Results for 'Miriam Lipschütz-Yevick'

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  1.  27
    The two modes of identifying objects: descriptive and holistic for concrete objects; recursive and ostensive for abstract objects.Miriam L. Yevick - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (2):253-254.
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    Semiotic impediments to formalizations.Miriam Lipschütz-Yevick - 1998 - Semiotica 120 (1-2):109-128.
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    Subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation Lead Asymmetry Impacts the Parkinsonian Gait Disorder.Frederik P. Schott, Alessandro Gulberti, Hans O. Pinnschmidt, Christian Gerloff, Christian K. E. Moll, Miriam Schaper, Johannes A. Koeppen, Wolfgang Hamel & Monika Pötter-Nerger - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundThe preferable position of Deep Brain Stimulation electrodes is proposed to be located in the dorsolateral subthalamic nucleus to improve general motor performance. The optimal DBS electrode localization for the post-operative improvement of balance and gait is unknown.MethodsIn this single-center, retrospective analyses, 66 Parkinson’s disease patients were assessed pre- and post-operatively by using MDS-UPDRS, freezing of gait score, Giladi’s gait and falls questionnaire and Berg balance scale. The clinical outcome was related to the DBS electrode coordinates in x, y, z (...)
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    Using fMRI to Test Models of Complex Cognition.John R. Anderson, Cameron S. Carter, Jon M. Fincham, Yulin Qin, Susan M. Ravizza & Miriam Rosenberg-Lee - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (8):1323-1348.
    This article investigates the potential of fMRI to test assumptions about different components in models of complex cognitive tasks. If the components of a model can be associated with specific brain regions, one can make predictions for the temporal course of the BOLD response in these regions. An event‐locked procedure is described for dealing with temporal variability and bringing model runs and individual data trials into alignment. Statistical methods for testing the model are described that deal with the scan‐to‐scan correlations (...)
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    A Postcard From Italy: Challenges and Psychosocial Resources of Partners Living With and Without a Chronic Disease During COVID-19 Epidemic.Giada Rapelli, Giulia Lopez, Silvia Donato, Ariela Francesca Pagani, Miriam Parise, Anna Bertoni & Raffaella Iafrate - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:567522.
    The new Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). The sudden outbreak of this new virus and the measure of lockdown adopted to contain the epidemic have profoundly changed the lifestyles of the Italian population, with an impact on people’s quality of life and on their social relationships. In particular, due to forced and prolonged cohabitation, couples may be subject to specific stressors during the epidemic. In addition, living with a chronic health condition (...)
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    Miriam Van Reijen, Lars Aagaard-Mogensen, Judy Wubnig, Philip L. Peterson.Miriam Van Reijen, Lars Aagaard-Mogensen, Judy Wubnig & Philip L. Peterson - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 5:615-615.
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    Light verbs in Urdu and grammaticalization Miriam Butt and Wilhelm Geuder.Miriam Butt - 2003 - In Regine Eckardt, Klaus von Heusinger & Christoph Schwarze (eds.), Words in time: diachronic semantics from different points of view. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 143--295.
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    Immersive Virtual Reality as an Adjunctive Non-opioid Analgesic for Pre-dominantly Latin American Children With Large Severe Burn Wounds During Burn Wound Cleaning in the Intensive Care Unit: A Pilot Study.Hunter G. Hoffman, Robert A. Rodriguez, Miriam Gonzalez, Mary Bernardy, Raquel Peña, Wanda Beck, David R. Patterson & Walter J. Meyer - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  9.  44
    Informed consent for record linkage: a systematic review.Márcia Elizabeth Marinho da Silva, Cláudia Medina Coeli, Miriam Ventura, Marisa Palacios, Mônica Maria Ferreira Magnanini, Thais Medina Coeli Rochel Camargo & Kenneth Rochel Camargo - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (10):639-642.
    Background Record linkage is a useful tool for health research. Potential benefits aside, its use raises discussions on privacy issues, such as whether a written informed consent for access to health records and linkage should be obtained. The authors aim to systematically review studies that assess consent proportions to record linkage. Methods 8 databases were searched up to June 2011 to find articles which presented consent proportions to record linkage. The screening, eligibility and inclusion of articles were conducted by two (...)
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    The Willingness to Intervene in Cases of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women Scale: Development and Validation of the Long and Short Versions.Enrique Gracia, Manuel Martín-Fernández, Miriam Marco, Faraj A. Santirso, Viviana Vargas & Marisol Lila - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Multivariate Models of Scientific Change.Miriam Solomon - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:287 - 297.
    Social scientists regularly make use of multivariate models to describe complex social phenomena. It is argued that this approach is useful for modelling the variety of cognitive and social factors contributing to scientific change, and superior to the integrated models of scientific change currently available. It is also argued that care needs to be taken in drawing normative conclusions: cognitive factors are not instrinsically more "rational" than social factors, nor is it likely that social factors, by some "invisible hand of (...)
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    Attachment Security in Infancy: A Preliminary Study of Prospective Links to Brain Morphometry in Late Childhood.Élizabel Leblanc, Fanny Dégeilh, Véronique Daneault, Miriam H. Beauchamp & Annie Bernier - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Social work and K-12 schools casebook: phenomenological perspectives.Miriam Jaffe (ed.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This volume offers a collection of nine case studies from clinical social workers in K-12 schools, each from a phenomenological perspective, with the objective of educating Master of Social Work students and early career social work clinicians. Each chapter is framed with pre-reading prompts, reading comprehension questions, and writing assignments. This casebook provides a resource for understanding the range of practice in school social work as well as some of the challenges that school social workers face in today's complex world. (...)
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  14. The Global Order: A Case of Background Injustice? A Practice‐Dependent Account.Miriam Ronzoni - 2009 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 37 (3):229-256.
  15.  46
    Rigidity, chaos and integration: hemispheric interaction and individual differences in metaphor comprehension.Miriam Faust & Yoed N. Kenett - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  16.  40
    On the limitations of thought experiments in physics and the consequences for physics education.Miriam Reiner & Lior M. Burko - 2003 - Science & Education 12 (4):365-385.
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  17. Autonomie: een zelfhulpgids.Miriam Rasch - 2022 - Amsterdam: Prometheus Nieuw Licht.
    Ruim tweehonderd jaar geleden riep de Duitse filosoof Immanuel Kant de mens op zich te bevrijden van dogma's en slaafse volgzaamheid, van de macht van de kerk en van de macht der gewoonte. De ware Verlichting is volgens hem "het uittreden van de mens uit de onmondigheid waaraan hij zelf schuldig is". Filosoof Miriam Rasch vraagt zich af hoe dit moet, autonoom zijn in een tijd waarin Facebook beweert je beter te kennen dan je eigen moeder. Ze zoekt een (...)
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    Believing Against the Evidence: Agency and the Ethics of Belief.Miriam Schleifer McCormick - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    The question of whether it is ever permissible to believe on insufficient evidence has once again become a live question. Greater attention is now being paid to practical dimensions of belief, namely issues related to epistemic virtue, doxastic responsibility, and voluntarism. In this book, McCormick argues that the standards used to evaluate beliefs are not isolated from other evaluative domains. The ultimate criteria for assessing beliefs are the same as those for assessing action because beliefs and actions are both products (...)
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    Making Medical Knowledge.Miriam Solomon - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    How is medical knowledge made? There have been radical changes in recent decades, through new methods such as consensus conferences, evidence-based medicine, translational medicine, and narrative medicine. Miriam Solomon explores their origins, aims, and epistemic strengths and weaknesses; and she offers a pluralistic approach for the future.
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  20.  41
    History and Truth.Miriam Daly - 1967 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 16:369-371.
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    How shall we write and read in twenty‐first century academy?Miriam Farber - 2007 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 5 (2/3):226-234.
    PurposeThe paper's aim is to point out trends in scholarly communication – both some of the main advantages and the yet unsolved problems that technology – swift communication lines, digitalization and the web – brought into one of the most important activities of academic life: the reading – writing – publishing cycle.Design/methodology/approachThe different stages, which eventually give birth to a scientific paper, are described here as thinking – – reading – writing – publishing, and analyzed from handwritten to print to (...)
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    Mechanics as a Means of Information Propagation in Development.Miriam A. Genuth & Scott A. Holley - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (11):2000121.
    New research demonstrates that mechanics can serve as a means of information propagation in developing embryos. Historically, the study of embryonic development has had a dichotomy between morphogens and pattern formation on the one hand and morphogenesis and mechanics on the other. Secreted signals are the preeminent means of information propagation between cells and used to control cell fate, while physical forces act downstream or in parallel to shape tissue morphogenesis. However, recent work has blurred this division of function by (...)
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  23. Kulturelle Konfrontation oder kommunikative Konvergenz in der Weltgesellschaft? Kommunikation im Zeitalter der Globalisierung.Miriam Meckel - 1998 - Rechtstheorie 29:425-440.
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  24. Humanism and literature.Miriam Strube - 2021 - In Anthony B. Pinn (ed.), The Oxford handbook of humanism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  25. Familiar Verbs Are Not Always Easier Than Novel Verbs: How German Pre‐School Children Comprehend Active and Passive Sentences.Miriam Dittmar, Kirsten Abbot-Smith, Elena Lieven & Michael Tomasello - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (1):128-151.
    Many studies show a developmental advantage for transitive sentences with familiar verbs over those with novel verbs. It might be that once familiar verbs become entrenched in particular constructions, they would be more difficult to understand (than would novel verbs) in non-prototypical constructions. We provide support for this hypothesis investigating German children using a forced-choice pointing paradigm with reversed agent-patient roles. We tested active transitive verbs in study 1. The 2-year olds were better with familiar than novel verbs, while the (...)
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  26.  37
    Social Empiricism.Miriam Solomon - 2001 - Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.
    For the last forty years, two claims have been at the core of disputes about scientific change: that scientists reason rationally and that science is progressive. For most of this time discussions were polarized between philosophers, who defended traditional Enlightenment ideas about rationality and progress, and sociologists, who espoused relativism and constructivism. Recently, creative new ideas going beyond the polarized positions have come from the history of science, feminist criticism of science, psychology of science, and anthropology of science. Addressing the (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Permission to Believe: Why Permissivism Is True and What It Tells Us About Irrelevant Influences on Belief.Miriam Schoenfield - 2012 - Noûs 48 (2):193-218.
    In this paper, I begin by defending permissivism: the claim that, sometimes, there is more than one way to rationally respond to a given body of evidence. Then I argue that, if we accept permissivism, certain worries that arise as a result of learning that our beliefs were caused by the communities we grew up in, the schools we went to, or other irrelevant influences dissipate. The basic strategy is as follows: First, I try to pinpoint what makes irrelevant influences (...)
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    Women Quotas vs. Men Quotas in Academia: Students Perceive Favoring Women as Less Fair Than Favoring Men.Miriam K. Zehnter & Erich Kirchler - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Hume, Wittgenstein and the Impact of Skepticism.Miriam McCormick - 2004 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 21 (4):417-434.
  30. Taking control of belief.Miriam McCormick - 2011 - Philosophical Explorations 14 (2):169-183.
    I investigate what we mean when we hold people responsible for beliefs. I begin by outlining a puzzle concerning our ordinary judgments about beliefs and briefly survey and critique some common responses to the puzzle. I then present my response where I argue a sense needs to be articulated in which we do have a kind of control over our beliefs if our practice of attributing responsibility for beliefs is appropriate. In developing this notion of doxastic control, I draw from (...)
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  31. On the meta-ethical status of constructivism: Reflections on G.A. Cohen's `facts and principles'.Miriam Ronzoni & Laura Valentini - 2008 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 7 (4):403-422.
    The Queen's College, Oxford, UK In his article `Facts and Principles', G.A. Cohen attempts to refute constructivist approaches to justification by showing that, contrary to what their proponents claim, fundamental normative principles are fact- in sensitive. We argue that Cohen's `fact-insensitivity thesis' does not provide a successful refutation of constructivism because it pertains to an area of meta-ethics which differs from the one tackled by constructivists. While Cohen's thesis concerns the logical structure of normative principles, constructivists ask how normative principles (...)
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  32. Jacques Derrida and Elisabeth Roudinesco, For What Tomorrow...: A Dialogue Reviewed by.Miriam Bankovsky - 2006 - Philosophy in Review 26 (1):18-20.
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    Personal Digital Assistants - Patterns of user gratifications.Miriam Becker, Nabil Ranné & Sabine Trepte - 2003 - Communications 28 (4):457-473.
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    Justice Is Not Merely Semantics: Recasting the Significance of the Dead Donor Rule.Miriam Bentwich - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (8):50-52.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 8, Page 50-52, August 2011.
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    Bilingual Dictionaries for Australian Languages: User studies on the place of paper and electronic dictionaries.Miriam Corris, Christopher Manning, Susan Poetsch & Jane Simpson - unknown
    Dictionaries have long been seen as an essential contribution by linguists to work on endangered languages. We report on preliminary investigations of actual dictionary usage and usability by 76 speakers, semi-speakers and learners of Australian Aboriginal languages. The dictionaries include: electronic and printed bilingual Warlpiri-English dictionaries, a printed trilingual Alawa-Kriol- English dictionary, and a printed bilingual Warumungu-English dictionary. We examine competing demands for completeness of coverage and ease of access, and focus on the prospects of electronic dictionaries for solving many (...)
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    The Shape of Catholic Higher Education.Miriam Daly - 1968 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 17:197-214.
    These studies of Catholic higher education reflect the current passion for self-examination and self-criticism through social surveys in the United States. The main terms of reference are the American norms which claim to be religiously neutral; the treatment of the problems confronting Catholic education solely in the context of American society, is reflected in the absence of references in the footnotes or bibliographies to the relevant European literature. The main focus is on the shape and quality of undergraduate education, though (...)
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    Mark Van atten. Brouwer meets Husserl: On the phenomenology of choice sequences.Miriam Franchella - 2008 - Philosophia Mathematica 16 (2):276-281.
    This book summarizes the intense research that the author performed for his Ph.D. thesis , revised and with the addition of an intuitionistic critique of Husserl's concept of number. His starting point consisted of a double conviction: 1) Brouwerian intuitionism is a valid way of doing mathematics but is grounded on a weak philosophy; 2) Husserlian phenomenology can provide a suitable philosophical ground for intuitionism. In order to let intuitionism and phenomenology match, he had to solve in general two problems: (...)
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    The Ballet Companion: A Popular Guide for the Ballet-Goer.Miriam Gray & Walter Terry - 1969 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 3 (1):122.
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    Frontiers of Management: Research and Practice, Roger Mansfield.Miriam Green - 2014 - Philosophy of Management 13 (3):82-87.
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    The Social and Cultural Background of Hoplite Development in Archaic Athens: Peasants, Debts, zeugitai and Hoplethes.Miriam Valdés Guía - 2019 - História 68 (4):388-412.
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    The Power of the Gatekeeper.Miriam Johnson - 2020 - Logos 31 (1):27-34.
    The publishing industry has a variety of gatekeepers that play a role in deciding which works become books. This article acknowledges the main gatekeepers as the agent and publishers, but also draws attention to the author, who is the first gatekeeper, and the reader, who is the last. The connections between gatekeepers highlight the role of power in these positions. Using Foucault’s theories of archaeology and genealogy, this article argues that positions within the industry provide space for the gatekeepers to (...)
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  42.  13
    Language in the philosophy of Aristotle.Miriam Therese Larkin - 1971 - The Hague,: Mouton.
  43.  13
    Leonardos Bart oder Künstler als Philosophen: Selbstformungen im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert.Miriam Sarah Marotzki - 2020 - Leiden: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
    Die Studie "Leonardos Bart" liefert erstmals aus kunsthistorisch-interdisziplinärer Perspektive umfassend und systematisch Einblick in die Sozialfigur des Künstler-Philosophen, die sie in den Selbstformungen frühneuzeitlicher Künstler findet. Dabei sind es antike Größen wie Sokrates und Aristoteles, die von Künstlern wie Leonardo da Vinci und Michelangelo Buonarroti als Vorbilder einer Annäherung gewählt werden. Der Band dient gleichermaßen als Nachschlagewerk für (Selbst-)Darstellungen Leonardos und Michelangelos in Bild und Text. Für diese Übersicht bewegt sich die Analyse zwischen Kunstgeschichte, Philosophie, Literaturwissenschaft und Klassischer Archäologie.
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    L’activité de l’'me démocritéenne.Miriam C. D. Peixoto - 2011 - Chôra 9:217-242.
    The thought of the ancient atomists about the activity of the soul in the body is an important chapter in the history of reflection on the soul in ancient philosophy. A review of testimonies and fragments attributed to Democritus of Abdera shows its singular conception of the soul as a complex network of transactions through which it exercises, inside compound bodies, its role in driving principle of beings animated. These texts show the tension and dynamism that characterize the activity of (...)
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  45.  11
    Introduction.Miriam Ronzoni & Tiziana Torresi - 2020 - Global Justice : Theory Practice Rhetoric 12 (2):i-iv.
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    Law as an Instrument of Social Policy.Miriam Theresa Rooney - 1948 - New Scholasticism 22 (1):34-89.
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    Lawlessness, law, and sanction: a dissertation.Miriam Theresa Rooney - 1937 - Littleton, Colo.: F.B. Rothman.
    The author argues that both Maine & Holmes were overly influenced by others, which prevented both of their works from being as significant as they could have been.
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  48. (1 other version)The Epistemic Role of Intuitions and their Forms in Hegel's Philosophy.Miriam Wildenauer - 1999 - Hegel-Studien 34.
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  49. Just a paradigm: evidence-based medicine in epistemological context.Miriam Solomon - 2011 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 1 (3):451-466.
    Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) developed from the work of clinical epidemiologists at McMaster University and Oxford University in the 1970s and 1980s and self-consciously presented itself as a "new paradigm" called "evidence-based medicine" in the early 1990s. The techniques of the randomized controlled trial, systematic review and meta-analysis have produced an extensive and powerful body of research. They have also generated a critical literature that raises general concerns about its methods. This paper is a systematic review of the critical literature. It (...)
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  50. The Golden Lands of Thomas Hobbes.Miriam M. Reik & D. D. Raphael - 1977 - Philosophy 53 (206):573-574.
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