Results for 'Nicholas Taylor'

932 found
  1.  46
    The economics of immense risk, urgent action and radical change: towards new approaches to the economics of climate change.Nicholas Stern, Joseph Stiglitz Charlotte Taylor & Charlotte Taylor - forthcoming - Journal of Economic Methodology:1-36.
    Designing policy for climate change requires analyses which integrate the interrelationship between the economy and the environment. We argue that, despite their dominance in the economics literature and influence in public discussion and policymaking, the methodology employed by Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) rests on flawed foundations, which become particularly relevant in relation to the realities of the immense risks and challenges of climate change, and the radical changes in our economies that a sound and effective response require. We identify a (...)
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    The Idea of the Vernacular: An Anthology of Middle English Literary Theory, 1280-1520.Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, Nicholas Watson, Andrew Taylor & Ruth Evans - 1999 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This pioneering anthology of Middle English prologues and other excerpts from texts written between 1280 and 1520 is one of the largest collections of vernacular literary theory from the Middle Ages yet published and the first to focus attention on English literary theory before the sixteenth century. It edits, introduces, and glosses some sixty excerpts, all of which reflect on the problems and opportunities associated with writing in the "mother tongue" during a period of revolutionary change for the English language. (...)
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    Taxonomy of Individual Variations in Aesthetic Responses to Fractal Patterns.Branka Spehar, Nicholas Walker & Richard P. Taylor - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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  4. The grounds of gaming.Nicholas Taylor - 2024 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
    Beginning with his mancounters and exploring their temporality, materiality, and spatiality, the author explains in vivid detail how gaming as a gendered practice becomes possible. The author is interested in (and does really well) grounding gaming as gendered practice. Specifically, the author looks at gaming sites, humans and non-humans, infrastructures, power relations and the conditions that enables gaming a social activity. He is looking at the material conditions that make possible the phenomenological experiences and mobilities of certain kinds of subjects. (...)
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    Theology and Public Philosophy: Four Conversations.Charles Taylor, Fred Dallmayr, William Schweiker, Nicholas Wolterstorff, J. Budziszewski, Jeanne Heffernan Schindler, Joshua Mitchell, Robin Lovin, Jonathan Chaplin, Michael L. Budde, Jean Porter, Eloise A. Buker, Christopher Beem, Peter Berkowitz & Jean Bethke Elshtain (eds.) - 2012 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This volume brings together eminent theologians, philosophers and political theorists to discuss such questions as how religious understandings have shaped the moral landscape of contemporary culture; the possible contributions of theology and theologically informed moral argument to contemporary public life; the problem of religious and moral discourse in a pluralistic society; and the proper relationship between religion and culture.
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    Question of the Month.Nicholas B. Taylor, Michael Brake, Simon Kolstoe, Bruce Robertson & Nella Leontieva - 2018 - Philosophy Now 129:54-56.
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    Unearthing pluralism : mining, multilaterals and the state.Meg Taylor & Nicholas Menzies - 2012 - In Brian Z. Tamanaha, Caroline Sage & Michael J. V. Woolcock (eds.), Legal pluralism and development: scholars and practitioners in dialogue. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 228.
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    The Philosophical I: Personal Reflections on Life in Philosophy.Nicholas Rescher, Richard Shusterman, Linda Martín Alcoff, Lorraine Code, Sandra Harding, Bat-Ami Bar On, John Lachs, John J. Stuhr, Douglas Kellner, Thomas E. Wartenberg, Paul C. Taylor, Nancey Murphy, Charles W. Mills, Nancy Tuana & Joseph Margolis (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Philosophy is shaped by life and life is shaped by philosophy. This is reflected in The Philosophical I, a collection of 16 autobiographical essays by prominent philosophers.
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    A Complex Story: Universal Preference vs. Individual Differences Shaping Aesthetic Response to Fractals Patterns.Nichola Street, Alexandra M. Forsythe, Ronan Reilly, Richard Taylor & Mai S. Helmy - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:195648.
    Fractal patterns offer one way to represent the rough complexity of the natural world. Whilst they dominate many of our visual experiences in nature, little large-scale perceptual research has been done to explore how we respond aesthetically to these patterns. Previous research (Taylor et al., 2011) suggests that the fractal patterns with mid-range fractal dimensions have universal aesthetic appeal. Perceptual and aesthetic responses to visual complexity have been more varied with findings suggesting both linear (Forsythe et al., 2011) and (...)
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  10.  28
    Geographical variation and migration analysis of height, weight and body mass index in a British cohort study.Monika Krzyzanowska & Cg Nicholas Mascie-Taylor - 2011 - Journal of Biosocial Science 43:733-749.
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    Re-Mediating Research Ethics: End-User License Agreements in Online Games.Suzanne de Castell, Nicholas T. Taylor & Florence M. Chee - 2012 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 32 (6):497-506.
    This article is a theoretical and empirical exploration of the meaning that accompanies contractual agreements, such as the End-User License Agreements (EULAs) that participants of online communities are required to sign as a condition of participation. As our study indicates, clicking “I agree” on the often lengthy conditions presented during the installation and updating process typically permits third parties (including researchers) to monitor the digitally-mediated actions of users. Through our small-scale study in which we asked participants which terms of EULAs (...)
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  12.  47
    Impact of social mobility and geographical migration on variation in male height, weight and body mass index in a british cohort.Monika Krzyżanowska & C. G. Nicholas Mascie-Taylor - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (2):221-228.
    SummaryUsing a sample of 2090 British father and son pairs the relationships between social and geographical intra- and inter-generational mobility were examined in relation to height, weight and body mass index. There was much more social mobility than geographical migration. Social mobility and geographical migration were not independent: socially non-mobile fathers and sons were more likely to be geographical non-migrants, and upwardly socially mobile fathers and sons were more likely to be regional migrants. Upwardly socially mobile fathers and sons were, (...)
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  13.  30
    Intra-and intergenerational social mobility in relation to height, weight and body mass index in a British national cohort.Monika Krzyzanowska & Cg Nicholas Mascie-Taylor - 2011 - Journal of Biosocial Science 43 (5):611-618.
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    Charles Taylor: meaning, morals, and modernity.Nicholas H. Smith - 2002 - Malden, MA: Polity Press.
    A clearly written, authoritative introduction to Taylor's work.
  15.  33
    Intra- and intergenerational social mobility in relation to height, weight and body mass index in a british national cohort.Monika Krzyżanowska & C. G. Nicholas Mascie-Taylor - 2011 - Journal of Biosocial Science 43 (5):611-618.
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  16.  29
    Biosocial correlates of inter-generational social mobility in a british cohort.Monika Krzyżanowska & C. G. Nicholas Mascie-Taylor - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (4):481-496.
    SummaryThe relationship between inter-generational social mobility of sons and daughters between 1958 and 1991 and biosocial variables, i.e. birth order, number of children in family, father's social class, region, educational attainment of child and father, educational and cognitive test scores, was studied in a large British cohort study. The data used were collected as part of the British National Child Development Study. The extent of social class mobility was determined inter-generationally and was categorized as none, upwardly mobile or downwardly mobile. (...)
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  17.  23
    The Cambridge World History of Human Diseas. Edited by Kenneth F. Kiple. Pp. 1176. (Cambridge University Press, 1993.) £75.00/$150.00. [REVIEW]C. G. Nicholas Mascie-Taylor - 1994 - Journal of Biosocial Science 26 (4):567-567.
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    Geographical variation and migration analysis of height, weight and body mass index in a british cohort study.Monika Krzyżanowska & C. G. Nicholas Mascie-Taylor - 2011 - Journal of Biosocial Science 43 (6):733-749.
    SummaryUsing a sample of 2090 father and son pairs, the regional variation in height, weight and body mass index with intra- and inter-generational migration within Britain was examined. Highly significant regional differences in means were found only for fathers. The overall mean height difference between regions ranged from about 2.7 cm to 3.1 cm, with the tallest fathers being found in the East & South-East region and the shortest in Wales. The variation in mean weight between regions was less significant, (...)
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  19.  95
    Taylor on Solidarity.Nicholas H. Smith & Arto Laitinen - 2009 - Thesis Eleven 99 (1):48-70.
    After characterizing Taylor’s general approach to the problems of solidarity, we distinguish and reconstruct three contexts of solidarity in which this approach is developed: the civic, the socio-economic, and the moral. We argue that Taylor’s distinctive move in each of these contexts of solidarity is to claim that the relationship at stake poses normatively justified demands, which are motivationally demanding, but insufficiently motivating on their own. On Taylor’s conception, we need some understanding of extra motivational sources which (...)
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  20.  28
    Feeling like a philosopher of education: A collective response to Jackson’s ‘The smiling philosopher’.Liz Jackson, Nuraan Davids, Winston C. Thompson, Jessica Lussier, Nicholas C. Burbules, Kal Alston, Stephen Chatelier, Krissah Marga B. Taganas, Olivia S. Mendoza, Jason Lin Cong, Addyson Frattura & Anonymous and P. Taylor Webb - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (9):994-1005.
    The global #MeToo movement has precipitated a reckoning with gendered, sexual, and other forms of harassment and bullying in higher education. In academia, harassment is rooted in the history of re...
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  21.  36
    Interpretation for Emancipation: Taylor as a Critical Theorist.Nicholas H. Smith - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (5):673-688.
    The paper argues that we should read Taylor’s philosophy as a philosophy of liberation and that it is as a philosopher of liberation that Taylor distinguishes himself as a critical theorist. It beg...
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  22.  14
    Elemental Optics: Nicholas of Cusa, Omnivoyance and the Aquatic Gaze.Taylor Knight - 2020 - Sophia 60 (4):819-849.
    There has been much recent debate about the nature of the omnivoyant image that introduces Nicholas of Cusa’s De visione Dei. In this paper, I argue that Cusa’s concept of contraction and his ‘radical perspectivism’ lead us toward stretching the concept of omnivoyance beyond a simple dichotomy between a phenomenology of the image and a phenomenology of the icon. Instead of putting such emphasis on what is seen by the omnivoyant, we should think an omnivoyant optics starting from the (...)
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  23.  9
    Lonergan and Taylor.Nicholas Plants - 2001 - Method 19 (1):143-172.
  24.  50
    In a Mirror and an Enigma: Nicholas of Cusa’s De Visione Dei and the Milieu of Vision.Taylor Knight - 2020 - Sophia 59 (1):113-137.
    Nicholas of Cusa’s deployment of an omnivoyant image in the De visione Dei has been said to deconstruct Leon Battista Alberti’s mathematical determination of space in single-point linear perspective. While there has been some debate over whether the omnivoyant functions like a medieval icon or instead like a Renaissance painting, what has been neglected is a more careful analysis of what underlies the very structure of omnivoyance, namely the milieu from which its contradictions and paradoxes emerge. In this article, (...)
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  25. Charles Taylor: Modernità al bivio. L'eredità della ragione romantica.Nicholas H. Smith (ed.) - 2021 - Bologna:
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  26. Expressivism in Brandom and Taylor.Nicholas H. Smith - 2010 - In James Williams, Edwin Mares, James Chase & Jack Reynolds (eds.), Postanalytic and Metacontinental: Crossing Philosophical Divides. New York: Continuum. pp. 145--156.
    I begin by picking up on Brandom’s suggestion that expressivism follows American pragmatism in seeking to advance the cause of the Enlightenment. This provides us with a first point of contrast with Taylor’s understanding of expressivism, since Taylor takes expressivism to be inseparably bound up with the Romantic critique of the Enlightenment and as fundamentally opposed to Enlightenment naturalism. I then distinguish two features of what we ordinarily mean by the term ‘expression’, one of which provides an intuitive (...)
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  27. Taylor and Liberal Naturalism.Nicholas H. Smith - 2022 - In Mario De Caro & David Macarthur (eds.), The Handbook of Liberal Naturalism. Routledge. pp. Ch 19.
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    Strong hermeneutics: contingency and moral identity.Nicholas Hugh Smith - 1997 - New York, USA: Routledge.
    How should an acknowledgement of contingency affect our understanding of moral identity? The book considers various ways of thinking about this question in contemporary moral and political theory. Drawing on the work of Gadamer, Ricoeur, Taylor and others, it defends a realist but pluralist 'strong hermeneutic' view.
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  29.  17
    Obstacles to moral articulation in interreligious engagement.Nicholas Adams - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 84 (5):309-325.
    The purpose of this paper is to confront a well-known problem in interreligious engagement in European institutions, namely the tendency to exclude contributions that do not conform to certain European expectations. It diagnoses problems produced not only by the problem but by certain solutions to it, and to propose in outline an alternative approach. Chief among these problems is the imperative that members of traditions articulate their deepest moral commitments, in order to secure a common moral ground. This imperative has (...)
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  30. Faith without Applause. Navigating the Praiseworthiness Puzzle.Nicholas S. Noyola - 2024 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 7 (2):84-96.
    This paper addresses the praiseworthiness dilemma posed by Taylor Cyr and Matthew Flummer, which questions whether faith, as a fulfillment of moral obligation, warrants moral praise. By examining two theological concerns—Semi-Pelagianism and the Praiseworthiness Worry—the paper explores the tension between human faith and divine grace. After analyzing three strategies proposed by Cyr and Flummer, I argue that while fulfilling obligations may demonstrate praiseworthy traits, it does not inherently render individuals praiseworthy. The proposed framework reconciles faith as moral duty with (...)
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    John Stuart Mill: A Biography.Nicholas Capaldi - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Nicholas Capaldi's biography of John Stuart Mill traces the ways in which Mill's many endeavours are related and explores the significance of Mill's contribution to metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, social and political philosophy, the philosophy of religion, and the philosophy of education. He shows how Mill was groomed for his life by both his father James Mill, and Jeremy Bentham, the two most prominent philosophical radicals of the early nineteenth century. Yet Mill revolted against this education and developed friendships with (...)
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  32.  93
    Perspectives on the philosophy of Charles Taylor.Arto Laitinen & Nicholas Hugh Smith (eds.) - 2002 - Acta Philosophical Fennica.
    The essays in this volume offer a range of new perspectives on Charles Taylor's philosophy. Part one addresses key metaphilosophical themes such as the role of transcendental arguments, the critique of representationalism, and the dialectics of Enlightenment. Part two critically examines Taylor's views on personhood, selfhood and interpersonal recognition. Part three discusses issues in Taylor's moral and political theory, including the nature of his moral realism, his theory of modernity, and his critical appropriation of the liberal tradition. (...)
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  33. Speranza e democrazia.Nicholas H. Smith - 2021 - In Charles Taylor: Modernità al bivio. L'eredità della ragione romantica. Bologna: pp. 239-244.
  34.  4
    Poetry and democratic education.Nicholas Tampio - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    Should public schools provide students with opportunities to write poetry? If so, why? The modern education reform movement insists that students be able to answer questions citing specific textual evidence. In practice, this means that American public education focuses on standardized testing and gives students few opportunities to say something new. In this essay, I explain how Charles Taylor’s expressivist thesis justifies a place for poetry in the public-school curriculum. According to Taylor, the designative-instrumentalist theory of language emphasizes (...)
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  35.  21
    Ordinary life.Nicholas H. Smith - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (7):751-753.
    A short reflective piece on the occasion of Charles Taylor's 85th birthday.
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    Virtuous Victory: Running up the Score and the Anti-Blowout Thesis.Jason Taylor & Christopher Johnson - 2014 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 41 (2):247-266.
    A difficult question in the philosophy of sport concerns how winning athletes should perform in uneven contests in which victory has been secured well before the competition is over. Nicholas Dixon, the protagonist in the ongoing debate, argues against critics who urge following an 'anti-blowout' thesis that there is nothing intrinsically wrong with running up the score. We engage this debate, providing much needed distinctions, and draw on Aristotelian resources to explore a framework by which to understand competing claims (...)
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  37. Review of The Language Animal by Charles Taylor[REVIEW]Nicholas H. Smith - 2017 - The Review of Politics 79:1-2.
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  38. 10. Robert S. Taylor, Reconstructing Rawls: The Kantian Foundations of Justice as Fairness Robert S. Taylor, Reconstructing Rawls: The Kantian Foundations of Justice as Fairness (pp. 632-637). [REVIEW]Mark Schroeder, Jonathan Way, Gregg Strauss, Tim Willenken, Matthew Talbert, Angela M. Smith, James A. Montmarquet, Nicole Hassoun, Virginia Held & Nicholas Wolterstorff - 2012 - Ethics 122 (3).
  39. The Editors wish to express their appreciation to the following individuals who, though not members of the Advisory Board, generously reviewed manuscripts for The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy during 2005: Holly Anderson, Nicholas Capaldi, Alfonso Gomez-Lobo, John R. Graham, Albert.John R. Klune Jonsen, Marta Kolthopp, Gilbert Meilander Lawry, Jonathan Moreno, David Resnik, Brian Taylor Slingsby & J. Robert Thompson - 2006 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 31 (323).
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    Modern Social Imaginaries. [REVIEW]Jeffery L. Nicholas - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 59 (2):454-456.
    That moral orders infiltrate social imaginaries is the focus of Taylor’s study. A social imaginary is “the [way] people imagine their social existence, how they fit together with others, how things go on between them and their fellows, the expectations that are normally met, and the deeper normative notions and images that underlie these expectations”. Taylor carefully notes that imaginaries are constituted by practices and norms that are both ideal and material; changes occur on both levels.
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    G.W. Leibniz's Monadology: An Edition for Students.Nicholas Rescher - 1991 - Routledge.
    First published in 1992. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  42.  29
    Managing Disclosure of Research Misconduct by a Graduate Student to a University Mental Health Professional During a Clinical Counseling Session.Holly A. Taylor & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (10):68 - 68.
    This case looks at the question of how to consider obligations of confidentiality by a mental health professional who works for an institution and learns that a student has been using a drug intended for an animal research project. Dr. Paul Appelbaum, MD, a psychiatrist at Columbia University, examines the issue of the limits of confidentiality. Nicholas Steneck, PhD, a scholar in research misconduct at the University of Michigan, explores the obligations to report research misconduct. Walter Limehouse, MD, an (...)
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  43. Charles Taylor and Nicholas H. Smith on Human Constants and Transcendental Arguments. A Review. [REVIEW]Arto Laitinen - 2003 - SATS 4 (2):191-201.
    In the introduction to his Philosophical Papers 1&2 Charles Taylor assures us that his work, while encompassing a range of issues, follows a single, tightly knit agenda. He claims that the central questions concern "philosophical anthropology". Taylor's work on these questions has been presented piecemeal, in the form of articles and papers, and the student has had to imagine what a systematic monograph by Taylor on philosophical anthropology would look like. Neither Hegel, Sources of the Self, Ethics (...)
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    The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Volume 1: Cambridge Essays 1888-99.Kenneth Blackwell, Andrew Brink, Nicholas Griffin & Bertrand Russell (eds.) - 1983 - Boston: Routledge.
    First published in 1983. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Replies to Nicholas Walker, Taylor Carman, and Peter Gordon.Iain Macdonald - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):983-992.
    In what follows, I present my replies to Nicholas Walker, Taylor Carman, and Peter Gordon's reflections on my What Would Be Different? Figures of Possibility in Adorno. I begin by summarizing what is at stake in the book. My reply to Nicholas Walker and Taylor Carman focusses on Adorno's criticisms of Heidegger, who claims that the history of metaphysics has blocked our access to an “other beginning” for thinking. This prepares the ground for a comparison of (...)
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    Charles Taylor and Nicholas H. Smith on human constants and transcendental arguments. [REVIEW]Jakob Linaa Jensen - 2003 - SATS 4 (2):191-200.
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  47. Retrieving the Hope of Christian Humanism: A Thomistic Reflection on Charles Taylor and Nicholas Boyle.Dominic Doyle - 2009 - Gregorianum 90 (4):699-722.
    The recent retrieval of Christian humanism by Charles Taylor and Nicholas Boyle invites further theological elaboration; in particular, to clarify the relationship between their humanist concern for the common good and their Christian desire for religious transcendence. Jacques Maritain provides some such elaboration by grounding Christian humanism on the doctrine of the Incarnation. This article complements that foundation through a consideration of the Thomistic doctrine of hope, which describes how the believer approaches God under the aspect of the (...)
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    (Eds.) Arto Laitinen and Nicholas H. Smith, Perspectives on the Philosophy of Charles Taylor[REVIEW]Craig Beam - 2002 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 19:107-108.
  49. Mark Redland, Charles Taylor: Thinking and Living Deep Diversity Nicholas H. Smith, Charles Taylor: Meaning Morals and Modernity.I. MacKenzie - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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    Charles Taylor: Meaning morals and modernity.Ismay Barwell - 2004 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 82 (2):364 – 365.
    Book Information Charles Taylor: Meaning Morals and Modernity. Charles Taylor: Meaning Morals and Modernity Nicholas H. Smith , Cambridge and Malden: Polity Press , 2002 , ix + 285 , US$24.95 ( paperback ) By Nicholas H. Smith. Cambridge and Malden: Polity Press. Pp. ix + 285. US$24.95 (paperback:).
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