Results for 'Nancy Patterson'

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  1.  19
    Stella Papadaki-Oekland, Byzantine Illuminated Manuscripts of the Book of Job: A Preliminary Study of the Miniature Illustrations, Its Origin and Development. Athens: Brepols, 2009. Pp. iv, 433 plus facsimile pages and 6 foldout tables; many black-and-white and color figures and tables. €150. ISBN: 978-2503532325. [REVIEW]Nancy Patterson Ševčenko - 2012 - Speculum 87 (1):264-266.
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  2. An old fad of great promise: Reverse chronology history teaching in social studies classes.Thomas Misco & Nancy C. Patterson - 2009 - Journal of Social Studies Research 33 (1):71-90.
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    Reasserting the Relevance of the Social Studies: An Emerging Model for Collaborative Cross-State Research.Jeff Passe & Nancy Patterson - 2011 - Journal of Social Studies Research 35 (1):117-127.
  4. Ihor Ševčenko and Nancy Patterson Ševčenko, eds. and transs., The Life of Saint Nicholas of Sion.(The Archbishop Iakovos Library of Ecclesiastical and Historical Sources, 10.) Brookline: Hellenic College Press, 1984. Pp. ii, 157; black-and-white frontispiece, 16 black-and-white illustrations, 1 map. $16 (cloth); $10 (paper). [REVIEW]Dorothy de F. Abrahamse - 1989 - Speculum 64 (1):219-220.
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    How to Do Things With Pornography.Nancy Bauer - 2015 - Harvard Univeristy Press. Edited by Sanford Shieh & Alice Crary.
  6. Serendipity as a strategic advantage?Nancy K. Napier & Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2013 - In Timothy Wilkinson (ed.), Strategic Management in the 21st Century. ABC-Clio. pp. 175-199.
    Who, over the age of 20, hasn’t experienced a serendipitous event: unexpected information that yields some unintended but potential value later on? Sitting next to a stranger on a plane who becomes a business partner? Stumbling onto an article in a journal or newspaper that helps tackle a nagging problem? Creating a new drug by accident?
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  7. Well‐Ordered Science: Evidence for Use.Nancy Cartwright - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (5):981-990.
    This article agrees with Philip Kitcher that we should aim for a well-ordered science, one that answers the right questions in the right ways. Crucial to this is to address questions of use: Which scientific account is right for which system in which circumstances? This is a difficult question: evidence that may support a scientific claim in one context may not support it in another. Drawing on examples in physics and other sciences, this article argues that work on the warrant (...)
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  8. Pluralism and Self-Defense.Nancy L. Rosenblum - 1989 - In Liberalism and the Moral Life. Harvard University Press. pp. 207--26.
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    Middle-range theory: Without it what could anyone do?Nancy Cartwright - 2020 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 35 (3):269-323.
    Philosophers of science have had little to say about ‘middle-range theory’ although much of what is done in science and of what drives its successes falls under that label. These lectures aim to spark an interest in the topic and to lay groundwork for further research on it. ‘Middle’ in ‘middle range’ is with respect to the level both of abstraction and generality. Much middle-range theory is about things that come under the label ‘mechanism’. The lectures explore three different kinds (...)
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  10. (1 other version)The Truth Doesn’t Explain Much.Nancy Cartwright - 1980 - American Philosophical Quarterly 17 (2):159 - 163.
    The standard view of explanation in science---the covering law model---assumes that knowledge of laws lies at the basis of our ability to explain phenomena. But in fact most of the high-level claims in science are ceteris paribus generalizations, which are false unless certain precise conditions obtain. Given the explanatory force of ceteris paribus generalizations but the paucity of true laws, the covering law model of explanation must be false. There is, it is argued, a trade-off between truth and explanatory power.
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  11.  21
    Modularity: it can - and generally does, fail.Nancy Cartwright - 2001 - In Domenico Costantini, Maria Carla Galavotti & Patrick Suppes (eds.), Stochastic Causality. CSLI. pp. 65-84.
  12.  6
    Personal Identity.Nancy Shoemaker - 1991 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    What does it mean to say that this person at this time is 'the same' as that person at an earlier time? If the brain is damaged or the memory lost, how far does a person's identity continue? In this book two eminent philosophers develop very different approaches to the problem.
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  13.  43
    “Listen to the People”: Public Deliberation About Social Distancing Measures in a Pandemic.Nancy Baum, Peter Jacobson & Susan Goold - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (11):4-14.
    Public engagement in ethically laden pandemic planning decisions may be important for transparency, creating public trust, improving compliance with public health orders, and ultimately, contributing to just outcomes. We conducted focus groups with members of the public to characterize public perceptions about social distancing measures likely to be implemented during a pandemic. Participants expressed concerns about job security and economic strain on families if businesses or school closures are prolonged. They shared opposition to closure of religious organizations, citing the need (...)
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    The time of one's life: views of aging and age group justice.Nancy S. Jecker - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (1):1-14.
    This paper argues that we can see our lives as a snapshot happening now or as a moving picture extending across time. These dual ways of seeing our lives inform how we conceive of the problem of age group justice. A snapshot view sees age group justice as an interpersonal problem between distinct age groups. A moving picture view sees age group justice as a first-person problem of prudential choice. This paper explores these different ways of thinking about age group (...)
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  15.  39
    What’s yours is ours: waiving intellectual property protections for COVID-19 vaccines.Nancy S. Jecker & Caesar A. Atuire - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (9):595-598.
    This paper gives an ethical argument for temporarily waiving intellectual property protections for COVID-19 vaccines. It examines two proposals under discussion at the World Trade Organization : the India/South Africa proposal and the WTO Director General proposal. Section I explains the background leading up to the WTO debate. Section II rebuts ethical arguments for retaining current IP protections, which appeal to benefiting society by spurring innovation and protecting rightful ownership. It sets forth positive ethical arguments for a temporary waiver that (...)
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  16.  26
    Effects of Age-Related Stereotype Threat on Metacognition.Natasha Y. Fourquet, Tara K. Patterson, Changrui Li, Alan D. Castel & Barbara J. Knowlton - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Previous work has shown that memory performance in older adults is affected by activation of a stereotype of age-related memory decline. In the present experiment, we examined whether stereotype threat would affect metamemory in older adults; that is, whether under stereotype threat they make poorer judgments about what they could remember. We tested older adults (MAge= 66.18 years) on a task in which participants viewed words paired with point values and “bet” on whether they could later recall each word. If (...)
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  17.  78
    The Virtue of Epistemic Humility.Nancy Nyquist Potter - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (2):121-123.
    Ethics, including medical ethics, has historically paid insufficient attention to epistemic rights and wrongs. This neglect fails to recognize the ways ethics and epistemology are intertwined. In the past fifteen years or so, there has been an interest in epistemic issues in medical practices, relationships with patients, and what is called epistemic injustice. Miranda Fricker identifies a kind of epistemic wrong as an injustice and a harm because it diminishes the speaker's capacity of a knower and treats her as uncredible (...)
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  18. Beauvoir's Heideggerian Ontology.Nancy Bauer - 2006 - In Margaret A. Simons (ed.), The Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir: Critical Essays. Indiana University Press.
  19.  37
    (1 other version)A theory of evidence for evidence-based policy.Nancy Cartwright & Jacob Stegenga - 2011 - In Philip Dawid, William Twining & Mimi Vasilaki (eds.), Evidence, Inference and Enquiry. Oxford: Oup/British Academy.
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  20. John M. Gardiner, Cristina Ramponi, and Alan Richardson-Klavehn. Response Deadline and Sub.Nancy J. Woolf, Marianne Hammerl, Andy P. Field, Ron Sun, Santosh A. Helekar & Benjamin Libet - 1999 - Consciousness and Cognition 8:390.
  21.  31
    Evidence and warrants for belief in a college astronomy course.Nancy W. Brickhouse, Zoubeida R. Dagher, Harry L. Shipman & William J. Letts - 2002 - Science & Education 11 (6):573-588.
  22.  67
    Education as Invitation to Speak: On the Teacher Who Does Not Speak.Nancy Vansieleghem & Jan Masschelein - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (1):85-99.
    As a response to Le Fils, a film directed by the Dardenne brothers (), we explore the idea of speaking as an invitation and juxtapose it against ideas of speaking as a transactional, calculative, calibrated, activity. Speaking tends to be understood as a relatively straightforward matter: as a means of communication structured by such values as the reciprocal balancing of rights and obligations, of clear communication of information, of the gaining of insight into what is happening. Speaking, then, is a (...)
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  23.  15
    Authentic Happiness at Work: Self- and Peer-Rated Orientations to Happiness, Work Satisfaction, and Stress Coping.Nancy Tandler, Annette Krauss & René T. Proyer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  24.  15
    Predicting “it will work for us”: (way) beyond statistics.Nancy Cartwright - 2011 - In Phyllis McKay Illari, Federica Russo & Jon Williamson (eds.), Causality in the Sciences. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  25. How to do Christian ethics: living the grammar of Christian life every day.Brian Brock, Nadine Hamilton & Daniel R. Patterson (eds.) - 2025 - London: T&T Clark.
    Discover how pressing contemporary moral issues can be approached and discussed in a distinct and coherently theological fashion. This book displays a more direct approach that has the distinct advantage of being approachable, dramatic, and contemporary. Each chapter approaches its subject matter by demonstrating how the sources of Christian moral reasoning-Scripture and church doctrine-can be imaginatively brought to bear on contemporary moral perplexities. This mode of teaching shows in tangible ways how the Christian gospel does in fact reveal our moral (...)
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    Jean Potter 1923-1995.Michael Krausz & Mary Patterson McPherson - 1996 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 69 (5):135 -.
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  27. Casting Graven Images: The Damnation of Theron Ware.Linda Patterson Miller - 1978 - Renascence 30 (4):179-184.
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    Traité de métaphysique (1734).H. Temple Voltaire & Patterson - 1937 - [Manchester]: Manchester University Press. Edited by Helen Temple Patterson.
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    Why is 'incommensurability' a problem?Nancy J. Nersessian - 1982 - Acta Biotheoretica 31 (4):205-218.
    The origins of the ‘ incommensurability problem’ and its central aspect, the ‘ meaning variance thesis’ are traced to the successive collapse of several distinctions maintained by the standard empiricist account of meaning in scientific theories. The crucial distinction is that between a conceptual structure and a theory. The ‘thesis’ and the ‘problem’ follow from critiques of this distinction by Duhem, Quine and Feyerabend. It is maintained that, rather than revealing the ‘problem’, the arguments leading to it simply show the (...)
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  30.  56
    Power Day: Addressing the Use and Abuse of Power in Medical Training.Nancy R. Angoff, Laura Duncan, Nichole Roxas & Helena Hansen - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (2):203-213.
    Problem: Medical student mistreatment, as well as patient and staff mistreatment by all levels of medical trainees and faculty, is still prevalent in U.S. clinical training. Largely missing in interventions to reduce mistreatment is acknowledgement of the abuse of power produced by the hierarchical structure in which medicine is practiced. Approach: Beginning in 2001, Yale School of Medicine has held annual “Power Day” workshops for third year medical students and advanced practice nursing students, to define and analyse power dynamics within (...)
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    Where Are the Children?: Theorizing the Missing Piece in Gendered Sexual Violence.Nancy Whittier - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (1):95-108.
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    Leora AUSLANDER. Taste and power : furnishing modern France. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1996. 495 p.Nancy L. Green - 2000 - Clio 11:39-39.
    Le goût s'apprend. Il est une construction sociale qui vient tantôt d'« en haut » tantôt d'« en bas ». Il est aussi affaire de pouvoir et de médiateurs culturels, de « professionnels du goût » (taste professionals) comme Leora Auslander le met si bien en évidence dans son analyse de l'ameublement français de la Cour de Louis XIV au tournant du XXe siècle. La chaise, le fauteuil, la commode sont autant d'objets qui prennent un nouveau sens à la lecture (...)
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    Educating IRBs on Ethical Issues.Nancy Haldeman - 1984 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 6 (3):10.
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  34. Rationality and moral/political decisions.Nancy Holmstrom - 1986 - In Martin Tamny & K. D. Irani (eds.), Rationality in thought and action. New York: Greenwood Press. pp. 29--61.
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    Response to Charles Mills's "Occupy Liberalism!".Nancy Holmstrom - 2012 - Radical Philosophy Review 15 (2):325-330.
  36.  10
    Hommage à Werner Hamacher.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2017 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 42:27-30.
    Le 17 juillet 2017, Werner,Werner, toi ici avec nous, toi si proche et si lointain, aussi lointain que proche,Werner, plus loin…Werner je suis sans parole – et tu dis aussitôt : « Qui est sans parole a dans sa privation même quelque chose de la parole ».Quelque chose ou peut-être tout vas-tu dire car on ne parle qu’à partir du manque de parole et on cherche sa propre disparition.Parce que je suis sans parole, je me trouve là où tu veux. (...)
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    ‘You ask me what it means today…’ An epigraph for Paragraph.Jean-luc Nancy - 1993 - Paragraph 16 (2):108-110.
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    Principled ethics: Generalism as a regulative ideal - by Sean McKeever and Michael Ridge.Nancy E. Schauber - 2008 - Philosophical Books 49 (2):181-182.
  39.  52
    Character, Planning, and Choice in Aristotle.Nancy Sherman - 1985 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (1):83 - 106.
    TWO OBJECTIONS are often levelled against Aristotle's theory of practical inference. The first is that he fails to discuss adequately the nature of reasoning about the ends of good living. Thus, while there is no shortage of examples of technical deliberation, such as how a doctor deliberates to bring about healing, we have no comparable examples of how a person of determinate character deliberates to promote the ends of that character. The second is that while Aristotle has an account of (...)
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    Reappraisals in Renaissance ThoughtCharles B. Schmitt Charles Webster.Nancy Siraisi - 1991 - Isis 82 (3):554-555.
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    Prefatory remarks to chapter 20.Nancy Stein - 1991 - In William Kessen, Andrew Ortony & Fergus I. M. Craik (eds.), Memories, Thoughts, and Emotions: Essays in Honor of George Mandler. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 290.
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    Managing community engagement in research in Uganda: insights from practices in HIV/aids research.Nancy E. Kass & John Barugahare - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundCommunity engagement in research is valuable for instrumental and intrinsic reasons. Despite existing guidance on how to ensure meaningful CE, much of what it takes to achieve this goal differs across settings. Considering the emerging trend towards mandating CE in many research studies, this study aimed at documenting how CE is conceptualized and implemented, and then providing context-specific guidance on how researchers and research regulators in Uganda could think about and manage CE in research.MethodsWe conducted qualitative interviews and focus group (...)
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    (1 other version)Why be hanged for even a lamb?Nancy Cartwright - 2007 - In Bradley John Monton (ed.), Images of empiricism: essays on science and stances, with a reply from Bas C. van Fraassen. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Interdisciplinarities in Action: Cognitive Ethnography of Bioengineering Sciences Research Laboratories.Nancy J. Nersessian - 2019 - Perspectives on Science 27 (4):553-581.
    The paper frames interdisciplinary research as creating complex, distributed cognitive-cultural systems. It introduces and elaborates on the method of cognitive ethnography as a primary means for investigating interdisciplinary cognitive and learning practices in situ. The analysis draws from findings of nearly 20 years of investigating such practices in research laboratories in pioneering bioengineering sciences. It examines goals and challenges of two quite different kinds of integrative problem-solving practices: biomedical engineering (hybridization) and integrative systems biology (collaborative interdependence). Practical lessons for facilitating (...)
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    How It Was.Nancy Coughlin - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (3):165-167.
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    Ethics and Interpretation, or How to Study Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus Without Strauss.Nancy Levene - 2001 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 10 (1):57-110.
  47.  7
    How could you?: kids talk about trust.Nancy Loewen - 2003 - Minneapolis, Minn.: Reibeling Picture Window Books. Edited by Omarr Wesley.
    Uses an advice-column format to define trust and provide examples in daily life.
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  48.  22
    The Jurisdiction of the Hegelian monarch.Jean-Luc Nancy, Mary Ann & Peter Caws - 1982 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 49 (2):481-516.
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  49.  53
    How Good is Suffering?: Commentary on Michael S. Brady, Suffering and Virtue.Nancy E. Snow - 2021 - Journal of Value Inquiry 55 (4):571-582.
  50.  48
    From 'ordinary' virtue to Aristotelian virtue.Nancy Snow - unknown
    In two earlier papers, I began to explore how “ordinary people” acquire virtue. By “ordinary people,” I mean people, not specifically or directly concerned with becoming virtuous, who have goals or aims the pursuit of which requires them to develop virtue. E.g., parents acquire patience and generosity in the course of pursuing their goal to be good parents; those concerned with being peacemakers acquire tact and diplomacy in the pursuit of that goal, and so on. These virtues can be viewed (...)
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