Results for 'Milun Perović'

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    Putopisi života: čovek i smisao življenja.Milun Perović - 2007 - Beograd: Draslar partner.
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    (1 other version)What is a fourdimensionalist to do about temporally extended properties?Katarina Perovic - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):441-452.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    From Data to Quanta: Niels Bohr’s Vision of Physics.Slobodan Perovic - 2021 - University of Chicago Press.
    Niels Bohr was a central figure in quantum physics, well known for his work on atomic structure and his contributions to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. In this book, philosopher of science Slobodan Perović explores the way Bohr practiced and understood physics, and analyzes its implications for our understanding of modern science. Perović develops a novel approach to Bohr’s understanding of physics and his method of inquiry, presenting an exploratory symbiosis of historical and philosophical analysis that uncovers the key (...)
  4. Three Varieties of Growing Block Theory.Katarina Perović - 2019 - Erkenntnis 86 (3):623-645.
    Growing Block theorists are committed, roughly, to two theses: that past and present events exist and that future events do not, and that the present is dynamic and constantly changing. These two theses support a picture of the universe as growing, gaining in more and more things and events, as these recede into the past; but the two theses do not specify how the growth of the block is to be understood ; what status the past is supposed to have (...)
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  5. Bradley's Regress.Katarina Perovic - 2017 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    How Theories of Induction Can Streamline Measurements of Scientific Performance.Slobodan Perović & Vlasta Sikimić - 2020 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 51 (2):267-291.
    We argue that inductive analysis and operational assessment of the scientific process can be justifiably and fruitfully brought together, whereby the citation metrics used in the operational analysis can effectively track the inductive dynamics and measure the research efficiency. We specify the conditions for the use of such inductive streamlining, demonstrate it in the cases of high energy physics experimentation and phylogenetic research, and propose a test of the method’s applicability.
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  7. The modern concept of time and the concept of history. About the foundations of Heidegger's discussion with Hegel.Milenko A. Perović - 2007 - Synthesis Philosophica 22 (1):141-155.
    The author is convinced that the key of Heidegger’s critical relationship toward Hegel’s philosophy can be found in the interpretation of the problem of time. This is why he deals with the analysis of the basic outlines of Heidegger’s criticism of Hegel’s concept of time, where he believes this criticism to be problematic considering its starting point, as well as the concrete analysis of the respective parts of Hegel’s work. What is problematic in Heidegger’s critical viewpoint, which he starts from, (...)
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    Rene Descartes and the rise of the intellectuality of the modern epoch.Milenko A. Perović - 1996 - Theoria 39 (4):97-110.
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    The Cosmic Microwave Background: Historical and Philosophical Lessons.Slobodan Perovic & Milan M. Cirkovic - 2024 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    "This volume tells the untold story of how observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation were interpreted in the decades following its serendipitous discovery, before the Hot Big Bang model became the accepted orthodoxy. The authors guide the reader through this history, including the many false trails and blind alleys that occurred along the way. Readers will discover how the Big Bang theory was shaped by alternative theories that exposed its weaknesses – including some that persist even today. By looking (...)
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    Optimal research team composition: data envelopment analysis of Fermilab experiments.Slobodan Perovic - 2011 - 108 (1):83–111.
    Focusing on the discovery of weak currents, the current debate on the theory-ladenness of observation in modern physics might be too narrow, as it concerns only the last stage of a complex experimental process and statistical methods required to analyze data. The scope of the debate should be extended to include broader experimental conditions that concern the design of the apparatus and different levels of the detection process. These neglected conditions often decisively delimit experiments long before the last stage has (...)
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    Observation, Experiment, and Scientific Practice.Slobodan Perović - 2021 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 34 (1):1-20.
    Ian Hacking has argued that the notions of experiment and observation are distinct, not even the opposite ends of a continuum. More recently, other authors have emphasised their continuity, saying...
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    Egalitarian Paradise or Factory Drudgery? Organizing Knowledge Production in High Energy Physics (HEP) Laboratories.Slobodan Perović - 2018 - Social Epistemology 32 (4):241-261.
    The organization of cutting-edge HEP laboratories has evolved in the intersection of academia, state agencies, and industry. Exponentially ever-larger and more complex knowledge-intensive operations, the laboratories have often faced the challenges of, and required organizational solutions similar to, those identified by a cluster of diverse theories falling under the larger heading of organization theory. The cluster has either shaped or accounted for the organization of industry and state administration. The theories also apply to HEP laboratories, as they have gradually and (...)
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    Niels Bohr’s Complementarity and Quantum Tunneling.Slobodan Perovic - 2017 - In Jan Faye & Henry J. Folse, Niels Bohr and the Philosophy of Physics: Twenty-First Century Perspectives. New York: Bloomsbury.
    Niels Bohr’s complementarity principle is a tenuous synthesis of seemingly discrepant theoretical approaches based on a comprehensive analysis of relevant experimental results. Yet the role of complementarity, and the experimentalist-minded approach behind it, were not confined to a provisional best-available synthesis of well-established experimental results alone. They were also pivotal in discovering and explaining the phenomenon of quantum tunneling in its various forms. The core principles of Bohr’s method and the ensuing complementarity account of quantum phenomena remain highly relevant guidelines (...)
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  14. The Genealogy of Universals: The Metaphysical Origins of Analytic Philosophy.Katarina Perovic - 2019 - Analysis 79 (2):359-363.
    Not long ago I found myself at a metaphysics conference in which one of the speakers right at the outset declared dismissively that he would be doing metaphysics ‘of the last five minutes’. Everybody laughed. I was horrified. A traditional metaphysical problem was presented and discussed as it had been set out by a contemporary philosopher, and we were all expected to take for granted the parameters of the debate as they were being presented, without further questioning and examining of (...)
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    „Ewiges Ballet“ in Platons Höhle.Drago Perović - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (3):441-452.
    Die Präsentation versucht, die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Denken und Realität im gegenwärtigen technisch-technologischen entstehenden Vergehen. Verborgen damit sind alle grundlegenden philosophischen Fragen verbunden, und vor allem die Frage nach der Möglichkeit, „von“ oder „jenseits“ der entstehenden-vergehenden Realität zu denken. Die zeitgenössische Debatte kehrt damit zum transzendental-immanenten Charakter der Meinung zurück, die trotz der neu entstandenen/vergangenen Situation, als Frage möglicher Begründung des philosophischen Wissens man mit seinen traditionellen Formen und Leistungsweisen vergleichen kann. Das Feld dieses Tanzes ist eine neue (...)
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    Essay review.S. Perovic - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (3):694-699.
  17. From Critical to Partisan Dictionaries; or, What Is Excluded from Today's Flat World Orthodoxies?Sanja Perovic - 2018 - In Helge Jordheim & Erling Sandmo, Conceptualizing the world: an exploration across disciplines. New York: Berghahn.
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    Team and project composition in big physics experiments.Slobodan Perovic - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (4):535-542.
    Identifying optimal ways of organizing exploration in particle physics mega-labs is a challenging task that requires a combination of case-based and formal epistemic approaches. Data-driven studies suggest that projects pursued by smaller master-teams are substantially more efficient than larger ones across sciences, including experimental particle physics. Smaller teams also seem to make better project choices than larger, centralized teams. Yet the epistemic requirement of small, decentralized, and diverse teams contradicts the often emphasized and allegedly inescapable logic of discovery that forces (...)
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    The Complexity-based Explanatory Strategy, Biological Levels, and the Origin of Life.Slobodan Perović - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 69:54-67.
    A long-standing debate on the causality of levels in biological explanations has divided philosophers into two camps. The reductionist camp insists on the causal primacy of lower, molecular levels, while the critics point out the inescapable shifting, reciprocity, and circularity of levels across biological explanations. We argue, however, that many explanations in biology do not exclusively draw their explanatory power from detailed insights into inter-level interactions; they predominantly require identifying the adequate levels of biological complexity to be explained. Moreover, the (...)
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  20. (1 other version)Mapping The Understanding Complex in Russell's Theory of Knowledge.Katarina Perovic - 2016 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 36 (2):101-127.
    Anyone familiar with Russell’s work on the multiple-relation theory of judgment will at some point have puzzled over the map of the five-term understanding complex at the end of Chapter 1, Part II of his Theory of Knowledge (1913). Russell presents the map with the intention of clarifying what goes on when a subject S understands the “proposition” that A and B are similar. But the map raises more questions than it answers. In this paper I present and develop some (...)
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    A speculative turn in science and philosophy of science.Slobodan Perović & Milan Ćirković - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (3):351-364.
    This paper describes the main features and goals of the speculative work in modern sciences that has greatly accelerated since World War II due to the exponential increase in computing power and newly available theoretical and conceptual tools. It points to the long historical strand of speculative philosophical work in symbiosis with the sciences, suggests the reasons for its unexpected neglect in contemporary professional philosophy of science, why it should be a major approach, and why such pursuit is not inevitable. (...)
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  22. Ontological Categories: A Methodological Guide.Katarina Perovic - 2024 - Cambridge University Press.
    Ontology – the study of the most fundamental categories of being – lies at the very heart of metaphysics. The reason why it appears to be so central is because it takes on the following questions: What sorts of entities are there? What features do those entities have? How do they relate to one another? And so on. Section 1 of this Element presents a fast-paced historical overview of some of the notable approaches to these questions. Section 2 tells the (...)
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  23. Temporal properties.Katarina Perović - 2023 - In A. R. J. Fisher & Anna-Sofia Maurin, The Routledge Handbook of Properties. London: Routledge.
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    Filozofija morala.Milenko A. Perović - 2013 - Novi Sad: Cenzura. Edited by Milenko A. Perović.
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  25. Istorichnostʹ i istoricheskai︠a︡ realʹnostʹ.I︠U︡riĭ Valerianovich Perov - 2000 - Sankt-Peterburg: Sankt-Peterburgskoe filosofskoe ob-vo.
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    Lekt︠s︡ii po istorii klassicheskoĭ nemet︠s︡koĭ filosofii.I︠U︡riĭ Valerianovich Perov - 2010 - Sankt-Peterburg: Nauka.
    В книге представлены лекции по истории немецкой классической философии, которые Ю. В. Перов (1940-2008) более 20 лет читал в Санкт-Петербургском государственном университете.
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  27. Ogled o moralu.Blažo M. Perović - 1982 - Beograd: Mladost.
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  28. Pojam Boga u filozofiji.Milenko Perović (ed.) - 1996 - Novi Sad: Kulturni centar Novog Sada.
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    Optimal research team composition: data envelopment analysis of Fermilab experiments.Slobodan Perovic, Sandro Radovanović, Vlasta Sikimić & Andrea Berber - 2016 - Scientometrics 108 (1):83--111.
    We employ data envelopment analysis on a series of experiments performed in Fermilab, one of the major high-energy physics laboratories in the world, in order to test their efficiency (as measured by publication and citation rates) in terms of variations of team size, number of teams per experiment, and completion time. We present the results and analyze them, focusing in particular on inherent connections between quantitative team composition and diversity, and discuss them in relation to other factors contributing to scientific (...)
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  30. When Should We Stop Investing in a Scientific Project? The Halting Problem in Experimental Physics.Vlasta Sikimić, Sandro Radovanović & Slobodan Perovic - 2018 - In Kaja Damnjanović, Ivana Stepanović Ilić & Slobodan Marković, Proceedings of the XXIV Conference “Empirical Studies in Psychology”. pp. 105-107.
    The question of when to stop an unsuccessful experiment can be difficult to answer from an individual perspective. To help to guide these decisions, we turn to the social epistemology of science and investigate knowledge inquisition within a group. We focused on the expensive and lengthy experiments in high energy physics, which were suitable for citation-based analysis because of the relatively quick and reliable consensus about the importance of results in the field. In particular, we tested whether the time spent (...)
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  31. Bare Particulars Laid Bare.Katarina Perović - 2017 - Acta Analytica 32 (3):277-295.
    Bare particulars have received a fair amount of bad press. Many find such entities to be obviously incoherent and dismiss them without much consideration. Proponents of bare particulars, on their part, have not done enough to clearly motivate and characterize bare particulars, thus leaving them open to misinterpretations. With this paper, I try to remedy this situation. I put forward a much-needed positive case for bare particulars through the four problems that they can be seen to solve—The Problem of Individuation, (...)
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    Alternative explanations of the cosmic microwave background: A historical and an epistemological perspective.Milan M. Ćirković & Slobodan Perović - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 62:1-18.
    We historically trace various non-conventional explanations for the origin of the cosmic microwave background and discuss their merit, while analyzing the dynamics of their rejection, as well as the relevant physical and methodological reasons for it. It turns out that there have been many such unorthodox interpretations; not only those developed in the context of theories rejecting the relativistic paradigm entirely but also those coming from the camp of original thinkers firmly entrenched in the relativistic milieu. In fact, the orthodox (...)
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    Why were Matrix Mechanics and Wave Mechanics considered equivalent?Slobodan Perovic - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (2):444-461.
    A recent rethinking of the early history of Quantum Mechanics deemed the late 1920s agreement on the equivalence of Matrix Mechanics and Wave Mechanics, prompted by Schrödinger's 1926 proof, a myth. Schrödinger supposedly failed to prove isomorphism, or even a weaker equivalence (“Schrödinger-equivalence”) of the mathematical structures of the two theories; developments in the early 1930s, especially the work of mathematician von Neumann provided sound proof of mathematical equivalence. The alleged agreement about the Copenhagen Interpretation, predicated to a large extent (...)
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  34. The Import of the Original Bradley’s Regress.Katarina Perovic - 2014 - Axiomathes 24 (3):375-394.
    Much of the recent metaphysical literature on the problem of the relational unity of complexes leaves the impression that Bradley (or some Bradleyan argument) has uncovered a serious problem to be addressed. The problem is thought to be particularly challenging for trope theorists and realists about universals. In truth, there has been little clarity about the nature and import of the original Bradley’s regress arguments. In this paper, I offer a careful analysis and reconstruction of the arguments in Bradley’s Appearance (...)
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    Moralinės legitimacijos reikšmė kritinės teorijos požiūriu.Gintautas Mažeikis & Vadim Perov - 2015 - Problemos 87:44.
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  36. Missing experimental challenges to the Standard Model of particle physics.Slobodan Perovic - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 42 (1):32-42.
    The success of particle detection in high energy physics colliders critically depends on the criteria for selecting a small number of interactions from an overwhelming number that occur in the detector. It also depends on the selection of the exact data to be analyzed and the techniques of analysis. The introduction of automation into the detection process has traded the direct involvement of the physicist at each stage of selection and analysis for the efficient handling of vast amounts of data. (...)
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  37. Kritika sovremennoĭ burzhuaznoĭ ėstetiki FRG.I︠U︡riĭ Valerianovich Perov - 1976
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  38. A Neo-Armstrongian Defense of States of Affairs: A Reply to Vallicella.Katarina Perovic - 2016 - Metaphysica 17 (2):143-161.
    Vallicella’s influential work makes a case that, when formulated broadly, as a problem about unity, Bradley’s challenge to Armstrongian states of affairs is practically insurmountable. He argues that traditional relational and non-relational responses to Bradley are inadequate, and many in the current metaphysical debate on this issue have come to agree. In this paper, I argue that such a conclusion is too hasty. Firstly, the problem of unity as applied to Armstrongian states of affairs is not clearly defined; in fact, (...)
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  39. Schrödinger's interpretation of quantum mechanics and the relevance of Bohr's experimental critique.Slobodan Perovic - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 37 (2):275-297.
    E. Schrödinger's ideas on interpreting quantum mechanics have been recently re-examined by historians and revived by philosophers of quantum mechanics. Such recent re-evaluations have focused on Schrödinger's retention of space–time continuity and his relinquishment of the corpuscularian understanding of microphysical systems. Several of these historical re-examinations claim that Schrödinger refrained from pursuing his 1926 wave-mechanical interpretation of quantum mechanics under pressure from the Copenhagen and Göttingen physicists, who misinterpreted his ideas in their dogmatic pursuit of the complementarity doctrine and the (...)
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    Experimenter’s regress argument, empiricism, and the calibration of the large hadron collider.Slobodan Perovic - 2017 - Synthese 194 (2):313-332.
    H. Collins has challenged the empiricist understanding of experimentation by identifying what he thinks constitutes the experimenter’s regress: an instrument is deemed good because it produces good results, and vice versa. The calibration of an instrument cannot alone validate the results: the regressive circling is broken by an agreement essentially external to experimental procedures. In response, A. Franklin has argued that calibration is a key reasonable strategy physicists use to validate production of results independently of their interpretation. The physicists’ arguments (...)
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    The main features of Whitehead’s early temporal ontology.Katarina Perović - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (2):274-294.
    This paper articulates and explores in some detail the main features of Whitehead’s early temporal ontology. By ‘early temporal ontology’ I refer to the views Whitehead developed during his London years, more specifically in his Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Natural Knowledge (1919) and the more approachable Concept of Nature (1920). These works are not usually read through a heavily ontological lens. It is often said that Whitehead developed his metaphysics later, when he moved to the United States, in 1924. (...)
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    Praise of Theory: Speeches and Essays. [REVIEW]Sanja Perovic - 2001 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (3):653-653.
    A new and complete translation of Gadamers public lectures and essays of the late 1970s and early 1980s, this volume continues his examination of the predominance of scientific rationality in modern culture. Each essay develops a different perspective of Gadamers view that human reason originates not in abstract rationality but in our participation and practical knowledge of the world. They remain faithful to the tenets of Gadamers philosophy as developed in Truth and Method: that there is no external viewpoint from (...)
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    Completeness theorems for σ–additive probabilistic semantics.Nebojša Ikodinović, Zoran Ognjanović, Aleksandar Perović & Miodrag Rašković - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (4):102755.
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    Emergence of complementarity and the Baconian roots of Niels Bohr's method.Slobodan Perovic - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 44 (3):162-173.
    I argue that instead of a rather narrow focus on N. Bohr's account of complementarity as a particular and perhaps obscure metaphysical or epistemological concept (or as being motivated by such a concept), we should consider it to result from pursuing a particular method of studying physical phenomena. More precisely, I identify a strong undercurrent of Baconian method of induction in Bohr's work that likely emerged during his experimental training and practice. When its development is analyzed in light of Baconian (...)
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  45. Is nativism in psychology reconcilable with the parity thesis in biology?Slobodan Perovic & Ljiljana Radenovic - 2008
    The Modern Synthesis of Darwinism and genetics regards non-genetic factors as merely constraints on the genetic variations that result in the characteristics of organisms. Even though the environment (including social interactions and culture) is as necessary as genes in terms of selection and inheritance, it does not contain the information that controls the development of the traits. S. Oyama’s account of the Parity Thesis, however, states that one cannot conceivably distinguish in a meaningful way between nature-based (i.e., gene-based) and nurture-based (...)
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    Pet studija o Hegelu.Milenko Perović - 2012 - Novi Sad: Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu.
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    Studije iz filozofije jezika.Milenko A. Perović - 2018 - Cetinje: FCJK.
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    Slobodno vrijeme i sloboda.Milenko A. Perović - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (2):245-254.
    U tekstu autor postavlja problem razumijevanja odnosa između slobodnog vremena i slobode. Problem se prvo otkriva opisom ontičke strukture odnosa čovjeka i vremena. Opis se razvija u ontološku postavku o slobodnom vremenu kao najizvornijem načinu odnosa čovjeka i vremena, odnosno kao načinu čovjekova bitka . Postavka se preispituje na relevantnoj građi povijesti filozofije . Na poticajima koje nalazi u Fichteovom i Hegelovom pojmu vremena autor analizu usmjerava prema otkrivanju ontološkog smisla modernog susreta vremena i slobode, signifikacija kojega se događa u (...)
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  49. Tugarinovskie chtenii︠a︡: materialy nauchnoĭ sessii.I︠U︡riĭ Valerianovich Perov (ed.) - 2000 - Sankt-Peterburg: Sankt-Peterburgskoe filosofskoe ob-vo.
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    Emergence, nonlinearity, and living systems: A metaphysical lecture from biology?Slobodan K. Perović - 2005 - Theoria 48 (1-2):21-34.
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