Results for 'Kazuko Takemura'

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  1. Yokubō bōryoku no rejīmu: yuragu hyōshō kakutōsuru riron.Kazuko Takemura (ed.) - 2008 - Tōkyō: Sakuhinsha.
  2.  41
    The distribution of quantificational suffixes in Japanese.Kazuko Yatsushiro - 2009 - Natural Language Semantics 17 (2):141-173.
    The existential and universal quantifiers in Japanese both consist of two morphemes: an indeterminate pronoun and a quantificational suffix. This paper examines the distributional characteristics of these suffixes (ka for the existential quantifier and mo for the universal quantifier). It is shown that ka can appear in a wider range of structural positions than mo can. This difference receives explanation on semantic grounds. I propose that mo is a generalized quantifier. More specifically, I assume that the phrase headed by mo (...)
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    Prolegomena to philosophical considerations of sports and gender: a critical consideration of research in japan.Takemura Mizuho - 2014 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 41 (1):97-111.
    The objective of this paper is to consider some of the philosophical problems on gender in sport in terms of practical philosophy by examining previous studies on sports and gender in Japan. The previous studies of the Journal of Sport and Gender Studies, an institutional journal of the Japan Society for Sport and Gender Studies , and were reviewed to explain the characteristics and the limits of previous sports-gender studies in Japan to establish the parameters for a philosophical discussion of (...)
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  4. Kō Sōgi.Kazuko Ono - 1967
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  5. Seishin no haienatachi e no tegami.Kazuko Shiraishi - 1970
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    Visual and Proprioceptive Perceptions Evoke Motion-Sound Symbolism: Different Acceleration Profiles Are Associated With Different Types of Consonants.Kazuko Shinohara, Shigeto Kawahara & Hideyuki Tanaka - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  7. Inmyōgaku: kigen to hensen.Shōhō Takemura - 1986 - Kyōto-shi: Hōzōkan.
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    The ethical dialogue on doping with free will.Mizuho Takemura, Dai Shigematsu & Daisuke Kobayashi - 2011 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 33 (1):27-40.
  9.  27
    The Significance of Body-Mind Awareness in Physical Education.Kazuko Takahashi, Naofumi Masumoto & Takuro Endo - 2007 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 29 (1):71-77.
  10. Die Einbildungskraft in Kants Philosophie (in Japanese).Kazuko Yamaguchi - 1978 - Bigaku 29.
    In kants kritik der reinen vernunft ist die urteilskraft ein vermogen, das besondere unter das allgemeine zu subsumieren. unter dieser bestimmenden urteilskraft wird die spontaneitat der einbildungskraft, die auf der subjektsseite von der urteilsform wirkt, durch die verstandesbegriffe, die die pradikatsseite ausmachen, beschrankt. trotzdem realisiert die einbildungskraft die verstandesbegriffe durch die produkzion der schemata. also muss die eigentliche spontaneitat der einbildungskraft darin bestehen, das intellektuelle ddrzustellen und zu realisieren. in kants kritik der urteilskraft ist die urteilskraft die reflektierende, zum besonderen (...)
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  11. Die Kunst beim spaten Schelling (in Japanese).Kazuko Yamaguchi - 1993 - Bigaku 44 (2):24-34.
    Der spate Schelling sieht aber in der Natur nicht mehr die gottliche Poesie, sondern das irrationale Prinzip, auf dem die "Unseligkeit alles Seins" beruht. In die Natur zu pflanzen bedeutet daher in die Unseligkeit des Lebens zu pflanzen. Beim spaten Schelling liegt das Grauen der Schonheit zugrunde. Der spate Schelling fordert von der Kunst, sowie von der Philosophie, die Starke, sich mit dem Leben zu messen und ihre Kraft aus der Wirklichkeit zu nehmen. Und diese Starke allein fuhrt den Menschen (...)
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  12. Najwcześniejsze studium Schellinga o Platonie.Kazuko Yamaguchi - 1999 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 12 (12).
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    Preferential attachment and growth dynamics in complex systems.Kazuko Yamasaki, Kaushik Matia, Fabio Pammolli, Sergey Buldyrev, Massimo Riccaboni, H. Eugene Stanley & Dongfeng Fu - manuscript
    Complex systems can be characterized by classes of equivalency of their elements defined according to system specific rules. We propose a generalized preferential attachment model to describe the class size distribution. The model postulates preferential growth of the existing classes and the steady influx of new classes. According to the model, the distribution changes from a pure exponential form for zero influx of new classes to a power law with an exponential cut-off form when the influx of new classes is (...)
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  14.  29
    The morality of fair-play in sports from a point of Kantian view.Mizuho Takemura & Yoshitaka Kondo - 2007 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 29 (2):139-149.
  15.  36
    Doping as an act of body self-ownership.Mizuho Takemura - 2015 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 37 (1):15-28.
  16.  9
    Inōe Enryō: sono tetsugaku, shisō.Makio Takemura - 2017 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Shunjūsha.
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    Inoue Enryō: sono Bukkyō shisō.Makio Takemura - 2022 - Tōkyō: Seidosha.
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  18.  21
    Reading "Little Women", Reading Motherhood in Japan.Kazuko Watanabe - 1999 - Feminist Studies 25 (3):698.
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  19.  10
    Behavioral Decision Theory: Psychological and Mathematical Descriptions of Human Choice Behavior.Kazuhisa Takemura - 2014 - Tokyo: Springer.
    This book provides an overview of behavioral decision theory and related research findings. In brief, behavioral decision theory is a general term for descriptive theories to explain the psychological knowledge related to decision-making behavior. It is called a theory, but actually it is a combination of various psychological theories, for which no axiomatic systems, such as the utility theory widely used in economics, have been established; it is often limited to qualitative knowledge. However, as suggested in the studies of H. (...)
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  20.  40
    Contextual Effect of Wealth on Independence: An Examination through Regional Differences in China.Kosuke Takemura, Takeshi Hamamura, Yanjun Guan & Satoko Suzuki - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  21.  33
    Counter-Example Construction with Euler Diagrams.Ryo Takemura - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (4):669-696.
    One of the traditional applications of Euler diagrams is as a representation or counterpart of the usual set-theoretical models of given sentences. However, Euler diagrams have recently been investigated as the counterparts of logical formulas, which constitute formal proofs. Euler diagrams are rigorously defined as syntactic objects, and their inference systems, which are equivalent to some symbolic logical systems, are formalized. Based on this observation, we investigate both counter-model construction and proof-construction in the framework of Euler diagrams. We introduce the (...)
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  22.  78
    Proof Theory for Reasoning with Euler Diagrams: A Logic Translation and Normalization.Ryo Takemura - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (1):157-191.
    Proof-theoretical notions and techniques, developed on the basis of sentential/symbolic representations of formal proofs, are applied to Euler diagrams. A translation of an Euler diagrammatic system into a natural deduction system is given, and the soundness and faithfulness of the translation are proved. Some consequences of the translation are discussed in view of the notion of free ride, which is mainly discussed in the literature of cognitive science as an account of inferential efficacy of diagrams. The translation enables us to (...)
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  23.  44
    Gender verification issues in women’s competitive sports: An ethical critique of the iaaf dsd regulation.Mizuho Takemura - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 14 (4):449-460.
    In 2018 the World Heath Organization decided to re-examine the classification of gender identity disorder and exclude it from being defined as a mental illness. This re-examination means that sex a...
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  24.  37
    Logic and Majority Voting.Ryo Takemura - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (2):347-382.
    To investigate the relationship between logical reasoning and majority voting, we introduce logic with groups Lg in the style of Gentzen’s sequent calculus, where every sequent is indexed by a group of individuals. We also introduce the set-theoretical semantics of Lg, where every formula is interpreted as a certain closed set of groups whose members accept that formula. We present the cut-elimination theorem, and the soundness and semantic completeness theorems of Lg. Then, introducing an inference rule representing majority voting to (...)
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  25. Bukkyō-ronrigaku no kenkyū.Shōhō Takemura - 1968 - Hyakkaen.
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  26. Chiteki yasei kyōiku.Ken'ichi Takemura - 1978 - Edited by Yōko Kirishima.
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  27.  9
    Edo kōki jusha no firorogī: genten hihan no shosō to sono kokusai hikaku.Eiji Takemura - 2016 - Kyōto-shi: Shibunkaku Shuppan.
  28.  7
    Media ekusutashī: jōhō seitaikei to bigaku.Mitsuhiro Takemura - 1992 - Tōkyō: Seidosha.
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  29.  33
    Proof theory for heterogeneous logic combining formulas and diagrams: proof normalization.Ryo Takemura - 2021 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 60 (7):783-813.
    We extend natural deduction for first-order logic (FOL) by introducing diagrams as components of formal proofs. From the viewpoint of FOL, we regard a diagram as a deductively closed conjunction of certain FOL formulas. On the basis of this observation, we first investigate basic heterogeneous logic (HL) wherein heterogeneous inference rules are defined in the styles of conjunction introduction and elimination rules of FOL. By examining what is a detour in our heterogeneous proofs, we discuss that an elimination-introduction pair of (...)
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  30.  41
    Probability Weighting Functions Derived from Hyperbolic Time Discounting: Psychophysical Models and Their Individual Level Testing.Kazuhisa Takemura & Hajime Murakami - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  31.  25
    The doping matters as those of ^|^lsquo;Property of the body by others^|^rsquo; from the historical facts of doping problems under the DDR government.Mizuho Takemura - 2009 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 31 (2):95-107.
  32. A Diagrammatic Inference System with Euler Circles.Koji Mineshima, Mitsuhiro Okada & Ryo Takemura - 2012 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21 (3):365-391.
    Proof-theory has traditionally been developed based on linguistic (symbolic) representations of logical proofs. Recently, however, logical reasoning based on diagrammatic or graphical representations has been investigated by logicians. Euler diagrams were introduced in the eighteenth century. But it is quite recent (more precisely, in the 1990s) that logicians started to study them from a formal logical viewpoint. We propose a novel approach to the formalization of Euler diagrammatic reasoning, in which diagrams are defined not in terms of regions as in (...)
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  33. Nishida Kitarō to Bukkyō: Zen to Shinshū no kontei o kiwameru.Makio Takemura - 2002 - Tōkyō: Daitō Shuppansha.
  34. Nishida Kitarō to Suzuki Daisetsu: sono tamashii no kōryū ni kiku.Makio Takemura - 2004 - Tōkyō: Daitō Shuppansha.
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    Yuishiki, Kegon, Kūkai, Nishida: Tōyō tetsugaku no seika o yomitoku.Makio Takemura - 2021 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Seidosha.
    インド、中国そして日本。古代から近代へと、東洋思想の核心を求めて。この世界は、実体的存在などなく、あらゆるものが互いに関係し合って存在している。ではそこで自己とはいかなる存在で、どのようにあるべきなの か。唯識の事的世界観から華厳の事事無礙法界へ、さらに空海の人人無礙の曼荼羅、そして西田の「個物の哲学」へ。東洋の大地にそびえたつ哲学の連峰を縦横に踏破し、その叡智の真髄を未来に向けて照らし出す壮大な書 。.
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  36.  70
    A Generalized Syllogistic Inference System based on Inclusion and Exclusion Relations.Koji Mineshima, Mitsuhiro Okada & Ryo Takemura - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (4):753-785.
    We introduce a simple inference system based on two primitive relations between terms, namely, inclusion and exclusion relations. We present a normalization theorem, and then provide a characterization of the structure of normal proofs. Based on this, inferences in a syllogistic fragment of natural language are reconstructed within our system. We also show that our system can be embedded into a fragment of propositional minimal logic.
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  37.  19
    Social Change and the Individual, Japan before and after Defeat in World War II.George A. DeVos & Kazuko Tsurumi - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (4):558.
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  38.  28
    A phase semantics for polarized linear logic and second order conservativity.Masahiro Hamano & Ryo Takemura - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (1):77-102.
    This paper presents a polarized phase semantics, with respect to which the linear fragment of second order polarized linear logic of Laurent [15] is complete. This is done by adding a topological structure to Girard's phase semantics [9]. The topological structure results naturally from the categorical construction developed by Hamano—Scott [12]. The polarity shifting operator ↓ (resp. ↑) is interpreted as an interior (resp. closure) operator in such a manner that positive (resp. negative) formulas correspond to open (resp. closed) facts. (...)
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  39.  15
    A Study of Japanese Syntax.S. -Y. Kuroda & Kazuko Inoue - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (2):353.
  40. A Study of Consciousness in Farming and Fishing Villagers: Religious Faith through Festivals of Gods! Sumiko Hattorr 147 Eliciting the Maturity in Structural Knowledge through Concepts Sorting Task.Hiroshi Maeda & Kazuko Shinohara - 1999 - Educational Studies 41:301.
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    Evaluating Distal and Proximal Explanations for Withdrawal: A Rejoinder to Varnum and Kwon’s “The Ecology of Withdrawal”.Vinai Norasakkunkit, Yukiko Uchida & Kosuke Takemura - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  42.  39
    Semantics and pragmatics: from experiment to theory.Uli Sauerland & Kazuko Yatsushiro (eds.) - 2009 - Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This volume comprises thirteen original research papers and three overview papers presenting new work using a number of experimental techniques from psycho- and neurolinguistics in the three key areas of current semantics and pragmatics: implicature, negation and presupposition.
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  43.  14
    Warmer Environments Increase Implicit Mental Workload Even If Learning Efficiency Is Enhanced.Tsukasa Kimura, Noriko Takemura, Yuta Nakashima, Hirokazu Kobori, Hajime Nagahara, Masayuki Numao & Kazumitsu Shinohara - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  44.  33
    Completeness of Second-Order Intuitionistic Propositional Logic with Respect to Phase Semantics for Proof-Terms.Yuta Takahashi & Ryo Takemura - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (3):553-570.
    Girard introduced phase semantics as a complete set-theoretic semantics of linear logic, and Okada modified phase-semantic completeness proofs to obtain normal-form theorems. On the basis of these works, Okada and Takemura reformulated Girard’s phase semantics so that it became phase semantics for proof-terms, i.e., lambda-terms. They formulated phase semantics for proof-terms of Laird’s dual affine/intuitionistic lambda-calculus and proved the normal-form theorem for Laird’s calculus via a completeness theorem. Their semantics was obtained by an application of computability predicates. In this (...)
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  45.  27
    Makiko's Diary: A Merchant Wife in 1910 Kyoto.Laurel Rasplica Rodd & Kazuko Smith - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (4):758.
  46. How do decision heuristic performance and social value orientaion matter in the building of preferences?Marcus Selart, Ole Boe & Kazuhisa Takemura - 2000 - Göteborg Psychological Reports 30 (6).
    In the present study it was shown that both decision heuristics and social value orientation play important roles in the building of preferences. This was revealed in decision tasks in which participants were deciding about candidates for a job position. An eye-tracking equipment was applied in order to register participants´ information acquisition. It was revealed that participants performing well on a series of heuristics tasks (availability, representativeness, anchoríng & adjustment,and attribution) including a confidence judgment also behaved more accurately than low (...)
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  47. Effects of reward on self-regulation, intrinsic motivation and creativity.Marcus Selart, Thomas Nordström, Bård Kuvaas & Kazuhisa Takemura - 2008 - Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 52 (5):439-458.
    This article evaluates the effects of two types of rewards (performance-contingent versus engagement-contingent) on self-regulation, intrinsic motivation and creativity. Forty-two undergraduate students were randomly assigned to three conditions; i.e. a performance-contingent reward group, an engagement-contingent reward group and a control group. Results provide little support for the negative effects of performance rewards on motivational components. However, they do indicate that participants in the engagement-contingent reward group and the control group achieved higher rated creativity than participants in the performance-contingent reward group. (...)
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  48. At the crossroads of logic, psychology, and behavioral genetics.J. Ando, C. Shikishima, K. Hiraishi, Y. Sugimoto, R. Takemura & M. Okada - 2006 - In D. Andler, M. Okada & I. Watanabe (eds.), Reasoning and Cognition. pp. 9-36.
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    Descolonizando o currículo escolar e o ensino de história: Agudás, os retornados a África.Ana Lúcia Da Silva & Teresa Kazuko Teruya - 2020 - Odeere 5 (10):41-69.
    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a letra do samba-enredo: “Agudás: os que levaram a África no coração e trouxeram para o coração da África, o Brasil”. Que contribuição este enredo oferece ao ensino de História da África e cultura afro-brasileira? Oferece uma memória histórica inédita ao carnaval carioca, dando visibilidade ao povo negro que retornou à África antes da abolição da escravidão no Brasil em 1888. Assim, propõe desconstruir o paradigma eurocêntrico e construir caminhos para a descolonização do currículo (...)
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  50.  11
    Multiattribute regret: theory and experimental study.Yoichiro Fujii, Hajime Murakami, Yutaka Nakamura & Kazuhisa Takemura - 2023 - Theory and Decision 95 (4):623-662.
    This paper generalizes the simple regret model by Bell in Operations Research 30(5), 961-981 and Loomes and Sugden in The Economic Journal 92(368), 805-824 to cope with the situation in which decision outcomes are multi-attributed. We propose a model that combines the simple regret model for ex ante preferences and the additive difference representation for ex post preferences. We first present a necessary and sufficient axiomatization of our model in Savage’s framework. The proposed model is composed of three types of (...)
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