Results for 'Nadia Lovell'

623 found
  1. Solitudine e conversazione: i moralisti classici e David Hume / Nadia Boccara.Nadia Boccara - 1994 - Roma: Università degli studi della Tuscia, Istituto di scienze umane e delle arti, Facoltà di lingue e letterature straniere moderne.
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    « Le signe en défaut » : Régine Robin interviewée par Nadia Khouri.Nadia Khouri - 1990 - Horizons Philosophiques 1 (1):111-121.
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  3. Laïcité in reverse: Mono-religious democracies and the issue of religion in the public sphere.Nadia Urbinati - 2010 - Constellations 17 (1):4-21.
  4.  12
    The Sovereignty of Chance.Nadia Urbinati - 2024 - Common Knowledge 30 (2):163-181.
    In the context of the ongoing Common Knowledge symposium “Antipolitics,” this article responds skeptically to the numerous contributions calling for the supplanting of elections by sortition. While lottocracy is proposed as a solution to the flaws of electoral democracy — notably, corruption and violent partisanship — this response focuses on a single theoretical issue: the logic of chance or randomness, which, according to its proponents, should rid politics of corruption and relieve representation of partisanship so as to ultimately prevent the (...)
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    A Comparison of American and Nepalese Children's Concepts of Freedom of Choice and Social Constraint.Nadia Chernyak, Tamar Kushnir, Katherine M. Sullivan & Qi Wang - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (7):1343-1355.
    Recent work has shown that preschool-aged children and adults understand freedom of choice regardless of culture, but that adults across cultures differ in perceiving social obligations as constraints on action. To investigate the development of these cultural differences and universalities, we interviewed school-aged children (4–11) in Nepal and the United States regarding beliefs about people's freedom of choice and constraint to follow preferences, perform impossible acts, and break social obligations. Children across cultures and ages universally endorsed the choice to follow (...)
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    Thinking Feminism with and against Bourdieu.Terry Lovell - 2000 - Feminist Theory 1 (1):11-32.
    This article argues that a positive engagement between Bourdieu’s sociology of practice and contemporary feminist theory would be mutually profitable. It compares Bourdieu’s account of the social construction of the human subject through practice with Butler’s account of subjectivity as performance. While the one, through the concept of habitus, tends towards an ‘overdetermined’ view of subjectivity in which subjective dispositions are too tightly tied to the social practices in which they were forged, the other pays insufficient attention to the social (...)
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    (Mis)recognition, social inequality and social justice: Nancy Fraser and Pierre Bourdieu.Terry Lovell (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Routledge.
    This collection of essays considers some of the conceptual and philosophical contentions that Nancy Fraser's theory of justice has provoked and presents some compelling examples of its analytical power in a range of contexts in which the politics of social justice are at issue.
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  8.  62
    Representative Democracy: Principles and Genealogy.Nadia Urbinati - 2006 - University of Chicago Press.
    It is usually held that representative government is not strictly democratic, since it does not allow the people themselves to directly make decisions. But here, taking as her guide Thomas Paine’s subversive view that “Athens, by representation, would have surpassed her own democracy,” Nadia Urbinati challenges this accepted wisdom, arguing that political representation deserves to be regarded as a fully legitimate mode of democratic decision making—and not just a pragmatic second choice when direct democracy is not possible. As Urbinati (...)
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  9.  15
    Pictures of reality: aesthetics, politics, pleasure.Terry Lovell - 1980 - London: British Film Institute.
  10.  65
    Ethics as a dependent variable in individual and organisational decision making.Alan Lovell - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 37 (2):145 - 163.
    This paper draws upon a recently completed research study of the responses of accountants and HR professionals to actual issues at work that had posed them ethical qualms. The study sought to get beyond ethical reasoning about hypothetical scenarios and to address issues of actual behaviour, focusing upon the interviewees explanations of these behaviours. In general terms there was an observable difference between the attitudes and behaviours of accountants and HR professions, but not in the simple, stereotypical sense. The concerns (...)
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    (1 other version)Moral agency as victim of the vulnerability of autonomy.Alan Lovell - 2002 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 11 (1):62–76.
    This paper draws upon a research study of accountants and HR specialists. The study eschewed hypothetical scenarios and focused upon those situations and scenarios that the interviewees defined as causing them ethical concerns. There are two distinct but related issues arising from the paper. The first is that the singular categorisations of moral reasoning attributed to individuals when faced with hypothetical scenarios by many who write on the issue of moral reasoning, did not correspond to the fluidity in moral choices (...)
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    Natalya Vince, Our Fighting Sisters: nation, memory and gender in Algeria (19.Nadia Sariahmed Belhadj - 2021 - Clio 53:270-273.
    Il existe une perception répandue selon laquelle après avoir joué un rôle clé dans la guerre d’indépendance, les Algériennes se sont retrouvées en 1962 exclues de l’édification du nouvel État et renvoyées à leurs rôles traditionnels dans la société. Natalya Vince remet en cause cette vision simpliste dans son livre sur les expériences et perspectives des anciennes combattantes de la guerre qui ont vécu dans l’Algérie indépendante. Our Fighting Sisters: nation, memory and gender in Algeria, 19...
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    The Professorial Chair ( kursī ‘ilmī or kursī li-l-wa‘ẓ wa-l-irshād ) in Morocco.Nadia Erzini & Stephen Vernoit - 2013 - Al-Qantara 34 (1):89-122.
    Moroccan congregational mosques are equipped with a minbar (pulpit) which is used for the Friday sermon. Many mosques in Morocco are also equipped with one or more smaller chairs, which differ in their form and function from the minbar. These chairs are used by professors to give regular lectures to students of traditional education, and by scholars to give occasional lectures to the general public. This tradition of the professorial chair was probably introduced to Morocco from the Middle East in (...)
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  14. A New, Peculiar State: Explorations in Soviet History, 1917-1937. By Andrea Graziosi.D. W. Lovell - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (5):667-667.
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    Freedom and equality in Marx's Utopia: Introduction.David Lovell - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (5):581-583.
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  16. On My Country and the World. By Mikhail Gorbachev.D. W. Lovell - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (5):676-677.
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  17. Postsocialist Pathways: Transforming Politics and Property in East Central Europe. By David Stark and Laszlo Bruszt.D. W. Lovell - 2000 - The European Legacy 5 (2):310-310.
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    Stalin and the Fate of Europe: The Postwar Struggle for Sovereignty.Stephen Lovell - 2021 - Common Knowledge 27 (3):490-491.
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  19. Volo: or, The will: what it is, how to strenghthen, and how to use it.Arthur Lovell - 1897 - London: Nichols.
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    Whose Body is It? The Troubling Issue of Informed Consent.Alice Lovell - 1985 - Journal of Medical Ethics 11 (4):213-214.
  21.  7
    Let the People Rule: Direct Democracy in the Twenty-First Century.Saskia Ruth-Lovell, Yanina Welp & Laurence Whitehead (eds.) - 2016 - Ecpr Press.
    The biggest contemporary challenge to democratic legitimacy gravitates around the crisis of democratic representation.
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    Le civili libertà: positivismo e liberalismo nell'Italia unita.Nadia Urbinati - 1990
    Nella nuova Italia gli interpreti e i difensori delle civili libertà (l'espressione è di Romagnosi) furono pochi e poco considerati. Tra essi, gli amici e i seguaci radicali e federalisti di Carlo Cattaneo, ma anche un moderato come Pasquale Villari, il maestro di Gaetano Salvemini. Tutti ebbero in comune la condivisione del pensiero filosofico e politico di John Stuart Mill e il proposito di favorirne la diffusione nella cultura del loro tempo. Mill fu uno degli autori più tradotti nell'Italia dell'Ottocento. (...)
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    Mill on Democracy: From the Athenian Polis to Representative Government.Nadia Urbinati - 2002 - University of Chicago Press.
    Redirecting attention to Mill as a political thinker, Nadia Urbinati argues that this claim misrepresents Mill's thinking.
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    A Revolt against Intermediary Bodies.Nadia Urbinati - 2015 - Constellations 22 (4):477-486.
  25. Nancy Fraser's integrated theory of justice : a 'sociologically rich' model for a global capitalist era?Terry Lovell - 2007 - In (Mis)recognition, social inequality and social justice: Nancy Fraser and Pierre Bourdieu. New York: Routledge.
  26.  48
    Conceptualizing Corporate Accountability in International Law: Models for a Business and Human Rights Treaty.Nadia Bernaz - 2020 - Human Rights Review 22 (1):45-64.
    This article conceptualizes corporate accountability under international law and introduces an analytical framework translating corporate accountability into seven core elements. Using this analytical framework, it then systematically assesses four models that could be used in a future business and human rights treaty: the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights model, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights model, the progressive model, and the transformative model. It aims to contribute to the BHR treaty negotiation process by clarifying different options (...)
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    The value-laden nature of decision-making with the never-capacitated patient.Nadia Abbass, Faruk H. Orge & Mark Aulisio - forthcoming - Clinical Ethics.
    The values of individuals who have never had the capacity to express their preferences are often overlooked or even ignored in the decision-making process. The case of “Michael,” a non-verbal young adult with a genetic condition and intellectual disability, is presented to challenge the traditional approach of relying solely on clinical indicators and the “best interest” standard narrowly construed in healthcare decision-making. Michael's interaction with his environment, gleaned through his family's input, illustrates that values and quality of life can be (...)
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    Resisting with Authority: Historical Specificity, Agency and the Performative Self.Terry Lovell - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (1):1-17.
    How is it possible for human subjects who are socially constructed to engage in effective and authoritative acts of resistance to the social norms and institutions within which they were formed? Judith Butler, in her engagement with the work of Pierre Bourdieu, locates this possibility in the nature of `speech acts', and in resistance to social norms emanating from the abjected margins of social life. She criticizes Bourdieu for undermining the promise of agency contained in habitus by reducing it to (...)
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  29. Introduction.Terry Lovell - 2007 - In (Mis)recognition, social inequality and social justice: Nancy Fraser and Pierre Bourdieu. New York: Routledge.
  30.  35
    Disentangling Conscience Protections.Nadia N. Sawicki - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (5):14-22.
    Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced its intent to strengthen enforcement of legal protections for health care providers' conscience rights. It proposed regulations that would give the DHHS Office of Civil Rights greater authority to ensure that recipients of federal funding comply with federal conscience laws. This recent development creates an opportunity for scholars and policy‐makers to revisit the perennial debate about whether and how law should protect health care providers' rights of conscience. Arguments (...)
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    Categorization of Whistleblowers Using the Whistleblowing Triangle.Nadia Smaili & Paulina Arroyo - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (1):95-117.
    In view of recent studies that identified certain interest groups as potential whistleblowers, we propose an integrative conceptual framework to examine whistleblower behavior by whistleblower type. The framework, dubbed the whistleblowing triangle, is modeled on the fraud triangle and is comprised of three factors that condition the act of whistleblowing: pressure, opportunity, and rationalization. For a rich examination, we use a qualitative research framework to analyze 11 whistleblowing cases of corporate financial statement fraud in Canada that were publicly denounced between (...)
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  32.  10
    La tradizione filosofica stoica nel Medioevo: un approccio dossografico.Nadia Bray - 2018 - Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
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    Avicenna and afterwards.Nadia Germann - 2011 - In John Marenbon (ed.), The Oxford Handbook to Medieval Philosophy. Oxford Up. pp. 83.
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    Tanina ntoto!Nadia Yala Kisukidi - 2021 - Multitudes 4:85-93.
    L’article entend constituer la grand-mère comme figure centrale de transmission, comme personnage politique radical : figure de récit, figure de continuité mémorielle là où la colonisation a sapé l’autorité des lignées paternelles. Se décalant d’un récit qui pense la colonisation comme une castration symbolique des pères, l’auteure interroge les lignées féminines et leur pouvoir de transmission de trames narratives et mémorielles. La grand-mère est érigée en force politique, capable de défaire l’autorité patriarcale et de recréer des liens défaits. La force (...)
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  35. Dissolution: The Crisis of Communism and the End of East Germany. By Charles S. Maier.D. W. Lovell - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (4):550-550.
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    Psycho-analysis in its relation to traditional psychology.H. Tasman Lovell - 1923 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):93 – 104.
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    (1 other version)The concept of value from the psychological point of view.H. Tasman Lovell - 1926 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):160 – 167.
  38.  18
    (1 other version)The value of industrial psychology.H. Tasman Lovell - 1930 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 8 (3):215 – 220.
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    A Rhapsody of Forms without Critique.Nadia Moro - 2016 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2016 (1):160-165.
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    Figures of Speech: Picturing Proverbs in Renaissance Netherlands.Nadia Nicoleta Morăraşu - 2016 - The European Legacy 21 (1):109-110.
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    Germline Modifications as a Severe Intervention into Human Nature.Nadia Primc - 2018 - In Matthias Braun, Hannah Schickl & Peter Dabrock (eds.), Between Moral Hazard and Legal Uncertainty: Ethical, Legal and Societal Challenges of Human Genome Editing. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 99-110.
    Manipulation of the human germline is sometimes criticised as a severe intervention into human nature. In order to assess the tenability of this claim, different uses of the term “human nature” and distinct scientific and clinical contexts must be differentiated. The first live birth of an edited human child will probably take the form of an unproven intervention and not a clinical trial. As an unproven intervention, germline manipulation must be regarded as a severe intervention into the nature of a (...)
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    La fuerza dialógica del pensamiento cusano. Nota crítica acerca de dos investigaciones recientes sobre Nicolás de Cusa.Nadia Russano - 2020 - Patristica Et Medievalia 41 (2):129-136.
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    On Selective Consumerism: Egyptian Women and Ethnographic Representations.Nadia Wassef - 2001 - Feminist Review 69 (1):111-123.
    In the light of postmodern debates in anthropology, ethnography offers anthropologists new ways of representing their objects of study. The politics involved in the production and consumption by feminist scholars and activists of women's representations in the Arab world, and Egypt specifically, provides the starting point of this article. Using an ethnographic text examining manifestations of ‘Islamic Feminism’ in Egypt, I explore problems in addressing the subject of veiling – a continuous favourite among researchers. Grappling with stereotypes, assumptions and pre-interpretations (...)
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  44. Representation as Advocacy.Nadia Urbinati - 2000 - Political Theory 28 (6):758-786.
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    Théologie mineure : douleur noire et espérance chez Jean-Marc Ela.Nadia Yala Kisukidi - 2019 - Philosophiques 46 (2):359.
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    Herschel's Dilemma in the Interpretation of Thermal Radiation.D. Lovell - 1968 - Isis 59 (1):46-60.
  47.  33
    An initial accuracy focus prevents illusory truth.Nadia M. Brashier, Emmaline Drew Eliseev & Elizabeth J. Marsh - 2020 - Cognition 194 (C):104054.
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    Shared learning shapes human performance: Transfer effects in task sharing.Nadia Milanese, Cristina Iani & Sandro Rubichi - 2010 - Cognition 116 (1):15-22.
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    John Stuart Mill on Androgyny and Ideal Marriage.Nadia Urbinati - 1991 - Political Theory 19 (4):626-648.
  50. Procedural Democracy, the Bulwark of Equal Liberty.Nadia Urbinati & Maria Paula Saffon - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (3):0090591713476872.
    This essay reclaims a political proceduralist vision of democracy as the best normative defense of democracy in contemporary politics. We distinguish this vision from three main approaches that are representative in the current academic debate: the epistemic conception of democracy as a process of truth seeking; the populist defense of democracy as a mobilizing politics that defies procedures; and the classical minimalist or Schumpeterian definition of democracy as a competitive method for selecting leaders.
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