Results for 'Navin Kaushal'

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  1.  15
    Mind the Rhythm: ECG QT Dispersion and Cognition in Healthy Older Adults.Tudor Vrinceanu, Geneviève Lagacé-Lavoie, Navin Kaushal, Alida Esmail, T. T. Minh Vu, Nicolas Berryman, Anil Nigam & Louis Bherer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Re-conceptualizing the villain: Todd Phillips’s Joker through the lens of Vedic hermeneutics.Lalit Aditya Kaushal & Nipun Kalia - 2023 - Technoetic Arts 21 (1):135-145.
    This article attempts to examine the portrayal of the character of Arthur Fleck in Todd Phillips’s Joker (2019). In the initial part of the film, Arthur exhibits signs that reveal he is headed towards committing a violent crime. Arthur displays signs of psychopathy and a lack of empathy. This article links criminal behaviour analysis to the Bible of the Arya Samaj, an Indian text, to find out how ancient Indian literature’s empirical theories, which are intertwined with philosophical and religious content, (...)
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    History, critique, experience: On the dialectical relationship between art and philosophy in Adorno’s aesthetic theory.Justin Neville Kaushall - 2025 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 51 (2):296-323.
    In Aesthetic Theory, Adorno argues that, in modernity, art and philosophy are reciprocally dependent upon each other for legitimation and critical force. This claim has puzzled scholars and provoked controversy. I argue that Adorno’s thesis may be comprehended in the following manner: art requires philosophy because, without the latter, art would lack the power to critique social and historical reality (in particular, the ideological elements that often remain invisible as second nature), and to rationally interpret the material particularity expressed by (...)
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    Can Art Fight Fascism?Justin Kaushall - 2018 - Philosophy Now 129:14-16.
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    Natural Spontaneity, or Adorno's Aesthetic Category of the Shudder.Justin Neville Kaushall - 2020 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2020 (192):125-144.
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    Red Kant: Aesthetics, Marxism, and the Third Critique.Justin Neville Kaushall - 2016 - British Journal of Aesthetics 56 (3):323-325.
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  7. Structural Analogies, Abstraction and Mathematical Concepts in Vedic Sciences.R. S. Kaushal - 2006 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 33 (2):125.
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  8. The Conscious Pendulum A Physicist's Approach.R. S. Kaushal - 2002 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 29 (1):65-78.
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    The melancholic gaze: Adorno's concept of interpretation as dialectical negation and critical speculation.Justin Neville Kaushall - 2021 - Constellations 28 (3):337-349.
    Constellations, Volume 28, Issue 3, Page 337-349, September 2021.
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    The philosophy of the Vedānta, a modern scientific perspective.Radhey Shyam Kaushal - 1994 - Delhi, India: Sri Satguru Publications.
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    The Role of Structural Analogy In Physical Sciences: A Philosophical Perspective.R. S. Kaushal - 1999 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 26 (4):543-574.
  12.  10
    The science of philosophy: theory of fundamental processes in human behaviour and experiences.Radhey Shyam Kaushal - 2011 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    pt. 1. Basics of eastern and western views -- pt. 2. New analytical methods and workability -- pt. 3. Predictive power and future prospects.
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  13. Tīsarā viśva yuddha.Kedar Nath Kaushal - 1954
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    User experiences with pharmacy benefit manager data at the point of care.Rainu Kaushal, Rina Dhopeshwarkar, Lawrence Gottlieb & Harmon Jordan - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (6):1076-1080.
  15.  20
    Varṇas in Early Kambuja InscriptionsVarnas in Early Kambuja Inscriptions.Kaushal Kishore - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (4):566.
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    Three Kinds of Decision-Making Capacity for Refusing Medical Interventions.Mark Christopher Navin, Abram L. Brummett & Jason Adam Wasserman - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (11):73-83.
    According to a standard account of patient decision-making capacity, patients can provide ethically valid consent or refusal only if they are able to understand and appreciate their medical c...
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  17. Prioritizing Parental Liberty in Non-medical Vaccine Exemption Policies: A Response to Giubilini, Douglas and Savulescu.Mark Christopher Navin & Mark Aaron Largent - 2017 - Public Health Ethics 10 (3).
    In a recent paper published in this journal, Giubilini, Douglas and Savulescu argue that we have given insufficient weight to the moral importance of fairness in our account of the best policies for non-medical exemptions to childhood immunization requirements. They advocate for a type of policy they call Contribution, according to which parents must contribute to important public health goods before their children can receive NMEs to immunization requirements. In this response, we argue that Giubilini, Douglas and Savulescu give insufficient (...)
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  18. Values and Vaccine Refusal: Hard Questions in Ethics, Epistemology, and Health Care.Mark Navin - 2015 - Routledge.
    Parents in the US and other societies are increasingly refusing to vaccinate their children, even though popular anti-vaccine myths – e.g. ‘vaccines cause autism’ – have been debunked. This book explains the epistemic and moral failures that lead some parents to refuse to vaccinate their children. First, some parents have good reasons not to defer to the expertise of physicians, and to rely instead upon their own judgments about how to care for their children. Unfortunately, epistemic self-reliance systematically distorts beliefs (...)
  19. Competing Epistemic Spaces.Mark Navin - 2013 - Social Theory and Practice 39 (2):241-264.
    Recent increases in the rates of parental refusal of routine childhood vaccination have eroded many countries’ “herd immunity” to communicable diseases. Some parents who refuse routine childhood vaccines do so because they deny the mainstream medical consensus that vaccines are safe and effective. I argue that one reason these vaccine denialists disagree with vaccine proponents about the reasons in favor of vaccination is because they also disagree about the sorts of practices that are conducive to good reasoning about healthcare choices. (...)
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  20. The Ethics of Vaccination Nudges in Pediatric Practice.Mark C. Navin - 2017 - HEC Forum 29 (1):43-57.
    Techniques from behavioral economics—nudges—may help physicians increase pediatric vaccine compliance, but critics have objected that nudges can undermine autonomy. Since autonomy is a centrally important value in healthcare decision-making contexts, it counts against pediatric vaccination nudges if they undermine parental autonomy. Advocates for healthcare nudges have resisted the charge that nudges undermine autonomy, and the recent bioethics literature illustrates the current intractability of this debate. This article rejects a principle to which parties on both sides of this debate sometimes seem (...)
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  21.  48
    Capacity for Preferences and Pediatric Assent: Implications for Pediatric Practice.Mark Christopher Navin & Jason Adam Wasserman - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (1):43-51.
    Children’s preferences about medical treatment—like the preferences of other patients—hold moral weight in decision-making that is independent of considerations of autonomy or best interests. In light of this understanding of the moral value of patient preferences, the American Academy of Pediatrics could strengthen the ethical foundation for its formal guidance on pediatric assent.
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    Reasons to Amplify the Role of Parental Permission in Pediatric Treatment.Mark Christopher Navin & Jason Adam Wasserman - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (11):6-14.
    Two new documents from the Committee on Bioethics of the American Academy of Pediatrics expand the terrain for parental decision making, suggesting that pediatricians may override only those parental requests that cross a harm threshold. These new documents introduce a broader set of considerations in favor of parental authority in pediatric care than previous AAP documents have embraced. While we find this to be a positive move, we argue that the 2016 AAP positions actually understate the importance of informed and (...)
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  23. Resisting Moral Permissiveness about Vaccine Refusal.Mark Navin - 2013 - Public Affairs Quarterly 27 (1):69-85.
    I argue that a parental prerogative to sometimes prioritize the interests of one’s children over the interests of others is insufficient to make the parental refusal of routine childhood vaccines morally permissible. This is because the moral permissibility of vaccine refusal follows from such a parental prerogative only if the only (weighty) moral reason in favor of vaccination is that vaccination is a means for promoting the interests of others. However, there are two additional weighty moral reasons in favor of (...)
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  24. Vaccine mandates, value pluralism, and policy diversity.Mark C. Navin & Katie Attwell - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (9):1042-1049.
    Political communities across the world have recently sought to tackle rising rates of vaccine hesitancy and refusal, by implementing coercive immunization programs, or by making existing immunization programs more coercive. Many academics and advocates of public health have applauded these policy developments, and they have invoked ethical reasons for implementing or strengthening vaccine mandates. Others have criticized these policies on ethical grounds, for undermining liberty, and as symptoms of broader government overreach. But such arguments often obscure or abstract away from (...)
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  25.  52
    The capacity to designate a surrogate is distinct from decisional capacity: normative and empirical considerations.Mark Navin, Jason Adam Wasserman, Devan Stahl & Tom Tomlinson - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (3):189-192.
    The capacity to designate a surrogate (CDS) is not simply another kind of medical decision-making capacity (DMC). A patient with DMC can express a preference, understand information relevant to that choice, appreciate the significance of that information for their clinical condition, and reason about their choice in light of their goals and values. In contrast, a patient can possess the CDS even if they cannot appreciate their condition or reason about the relative risks and benefits of their options. Patients who (...)
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  26.  27
    When Do Pediatricians Call the Ethics Consultation Service? Impact of Clinical Experience and Formal Ethics Training.Mark C. Navin, Jason Adam Wasserman, Susanna Jain, Katie R. Baughman & Naomi T. Laventhal - 2020 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 11 (2):83-90.
    Background: Previous research shows that pediatricians inconsistently utilize the ethics consultation service (ECS). Methods: Pediatricians in two suburban, Midwestern academic hospitals were asked to reflect on their ethics training and utilization of ECS via an anonymous, electronic survey distributed in 2017 and 2018, and analyzed in 2018. Participants reported their clinical experience, exposure to formal and informal ethics training, use of formal and informal ethics consultations, and potential barriers to formal consultation. Results: Less experienced pediatricians were more likely to utilize (...)
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    Impact of profession and wards on moral distress in a community hospital.Karim Bayanzay, Behzad Amoozgar, Varun Kaushal, Alissa Holman, Valentina Som & Shuvendu Sen - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (2):356-363.
    Background: Recently, a singular survey titled “Measure of Moral Distress—Healthcare Professionals,” which addresses shortcomings of previous instruments, has been validated. Aim: To determine how moral distress affects nurses and physicians differently across the various wards of a community hospital. Participant and research context: We distributed a self-administered, validated survey titled “Measure of Moral Distress—Healthcare Professionals” to all nurses and physicians in the medical/surgical ward, telemetry ward, intensive care units, and emergency rooms of a community hospital. Findings: A total of 101 (...)
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  28. Local Food and International Ethics.Mark C. Navin - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (3):349-368.
    Many advocate practices of ‘local food’ or ‘locavorism’ as a partial solution to the injustices and unsustainability of contemporary food systems. I think that there is much to be said in favor of local food movements, but these virtues are insufficient to immunize locavorism from criticism. In particular, three duties of international ethics—beneficence, repair and fairness—may provide reasons for constraining the developed world’s permissible pursuit of local food. A complete account of why (and how) the fulfillment of these duties constrains (...)
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  29. Luck and Oppression.Mark Navin - 2011 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 14 (5):533-547.
    Oppression can be unjust from a luck egalitarian point of view even when it is the consequence of choices for which it is reasonable to hold persons responsible. This is for two reasons. First, people who have not been oppressed are unlikely to anticipate the ways in which their choices may lead them into oppressive conditions. Facts about systematic phenomena (like oppression) are often beyond the epistemic reach of persons who are not currently subject to such conditions, even when they (...)
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    (1 other version)Influence of Landmarks on Wayfinding and Brain Connectivity in Immersive Virtual Reality Environment.Sharma Greeshma, Kaushal Yash, Chandra Sushil, Singh Vijander, P. Mittal Alok & Dutt Varun - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  31.  62
    Sincerity, accuracy and selective conscientious objection.Mark Navin - 2013 - Journal of Military Ethics 12 (2):111 - 128.
    Conscientious objectors to military service are either general objectors or selective objectors. The former object to all wars; the latter object to only some wars. There is widespread popular and political support in western liberal democracies for exemptions for general objectors, but currently there is little support for exemptions for selective objectors. Many who advocate exemptions for selective objectors attempt to build upon the strength of support that is enjoyed by exemptions for general objectors. They argue that selective objectors ? (...)
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  32. Scaling‐Up Alternative Food Networks.Mark Navin - 2015 - Journal of Social Philosophy 46 (4):434-448.
    Alternative Food Networks (AFNs), which include local food and Fair Trade, work to mitigate some of the many shortcomings of mainstream food systems. If AFNs have the potential to make the world’s food systems more just and sustainable (and otherwise virtuous) then we may have good reasons to scale them up. Unfortunately, it may not be possible to increase the market share of AFNs while preserving their current forms. Among other reasons, this is because there are limits to both the (...)
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    Cooptation or solidarity: food sovereignty in the developed world.Mark Christopher Navin & J. M. Dieterle - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (2):319-329.
    This paper builds on previous research about the potential downsides of food sovereignty activism in relatively wealthy societies by developing a three-part taxonomy of harms that may arise in such contexts. These are direct opposition, false equivalence, and diluted goals and methods. While this paper provides reasons to resist complacency about wealthy-world food sovereignty, we are optimistic about the potential for food sovereignty in wealthy societies, and we conclude by describing how wealthy-world food sovereignty can be a location of either (...)
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    Relations between cardinalities of the finite sequences and the finite subsets of a set.Navin Aksornthong & Pimpen Vejjajiva - 2018 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 64 (6):529-534.
    We write and for the cardinalities of the set of finite sequences and the set of finite subsets, respectively, of a set which is of cardinality. With the axiom of choice (), for every infinite cardinal but, without, any relationship between and for an arbitrary infinite cardinal cannot be proved. In this paper, we give conditions that make and comparable for an infinite cardinal. Among our results, we show that, if we assume the axiom of choice for sets of finite (...)
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    Harm and Parental Permission: A Response to Our Critics.Mark Christopher Navin & Jason Adam Wasserman - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (11):W1-W4.
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    HAMMER, ESPEN. Adorno's Modernism: Art, Experience, and Catastrophe. Cambridge University Press, 2015, 242 pp., $99.99 cloth. [REVIEW]Justin Neville Kaushall - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 74 (3):316-318.
  37.  32
    Fugitive Listening: Sounds from the Undercommons.Andrew Navin Brooks - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (6):25-45.
    This essay builds on various critiques of the relationship between the voice and autonomous individual subjectivity, briefly tracking the specific history through which the voice transformed into an ideal object representing the liberal subject of post-Enlightenment thought. This paper asks: what are we to make of those enfleshed voices that do not conform to the ideal voice of the self-possessed liberal subject? What are we to make of those voices that refuse the imperative of improvement that underpins social and economic (...)
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  38. Rawls on Inequality, Social Segregation and Democracy.Mark Navin - 2013 - In Ann E. Cudd & Sally J. Scholz, Philosophical Perspectives on Democracy in the 21st Century. Cham: Springer. pp. 133-145.
    Latent in John Rawls’s discussion of envy, resentment and voluntary social segregation is a plausible (partial) explanation of two striking features of contemporary American life: (1) widespread complacency about inequality and (2) decreased political participation, especially by the least advantaged members of society.
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  39. Reasons to Accept Vaccine Refusers in Primary Care.Mark Christopher Navin, Jason Adam Wasserman & Douglas Opel - 2020 - Pediatrics 146 (6):e20201801.
    Vaccine refusal forces us to confront tensions between many values, including scientific expertise, parental rights, children’s best interests, social responsibility, public trust, and community health. Recent outbreaks of vaccine-preventable and emerging infectious diseases have amplified these issues. The prospect of a coronavirus disease 2019 vaccine signals even more friction on the horizon. In this contentious sociopolitical landscape, it is therefore more important than ever for clinicians to identify ethically justified responses to vaccine refusal.
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    Prudence, Preferences, and Power: The (Ir)Relevance of Decision-Making Capacity in Medical Decision Making.Mark Christopher Navin & Jason Adam Wasserman - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (8):93-95.
    Volume 24, Issue 8, August 2024, Page 93-95.
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    Limits on Parental Discretion in Medical Decision-Making: pediatric intervention principles converge.Mark Christopher Navin, Jason Adam Wasserman, Douglas S. Diekema & Thaddeus M. Pope - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (2):277-289.
    Pediatric intervention principles help clinicians and health-care institutions determine appropriate responses when parents’ medical decisions place children at risk. Several intervention principles have been proposed and defended in the pediatric ethics literature. These principles may appear to provide conflicting guidance, but much of that conflict is superficial. First, seemingly different pediatric intervention principles sometimes converge on the same guidance. Second, these principles often aim to solve different problems in pediatrics or to operate in different background conditions. The potential for convergence (...)
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  42. Food Sovereignty and Gender Justice.Mark Navin - 2015 - In Jill Marie Dieterle, Just Food: Philosophy, Justice and Food. Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 87-100.
    Leaders of the world’s largest food sovereignty movement, La Vía Campesina, have argued that gender justice is a core component of food justice. On their view, food justice requires an end to violence against women and a guarantee of women’s equal social and political status. However, some have wondered what gender justice has to do with food. In particular, they have worried that La Vía Campesina’s embrace of radical gender egalitarianism cannot be grounded in food-related concerns. My goal in this (...)
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    On ω-strongly measurable cardinals in ℙmax extensions.Navin Aksornthong, Takehiko Gappo, James Holland & Grigor Sargsyan - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    We show that in the [Formula: see text] extension of a certain Chang-type model of determinacy, if [Formula: see text], then the restriction of the club filter on [Formula: see text] Cof[Formula: see text] to HOD is an ultrafilter in HOD. This answers Question 4.11 of [O. Ben-Neria and Y. Hayut, On [Formula: see text]-strongly measurable cardinals, Forum Math. Sigma 11 (2023) e19].
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  44. Fair Equality of Opportunity in Global Justice.Mark Navin - 2008 - Social Philosophy Today 24:39-52.
    Many political philosophers argue that a principle of ‘fair equality of opportunity’ ought to extend beyond national borders. I agree that there is a place for FEO in a theory of global justice. However, I think that the idea of cross-border FEO is indeterminate between three different principles. Part of my work in this paper is methodological: I identify three different principles of cross-border fair equality of opportunity and I distinguish them from each other. The other part of my work (...)
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  45. HPV and the Ethics of CDC’s Vaccination Requirements for Immigrants.Mark Navin - 2015 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 25 (2):111-132.
    The United States may justifiably exclude unvaccinated aliens, perhaps even under the assumption of Open Borders, according to which people should generally be permitted to settle in countries of their choosing. Furthermore, there are good reasons to endorse the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) current vaccination-related exclusion criteria, which were last revised in 2009. I frame my discussion around CDC’s 2008 decision to permit immigrant girls and women to be excluded if they were not vaccinated against human papillomavirus (...)
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  46. How Demanding is the Duty of Assistance?Mark Navin - 2013 - In Win-Chiat Lee & Helen M. Stacy, Economic Justice. Springer Dordrecht. pp. 205-220.
    Among Anglo-American philosophers, contemporary debates about global economic justice have often focused upon John Rawls’s Law of Peoples. While critics and advocates of this work disagree about its merits, there is wide agreement that, if today’s wealthiest societies acted in accordance with Rawls’s Duty of Assistance, there would be far less global poverty. I am skeptical of this claim. On my view, the Duty of Assistance is unlikely to require the kinds and amounts of assistance that would be sufficient to (...)
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    Making salient ethics arguments about vaccine mandates: A California case study.Mark C. Navin & Katie Attwell - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (9):854-861.
    Vaccine mandates can take many forms, and different kinds of mandates can implicate an array of values in diverse ways. It follows that good ethics arguments about particular vaccine mandates will attend to the details of individual policies. Furthermore, attention to particular mandate policies—and to attributes of the communities they aim to govern—can also illuminate which ethics arguments may be more salient in particular contexts. If ethicists want their arguments to make a difference in policy, they should attend to these (...)
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    Taking the Long Way Around: Towards A Depathologized Ethical Framework of Gender-Affirming Care for Trans Youth.Navin Kariyawasam & Nanky Rai - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (4):926-937.
    Political debate regarding trans youth’s access to gender-affirming care (GAC) has pushed many to advocate for GAC by pointing to tragic, pathological outcomes of non-treatment, namely suicide. However, these pathologized arguments are a harmful ethical “shortcut” which should be replaced by a meaningful engagement with the ethics of providing GAC to youth.
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    To Die or Not to Die: A Kantian Perspective on Euthanasia.Navin Sinha - 2021 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 39 (1):13-24.
    The paper attempts to explore the implications of Kant's moral criticism of suicide in the case of euthanasia. The paper argues that since Kant's criticism of suicide is essentially directed towards rational beings who are in full control of their rational faculty. It would hence not be applicable in case of individuals who are suffering from dementia and who have expressed a prior desire to be euthanized in such a scenario.
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    Vaccine Rhetorics, by Heidi Yoston Lawrence. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University Press, 2020.Mark C. Navin - 2023 - Journal of Medical Humanities 44 (3):425-427.
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