Results for 'Nicolás Borrego Hernández'

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  1.  20
    Aportaciones de Juan Caramuel a la lógica teórica.Nicolás Borrego Hernández - 1992 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 19:363-400.
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    La deducción de los modos silogísticos en la lógica oblicua de Juan Caramuel: Propuesta de un procedimiento que permite su comprensión y clarificación.Nicolás Borrego Hernández - 2003 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 30:165-177.
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    El probabilismo de Juan Caramuel. una propuesta moral audaz.Nicolás Borrego Hernández - 2013 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 40:101-117.
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    Caramuel matemático, científico y filósofo de la ciencia.Nicolás Borrego Hernández - 2012 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 39:101-136.
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    Soporte lógico de la filosofía del lenguaje de Juan Caramuel.Nicolás Borrego Hernández - 2014 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 41:9-37.
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  6. La deducción de los modos silogísticos en la lógica oblicua de Juan Caramuel: (Propuesta de un procedimiento que permite su comprensión y clarificación).Nicolás Borrego - 2003 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 30:165-178.
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    Index–Volume 17–2000.Luis Arturo García Hernández, Estela Martínez Borrego, Hernán Salas, David Goodman & Richard P. Haynes - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (4):417-420.
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  8. Transformation of dairy activity in Mexico in the context of current globalization and regionalization.Luis Arturo García Hernández, Estela Martínez Borrego, Hernán Salas Quintanal & Aysen Tanyeri-Abur - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (2):157-167.
    To explain globalization of the Mexicandairy production more precisely, globalization indairy systems worldwide and within Mexico ispresented, using an intensive dairy operation in theregion of La Laguna (North Mexico), and a traditionaldairy operation in Los Altos de Jalisco (West Mexico)as examples. The focus is on the economic aspects ofregionalization, and how it relates to theglobalization process. In this context, the process ofregionalization of the North American dairy systemsand their relationships with the local systems in LaLaguna and Los Altos de Jalisco (...)
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    Short Duration Repetitive Transcranial Electrical Stimulation During Sleep Enhances Declarative Memory of Facts.Nicola Cellini, Renee E. Shimizu, Patrick M. Connolly, Diana M. Armstrong, Lexus T. Hernandez, Anthony G. Polakiewicz, Rolando Estrada, Mario Aguilar-Simon, Michael P. Weisend, Sara C. Mednick & Stephen B. Simons - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  10.  22
    Incorporating weights into real-time heuristic search.Nicolás Rivera, Jorge A. Baier & Carlos Hernández - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 225 (C):1-23.
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    “What If We Get Sick?”: Spanish Adaptation and Validation of the Fear of Illness and Virus Evaluation Scale in a Non-clinical Sample Exposed to the COVID-19 Pandemic.Marianne Cottin, Cristóbal Hernández, Catalina Núñez, Nicolás Labbé, Yamil Quevedo, Antonella Davanzo & Alex Behn - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Distinct sources of stress have emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic. Particularly, fear is expected to generate significant psychological burden on individuals and influence on either unsafe behavior that may hinder recovery efforts or virus-mitigating behaviors. However, little is known about the properties of measures to capture them in research and clinical settings. To resolve this gap, we evaluated the psychometric properties of a novel measure of fear of illness and viruses and tested its predictive value for future development of distress. (...)
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  12. A Self-Applied Multi-Component Psychological Online Intervention Based on UX, for the Prevention of Complicated Grief Disorder in the Mexican Population During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Protocol of a Randomized Clinical Trial.Alejandro Dominguez-Rodriguez, Sofia Cristina Martínez-Luna, María Jesús Hernández Jiménez, Anabel De La Rosa-Gómez, Paulina Arenas-Landgrave, Esteban Eugenio Esquivel Santoveña, Carlos Arzola-Sánchez, Joabián Alvarez Silva, Arantza Mariel Solis Nicolas, Ana Marisa Colmenero Guadián, Flor Rocio Ramírez-Martínez & Rosa Olimpia Castellanos Vargas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: COVID-19 has taken many lives worldwide and due to this, millions of persons are in grief. When the grief process lasts longer than 6 months, the person is in risk of developing Complicated Grief Disorder. The CGD is related to serious health consequences. To reduce the probability of developing CGD a preventive intervention could be applied. In developing countries like Mexico, the psychological services are scarce, self-applied interventions could provide support to solve this problem and reduce the health impact (...)
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  13. Closed-Loop Targeted Memory Reactivation during Sleep Improves Spatial Navigation.Renee E. Shimizu, Patrick M. Connolly, Nicola Cellini, Diana M. Armstrong, Lexus T. Hernandez, Rolando Estrada, Mario Aguilar, Michael P. Weisend, Sara C. Mednick & Stephen B. Simons - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    (1 other version)Ana Cecilia Rodríguez de Romo;, Arnulfo Irigoyen Coria;, M. Teresa Hernández Sánchez. Tesoros de la biblioteca histórica Doctor Nicolás León: Libros de medicina de los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII. 156 pp., illus., indexes. Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1996. [REVIEW]Jorge Navarro Pérez - 2003 - Isis 94 (4):716-717.
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    Subjective, behavioral, and physiological responses to the rubber hand illusion do not vary with age in the adult phase.Priscila Palomo, Adrián Borrego, Ausiàs Cebolla, Roberto Llorens, Marcelo Demarzo & Rosa M. Baños - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 58:90-96.
  16. Logic and the Concept of God.Stanisław Krajewski & Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2019 - Journal of Applied Logics 6 (6):999-1005.
    This paper introduces the special issue on the Concept of God of the Journal of Applied Logics (College Publications). The issue contains the following articles: Logic and the Concept of God, by Stanisław Krajewski and Ricardo Silvestre; Mathematical Models in Theology. A Buber-inspired Model of God and its Application to “Shema Israel”, by Stanisław Krajewski; Gödel’s God-like Essence, by Talia Leven; A Logical Solution to the Paradox of the Stone, by Héctor Hernández Ortiz and Victor Cantero; No New Solutions (...)
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    The Concept of God: Special Issue of the Journal of Applied Logics.Ricardo Silvestre (ed.) - 2019 - Londres, Reino Unido: College Publications.
    This special issue of the Journal of Applied Logics deals with the logical aspects of the concept of God. It contains the following articles: Logic and the Concept of God, by Stanisław Krajewski and Ricardo Silvestre; Mathematical Models in Theology. A Buber-inspired Model of God and its Application to “Shema Israel”, by Stanisław Krajewski; Gödel’s God-like Essence, by Talia Leven; A Logical Solution to the Paradox of the Stone, by Héctor Hernández Ortiz and Victor Cantero; No New Solutions to (...)
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    FCA-based reasoning for privacy.Gonzalo A. Aranda-Corral, Joaquín Borrego-Díaz & Juan Galán-Páez - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (2):224-242.
    Notwithstanding the potential danger to security and privacy, sharing and publishing data has become usual in Data Science. To preserve privacy, de-identification methodologies guided by risk estimation have been designed. Two issues associated with classical risk metrics are, on the one hand, the adequacy of the metric and, on the other hand, its static nature. In this paper, we present metrics for estimating risk based on the emerging semantics provided by Formal Concept Analysis. The metrics are designed to estimate the (...)
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    Cartas inéditas del Cardenal Spínola a los salesianos.Jesús Borrego Arruz - 2023 - Isidorianum 6 (11):75-129.
    Es proverbial el orgullo que sentía el cardenal Marcelo Spínola por Don Bosco y su obra, la primera obra (1884) escrita en español sobre el santo sacerdote y educador de Turín. El inesperado hallazgo de cuarenta cartas dirigidas a los salesianos es una buena excusa para darlas a conocer, pues Spínola -como obispo de Coria y luego como arzobispo de Sevilla- las escribió para exponer con detalle los motivos de su profundo afecto a la Congregación Salesiana. La edición crítica de (...)
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    La "Biblioteca Agraria Solariana" de Sevilla.Jesús Borrego Arruz - 2023 - Isidorianum 10 (19):145-178.
    A raíz de la publicación de Rerum Novarum, el sociólogo y agrónomo práctico católico genovés Stanislao Solari fundó el movimiento de reforma agraria que llevaría su nombre, el Sistema Solari. Se basó en "una agricultura racional... con la inducción gratuita de nitrógeno atmosférico y el avance racional de los estiércol mineral". Este sistema pronto se propagó por toda Europa y Sudamérica desde el colegio salesiano de Parma, bajo el auspicio de su director, Carlo Baratta. En España, el centro que lo (...)
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    Estado de sitio de Elvira Hernández: notas sobre poesía y ciudadanía.O. Biviana Hernández - 2023 - Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 33 (1).
    El presente artículo aborda los engranajes entre escritura y ciudadanía que plantea el poemario de Elvira Hernández, Estado de sitio. Para ello, considera los factores de orden sociocultural que acompañaron su producción, circulación y recepción crítica, en el contexto del estallido social de octubre 2019 en Chile, la coyuntura feminista y el actual proceso constituyente. Hitos de nuestra historia reciente frente a los cuales la poeta se posiciona ética y estéticamente desde una concepción política de la palabra como litigio, (...)
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    Nicola Lacey.Nicola Lacey - 2017 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (11).
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    The epic in the process of rewriting: Seudoaraucana by Elvira Hernández.Biviana Hernández O. - 2023 - Alpha (Osorno) 57:77-94.
    Resumen El artículo se centra en el poema Seudoaraucana de Elvira Hernández (2010; 2017) a partir de la reescritura como recurso articulador de una mirada descentrada y amplificada del texto fuente, La Araucana de Ercilla y Zúñiga. Como hipótesis se plantea que la reescritura discute fenómenos sociales vinculados con las fisuras de la nación chilena y los procesos políticos de la actual coyuntura. Como objetivo, se busca establecer un diálogo con la tradición y el campo literario en torno a (...)
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    (2 other versions)Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes XIX Correspondance Et Actes (1690-1715).Nicolas Malebranche - 1978 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes XXI Index Biblique, Patristique, Philosophique Et Scientifique.Nicolas Malebranche - 1996 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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  26. Much Ado About Nothing: Unmotivating "Gender Identity".E. M. Hernandez & Rowan Bell - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    Recently, the concept of "gender identity" has enjoyed a great deal of attention in gender metaphysics. This seems to be motivated by the goal of creating trans-inclusive theory, by explaining trans people's genders. In this paper, we aim to unmotivate this project. Notions of "gender identity" serve important pragmatic purposes for trans people, such as satisfying the curiosity of non-trans people, and, relatedly, securing our access to important goods like legal rights and medical care. However, we argue that this does (...)
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Correspondance Avec J.J. Dortous de Mairan.Nicolas Malebranche - 1947 - Bibliotheque Des Textes Philos.
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    Manuel Martín Riego, Los concursos a parroquias en la archidiócesis de Sevilla (1611-1926), (Córdoba, Publicaciones Obra Social y Cultural CajaSur, 1999) 328 pp. 235 x 155. ISBN 84-7959-305-9. [REVIEW]Jesús Borrego Arruz - 2023 - Isidorianum 9 (17):266-268.
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    José María García Escudero, De periodista o cardenal. Vida de Ángel Herrero. Prólogo de Mons. Guix Perreros = BAC 590 (Madrid, BAC, 1998) 465 pp. 192 X 120. ISBN-7914-388-6. [REVIEW]Jesús Borrego Arruz - 2023 - Isidorianum 8 (16):618-621.
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  30. Gender-Affirmation and Loving Attention.E. M. Hernandez - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (4):619-635.
    In this article, I examine the moral dimensions of gender affirmation. I argue that the moral value of gender affirmation is rooted in what Iris Murdoch called loving attention. Loving attention is central to the moral value of gender affirmation because such affirmation is otherwise too fragile or insincere to have such value. Moral reasons to engage in acts that gender affirm derive from the commitment to give and express loving attention to trans people as a way of challenging their (...)
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  31. How to Do Things with Gendered Words.E. M. Hernandez & Archie Crowley - 2024 - In Ernest Lepore & Luvell Anderson, The Oxford Handbook of Applied Philosophy of Language. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    With increased visibility of trans people comes increased philosophical interest in gendered language. This chapter aims to look at the research on gendered language in analytic philosophy of language so far, which has focused on two concerns: (1) determining how to define gender terms like ‘man’ and ‘woman’ such that they are trans inclusive and (2) if, or to what extent, we should use gendered language at all. We argue that the literature has focused too heavily on how gendered language (...)
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    Evaluation of a Psychological Intervention for Patients with Chronic Pain in Primary Care.Francisco J. Cano-García, María del Carmen González-Ortega, Susana Sanduvete-Chaves, Salvador Chacón-Moscoso & Roberto Moreno-Borrego - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The interface of science: the case for a broader definition of research management.Marta Agostinho, Catarina Moniz Alves, Sandra Aresta, Filipa Borrego, Júlio Borlido-Santos, João Cortez, Tatiana Lima Costa, José António Lopes, Susana Moreira, José Santos, Margarida Trindade, Carolina Varela & Sheila Vidal - 2020 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 24 (1):19-27.
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    Inhibition of pupillary orienting reflex by novelty in conjunction with recognition memory.Rick M. Gardner, Suchoon S. Mo & Richard Borrego - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (3):237-238.
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes IV Conversations Chretiennes.Nicolas Malebranche - 1972 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    State-Specific Barriers to Methadone for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment.Kellen Russoniello, Cailin Harrington, Sarah Beydoun & Lucrece Borrego - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (2):403-412.
    Opioid agonist treatment, including methadone, is the safest and most effective method for treating opioid use disorders and reduces opioid overdose deaths. While access to methadone is highly regulated by federal law, a substantial portion of states impose stricter barriers.
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  37. Promoting Stewardship Behavior in Organizations: A Leadership Model.Morela Hernandez - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (1):121-128.
    This article explores the relational and motivational leadership behaviors that may promote stewardship in organizations. I conceptualize stewardship as an outcome of leadership behaviors that promote a sense of personal responsibility in followers for the long-term wellbeing of the organization and society. Building upon the themes presented in the stewardship literature, such as identification and intrinsic motivation, and drawing from other research streams to include factors such as interpersonal and institutional trust and moral courage, I posit that leaders foster stewardship (...)
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    A case against convexity in conceptual spaces.José V. Hernández-Conde - 2017 - Synthese 194 (10):4011-4037.
    The notion of conceptual space, proposed by Gärdenfors as a framework for the representation of concepts and knowledge, has been highly influential over the last decade or so. One of the main theses involved in this approach is that the conceptual regions associated with properties, concepts, verbs, etc. are convex. The aim of this paper is to show that such a constraint—that of the convexity of the geometry of conceptual regions—is problematic; both from a theoretical perspective and with regard to (...)
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    Editorial: Psychological Factors in Physical Education and Sport.Marianna Alesi, Manuel Gómez-López & Carla Chicau Borrego - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Mood, Burnout, and Dispositional Optimism in Kayak Polo Players During Their Competitive Stage.Salvador Angosto, Laura Salmerón-Baños, Francisco José Ortín-Montero, Vicente Morales-Baños & Francisco José Borrego-Balsalobre - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The main objective of performance sport is to obtain achievements at the highest level through the adequate development of the athlete. The scientific literature demonstrates the fundamental role played by the inclusion of certain psychological variables in the training plan. This study examined the psychological profile of kayak polo players through the variables of burnout, optimism, and mood in the hours prior to the competition, relating these to each other and to some sociodemographic data. A sample of 86 canoeists, 60 (...)
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    Predictive Model of The Factors Involved in Cyberbullying of Adolescent Victims.Ligia Isabel Estrada-Vidal, Amaya Epelde-Larrañaga & Fátima Chacón-Borrego - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The development of Information and Communication Technologies has favored access to technological resources in adolescents. These tools provide access to information that can promote learning. However, they can also have a negative effect against people, as they can be used with other functionality, in which cyberbullying situations are caused during the interactions that arise when using social networks. The objective of this study was to determine the predictive value of the role of cyberbullying victims based on variables related to other (...)
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    The influence of an enriched sport program on children’s sport motivation in the school context: The Esa program.Ambra Gentile, Stefano Boca, Yolanda Demetriou, David Sturm, Simona Pajaujiene, Ilona Judita Zuoziene, Fatma Nese Sahin, Özkan Güler, Manuel Gómez-López, Carla Chicau Borrego, Doris Matosic, Antonino Bianco & Marianna Alesi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  43. La imagen de la cultura= The image of the culture.Vicente Guallart, José Jiménez Jiménez, Alberto Corazón, Fernando Castro Borrego, Miquel Navarro & Ouka Leele - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 44:61-64.
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Traite de La Nature Et de La Grace.Nicolas Malebranche, Reinier Leers & Jean de Beaulieu - 1958 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes XI Traite de Morale.Nicolas Malebranche - 1977 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Competition Enhances the Effectiveness and Motivation of Attention Rehabilitation After Stroke. A Randomized Controlled Trial.María Dolores Navarro, Roberto Llorens, Adrián Borrego, Mariano Alcañiz, Enrique Noé & Joan Ferri - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Pío del Río Hortega. Una figura egregia de las ciencias neurológicas.Javier Vargas Castrillón, Isabel Gallego Villaescusa, María Del Carmen García-Andrade Fernández, Eugenia Jareño Borrego & Luis Carretero Albiñana - 2005 - Arbor 181 (714):215-219.
    El artículo describe la trayectoria científica de Santiago Ramón y Cajal y Pío del Río Hortega y la trascendencia de sus descubrimientos en las ciencias neurológicas, así como el estado actual de la investigación neurológica.
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    Moral Shock and Trans ‘Worlds’ of Sense.E. M. Hernandez - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (4):761-779.
    This paper has two aims: to explore the affective dimensions of moral shock and the way it relates to normative marginalization of those furthest from dominant society and also, more specifically, to articulate the trans experience of constantly being under moral attack because the dominant ‘world’ normatively defines trans individuals out of existence. Toward these ends, I build on Katie Stockdale's recent work on moral shock, arguing that moral shock needs to be contextualized to ‘worlds’ of sense to understand how (...)
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    Early Modern Women and the Problem of Evil: Atrocity & Theodicy.Jill Hernandez - 2015 - Routledge.
    _Early Modern Women and the Problem of Evil_ examines the concept of theodicy—the attempt to reconcile divine perfection with the existence of evil—through the lens of early modern female scholars. This timely volume knits together the perennial problem of defining evil with current scholarly interest in women’s roles in the evolution of religious philosophy. Accessible for those without a background in philosophy or theology, Jill Graper Hernandez’s text will be of interest to upper-level undergraduates as well as graduate students and (...)
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  50. Fuel To My Fire / You Can't Stop Desire.E. M. Hernandez - manuscript
    Trans existence has recently been plagued by two different explanations: a natural, “born this way,” necessity and a social, often-thought perverted, choice. These contrasting explanations of necessity and choice create an explanatory false dichotomy and political double-bind. This talk constructs an alternative explanation for why people transition, one that centralizes the role of desire while recognizing the necessity of choice that arises from that desire. Toward this end, I present a moral psychology of desire. An explanation that recognizes the role (...)
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