Results for 'Mihret Alemneh'

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    B-almost distributive fuzzy lattice.Berhanu Assaye, Mihret Alemneh & Gerima Tefera - 2018 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 47 (3):171.
    The paper introduces the concept of B-Almost distributive fuzzy lattice in terms of its principal ideal fuzzy lattice. Necessary and sufficient conditions for an ADFL to become a B-ADFL are investigated. We also prove the equivalency of B-algebra and B-fuzzy algebra. In addition, we extend PSADL to PSADFL and prove that B-ADFL implies PSADFL.
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    Remuneration Committees and Attribution Disclosures on Remuneration Decisions: Australian Evidence.Sutharson Kanapathippillai, Dessalegn Mihret & Shireenjit Johl - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4):1063-1082.
    The use of remuneration committees to foster corporate accountability concerning executive remuneration decisions has attracted increasing public attention following various corporate scandals and the recent global financial crisis. This study empirically examines the link between RCs and attributions disclosures, i.e. explanation of reasons for executive remuneration decisions. Using a sample of 644 firm-year observations drawn from top 200 Australian Securities Exchange -listed firms from 2007 to 2011, we find that firms with RCs tend to voluntarily disclose attribution, and the extent (...)
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    The Effect of Board Capital and CEO Power on Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures.Mohammad Badrul Muttakin, Arifur Khan & Dessalegn Getie Mihret - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (1):41-56.
    This study examines the effect of directors’ human and social capital on the level of corporate social responsibility disclosures by drawing on insights from a resource-based view. It also investigates the effect of chief executive officer power on this relationship. Data were obtained from annual reports of companies listed on the Dhaka Stock Exchange in Bangladesh from 2005 to 2013. We employ outside directors’ experiences and expertise as a proxy for board capital and measure CEO power using a ‘power index’ (...)
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    Literatur ist Freiheit.Günter Blamberger - 2023 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 32 (1):217-230.
    „Literature is Freedom“, so endet Susan Sontags Dankrede zur Verleihung des Friedenspreises des Deutschen Buchhandels 2003. Worin gründet die Wirkmacht der Poesie, Freiräume des Denkens zu eröffnen, Lesern Grenzüberschreitungen der eigenen Zeit, der eigenen Identität, der eigenen Kultur zu ermöglichen und damit das Bewusstsein für gänzlich andere Vermessungen der Welt? Wie können Literaturwissenschaftler die Freiheit der Kunst und damit die Komplexität ästhetischer Erfahrungen verteidigen, angesichts der Reduzierung von Freiheitsgraden in den aktuellen Kulturkämpfen? Wie gelingt es zeitgenössischer politischer Dichtung, denen Gehör (...)
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