Results for 'Miriam Omena Costa'

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  1. El dios de Antonio Machado.Miriam Hoffmann de Gabor - 1963 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 1 (13):339.
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    (1 other version)A semantical analysis of the calculi Cn.Newton C. A. da Costa - 1977 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 18:621.
  3. Implicit Theories of Intelligence and Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analytic Review.Ana Costa & Luísa Faria - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    “Piensa” twice: On the foreign language effect in decision making.Albert Costa, Alice Foucart, Inbal Arnon, Melina Aparici & Jose Apesteguia - 2014 - Cognition 130 (2):236-254.
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  5. Full-blooded anti-exceptionalism about logic.Newton Da Costa & Jonas R. Becker Arenhart - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Logic 15 (2):362-380.
    Problems of logical theory choice are current being widely dis- cussed in the context of anti-exceptionalist views on logic. According to those views, logic is not a special science among others, so, in particular, the methodology for theory choice should be the same in logic as for other scientific disciplines. Richard Routley advanced one such methodology which meshes well with anti-exceptionalism, and argued that it leads one to choosing one single logic, which is a kind of ultralogic. We argue that (...)
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    Pragmatic Probability.Newton C. A. Da Costa - 1986 - Erkenntnis 25 (2):141 - 162.
  7. Self-Reported Body Awareness: Validation of the Postural Awareness Scale and the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (Version 2) in a Non-clinical Adult French-Speaking Sample.Lucie Da Costa Silva, Célia Belrose, Marion Trousselard, Blake Rea, Elaine Seery, Constance Verdonk, Anaïs M. Duffaud & Charles Verdonk - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Body awareness refers to the individual ability to process signals originating from within the body, which provide a mapping of the body’s internal landscape and its relation with space and movement. The present study aims to evaluate psychometric properties and validate in French two self-report measures of body awareness: the Postural Awareness Scale, and the last version of the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness questionnaire. We collected data in a non-clinical, adult sample using online survey, and a subset of the (...)
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    Reflections on Epistemic-Ontological Alignment in Theorizing Process: the Case of RBV.Júlio César da Costa Júnior, Leandro da Silva Nascimento, Taciana de Barros Jerônimo, Jackeline Amantino de Andrade & Marcos André Mendes Primo - 2022 - Philosophy of Management 21 (2):179-198.
    Although from a philosophical perspective, many reflections can be brought up about the theorizing process, in this essay, we aim to reflect on the importance of the alignment between ontology and epistemology. This is particularly relevant because deeper discussions about the philosophical roots that underlay the theorizing processes remain as a lack in organizational and management studies. To support our work, we adopted the epistemic-ontological alignment model as a conceptual tool and the Resource-Based View (RBV) and some of its questionings (...)
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    Neo-republicanism’s Methodological Commitments and Individual Rights.M. Victoria Costa - 2022 - Theoria 69 (171):119-139.
    This article considers why the influential neo-republicans Philip Pettit and Richard Bellamy tend to minimise or deny the role that natural or moral rights play in republican thought. It argues that their specific views about the theoretical role of such rights are motivated by methodological commitments. In Pettit’s case the commitments are to consequentialism and formalism, while in Bellamy’s it is to proceduralism. But these commitments get in the way of providing a fully adequate account of the value of freedom (...)
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    A hermenêutica filosófica de Gadamer e sua contribuição para o cenário educacional.José Lucas Omena Gusmão, Lana Lisiêr de Lima Palmeira & Walter Matias Lima - 2018 - Filosofia E Educação 10 (2):379-405.
    O presente artigo visa a analisar as ideias centrais de Gadamer, mais especificamente sua Hermenêutica Filosófica, buscando a articulação desses postulados com a educação. Para tanto, é feito um resgate em torno do surgimento da educação, trabalhando-se, ainda, noções gerais dos primórdios da Filosofia e da chamada Filosofia da educação, enfatizando os principais fundamentos gadamerianos e suas possíveis interligações com o cenário educacional atual, tentando, assim, instigar a reflexão em torno das potencialidades pedagógicas da hermenêutica filosófica na busca de alternativas (...)
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  11. APIs de Visão Computacional: investigando mediações algorítmicas a partir de estudo de bancos de imagens.Tarcízio Silva, André Mintz, Janna Joceli Omena, Beatrice Gobbo, Taís Oliveira, Helen Tatiana Takamitsu, Elena Pilipets & Hamdan Azhar - 2020 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 27 (1).
    O artigo apresenta resultados deestudo sobre Interfaces de Pro-gramação de Aplicações (API, nasigla em inglês) de visão compu-tacional e sua interpretação de re-presentações em bancos de ima-gens. A visão computacional é umcampo das ciências da computa-ção dedicado a desenvolver algo-ritmos e heurísticas para interpre-tar dados visuais, mas são aindaincipientes os métodos para suaaplicação ou investigação críticas.O estudo investigou três APIs devisão computacional por meio desua reapropriação na análise de16.000 imagens relacionadas abrasileiros, nigerianos, austríacose portugueses em dois dos maio-res bancos de (...)
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    (2 other versions)Seneca.Charles Desmond Nuttall Costa - forthcoming - Classical Review.
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  13. In Defence of Transcendentism.Damiano Costa & Alessandro Giordani - 2016 - Acta Analytica 31 (2):225-234.
    How do objects persist through time? According to endurantism, objects persist through time and do not have temporal parts. According to the transcendentist version of endurantism, objects exist at times by participating in events that occur at those times. This version of transcendentism offers specific metaphysical and semantical advantages over other versions of endurantism. In this paper, we defend transcendentist endurantism against a series of criticisms that have been recently offered by Kristie Miller.
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    Logical and Philosophical Remarks on Quasi-Set Theory.Newton Da Costa - 2007 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 15 (5-6):421-431.
    Quasi-set theory is a theory for dealing with collections of indistinguishable objects. In this paper we discuss some logical and philosophical questions involved with such a theory. The analysis of these questions enable us to provide the first grounds of a possible new view of physical reality, founded on an ontology of non-individuals, to which quasi-set theory may constitute the logical basis.
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  15. Persistence in Time.Damiano Costa - 2020 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Persistence in Time No person ever steps into the same river twice—or so goes the Heraclitean maxim. Obscure as it is, the maxim is often taken to express two ideas. The first is that everything always changes, and nothing remains perfectly similar to how it was just one instant before. The second is that nothing … Continue reading Persistence in Time →.
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  16. Ambiguity aversion: the explanatory power of indeterminate probabilities.Horacio Arló-Costa & Jeffrey Helzner - 2010 - Synthese 172 (1):37-55.
    Daniel Ellsberg presented in Ellsberg (The Quarterly Journal of Economics 75:643–669, 1961) various examples questioning the thesis that decision making under uncertainty can be reduced to decision making under risk. These examples constitute one of the main challenges to the received view on the foundations of decision theory offered by Leonard Savage in Savage (1972). Craig Fox and Amos Tversky have, nevertheless, offered an indirect defense of Savage. They provided in Fox and Tversky (1995) an explanation of Ellsberg’s two-color problem (...)
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  17. saints de sicile et d'Italie méridionale aux VIIIe, IXe et Xe siècles.Ginette Da Costa-Louillet - forthcoming - Byzantion.
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    Implications and Limits of Sequences.Alexandre Costa-Leite & Edelcio G. de Souza - 2017 - Studia Humana 6 (1):18-24.
    This paper analyzes the problem of implication and attempts to characterize conditionals by a criterion of adequacy. A definition of implication based on the notion of limit of an infinite sequence is proposed.
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    On the existence of free models in fuzzy universal Horn classes.Vicent Costa & Pilar Dellunde - 2017 - Journal of Applied Logic 23:3-15.
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  20. Response to Moore.Gavin D’Costa - 2005 - Ars Disputandi 5.
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    Logic and Ontology.Newton C. A. da Costa - 2002 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 6 (2):179–298.
    In view of the present state of development of non classical logic, especially of paraconsistent logic, a new stand regarding the relations between logic and ontology is defended In a parody of a dictum of Quine, my stand May be summarized as follows. To be is to be the value of a variable a specific language with a given underlying logic Yet my stand differs from Quine’s, because, among other reasons, I accept some first order heterodox logics as genuine alternatives (...)
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  22. The Limit Decision Problem and Four-Dimensionalism.Costa Damiano - 2017 - Vivarium 55 (1-3):199-216.
    I argue that medieval solutions to the limit decision problem imply four-dimensionalism, i.e. the view according to which substances that persist through time are extended through time as well as through space, and have different temporal parts at different times.
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    Hume and Causal Inference.Michael J. Costa - 1986 - Hume Studies 12 (2):141-159.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:141 HUME AND CAUSAL INFERENCE Hume held that any time we reach by inference a belief about the existence or qualities of some object or event that we have not actually perceived, the inference is grounded in beliefs about causal relations holding between the object of belief and some other object or objects that have actually been experienced. I will examine here Hume's account of such causal inferences. There (...)
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    Impact of Corporate Culture on Environmental Performance.Mabel D. Costa & Solomon Opare - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-32.
    We examine the impact of corporate culture on environmental performance using a sample of 7199 firm-year observations over the period of 2002–2018. We find that stronger corporate culture improves environmental performance, measured by the amount of toxic chemical release (TCR). Our result is both statistically and economically significant. We also show that cultural norms of innovation, quality and teamwork as well as a technology-oriented corporate culture have a greater impact on enhancing environmental performance. Further analyses show that managerial competence and (...)
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  25. Language as a Factor of Integration or Segregation in Modern States.Margarita Costa - 2011 - Hobbes Studies 24 (1):15-23.
    This paper aims at showing that Hobbes's theory of language, which allows men to communicate among themselves like no other animal species, is an importante factor in the integration of modern states. Both his nominalism and the fact that he considers language previous to reason play a role in the formation of social groups. This leads him, as Johnston points out, to make political order depend upon linguistic order. In consequence, Hobbes aims at building a political philosophy by introducing a (...)
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    Arthur Danto E a experiência estética.Rachel Costa - 2018 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 59 (139):255-269.
    RESUMO O artigo, em um primeiro momento, reconstrói a separação realizada por Arthur Danto entre Estética e Filosofia da Arte. Essa separação se encontra no fundamento da ontologia dantiana e distancia sua tentativa de definir arte dos argumentos da tradição estética sobre a beleza e o gosto. A partir dessa reconstrução, dou um segundo passo e analiso como Arthur Danto discute com a experiência estética, do modo como é compreendida, principalmente, após Kant, e quais são as suas críticas e propostas (...)
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    Solving Smullyan Puzzles with Formal Systems.José Félix Costa & Diogo Poças - 2018 - Axiomathes 28 (2):181-199.
    Solving numeric, logic and language puzzles and paradoxes is common within a wide community of high school and university students, fact witnessed by the increasing number of books published by mathematicians such as Martin Gardner, Douglas Hofstadter [in one of the best popular science books on paradoxes ], inspired by Gödel’s incompleteness theorems), Patrick Hughes and George Brecht and Raymond M. Smullyan, inter alia. Books by Smullyan are, however, much more involved, since they introduce learning trajectories and strategies across several (...)
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    Transformando o patriarcado? O papel da luta feminista na reconfiguração das categorias marxistas.Marta Nunes da Costa - 2018 - Trans/Form/Ação 41 (3):125-144.
    Resumo: A partir de uma análise de categorias marxistas, neste artigo, quero trazer para o domínio da visibilidade a "questão da mulher" e defender que esta deve ser o fio condutor no processo de identificação de condições de possibilidade para a transformação do sistema das práticas que visam à emancipação humana, entendida como superação da lógica de dominação.: Based on an analysis of Marxist categories, I attempt in this article to bring into the domain of visibility the 'issue of women', (...)
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    I modi del sentire: un percorso nella tradizione fenomenologica.Vincenzo Costa - 2009 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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    Moving the logic of sustainability towards flourishing‐for‐all.Nuno Guimarães-Costa, Géraldine Schmidt, Klaus-Peter Schulz & Sandra Waddock - forthcoming - Business and Society Review.
    Flourishing‐for‐all as emerged as a concept to respond to the apparent lack of capacity to translate the sustainability discourse into actual practices conducive to more sustainable societies. In this special issue, we assert that flourishing‐for‐all addresses the gap identified in the sustainability discourse that still needs conversion into practice, and that processes for catalyzing this necessary transformation need to be identified and implemented. The eight papers in this special issue address flourishing‐for‐all from different ontological, epistemological, and methodological perspectives, demonstrating a (...)
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    An Inexplicable Effect of Imagination. Mothers’ Imagination and Its Impact on the Perceptions and Body of the Fetus. Successes and Refutations of the Malebranchist Paradigm in the 18th Century or the Fascinating Question of Psychophysical Interaction.Véronique Costa - 2024 - Iris 44.
    An error that medicine has long shared is to attribute to a desire or an effect of the mother’s imagination during gestation, the deformities, growths or spots that a child bears at birth. The imagination would be capable of imprinting external modifications on a matter and would have an impact on the perceptions and sensory development of the fetus. Returning briefly to the genealogy and posterity of the topos, this article focuses on the successes and refutations of the Malebranchist paradigm (...)
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    Herramientas teóricas para el estudio del mérito como forma de legitimación de las desigualdades políticas: la diferencia manual e intelectual en la división del trabajo y la distinción entre capital y recurso.Jorge Costa - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (2):111-122.
    Este artículo analiza dos herramientas teóricas relevantes para estudiar la función del mérito como un dispositivo que cumple una función de legitimación de las desigualdades políticas: una crítica democrática de la diferencia manual e intelectual en la división social del trabajo y la distinción entre capital y recurso. Para ello, comenta las posiciones de Marx y Durhkeim sobre la división social del trabajo y especifica cómo esta se concreta en la diferencia manual/intelectual apoyándose en Étienne Balibar. Posteriormente, se expone la (...)
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    Spinoza and the Hybrid Distinction of Attributes.Emanuele Costa - 2023 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 26 (1):28-53.
    In this paper, I address the issue of what kind of distinction separates the attributes of Spinoza’s substance. I propose to consider the distinction between attributes neither as a real distinction nor as a pure distinction of reason. Instead, I ventilate the alternative of understanding attributes as distinguished by a hybrid distinction, of which I trace the development during the Medieval and Early Modern eras. With the term hybrid, I capture distinctions which are neither a real distinction between substances or (...)
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    Readings in Formal Epistemology: Sourcebook.Horacio Arló-Costa, Vincent F. Hendricks & Johan van Benthem (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume presents 38 classic texts in formal epistemology, and strengthens the ties between research into this area of philosophy and its neighbouring intellectual disciplines. The editors provide introductions to five subsections: Bayesian Epistemology, Belief Change, Decision Theory, Interactive Epistemology and Epistemic Logic. 'Formal epistemology' is a term coined in the late 1990s for a new constellation of interests in philosophy, the origins of which are found in earlier works of epistemologists, philosophers of science and logicians. It addresses a growing (...)
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    Cultural Heritage and Moral Obligations: A Philosophical Inquiry Into Preservation and Innovation.Rafael Costa - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (4):508-523.
    In light of social change and rapid technological improvement, "Cultural Heritage and Moral Obligations: A Philosophical Inquiry into Preservation and Innovation" sets out to investigate the ethical aspects of cultural heritage. This investigation explores the value of cultural legacy as a storehouse of human knowledge, identity, and community while recognising its enormous influence on the construction of both personal and societal narratives. It recognises the difficulties presented by the needs of development and the demands of respecting the past as it (...)
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    Exploring the Practice Rationality, Strategy as Practice, and Epistemologies of the South: Towards Wider Strategic Research.Júlio César da Costa Júnior, Leandro da Silva Nascimento, Taciana de Barros Jerônimo & Brunna Carvalho Almeida Granja - 2023 - Philosophy of Management 22 (2):227-245.
    We propose a special look at new epistemological possibilities in constructing knowledge to fill the gap between theory development and its practical and societal applications. We turn our attention to the strategy field of studies, which is traditionally positivist, but that also accommodates some timid attempts to produce content from other onto-epistemological bases, such as strategy as practice. Then, we explore the possible interchange between strategy as practice and the Epistemologies of the South. Once strategy as practice is based on (...)
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  37. Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems and Physics.Newton C. A. da Costa - 2011 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 15 (3):453-459.
    This paper is a summary of a lecture in which I presented some remarks on Gödel’s incompleteness theorems and their meaning for the foundations of physics. The entire lecture will appear elsewhere.
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    Elementos de teoria paraconsistente de conjuntos.Newton C. A. da Costa - 1998 - Campinas, SP: Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência, UNICAMP. Edited by Jean-Yves Béziau & Otávio Bueno.
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    A Spinozist defense of trope theory.Emanuele Costa - 2023 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 61 (3):439-456.
    Trope theory and Spinoza's metaphysics apparently present two incompatible ontological landscapes. Spinoza assigns a strong metaphysical priority to a grounding substance and describes common objects as adjectival upon such substance. By contrast, several contemporary trope theories attempt to reduce all substances (both universal and particular) to bundles of individual properties. In this article, I motivate, defend, and develop a compatible reading of Spinozism and trope theories. This interpretation provides new reasons to take seriously some of the most controversial of Spinoza's (...)
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    Introduction.Emanuele Costa - 2023 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 11 (2):9-11.
    The concept of expression grounds a large portion of Spinoza’s metaphysics, giving further depth to seemingly foundational concepts such as substance, causality, attribute, and essence. Spinoza adopts the term “expression” in crucial contexts such as the definition of attribute, the essential dependence of modes on substance, and the striving or effort of a finite conatus. In this essay, I seek to interpret expression as an instance of relational or structural ontology, escaping the reductionist tendencies that would see it as a (...)
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    Alle origini della fenomenologia: Husserl e Stumpf sul problema dello spazio.Vincenzo Costa - 1996 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1.
  42. A semantical Analysis of the Calculi C n.Newton C. A. Costa - 1977 - Notre Dame Journal Fo Formal Logic 18:621-630.
  43.  14
    A Sabedoria do Povo Hebreu em Oposição à Sophia Grega. Uma Analise do Impacto da Cultura Helênica sobre a Cultura do Povo Hebreu.O. B. R. Costa - 2015 - Páginas de Filosofía 7 (2):99-126.
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    Why Be Just?Michael J. Costa - 1984 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 22 (4):469-479.
  45. Consistency, paraconsistency and truth: logic, the whole logic and nothing but the logic.Newton [Y.] Otávio Bueno Da Costa - 1996 - Ideas Y Valores 45 (100):48-60.
  46.  19
    Marx Sobre a Loucura.Pedro Henrique Antunes da Costa - 2022 - Revista Dialectus 26 (26):11-31.
    No artigo, apresentamos uma análise sobre a loucura a partir de Marx, extraindo sua compreensão sobre como ela é produzida no modo de produção capitalista (MPC). Para isso, analisamos produções marxianas acerca do sofrimento ou deste nas suas formas mais aguçadas como a loucura e o suicídio, situando tal compreensão nos marcos de sua análise totalizante, materialista histórico-dialética sobre o ser social no MPC e dialogando com elaborações de importantes autores no campo psi, cujos entendimentos se fundamentam nos postulados marxianos. (...)
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    Belonging and Social Integration as Factors of Well-Being in Latin America and Latin Europe Organizations.Silvia da Costa, Edurne Martínez-Moreno, Virginia Díaz, Daniel Hermosilla, Alberto Amutio, Sonia Padoan, Doris Méndez, Gabriela Etchebehere, Alejandro Torres, Saioa Telletxea & Silvia García-Mazzieri - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundStudies and meta-analyses found individual, meso and micro-social factors that are associated with individual well-being, as well as a positive socio-emotional climate or collective well-being.AimThis article simultaneously studies and examines these factors of well-being.MethodWell-Being is measured as a dependent variable at the individual and collective level, as well as the predictors, in three cross-sectional and one longitudinal studies. Education and social intervention workers from Chile, Spain and Uruguay participate; a subsample of educators from the south central Chile and from Chile, (...)
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    A constituição de si como singularidade qualquer na forma-de-vida: uma proposta ética de Giorgio Agamben.William Costa Costa - 2023 - Dois Pontos 19 (3).
    O artigo defende a tese de que o vínculo entre as categorias de singularidade qualquer e forma-de-vida é extremamente importante no projeto de ética imanente e contingente em Giorgio Agamben. Para sustentar essa tese, estruturamos o artigo em duas partes: (i) primeiramente, analisamos como a indeterminação entre regra (Regula) e vida (Vita) produz um modo de viver inerente ao ser humano que a vive. Esse modo ou essa forma-de-vida tem como um de seus exemplos primais o modelo de vida dos (...)
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    Dançar sobre o abismo: corpo e movimento na filosofia nietzschiana.Solange Aparecida de Campos Costa - 2023 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 13 (2):45-62.
    A dança ocupa na filosofia nietzschiana um lugar de destaque, principalmente porque envolve a música e o corpo, elementos-chave para o pensador alemão. Esse artigo investiga como o filósofo aborda essa temática em alguns aforismos de suas obras, em especial, analisando “O canto da dança” e “O outro canto da dança” de Assim Falou Zaratustra.. O texto apresenta o seguinte percurso: aborda de modo geral a relação entre filosofia e dança; apresenta a concepção de dança no texto A alma e (...)
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    A intuição bergsoniana da duração: o tempo da ciência é espaço.Magda Costa Carvalho - 2012 - Kairos 4:87-104.
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