Results for 'Merle Edwin Simmons'

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  1.  7
    Santiago F. Puglia, an early Philadelphia propagandist for Spanish American independence.Merle Edwin Simmons - 1977 - Chapel Hill: U.N.C. Dept. of Romance Languages : distributed by University of North Carolina Press.
    Volume 195 in the North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures series.
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    Implementación de e-learning en un curso de ingeniería electrónica.Edwin Francisco Forero García - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 17 (4):1-12.
    La metodología e-learning apuesta por un cambio a los modelos tradicionales, implementados en las instituciones de educación. Con el fin de poner a prueba y analizar los resultados de este nuevo modelo, se decidió implementar prácticas de laboratorio virtuales para el curso de conversión electromagnética del pregrado en ingeniería electrónica, una de estas prácticas tiene como título “circuito equivalente de un transformador”, con ella y junto a la consulta de los niveles de satisfacción de los estudiantes en sus resultados de (...)
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    (1 other version)The Limits of Lockean Rights in Property.A. John Simmons - 1995 - Philosophical and Phenomenological Research 58 (4):997-999.
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    From the Sacred to the Sacred Object.Edwin Sayes - 2012 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 16 (2):105-122.
    The philosophy of Bruno Latour has given us one of the most important statements on the part played by technology in the ordering of the human collective. Typically presented as a radical departure from mainstream social thought, Latour is not without his intellectual creditors: Michel Serres and, through him, René Girard. By tracing this development, we are led to understand better the relationship of Latour’s work, and Actor-Network Theory more generally, to traditional sociological concerns. By doing so we can also (...)
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    Ethical questions must be considered for electronic health records.Merle Spriggs, Michael V. Arnold, Christopher M. Pearce & Craig Fry - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (9):535-539.
    National electronic health record initiatives are in progress in many countries around the world but the debate about the ethical issues and how they are to be addressed remains overshadowed by other issues. The discourse to which all others are answerable is a technical discourse, even where matters of privacy and consent are concerned. Yet a focus on technical issues and a failure to think about ethics are cited as factors in the failure of the UK health record system. In (...)
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  6. Primary questions, historical answers.Albert Edwin Avey - 1968 - Boston,: Christopher Pub. House.
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  7. La justice politique. Fondement d'une philosophie critique du droit et de l'Etat, coll. « Leviathan ».Otfried Höffe & J. Merle - 1993 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 183 (4):768-770.
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    Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Contraindication or Ethical Justification for Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery in Adolescents.Merle Spriggs & Lynn Gillam - 2016 - Bioethics 30 (9):706-713.
    Is Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery for an adolescent with Body Dysmorphic Disorder ever ethically justified? Cosmetic genital surgery for adolescent girls is one of the most ethically controversial forms of cosmetic surgery and Body Dysmorphic Disorder is typically seen as a contraindication for cosmetic surgery. Two key ethical concerns are that Body Dysmorphic Disorder undermines whatever capacity for autonomy the adolescent has; and even if there is valid parental consent, the presence of Body Dysmorphic Disorder means that cosmetic surgery will (...)
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  9. Spinoza's Geometric Method.Edwin M. Curley - 1986 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 2:151.
  10.  35
    Ethical complexities in child co-research.Merle Spriggs & Lynn Gillam - 2017 - Research Ethics 15 (1):1-16.
    Child co-research has become popular in social research involving children. This is attributed to the emphasis on children’s rights and is seen as a way to promote children’s agency and voice. It is a way of putting into practice the philosophy, common amongst childhood researchers, that children are experts on childhood. In this article, we discuss ethical complexities of involving children as co-researchers, beginning with an analysis of the literature, then drawing on data from interviews with researchers who conduct child (...)
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    Children, Biological Samples, and Broad Consent.Merle Spriggs & Craig Fry - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (9):70-72.
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  12.  36
    The Homosexual in Prison.Edwin Johnson - 1971 - Social Theory and Practice 1 (4):83-95.
  13.  8
    The Handbook of International Social Work.Edwin Kaseke - 2014 - Ethics and Social Welfare 8 (2):211-213.
  14.  8
    Physical Science, its Structure and Development: From Geometric Astronomy to the Mechanical Theory of Heat.Edwin C. Kemble - 1966 - MIT Press.
    This introduction to physical science combines a rigorous discussion of scientific principles with sufficient historical background and philosophic interpretation to add a new dimension of interest to the accounts given in more conventional textbooks. It brings out the twofold character of physical science as an expanding body of verifiable knowledge and as an organized human activity whose goals and values are major factors in the revolutionary changes sweeping over the world today.Professor Kemble insists that to understand science one must understand (...)
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  15.  24
    “I Don’t See That as a Medical Problem”: Clinicians’ Attitudes and Responses to Requests for Cosmetic Genital Surgery by Adolescents.Merle Spriggs & Lynn Gillam - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (4):535-548.
    Labiaplasty is a form of genital surgery to reduce large or protruding labia minora. Internationally, the rates of this surgery among women and girls is increasing and is viewed as a worrying trend. Currently, the main clinical strategy is to reassure adolescents that they are normal by talking about the variation of labia size and appearance and showing pictures demonstrating the wide range of normal female genital appearance. For the most part, policy documents recommend against labiaplasty in adolescents, claiming that (...)
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  16.  18
    The philosophy of Constantine the Philosopher of Nicaea.David Jenkins & Merle Eisenberg - 2021 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 114 (1):139-162.
    The two extant works of Constantine the Philosopher of Nicaea reveal a late twelfth century thinker of the Neoplatonic sensibility typically seen only in those who reached the pinnacle of Byzantine literacy during this period. We argue that he is of particular interest because he coined two philosophical terms that, while mirroring controversial Neoplatonic concepts, better accommodate their Orthodox acceptance.We offer here some background on the author, a short discussion of the philosophical content of these works, and for the first (...)
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    Consent in Cyberspace: Internet-Based Research Involving Young People.Merle Spriggs - 2009 - Monash Bioethics Review 28 (4):25-39.
    Social networking sites such as MySpace and virtual communities such as on-line support groups can be a rich source of data for researchers. These sites can be an effective way of reaching and researching young people in order to address their particular health needs. Internet-based research is also potentially risky and exploitative. There is some guidance for conducting research online, but there are no detailed or universally accepted ethics guidelines for research of webspaces such as MySpace or virtual communities in (...)
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  18.  37
    When "risk" and "benefit" are open to interpretation - as is generally the case.Merle Spriggs - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (3):17 – 19.
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  19.  51
    Can We Help Addicts Become more Autonomous? Inside the Mind of An Addict.Merle Spriggs - 2003 - Bioethics 17 (5-6):542-554.
    ABSTRACT I examine the impact of addiction on autonomy in terms of the standard literature on addiction – referred to also as ‘substance dependence.’1 Then in terms of the criteria for substance dependence, by developing a set of practical strategies to help people with addictions think more clearly, I test the idea whether addicts can be helped to become more autonomous. Given that unsuccessful attempts to quit constitute part of the criteria of substance dependence, I look at what goes wrong (...)
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  20.  45
    Deception of children in research.Merle Spriggs & Lynn Gillam - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (2):179-182.
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  21.  15
    Ethical implications of women’s underrepresentation in clinical trials.Merle Spriggs - 1999 - Monash Bioethics Review 18 (2):S11-S20.
    Excluding women from participating in clinical drug trials might seem like a good thing. It may seem like a good way to protect women from the risks of being a research subject and a way to prevent fetal harm. However, the exclusion or inadequate representation of women in clinical trials may actually cause harm. Excluding women from clinical trials does not rule out the possibility of damage to offspring. Nor does it guarantee researchers or institutions freedom from legal liability. The (...)
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  22.  34
    Should We Tell Children and Young People About the Positive Experience of Taking Part in Clinical Trials?Merle Spriggs - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (11):35-36.
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  23. Liberty for Corvids.Mark Wells, Scott Simmons & Diana Klimas - 2017 - Public Affairs Quarterly 31 (3):231-254.
    We argue that at least some corvids morally ought to be granted a right to bodily liberty in the US legal system and relevantly similar systems. This right would grant immunity to frivolous captivity and extermination. Implementing this right will require new legislation or the expansion of existing legislation including the elimination of various "pest" clauses. This paper proceeds in three parts. First, we survey accounts of the moral grounds of legal rights. Second, to establish an overlapping consensus supporting corvid (...)
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  24. Hermann Hesse, de Siddharta au Jeu des perles de verre.Edwin Casebeer & Michel Meyer - 1985 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 175 (1):52-53.
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  25. Nietzsche's Service to Christianity.Edwin Dodge Hardin - 1915 - Philosophical Review 24:230.
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    Critical study: Een filosofie Van taal en tekst.Edwin Koster - 2003 - Philosophia Reformata 68 (2):148-161.
    Het boek Filosofie van taal en tekst van René van Woudenberg is een heldere en uitdagende inleiding in enkele problemen van de taal- en tekstfilosofie. Het is niet een inleiding in verschillende filosofische theorieën over taal en tekst, maar eerder een inleiding in de problemen die in die theorieën aan de orde komen. Het centrale vraagstuk dat in het boek aan de orde komt, luidt : ‘Wat zeggen we precies wanneer we zeggen dat een woord, zin of tekst, betekenis heeft?’ (...)
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  27. De ark van Noach op ware grootte.Edwin Koster - 2012 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 104 (2):104-107.
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  28. Clarifying ethical responsibilities in pediatric biobanking.Merle Spriggs & Craig L. Fry - unknown
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  29. Marti, Urs (2013). Democracy in the age of global markets. In: Foisneau, Luc; Hiebaum, Christian; Merle, Jean-Christophe; Velasco, Juan Carlos. Spheres of Global Justice.Urs Marti, Luc Foisneau, Christian Hiebaum, Jean-Christophe Merle & Juan Carlos Velasco (eds.) - 2013
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    A Cautionary Note on Anonymous Referrals for Clinical Ethics Case Consultations.Merle Spriggs & Lynn Gillam - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (5):32-33.
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    Ashley's Interests Were Not Violated Because She Does Not Have the Necessary Interests.Merle Spriggs - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (1):52-54.
    (2010). Ashley's Interests Were Not Violated Because She Does Not Have the Necessary Interests. The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 52-54.
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    Can Children be Altruistic Research Subjects?Merle Spriggs - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (5):49-50.
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    Is pragmatism just an apology for unrestrained science?Merle Spriggs - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (4):39 – 41.
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    Justifying Pediatric Research Not Expected to Benefit Child Subjects.Merle Spriggs - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (1):42 - 44.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 1, Page 42-44, January 2012.
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    How a high working memory capacity can increase proactive interference.Merle A. Steinwascher & Thorsten Meiser - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 44:130-145.
  36.  39
    Proof theory: a selection of papers from the Leeds Proof Theory Programme, 1990.Peter Aczel, Harold Simmons & Stanley S. Wainer (eds.) - 1992 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This work is derived from the SERC "Logic for IT" Summer School Conference on Proof Theory held at Leeds University. The contributions come from acknowledged experts and comprise expository and research articles which form an invaluable introduction to proof theory aimed at both mathematicians and computer scientists.
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    Heart rate conditioning of goldfish, Carassius auratus, with intermittent vs. continuous CS.Richard T. Erspamer & Merle E. Meyer - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (6):381-382.
  38.  19
    Heart rate conditioning in goldfish (Carassius auratus) and not in rainbow trout.Richard T. Erspamer & Merle E. Meyer - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (6):347-348.
  39.  17
    Telling the Truth to Child Cancer Patients in COVID-19 Times.Lynn Gillam, Merle Spriggs, Clare Delany, Rachael Conyers & Maria McCarthy - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):797-801.
    A notable feature of the COVID-19 pandemic is that children are less at risk of becoming infected or, if infected, less likely to become seriously unwell, so ethical discussions have consequently focused on the adult healthcare setting. However, despite a lower risk of children becoming acutely ill with COVID-19, there nevertheless may be significant and potentially sustained effects of COVID-19 on the physical, psychological, and emotional health and well-being of children. Focusing on the context of children’s cancer care, and specifically (...)
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  40. Weltrepublik. Globalisierung und Demokratie [A World Republic. Globalization and Democracy].Stefan Gosepath & Jean-Christophe Merle - 2002 - C.H.Beck.
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    Uncertainty and values: The case of environmental impact assessment.Tomas Hellström & Merle Jacob - 1996 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 9 (1):70-84.
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  42. Pathological politics.William C. Mitchell & Randy T. Simmons - 2009 - In Matt Zwolinski (ed.), Arguing About Political Philosophy. London: Routledge. pp. 8--269.
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    The ethics of research on less expensive, less effective interventions: A case for analysis. [REVIEW]Merle Spriggs - 2008 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 5 (4):295-302.
    The Kennedy Krieger lead paint study is a landmark case in human experimentation and a classic case in research ethics. In this paper I use the lead paint study to assist in the analysis of the ethics of research on less expensive, less effective interventions. I critically evaluate an argument by Buchanan and Miller who defend both the Kennedy Krieger lead paint study and public health research on less expensive, less effective interventions. I conclude that Buchanan and Miller’s argument is (...)
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    Opera & Drama (Oper Und Drama). 1. Opera and the Essence of Music. 2. the Stage-Play and Dramatical Poetic Art in the Abstract. 3. Poetry and Music in the Drama of the Future.Richard Wagner & Edwin Evans - 2015 - Andesite Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Spacetime physics.Edwin F. Taylor - 1966 - San Francisco,: W. H. Freeman. Edited by John Archibald Wheeler.
    Collaboration on the First Edition of Spacetime Physics began in the mid-1960s when Edwin Taylor took a junior faculty sabbatical at Princeton University where John Wheeler was a professor. The resulting text emphasized the unity of spacetime and those quantities (such as proper time, proper distance, mass) that are invariant, the same for all observers, rather than those quantities (such as space and time separations) that are relative, different for different observers. The book has become a standard introduction to (...)
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    Universality and the Liar: An Essay on Truth and the Diagonal Argument.Keith Simmons - 1993 - Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is about one of the most baffling of all paradoxes – the famous Liar paradox. Suppose we say: 'We are lying now'. Then if we are lying, we are telling the truth; and if we are telling the truth we are lying. This paradox is more than an intriguing puzzle, since it involves the concept of truth. Thus any coherent theory of truth must deal with the Liar. Keith Simmons discusses the solutions proposed by medieval philosophers and (...)
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  47. Justification and Legitimacy: Essays on Rights and Obligations.A. John Simmons - 2003 - Law and Philosophy 22 (2):195-216.
    A. John Simmons is widely regarded as one of the most innovative and creative of today's political philosophers. His work on political obligation is regarded as definitive and he is also internationally respected as an interpreter of John Locke. The characteristic features of clear argumentation and careful scholarship that have been hallmarks of his philosophy are everywhere evident in this collection. The essays focus on the problems of political obligation and state legitimacy as well as on historical theories of (...)
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  48.  3
    Ein Offizier als Philosoph - Schriften von Edwin Rüdiger Micewski: kommentierter Sammelband.Edwin R. Micewski - 2009 - New York: Peter Lang. Edited by Barbara Schörner & Günther Fleck.
    Dieser Sammelband vereint Schriften, Artikel und Essays von Brigadier Mag. Dr. Edwin Rudiger Micewski. Die Kompilation wurdigt sein Wirken als Offizier und Philosoph und stellt einem an militarphilosophischen Fragen und humanistischen Aspekten der militarischen Lebenswelt interessierten Leserkreis eine zusammenfassende Gesamtschau deutscher wie englischer Veroffentlichungen des Autors zur Verfugung. Die philosophisch und grundwissenschaftlich orientierten Beitrage behandeln Grundfragen von Sicherheitspolitik und Militarphilosophie und sind aufgrund ihres zeitlosen Charakters auch fur aktuelle Herausforderungen von Relevanz. Infolge der thematischen Bezuge des publizistischen OEvres des (...)
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    Realism and the explanation of behavior.Merle B. Turner - 1971 - New York,: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
  50. Re-Humanizing Descartes.Alison Simmons - 2011 - Philosophic Exchange 41 (1):53-71.
    Descartes’ mind-body dualism and his quest for objective knowledge can appear de-humanizing. My aim in this paper is to re-humanize Descartes. When we take a closer look at what Descartes actually says about human beings, it casts his entire thought in a much different light.
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