Results for 'Moritz Schaaf'

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  1.  21
    Action representations in prevention behavior: Evidence from motor execution.Solveig Tonn, Moritz Schaaf, Wilfried Kunde & Roland Pfister - 2023 - Cognition 234 (C):105370.
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    Erinnerung an Moritz Schlick: Textbeiträge und Ausstellungskatalog anlässlich des 60. Todestages.Moritz Schlick & Peter Mahr (eds.) - 1996 - Wien: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek.
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  3. Moritz Schlick Philosophical Papers: Volume 1: (1909–1922).Moritz Schlick, Henk L. Mulder & Barbara F. B. van de Velde-Schlick - 1978 - Springer.
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    Einleitung: Moritz Julius Bonn – Liberale Krisendiagnostik in der Weimarer Demokratie.Moritz JuliusHG Bonn - 2015 - In II Krise der Demokratie. De Gruyter. pp. 1-38.
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    Moritz Julius Bonn: Auswahlbibliographie.Moritz JuliusHG Bonn - 2015 - In II Krise der Demokratie. De Gruyter. pp. 39-42.
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    (1 other version)Fragen der Ethik.Moritz Schlick - 1930 - Wien,: J. Springer. Edited by Rainer Hegselmann.
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    Moritz Lazarus' lebenserinnerungen.Moritz Lazarus - 1906 - Berlin,: G. Reimer. Edited by Nahida Remy & Alfred Leicht.
    Rückert. - Gottfried Keller. - Berthold Auerbach. - Paul Heyse. - Reuter, Raabe, Goltz. - Literarisches kunterbunt. - Schillerstiftung. - Aus der welt des theaters. - Kulturgeschichtliches. - Paris. - Äckerleins keller. - Berliner erinnerungen. - Wiener erinnerungen. - Schönefeld. - Das kleine diner als kuturelement. - Herbartdenkmal. - Meine vier alten. - Am preussischen hof. - Kriegsakademie. - Fontane kriegsgefangen. - Tunnel und Ellora. - Das Rütli. - Register.
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  8. The constituents of an explication.Moritz Cordes - 2020 - Synthese 197 (3):983-1010.
    The method of explication has been somewhat of a hot topic in the last 10 years. Despite the multifaceted research that has been directed at the issue, one may perceive a lack of step-by-step procedural or structural accounts of explication. This paper aims at providing a structural account of the method of explication in continuation of the works of Geo Siegwart. It is enhanced with a detailed terminology for the assessment and comparison of explications. The aim is to provide means (...)
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    In Focus: William Henry Fox Talbot.Larry Schaaf - 2002 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    Schaaf, an independent photohistorian and research professor at the University of Glasgow and the director of the Correspondence of William Henry Fox Talbot Project, discusses approximately fifty of Talbot's images in the collection of the Getty Museum."--BOOK JACKET.
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    Toward a general psychological model of tension and suspense.Moritz Lehne & Stefan Koelsch - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:118396.
    Tension and suspense are powerful emotional experiences that occur in a wide variety of contexts (e.g., in music, film, literature, and everyday life). The omnipresence of tension experiences suggests that they build on very basic cognitive and affective mechanisms. However, the psychological underpinnings of tension experiences remain largely unexplained, and tension and suspense are rarely discussed from a general, domain-independent perspective. In this paper, we argue that tension experiences in different contexts (e.g., musical tension or suspense in a movie) build (...)
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  11. Aristotelische Naturphilosophie als Quelle und Medium der Explikation der cusanischen Lehre vom Unedlichen und der Koinzidenz der Gegensätze.Arne Moritz - 2020 - In Emmanuele Vimercati & Valentina Zaffino (eds.), Nicholas of Cusa and the Aristotelian tradition: a philosophical and theological survey. Berlin: De Gruyter.
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    Dislocation motion in icosahedral quasicrystals at elevated temperatures: Numerical simulation.G. D. Schaaf, J. Roth & H. -R. Trebin - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (21):2449-2465.
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    Das Sein Heideggers als Beziehung.Julius Schaaf - 1983 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 9:31-40.
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  14. Mathematics, our great heritage.William Leonard Schaaf - 1948 - New York,: Harper.
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    Relationstheoretische Analyse des gesellschaftlichen Seins.Julius Schaaf - 1982 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 8:231-248.
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    Counterfactuals and Probability.Moritz Schulz - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Moritz Schulz explores counterfactual thought and language: what would have happened if things had gone a different way. Counterfactual questions may concern large scale derivations or small scale evaluations of minor derivations. A common impression, which receives a thorough defence in the book, is that oftentimes we find it impossible to know what would have happened. However, this does not mean that we are completely at a loss: we are typically capable of evaluating counterfactual questions probabilistically: we can say (...)
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    Manfred Moritz. Zur Logik der Frage. Theoria, vol. 6 (1940), pp. 123-149. [REVIEW]Manfred Moritz - 1940 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 5 (4):159-160.
  18. Felix Hausdorff's considered empiricism.Moritz Epple - 2006 - In José Ferreirós Domínguez & Jeremy Gray (eds.), The Architecture of Modern Mathematics: Essays in History and Philosophy. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 263--290.
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  19. Allgemeine Erkenntnislehre.Moritz Schlick - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (3):86-87.
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    Knot Invariants in Vienna and Princeton during the 1920s: Epistemic Configurations of Mathematical Research.Moritz Epple - 2004 - Science in Context 17 (1-2):131-164.
    In 1926 and 1927, James W. Alexander and Kurt Reidemeister claimed to have made “the same” crucial breakthrough in a branch of modern topology which soon thereafter was called knot theory. A detailed comparison of the techniques and objects studied in these two roughly simultaneous episodes of mathematical research shows, however, that the two mathematicians worked in quite different mathematical traditions and that they drew on related, but distinctly different epistemic resources. These traditions and resources were local, not universal elements (...)
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  21.  10
    Verdientes Wohlergehen: philosophische Gerechtigkeit und empirische Moralforschung.Moritz Heepe - 2019 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Moritz Heepe entwirft ein Gerechtigkeitsprinzip, das die zwei Gesichtspunkte der Proportionalitat des Wohlergehens zum moralischen Verdienst und der Reziprozitat vereinigt. Es steht damit zum Teil in einer aristotelischen Tradition und weicht erheblich vom liberalen Mainstream der aktuellen Gerechtigkeitsphilosophie ab. Ausgangspunkt ist eine grundliche Bestandsaufnahme der empirischen, speziell psychologischen Erforschung der alltagsmoralischen Gerechtigkeitsidee. Die proportionale Reziprozitat erweist sich dabei als zentrales Merkmal des menschlichen Gerechtigkeitsempfindens. Nach einer koharenten Rekonstruktion der proportionalen Reziprozitat werden verschiedene ihrer systematischen Eigenschaften und Schwierigkeiten diskutiert. Vor (...)
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    Freges Urteilslehre. Ein in der Logik vergessenes Lehrstück der Analytischen Philosophie.Moritz Cordes - 2014 - XXIII. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Philosophie 28. September - 2. Oktober 2014.
    Frege's philosophy of language includes detailed views on judgments. His formal logic - the Begriffsschrift - documents some of these views in the introduction and treatment of the judgment stroke. In current logic such an expression is either entirely ignored or, appearing as turnstile, plays an fundamentally different role. In this paper I put forward four claims: (i) Considering Frege's Begriffsschrift, it is methodologically palpable why the judgment stroke was omitted in nearly all logical systems developed after Frege. (ii) The (...)
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    Explication.Moritz Cordes, and & Geo Siegwart - 2018 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This encyclopedia article provides a procedural account of explication outlining each step that is part of the overall explicative effort (2). It is prefaced by a summary of the historical development of the method (1). The latter part of the article includes a rough structural theory of explication (3) and a detailed presentation of an examplary explication taken from the history of philosophy and the foundations of mathematics (4).
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    To follow or not to follow: Influence of valence and consensus on the sense of agency.Moritz Reis, Lisa Weller & Felicitas V. Muth - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 102 (C):103347.
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    Zur Krise der Demokratie: Politische Schriften in der Weimarer Republik 1919-1932.Moritz JuliusHG Bonn - 2015 - De Gruyter.
    Der Nationalökonom Moritz Julius Bonn (1873-1965) gehörte zu den bekanntesten politischen Intellektuellen seiner Epoche. Bonn fungierte als Gesandter der Reichsregierung in Versailles und auf zahlreichen Konferenzen zur Reparationsfrage. Max Weber und Carl Schmitt haben ihn hoch geschätzt, Harald Laski hielt ihn für den besten Amerika-Kenner seit Toqueville. Erstaunlicherweise hat sich mit seinem Gang ins Exil seine Spur weitgehend verloren. Es ist höchste Zeit, an diesen kosmopolitischen Liberalen und mit ihm an die vergebene Chance der Weimarer Republik zu erinnern. Er (...)
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  26. Über das Fundament der Erkenntnis.Moritz Schlick - 1934 - Erkenntnis 4 (1):79-99.
  27.  47
    (1 other version)Kritizistische oder empiristiche Deutung der neuen Physik?Moritz Schlick - 1921 - Kant Studien 26 (1-2):96-111.
  28. Albert Grote: "Die Welt der Dinge".J. J. Schaaf - 1956 - Archiv für Philosophie 6 (1/2):149.
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    Anthropologie - Pro und Contra.Julius Jakob Schaaf - 1979 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 5:273-291.
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  30. H. Barth, Existenzphilosohpie und neutestamentliche Hermeneutik.J. Schaaf - 1969 - Philosophische Rundschau 16:293.
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  31. Letztbegründung als Theorie-Praxis-Vermittlung.Julius Jakob Schaaf - 1977 - Studia Philosophica 37:157.
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    Seitenblick – Neues zum Konstantinopler Scheinsarkophag in Barletta.Georg-D. Schaaf & Kirsten Krumeich - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 99 (2):597-604.
    Das Museo Civico von Barletta präsentiert ein zentrales Objekt seiner Sammlung, das bekannte spätantike Marmorrelief mit der Darstellung einer Apostelversammlung, im mittelalterlichen Kastell des Ortes mittlerweile in einer großzügigen und angemessenen Aufstellung (Abb. 1). Die drei Fragmente des Stücks sind auf einem Metallgestell nahezu paßgerecht aneinandergefügt, gut ausgeleuchtet und auch von den Seiten sowie der Rückseite her einsehbar. Reste von Zement, die bislang das Rund des Brunnenlochs füllten und die Oberfläche beeinträchtigten, wurden im Rahmen jüngster Restaurierungsmaßnahmen entfernt.
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    Über Wissen und Selbstbewusstsein, in Form einer Auseinandersetzung mit der grundwissenschaftlichen Philosophie.Julius Jakob Schaaf - 1947 - Stuttgart,: R. Schmiedel.
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    Philosophie des Schöpferischen naturwiss. fundiert.Moritz Tramer - 1957 - Bern,: Francke.
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  35. Problems of Ethics.Moritz Schlick - 1939 - New York,: Dover Publications. Edited by David Rynin. Translated by David Rynin.
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    Greene’s dual-process moral psychology and the modularity of mind.Moritz Bammel - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Joshua Greene has famously argued for two distinct processes of how humans make moral judgments. Despite a lively controversy around potential normative implications of this view, less attention has been paid to those philosophical assumptions that are fundamental to Greene’s dual-process theory itself. In this paper, I argue that Greene’s dual-process theory hinges on a modular account of cognition and the brain, and I critically discuss the plausibility of Greene’s view in light of increasing popularity of dynamical systems accounts in (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Einleitung.Moritz Geiger - 1913 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 1 (2):567.
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    Consensual Punishment.Moritz Heepe - 2021 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 107 (3):435-451.
    In the present study we scrutinize the historical development of a remarkable strategy to justify state punishment, conceived in the philosophy of the Enlightenment: the argument from the consent of the offender. We follow the development of this argument and its variants from Grotius to Hegel. Our particular interest lies in ascriptions of purely fictitious mental states to justify palpable moral or legal reactions. This investigation opens up a specific and illuminating perspective on the legal-philosophical theories of the investigated authors (...)
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    Beiträge zur Phänomenologie des ästhetischen Genusses.Moritz Geiger - 1974 - M. Niemeyer.
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  40. Meaning and Verification.Moritz Schlick - 1936 - Philosophical Review 45 (4):339-369.
  41.  50
    Between Timelessness and Historiality: On the Dynamics of the Epistemic Objects of Mathematics.Moritz Epple - 2011 - Isis 102 (3):481-493.
    In order to discuss the temporal structure of mathematical research, this essay offers four related definitions of a mathematical object from different times and places. It is argued that in order to appreciate the differences between these definitions, the historian needs to understand that none of them made sense in mathematical practice without a technical framework, referred to but not explained in the definitions themselves ; that the dynamics of the epistemic objects of mathematical research are secondary to the dynamics (...)
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    Missverständnisse und Kontroversen um Heideggers Denken von Heimat.Moritz René Pretzsch - 2024 - Heidegger Studies 40 (1):189-212.
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    Hume. A Very Short Introduction by James A. Harris.Moritz Baumstark - 2022 - Hume Studies 47 (2):315-318.
    This is not the first Very Short Introduction to Hume. An earlier introduction to Hume by the eminent twentieth-century philosopher A. J. Ayer was included in the series in 2000 and is now replaced by James Harris’s volume.1 The choice of Harris by the editors at Oxford University Press was an obvious one, since he published a full-scale intellectual biography of Hume in 2015.2 The shorter book is not, however, merely a shortened version of the larger work. Rather, it was (...)
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  44. The Foundations of Knowledge.Moritz Schlick - 1966 - In Alfred Jules Ayer (ed.), Logical positivism. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. pp. 209-227.
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  45. Die Erlebnispsychologie und das Unbewusste.Moritz Geiger - 1921 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 4:78.
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  46. Das unerlebte Wollen und das erloschene Wollen.Moritz Geiger - 1921 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 4:112.
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  47. Das unerlebte Wollen und die Erinnerung an früheres Wollen.Moritz Geiger - 1921 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 4:116.
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  48. An Introduction to Existential Philosophy, edited by Herbert Spiegelberg.Moritz Gieger - 1942 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 3:255.
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    De dialectisch-materialistische filosofie van Joseph Dietzgen.Jasper Willem Schaaf - 1993 - Kampen: Kok Agora.
    Dietzgen's philosophy is monistic in nature. This study is focused on the question in what way Dietzgen treats the relation between unity and diversity as an epistemological and ontological issue. How does Dietzgen formulate the unity of all that exists, and what is the place and the role of the process of gaining knowledge in this formulation? These questions serve as stepping stones to the central question: What is the position of Dieagen's thinking with regard to the philosophy of Feuerbach, (...)
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  50. Our mathematical heritage.William Leonard Schaaf - 1963 - New York,: Collier Books.
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