a professionalized competence in a specific field. Expert professional identities are produced and reproduced through professional training and other socialization mechanisms, which work to generate for a specific group of individuals a specific set of expert skills and knowledge. In this paper, I examine participants’ orientations to their distinct expert professional identities from the perspective of deontic authority. Drawing on 15 video-recorded church workplace meetings between pastors and cantors as data, and conversation analysis as a (...)
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    Experience sharing, emotional reciprocity, and turn-taking.Melisa Stevanovic & Anssi Peräkylä - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Frequencies.Melisa Ertuğrul - 2022 - Feminist Review 130 (1):108-108.
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    Infinite Practices, One Mathematics: Challenging Mathematical Pluralism.Melisa Vivanco - 2025 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 56 (1):1-11.
    Theories about the foundations of mathematics often encounter a problem similar to the traditional demarcation problem in science. In this context, it is pertinent to examine the first candidate for the identifying property of mathematical pluralism: reduction within a structure. As I argue here, this notion is insufficient for a coherent definition of structure within the plurality. In the end, demarcating a plurality of mathematics can be as problematic as demarcating a unitary mathematics. -/- .
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    Términos cancelativos: Cómo cancelar el debate ideológico con palabras.Melisa Vivanco - 2022 - In Aurora Georgina Bustos Arellano & Mayra Jocelín Martínez Martínez (eds.), Las filósofas que nos formaron: Injusticia, retos y posibilidades en la Filosofía. pp. 102-118.
    Este es un libro que nace de nuestro compromiso por señalar las contribuciones de las filósofas a partir de la pregunta vital: ¿Quiénes nos formaron? Como resultado, se presenta este diálogo a doce voces; reunidas para dialogar, desde distintos lugares en América Latina, sobre nuestra formación teórica, profesional y humana desde una plataforma equitativa y franca. Concebido, en medio de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2, queremos construir un espacio abierto a nuevas ideas, propuestas e identidades en la Filosofía. Más aún, queremos (...)
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    Working memory impairment in relation to the severity of anxiety symptoms.Delila Lisica, Maida Koso-Drljević, Birgit Stürmer, Amela Džubur & Christian Valt - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (6):1093-1108.
    A working memory (WM) deficit is a reliable observation in people experiencing anxiety. Whether the level of anxiety is related to the severity of WM difficulties is still an open question. In the present experiment, we investigated this aspect by testing the WM performance of people with different levels of anxiety symptoms. Participants were grouped according to self-report anxiety into a control group with low anxiety scores and an experimental group with clinically relevant anxiety. The experimental group was then divided (...)
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  14. La lógica y sus aplicaciones: ¿platonismo o no-platonismo?Melisa Vivanco & Otávio Bueno - 2019 - Andamios Revista de Investigación Social 41 (16):19 - 41.
    In this paper, we examine two conceptions of the application of logic and assess their comparative merits. The first is a platonist monist conception that characterizes the logical consequence relation as an abstract relation among propositions. We argue that this proposal, which insists on logic’s topic neutrality, accommodates very well the objectivity of logic. From this perspective, there are no constraints on particular topics. As a result, we have the universality that allows us to go through a wide scope of (...)
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  15. Números naturales: distintas metodologías que convergen en el análisis de su naturaleza y de cómo los entendemos.Melisa Vivanco - 2020 - Critica 51 (153).
    José Ferreirós y Abel Lasalle Casanave, El árbol de los números: cognición, lógica y práctica matemática, Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, 2015, 256 pp.
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    Neither Matter Nor Spirit: The Ambivalent Substance of Digital Legal Personhood and Its Theological Antecedents.Melisa Liana Vazquez - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (4):1223-1258.
    The so-called ‘Right to Be Forgotten’ cases have been provoked by people’s desires to make their own determinations about what personal information is accessible online to others (and when, and how) in a world of data permanence. Legally at stake is how personhood is defined and defended. Thus far, European law has primarily concerned itself with the delisting of ‘data subjects’ from search results and the deletion or anonymization of personal information from and by search engine operators. As a result, (...)
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    Sexual consent as an interactional achievement: Overcoming ambiguities and social vulnerabilities in the initiations of sexual activities.Melisa Stevanovic & Simon Magnusson - 2023 - Discourse Studies 25 (1):68-88.
    Sexual consent is advocated around the world to reduce sexual assault. The widespread affirmative consent model emphasizes a need for unambiguous consent. In this paper, we contribute to a deeper understanding of how ambiguities in the initiations of sexual activities are routinely solved to achieve consent. Drawing on conversation analytic research on joint decision-making, and a dataset of 80 cases of sexual initiation in contemporary TV-series and movies, we investigate the interactional practices by which sexual activities are presented as consensual (...)
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    Cultural differences between Bosnian-Australians and Anglo-Australians and responses to the self-bias effect and personal ownership.Melisa Redzepagic & Heather Winskel - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    El amor destructor de la interdicción: una propuesta de análisis de la autotraducción en la poesía mapuche desde el giro afectivo.Melisa Stocco - 2019 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 47:63-73.
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    The destructive love of interdict: an analytical approach to self-translation in Mapuche poetry from the affective turn.Melisa Stocco - 2018 - Alpha (Osorno) 47:63-73.
    Resumen Este trabajo intenta esbozar ciertas reflexiones en torno al papel de los afectos en la práctica de la autotraducción en la poesía mapuches. Vemos en el “giro afectivo” una posibilidad de comprender la producción literaria bilingüe de autores mapuches como un proyecto ético de reapropiación lingüística y de transgresión de límites culturales originado en afectos de “pulsión genealógica” que ponen en cuestión la autoridad de la lengua del colonizador, a la vez que resultan en la generación de los llamados (...)
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    Spatializing food: Signs, spaces, and the legal (dis-)composition of what we eat.Melisa Vazquez - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (227):1-17.
    What does it mean to spatialize food? Why combine such an analysis with law, or with signs and spaces? Leveraging Peircean-inspired legal semiotic theory, the spatialized nature of food will serve as a porthole through which a semiotic view of the spatial dimensions of legal experience can be discerned and elaborated. Specifically, case studies of the simultaneously material and immaterial aspects of food will support an analysis that seeks to open avenues of conceptualization regarding categories. The semiotic nature of both (...)
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  22. Bridges From Theory to Practice: Ethics, Technology and Society.Melisa Vivanco - 2024 - Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
    This book serves as a comprehensive guide for students across various disciplines, aiming to bridge the gap between science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), and liberal arts. It has a dual purpose: firstly, to provide STEM students with essential philosophical knowledge to navigate ethical and social dilemmas related to technology, and secondly, to introduce liberal arts students to the formal structures underpinning technological advancement. Divided into three parts, the book offers a structured approach to understanding the intersection of technology, ethics, and (...)
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    Reduction of anxiety symptoms during systemic family therapy results in a concurrent improvement of cognitive performance: a study on people with high anxiety.Delila Lisica, Maida Koso-Drljević, Birgit Stürmer & Christian Valt - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (2):245-255.
    Difficulties in various cognitive functions are common observations in people experiencing anxiety. However, limited research has investigated the effects of psychotherapy on abnormal cognitive functioning. This study assessed whether psychotherapy-related reductions of anxiety result in improvements of cognitive functioning as well. Fifty-four participants with high self-reported anxiety, divided into two experimental groups (N = 28 and N = 26), and 27 non-anxious control participants (N = 27) completed a battery of memory tasks and anxiety questionnaires in three consecutive time points. (...)
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  24. Lectura y espiritualidad: la experiencia de la pandemia.Vanina Papalini & Melisa Maina - 2024 - Perseitas 12:425-450.
    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la práctica de la lectura durante la pandemia del COVID-19, profundizando en sus sentidos para la población de Córdoba, una gran urbe de Argentina. Bajo la premisa de que la lectura es una práctica cultural de trabajo subjetivo, establecemos su relación con la espiritualidad. Construimos el objeto de estudio a partir de un desarrollo conceptual propio y distintos tipos de referencias empíricas: revisamos las recomendaciones de la OMS durante la pandemia, analizamos los resultados (...)
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  25. Actividades extraterritoriales represivas de la Armada Argentina durante la última dictadura civil-militar de Seguridad Nacional (1976-1983). [REVIEW]Melisa Slatman - 2012 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 3 (5):11 - 19.
  26. Lógica, lenguajes formales y modalidad.Otávio Bueno & Melisa Vivanco - 2023 - Andamios 20 (53):45-60.
    This paper examines two alleged limitations in the use of formal languages: on the one hand, the trade-offs between expressive and inferential power, and on the other, the phenomenon of system imprisonment. After reconceptualizing the issue, we consider the role played by modality in the understanding of certain aspects of mathematical structures and argue for its centrality.
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  27. The effect of action on perceptual feature binding.Inci Ayhan, Melisa Kurtcan & Lucas Thorpe - 2020 - Vision Research 177:97-108.
    Color-motion asynchrony (CMA) refers to an apparent lag of direction of motion when a dynamic stimulus changes both color and direction at the same time. The subjective order of simultaneous events, however, is not only perceptual but also subject to illusions during voluntary actions. Self-initiated actions, for example, seem to precede their sensory outcomes following an adaptation to a delay between the action and the sensory feedback. Here, we demonstrate that the extent of the apparent asynchrony can be substantially reduced (...)
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    Dealing with treatment and transfer requests: how PGD-professionals discuss ethical challenges arising in everyday practice.Melisa Soto-Lafontaine, Wybo Dondorp, Veerle Provoost & Guido de Wert - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (3):375-386.
    How do professionals working in pre-implantation genetic diagnosis reflect upon their decision making with regard to ethical challenges arising in everyday practice? Two focus group discussions were held with staff of reproductive genetic clinics: one in Utrecht with PGD-professionals from Dutch PGD-centres and one in Prague with PGD-professionals working in centres in different European countries. Both meetings consisted of two parts, exploring participants’ views regarding treatment requests for conditions that may not fulfill traditional indications criteria for PGD, and treatment and (...)
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    The treatment of psychopathy: clinical nihilism or steps in the right direction?James Rp Ogloff & Melisa Wood - 2010 - In Luca Malatesti & John McMillan (eds.), Responsibility and psychopathy. Oxford University Press.
  30. Resisting Non-causal Explanations.Otávio Bueno & Melisa Vivanco - 2019 - Analysis 79 (3):550-559.
  31. Arts-based research : histories and new directions.Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor - 2008 - In Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor & Richard Siegesmund (eds.), Arts-based research in education: foundations for practice. New York: Routledge.
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    (1 other version)Arts-based research in education: foundations for practice.Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor & Richard Siegesmund (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    This text introduces readers to definitions and examples of arts-based educational research, presents tensions and questions in the field, and provides exercises for practice. It weaves together critical essays about arts-based research in the literary, visual, and performing arts with examples of artistic products of arts-based research (arts for scholarship's sake) that illuminate by example. Each artistic example is accompanied by a scholARTist's statement that includes reflection on how the work of art relates to the scholar's research interests and practices. (...)
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    Challenges of trust in atypical interaction.Camilla Lindholm & Melisa Stevanovic - 2022 - Pragmatics and Society 13 (1):107-125.
    All effective communication is based on the participants trusting that they share their basic orientations to the world – that is, they have a common ground. In this paper, however, we examine situations in which such trust is lacking. Drawing on conversation–analytic methodology and on 30 hours of video data featuring persons with dementia and their caregivers in a Swedish-language daycare center in Finland, we consider some of the social consequences resulting from a lack of trust. Our analysis focused on (...)
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    Entendiendo el sistema financiero. Importancia de la educación financiera para la población migrante en Estados Unidos.Ana Melisa Pardo Montaño - forthcoming - Voces de la Educación:15-38.
    A pesar de que se ha prestado atención a las remesas, la migración mexicana a los Estados Unidos plantea desafíos económicos que raramente se han explorado en profundidad. En este contexto, la educación financiera ha emergido como un enfoque relevante para capacitar a la población migrante sobre sus derechos económicos. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las estrategias adoptadas por las ONGs de apoyo a migrantes en EE.UU. para abordar la brecha de información financiera entre la población migrante. Se (...)
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  35. The tensions of arts-based research in education reconsidered : the promise for practice.Richard Siegesmund & Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor - 2008 - In Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor & Richard Siegesmund (eds.), Arts-based research in education: foundations for practice. New York: Routledge.
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    Past, Present, and Future Research on Teacher Induction: An Anthology for Researchers, Policy Makers, and Practitioners.Betty Achinstein, Krista Adams, Steven Z. Athanases, EunJin Bang, Martha Bleeker, Cynthia L. Carver, Yu-Ming Cheng, Renée T. Clift, Nancy Clouse, Kristen A. Corbell, Sarah Dolfin, Sharon Feiman-Nemser, Maida Finch, Jonah Firestone, Steven Glazerman, MariaAssunção Flores, Susan Hanson, Lara Hebert, Richard Holdgreve-Resendez, Erin T. Horne, Leslie Huling, Eric Isenberg, Amy Johnson, Richard Lange, Julie A. Luft, Pearl Mack, Julia Moore, Jennifer Neakrase, Lynn W. Paine, Edward G. Pultorak, Hong Qian, Alan J. Reiman, Virginia Resta, John R. Schwille, Sharon A. Schwille, Thomas M. Smith, Randi Stanulis, Michael Strong, Dina Walker-DeVose, Ann L. Wood & Peter Youngs - 2010 - R&L Education.
    This book's importance is derived from three sources: careful conceptualization of teacher induction from historical, methodological, and international perspectives; systematic reviews of research literature relevant to various aspects of teacher induction including its social, cultural, and political contexts, program components and forms, and the range of its effects; substantial empirical studies on the important issues of teacher induction with different kinds of methodologies that exemplify future directions and approaches to the research in teacher induction.
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    Filosofia da Biologia.Jerzy André Brzozowski & Máida Ariane De Mélo - 2013 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 25 (36):361.
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    Towards psychological herd immunity: Cross-cultural evidence for two prebunking interventions against COVID-19 misinformation.Sander van der Linden, William P. McClanahan, Fatih Uenal, Manon Berriche, Jon Roozenbeek & Melisa Basol - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    Misinformation about the novel coronavirus is a pressing societal challenge. Across two studies, one preregistered, we assess the efficacy of two ‘prebunking’ interventions aimed at improving people’s ability to spot manipulation techniques commonly used in COVID-19 misinformation across three different languages. We find that Go Viral!, a novel five-minute browser game, increases the perceived manipulativeness of misinformation about COVID-19, improves people’s attitudinal certainty in their ability to spot misinformation and reduces self-reported willingness to share misinformation with others. The first two (...)
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    Una vocación indicial: experticia policial en los modos de investigar, informar y vigilar en la Provincia de Buenos Aires y el Territorio Nacional de Río Negro (1930-1943). [REVIEW]Pedro Berardi & Melisa Fernández Marrón - 2021 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 11 (22):e085.
    Las secciones y divisiones dedicadas a la inteligencia y seguimiento político y social son centrales en la historia de las policías argentinas. La historiografía reciente ha destacado la complejidad de interpretar las políticas estatales de seguridad y sus transformaciones en el tiempo como producto de un proceso de larga duración. Este artículo examina las modalidades y prácticas de investigación desarrolladas por las policías del Territorio Nacional de Río Negro y de la Provincia de Buenos Aires entre 1930 y 1943. Un (...)
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    Similarity notions in bipolar abstract argumentation.Paola Daniela Budán, Melisa Gisselle Escañuela Gonzalez, Maximiliano Celmo David Budán, Maria Vanina Martinez & Guillermo Ricardo Simari - 2020 - Argument and Computation 11 (1-2):103-149.
    Abstract. The notion of similarity has been studied in many areas of Computer Science; in a general sense, this concept is defined to provide a measure of the semantic equivalence between two pieces of knowledge, expressing how “close” their meaning can be regarded. In this work, we study similarity as a tool useful to improve the representation of arguments, the interpretation of the relations between arguments, and the semantic evaluation associated with the arguments in the argumentative process. In this direction, (...)
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  41. Autobiographical memory and autonoetic consciousness in a case of semantic dementia.Pascale Piolino, Serge Belliard, Béatrice Desgranges, Mélisa Perron & Francis Eustache - 2003 - Cognitive Neuropsychology 20 (7):619-639.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Valerie L. Shalin, Wray L. Buntine, S. Gillian Parker, James Higginbotham, Afzal Ballim, Anthony S. Maida, Charles R. Fletcher, David L. Kemerer, Lawrence A. Shapiro, Richard Wyatt, Deepak Kumar, Selmer Bringsjord & Bill Patterson - 1995 - Minds and Machines 5 (2):257-307.
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    Strength in coalitions: Community detection through argument similarity.Paola Daniela Budán, Melisa Gisselle Escañuela Gonzalez, Maximiliano Celmo David Budán, Maria Vanina Martinez & Guillermo Ricardo Simari - 2023 - Argument and Computation 14 (3):275-325.
    We present a novel argumentation-based method for finding and analyzing communities in social media on the Web, where a community is regarded as a set of supported opinions that might be in conflict. Based on their stance, we identify argumentative coalitions to define them; then, we apply a similarity-based evaluation method over the set of arguments in the coalition to determine the level of cohesion inherent to each community, classifying them appropriately. Introducing conflict points and attacks between coalitions based on (...)
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    Impact of COVID-19 lockdown in a biomedical research campus: A gender perspective analysis.Nuria Izquierdo-Useros, Miguel Angel Marin Lopez, Marta Monguió-Tortajada, Jose A. Muñoz-Moreno, Cristina Agusti Benito, Sara Morón-López, Harvey Evans, Melisa Gualdrón-López, Jörg Müller & Julia G. Prado - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    From March to September 2020, researchers working at a biomedical scientific campus in Spain faced two lockdowns and various mobility restrictions that affected their social and professional lifestyles. The working group “Women in Science,” which acts as an independent observatory of scientific gender inequalities on campus launched an online survey to assess the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on scientific activity, domestic and caregiving tasks, and psychological status. The survey revealed differences in scientific performance by gender: while male researchers participated in (...)
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    Machine Learning Classifiers to Evaluate Data From Gait Analysis With Depth Cameras in Patients With Parkinson’s Disease.Beatriz Muñoz-Ospina, Daniela Alvarez-Garcia, Hugo Juan Camilo Clavijo-Moran, Jaime Andrés Valderrama-Chaparro, Melisa García-Peña, Carlos Alfonso Herrán, Christian Camilo Urcuqui, Andrés Navarro-Cadavid & Jorge Orozco - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionThe assessments of the motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease are usually limited to clinical rating scales, and it depends on the clinician’s experience. This study aims to propose a machine learning technique algorithm using the variables from upper and lower limbs, to classify people with PD from healthy people, using data from a portable low-cost device. And can be used to support the diagnosis and follow-up of patients in developing countries and remote areas.MethodsWe used Kinect®eMotion system to capture the spatiotemporal (...)
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    Imagining the future: A cross-cultural perspective on possible selves.Clare J. Rathbone, Sinué Salgado, Melisa Akan, Jelena Havelka & Dorthe Berntsen - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 42:113-124.
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    B. Maida, Proletari della borghesia. I piccoli commercianti dall'Unità a oggi.M. Trentini - 2010 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 24 (3):484-485.
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  48. ʻAmal aur maidān-i ʻamal.Abdul Waheed - 1970 - Lāhaur: Feroz Sanz.
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    The Issue of Ruling With Allah's Provisions: In Specific to the 44th, 45th and 47th Verses of Surah al-Maida.Nasi Aslan & Derviş Dokgöz - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):310-328.
    At the end of the verses 44th, 45th, and 47th of the Surat al-Māʾida, it is seen that those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are described as unbelievers, oppressors, and fāsiqs with the general expression. Especially in verse 44th of the surah, the fact that those who do not judge by Allah's revelations are characterized as misbelievers has been a subject of debate since the early period. Many different opinions have been expressed by the mufassirs about (...)
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    Numerals, positionality, and reference fixing. Reply to Vivanco.Mario Gómez-Torrente - 2020 - Manuscrito 43 (4):165-176.
    Melisa Vivanco objects to my theory of the Arabic numerals in Roads to Reference that the reference fixing procedure that I postulate doesn’t exploit the morphological structure of the Arabic numerals, but it should. Against Vivanco, I argue that the procedure in question does exploit the morphological structure of the numerals in an essential way.
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