Results for 'Miranda Pilipchuk'

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  1.  9
    Facing Issues in the Profession.Miranda Pilipchuk - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (4):849-852.
  2.  18
    Beauty Unlimited - Review. [REVIEW]Elizabeth Scarbrough - 2014 - Hypatia Reviews Online 1.
    Peg Zeglin Brand (editor) Beauty Unlimited BLOOMINGTON AND INDIANAPOLIS: INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2013 (ISBN 987-0-253-00642-4 ) Reviewed by Elizabeth Scarbrough, 2014 Narrated by Miranda Pilipchuk.
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  3. I—Miranda Fricker: The Relativism of Blame and Williams's Relativism of Distance.Miranda Fricker - 2010 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 84 (1):151-177.
    Bernard Williams is a sceptic about the objectivity of moral value, embracing instead a qualified moral relativism—the ‘relativism of distance’. His attitude to blame too is in part sceptical. I will argue that the relativism of distance is unconvincing, even incoherent; but also that it is detachable from the rest of Williams's moral philosophy. I will then go on to propose an entirely localized thesis I call the relativism of blame, which says that when an agent's moral shortcomings by our (...)
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  4. Powerlessness and social interpretation.Miranda Fricker - 2006 - Episteme 3 (1-2):96-108.
    Our understanding of social experiences is central to our social understanding more generally. But this sphere of epistemic practice can be structurally prejudiced by unequal relations of power, so that some groups suffer a distinctive kind of epistemic injustice—hermeneutical injustice. I aim to achieve a clear conception of this epistemicethical phenomenon, so that we have a workable definition and a proper understanding of the wrong that it inflicts.
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    José Porfirio Miranda de la Parra: Una vida entre Marx y la Biblia.María Adela Oliveros de Miranda - 2002 - Signos Filosóficos 7:297-306.
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  6. Epistemic injustice: power and the ethics of knowing.Miranda Fricker - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
  7. Epistemic injustice and a role for virtue in the politics of knowing.Miranda Fricker - 2003 - Metaphilosophy 34 (1/2):154-173.
    The dual aim of this article is to reveal and explain a certain phenomenon of epistemic injustice as manifested in testimonial practice, and to arrive at a characterisation of the anti–prejudicial intellectual virtue that is such as to counteract it. This sort of injustice occurs when prejudice on the part of the hearer leads to the speaker receiving less credibility than he or she deserves. It is suggested that where this phenomenon is systematic it constitutes an important form of oppression. (...)
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  8. Group Testimony? The Making of A Collective Good Informant.Miranda Fricker - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 84 (2):249-276.
    We gain information from collective, often institutional bodies all the time—from the publications of committees, news teams, or research groups, from web sites such as Wikipedia, and so on—but do these bodies ever function as genuine group testifiers as opposed to mere group sources of information? In putting the question this way I invoke a distinction made, if briefly, by Edward Craig, which I believe to be of deep significance in thinking about the distinctiveness of the speech act of testimony. (...)
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    (1 other version)La "nación católica" y la historia argentina contemporánea.Miranda Lida - 2013 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 3 (2).
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  10. Counterfeits, Contraltos and Harmony in De Quincey's Sublime.Miranda Stanyon - 2020 - In Sarah Hibberd & Miranda Stanyon (eds.), Music and the sonorous sublime in European culture, 1680-1880. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Philosophical Health.Luis de Miranda (ed.) - 2023 - Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för idé- och lärdomshistoria.
    Grounded in ideas about sense-making and whole-person care with a long intellectual heritage, the movement for Philosophical Health—with its specific conceptions of philosophical care and counselling—is a relatively recent addition to the ongoing debate about understanding better the perspectives of patients to improve health practice. This article locates the development of this movement within the context of broader discussions of person-centred care (PCC), arguing that the approach advocated by defenders of philosophical health can provide a straightforward method for implementing PCC (...)
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  12. What's the Point of Blame? A Paradigm Based Explanation.Miranda Fricker - 2014 - Noûs 50 (1):165-183.
    When we hope to explain and perhaps vindicate a practice that is internally diverse, philosophy faces a methodological challenge. Such subject matters are likely to have explanatorily basic features that are not necessary conditions. This prompts a move away from analysis to some other kind of philosophical explanation. This paper proposes a paradigm based explanation of one such subject matter: blame. First, a paradigm form of blame is identified—‘Communicative Blame’—where this is understood as a candidate for an explanatorily basic form (...)
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  13. Intuition and reason.Miranda Fricker - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (179):181-189.
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    Die Entwicklung von Konzepten der epistemischen Ungerechtigkeit.Miranda Fricker - 2023 - In Sebastian Schleidgen, Orsolya Friedrich & Andreas Wolkenstein (eds.), Bedeutung und Implikationen epistemischer Ungerechtigkeit. Tectum – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. pp. 15-30.
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    Enfoques para una historia de la Filosofía Cristiana en América Latina SS. XVIII a XX.Manuel Domínguez Miranda - 2015 - Universitas Philosophica 32 (65):15-36.
    This text corresponds to Lectio Inauguralis of our Faculty in the first academic semester of 1988. Its aim is to show, from theoretical consciously assumed suppositions and through concrete achievements, some lines of research that can make intelligible the process followed in Latin America by the philosophy of explicitly Christian inspiration. It seeks, first of all, to bring to light what is theoretical and vitally at stake in each of the most significant moments of this process. Some philosophical figures are (...)
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    The Problems of Consent Documents Lie with Writers, Not Readers.Gary Miranda - 1990 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 12 (6):11.
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    Is Politics Justice as Fairness.Luis Villavicencio Miranda - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (152):225-247.
    RESUMEN Se analiza si la versión de la justicia como equidad, presentada en El liberalismo político, es genuinamente una concepción política. Se examina el problema de la razonabilidad de las doctrinas comprehensivas, y se indaga luego si el argumento en dos etapas afecta la integridad estructural del liberalismo político. Se concluye que J. Rawls fracasa en su intento de justificar un liberalismo independiente de una doctrina comprehensiva de carácter liberal. ABSTRACT The article analyzes whether the conception of justice as fairness, (...)
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    Ensemblance: The Transnational Genealogy of Esprit de Corps.Luis de Miranda - 2020 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Through several historical case studies from the last 300 years, Luis de Miranda shows how the phrase 'esprit de corps' acts as a combat concept with a clear societal impact. He also reveals how interconnected, yet distinct, French, English and American modern intellectual and political thought is.
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    Autoscopic phenomena and one’s own body representation in dreams.Miranda Occhionero & Piera Carla Cicogna - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1009-1015.
    Autoscopic phenomena are complex experiences that include the visual illusory reduplication of one’s own body. From a phenomenological point of view, we can distinguish three conditions: autoscopic hallucinations, heautoscopy, and out-of-body experiences. The dysfunctional pattern involves multisensory disintegration of personal and extrapersonal space perception. The etiology, generally either neurological or psychiatric, is different. Also, the hallucination of Self and own body image is present during dreams and differs according to sleep stage. Specifically, the representation of the Self in REM dreams (...)
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  20. Confidence and irony.Miranda Fricker - 2000 - In Edward Harcourt (ed.), Morality, reflection, and ideology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 87-112.
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  21. Epistemic justice as a condition of political freedom?Miranda Fricker - 2013 - Synthese 190 (7):1317-1332.
    I shall first briefly revisit the broad idea of ‘epistemic injustice’, explaining how it can take either distributive or discriminatory form, in order to put the concepts of ‘testimonial injustice’ and ‘hermeneutical injustice’ in place. In previous work I have explored how the wrong of both kinds of epistemic injustice has both an ethical and an epistemic significance—someone is wronged in their capacity as a knower. But my present aim is to show that this wrong can also have a political (...)
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  22. Letter on the Blind and the Outline of Diderot's Philosophy of Materialism.Miranda Bobnar - 2011 - Filozofski Vestnik 32 (1):7 - +.
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    AutismMediaSocial Justice.Miranda J. Brady, Kelly Fritsch, Margaret Janse van Rensburg & Kennedy L. Ryan - 2022 - Studies in Social Justice 16 (2):300-307.
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    Hacia un nuevo pensamiento integracionista latinoamericano. Aproximación a una lectura de segundo orden.Sergio González Miranda & Cristián Ovando Santana - 2008 - Polis 21.
    Este artículo analiza el problema de la integración latinoamericana, que ha sido abordado a lo largo de dos siglos por distintas generaciones de pensadores, sean éstos intelectuales o políticos, generando un rico pensamiento que tiene un valor en si mismo. Sin embargo, el proyecto político no ha podido concluirse. Enfrentado además este pensamiento (desde 1989 en adelante) a una realidad internacional mucho más compleja, surge la pregunta por su vigencia. Se propone aquí una re-lectura de dicho pensamiento latinoamericano con arreglo (...)
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    Creation of a female individual from the afro-Brazilian and Mapuche through the “holy space” in the novels at Ana María Gonçalves’ Um defeito de Cor and Ruth Fuentealba Millaguir’s Cherrufe. La Bola de Fuego.Paola Lizana-Miranda - 2022 - Alpha (Osorno) 54:123-144.
    Resumen: Esta lectura propone abordar lo que hemos denominado espacio sagrado, entendiéndolo como la representación literaria de las creencias religiosas y sus manifestaciones rituales presentes en las obras Cherrufe (2008) de Ruth Fuentealba Millaguir y Um defeito de cor [2006] (2009) de Ana María Gonçalves. Planteamos que este espacio hace emerger dentro de la narrativa afrobrasileña y mapuche una sujeto femenina que en su relación con el sistema simbólico de su comunidad entreteje las marcas de género, raza y sexualidad en (...)
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    How good are formal neurons for modelling real ones?E. N. Miranda - 1997 - Acta Biotheoretica 45 (2):171-179.
    A formal neuron has been studied mathematically. The spiking behaviour of a single neuron has been considered and the influence of the other neurons has been replaced by an average activity level. Four different kinds of spiking behaviour are predicted by the model: B (bursts), C (continuous), P (periodic) and S (silent) neurons and several real neurons can be classified within these four categories. Some properties of the spiking neuron are calculated: 1) the time between spikes, 2) the spike train (...)
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  27. Verse: Time.Miranda Snow Walton - 1951 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 32 (1):10.
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  28. The Cambridge Companion to Feminism in Philosophy.Miranda Fricker & Jennifer Hornsby (eds.) - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    The thirteen specially-commissioned essays in this volume are written by philosophers at the forefront of feminist scholarship, and are designed to provide an accessible and stimulating guide to a philosophical literature that has seen massive expansion in recent years. Ranging from history of philosophy through metaphysics to philosophy of science, they encompass all the core subject areas commonly taught in anglophone undergraduate and graduate philosophy courses, offering both an overview of and a contribution to the relevant debates. Together they testify (...)
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  29. (1 other version)Rational authority and social power: Towards a truly social epistemology.Miranda Fricker - 1998 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 98 (2):159–177.
    This paper explores the relation between rational authority and social power, proceeding by way of a philosophical genealogy derived from Edward Craig's Knowledge and the State of Nature. The position advocated avoids the errors both of the 'traditionalist' (who regards the socio-political as irrelevant to epistemology) and of the 'reductivist' (who regards reason as just another form of social power). The argument is that a norm of credibility governs epistemic practice in the state of nature, which, when socially manifested, is (...)
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    Death and Taxes: A Libertarian Reappraisal.Miranda Perry Fleischer - 2022 - Social Philosophy and Policy 39 (1):90-117.
    Imagine two friends. Anna inherits nothing and works for every penny she has, while Mary inherits millions. How should a world that respects individual autonomy and private property rights treat Anna’s earnings and Mary’s inheritance? Should it tax them the same, or tax one more heavily than the other? If the latter, which one? The conventional wisdom holds that although some “right” libertarian theories justify taxing income, none justify taxing inheritances. Such taxes are “expropriations” and “an especially cruel injury” that (...)
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    A sabedoria dos instinctos.Pontes de Miranda - 1924 - Rio de Janeiro,: Livraria Garnier.
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    Growing muscle has different sarcolemmal properties from adult muscle: A proposal with scientific and clinical implications.Miranda D. Grounds & Thea Shavlakadze - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (6):458-468.
    We hypothesise that the sarcolemma of an actively growing myofibre has different properties to the sarcolemma of a mature adult myofibre. Such fundamentally different properties have clinical consequences for the onset, and potential therapeutic targets, of various skeletal muscle diseases that first manifest either during childhood (e.g. Duchenne muscular dystrophy, DMD) or after cessation of the main growth phase (e.g. dysferlinopathies). These characteristics are also relevant to the selection of both tissue culture and in vivo models employed to study such (...)
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    E. Dussel: filosofía de la liberación y diálogo intercultural.Tomás Miranda Alonso - 2009 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 47:107-122.
    E. Dussel builds an ethics involved in the liberation of the victims of a world-system increasingly global. In this paper the contributions that this ethics of liberation does to the necessary project of an intercultural dialogue are studied. This dialogue must begin with a critic of modern reason, which is eurocentric and violent, and it has to be based on a «transmodern» rationality, whose starting point is the afirmation and the recognition of the reason of the Other (the excluded human (...)
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    LA FILOSOFÍA DEL EXCESO- Camille Dumoulié.Juan Sebastián Rojas Miranda - 2016 - Praxis Filosófica 42:263-274.
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    La tardo-eugenesia en Argentina: un enfoque desde la longue durée.Marisa A. Miranda - 2013 - Arbor 189 (764):a088.
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    Trivialización, predicado y nominalización.Rafael Felipe Miranda Rojas - 2020 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 75 (287):1475-1490.
    El presente escrito tiene por objetivo discutir los alcances de la denominada vía predicativa en el análisis de la rigidez de los términos generales. En particular, se analizará la interpretación que Zerbudis realiza de la propuesta desarrollada por Salmon. Se mostrará cómo ambas posturas, en tanto dependen de una lectura predicativa de la rigidez en los términos de clase, no responden al desideratum inicial kripkeano. Siguiendo a López de Sa, se sostiene que la vía nominal evita los problemas que se (...)
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    Deciding, Planning, and Practical Reasoning: Elements towards a Cognitive Architecture.L. A. Perez-Miranda - 1997 - Argumentation 11 (4):435-461.
    I intend to show some of the limits of the decision-theoretic model in connection with the analysis of cognitive agency. Although the concept of maximum expected utility can be helpful for explaining the decision-making process, it is certainly not the primary motor that moves agents to action. Moreover, it has been noticed elsewhere that this model is inadequate to the analysis of single cases of practical reasoning. A theory is proposed that introduces a plan-structure as a basic idea. In order (...)
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    Orchestrating a Low-Carbon Energy Revolution Without Nuclear: Germany’s Response to the Fukushima Nuclear Crisis.Miranda A. Schreurs - 2013 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 14 (1):83-108.
    In October 2010, the German conservative ruling coalition and Free Democratic Party ) passed a law permitting the extension of contracts for Germany’s seventeen nuclear power plants. This policy amended a law passed in 2001 by a Social Democratic Party and Green Party majority to phase out nuclear energy by the early 2020s. The explosions in the nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility, however, resulted in a decision to speed up the phaseout of nuclear energy. The nuclear (...)
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  39. Forgiveness—An Ordered Pluralism.Miranda Fricker - 2019 - Australasian Philosophical Review 3 (3):241-260.
    There are two kinds of forgiveness that appear as radically different from one another: one presents forgiveness as essentially earned through remorseful apology; the other presents it as fundamentally non-earned—a gift. The first, which I label Moral Justice Forgiveness, adopts a stance of moral demand and conditionality; the second, which I label Gifted Forgiveness, adopts a stance of non-demand and un-conditionality. Each is real; yet how can two such different responses to wrongdoing be of one and the same kind? This (...)
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    Phenomenal consciousness in dreams and in mind wandering.Miranda Occhionero & Piercarla Cicogna - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (7):958-966.
    Dreaming can be explained as the product of an interaction among memory processes, elaborative processes, and phenomenal awareness. A feedback circuit is activated by this interaction according to the associative links and the requirements of the dream scene. Recently, it has been hypothesized that a partial similarity exists between dreaming and mind wandering and that these two processes may involve the same neural default network. This commentary discusses the differences and similarities between phenomenal consciousness during dreaming and phenomenal consciousness during (...)
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    Infants’ neural responses to facial emotion in the prefrontal cortex are correlated with temperament: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study.Miranda M. Ravicz, Katherine L. Perdue, Alissa Westerlund, Ross E. Vanderwert & Charles A. Nelson - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Signals Crossed.Dana Francisco Miranda - 2021 - Philosophy of Education 77 (3):59-65.
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    Rigidez de jure y de facto en los términos generales para clases naturales.Rafael Miranda - 2012 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 24 (1):57-90.
    En este escrito se argumentará que uno de los problemas centrales de la rigidez en los términos generales para clases naturales es consecuencia de no distinguir entre términos rígidos de jure y términos rígidos de facto en dichos casos. Se sostiene que los enunciados de identidad necesarios defendidos por Kripke en Naming and Necessity consideran la ocurrencia de términos que designan a una misma clase (clases que poseen entre sí la relación transmundana de ser una misma clase) a través de (...)
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  44. ‘Esprit de Corps’ and the French Revolutionary Crisis: a Prehistory of the Concept of Solidarity.Luis de Miranda - 2015 - Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät Portal.
    The word solidarity is a borrowing from the French solidarité, which until the nineteenth century had the restricted legal meaning of a contractual obligation. I argue that in the pre-revolutionary decades, a newly born French lexeme was much closer to what solidarity would mean for modern societies, at least if we accept the agonistic context of most phenomena of solidarity: ‘esprit de corps’, taken from the military language and changed into a combat concept by the Philosophes. A ‘corps’ in French, (...)
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  45. (1 other version)O problema fundamental do conhecimento.Pontes de Miranda - 1937 - Pôrto Alegre: Livraria do Globo.
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  46. Propuesta de trabajo filosófico.Manuel Domínguez-Miranda - 1992 - Universitas Philosophica 19:51-62.
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  47. Bultmann y el problema de la desmitologizacion.Carlos E. Miranda - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 15 (1):109-119.
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    Causal Stories and the Role of Worldviews in Analysing Responses to Sorcery Accusations and Related Violence.Miranda Forsyth & Philip Gibbs - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (2):773-784.
    This paper uses the concept of causal stories to explore how death, sickness and misfortune lead to accusations of sorcery or witchcraft. Based on empirical research in Papua New Guinea, we propose a new analytical framework that shows how negative events may trigger particular narratives about the use of the supernatural by individuals and groups. These narratives then direct considerations about the cause of the misfortune, the agent who can heal it, and the appropriate response from those affected by the (...)
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    Out With the Thatch and In With the Shingles: An Examination of Assimilation into Canadian Society, as Demonstrated by the Homes of the First Ukrainian Settlers.Miranda Koshelek - 2012 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 3 (1).
    The concept of ‘the Canadian identity’ is a topic which has received much attention in recent decades, stimulating discussions on the topic of what makes a Canadian a Canadian? Today, being Canadian might suggest a love of hockey and poutine. However, a century ago, being “Canadian” was an emphasis on adapting or conforming to British norms. This paper will focus on one important theme in debates around ‘Canadianization’, specifically its reflection over time in the domestic structure of the early Ukrainian (...)
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    A análise arqueológica do discurso em Michel Foucault: por uma linguística do enunciado.Sérgio Gomes de Miranda - 2016 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 14 (2):122-138.
    Os estudos da linguagem no século XX e agora no atual século são marcados pela hegemonia de três correntes de pesquisa: o Estruturalismo; o Inatismo e o Interacionismo. No Estruturalismo, o usuário da língua é submetido a um código soberano, contra o qual ele não tem escolha a não ser cumprir as normas do uso correto. Desviar do padrão significa erro. No Inatismo, prevalece o logicismo. Na mente do usuário reside tudo de que ele precisa para ser bem sucedido em (...)
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