Results for 'Mika Kobayashi'

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  1.  53
    Independence of visual awareness from the scope of attention: An electrophysiological study.Mika Koivisto, Antti Revonsuo & Minna Lehtonen - 2006 - Cerebral Cortex 16 (3):415-424.
  2.  93
    Counter-Colonial and Philosophical Claims: An indigenous observation of Western philosophy.Carl Mika - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (11):1136-1142.
    Providing an indigenous opinion on anything is a difficult task. To be sure, there is a multitude of possible indigenous responses to dominant Western philosophy. My aim in this paper is to assess dominant analytic Western philosophy in light of the general insistence of most indigenous authors that indigenous metaphysics is holistic, and to make some bold claims about both dominant Western philosophy in line with an indigenous metaphysics of holism. There will, of course, be different ways of expressing holism (...)
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    Philosophical and Theological Responses to Syncretism: Beyond the Mirage of Pure Religion.Mika Vähäkangas & Patrik Fridlund (eds.) - 2017 - Leiden: Brill.
    _Theological and Philosophical Responses to Syncretism: Beyond the Mirage of Pure Religion_ by Patrik Fridlund and Mika Vähäkangas elaborates the consequences of admitting the unavoidable syncretic nature of religions in theology and philosophy of religion.
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    A propositional fragment of leśniewski's ontology and its formulation by the tableau method.Mitsunori Kobayashi & Arata Ishimoto - 1982 - Studia Logica 41 (2-3):181 - 195.
    The propositional fragment L 1 of Leniewski's ontology is the smallest class (of formulas) containing besides all the instances of tautology the formulas of the forms: (a, b) (a, a), (a, b) (b,). (a, c) and (a, b) (b, c). (b, a) being closed under detachment. The purpose of this paper is to furnish another more constructive proof than that given earlier by one of us for: Theorem A is provable in L 1 iff TA is a thesis of first-order (...)
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    Notes on haptic realism: Digital photography and shifting conditions of embodiment.Mika Elo - 2012 - Philosophy of Photography 3 (1):19-27.
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    Aristotle on Perceptual Discrimination.Mika Perälä - 2018 - Phronesis 63 (3):257-292.
    _ Source: _Volume 63, Issue 3, pp 257 - 292 It is commonly assumed that Aristotle defines a sense by reference to its ability to perceive the items that are proper to that sense, and that he explains perceptions of unities of these items, and discriminations between them, by reference to what is called the ‘common sense’. This paper argues in contrast that Aristotle defines a sense by reference, not only to its ability to perceive the proper items, but also (...)
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  7.  34
    Masked blindsight in normal observers: Measuring subjective and objective responses to two features of each stimulus.Mika Koivisto & Susanna Neuvonen - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 81:102929.
  8.  15
    Cognitive flexibility moderates the relationship between openness-to-experience and perceptual reversals of Necker cube.Mika Koivisto & Cypriana Pallaris - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 122 (C):103698.
  9. Self-awareness and mental perception.Hisayasu Kobayashi - 2010 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 38 (3):233-245.
    The purpose of this paper is to clarify Prajñākaragupta’s view of mental perception ( mānasapratyakṣa ), with special emphasis on the relationship between mental perception and self-awareness. Dignāga, in his PS 1.6ab, says: “mental [perception] ( mānasa ) is [of two kinds:] a cognition of an [external] object and awareness of one’s own mental states such as passion.” According to his commentator Jinendrabuddhi, a cognition of an external object and awareness of an internal object such as passion are here equally (...)
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  10.  60
    An ERP study of change detection, change blindness, and visual awareness.Mika Koivisto & Antti Revonsuo - 2003 - Psychophysiology 40 (3):423-429.
  11.  53
    Māori in the Kingdom of the Gaze: Subjects or critics?Carl Mika & Georgina Stewart - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (3).
    For Māori, a real opportunity exists to flesh out some terms and concepts that Western thinkers have adopted and that precede disciplines but necessarily inform them. In this article, we are intent on describing one of these precursory phenomena—Foucault’s Gaze—within a framework that accords with a Māori philosophical framework. Our discussion is focused on the potential and limits of colonised thinking, which has huge implications for such disciplines as education, among others. We have placed Foucault’s Gaze alongside a Māori metaphysics (...)
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  12.  36
    Baby arithmetic: one object plus one tone.Tessei Kobayashi, Kazuo Hiraki, Ryoko Mugitani & Toshikazu Hasegawa - 2004 - Cognition 91 (2):B23-B34.
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  13.  38
    Trying to secure a future in uncertain circumstances. The social security of temporary migrant workers in Finland.Mika Helander, Peter Holley & Heidi Uuttana - 2016 - Arbor 192 (777):a286.
  14. Chūgokujin no shikō kitei.Shimmei Kobayashi - 1955
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  15.  13
    Escritura, cuerpo y gestualidad en Cy Twombly.Megumi Andrade Kobayashi - 2021 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 31 (1):40-60.
    Este ensayo está dedicado a la serie grey paintings del artista norteamericano Cy Twombly. A partir de un análisis de Panorama y Cold Stream, planteo que la serie se vincula a formas de inscripción asociadas, simultáneamente, a lo verbal y lo pictórico. Si bien no es posible identificar letras ni palabras, estas obras manifiestan un estrecho vínculo con una dimensión gestual y corporal de la escritura. En mi análisis establezco relaciones con inscripciones arcaicas, con la criptografía, y con procesos de (...)
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  16.  8
    Jijitsu kara no shuppatsu.Mikio Kobayashi - 1992 - Ōsaka-shi: Sōgensha.
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  17. Kyōiku no ningengakuteki kenkyū.Hirofusa Kobayashi - 1984 - Fukuoka-shi: Kyūshū Daigaku Shuppankai.
  18. Kyōikuryoku to shite no kokugaku.Kenzō Kobayashi - 1970 - Kinseisha.
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  19.  28
    New Start for Organ Transplantation in Japan.Eiji Kobayashi - 2009 - Asian Bioethics Review 1 (4):449-451.
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  20.  7
    Seishin byōri kara miru gendai shisō.Toshiaki Kobayashi - 1991 - Tōkyō: Kōdansha.
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  21. Shintai, hifu no shūjigaku.Yasuo Kobayashi & Hisaki Matsūra (eds.) - 2000 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  22. Shintoism: Nature's own religion.A. Kobayashi - 2001 - Journal of Dharma 26 (1):87-95.
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  23.  7
    "Shutai" no yukue: Nihon kindai shisōshi e no ichi shikaku.Toshiaki Kobayashi - 2010 - Tōkyō: Kōdansha.
    「主体」はもちろんsubjectの翻訳語である。明治以降、この語がわが国に入ってくると、「主観」「主体」「主語」などさまざまな翻訳語があらわれる。たとえば西田幾多郎は、初期は「主観」をつかっているが、 後期になると「主体」しか出てこなくなる。この移行ははたして何を意味するのだろうか。戦後には、「主体性論争」がわき起こり、たとえば学生運動では「主体性」という言葉がキーワードとなった。明治期の受容から、 戦後、そして現代に至るまで、それぞれの時代の趨勢となった思想に伏流する「主体」を追い続け、日本近代思想史にあらたな視座を提供する、知的興奮にあふれた一冊。.
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  24. Seisei ruten no tetsugaku: jinsei to sekai o kangaeru.Michinori Kobayashi - 2024 - Kyōto-shi: Mineruva Shobō.
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  25. Tetsugaku.Toshihiro Kobayashi - 1973
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  26.  29
    Viewing Proto-Dravidian from the Northeast.Masato Kobayashi - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (2):467.
    Continuing Pfeiffer 1972, Pfeiffer 2018 examines inherited Dravidian etyma of Kurux, one of the most northerly Dravidian languages. After an overview of the book, we discuss problems involved in Pfeiffer’s arguments, methods, and materials. Then we try to narrow down the conditions of some of the sound changes Pfeiffer proposes, in conformity with the Neogrammarian hypothesis of regularity. We also point out that closer study of word-final phonology would answer some of the pending questions of Kurux-Malto morphology. Finally, we argue (...)
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  27.  51
    A Counter-Colonial Speculation on Elizabeth Rata’s –ism.Carl Mika - 2016 - Journal of World Philosophies 1 (1):1-12.
    In Maori thought, the possibility exists for a sort of lateral thinking that does not necessarily directly respond to another’s utterance or opinion but that considers some of the creative and arbitrary themes that arise. In this article, I employ this counter-colonial speculation, keeping in mind a Maori worldview whilst thinking in the wake of Elizabeth Rata’s “Ethnic Ideologies in New Zealand Education: What’s Wrong with Kaupapa Maori?” The speculative powers that Maori have at our disposal here have undoubtedly been (...)
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  28.  21
    Démographie et morale.R. Mika Mfitzsche - 2004 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 35 (1):22-53.
    En partant principalement du recueil de R. Sugranyes de Franch , Économie et développement. Répertoire des documents épiscopaux des cinq continents , Fribourg , 1997, l’auteur analyse quelques déclarations des Conférences épiscopales en matière démographique . Privilégiant l’approche systémique des problèmes, les évêques refusent toute analyse causale simpliste, amenant à modifier un seul facteur, indépendamment des autres, à savoir la fécondité. Réfléchissant à partir de la création de l’homme, créé à l’image et à la ressemblance de Dieu, et à partir (...)
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  29. Excess and indigenous worldview : philosophising on the problem of method.Carl Mika - 2021 - In David Ludwig & Inkeri Koskinen (eds.), Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science. New York: Routeldge.
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  30.  27
    Tawhiao’s Unstated Heteroglossia: Conversations with Bakhtin.Carl Te Hira Mika & Sarah-Jane Tiakiwai - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (9):854-866.
    In the face of land confiscations and other forms of imperialism characteristic of the 19th century in Aotearoa/new Zealand, the second Maori King Tawhiao devised a number of sayings that seem at first glance to be entirely mythical. Highly metaphorical and poetic, they appear to refer, as Bakhtin would have it in his discussion of the epic, to a language that is emotional, innately tied to a static mooring of pre-rational thought. Yet, in this paper we argue that a Maori (...)
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  31. Probabilistic causation in branching time.Mika Oksanen - 2002 - Synthese 132 (1-2):89 - 117.
    A probabilistic and counterfactual theory of causality is developed within the framework of branching time. The theory combines ideas developed by James Fetzer, Donald Nute, Patrick Suppes, Ming Xu, John Pollock, David Lewis and Mellor among others.
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  32. Expertise as a domain in interaction.Mika Simonen & Ilkka Arminen - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (5):577-596.
    We start this article from Gilbert Ryle’s distinction between propositional knowledge, ‘knowing-that’, and procedural knowledge, ‘knowing-how’, and investigate how participants in interaction display orientation to the latter in various settings. As the knowledge of how things are done, know-how can be analyzed in terms of its relevance and consequentiality for parties in interaction. Similarly, as participants adjust their actions and understandings according to their sense of what they know and assume others to know, their know-how and its distribution may form (...)
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  33.  37
    The Shifting Other in Karatani Kōjin’s Philosophy.Toshiaki Kobayashi & John W. M. Krummel - 2016 - Journal of Japanese Philosophy 4:17-31.
    In this article Kobayashi Toshiaki discusses the importance in all periods of Karatani’s oeuvre of the notion of an “exterior” that necessarily falls beyond the bounds of a system, together with the notion of “singularity” as that which cannot be contained within a “universal.” The existential dread vis-à-vis the uncanny other that Karatani in his early works of literary criticism had initially found to be the underlying tone in Sōseki’s works remained with Karatani himself throughout his career and is (...)
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  34.  45
    (1 other version)Doping and Moral Disapprovals.Mika Hämäläinen, Andrew Bloodworth & Suvi Heikkinen - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (3):331-348.
    This paper explores variance in how people morally disapprove wrongs related to doping. The variance may pertain to what type of moral disapproval a person uses or to what they disapprove of. Our e...
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  35.  50
    Blind, or Keenly Self-regarding? The dilemma of Western philosophy.Carl Mika & Michael Peters - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (11):1125-1127.
  36.  24
    Affirmation and Denial in Aristotle’s De interpretatione.Mika Perälä - 2020 - Topoi 39 (3):645-656.
    Modern logicians have complained that Aristotelian logic lacks a distinction between predication and assertion, and that predication, according to the Aristotelians, implies assertion. The present paper addresses the question of whether this criticism can be levelled against Aristotle’s logic. Based on a careful study of the De interpretatione, the paper shows that even if Aristotle defines what he calls simple assertion in terms of predication, he does not confound predication and assertion. That is because, first, he does not understand compound (...)
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  37.  54
    Social equality and the conditional justifiability of political inequality.Takuto Kobayashi - 2024 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 23 (3):252-272.
    Social or relational egalitarians try to defend democracy non-instrumentally as a constitutive element of a society where no one stands as inferior or superior to anyone else. However, they face an instrumentalist challenge from within: Why not uphold a non-democratic regime if it outperforms democracy in protecting or promoting egalitarian social relations, for example, by stably producing substantive political decisions that guard against social hierarchies? This article explores the best response to this challenge from the social egalitarian non-instrumentalist standpoint. It (...)
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  38.  41
    Two Kinds of Sport Records.Mika Hämäläinen - 2013 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 7 (4):1-13.
    The aim of this paper is to analyse sport records and consider why there are two kinds of them: performance records and statistical records. Usain Bolt?s world record of 9.58?s in a 100?m race is a prominent example of a performance record, while an example of a statistical record is Michael Phelps? 18 Olympic gold medals. This categorisation of two types of sport record is a development of Sigmund Loland?s view. Loland focuses on performance records and largely ignores statistical records; (...)
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  39.  18
    The Later Collingwood on Method: Re-Enactment and Abduction.Chinatsu Kobayashi & Mathieu Marion - 2018 - In Karim Dharamsi, Giuseppina D'Oro & Stephen Leach (eds.), Collingwood on Philosophical Methodology. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 229-248.
    In this chapter, Kobayashi and Marion first provide reasons to reject the many readings of Collingwood that sought to draft him as a participant in the Hempel-Dray debate about the status of covering laws in history. After all, this debate was not part of Collingwood’s context and, although one can pry from his writings a contribution to it, one may simply, by doing so, misunderstand what he was up to. In the second part, they present the Gabbay-Woods Schema for (...)
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  40.  18
    A philosophy of concrete life: Carl Schmitt and the political thought of late modernity.Mika Ojakangas - 2004 - Jyväskylä: Minerva.
    Carl Schmitt is one of the most influential political and legal theorists of the 20th century. His ideas have long been familiar to intellectuals in Europe. Despite growing interest in Schmitt, the analysis of the metaphysical structure and logic of Schmitt's political thought is still missing. This book tries to redress this flaw. It focuses on Schmitt's conception of the concrete, which is seen as the "metaphysical core" of his writings. For Schmitt, the concrete is a condition of possibility of (...)
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  41.  21
    On the Greek Origins of Biopolitics: A Reinterpretation of the History of Biopower.Mika Ojakangas - 2016 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book explores the origins of western biopolitics in ancient Greek political thought. Ojakangas's argues that the conception of politics as the regulation of the quantity and quality of population in the name of the security and happiness of the state and its inhabitants is as old as the western political thought itself: the politico-philosophical categories of classical thought, particularly those of Plato and Aristotle, were already biopolitical categories. In their books on politics, Plato and Aristotle do not only deal (...)
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  42. Servant Leadership in Japan: A Validation Study of the Japanese Version of the Servant Leadership Survey.Yuka Kobayashi, Kazuhiro Watanabe, Yasumasa Otsuka, Hisashi Eguchi, Norito Kawakami, Kotaro Imamura & Dirk van Dierendonck - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  43.  24
    The role of actions in making inferences about the shape and material of solid objects among Japanese 2 year-old children.Harumi Kobayashi - 1997 - Cognition 63 (3):251-269.
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  44.  26
    Why Give Up the Unknown? And How?Carl Mika, Carwyn Jones, W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz, Ocean Ripeka Mercier & Helen Verran - 2022 - Journal of World Philosophies 7 (1):101-144.
    Carl Mika claims in the symposium’s lead essay that we need more myth today. In fact, an “unscientific” attitude can potentially reorient the alienation from the world. For Mika, a philosophical mātauranga Māori incorporates such a way of being in the world. Through it, an unmediated and co-existent relationship with the world can be built up. Some of Mika’s co-symposiasts invite Mika to substantiate aspects about this bold claim. Carwyn Jones nudges Mika to discuss the (...)
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  45. Electrophysiological correlates of visual consciousness and selective attention.Mika Koivisto & Antti Revonsuo - 2007 - Neuroreport 18 (8):753-756.
  46.  33
    Neutron irradiation effects in Fe–Cu–Ni–Mn model alloys studied by measurements of magnetic minor hysteresis loops.S. Kobayashi, H. Kikuchi, S. Takahashi, K. Chiba, Y. Kamada & K. Ara - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (26):4047-4058.
  47. The Aesthetic Experience of Artwork.Mika Suojanen - 2014 - In Kaisa Koivisto, Jani Kukkola, Timo Latomaa & Pirkko Sandelin (eds.), Experience Research IV. Lapland University Press. pp. 57–72.
    What is beautiful or ugly vary from one person another, from time to time and from culture to culture. However, at the same time, people are certain that there are aesthetic properties in the nature, artworks and other persons and, furthermore, they can be perceived by the naked eye. This article argues that experience does not reveal the aesthetic properties of the objects.
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  48.  67
    A scientist crossing a boundary: A step into the bioethical issues surrounding stem cell research.Nao R. Kobayashi - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (3):15 – 16.
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  49.  71
    Meditations on the Problem of Dirty Hands: Can One Do Right by Doing Evil?Mika Suojanen - 2021 - In Katriina Kajannes (ed.), Hyvyys. Athanor. pp. 107-118.
    I examine the problem of dirty hands, suggesting that there is a possibility for the individual decision-maker to do bad to achieve good consequences. According to Consequentialism, because the consequences are what counts in morality, then there seems to be no phenomenon of dirty hands. I will first present what Jean-Paul Sartre meant by the problem of dirty hands, after which I will describe how contemporary philosophers have identified that problem. Finally, I will argue that Consequentialism does not negate the (...)
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  50.  54
    On Homelessness in the City of Turku: Observations from the Sidewalk.Mika Suojanen - 2022 - Asukki.
    Much is known about homelessness from a quantitative perspective in Finland. However, the implications are often misleading and false. In this report, I present how prejudiced conclusions about the homeless are drawn in the City of Turku because there is no interest in grassroots experience. Targets to reduce homelessness still make sense.
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