Results for 'Modernization, Instability, Freedom, Leadership, Non-violence.'

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  1. Seeking harmony, following the footsteps of Gandhi.Sajad Ahmad Sheikh - 2023 - International Journal of Novel Research and Developement 8 (1):c344-c347.
    Abstract: Modernization has brought about many changes in the socio-cultural arena of life, worldwide. With the advent of science and technology, life has become so much easy, in every nook and corner of the world. The leaders of some of the great economies and corporates have devised policies, so many in number, that could make life so much sophisticated, but complex. The last century has given the world many things to cheer about, but at the same time, it has made (...)
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    Accumulating academic freedom for intellectual leadership: Women professors’ experiences in Hong Kong.Nian Ruan - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (11):1097-1107.
    Intellectual leadership indicates the informal leadership of professors based on aspects such as knowledge production and dissemination, institutional services, and public engagement. Academic freedom is considered as the overarching condition for individual academics to develop intellectual leadership. Against the backdrop of internationalisation and globalisation of higher education, academics face enormous pressures to produce measurable research outputs, deliver high-quality teaching and meet all kinds of institutional requirements. In modern universities, women scholars, as the non-traditional participants in academia, must tackle with multiple (...)
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  3.  24
    Islam, Women and Violence.Anna King - 2009 - Feminist Theology 17 (3):292-328.
    Islam is a religion of vast dimensions which has inspired great civilizations and today offers many men and women comfort and ethical guidance. In this paper I suggest that the tension between the Qur'an accepted as the perfect timeless word of God and the encultured dynamic Islam of nearly a quarter of the world's population results in contending perspectives of women's role and rights. The Qur'an gives men and women spiritual parity, but there are verses in the Qur'an that some (...)
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    Re-Reading Hind Swaraj: Modernity and Subalterns.Ghanshyam Shah (ed.) - 2015 - Routledge India.
    Mahatma Gandhi, one of the greatest global icons of all times, is known as much for his successful leadership of India’s non-violent anti-colonial freedom movement as for his virtue and simplicity. His ideals have inspired diverse social and political movements across the world: _against _apartheid in South Africa, racial segregation in the United States, several state policies and actions in India and nuclear weaponisation, and _for _environmental sustainability and world peace. Hence, a pertinent question is often raised by media and (...)
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    Humanitas, Metaphysics and Modern Liberal Arts.Nigel Tubbs - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (5):488-498.
    There is a new myth of the heterogeneous that is reducing the concept of humanity to a sinful enlightenment. In this article I investigate the contribution that a renewed understanding of liberal arts education might offer for the idea of a humanist education and for the concept of humanity; and this at a time when not only the concept of humanity per se, and of a humanist education in particular are suspected of Western imperialism and rational logocentrism, but also, in (...)
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    Gandhi and the Stoics: Modern Experiments on Ancient Values.Richard Sorabji - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Richard Sorabji presents a fascinating study of Gandhi's philosophy in comparison with Christian and Stoic thought. He shows that Gandhi was a true philosopher, who not only aimed to give a consistent self-critical rationale for his views, but also thought himself obliged to live by what he taught.
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  7. Reading the Philosophy of Right in light of the Logic: Hegel on the Possibility of Multiple Modernities.Arash Abazari - 2022 - In Dean Moyar, Kate Padgett Walsh & Sebastian Rand, Hegel's philosophy of right: critical perspectives on freedom and history. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Broadly speaking, two views of modernity are prevalent in contemporary debates. According to the first view, i.e. “modernization theory,” there is one single form of modernity, which is tantamount to liberal, capitalist modernity. The West has already and fully achieved modernity; non-Western societies have lagged behind and must simply catch up with the West. In contrast, according to the second view, “post-colonial theory,” there is no such thing as modernity. What the West erroneously calls “modernity” is nothing but a highly (...)
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    Ahimsa(Non-violence) in the Indian Ethos.S. K. Chakraborty - 2002 - Journal of Human Values 8 (1):17-25.
    In a world fraught with violence in its macabre form, it is essential to have a broad and clear understanding of the principle of non-violence (ahimsa), its various nuances, its potential and limitations. Covering a span of wisdom literature on the Indian ethos from the times of the Upanishads to the works of modern seers like Gandhi, Tagore and Aurobindo, the author presents the notions of non-violence and violence along a finely graduated scale instead of going into sharp polarities. While (...)
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    On the question of the essence of jus, or about the consensus of non-violence and freedom of speech.Б. С Шалютин - 2024 - Philosophy Journal 17 (1):153-168.
    The article made an attempt to understand the nature of jus, going from an analysis of its genesis and the primary simplest forms, the formation of which constituted the transition from the pre-social to the social world. In line with the hypothesis of Levi-Strauss of the beginning of society, the author considers dual-group unions to be the first social formations, halfs of which, in relation to and through each other, acquired the quality of historically original subjects of jus – the (...)
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    The Prophet of Non-Violence: Spirit of Peace, Compassion & Universality in Islam.Asgharali Engineer - 2011 - Vitasta.
    Section 1. Introduction. The prophet of non-violence -- section 2. Women in Islam. Women in the light of hadith -- Violence against women and religion -- section 3. War and peace in Islam. Theory of war and peace in Islam -- Centrality of jihad in post Qurʼanic period -- Jihad? But what about other verses in the Qurʼan? -- Islam, democracy and violence -- A critical look at Qurʼanic verses on war and violence -- section 4. Justice and compassion in (...)
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  11.  21
    Modern Jewish philosophy and the politics of divine violence.Daniel H. Weiss - 2023 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Modern Jewish Philosophy and the Politics of Divine Violence Is commitment to God compatible with modern citizenship? In this book, Daniel H. Weiss provides new readings of four modern Jewish philosophers - Moses Mendelssohn, Hermann Cohen, Franz Rosenzweig, and Walter Benjamin - in light of classical rabbinic accounts of God's sovereignty, divine and human violence, and the embodied human being as the image of God. He demonstrates how classical rabbinic literature is relevant to contemporary political and philosophical debates. Weiss brings (...)
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  12.  42
    International law, the inherent instability of the international system, and international violence.N. Polat - 1999 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 19 (1):51-70.
    The paradox which characterizes the modern states system is that the dual structure of sovereignty and justice through which the system was originally conceived is no more, yet the system is still with us. Justice was redefined in the 19th century as a mere derivation of state sovereignty, a process reducing the focus of the system to sovereignty alone and thus dispossessing the system of a principle to mediate between the sovereign will and the international community. It is argued in (...)
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    Philosophy of Human Dignity in the Problem Field of the Global World.G. G. Kolomiets, Y. V. Parusimova & I. V. Kolesnikova - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (4):508-520.
    The article discusses human dignity in the aspect of modern challenges of technological civilization, which has entered a new stage of its development. Human dignity as a category of ethics remains underestimated, since in the first row of ethical values humanitarians, as a rule, put the categories of freedom and justice. Today, “dignity” acquires a special and higher status, the concept of human dignity is being rethought, going beyond the ethical category itself as a virtue. In the global world, human (...)
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    Violence in modern philosophy.Piotr Hoffman - 1989 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Following on the arguments adumbrated in his previous works, Piotr Hoffman here argues that the notion of and concern with violence are not limited to political philosophy but in fact form the essential component of philosophy in general. The acute awareness of the ever-present possibility of violence, Hoffman claims, filters into and informs ontology and epistemology in ways that require careful analysis. In his previous book, Doubt, Time, Violence , Hoffman explored the theme of violence in relation to Descartes' problematic (...)
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    Gandhi in Contemporary Times.S. K. Srivastava & Ashok Vohra - 2020 - Routledge India.
    This volume brings together essays that discuss and contextualise Gandhi's ideas on pluralism, religious identity, non-violence, satyagraha, and modernity. It interrogates the epistemic foundations of Gandhian thinking and weltanschauung, identifies diverse strands within his arguments, and gives it new meaning in contemporary society. This book focuses on Gandhi's engagements with religious, political, and social conflicts; his reflections on faith and modernity; and his argumentative dialogues with Mohammad Ali Jinnah and B. R. Ambedkar. It provides critical insights into Gandhi's philosophy and (...)
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    (1 other version)Jacques Maritain: Christian Theorist of Non-Violence and Just War.Gregory M. Reichberg - 2017 - Journal of Military Ethics 16 (3-4):220-238.
    Jacques Maritain is widely recognized as one of the foremost Catholic philosophers of modern times. He wrote groundbreaking works in all branches of philosophy. For a period of about 10 years, beginning in 1933, he discussed matters relating to war and ethics. Writing initially about Gandhi, whose strategy of non-violence he sought to incorporate within a Christian conception of political action, Maritain proceeded to comment more specifically on the religious aspects of armed force in “On Holy War,” an essay about (...)
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  17. La nonviolenza di Gandhi oggi [The Actuality of Mahatma Gandhi’s Teaching of Non-violence].Amartya Sen - 2007 - la Società Degli Individui 29:133-140.
    L’articolo illustra le ragioni che rendono l’insegnamento di Gandhi ancora straordinariamente attuale. Particolare rilievo assume, innanzitutto, il riconoscimento all’essere umano del diritto a esplorare e coltivare tutte le sfaccettature della propria identità, senza doverla costringere nelle anguste gabbie dell’etnia religiosa, dunque l’esigenza di costruire società che siano realmente complesse e condivise, non solo composite e frammentate. In secondo luogo, emerge il valore essenziale della moralità, strumento base per l’affermazione della nonviolenza e della democrazia, la cui carenza mina molte delle odierne (...)
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    Mimesis, Violence, and Socially Engaged Buddhism: Overture to a Dialogue.Leo D. Lefebure - 1996 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 3 (1):121-140.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mimesis, Violence, and Socially Engaged Buddhism: Overture to a Dialogue Leo D. Lefebure University ofSaint Mary ofthe Lake René Girard's analysis ofdesire, mimetic rivalry, and the surrogate victim mechanism seeks to transform human consciousness in order to overcome seemingly intractable patterns ofrivalry and violence. In this project the Buddhist tradition, with its long commitment to nonviolence, its age-old suspicion of ordinary views of the self, and its ancient experience (...)
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  19.  75
    The instability of John Rawls's “stability for the right reasons”.Hun Chung - 2019 - Episteme 16 (1):1-17.
    John Rawls’s most mature notion of political order is “stability for the right reasons.” Stability for the right reasons is the kind of political order that Rawls hoped a well-ordered society could ideally achieve. In this paper, I demonstrate through the tools of modern game theory, the instability of “stability for the right reasons.” Specifically, I will show that a well-ordered society can completely destabilize by the introduction of an arbitrarily small number of non- compliers whenever individuals fail to achieve (...)
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  20. Meillassoux’s Virtual Future.Graham Harman - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):78-91.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 78-91. This article consists of three parts. First, I will review the major themes of Quentin Meillassoux’s After Finitude . Since some of my readers will have read this book and others not, I will try to strike a balance between clear summary and fresh critique. Second, I discuss an unpublished book by Meillassoux unfamiliar to all readers of this article, except those scant few that may have gone digging in the microfilm archives of the École normale (...)
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  21.  24
    Media Violence and Freedom of Speech: How to Use Empirical Data.Boudewijn Bruin - 2008 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 11 (5):493-505.
    Susan Hurley has argued against a well known argument for freedom of speech, the argument from autonomy, on the basis of two hypotheses about violence in the media and aggressive behaviour. The first hypothesis says that exposure to media violence causes aggressive behaviour; the second, that humans have an innate tendency to copy behaviour in ways that bypass conscious deliberation. I argue, first, that Hurley is not successful in setting aside the argument from autonomy. Second, I show that the empirical (...)
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    Violence, research, and non-identity in the psychiatric clinic.Michelle Bach - 2018 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 39 (4):283-299.
    Violence in psychiatric clinics has been a consistent problem since the birth of modern psychiatry. In this paper, I examine current efforts to understand and reduce both violence and coercive responses to violence in psychiatry, arguing that these efforts are destined to fall short. By and large, scholarship on psychiatric violence reduction has focused on identifying discrete factors that are statistically associated with violence, such as patient demographics and clinical qualities, in an effort to quantify risk and predict violent acts (...)
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    Violence and the Subject.Michel Wieviorka - 2003 - Thesis Eleven 73 (1):42-50.
    Violence confronts us increasingly, everywhere: how are we to make sense of it? Its ubiquity begs the question of analytical differentiation. This article seeks to open the field by suggesting a fivefold typology: violence as loss of meaning; violence as non-sense; violence as cruelty; fundamental violence; and founding violence. The idea of analytically differentiating between types of violence cannot avoid the fact that sometimes victims are also perpetrators in other ways, and that even violent activity is not conducted only by (...)
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  24. Media Violence and Freedom of Speech: How to Use Empirical Data. [REVIEW]Boudewijn de Bruin - 2008 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 11 (5):493-505.
    Susan Hurley has argued against a well known argument for freedom of speech, the argument from autonomy, on the basis of two hypotheses about violence in the media and aggressive behaviour. The first hypothesis says that exposure to media violence causes aggressive behaviour; the second, that humans have an innate tendency to copy behaviour in ways that bypass conscious deliberation. I argue, first, that Hurley is not successful in setting aside the argument from autonomy. Second, I show that the empirical (...)
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  25. Murder and Violence in Kantian Ethics.Donald Wilson - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner, Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 2257-2264.
    Acts of violence and murder have historically proved difficult to accommodate in standard accounts of the formula of universal law (FUL) version of Kant’s Categorical Imperative (CI). In “Murder and Mayhem,” Barbara Herman offers a distinctive account of the status of these acts that is intended to be appropriately didactic in comparison to accounts like the practical contradiction model. I argue that while Herman’s account is a promising one, the distinction she makes between coercive and non-coercive violence and her response (...)
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    Non-disclosure Agreements: When Contracts Serve Sexual Violence and How to Deal with Them.Hélène Villain - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (6):1799-1813.
    On October 5th, 2017, the New York Times published an article that would establish the #MeToo movement and help millions of women across the globe to raise their voice and share their stories of sexual harassment, aggression and/or violence. If Harvey Weinstein was the main accused, he was, actually, the epitome of a systemic, as well as an endemic, issue that didn’t stop at the studios’ doors and was made possible thanks to a rather surprising and quite unexpected accomplice. In (...)
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    Establishing an inverted U-shaped pattern of violence and war from prehistory to modernity: towards an interdisciplinary synthesis.Tibor Rutar - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (3):673-699.
    How have broad patterns of violence and war changed from the dawn of humanity up to present time? In answering this question, researchers have typically framed their arguments and evidence in terms of the polarized debate between Hobbes (or hawks) and Rousseau (or doves). This article moves beyond the stalemated debate and integrates the most robust existing theoretical developments and empirical findings that have emerged from various disciplines over the past 20 years – primarily sociology, political science, anthropology, and archaeology (...)
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    The Republican Dilemma: Promoting Freedom in a Modern Society.Lars J. K. Moen - 2024 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Republicans consider freedom as non-domination an attractive political ideal for a modern pluralistic society that cannot be found in liberalism. This book shows how this view is untenable. By analysing freedom as non-domination as it is understood by contemporary republicans, the book rejects the widely held view that this freedom concept is superior to liberal understandings of freedom as non-interference. In fact, setting up institutions to promote non-domination is shown to also promote non-interference. The book demonstrates how it is the (...)
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    Freedom and Necessity in Modern Trinitarian Theology.Brandon Gallaher - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Freedom and Necessity in Modern Trinitarian Theology examines the tension between God and the world through a constructive reading of the Trinitarian theologies and Christologies of Sergii Bulgakov, Karl Barth, and Hans Urs von Balthasar. It focuses on what is called 'the problematic of divine freedom and necessity' and the response of the writers. 'Problematic' refers to God being simultaneously radically free and utterly bound to creation. God did not need to create and redeem the world in Christ. It is (...)
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    Explaining our own beliefs: Non-epistemic believing and doxastic instability.Ward E. Jones - 2002 - Philosophical Studies 111 (3):217 - 249.
    It has often been claimed that our believing some proposition is dependent upon our not being committed to a non-epistemic explanation of why we believe that proposition. Very roughly, I cannot believe that p and also accept a non-epistemic explanation of my believing that p. Those who have asserted such a claim have drawn from it a range of implications: doxastic involuntarism, the unacceptability of Humean naturalism, doxastic freedom, restrictions upon the effectiveness of practical (Pascalian) arguments, as well as others. (...)
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  31. Que dit-on, quand on dit Dieu créateur?F. Marty - 1996 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 84 (4):519-540.
    Les analyses linguistiques modernes ont mis en lumière une dimension de la communication humaine qui est de l’ordre de la promesse, et qui est applicable au langage de la création. Tout récit de commencement est mythique et symbolique, en tant qu’il relève de l’imagination et qu’il implique la foi dans une promesse d’avenir. Dans la Bible, les récits de création disent l’Alliance de Dieu avec l’humanité, dont l’histoire est précédée par l’acte créateur de l’univers. S’intéressant à l’histoire de la nature (...)
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  32. Fanon's Frame of Violence: Undoing the Instrumental/Non-Instrumental Binary.Imge Oranli - 2021 - Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 23 (8):1106-1123.
    The scholarship on Frantz Fanon’s theorization of violence is crowded with interpretations that follow the Arendtian paradigm of violence. These interpretations often discuss whether violence is instrumental or non-instrumental in Fanon’s work. This reading, I believe, is the result of approaching Fanon through Hannah Arendt’s framing of violence, i.e. through a binary paradigm of instrumental versus non-instrumental violence. Even some Fanon scholars who question Arendt’s reading of Fanon, do so by employing a similar binary logic, hence repeating the same either/or (...)
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    Is Violence Sometimes a Legitimate Right? An African-American Dilemma.Sylvie Laurent - 2014 - Diogenes 61 (3-4):118-134.
    The contrast, often painted in simplistic colours, between Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X as civil rights campaigners bolsters an erroneous reading of the freedom struggle of African-Americans, leaving the impression that the resort to violence and self-defence propounded by Malcolm X was a purely circumstantial departure from the general strategy of the civil rights movement. In fact, both of them reflected long on the capacity of violence and a contrario of non-violence to bring about political and social transformation (...)
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    Modernity as a Challenge: A Reset of Values.Александр Николаевич Данилов - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 65 (3):12-24.
    The article discusses topical problems of social development, in which context modernity evolves as a challenge, and the emergence of new forms is accompanied by a reset of values. The post-Soviet society turns to national foundations, traditions, historical experience, ideals, and values tested in national culture. The Western-type consumer society, which is now dominant in the world, was previously perceived as promising, and its ideals and values were presented as a role model, but nowadays, in public opinion, that society is (...)
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  35. Violence and Morality.Bat-ami Bar On - 1981 - Dissertation, The Ohio State University
    The thesis argued for in this work is that under certain conditions the use of violence is morally obligatory. The thesis is advanced as an alternative to both the pacifist and the liberal, right-oriented theses which are rooted in the idea that violence is evil. The defense consists of an exposition of the problems of the pacifist and liberal theses on the one hand and the development of a system that makes it possible to conceive of the use of violence (...)
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    The Modern Corporation and the Idea of Freedom.Claus Dierksmeier & Michael Pirson - 2010 - Philosophy of Management 9 (3):5-25.
    While the idea of freedom lies at the heart of our economic system, academic research has neglected to connect theories of the firm to freedom theory. To fill this void, the authors delineate two archetypes of freedom — quantitative and qualitative — and outline the consequences of the respective notions for organisational strategy, corporate governance, leadership and culture. Supporting the quest for reform in management theory, the authors argue for an enlarged perspective of the role of the firm within free (...)
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    Philosophy, Violence, Metaphor.Jack Reynolds, Leesa Davis & Matthew Sharpe - 2016 - Sophia 55 (1):1-4.
    In this paper, I explore the complex ethical dynamics of violence and nonviolence in Mahāyāna Buddhism by considering some of the historical precedents and scriptural prescriptions that inform modern and contemporary Buddhist acts of self-immolation. Through considering these scripturally sanctioned Mahāyāna ‘case studies,’ the paper traces the tension that exists in Buddhist thought between violence and nonviolence, outlines the interplay of key Mahāyāna ideas of transcendence and altruism, and comments on the mimetic status and influence of spiritually charged texts. It (...)
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    Scientific Precariat: Individualism versus Collectivism.Nadezhda D. Astashova - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (3):30-37.
    The article is a reply to Ilya T. Kasavin’s “Creativity as a social phenomenon” and is devoted to the phenomenon of the scientific precariat. A systematic analysis of the relations between the scientific precariat and the academic community as a dialectical opposition of the individual and the collective is undertaken. The method of critical analysis is aimed at rethinking the stable ideas that have developed in science about the collectivity of scientific work. The concepts of labor and employment in science (...)
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    Archaeology for today and tomorrow.Craig N. Cipolla - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Rachel Crellin & Oliver J. T. Harris.
    Archaeology for Today and Tomorrow explores how cutting-edge archaeological theories have implications not only for how we study the past, but also how we think about and prepare for the future. Ranging from how we understand migration or political leadership to how we think about violence or ecological crisis, the book argues that archaeology should embrace a "future-oriented" attitude. Behind the traditional archaeological gaze on the past are a unique and useful collection of skills, tools, and orientations for rethinking the (...)
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    ERP differences between violence, erotic, pleasant, unpleasant and neutral images.Kunaharan Sajeev & Walla Peter - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
    Introduction: There have been many concerns made about the non-conscious impact of exposure to violence and pornography. In our modern society where access to these stimuli is ubiquitous, the desire to investigate whether these concerns are apt is paramount. In the present Electroencephalography (EEG) study, baseline brain activity measures related to violent, erotic, pleasant, unpleasant and neutral images were taken, analysed and are shown. This forms the basis for further EEG measures related to those images after controlled exposure to violence (...)
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    Violence as Institution in African Religious Experience: A Case Study of Rwanda.Malachie Munyaneza - 2001 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 8 (1):39-68.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:VIOLENCE AS INSTITUTION IN AFRICAN RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE: A CASE STUDY OF RWANDA Malachie Munyaneza UnitedReform Church, London I. Introduction Violence is a phenomenon. It is multidimensional and multifarious. It is physical, geographical, spiritual, psychological, sudden or latent. It is metaphysical, because for some religious beliefs, it involves the deed-consequences scheme in terms of rewards and punishments, even beyond this world into the otherworldly life. It is an instrument used (...)
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    Off the Map: On Violence and Cartography.Mark Neocleous - 2003 - European Journal of Social Theory 6 (4):409-425.
    This article explores the link between the territorial imperative of the modern state, the exercise of violence and the practice of cartography. After first tracing the ways in which the exercise of ‘non-state’ coercion has been either eliminated historically or isolated ideologically, the question of the map is brought to bear on the issue of violence and territoriality. The article thus illustrates the importance of cartographic violence: the way the state and its violent constitution of territory have been sanctified through (...)
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    Political Violence: The Problem of Dirty Hands.Christopher J. Finlay - 2023 - The Journal of Ethics 27 (4):561-583.
    This paper argues that the reason why political leadership often involves dirty hands is because of its relationship with violence. To make the case, it maintains that violent means create and assert a form of dominating power that is in tension with the proper ends of political action. This power casts a wide shadow, frequently dominating large numbers of non-targets and empowering unscrupulous agents. On the other side of the balance, characteristically political justifications for violence are ‘supra-moral,’ meaning that they (...)
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    Human destructiveness in the existing practices of late modernism violence: Positive and negative dimensions.O. V. Marchenko & L. V. Martseniuk - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 17:41-54.
    Purpose. Research of the phenomenon of human destructiveness in the context of metaphysical images and violence practices of late Modernism. Theoretical basis. The problem is that the philosophical reflection of violence as objectified, realized destructiveness of man is usually contextual in nature and is on the periphery of understanding its external manifestations. Accordingly, anthropological crisis remains behind the scenes, as evidenced by the devaluation of the humanistic potential of modern culture. That is why one should turn the focus from the (...)
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    Au-delà de la violence institutionnelle et insurrectionnelle : Balibar, Arendt et l’agon.Zeynep Gambetti - 2015 - Rue Descartes 85 (2):203-210.
    Etienne Balibar se réfère à l’idée arendtienne de la citoyenneté pour montrer que la démocratie se construit nécessairement au travers d’une aporie. D’une part, la démocratie évoque l’idéal isonomique de l’égalité pour fonder la communauté ; d’autre part, elle inscrit la différence dans l’éventualité d’une contestation permanente des principes unificateurs. Ce que je propose, c’est de contribuer à développer le dialogue entre E. Balibar et Hannah Arendt en m’interrogeant sur la possibilité d’aller au-delà de l’horizon de la violence. Le concept (...)
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  46. Violence Against Women with Disabilities.Natasha Stanojkovska Trajkovska & Natali Kitanoska - 2024 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 77 (1):569-595.
    The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) withits Optional Protocol is the first binding legal act and leading international instrumentregarding the rights of persons with disabilities. One of the principles of CRPDis “respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy including the freedom to makeone’s own choices and independence”, whereby persons with disabilities are recognizedas holders of rights taking into account their specific situation. CRPD recognizes inArticle 6 that “women and girls with disabilities are subject to multiple discrimination”and (...)
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    Foucault’s Revolving Door of Rationality: Normativity and the Play of Perspectives.John McIntyre - 2024 - Critical Horizons 25 (4):345-360.
    This paper argues for a reading of Michel Foucault’s works that draws on an expansive concept of normativity and places Foucault’s project in a broader framework. It is argued that the distinction between the normative and the non-normative fails to grasp what is most significant in Foucault’s work. This distinction should be replaced by a broader understanding of normativity permeating all social practices. However, in order to retain the sound intuition of two distinct moments within critical thought, this broader understanding (...)
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    Overcoming Violence in Practice.Sarah Katherine Pinnock - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):73-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Overcoming Violence in Practice1Sarah K. PinnockIn Christian thought, the classic theological response to evil and suffering, known as "theodicy," operates on a metaphysical level. It aims to elucidate questions about God: God's power to prevent evil, God's goodness and justice, and God's purposes in allowing evil. It also examines questions about humanity: Are humans chronically prone to sin and violence? Does suffering serve good purposes? Does God redeem suffering? (...)
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  49. Discussion-I musings on the concept of ahimsa (non-violence).Prabhat Misra & Non-Violence as an Ideal - 1998 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 25 (2-4):527.
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    Violence and the End of Revolution After 1989.Stefan Auer - 2009 - Thesis Eleven 97 (1):6-25.
    The series of Velvet revolutions in 1989, which brought about the collapse of communism in Europe, seem to have vindicated those political theorists and activists who believed in the possibility of non-violent power. The relative success of the 1989 revolutions has validated a new paradigm of revolutionary change based on the assumption that radical changes were attainable through moderate means. Yet the legacy of these non-violent revolutions also points towards the limits of political strategies fundamentally opposed to violence. The article (...)
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