Results for 'Motivation (Psychology)'

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  1. Intrinsic motivation; Psychology; Personality.E. L. Deci & R. M. Ryan - forthcoming - Philosophy.
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    Sentiments and the motivational psychology of parental care.Mark Schaller - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Reasons, causes, and motives: Psychology’s illusive explanations of behavior.Scott D. Churchill - 1991 - Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 11 (1):24-34.
    The efforts of psychologists as well as laypersons to identify causes and motives of behavior is examined from an existential-phenomenological perspective. The claim made by modern psychology that its epistemological ground consists of an objectively given realm of “facts” is called into question. Psychological explanation is presented as a system of discourse that has its own psychological “motivation.” The traditional concepts of “conditions,” “causes,” and “motives” are critiqued and alternative notions such as “meaning” and “project” are drawn from (...)
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    Exploring the Role of Social Media Use Motives, Psychological Well-Being, Self-Esteem, and Affect in Problematic Social Media Use.Bruno Schivinski, Magdalena Brzozowska-Woś, Ellena Stansbury, Jason Satel, Christian Montag & Halley M. Pontes - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Given recent advances in technology, connectivity, and the popularity of social media platforms, recent literature has devoted great attention to problematic Facebook use. However, exploring the potential predictors of problematic social media use beyond Facebook use has become paramount given the increasing popularity of multiple alternative platforms. In this study, a sample of 584 social media users was recruited to complete an online survey assessing sociodemographic characteristics, patterns, and preferences of social media use, problematic social media use, social media use (...)
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  5. Internalized Norms and Intrinsic Motivations: Are Normative Motivations Psychologically Primitive?Daniel Kelly - 2020 - Emotion Researcher 1 (June):36-45.
    My modest aim in this piece is to frame and illuminate some of the issues surrounding normative motivation, rather than take a firm position on any of them. I begin by clarifying the key terms in my title of this essay, and unpacking some of the assumptions that underpin its question. I then distinguish four kinds of answers one might give. In this short essay I will not be able to properly develop and evaluate an argument for the view (...)
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    The current status of motivational psychology.Sigmund Koch - 1951 - Psychological Review 58 (3):147-154.
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    Philosophical Action Theory and the Foundations of Motivational Psychology.Myles Brand - 1980 - Bowling Green Studies in Applied Philosophy 2:1-19.
    Approximately three decades ago, philosophers actively turned their attention to the study of human action. Ryle, Austin and others led us to believe that solutions to problems about the relationship between mind and body, the free will issue, and the attribution of responsibility depended on a precise understanding of action. Since that time, an enormous amount of work has been produced on the nature of human action. But it seems to have emerged, contrary to expectations, that a thorough understanding of (...)
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    The Role of Intention in Motivational Psychology.Jaegwon Kim - 1980 - Bowling Green Studies in Applied Philosophy 2:20-26.
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    The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory.Gordon H. Bower (ed.) - 1984 - Academic Press.
    ... depends on understanding their origins and roles in the cogni- THE PSYCHOLOGY OF LEARNING Copyright © by Academic Press, Inc. AND MOTIVATION, VOL. ...
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    Psychological motivations for collectivist behavior: comparison between Japan and the U.S.Shinichi Hirota, Kiyotaka Nakashima & Yoshiro Tsutsui - 2023 - Mind and Society 22 (1):103-128.
    This paper explores the psychological motivations behind collectivist behavior in Japan and the U.S. Using data from a large-scale questionnaire survey, we examine the causes of collectivist behavior (i.e., group conformity) at workplaces and at home. Our key findings are as follows: (i) in Japan, people conform to their groups, both at work and at home, because they consider that cooperation with others will result in greater achievement; (ii) in both Japan and the U.S., people conform to their groups, both (...)
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    Inferring Motives in Psychology and Psychoanalysis.Michael Lacewing - 2012 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 19 (3):197-212.
    Grünbaum argues that psychoanalysis cannot justify its inferences regarding motives using its own methodology, as only the employment of Mill’s canons can justify causal inferences (which inferences to motives are). I consider an argument offered by Hopkins regarding the nature and status of our everyday inferences from other people’s behavior to their motives that seeks to rebut Grünbaum’s charge by defending a form of inference to the best explanation that makes use of connections in intentional content between behavior and motives. (...)
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    Chronic Psychological Stress, but Not Chronic Pain Stress, Influences Sexual Motivation and Induces Testicular Autophagy in Male Rats.Yunyun Shen, Danni He, Luhong He, Yu Bai, Bo Wang, Yan Xue & Gonglin Hou - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:495518.
    Spermiogenesis is an important physiological process of mammalian fertilization. The germ cells are susceptible to the harmful effects of either psychological or physiological stress, which could induce male infertility. Our previous studies have found that chronic psychological stress could decrease sexual motivation. However, molecular mechanisms underlying male reproductive toxicity induced by chronic stress remain elusive. Recently, autophagy is proven to be involved in regulating the survival of germ cells, which is related to apoptosis. Herein, we established a chronic psychological (...)
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    Psychological Determinants of Investor Motivation in Social Media-Based Crowdfunding Projects: A Systematic Review.Daniela Popescul, Laura Diana Radu, Vasile Daniel Păvăloaia & Mircea Radu Georgescu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Background: Using the power of Internet, crowdfunding platforms are currently changing the traditional landscape of fundraising. Social media-based IT platforms in particular are bringing the creators of crowdfunding projects closer than ever to potential investors. A large variety of factors function as determinants of individuals' intention to participate in crowdfunding and have an intertwined impact on funding as the ultimate project goal.Objectives: For a better understanding of investor behavior in social media-based crowdfunding projects, this paper covers identifying, analyzing, and classifying (...)
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    Psychological Well-Being and Intrinsic Motivation: Relationship in Students Who Begin University Studies at the School of Education in Ciudad Real.Ángel Luis González Olivares, Óscar Navarro, Francisco Javier Sánchez-Verdejo & Álvaro Muelas - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    More and more studies and research have found a positive relationship between the participation of young people in altruistic activities and helping others, but it is interesting to discover a relationship of that personal and vocational satisfaction in the preparation and training in a profession as important to society as teaching. For students who begin university studies related to teaching, their psychological well-being and motivation towards this activity are very relevant aspects to consider. The access to and attainment of (...)
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    Creative Motivation and Flourishing – Psychological and Social Aspects.Kirilka Tagareva & Magdalena Gereva - 2022 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 31 (2):174-191.
    Creative motivation is considered in the context of personality structure and flourishing as an indicator of positive development. The aim of the present study is to explore the relationships in the field of creativity and creative motivation as factors for achieving psychological well-being and flourishing, as well as their presence within various psychological profiles. Hypotheses have been raised in order to measure the presence of creativity indicators within certain psychological types in relation to the level of creative (...) and flourishing. The survey instruments used are: Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Torrance Creative motivation scale and Diener Flourishing Scale. The results presented are based on a pilot study conducted in Plovdiv. The sample includes people in early adulthood, authentic folklore dance performers. (shrink)
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    Motives and mechanisms: an introduction to the psychology of action.Rom Harré - 1985 - New York: Methuen. Edited by David D. Clarke & Nicola De Carlo.
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    A study of motivational theory in early Buddhism with reference to the psychology of Freud.Padmasiri De Silva - unknown
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  18. Altruistic Emotional Motivation: An Argument in Favour of Psychological Altruism.Christine Clavien - 2012 - In Katie Plaisance & Thomas Reydon (eds.), Philosophy of Behavioural Psychology: Boston Studies in Philosophy of Science. Springer Press.
    In this paper, I reframe the long-standing controversy between ‘psychological egoism’, which argues that human beings never perform altruistic actions, and the opposing thesis of ‘psychological altruism’, which claims that human beings are, at least sometimes, capable of acting in an altruistic fashion. After a brief sketch of the controversy, I begin by presenting some representative arguments in favour of psychological altruism before showing that they can all be called into question by appealing to the idea of an unconscious self-directed (...)
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    Perceived Motivational Climates and Employee Energy: The Mediating Role of Basic Psychological Needs.Christina G. L. Nerstad, Marjolein C. J. Caniëls, Glyn C. Roberts & Astrid M. Richardsen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study draws on achievement goal theory and self-determination theory to examine the associations among two motivational climates (i.e. mastery and performance) and two indicators of energy at work (i.e. vigour and emotional exhaustion), as well as the mediating role of basic psychological need satisfaction (i.e. autonomy, relatedness, and competence). A two-wave longitudinal study was conducted collecting data from 1081 engineers and technologists. We applied previously validated instruments to assess the variables of interest. Structural equation modeling analyses were conducted to (...)
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  20. Men, Motives and Money—Psychological Frontiers of Economics.Albert Lauterbach - 1957 - Science and Society 21 (2):166-172.
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    The Psychological Motivations to Social Innovation and Transmitting Role of Social Worth.Mei-Lan Lin, Tai-Kuei Yu & Andi Muhammad Sadat - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Social innovation has a great chance to overcome problems in complex environments. Individuals’ concern for environmental, social, and ethical issues has gradually grown, prompting the rise of new types of consumers, who shift their environmental concerns into action. Social entrepreneurship participants mostly act as beneficiaries and initiators in the process of social innovation. Social exchange theory explains the linkage between individual psychological factors and personal social cognitive perceptions that inspire social innovation intention. The current research framework is constructed to inspect (...)
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    Psychological Emotion and Behavior Analysis in Music Teaching Based on the Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction Motivation Model.Dong Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The abbreviation ARCS in the ARCS motivational model comprises the first letters of four English words: Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction. The ARCS motivation model is based on a systematic and easy-to-operate motivation theory. Many research studies have verified the applicability and effectiveness of the ARCS model in education worldwide. The proposed optimized ARCS motivation model takes the traditional ARCS motivation model and systematically optimizes it to make it suitable for the coding of data from videos (...)
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    Psychology, Equality, and the Forgetting of Motivations.Michael Vincent - 2024 - Topoi 43 (2):469-477.
    I hope to demonstrate the value of a close reading Williams’s ‘Internal and External Reasons’, and to provide a theory of error regarding the substantial body of work which seeks to, in various ways, defang the essay. I do this by providing some historical context for the paper, and sketching where, historically, internalism and certain sorts of moral realism became separated. It will likely not surprise the reader when I suggest that the modern scientific worldview has an important place in (...)
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    Psychology and the legacy of Newtonianism: Motivation, intentionality, and the ontological gap.Edwin E. Gantt & Richard N. Williams - 2014 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 34 (2):83-100.
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    Coach-Created Motivational Climate and Athletes’ Adaptation to Psychological Stress: Temporal Motivation-Emotion Interplay.Montse C. Ruiz, Claudio Robazza, Asko Tolvanen, Saara Haapanen & Joan L. Duda - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:439494.
    This two-wave study investigated the temporal interplay between motivation and the intensity and reported impact of athletes’ emotions in training settings. In total, 217 athletes completed self-report measures of motivational climate, motivation regulations, emotional states (i.e., pleasant states, anger, and anxiety) experienced before practice at two time points during a 3-month period. Latent change score modeling revealed significantly negative paths from task-involving climate at time 1 to the latent change in the intensity of dysfunctional anxiety and anger, and (...)
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  26. Defreuding evolutionary psychology: Adaptation and human motivation.David J. Buller - 1999 - In Valerie Gray Hardcastle (ed.), Where Biology Meets Philosophy. MIT Press. pp. 99--114.
    Evolutionary psychologists sometimes suggest that "an evolutionary view of life can shed light on psyche" by revealing the "latent" psychology that underlies our "manifest" psychological image. At such moments, which become more frequent in popular works, explanations trade freely in subconscious motives whose goal is inclusive fitness. While some evolutionary psychologists explicitly deny that their aim is to uncover latent motivation, references to subconscious motives are nonetheless frequent in evolutionary psychology (and are even made by those explicitly (...)
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    Persistence of a response in the apparent absence of motivation.Halbert B. Robinson - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 61 (6):480.
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    Psychological Restoration in Nature as a Positive Motivation for Ecological Behavior.Terry Hartig, Florian G. Kaiser & Peter A. Bowler - 2001 - Environment and Behavior 33 (4):590-607.
    Shifting the focus from fear, guilt, and indignation related to deteriorating environmental quality, the authors hypothesized that people who see greater potential for restorative experiences in natural environments also do more to protect them by behaving ecologically, as with recycling or reduced driving. University students rated a familiar freshwater marsh in terms of being away, fascination, coherence, and compatibility, qualities of restorative person-environment transactions described in attention restoration theory. They also reported on their performance of various ecological behaviors. The authors (...)
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    Psychology, the Motive Powers [Microform]: Emotions, Conscience, Will.James McCosh - 2015 - Palala Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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  30. The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory, Vol. 41.Brian H. Ross (ed.) - 2002 - Academic Press.
  31. Motives of rebellion-psychological comments on crisis of authority among students.F. Wyatt - 1969 - Humanitas 4 (3):355-373.
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    The Political Soul: Plato on Thumos, Spirited Motivation, and the City.Josh Wilburn - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    Josh Wilburn examines the relationship between Plato's views on psychology and his political philosophy. Focusing on his reflections on the spirited part of the tripartite soul, or thumos, and spirited motivation, he explores the social and political challenges that occupy Plato throughout his works.
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    Ethical Motives and Charitable Contributions in Contingent Valuation: Empirical Evidence from Social Psychology and Economics.C. L. Spash - 2000 - Environmental Values 9 (4):453-479.
    Contingent valuation of the environment has proven popular amongst environmental economists in recent years and has increased the role of monetary valuation in public policy. However, the underlying economic model of human psychology fails to explain why certain types of stated behaviour are observed. Thus, good scope exists for interdisciplinary research in the area of economics and psychology with regard to environmental valuation. A critical review is presented here of some recent research by social psychologists in the US (...)
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  34. The Psychology of Action: Linking Cognition and Motivation to Behavior.Peter M. Gollwitzer & John A. Bargh (eds.) - 1996 - Guilford.
    Moving beyond the traditional, and unproductive, rivalry between the fields of motivation and cognition, this book integrates the two domains to shed new light ...
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    Reid's moral psychology: animal motives as guides to virtue.Esther Kroeker - 2011 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 41 (S1):122-141.
    My aim in this paper is to show that animal motives play an important role in guiding human agents to virtue, according to Reid. Animal motives, for Reid, are constituted of desires and of their objects. These desires are intrinsic desires for objects other than moral or prudential worth. However, from a rational and moral point of view, animal motives are good and useful parts of the human constitution that lead to happiness, teach self-government, create the habit of acting virtuously, (...)
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  36. Adolescents’ Motivational Profiles in Mathematics and Science: Associations With Achievement Striving, Career Aspirations and Psychological Wellbeing.Helen M. G. Watt, Micaela Bucich & Liam Dacosta - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  37. The Fragmentation of Moral Psychology: Reason, Emotion, Motivation and Moral Judgment in Ethics and Science.Christopher Zarpentine - unknown
    Increasingly, psychologists and neuroscientists have become interested in moral psychology and moral judgment. Despite this, much of moral philosophy remains isolated from this empirical research. I seek to integrate these two literatures. Drawing on a wide range of research, I develop an empirically adequate account of moral judgment. I then turn to issues in philosophical moral psychology, arguing that empirical research sheds light on old debates and raises new questions for investigation. The neuropsychological mechanisms underlying moral judgment exhibit (...)
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    Do motivations for using Facebook moderate the association between Facebook use and psychological well-being?James R. Rae & Susan D. Lonborg - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Building motivational leaders: A psychological approach and panacea for fulfilling the great commission in the 21st Century.S. O. Ntino - 2011 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 10 (2).
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    Psychological hedonism and the nature of motivation: Bertrand Russell's anhedonic desires.Geir Overskeid - 2002 - Philosophical Psychology 15 (1):77 – 93.
    Understanding the causes of behavior is one of philosophy's oldest challenges. In analyzing human desires, Bertrand Russell's position was clearly related to that of psychological hedonism. Still, though he seems to have held quite consistently that desires and emotions govern human behavior, he claimed that they do not necessarily do so by making us want to maximize pleasure. This claim is related to several being made in today's psychology and philosophy. I point out a string of facts and arguments (...)
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    Navigating Motivation: A Semantic and Subjective Atlas of 7 Motives.Gabriele Chierchia, Marisa Przyrembel, Franca Parianen Lesemann, Steven Bosworth, Dennis Snower & Tania Singer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:568064.
    Research from psychology, neurobiology and behavioral economics indicates that a binary view of motivation, based on approach and avoidance, may be too reductive. Instead, a literature review suggests that at least seven distinct motives are likely to affect human decisions: “consumption/resource seeking,” “care,” “affiliation,” “achievement,” “status-power,” “threat approach” (or anger), and “threat avoidance” (or fear). To explore the conceptual distinctness and relatedness of these motives, we conducted a semantic categorization task. Here, participants were to assign provided words to (...)
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  42. Moral masquerades: Experimental exploration of the nature of moral motivation.C. Daniel Batson - 2008 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7 (1):51-66.
    Why do people act morally – when they do? Moral philosophers and psychologists often assume that acting morally in the absence of incentives or sanctions is a product of a desire to uphold one or another moral principle (e.g., fairness). This form of motivation might be called moral integrity because the goal is to actually be moral. In a series of experiments designed to explore the nature of moral motivation, colleagues and I have found little evidence of moral (...)
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    A Gramma of Motives: The Drama of Plato's Tripartite Psychology.John J. Jasso - 2020 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 53 (2):157-180.
    Rhetoricians usually consider Plato's Republic as a work dedicated to political philosophy. As such, it is ostensibly antidemocratic and thus antirhetorical. But if we focus on the reason for the political allegory—the investigation of justice in the soul—it is clear that Plato is interested in Burke's question: “What is involved, when we say what people are doing and why they are doing it?” Accordingly, this article employs the terms of Burke's pentad in order to articulate the rhetorical significance of Plato's (...)
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    Exploring the Motivation Behind Discrimination and Stigmatization Related to COVID-19: A Social Psychological Discussion Based on the Main Theoretical Explanations.H. Andaç Demirtaş-Madran - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:569528.
    The novel coronavirus (COVID-19), was first detected in Wuhan province in China during late December 2019 and was designated as being highly infectious. The World Health Organization (WHO) labeled it a “pandemic” on March 11, 2020. Throughout human history, experience has shown that prejudices and viruses spread simultaneously during a viral pandemic. Outgroup members have been associated with various diseases and non-human vectors of diseases. Some epidemics have been named according to various outgroups, just as the novel coronavirus has been (...)
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  45. Motivation : A Philosophical and Psychological Synthesis.Laurance J. Splitter & Dennis M. McInerney - 2015 - In Frédéric Guay (ed.), Self-concept, motivation, and identity underpinning success with research and practice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
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  46. Experimental Psychology: its scope and method. Vol V: Motivation, Emotion and Personality.Jospeh Nuttin - 1968
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    Influence of Mentorship and the Working Environment on English as a Foreign Language Teachers’ Research Productivity: The Mediation Role of Research Motivation and Self-Efficacy.Yanping Li & Lawrence Jun Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:906932.
    Research productivity is an important criterion for the university to assess teachers. Studies about factors that affect teachers’ research productivity are increasing nowadays. It is generally agreed that academics’ research productivity depends on how much mentorship is provided to them and how the current working environment is mediated by their research motivation and self-efficacy. Despite the increasing amount of the literature along this line, we know little about what kinds of situations that Chinese university English as a foreign language (...)
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    Math Performance and Sex: The Predictive Capacity of Self-Efficacy, Interest and Motivation for Learning Mathematics.Ascensión Palomares-Ruiz & Ramón García-Perales - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Differences between the sexes in education is something of particular interest in much research. This study sought to investigate the possible differences between the sexes in math performance, and to deeply examine the causal factors for those differences. Beginning from the administration of the BECOMA-On (Online Evaluation Battery of Mathematics Skills) to 3,795 5th year primary students aged 10-11, in 16 Spanish autonomous communities and the 2 autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla. The results for each sex were compared to (...)
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    Amateur and Recreational Athletes’ Motivation to Exercise, Stress, and Coping During the Corona Crisis.Franziska Lautenbach, Sascha Leisterer, Nadja Walter, Lara Kronenberg, Theresa Manges, Oliver Leis, Vincent Pelikan, Sabrina Gebhardt & Anne-Marie Elbe - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted mobility worldwide. As a corollary, the health of top- and lower-level athletes alike is profoundly reliant on movement and exercise. Thus, the aim of this study is to understand impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown on athletes’ motivation to exercise and train. In detail, we aim to better understand who reported a change in motivation to train due to the lockdown, why they reported lower motivation, what they did to help themselves, (...)
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    Dynamic Psychology and the Problem of Motivation.Horace Bidwell English - 1921 - Psychological Review 28 (4):239-248.
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