Results for 'Edwin Casebeer'

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  1.  27
    Building a Cognitive Profile with a Non-Intrusive Sensor: How Speech and Sounds Map onto our Cognitive Worlds.Gabriel Collins, Jason Poleski, Matthias Mehl, Allison Tackman, Ramon Reyes, Amanda Kraft, Jon Russo, Dylan Kenny, Peter Bryan, Edwin Simons & William Casebeer - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  2. Hermann Hesse, de Siddharta au Jeu des perles de verre.Edwin Casebeer & Michel Meyer - 1985 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 175 (1):52-53.
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  3. Natural Ethical Facts: Evolution, Connectionism, and Moral Cognition.William D. Casebeer - 2003 - Bradford.
    In Natural Ethical Facts William Casebeer argues that we can articulate a fully naturalized ethical theory using concepts from evolutionary biology and cognitive science, and that we can study moral cognition just as we study other forms of cognition. His goal is to show that we have "softly fixed" human natures, that these natures are evolved, and that our lives go well or badly depending on how we satisfy the functional demands of these natures. Natural Ethical Facts is a (...)
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  4. Natural Ethical Facts: Evolution, Connectionism, and Moral Cognition.William Casebeer - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (220):532-534.
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    Neurobiology supports virtue theory on the role of heuristics in moral cognition.Casebeer Wd - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (4).
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  6. Cognition in the Wild.Edwin Hutchins - 1995 - MIT Press.
    Hutchins examines a set of phenomena that have fallen between the established disciplines of psychology and anthropology, bringing to light a new set of relationships between culture and cognition.
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  7. The neural mechanisms of moral cognition: A multiple-aspect approach to moral judgment and decision-making. [REVIEW]William D. Casebeer & Patricia S. Churchland - 2003 - Biology and Philosophy 18 (1):169-194.
    We critically review themushrooming literature addressing the neuralmechanisms of moral cognition (NMMC), reachingthe following broad conclusions: (1) researchmainly focuses on three inter-relatedcategories: the moral emotions, moral socialcognition, and abstract moral reasoning. (2)Research varies in terms of whether it deploysecologically valid or experimentallysimplified conceptions of moral cognition. Themore ecologically valid the experimentalregime, the broader the brain areas involved.(3) Much of the research depends on simplifyingassumptions about the domain of moral reasoningthat are motivated by the need to makeexperimental progress. This is a (...)
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  8. Cognition in the Wild.Edwin Hutchins - 1998 - Mind 107 (426):486-492.
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    How a cockpit remembers its speeds.Edwin Hutchins - 1995 - Cognitive Science 19 (3):265--288.
    Cognitive science normally takes the individual agent as its unit of analysis. In many human endeavors, however, the outcomes of interest are not determined entirely by the information processing properties of individuals. Nor can they be inferred from the properties of the individual agents, alone, no matter how detailed the knowledge of the properties of those individuals may be. In commercial aviation, for example, the successful completion of a flight is produced by a system that typically includes two or more (...)
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  10. The cultural ecosystem of human cognition.Edwin Hutchins - 2014 - Philosophical Psychology 27 (1):1-16.
    Everybody knows that humans are cultural animals. Although this fact is universally acknowledged, many opportunities to exploit it are overlooked. In this article, I propose shifting our attention from local examples of extended mind to the cultural-cognitive ecosystems within which human cognition is embedded. I conclude by offering a set of conjectures about the features of cultural-cognitive ecosystems.
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  11. Neurobiology supports virtue theory on the role of heuristics in moral cognition.William D. Casebeer - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (4):547-548.
    Sunstein is right that poorly informed heuristics can influence moral judgment. His case could be strengthened by tightening neurobiologically plausible working definitions regarding what a heuristic is, considering a background moral theory that has more strength in wide reflective equilibrium than “weak consequentialism,” and systematically examining what naturalized virtue theory has to say about the role of heuristics in moral reasoning.
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  12. Neuroethics and national security.Turhan Canli, Susan Brandon, William Casebeer, Philip J. Crowley, Don DuRousseau, Henry T. Greely & Alvaro Pascual-Leone - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (5):3 – 13.
    Science is driven by technical innovations, and perhaps nowhere as visibly as in neuroscience. In the past decade, advances in methods have led to an explosion of studies in cognitive (Gazzaniga et...
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  13. Torture interrogation of terrorists : A theory of exceptions (with notes, cautions, and warnings).William D. Casebeer - 2005 - In Timothy Shanahan, Philosophy 9/11: Thinking About the War on Terrorism. Open Court.
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  14. The Role of Character in Business Ethics.Edwin M. Hartman - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (3):547-559.
    Abstract:There is good reason to take a virtue-based approach to business ethics. Moral principles are fairly useful in assessing actions, but understanding how moral people behave and how they become moral requires reference to virtues, some of which are important in business. We must go beyond virtues and refer to character, of which virtues are components, to grasp the relationship between moral assessment and psychological explanation. Virtues and other character traits are closely related to (in technical terms, they supervene on) (...)
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    To have and to eat cake: The biscriptive role of game-theoretic explanations of human choice behavior.William D. Casebeer & James E. Parco - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (2):159-160.
    Game-theoretic explanations of behavior need supplementation to be descriptive; behavior has multiple causes, only some governed by traditional rationality. An evolutionarily informed theory of action countenances overlapping causal domains: neurobiological, psychological, and rational. Colman's discussion is insufficient because he neither evaluates learning models nor qualifies under what conditions his propositions hold. Still, inability to incorporate emotions in axiomatic models highlights the need for a comprehensive theory of functional rationality.
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  16. Reconciliation in Business Ethics: Some Advice from Aristotle.Edwin M. Hartman - 2008 - Business Ethics Quarterly 18 (2):253-265.
    It may be nearly impossible to use standard principles to make a decision about a complex ethical case. The best decision, say virtue ethicists in the Aristotelian tradition, is often one that is made by a person of good character who knows the salient facts of the case and can frame the situation appropriately. In this respect ethical decisions and strategic decisions are similar. Rationality plays a role in good ethical decision-making, but virtue ethicists emphasize the importance of intuitions and (...)
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  17.  20
    Culture and Inference: A Trobriand Case Study.Edwin Hutchins - 1980 - Harvard University Press.
    Explains the changing of seasons and describes how plants and animals adapt to and prepare for these changes.
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  18. The nature of information: a relevant approach.Edwin Mares - 2010 - Synthese 175 (1):111 - 132.
    In "General Information in Relevant Logic" (Synthese 167, 2009), the semantics for relevant logic is interpreted in terms of objective information. Objective information is potential data that is available in an environment. This paper explores the notion of objective information further. The concept of availability in an environment is developed and used as a foundation for the semantics, in particular, as a basis for the understanding of the information that is expressed by relevant implication. It is also used to understand (...)
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    Anthropocentrism, African Metaphysical Worldview, and Animal Practices: A Reply to Kai Horsthemke.Edwin Etieyibo - 2017 - Journal of Animal Ethics 7 (2):145-162.
    In his recently published book Animals and African Ethics, Kai Horsthemke makes two important and related claims. The first is that most African metaphysical, religious, and ethical positions and perspectives on animals are anthropocentric. Second, he states that if there are one or more principles of duties regarding other animals derivable from these positions and perspectives, they are at best “indirect duties.” In this article, I critically engage with these claims in the context of the ontological beliefs and ethical standpoints (...)
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  20.  88
    Socratic Questions and Aristotelian Answers: A Virtue-Based Approach to Business Ethics.Edwin M. Hartman - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (3):313-328.
    To teach that being ethical requires knowing foundational ethical principles – or, as Socrates claimed, airtight definitions of ethical terms – is to invite cynicism among students, for students discover that no such principles can be found. Aristotle differs from Socrates in claiming that ethics is about virtues primarily, and that one can be virtuous without having the sort of knowledge that characterizes mathematics or natural science. Aristotle is able to demonstrate that ethics and self-interest may overlap, that ethics is (...)
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    3 Locke's philosophy of body.Edwin McCann - 1994 - In Vere Chappell, The Cambridge companion to Locke. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 56.
  22. Public Policy Issues in Genetic Counseling.J. Childress & Kenneth Casebeer - forthcoming - Bioethics: Basic Writings on the Key Ethical Questions That Surround the Major, Modern Biological Possibilities and Problems.
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  23.  9
    Neuroimaging-guided Adaptive Training in Flight Simulators.Jesse Mark, Amanda Kraft, William Casebeer, Matthias Ziegler & Hasan Ayaz - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  24. Descartes, Spinoza, and the Ethics of Belief.Edwin Curley - 1975 - In Eugene Freeman, Spinoza: essays in interpretation. La Salle, Ill.,: Open Court. pp. 159-189.
  25.  23
    Clinical features of hemi-inattention.Edwin A. Weinstein - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (4):518-520.
  26.  46
    Rationality in Management Theory and Practice: An Aristotelian Perspective.Edwin M. Hartman - 2015 - Philosophy of Management 14 (1):5-16.
    Behaviorism is consistent with the assumptions of perfect competition, with the homo economicus model, and with a form of ethics that enshrines market-based notions of utility, justice, and rights and encourages rational maximizing. Economics and business courses foster this deficient form of ethics, assuming an overriding desire for money, which, according to MacIntyre and Aristotle, crowds out the associative virtues. These beliefs, often associated with Taylor and Friedman, lead to such practices as incentive compensation, which would be effective only if (...)
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    Medical ethics.Edwin F. Healy - 1956 - Chicago,: Loyola University Press.
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  28. Locke on Identity: Matter, Life, and Consciousness.Edwin McCann - 1987 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 69 (1):54-77.
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    Loyalty.Edwin Hartman - 1996 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:171-174.
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    Lockean Mechanism.Edwin McCann - 1998 - In Vere Claiborne Chappell, Locke. New York: Oxford University Press.
  31. Upheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions.Edwin E. Gantt - 2002 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 22 (1):76.
  32.  82
    The semantics ofr.Edwin D. Mares & Robert K. Meyer - 1993 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 22 (1):95 - 110.
    The Logic R4 is obtained by adding the axiom □(A v B) → (◇A v □B) to the modal relevant logic NR. We produce a model theory for this logic and show completeness. We also show that there is a natural embedding of a Kripke model for S4 in each R4 model structure.
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  33. Modeling the Emergence of Language as an Embodied Collective Cognitive Activity.Edwin Hutchins & Christine M. Johnson - 2009 - Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (3):523-546.
    Two decades of attempts to model the emergence of language as a collective cognitive activity have demonstrated a number of principles that might have been part of the historical process that led to language. Several models have demonstrated the emergence of structure in a symbolic medium, but none has demonstrated the emergence of the capacity for symbolic representation. The current shift in cognitive science toward theoretical frameworks based on embodiment is already furnishing computational models with additional mechanisms relevant to the (...)
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    Hobbes and the cause of religious toleration.Edwin Curley - unknown
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  35. The Semantic Completeness Of Rk.Edwin Mares - 1992 - Reports on Mathematical Logic:3-10.
    This paper extends the argument of Mares, ``Classically Complete Modal Relevant Logics'' Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, to show that the system RK is complete over an Extension of the Routley-Meyer semantics.
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  36.  61
    Socratic Ethics and the Challenge of Globalization.Edwin M. Hartman - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (1):211-220.
    Abstract:We have reached a rough moral consensus in the field of business ethics. We believe in capitalism with a safety net and enough regulation to deal with serious market imperfections. We favor autonomy for individuals and democracy for governments, though not necessarily for organizations. We recognize the rights of citizens and the different rights of employees. We respect a variety of possible sets of values, and so countenance a distinction between public and private. In other words, we are capitalists, pluralists, (...)
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  37.  35
    The Psychology of Aristotle.Edwin Hartman, Franz Brentano & Rolf George - 1979 - Philosophical Review 88 (2):306.
  38. Locke on substance.Edwin McCann - 2007 - In Lex Newman, The Cambridge Companion to Locke's "Essay Concerning Human Understanding". New York: Cambridge University Press.
  39. Hobbes versus Descartes.Edwin Curley - 1995 - In Roger Ariew & Marjorie Grene, Descartes and His Contemporaries: Meditations, Objections, and Replies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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  40. (1 other version)Substance, Body, and Soul: Aristotelian Investigations.Edwin Hartman - 1977 - Philosophy 54 (209):427-430.
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    Verbal learning theory and independent retrieval phenomena.Edwin Martin - 1971 - Psychological Review 78 (4):314-332.
  42. Persons and Dreams of Possibility in Religion and Science.Edwin C. Laurenson - 2007 - Zygon 42 (4):813-815.
  43.  60
    'I Durst Not Write So Boldly,' or How to Read Hobbes' Theological-Political Treatise.Edwin Curley - unknown
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    11 The virtue approach to business ethics.Edwin Hartman - 2013 - In Daniel C. Russell, The Cambridge companion to virtue ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 240.
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    Spinoza and the Science of Hermeneutics.Edwin Curley - unknown
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    The Cogito and the Foundations of Knowledge.Edwin Curley - 2006 - In Stephen Gaukroger, The Blackwell Guide to Descartes' Meditations. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 30–47.
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    (1 other version)The Generality of Theory and the Specificity of Social Behavior: Contrasting Experimental and Hermeneutic Social Science.Edwin E. Gantt, Jeffrey P. Lindstrom & Richard N. Williams - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (4).
    Since its inception, experimental social psychology has arguably been of two minds about the nature and role of theory. Contemporary social psychology's experimental approach has been strongly informed by the “nomological-deductive” approach of Carl Hempel in tandem with the “hypothetico-deducive” approach of Karl Popper. Social psychology's commitment to this hybrid model of science has produced at least two serious obstacles to more fruitful theorizing about human experience: the problem of situational specificity, and the manifest impossibility of formulating meaningful general laws (...)
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  48.  19
    Obscuring the Role of the Physician.Roy Branson & Kenneth Casebeer - 1976 - Hastings Center Report 6 (1):8-11.
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    Do professional managers have a profession?Edwin Bacon - 2009 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 13 (1):11-16.
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    Auto-organization and emergence of shared language structure.Edwin Hutchins & Brian Hazlehurst - 2002 - In Angelo Cangelosi & Domenico Parisi, Simulating the Evolution of Language. Springer Verlag. pp. 279--305.
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