Results for 'Mitsuhiro Takemura'

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  1. A Diagrammatic Inference System with Euler Circles.Koji Mineshima, Mitsuhiro Okada & Ryo Takemura - 2012 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21 (3):365-391.
    Proof-theory has traditionally been developed based on linguistic (symbolic) representations of logical proofs. Recently, however, logical reasoning based on diagrammatic or graphical representations has been investigated by logicians. Euler diagrams were introduced in the eighteenth century. But it is quite recent (more precisely, in the 1990s) that logicians started to study them from a formal logical viewpoint. We propose a novel approach to the formalization of Euler diagrammatic reasoning, in which diagrams are defined not in terms of regions as in (...)
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    A Generalized Syllogistic Inference System based on Inclusion and Exclusion Relations.Koji Mineshima, Mitsuhiro Okada & Ryo Takemura - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (4):753-785.
    We introduce a simple inference system based on two primitive relations between terms, namely, inclusion and exclusion relations. We present a normalization theorem, and then provide a characterization of the structure of normal proofs. Based on this, inferences in a syllogistic fragment of natural language are reconstructed within our system. We also show that our system can be embedded into a fragment of propositional minimal logic.
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    Media ekusutashī: jōhō seitaikei to bigaku.Mitsuhiro Takemura - 1992 - Tōkyō: Seidosha.
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  4. The finite model property for various fragments of intuitionistic linear logic.Mitsuhiro Okada & Kazushige Terui - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (2):790-802.
    Recently Lafont [6] showed the finite model property for the multiplicative additive fragment of linear logic (MALL) and for affine logic (LLW), i.e., linear logic with weakening. In this paper, we shall prove the finite model property for intuitionistic versions of those, i.e. intuitionistic MALL (which we call IMALL), and intuitionistic LLW (which we call ILLW). In addition, we shall show the finite model property for contractive linear logic (LLC), i.e., linear logic with contraction, and for its intuitionistic version (ILLC). (...)
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  5.  78
    Proof Theory for Reasoning with Euler Diagrams: A Logic Translation and Normalization.Ryo Takemura - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (1):157-191.
    Proof-theoretical notions and techniques, developed on the basis of sentential/symbolic representations of formal proofs, are applied to Euler diagrams. A translation of an Euler diagrammatic system into a natural deduction system is given, and the soundness and faithfulness of the translation are proved. Some consequences of the translation are discussed in view of the notion of free ride, which is mainly discussed in the literature of cognitive science as an account of inferential efficacy of diagrams. The translation enables us to (...)
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    Gender verification issues in women’s competitive sports: An ethical critique of the iaaf dsd regulation.Mizuho Takemura - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 14 (4):449-460.
    In 2018 the World Heath Organization decided to re-examine the classification of gender identity disorder and exclude it from being defined as a mental illness. This re-examination means that sex a...
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  7.  40
    Logic and Majority Voting.Ryo Takemura - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (2):347-382.
    To investigate the relationship between logical reasoning and majority voting, we introduce logic with groups Lg in the style of Gentzen’s sequent calculus, where every sequent is indexed by a group of individuals. We also introduce the set-theoretical semantics of Lg, where every formula is interpreted as a certain closed set of groups whose members accept that formula. We present the cut-elimination theorem, and the soundness and semantic completeness theorems of Lg. Then, introducing an inference rule representing majority voting to (...)
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  8.  40
    Contextual Effect of Wealth on Independence: An Examination through Regional Differences in China.Kosuke Takemura, Takeshi Hamamura, Yanjun Guan & Satoko Suzuki - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Behavioral Decision Theory: Psychological and Mathematical Descriptions of Human Choice Behavior.Kazuhisa Takemura - 2014 - Tokyo: Springer.
    This book provides an overview of behavioral decision theory and related research findings. In brief, behavioral decision theory is a general term for descriptive theories to explain the psychological knowledge related to decision-making behavior. It is called a theory, but actually it is a combination of various psychological theories, for which no axiomatic systems, such as the utility theory widely used in economics, have been established; it is often limited to qualitative knowledge. However, as suggested in the studies of H. (...)
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  10.  36
    Counter-Example Construction with Euler Diagrams.Ryo Takemura - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (4):669-696.
    One of the traditional applications of Euler diagrams is as a representation or counterpart of the usual set-theoretical models of given sentences. However, Euler diagrams have recently been investigated as the counterparts of logical formulas, which constitute formal proofs. Euler diagrams are rigorously defined as syntactic objects, and their inference systems, which are equivalent to some symbolic logical systems, are formalized. Based on this observation, we investigate both counter-model construction and proof-construction in the framework of Euler diagrams. We introduce the (...)
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  11.  42
    Language, ethnicity, and the nation-state: on Max Weber’s conception of “imagined linguistic community”.Mitsuhiro Tada - 2018 - Theory and Society 47 (4):437-466.
    Methodological nationalism in sociological theory is unfit for the current globalized era, and should be discarded. In light of this contention, the present article discusses Max Weber’s view of language as a way to relativize the frame of the national society. While a “linguistic turn” in sociology since the 1960s has assumed that the sharing of language—linguistic community—stands as an intersubjective foundation for understanding of meaning, Weber saw linguistic community as constructed. From Weber’s rationalist, subjectivist, individualist viewpoint, linguistic community was (...)
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  12.  13
    特集テーマ「タイプ理論」について.Mitsuhiro Okada - 2021 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 53 (2):1.
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  13.  30
    The morality of fair-play in sports from a point of Kantian view.Mizuho Takemura & Yoshitaka Kondo - 2007 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 29 (2):139-149.
  14. Nishida Kitarō to Bukkyō: Zen to Shinshū no kontei o kiwameru.Makio Takemura - 2002 - Tōkyō: Daitō Shuppansha.
  15. Remarks on logic for process descriptions in ontological reasoning: A Drug Interaction Ontology case study.Mitsuhiro Okada, Barry Smith & Yutaro Sugimoto - 2008 - In Okada Mitsuhiro, Smith Barry & Sugimoto Yutaro, InterOntology. Proceedings of the First Interdisciplinary Ontology Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 26-27 February 2008. Tokyo: Keio University Press. pp. 127-138.
    We present some ideas on logical process descriptions, using relations from the DIO (Drug Interaction Ontology) as examples and explaining how these relations can be naturally decomposed in terms of more basic structured logical process descriptions using terms from linear logic. In our view, the process descriptions are able to clarify the usual relational descriptions of DIO. In particular, we discuss the use of logical process descriptions in proving linear logical theorems. Among the types of reasoning supported by DIO one (...)
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  16.  53
    Prolegomena to philosophical considerations of sports and gender: a critical consideration of research in japan.Takemura Mizuho - 2014 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 41 (1):97-111.
    The objective of this paper is to consider some of the philosophical problems on gender in sport in terms of practical philosophy by examining previous studies on sports and gender in Japan. The previous studies of the Journal of Sport and Gender Studies, an institutional journal of the Japan Society for Sport and Gender Studies , and were reviewed to explain the characteristics and the limits of previous sports-gender studies in Japan to establish the parameters for a philosophical discussion of (...)
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  17. Bukkyō-ronrigaku no kenkyū.Shōhō Takemura - 1968 - Hyakkaen.
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  18. Chiteki yasei kyōiku.Ken'ichi Takemura - 1978 - Edited by Yōko Kirishima.
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  19.  36
    Doping as an act of body self-ownership.Mizuho Takemura - 2015 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 37 (1):15-28.
  20.  9
    Edo kōki jusha no firorogī: genten hihan no shosō to sono kokusai hikaku.Eiji Takemura - 2016 - Kyōto-shi: Shibunkaku Shuppan.
  21.  9
    Inōe Enryō: sono tetsugaku, shisō.Makio Takemura - 2017 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Shunjūsha.
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    Inoue Enryō: sono Bukkyō shisō.Makio Takemura - 2022 - Tōkyō: Seidosha.
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  23. Inmyōgaku: kigen to hensen.Shōhō Takemura - 1986 - Kyōto-shi: Hōzōkan.
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  24. Nishida Kitarō to Suzuki Daisetsu: sono tamashii no kōryū ni kiku.Makio Takemura - 2004 - Tōkyō: Daitō Shuppansha.
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    Proof theory for heterogeneous logic combining formulas and diagrams: proof normalization.Ryo Takemura - 2021 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 60 (7):783-813.
    We extend natural deduction for first-order logic (FOL) by introducing diagrams as components of formal proofs. From the viewpoint of FOL, we regard a diagram as a deductively closed conjunction of certain FOL formulas. On the basis of this observation, we first investigate basic heterogeneous logic (HL) wherein heterogeneous inference rules are defined in the styles of conjunction introduction and elimination rules of FOL. By examining what is a detour in our heterogeneous proofs, we discuss that an elimination-introduction pair of (...)
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  26.  45
    Probability Weighting Functions Derived from Hyperbolic Time Discounting: Psychophysical Models and Their Individual Level Testing.Kazuhisa Takemura & Hajime Murakami - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The doping matters as those of ^|^lsquo;Property of the body by others^|^rsquo; from the historical facts of doping problems under the DDR government.Mizuho Takemura - 2009 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 31 (2):95-107.
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    The ethical dialogue on doping with free will.Mizuho Takemura, Dai Shigematsu & Daisuke Kobayashi - 2011 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 33 (1):27-40.
  29. Yokubō bōryoku no rejīmu: yuragu hyōshō kakutōsuru riron.Kazuko Takemura (ed.) - 2008 - Tōkyō: Sakuhinsha.
  30.  7
    Yuishiki, Kegon, Kūkai, Nishida: Tōyō tetsugaku no seika o yomitoku.Makio Takemura - 2021 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Seidosha.
    インド、中国そして日本。古代から近代へと、東洋思想の核心を求めて。この世界は、実体的存在などなく、あらゆるものが互いに関係し合って存在している。ではそこで自己とはいかなる存在で、どのようにあるべきなの か。唯識の事的世界観から華厳の事事無礙法界へ、さらに空海の人人無礙の曼荼羅、そして西田の「個物の哲学」へ。東洋の大地にそびえたつ哲学の連峰を縦横に踏破し、その叡智の真髄を未来に向けて照らし出す壮大な書 。.
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    Intentionality of Communication: Theory of Self-referential Social Systems as Sociological Phenomenology.Mitsuhiro Tada - 2010 - Schutzian Research. A Yearbook of Worldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science 2:183-202.
    The aim of this article is to explore how a self-referential social system, although it is not a human being, can be said to “observe.” For this purpose, the article reformulates Niklas Luhmann’s theory of social systems as sociological phenomenology, or the de-consciousness philosophized phenomenology, because a social system has the same structure of intentionality as consciousness: Just as consciousness is always consciousness of something, communication is always communication of something. In correlation to this communicative intentionality, communicated environments come and (...)
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  32.  54
    Intentionality of Communication.Mitsuhiro Tada - 2010 - Schutzian Research 2:181-200.
    The aim of this article is to explore how a self-referential social system, although it is not a human being, can be said to “observe.” For this purpose, the article reformulates Niklas Luhmann’s theory of social systems as sociological phenomenology, or the de-consciousness philosophized phenomenology, because a social system has the same structure of intentionality as consciousness: Just as consciousness is always consciousness of something, communication is always communication of something. In correlation to this communicative intentionality, communicated environments come and (...)
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  33.  26
    Some Remarks on a Difference between Gentzen's Finitist and Heyting's Intuitionist Approaches toward Intuitionistic Logic and Arithmetic.Mitsuhiro Okada - 2008 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 16 (1-2):1-17.
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    A weak intuitionistic propositional logic with purely constructive implication.Mitsuhiro Okada - 1987 - Studia Logica 46 (4):371 - 382.
    We introduce subsystems WLJ and SI of the intuitionistic propositional logic LJ, by weakening the intuitionistic implication. These systems are justifiable by purely constructive semantics. Then the intuitionistic implication with full strength is definable in the second order versions of these systems. We give a relationship between SI and a weak modal system WM. In Appendix the Kripke-type model theory for WM is given.
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  35. A simple relationship between Buchholz's new system of ordinal notations and Takeuti's system of ordinal diagrams.Mitsuhiro Okada - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (3):577-581.
  36.  12
    Correction to: Language, ethnicity, and the nation-state: on Max Weber’s conception of “imagined linguistic community”.Mitsuhiro Tada - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (3):727-727.
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  37. Rasuki to sono nakama: "akai 30-nendai" no chishikijin.Mitsuhiro Mizutani - 1994 - Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha.
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    Linear Logic and Intuitionistic Logic.Mitsuhiro Okada - 2004 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 4:449-481.
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    On a theory of weak implications.Mitsuhiro Okada - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (1):200-211.
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    Weak Logical Constants and Second Order Definability of the Full-Strength Logical Constants.Mitsuhiro Okada - 1989 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 7 (4):163-172.
  41.  14
    帰納型消去規則としてのウィトゲンシュタインの一意性規則.Mitsuhiro Okada - 2021 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 53 (2):95-114.
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    (1 other version)Correction to: Language and imagined Gesellschaft: Émile Durkheim’s civil-linguistic nationalism and the consequences of universal human ideals.Mitsuhiro Tada - forthcoming - Theory and Society.
    A Correction to this paper has been published: 10.1007/s11186-021-09436-2.
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    Language and imagined Gesellschaft: Émile Durkheim’s civil-linguistic nationalism and the consequences of universal human ideals.Mitsuhiro Tada - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (4):597-630.
    When Thomas Luckmann, a pioneer of the “linguistic turn” in sociology, regarded Émile Durkheim as a source for the sociology of language, he had lifeworldly community–building in mind. However, the French sociologist himself understood language in the context ofcivil society–building. To Durkheim, language was a “social thing in the highest degree” that enabled general ideas and intermediated them to people. Abstract human ideals like the civil religion since the French Revolution could be shared through (a common) language. Thus, Durkheim took (...)
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    Frontier questions about sister chromatid separation in anaphase.Mitsuhiro Yanagida - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (6):519-526.
    Sister chromatid separation in anaphase is an important event in the cell's transmission of genetic information to a descendent. It has been investigated from different aspects: cell cycle regulation, spindle and chromosome dynamics within the three‐dimensional cell architecture, transmission fidelity control and cellular signaling. Integrated studies directed toward unified understanding are possible using multidisciplinary methods with model organisms. Ubiquitin‐dependent proteolysis, protein dephosphorylation, an unknown function by the TPR repeat proteins, chromosome transport by microtubule‐based motors and DNA topological change by DNA (...)
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  45.  42
    Completeness of Second-Order Intuitionistic Propositional Logic with Respect to Phase Semantics for Proof-Terms.Yuta Takahashi & Ryo Takemura - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (3):553-570.
    Girard introduced phase semantics as a complete set-theoretic semantics of linear logic, and Okada modified phase-semantic completeness proofs to obtain normal-form theorems. On the basis of these works, Okada and Takemura reformulated Girard’s phase semantics so that it became phase semantics for proof-terms, i.e., lambda-terms. They formulated phase semantics for proof-terms of Laird’s dual affine/intuitionistic lambda-calculus and proved the normal-form theorem for Laird’s calculus via a completeness theorem. Their semantics was obtained by an application of computability predicates. In this (...)
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  46. Wittgenstein, Goodstein and the origin of the uniqueness rule for primitive recursive arithmetic.Mathieu Marion & Mitsuhiro Okada - 2018 - In David G. Stern, Wittgenstein in the 1930s: Between the Tractatus and the Investigations. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Syntactic reduction in Husserl’s early phenomenology of arithmetic.Mirja Hartimo & Mitsuhiro Okada - 2016 - Synthese 193 (3):937-969.
    The paper traces the development and the role of syntactic reduction in Edmund Husserl’s early writings on mathematics and logic, especially on arithmetic. The notion has its origin in Hermann Hankel’s principle of permanence that Husserl set out to clarify. In Husserl’s early texts the emphasis of the reductions was meant to guarantee the consistency of the extended algorithm. Around the turn of the century Husserl uses the same idea in his conception of definiteness of what he calls “mathematical manifolds.” (...)
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  48.  17
    Warmer Environments Increase Implicit Mental Workload Even If Learning Efficiency Is Enhanced.Tsukasa Kimura, Noriko Takemura, Yuta Nakashima, Hirokazu Kobori, Hajime Nagahara, Masayuki Numao & Kazumitsu Shinohara - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Wittgenstein et le lien entre la signification d’un énoncé mathématique et sa preuve.Mathieu Marion & Mitsuhiro Okada - 2012 - Philosophiques 39 (1):101-124.
    The thesis according to which the meaning of a mathematical sentence is given by its proof was held by both Wittgenstein and the intuitionists, following Heyting and Dummett. In this paper, we clarify the meaning of this thesis for Wittgenstein, showing how his position differs from that of the intuitionists. We show how the thesis originates in his thoughts, from the middle period, about proofs by induction, and we sketch his answers to a number of objections, including the idea that, (...)
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  50.  55
    Edmund Husserl in Talcott Parsons: Analytical Realism and Phenomenology. [REVIEW]Mitsuhiro Tada - 2013 - Human Studies 36 (3):357-374.
    This article aims at clarifying the philosophical (=phenomenological) implication of Talcott Parsons’s analytical realism. Generally, his theory is understood as being confrontational to phenomenology; however, in his first book, The Structure of Social Action, Parsons positively referred to Husserl’s Logical Investigations. They shared a sense of crisis: Husserl thought that there was no certain basis in modern science, and Parsons had the feeling that there was no common theory to establish sociology as a science. Thus, both of them criticized the (...)
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