Results for 'Moderation Islam'

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  1.  13
    Promoting moderate Islam in a global community through the 'English for Ulama' programme.Agus Ahmad Safei - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-8.
    The rise of religious conservatism following the 1998 reformasi has altered the face of Indonesian Islam, which has historically been regarded as peaceful and inclusive, which is why the Indonesian government has advocated for moderate Islam on a regional, national and even a global scale. Using West Java as a case study, this article presents the 2019 'English for Ulama' initiative, which intends to train ulama in West Java about the concept of moderate Islam before sending them (...)
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    Moderate Islam to Reduce Conflict and Mediate Peace in the Middle East: A Case of Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah.Kasmuri Selamat - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (1):280-300.
    Nahdhatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah are two moderate Islamic organizations in Indonesia which operate in the area of preaching amar ma’ruf nahi munkar, and enlightenment tajdid, sourced from the Al-Quran and Sunnah. Besides being known as a religious organization, NU and Muhammadiyah are also known as organizations that play an active role in the humanitarian field. The study is based on the premise that religious discourse as a resolution can come in various forms and strategies, even by involving actors from (...)
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    On the Question of Moderate Islam.Kacem El Ghazzali - 2021 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2021 (194):117-125.
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    The contribution of Ahlussunnah Waljamaah’s theology in establishing moderate Islam in Indonesia.Imam Kanafi, Harapandi Dahri, Susminingsih Susminingsih & Syamsul Bakhri - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-10.
    Radicalism and Islamic phobia have the potential to cause conflict amongst religious communities so that it needs social movements in building religious moderation. This study aims to understand and analyse the Ahlussunnah Waljamaah theology in the six largest Islamic community organisations in Indonesia in implementing religious moderation. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Data obtained from interviews, observations and in-depth interviews regarding the process of externalising, objectifying and internalising the theology of Ahlusunnah Waljamaah in (...)
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    On being moderate and peaceful: Why Islamic political moderateness promotes outgroup tolerance and reconciliation.Esti Zaduqisti, Ali Mashuri, Amat Zuhri, Tri Astutik Haryati & Miftahul Ula - 2020 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 42 (3):359-378.
    Islamic moderateness is said to be one of the key factors that contribute to the promotion of peace in Muslim societies. We present an empirical study conducted in Indonesia ( N = 299) that assessed Islamic political moderateness and examined its role in explaining Muslims’ tolerance towards non-Muslims, as well as the first group’s support for making reconciliation with the latter group. We found as hypothesised that Islamic political moderateness was a positive predictor of outgroup tolerance, because of the role (...)
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    Religious Moderation Based on Value of Theology: A Qualitative Sociological Study in Islamic Boarding Schools (Pesantren) in Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia. Ipandang, Muhammad Iqbal & Khasmir - 2022 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 2 (5):18-26.
    The article focused on the study of religious moderation based on values of moderation in three Islamic boarding schools (Pesantren) in Southeast Sulawesi, namely Pesantren al-Muhajirin Darussalam Konawe, Pesantren Ummu Sabri Kendari, and Pesantren Darul Mukhlisin Kendari. Therefore, a qualitative approach was used with a case study design -the techniques of collecting data used in interviews, participatory observations, field notes, and documentation. Data analysis in this article was done using interactive data analysis by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana. This (...)
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    Religious moderation in Islamic religious education textbook and implementation in Indonesia.Rohmat Mulyana - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):8.
    This study aims to investigate the concept of religious moderation in the form of values contained in Islamic religious education textbooks at the junior high school level and to analyse how these values are implemented in Bandung, West Java schools. This article employs qualitative data collection techniques, including a literature review, observation, and interviews. The study finds that the content of moderation values, such as non-violence, egalitarianism and fairness, and tolerance, aligns with the Indonesian government’s religious moderation (...)
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    Assessing the influence of organisational citizenship behaviour towards environment on economic cost performance in UAE hotels.Rekha Pillai, Aminul Islam, Parul Kumar & Hamza Almustafa - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Organisational citizenship behaviour towards the environment (OCBE) aids in both environmental protection and in harnessing sustainable competitive organisational advantage. This study proposed a conceptual research model which investigated managerial perceptions of the relationship between OCBE and economic cost performance (ECP) in the UAE hospitality sector, with green innovative behaviour (GIB) mediating and green training moderating the relationship. Drawing on the theory of planned behaviour and abilities motivation opportunity theory, the study administered 479 structured questionnaires to hotel managers in the UAE (...)
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    Religious moderation of Islamic university students in Indonesia: Reception of religious texts.Benny Afwadzi, Umi Sumbulah, Nur Ali & Saifuddin Z. Qudsy - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):9.
    Religious moderation has been popular and widely promoted to students as a countermeasure to radicalism. However, it runs across several challenges. Not to mention that radicalism has extended its influence within Islamic universities in Indonesia. Many research organisations have found that Indonesian students tend to be radical. Hence, the discussion around religious moderation among students highlights its urgency. With emphasis on the reception of Islamic university students to religious texts, this study proposed the appropriate approach to religious (...) in the context of plural Indonesian society with the reception of Qur’anic verses and hadiths that promoted moderation. It employed a qualitative approach with a purposive sampling technique involving 81 students of Islamic Religious Education of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang as the research subjects. They were students from four semester IV and VI classes. This study revealed several key findings: firstly, the majority of students equate religious moderation with religious tolerance; secondly, students draw from a range of verses and hadiths that emphasise religious moderation, primarily on tolerance promotion; and thirdly, students’ application of religious moderation based on religious texts manifests through verbal, written and practical approaches. This study presents a model for developing religious moderation rooted in students’ comprehension of religious texts advocating moderation. This study implies using religious texts to promote moderate thought to lessen radicalism and intolerance in the world. Contribution: This study introduces a religious text-oriented approach to enhance the development of religious moderation, thereby refining strategies and methods that have predominantly emphasised aspects of social reality. The religious texts that advocate for moderation are accepted and applied by students in their lives. This contribution is crucial to lessening radicalism and intolerance in Indonesia. (shrink)
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  10. Moderation in Greek and Islamic Traditions and a Virtue Ethics of the Quran.M. Ashraf Adeel - 2015 - American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences 32 (3).
    This article looks at some of the salient analyses of moderation in the ancient Greek and the Islamic traditions and uses them to develop a contemporary view of the matter. Greek ethics played a huge role in shaping the ethical views of the Muslim philosophers and theologians, and thus the article starts with an overview of the revival of contemporary western virtue ethics--in many ways an extension of Platonic-Aristotelian ethics--and then looks at the place of moderation or temperance (...)
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  11.  12
    Islamic education, depression, religiosity, and the effects of religion moderation of Muslim students.Watni Marpaung, Noor Azizah & Putra Apriadi Siregar - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):8.
    The need for religious moderation in North Sumatra province arises as a result of burning worship [Vihara and Klenteng], exploding bombs and stabbing attempts at churches during worship. This study examines the effect of Islamic education, depression and religiosity on religious moderation in students at state Islamic universities. This study used a cross-sectional design in North Sumatra province with 1125 Muslim students over a period from February 2023 to May 2023. This study used a closed questionnaire involving Islamic (...)
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  12. Moderation and openness in modern Islam.Meir Hatina - 2017 - In Meʼir Mikhaʼel Bar-Asher & Meir Hatina (eds.), ha-Islam: hisṭoryah, dat, tarbut = Islam: history, religion, culture. Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit.
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    First Islamic Reviver: Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī and His Revival of the Religious Sciences. By Kenneth Garden; and Al-Ghazālī’s Moderation in Belief: Al-Iqtiṣād fī al-iʿtiqād. Translated by Aladdin M. Yaqub. [REVIEW]Khaled El-Rouayheb - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (2).
    The First Islamic Reviver: Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī and His Revival of the Religious Sciences. By Kenneth Garden. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. Pp. xiii + 238. $65, £41.99. Al-Ghazālī’s Moderation in Belief: Al-Iqtiṣād fī al-iʿtiqād. Translated by Aladdin M. Yaqub. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2013. Pp. xxvii + 311. $50, £35.
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    Revisiting Southeast Asian Civil Islam: Moderate Muslims and Indonesia’s Democracy Paradox.M. Khusna Amal - 2020 - Intellectual Discourse 28 (1):295-318.
    : There has been an intensive scholarly debate about the developmentof Indonesia’s post-New Order democracy. Some scholars have laudedIndonesia’s surprisingly successful transition to democratic consolidation,while others have disputed such a notion, arguing that Indonesia’s democraticprocess tends to be stagnant and even regressive. However, the absence ofa progressive civil society as a result of the increasingly dominant positionof oligarchic political elites in the structure of state power and democraticinstitutions, are a number of important factors that encourage the declineof democracy. This article (...)
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  15. Examining Impact of Islamic Work Ethic on Task Performance: Mediating Effect of Psychological Capital and a Moderating Role of Ethical Leadership.Syed Tahir Hussain Rizvi, Mehwish Majeed, Muhammad Irshad & Muhammad Qasim - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (1):283-295.
    The twenty-first century has seen an increase in ethical misconduct at the workplace, highlighting the need to stimulate discussion on the role of work ethics. The objective of the current study is to extend the literature on work ethics by examining the role of Islamic work ethic in enhancing the task performance of employees. The current study proposes that psychological capital mediates the relationship between Islamic work ethic and task performance. It is also proposed that ethical leadership might act as (...)
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  16.  34
    The Impact of Islamic Spirituality on Job Satisfaction and Organisational Commitment: Exploring Mediation and Moderation Impact.Mehmet Asutay, Greget Kalla Buana & Alija Avdukic - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (4):913-932.
    Research into spirituality and its impact on the work environment has been bourgeoning. In an attempt to explore the role of Islamic spirituality in the workplace, this study examines the influence of Islamic spirituality on job satisfaction and organisational commitment through work ethics. Data are obtained by an online Likert-scaled questionnaire survey based on one thousand Muslim employees from various economic sectors in Indonesia and analysed through structural equation modelling (SEM). The findings demonstrate that Islamic spirituality positively influences job satisfaction (...)
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  17.  7
    The theology of Islamic moderation education in Singkawang, Indonesia: The city of tolerance.Lailial Muhtifah, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo, Sukman Sappe & Elmansyah Elmansyah - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4).
    This article explores the trends in the implementation of Islamic moderation through aqidah and sharia in Singkawang, as it is considered the most tolerant city in Indonesia based on a research report published in 2019. Using grounded research analysis, the authors found three structured patterns: implementation strategies, implementation processes and implementation patterns. This study shows that these strategies and methods, implemented through a flexible, straightforward and easy-to-implement model are relevant to the fundamental values of Islamic education and offer a (...)
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  18.  46
    Nutritional status of under-five children in bangladesh: A multilevel analysis.Jahangir Alom, Md Abdul Quddus & Mohammad Amirul Islam - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (5):525-535.
    SummaryThe nutritional status of under-five children is a sensitive sign of a country's health status as well as economic condition. This study investigated the differential impact of some demographic, socioeconomic, environmental and health-related factors on the nutritional status among under-five children in Bangladesh using Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2007 data. Two-level random intercept binary logistic regression models were used to identify the determinants of under-five malnutrition. The analyses revealed that 16% of the children were severely stunted and 25% were (...)
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    Dynamics of Moderation of Religious Islamic Organizations in Indonesia. Mibtadin, Zainal Habib, Ahsanul Khalikin, Wakhid Sugiyarto, Marpuah, A. M. Wibowo & Reslawati - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:960-971.
    The strengthening of intolerance and religious movements of various mass organisations after the 1998 reform in Indonesia caused social friction. The Ministry of Religious offers religious moderation as an essential aspect of the plurality of spiritual life. What is the concept and practice of religious moderation for each mass organisation? This research is qualitatively descriptive, with a sociological approach to religion. The concept of religious moderation of mass organisastions is different; they claim to understand the principle of (...)
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  20. Organizational Justice and Job Outcomes: Moderating Role of Islamic Work Ethic.Khurram Khan, Muhammad Abbas, Asma Gul & Usman Raja - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (2):1-12.
    Using a time-lagged design, we tested the main effects of Islamic Work Ethic (IWE) and perceived organizational justice on turnover intentions, job satisfaction, and job involvement. We also investigated the moderating influence of IWE in justice–outcomes relationship. Analyses using data collected from 182 employees revealed that IWE was positively related to satisfaction and involvement and negatively related to turnover intentions. Distributive fairness was negatively related to turnover intentions, whereas procedural justice was positively related to satisfaction. In addition, procedural justice was (...)
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  21.  24
    The Interplay Between Islamic Work Ethic, Unethical Pro Behaviors, and Moral Identity Internalization: The Moderating Role of Religiosity.Zaid Oqla Alqhaiwi, Tamer Koburtay & Jawad Syed - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (2):393-408.
    Drawing on the emerging research on Islamic work ethic (IWE) and informed by the social cognitive theory (SCT), this study seeks to examine how IWE influences employees’ behaviors through employees’ moral identity internalization, with religiosity moderating the IWE-moral identity Internalization nexus. To examine this moderated mediation model, we collected time-lagged data (_N_ = 427) from employees working in two public organisations in a Muslim majority country in the Middle East, e.g., Jordan. We used a partial least squares structural equation modelling (...)
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  22.  25
    Does childhood religiosity enhance learning motivation? Testing the role of Islamic religiosity using moderated mediation model. Sulalah, Shameem Fatima & Minanur Rohman - forthcoming - Archive for the Psychology of Religion.
    The study assessed the role of childhood religiosity in adult religiosity and learning motivation in university participants. Participants were 338 university students (mean age = 20.42, SD = 1.53, 47% men) selected from Islamic (50%) and general universities (50%). The findings showed that participants from Islamic university compared to those from general universities scored higher on religious altruism among religiosity outcomes and on self-efficacy and active learning strategies among learning motivation outcomes. The hypothesized associations between childhood religiosity, religious altruism, religious (...)
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  23.  10
    Effects of Religiosity and Perceived Social Support on Career Success: Examining Moderating Role of Islamic Workplace Spirituality.Mohanad Mohammed Sufyan Ghaleb & Fatimah Abdulaziz Alshiha - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (4):280-303.
    The viability of an organization hinges upon the effectiveness of its workforce. Enhanced performance among employees directly correlates with heightened organizational efficacy. Consequently, this study endeavours to investigate the influence of religiosity, perceived social support, and religious work ethics on both career commitment and career success. Moreover, it seeks to scrutinize the mediating impact of career commitment and the moderating role of Islamic workplace spirituality. Data were gathered from employees engaged in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) situated in the Kingdom (...)
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  24.  37
    Islam nusantara: An approach to practice Islam.Mujamil Qomar - 2019 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (1):181-208.
    Islam Nusantara is not a new religion, a rival of Islam, sect, or a usual mazhab, but actually is a character of thoughtful mazhab or manhaj Islam. Islam Nusantara is just an approach in practicing Islamic teachings, namely cultural approaches. This Islam has the most prominent character which is called as wasathiyah that is reflected in some attitude such as, inclusive, tolerant, friendly, respect other parties, friendly with diverse cultures and religions, tasamuh, tawazun, and i’tidal. (...)
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  25.  17
    Does Organizational Cronyism Lead to Lower Employee Performance? Examining the Mediating Role of Employee Engagement and Moderating Role of Islamic Work Ethics.Sadia Shaheen, Sehar Zulfiqar, Sharjeel Saleem & Gulshan Shehazadi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Organizational politics and affective commitment of expatriates: moderating role of Islamic work ethics.Adnan Riaz, Syed Ahsan Jamil & Saira Mahmood - 2023 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 12 (2):419-439.
    Are the employees working in different countries and enjoying healthy compensation truly loyal to their organization? Our study attempts to answer this question by examining the role of perception of politics on the affective commitment of expatriates in the Sultanate of Oman. Following the axiom of equity theory, the relationships between the perception of politics (POP) to affective commitment (AC) and Islamic work ethics (IWE) to affective commitment (AC) was tested. The moderating role of Islamic work ethics was also examined (...)
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  27. Islamic philosophy & the ethics of belief.Anthony Robert Booth - 2016 - London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this book the author argues that the Falasifa, the Philosophers of the Islamic Golden Age, are usefully interpreted through the prism of the contemporary, western ethics of belief. He contends that their position amounts to what he calls ‘Moderate Evidentialism’ – that only for the epistemic elite what one ought to believe is determined by one’s evidence. The author makes the case that the Falasifa’s position is well argued, ingeniously circumvents issues in the epistemology of testimony, and is well (...)
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  28. Islamic philosophy & theology.William Montgomery Watt - 1962 - New Brunswick [N.J.]: AldineTransaction.
    The Umayyad period. The beginnings of sectarianism ; The Khārijites ; The Shīʻtes ; The Murjiʼites and other moderates -- The first wave of Hellenism 750-950. The historical background ; The translators and the first philosophers ; The expansion of Shīʻism ; The Muʻtazilites ; The consolidation of Sunnism ; Al-Ashʻarī -- The second wave of Hellenism 950-1258. The historical background ;The flowering of philosophy ; The vicissitudes of Shīʻism ; The progress of Sunnite theology ; Al-Ghazālī ; Sunnite theology (...)
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  29.  19
    Religious moderation in Naskah Wawacan Babad Walangsungsang: A Sundanese religious diversity wisdom.Wawan Hernawan, Irma Riyani & Busro Busro - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):13.
    The purpose of this study is to analyse the teachings of religious moderation contained in the Wawacan Babad Walangsungsang script. This research employs a qualitative method with philology as the main analysis of the data, namely manuscript inventory, script description, script transfer, and language translation. The script shows the story of Prince Walangsungsang’s journey in search of spirituality, specifically Islam. Interestingly, he learned his spirituality through many non-Muslim teachers until he finally met Sheik Datuk Kahfi in Bukit Amparan (...)
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  30.  22
    Islamic bioethics and modern globalization values: main points of contact.Gamar Javadli - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e0240087.
    Resumo: A bioética islâmica e os valores da globalização moderna colidem, à medida que as forças globais penetram nos países de maioria muçulmana, necessitando de uma integração ponderada, para promover a compreensão mútua. Esta investigação explora as perspectivas islâmicas sobre os avanços biomédicos para identificar áreas de convergência e divergência com os valores globalizados. Utilizando a análise teórica, a síntese, a comparação e a generalização, surgiram conclusões notáveis. Enquanto a globalização promove procedimentos médicos sem entraves, a bioética islâmica apresenta posições (...)
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    Moderation between Religious Freedom and Harmony Concerning the Regulation on Mosque Loudspeaker: Comparison between Indonesia and Other Muslim Countries.Waryani Fajar Riyanto - 2023 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 20 (1):69-96.
    This research explains the comparison of regulations on mosque loudspeakers between Indonesia and Muslim countries in the world. Guidelines for the use of mosque loudspeakers in Indonesia are regulated in the Instruction of the Director-General of Islamic Community Guidance at the Ministry of Religious Affairs Number 101 of 1978 concerning Guidance on the Use of Loudspeakers in Mosques and Musala and the Circular Letter of the Minister of Religion Number 5 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for the Use of Loudspeakers in (...)
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    Enlightened moderation under Pervez musharraf regime.Afshan Aziz & Tanweer Khalid - 2017 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 56 (1):113-122.
    Pervez Musharraf was the thirteenth Chief of the Army staff and tenth president of Pakistan. In October 1999, he took over as a Chief Executive of Pakistan by dismissing then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. Military takeover was savored by the people of Pakistan due to bad governance of democratic Governments. Unlike the former dictator Gen Zia ul Haq, Gen. Pervez Musharraf gave the impression of being secular and liberal. He was an ardent admirer of Mustafa Kamal Ataturk and wanted to (...)
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  33. Muslim Moralists’ Contributions to Moderation Theory in Ethics.Hossein Atrak - 2020 - Journal of Ethical Reflections 1 (2):69-92.
    Originally introduced by Plato and Aristotle, Moderation Theory in Ethics is the most prevalent theory of ethics among Islamic scholars. Moderation Theory suggests that every virtue or excellence of character lies in the mean between two vices: excess or defect. Every ethical virtue comes from moderation in actions or emotions and every ethical vice comes from excess or defect. This paper suggests that while Islamic scholars have been influenced by this doctrine, they have also developed and re-conceptualized (...)
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    Recognition of facial expressions is moderated by Islamic cues.Mariska E. Kret & Agneta H. Fischer - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (3):623-631.
  35. Islamic Tourism Destination Attributes and Heritage Tourism: Role of Islamic Heritage Proximity, Cultural Identity and Tendency.Muhammad Awais Bhatti & Wael Sh Basri - 2025 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (1):249-275.
    This research aims to explore the influence of Islamic tourism destination attributes on support for heritage tourism, focusing on the mediating roles of Islamic heritage proximity and cultural identity, as well as the moderating role of cultural tendency within the context of heritage sites in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A quantitative approach was employed, utilizing a structured questionnaire to gather data from 267 tourists visiting various heritage sites. Measurement scales were adapted from established literature to ensure validity and reliability. (...)
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    The tough slog of a moderate religious state: Highly educated Muslims and the problem of intolerance in Indonesia.Ija Suntana & Betty Tresnawaty - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):9.
    This study aims to analyse the perspectives of Muslim students on pluralism and freedom of religion, as well as the worship place establishments, holy book assessments and practices of other religions. This study uses a cohort-based quantitative method through data collection, interviews and documentation, which involves 1300 respondents from 13 state Islamic higher education institutions in Indonesia. In order to collect information from the respondents, this research uses an online questionnaire. It also conducts online interviews to directly confirm the information (...)
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    Al-Ghazali's "Moderation in Belief".Aladdin M. Yaqub (ed.) - 2013 - University of Chicago Press.
    Centuries after his death, al-Ghazali remains one of the most influential figures of the Islamic intellectual tradition. Although he is best known for his _Incoherence of the Philosophers_, _Moderation in Belief_ is his most profound work of philosophical theology. In it_,_ he offers what scholars consider to be the best defense of the Ash'arite school of Islamic theology that gained acceptance within orthodox Sunni theology in the twelfth century, though he also diverges from Ash'arism with his more rationalist approach to (...)
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    Construction of Religious Moderation in Seyyed Hossein Nasr's Perennial Philosophy Perspective.Theguh Saumantri - 2023 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 9 (1):89-112.
    In essence, religion is a form of human expression concerning spiritual experience and the relationship with the Divine. In this regard, religion can be a source of strength and inspiration for individuals and communities to live a meaningful life. However, in the context of rapid globalization and modernization, conflicts and tensions often arise between different religious groups. In the context of religious moderation, the idea of perennial philosophy is used to understand religious pluralism. This research aims to explicate the (...)
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    Toward an Islamic Enlightenment: The Gülen Movement.M. Hakan Yavuz - 2013 - Oup Usa.
    M. Hakan Yavuz offers an insightful and wide-ranging study of the Gulen Movement, one of the most controversial developments in contemporary Islam. Founded in Turkey by the Muslim thinker Fethullah Gulen, the Gulen Movement aims to disseminate a ''moderate'' interpretation of Islam through faith-based education.
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    Radicalising the traditionalist: A contemporary dynamic of islamic traditionalism in madura-indonesia.Ahmad Zainul Hamdi - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 15 (1):1-21.
    The post-New Order Indonesian politics has provided a political opportunity structure for the state towards democratization. It has a double-edged sword whatsoever: on the one hand democratization could lead to the civic engagement, but on the other hand, it provides a hot bed for the flourishing of anti-civic organization. As for the latter, following the fall of authoritarian regime of new Order in 1998, Indonesians have also witnessed the birth of transnational Islamist and radical organizations threatening the state’s integrity and (...)
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    Islamic Governance, National Governance, and Bank Risk Management and Disclosure in MENA Countries.Hussein A. Abdou, Collins G. Ntim & Ahmed A. Elamer - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (5):914-955.
    We examine the relationships among religious governance, especially Islamic governance quality (IGQ), national governance quality (NGQ), and risk management and disclosure practices (RDPs), and consequently ascertain whether NGQ has a moderating influence on the IGQ–RDPs nexus. Using one of the largest data sets relating to Islamic banks from 10 Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries from 2006 to 2013, our findings are threefold. First, we find that RDPs are higher in banks with higher IGQ. Second, we find that RDPs (...)
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  42.  9
    Education in Religious Moderation to Counter Radicalism.As'ari Muhajir & Ahmad Nurcholis - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (1):194-213.
    This study relies on the qualitative research method proposed by Verstehen, which seeks to understand the importance of the factors that influence social and historical events. This methodology is based on the idea that every social situation is supported by a web of meaning created by its participants. Based on the theory of anti-radicalism education, as developed by KH. Hasyim Muzadi, it is emphasized that radicalism does not necessarily define the Indonesian people. On the other hand, the ongoing reform process (...)
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    What content offers and how teachers teach: Religious Moderation-integrated teaching in Indonesia.Yusuf Hanafi, Muhammad Saefi, Tsania N. Diyana, M. Alifudin Ikhsan, Muhammad T. Yani, Oktaviani A. Suciptaningsih, Ade E. Anggraini & Intan S. Rufiana - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):8.
    What and how to teach religious moderation at the undergraduate level still concerns academics. This study aims to explore the perceptions of lecturers and students about the objectives, content, and strategies used in learning religious moderation. This study uses a multiple-case exploratory design with a qualitative approach. Data were collected through interviews with eight lecturers and 15 students from public and Islamic universities in Indonesia. Data analysis in this study used conventional content analysis methods with an inductive coding (...)
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    Character building training model for young people to strengthen religious moderation.K. Munawir, Makmur Makmur, Muhammad N. A. Rasyid, Wahyuddin Naro, Syahruddin Usman & Hadi Pajarianto - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):7.
    Student character survey in Indonesia in 2021, on average, produced lower index numbers compared to last year’s index results. This research aims to explore the policies and content of Character Building Training (CBT), and the impact of the programme on student character. This research was qualitative, involving informants: 60 students and 8 lecturers, who were selected using purposive and snowball techniques, so that if the data were saturated, collecting the data was considered sufficient. Data were collected through observation and in-depth (...)
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    Examining the influence of Islamic work ethics, organizational politics, and supervisor-initiated workplace incivility on employee deviant behaviors.Shazia Nauman, Ameer A. Basit & Hassan Imam - 2025 - Ethics and Behavior 35 (1):55-72.
    This study investigates the connection between following Islamic work ethics (IWE) and workplace deviance, and explores the role of perceived organizational politics as a mediator and the impact of incivility initiated by supervisors as a second-stage moderator. Data were collected via a two-wave survey of 205 professionals in various industries. Results show that those who adhere to IWE exhibit a negative link to workplace deviance, as they have less involvement in organizational politics. The study also finds that incivility initiated by (...)
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    Impact of abusive supervision on deviant work behavior: The role of Islamic work ethic.Basharat Javed, Tasneem Fatima, Raja Mehtab Yasin, Sadia Jahanzeb & Muhammad Y. A. Rawwas - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (2):221-233.
    In this article, we examined the relationship between abusive supervision and deviant workplace behavior and the moderating role of an Islamic Work Ethic. Three hundred and thirty‐six employees in different organizations (specializing in software development, medicine, law enforcement, telecommunication, pharmaceutics, and banking) across Pakistan completed our questionnaire. The results revealed that abusive supervision was positively related to deviant workplace behavior. Moreover, the moderation of an Islamic Work Ethic on the relationship between abusive supervision and deviant work behavior was confirmed. (...)
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    Al-Ghazālī's Moderation in Belief: al-Iqtiṣād fī al-i'tiqād tran. by Aladdin M. Yaqub.Recep Alpyağil - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (3):933-934.
    It is quite common to refer to al-Ghazālī as one of the most important thinkers in the Islamic intellectual tradition. Aladdin M. Yaqub’s Al-Ghazālī’s Moderation in Belief: al-Iqtiṣād fī al-i’tiqād shows that this remark is not hyperbolic. And this volume has many characteristics of a good translation of classical texts. First of all, Aladdin M. Yaqub is very consistent with his use of terminology. He explains his preferences for Arabic philosophical terms in “Note on the Translation”. As is well (...)
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    The Hermeneutics of Inter‐Faith Relations: Retrieving Moderation and Pluralism as Universal Principles in Qur'anic Exegeses.Asma Afsaruddin - 2009 - Journal of Religious Ethics 37 (2):331-354.
    This article discusses the exegeses of two Qur'anic verses: Qur'an 2:143, which describes righteous Muslims as constituting a “middle/moderate community” (umma wasat) and Qur'an 5:66, which similarly describes righteous Jews and Christians as constituting a “balanced/moderate community” (umma muqtasida). Taken together, these verses clearly suggest that it is subscription to some common standard of righteousness and ethical conduct that determines the salvific nature of a religious community and not the denominational label it chooses to wear. Such a perspective offers the (...)
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    The Level of Islamic Religiosity of the Local Community and Corporate Environmental Responsibility Disclosure: Evidence from Iran.Mehdi Khodakarami, Hassan Yazdifar, Alireza Faraji Khaledi, Saeed Bagheri Kheirabadi & Amin Sarlak - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (2):483-512.
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between the Islamic religiosity of the local community and the level of corporate environmental responsibility disclosure (CERD) in Iran, an example of an Islamic country. This paper also examines the moderating role of firm size, family ownership, and state ownership. This study is conducted using a sample of 952 observations across firms listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange. The results indicate that CERD increases with an increase in the level of (...)
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    Inclusivism and exclusivism: Responses of prospective Islamic religious teachers towards Islamic sects.Husni Husni & Hasan Bisri - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):8.
    This article employs the notions of exclusivism and inclusivism to categorise the responses of prospective Islamic religion teachers towards various Islamic religious sects. Despite the prevalent criticism surrounding the perceived oversimplification and a lack of insight provided by the two typologies, we have found them to be valuable tools for elucidating the phenomena under investigation. Quantitative data were collected from 154 respondents using questionnaires containing multiple-choice questions. Data frequency, cross-tabulation and gamma values are statistical techniques employed to analyse and characterise (...)
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