Results for 'Simon Magnusson'

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  1.  24
    Constructing young citizens’ deontic authority in participatory democracy meetings.Simon Magnusson - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (6):600-618.
    Young citizens are increasingly being invited to take part in participatory democracy meetings as joint decision-making has grown popular in public administration. The backbone of participatory democracy is that some authority is granted to the citizenry and by drawing on video data from a year-long participatory project, this conversation analytic study shows that the adolescents are instructed to a deontic role rooted in epistemics, benefactive considerations, as well as temporal aspects relating to future citizenship and hope. The institutional representatives perform (...)
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    Sexual consent as an interactional achievement: Overcoming ambiguities and social vulnerabilities in the initiations of sexual activities.Melisa Stevanovic & Simon Magnusson - 2023 - Discourse Studies 25 (1):68-88.
    Sexual consent is advocated around the world to reduce sexual assault. The widespread affirmative consent model emphasizes a need for unambiguous consent. In this paper, we contribute to a deeper understanding of how ambiguities in the initiations of sexual activities are routinely solved to achieve consent. Drawing on conversation analytic research on joint decision-making, and a dataset of 80 cases of sexual initiation in contemporary TV-series and movies, we investigate the interactional practices by which sexual activities are presented as consensual (...)
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    Stress Levels Escalate When Repeatedly Performing Tasks Involving Threats.Johan Bertilsson, Diederick C. Niehorster, Peter Jan Fredriksson, Mats Dahl, Simon Granér, Ola Fredriksson, Johan Magnus Mårtensson, Måns Magnusson, Per-Anders Fransson & Marcus Nyström - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  4. On Risk-Based Arguments for Anti-natalism.Erik Magnusson - 2022 - Journal of Value Inquiry 56 (1):101-117.
    In this paper, I explore the prospects for risk-based arguments in favour of anti-natalism, which explain the wrongness of procreation in terms of wrongful risk-imposition on the resultant child. After considering and rejecting two risk-based arguments from the existing literature - David Benatar's and Matti Häyry's - I propose a more promising version that focuses on the lack of appropriate justification for imposing the risks of existence, namely, one that refers to the essential interests of the child on whom those (...)
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  5. How to Reject Benatar's Asymmetry Argument.Erik Magnusson - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (6):674-683.
    In this article I reconsider David Benatar's primary argument for anti‐natalism—the asymmetry argument—and outline a three‐step process for rejecting it. I begin in Part 2 by reconstructing the asymmetry argument into three main premises. I then turn in Parts 3–5 to explain how each of these premises is in fact false. Finally, I conclude in Part 6 by considering the relationship between the asymmetry argument and the quality of life argument in Benatar's overall case for anti‐natalism and argue that it (...)
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  6. Do Prospective Parents Have a Duty to Adopt Rather than Procreate?Erik Magnusson - 2025 - Public Affairs Quarterly 39 (1):66-86.
    Is it wrong to bring new children into existence when there are so many existing children in need of parental care? Several philosophers have defended the view that prospective parents have a pro tanto​ duty to adopt rather than procreate as a means of fulfilling their interest in parenting. The most prominent argument for this view in the existing literature is the rescue-based argument, which derives an individual duty to adopt rather than procreate from a more general duty to rescue (...)
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  7.  12
    T-Pattern Detection and Analysis (TPA) With THEMETM: A Mixed Methods Approach.Magnus S. Magnusson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  8. Children’s Rights and the Non-Identity Problem.Erik Magnusson - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (5):580-605.
    Can appealing to children’s rights help to solve the non-identity problem in cases of procreation? A number of philosophers have answered affirmatively, arguing that even if children cannot be harmed by being born into disadvantaged conditions, they may nevertheless be wronged if those conditions fail to meet a minimal standard of decency to which all children are putatively entitled. This paper defends the tenability of this view by outlining and responding to five prominent objections that have been raised against it (...)
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  9. The Problem of Hidden Variables in Quantum Mechanics.Simon Kochen & E. P. Specker - 1967 - Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics 17:59--87.
  10. Three Theories of Well-Being and their Implications for School Education.Erik Magnusson & Heather Krepski - 2024 - In Thomas Falkenberg, Well-Being and Well-Becoming in Schools. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. pp. 23-40.
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  11. Experts, Democracy, and Covid-19.Victor Karl Magnússon - 2022 - Philosophy of Medicine 3 (1).
    Two challenges have faced policymakers during the Covid-19 pandemic: First, they must determine the reliability of expert testimony in the face of uncertainty; second, they must determine the relevance of different kinds of expertise with regard to particular decisions. I argue that both these problems can be fruitfully analyzed through the lens of trust by introducing an in-depth case study of Iceland’s handling of the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. I contend that the problem of relevance highlights the limited (...)
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  12.  41
    Intrusion into Patient Privacy: a moral concern in the home care of persons with chronic mental illness.Annabella Magnusson & Kim Lützén - 1999 - Nursing Ethics 6 (5):399-410.
    The aim of this study was to identify and analyse ethical decision making in the home care of persons with long-term mental illness. A focus was placed on how health care workers interpret and deal with the principle of autonomy in actual situations. Three focus groups involving mental health nurses who were experienced in the home care of persons with chronic mental illness were conducted in order to stimulate an interactive dialogue on this topic. A constant comparative analysis of the (...)
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  13.  66
    “Underground Euthanasia” and the Harm Minimization Debate.Roger S. Magnusson - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (3):486-495.
    I have a hairstylist whose lover was very sick. I’d been seeing this stylist for ten years and we’re good friends. [His lover was] becoming an invalid, not able to get out of bed. He said “I hate to ask you this but would you mind writing a prescription to help us out?” [So] I wrote a prescription to a patient who I had never seen, and I sent it to him in the mail and I heard the next time (...)
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  14. The Devil's Choice: Re-Thinking Law, Ethics, and Symptom Relief in Palliative Care.Roger S. Magnusson - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (3):559-569.
    Health professionals do not always have the luxury of making “right” choices. This article introduces the “devil's choice” as a metaphor to describe medical choices that arise in circumstances where all the available options are both unwanted and perverse. Using the devil's choice, the paper criticizes the principle of double effect and provides a re-interpretation of the conventional legal and ethical account of symptom relief in palliative care.
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  15. Attitudes and contents.Simon Blackburn - 1988 - Ethics 98 (3):501-517.
  16.  16
    Swedish and Norwegian Police Interviewers' Goals, Tactics, and Emotions When Interviewing Suspects of Child Sexual Abuse.Mikaela Magnusson, Malin Joleby, Timothy J. Luke, Karl Ask & Marthe Lefsaker Sakrisvold - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:606774.
    As the suspect interview is one of the key elements of a police investigation, it has received a great deal of merited attention from the scientific community. However, suspect interviews in child sexual abuse (CSA) investigations is an understudied research area. In the present mixed-methods study, we examine Swedish (n= 126) and Norwegian (n= 52) police interviewers' self-reported goals, tactics, and emotional experiences when conducting interviews with suspected CSA offenders. The quantitative analyses found associations between the interviewers' self-reported goals, tactics, (...)
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    Euthanasia: above ground, below ground.R. S. Magnusson - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (5):441-446.
    The key to the euthanasia debate lies in how best to regulate what doctors do. Opponents of euthanasia frequently warn of the possible negative consequences of legalising physician assisted suicide and active euthanasia while ignoring the covert practice of PAS/AE by doctors and other health professionals. Against the background of survey studies suggesting that anything from 4% to 10% of doctors have intentionally assisted a patient to die, and interview evidence of the unregulated, idiosyncratic nature of underground PAS/AE, this paper (...)
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  18. Can Gestation Ground Parental Rights?Erik Magnusson - 2020 - Social Theory and Practice 46 (1):111-142.
    In law and common-sense morality, it is generally assumed that adults who meet a minimum threshold of parental competency have a presumptive right to parent their biological children. But what is the basis of this right? According to one prominent account, the right to parent one’s biological child is best understood as being grounded in an intimate relationship that develops between babies and their birth parents during the process of gestation. This paper identifies three major problems facing this view—the explanatory, (...)
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    Saying what you mean in dialogue: A study in conceptual and semantic co-ordination.Simon Garrod & Anthony Anderson - 1987 - Cognition 27 (2):181-218.
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  20. Directed Duties.Simon Căbulea May - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (8):523-532.
    Directed duties are duties that an agent owes to some party – a party who would be wronged if the duty were violated. A ‘direction problem’ asks what it is about a duty in virtue of which it is directed towards one party, if any, rather than another. I discuss three theories of moral direction: control, demand and interest theories. Although none of these theories can be rejected out of hand, all three face serious difficulties.
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  21. Do Motives Matter? On the Political Relevance of Procreative Reasons.Erik Magnusson & Steven Lecce - 2015 - In Sarah Hannan, Samantha Brennan & Richard Vernon, Permissible Progeny?: The Morality of Procreation and Parenting. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 150-169.
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  22. Parental Justice and the Kids Pay View.Erik Magnusson - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (4):963-977.
    In a just society, who should be liable for the significant costs associated with creating and raising children? Patrick Tomlin has recently argued that children themselves may be liable on the grounds that they benefit from being raised into independent adults. This view, which Tomlin calls ‘Kids Pay’, depends on the more general principle that a beneficiary can incur an obligation to share in the cost of an essential benefit that the benefactor is responsible for her requiring. I argue in (...)
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    Mapping the Scope and Opportunities for Public Health Law in Liberal Democracies.Roger S. Magnusson - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (4):571-587.
    The two questions, “What is public health law?” and “How can law improve the public’s health?”, are perennial ones for public health law scholars. They are ideological questions because perceptions about the proper boundaries of law’s role will shape perceptions of what law can do, in an operational sense, to improve health outcomes. They are also theoretical questions, in the sense that, without closing down debate about the limits of public health law, these questions can be addressed by mapping the (...)
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  24.  48
    The faith of the faithless: experiments in political theology.Simon Critchley - 2012 - London ; New York: Verso Books.
    The return to religion has perhaps become the dominant cliche of contemporary theory, which rarely offers anything more than an exaggerated echo of a political reality dominated by religious war. Somehow, the secular age seems to have been replaced by a new era, where political action flows directly from metaphysical conflict. The Faith of the Faithless asks how we might respond. Following Critchley's Infinitely Demanding, this new book builds on its philosophical and political framework, also venturing into the questions of (...)
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    Harm to Nonhuman Animals from AI: a Systematic Account and Framework.Simon Coghlan & Christine Parker - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (2):1-34.
    This paper provides a systematic account of how artificial intelligence (AI) technologies could harm nonhuman animals and explains why animal harms, often neglected in AI ethics, should be better recognised. After giving reasons for caring about animals and outlining the nature of animal harm, interests, and wellbeing, the paper develops a comprehensive ‘harms framework’ which draws on scientist David Fraser’s influential mapping of human activities that impact on sentient animals. The harms framework is fleshed out with examples inspired by both (...)
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  26. Belief-in is belief-that with affectivity and evidentiality.Simon Wimmer - 2024 - Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung 28:961-979.
    Belief-in reports of the form 'S believes in O' have been taken to have at least two senses: factual and evaluative. I begin by briefly suggesting that there is no evidence for two distinct senses, then spend most of the paper developing a general semantics for belief-in reports. I explore, and use my semantics to explain, several features of belief-in reports: the context-dependence of what belief-that reports they entail, their widespread lack of equivalence with belief-that reports, and their neg-raising property. (...)
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    Natural Philosophy and Public Spectacle in the Eighteenth Century.Simon Schaffer - 1983 - History of Science 21 (1):1-43.
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  28. Believing conjunctions.Simon J. Evnine - 1999 - Synthese 118 (2):201-227.
    I argue that it is rational for a person to believe the conjunction of her beliefs. This involves responding to the Lottery and Preface Paradoxes. In addition, I suggest that in normal circumstances, what it is to believe a conjunction just is to believe its conjuncts.
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  29. Principled Compromise and the Abortion Controversy.Simon Căbulea May - 2005 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 33 (4):317-348.
    I argue against the claim that there are principled as well as pragmatic reasons for compromise in politics, even within the context of reasonable moral disagreements such as the abortion controversy.
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  30. Introduction to Symposium on David Boonin's The Non-Identity Problem and the Ethics of Future People.Erik Magnusson - 2019 - Law, Ethics and Philosophy 7.
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  31. Moral Realism, Moral Disagreement, and Moral Psychology.Simon Fitzpatrick - 2014 - Philosophical Papers 43 (2):161-190.
    This paper considers John Doris, Stephen Stich, Alexandra Plakias, and colleagues’ recent attempts to utilize empirical studies of cross-cultural variation in moral judgment to support a version of the argument from disagreement against moral realism. Crucially, Doris et al. claim that the moral disagreements highlighted by these studies are not susceptible to the standard ‘diffusing’ explanations realists have developed in response to earlier versions of the argument. I argue that plausible hypotheses about the cognitive processes underlying ordinary moral judgment and (...)
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    Who’s afraid of the nanny state? Introduction to a symposium.Roger S. Magnusson & Paul E. Griffiths - 2015 - Public Health 129 (8):1017--1020.
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  33. Ethics of Nuclear Energy in Times of Climate Change: Escaping the Collective Action Problem.Simon Friederich & Maarten Boudry - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (2):1-27.
    In recent years, there has been an intense public debate about whether and, if so, to what extent investments in nuclear energy should be part of strategies to mitigate climate change. Here, we address this question from an ethical perspective, evaluating different strategies of energy system development in terms of three ethical criteria, which will differentially appeal to proponents of different normative ethical frameworks. Starting from a standard analysis of climate change as arising from an intergenerational collective action problem, we (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Corporate codes of ethics: Necessary but not sufficient.Simon Webley & Andrea Werner - 2008 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 17 (4):405-415.
    While most large companies around the world now have a code of ethics, reported ethical malpractice among some of these does not appear to be abating. The reasons for this are explored, using academic studies, survey reports as well as insights gained from the Institute of Business Ethics' work with large corporations. These indicate that there is a gap between the existence of explicit ethical values and principles, often expressed in the form of a code, and the attitudes and behaviour (...)
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  35. Dimensional equations and the principle of the conservation of energy.C. Edward Magnusson - 1904 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 1 (12):316-320.
  36. A Politics in Writing: Jacques Ranciere and the Equality of Intelligences.Rachel Magnusson - 2014 - In Martin Breaugh, Christopher Holman, Rachel Magnusson, Paul Mazzocchi & Devin Penner, Thinking radical democracy: the return to politics in post-war France. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
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    Bloomberg, Hitchens, and the Libertarian Critique.Roger Magnusson - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (1):3-4.
    The first of five commentaries on “Bloomberg's Health Legacy: Urban Innovator or Meddling Nanny?” from the September‐October 2013.
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    Cancellations of elective surgery may cause an inferior postoperative course: the 'invisible hand' of health-care prioritization?H. Magnusson, L. Fellander-Tsai, M. G. Hansson & L. Ryd - 2011 - Clinical Ethics 6 (1):27-31.
    Elective surgery can be cancelled when resources are overwhelmed by emergency cases. We hypothesized that such cancellations, on psychological grounds, are followed also by inferior clinical results and we conducted a retrospective survey of patients following joint replacement surgery. Sixty patients having suffered from administrative cancellation prior to their operation during an 18-month period and with six months follow-up were identified and compared with another 60 matched patients after having the same type of surgery but without prior cancellation. All patients (...)
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  39. Disability, Relational Equality, and the Expressivist Objection.Erik Magnusson - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
    Since the early 1990s, one of the most prominent objections to the use of prenatal or pre-implantation testing to prevent the birth of children with disabilities has focused on the negative judgments it expresses to and about existing persons with disabilities. Commonly known as the expressivist objection, it is based on the conjunction of two key claims: (1) the use or provision of tests to select against disability in offspring expresses negative judgments about existing persons with disabilities; and (2) the (...)
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  40.  15
    Frightening proportions.Erik Magnusson - 2021 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 32 (2):36-53.
    This article deals with Rabbi Meir Kahane’s assimilation doctrine, an under-studied aspect of previous published research on Kahane. The present study suggests that this doctrine is catalysed by a palingenetic myth of decline and rebirth, which also catalyses Kahane’s ideology. By proposing this, this article aims to offer a new perspective on the understanding of what drives Kahane’s ideology. It is further suggested that Kahane’s palingenetic myth is in part built around a myth of ‘intraracial antagonism’ between the American Jewish (...)
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    Global Health Governance and the Challenge of Chronic, Non-Communicable Disease.Roger S. Magnusson - 2010 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 38 (3):490-507.
    Judging by their contribution to the global burden of death and disability, chronic, non-communicable diseases are the most serious health challenge facing the world today. The statistics tell a frightening story. Over 35 million people died from chronic diseases in 2005 — principally cardiovascular disease, cancer, and chronic respiratory disease. Driven by population growth and population ageing, deaths from non-communicable diseases are expected to increase by 17% over the period 2005-2015, accounting for 69% of global deaths by 2030.Cardiovascular disease, the (...)
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    Historiens Vaktmästare.Björn Magnusson Staaf - 2001 - Res Publica 53:29-36.
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    Images: Paintings, 2000–2017.Sigurður Magnússon - 2017 - Diacritics 45 (3):3-123.
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    ICT pollution and liability.Christer Magnusson - 2011 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 41 (1):48-53.
    To a large extent liability for ICT perils is still a grey area, even though an increasing number of information security researchers adopt economic approaches to highlight market mechanisms and externalities. That is why this article focuses on the need for increased awareness of externalities and liability among ICT professionals and their customers. This is critical to achieve in order to promote appropriate ICT technologies and services with comprehensible privacy and security protection. What is needed is a better understanding of (...)
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  45.  12
    Kierkegaard and Eastern Orthodox thought: a comparative philosophical analysis.Ágúst Magnússon - 2019 - Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press LLC.
    Throughout the years, there has been an extensive engagement with the philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard from the perspective of Western philosophy and theology. Kierkegaard's thought has been examined through the lenses of Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, existentialism, post-modernism, feminism, and literary theory, to name just a few. Scholars have also offered fruitful comparative analyses of Kierkegaard's work in relation to Asian philosophical and religious traditions such as Buddhism. It is therefore surprising that the engagement between Kierkegaard's philosophy and that of Eastern (...)
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    Kierkegaard in Light of the East: A Critical Comparison of the Philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard with Orthodox Christian Philosophy and Thought.Agust Magnusson - unknown
    This project presents a comparative philosophical approach to understanding key elements in the philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard by juxtaposing his works with the philosophy and theology of the Eastern Orthodox Church.. The primary aim of the project is to look at three key areas of Kierkegaard’s philosophy that have been either underrepresented or misunderstood in the literature. These three areas are: Kierkegaard’s views on sin and salvation, Kierkegaard’s epistemology, and Kierkegaard’s philosophy of personhood. The dissertation ends with an epilogue that (...)
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    Lärarhandledning i argumentationsanalys.Sigvard Magnusson - 1967 - Stockholm,: Svenska bokförlaget.
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    Mercantilism: Critical Concepts in the History of Economics.Lars Magnusson - 1995 - Routledge.
    First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Political economy in a historical context : the case of Malthus and Sweden.Lars Magnusson - 2010 - In Hans Joas, The benefit of broad horizons: intellectual and institutional preconditions for a global social science: festschrift for Bjorn Wittrock on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Leiden [etc.]: Brill. pp. 24--125.
  50.  16
    Procreative Justice: Balancing the Interests of Parents, Children, and Society.Erik Magnusson - forthcoming - New York: Routledge.
    This book explores how considerations of justice apply to procreative decision-making. -/- Despite its immense personal significance, procreation is an inherently other-regarding endeavor. By its very nature, the decision to procreate is the decision to bring into existence another morally considerable being, one who will be exposed to the full range of harms, benefits, and risks that accompany a typical human life, and one who cannot by its nature ever consent to being born. Moreover, when this decision is undertaken in (...)
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