Results for 'Nikołaj Bucharin'

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  1. Testament polityczny Lenina.Nikołaj Bucharin - 1984 - Colloquia Communia 16 (5-6):149-166.
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  2. Teoria i praktyka z punktu widzenia dialektyzmu socjalistycznego.Nikołaj Bucharin - 1984 - Colloquia Communia 14 (3-4):129-150.
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    Pluralism about Truth as Alethic Disjunctivism.Nikolaj Jang Linding Lee Pedersen & Cory Wright - 2012 - In Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen & Cory Wright (eds.), Truth and Pluralism: Current Debates. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of various forms of alethic pluralism. Along the way we will draw a number of distinctions that, hopefully, will be useful in mapping the pluralist landscape. Finally, we will argue that a commitment to alethic disjunctivism, a certain brand of pluralism, might be difficult to avoid for adherents of the other pluralist views to be discussed. We will proceed as follows: Section 1 introduces alethic monism and alethic pluralism. Section 2 (...)
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  4. What can the problem of mixed inferences teach us about alethic pluralism?Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen - 2006 - The Monist 89 (1):103-117.
    Here is a well-known thought about truth: Truth consists in correspondence with reality. A sentence is true just in case what it says corresponds with how the world is. Theories of truth that incorporate this thought are naturally regarded as robust or “heavyweight”. Truth is to be understood in a realist fashion. The world decides what is true and what is not. A recent incarnation of the correspondence view is found in truth-maker theories, whose adherents maintain that truths are true (...)
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    Truth and Pluralism: Current Debates.Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen & Cory Wright (eds.) - 2012 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    The relative merits and demerits of historically prominent views such as the correspondence theory, coherentism, pragmatism, verificationism, and instrumentalism have been subject to much attention in the truth literature and have fueled the long-lived debate over which of these views is the most plausible one. While diverging in their specific philosophical commitments, adherents of these historically prominent views agree in at least one fundamental respect. They are all alethic monists. They all endorse the thesis that there is only one property (...)
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  6. Hume's Principle and entitlement: on the epistemology of the neo-Fregean programme.Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen - 2016 - In Philip A. Ebert & Marcus Rossberg (eds.), Abstractionism: Essays in Philosophy of Mathematics. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
  7. Pluralist theories of truth.Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen & Cory Wright - 2012 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  8. Non-Evidentialist Epistemology: Introduction and Overview.Nikolaj Jang Linding Pedersen & Luca Moretti - 2021 - In . pp. 1-24.
    This is the introduction to Moretti, Luca and Nikolaj Pedersen (eds), Non-Evidentialist Epistemology. Brill. Contributors: N. Ashton, A. Coliva, J. Kim, K. McCain, A. Meylan, L. Moretti, S. Moruzzi, J. Ohlorst, N. Pedersen, T. Piazza, L. Zanetti.
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  9. Stabilizing alethic pluralism.Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen - 2010 - Philosophical Quarterly 60 (238):92-108.
    Alethic pluralism is the view that the nature of truth is not uniform across domains. There are several ways of bang true $(T_1 ...\,T_n )$ A simple argument, the 'instability challenge', purports to show that this view is inherently unstable. One can simply say that something is uniformly true if and only if it is T₁ or ... or $\,T_n $ . Being uniformly true is a single truth property that applies across the board, and so the nature of truth (...)
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  10. Truth as One(s) and Many: On Lynch's Alethic Functionalism.Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen & Douglas Edwards - 2011 - Analytic Philosophy 52 (3):213-230.
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    Impermissible Self-Rationalizing Pessimism: In Defence of a Pragmatic Ethics of Belief.Nikolaj Nottelmann & Boudewijn de Bruin - 2019 - Erkenntnis 86 (2):257-274.
    We present an argument against a standard evidentialist position on the ethics of belief. We argue that sometimes a person merits criticism for holding a belief even when that belief is well supported by her evidence in any relevant sense. We show how our argument advances the case for anti-evidentialism in the light of other arguments presented in the recent literature, and respond to a set of possible evidentialist rejoinders.
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  12. Pluralism × 3: Truth, Logic, Metaphysics.Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (S2):259-277.
    This paper offers a discussion of metaphysical pluralism, alethic pluralism, and logical pluralism. According to the metaphysical pluralist, there are several ways of being. According to the alethic pluralist, there are several ways of being true, and according to the logical pluralist, there are several ways of being valid. Each of these three forms of pluralism will be considered on its own, but the ambition of the paper is to explore possible connections between them. My primary objective is to present (...)
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  13. Filozofia wspólnego dzieła.Nikołaj Fiodorowicz Fiodorow - 2009 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 3 (10).
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    Landscape memories: Akerman’s sud and the “spectator-environment”.Nikolaj Lübecker - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (6):41-56.
    Chantal Akerman’s documentary Sud [South, 1999] investigates the brutal racist murder of James Byrd Jr that took place in Jasper, Texas in 1998. Sud is a socio-political documentary, but it...
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    Mallarmé’s Digital Demon.Nikolaj Lübecker - 2020 - Paragraph 43 (2):140-158.
    How do Mallarmé’s writings speak to the present? To answer this question, this article establishes a dialogue between one of Mallarmé’s early prose poems, ‘Le Démon de l'analogie’, and texts by the...
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  16. Szientismus und Antiszientismus unter den Bedingungen der wissenschaftlich-technischen Revolution.Nikolaj Niklow - 1980 - In Heinz Fritsch (ed.), Wissenschaftlich-technische Revolution und Weltanschauung: 2. Internationale Arbeitstagung der Forschungsgruppe "Wissenschaftlich-Technische Revolution" der Universität "Kyrill und Methodius" Veliko Tirnovo/VR Bulgarien und der Forschungsgruppe "Forschun. Jena: Die Universität.
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    Is believing at will 'conceptually impossible'?Nikolaj Nottelman - 2007 - Acta Analytica 22 (2):105-124.
    In this paper I discuss the claim that believing at will is ‘conceptually impossible’ or, to use a formulation encountered in the debate, “that nothing could be a belief and be willed directly”. I argue that such a claim is only plausible if directed against the claim that believing itself is an action-type. However, in the debate, the claim has been univocally directed against the position that forming a belief is an action-type. I argue that the many arguments offered in (...)
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    A need for Metaphysics of Respect for Humans.Nikolaj Omielczenko - 2009 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 15:177-194.
    Niniejsza praca poświęcona jest pozycji człowieka we współczesnym świecie. Autor wychodzi do przedstawienia status quo Milana Kundery. Następnie omawia takie zagadnienia jak,,wolność jest czynnikiem bezpieczeństwa”,,,własność i wolność”. Jego zdaniem wolność i bezpieczeństwo nie mogą być przeciwstawiane. Pewne bezpieczeństwo nie może być rozumiane z perspektywy praw człowieka i wolności. Uważa on, że wolność jest atrybutem istoty ludzkiej, a humanizm entelechią ludzkiej natury. Porównuje liberalne hasło,,własność jest wolnością” z definicją ekonomiczną,,płaca jest tożsama z własnością prywatną”. Autor analizuje Fabrykę os Iaina Banksa oraz (...)
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  19. Extending knowledge: reflections on epistemic agency and epistemic environment in East-West philosophy.Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen & Jens Christian Bjerring (eds.) - forthcoming - Palgrave Macmillan.
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    Introduction.Nikolaj Zunic - 2012 - Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions 8:1-5.
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    Schelling on Truth and Person: The Meaning of Positive Philosophy.Nikolaj Zunic - 2022 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book reinterprets Friedrich Schelling's positive philosophy as humanity's striving for truth. It presents truth in the context of the historical phenomena of mythology and religion and the anthropological categories of the soul, spirit, and personality.
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    The Anonymity of Thinking.Nikolaj Zunic - 2001 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 75 (3):371-388.
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    Teaching & Learning Guide for: Belief‐Desire Explanation.Nikolaj Nottelmann - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (1):71-73.
    This guide accompanies the following article: Nikolaj Nottelmann, ‘Belief‐Desire Explanation’. Philosophy Compass Vol/Iss : 1–10. doi: 10.1111/j.1747‐9991.2011.00446.xAuthor’s Introduction“Belief‐desire explanation” is short‐hand for a type of action explanation that appeals to a set of the agent’s mental states consisting of 1. Her desire to ψ and 2. Her belief that, were she to φ, she would promote her ψ‐ing. Here, to ψ could be to eat an ice cream, and to φ could be to walk to the ice cream vendor. Adherents (...)
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  24. Izabrana dela u 10 knjiga.Nikolaj Velimiroviâc & Lj Rankoviâc - 1996 - Valjevo: Glas crkve. Edited by Lj Ranković.
    v. 1. Religija Njegoša. Besede pod gorom -- v. 2. Reči o svečoveku. Indijska pisma. Iznad istoka i zapada. Srednji sistem. Niče i Dostojevski. Šekspir--svečovek -- v. 3. Homilogija. Simboli i signali. Rat i biblija. Carev zavet. Vasionik. Rahabilitacija tela. U harmoniji sa beskrajnim. Pravoslavna crkva u uzročost u svetu -- v 4. Omilije -- v. 5. Omilije -- v. 6. Nove besede pod gorom. Iznad greha i smrti. Oče Naš. Rajska piramida. Ljubostinjski stoslov. Misli o dobru i zlu -- (...)
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    Hegel at the GAKhN: between idealism and Marxism—on the aesthetic debates in Russia in the 1920s.Nikolaj Plotnikov - 2013 - Studies in East European Thought 65 (3-4):213-225.
    This contribution analyses the importance of the State Academy of the Study of Arts in the appropriation of Hegel's aesthetics in Russia. In immediate connection to this discussion at the GAKhN is Gustav Špet’s conception of the ontology of art. This concept represents an attempt of a non-metaphysical interpretation of Hegel’s aesthetics. There, art is interpreted as an autonomous mode of the cultural existence as “aesthetic reality.” In this interpretation of art Špet refers to two of Hegel's theses in which (...)
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  26. Recent work on alethic pluralism.Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen - 2012 - Analysis 72 (3):588-607.
    While historically prominent theories of truth such as the correspondence theory, coherentism, pragmatism, verificationism, and instrumentalism diverge in many ways, they converge in at least one fundamental respect. They are all monist theories of truth. They incorporate the thesis that there is one property—and one property only—in virtue of which propositions can be true. The truth pluralist, on the other hand, rejects this idea. There are several properties in virtue of which propositions can be true. This article offers a survey (...)
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    Entitlement in mathematics.Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen - unknown
    Crispin Wright has recently introduced a non-evidential notion of warrant – entitlement of cognitive project – as a promising response to certain sceptical arguments, which have been subject to extensive discussion within mainstream epistemology. The central idea is that, for a given class of cognitive projects, there are certain basic propositions – entitlements – which one is warranted in trusting provided there is no sufficient reason to think them false. (See Wrigh [2].) The aim of this paper is to provide (...)
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    Introduction.Nikolaj Nottelmann - 2008 - Synthese 161 (3):325-337.
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  29. Against normative defeat.Nikolaj Nottelmann - 2021 - Mind 130.
    Several epistemologists have advanced the idea that a subject’s epistemic status can be weakened by evidence she does not possess but should have possessed, or, alternatively, by beliefs or doubts she should have had under her evidential circumstances but does not have. This alleged phenomenon is known as normative defeat and its adherents have typically reported intuitions that it obtains under mundane circumstances. Some epistemologists have analyzed normative defeat in terms of breached epistemic obligations, while others have preferred an analysis (...)
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  30. Entitlement, value and rationality.Nikolaj Jang Pedersen - 2009 - Synthese 171 (3):443-457.
    In this paper I discuss two fundamental challenges concerning Crispin Wright's notion of entitlement of cognitive project: firstly, whether entitlement is an epistemic kind of warrant since, seemingly, it is not underwritten by epistemic reasons, and, secondly, whether, in the absence of such reasons, the kind of rationality associated with entitlement is epistemic in nature. The paper investigates three possible lines of response to these challenges. According to the first line of response, entitlement of cognitive project is underwritten by epistemic (...)
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  31. The deontological conception of epistemic justification: a reassessment.Nikolaj Nottelmann - 2013 - Synthese 190 (12):2219-2241.
    This paper undertakes two projects: Firstly, it offers a new account of the so-called deontological conception of epistemic justification (DCEJ). Secondly, it brings out the basic weaknesses of DCEJ, thus accounted for. It concludes that strong reasons speak against its acceptance. The new account takes it departure from William Alston’s influential work. Section 1 argues that a fair account of DCEJ is only achieved by modifying Alston’s account and brings out the crucial difference between DCEJ and the less radical position (...)
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    Scaffolded practical knowledge: a problem for intellectualism.Nikolaj Nottelmann & Kári Thorsson - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (2):577-595.
    Roughly speaking, intellectualists contend that practical knowledge is always a matter of having the right kind of propositional knowledge. This article argues that intellectualism faces a serious explanatory challenge when practical knowledge crucially relies on ecological information, i.e. when know-how is scaffolded. More precisely, intellectualists struggle to provide a satisfactory explanation of seeming know-how contrasts in structurally similar cases of scaffolded ability manifestation. In contrast, even if anti-intellectualism is similarly challenged, at least some varieties of anti-intellectualism seemingly hold resources to (...)
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  33. The present and future state of epistemic deontologism.Nikolaj Nottelmann - 2007 - In Vincent Hendricks (ed.), New Waves in Epistemology. Aldershot, England and Burlington, VT, USA: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  34. The Analogy Argument for Doxastic Voluntarism.Nikolaj Nottelmann - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 131 (3):559-582.
    An influential version of doxastic voluntarism claims that doxastic events such as belief-formations at least sometimes qualify as actions. William Alston has made a simple response to this claim by arguing on empirical grounds that in normal human agents intentions to form specific beliefs are simply powerless. However, despite Alston’s observation, various authors have insisted that belief-formations may qualify as voluntary in perfect analogy to certain types of actions or even to actions in general. I examine three analogy arguments of (...)
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    New Essays on Belief: Constitution, Content and Structure.Nikolaj Nottelmann (ed.) - 2013 - New York: Palgrave.
    Belief is a fundamental concept within many branches of contemporary philosophy and an important subject in its own right. This volume comprises 11 original essays on belief written by a range of the best authors in the field.
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    (1 other version)Are We Pre-Theoretically Committed to Doxastic Voluntarism?Nikolaj Nottelmann, Anthony Booth & Rune Lomholt - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (3):1-22.
    Much of the force behind doxastic involuntarism comes from our pre-theoretical judgement that any effort to form a belief simply by intending to form it must remain unsuccessful. However, despite this, ordinary language use of locutions like “chose to believe” are common. In this article, we present new experimental data that shows that the prevalence of ordinary language talk of “chosen beliefs” is no obstacle to doxastic involuntarism in a standard sense. While we employ the methods of experimental philosophy, our (...)
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    Nikolai Zhinkin on Cassirer’s theory of myth.Nikolaj Plotnikov - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (2):337-342.
  38. McGee on open-ended schemas.Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen & Marcus Rossberg - 2007 - In Helen Bohse & Sven Walter (eds.), Selected Contributions to GAP.6: Sixth International Conference of the German Society for Analytical Philosophy, Berlin, 11–14 September 2006. mentis.
    Vann McGee claims that open-ended schemas are more innocuous than ordinary second-order quantification, particularly in terms of ontological commitment. We argue that this is not the case.
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    Filosofie a vědecké myšlení: proměna obrazu vědy v analytické tradici.Nikolaj Demjančuk - 2002 - Dobrá voda: Aleš Čeněk.
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  40. „Rosyjskie duchowe siły! Gdzie one sa?”. Fatalna kwestia Mikołaja Strachowa.Nikołaj Iljin - 2008 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:35-54.
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    Zakon edinstva i borʹby protivopolozhnosteĭ.Nikolaj Vasilʹevič Karabanov - 1958 - [Moskva]: Moskovskiĭ rabochiĭ.
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    Tipy mirovozzreniĭ.Nikolaj Onufrievič Losskij - 1931
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  43. Against Overconfidence in Radical A Priori Fallibilism.Nikolaj Nottelmann - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophical Research.
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    Ideał chrześcijański a kultura techniczna.Nikołaj Łosski - 2019 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 31:192-205.
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    La malattia dell'inganno.Nikolaj Palkin - 2014 - Società Degli Individui 48:59-76.
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    The Politics of US Military Research in Greenland in the Early Cold War.Nikolaj Petersen - 2013 - Centaurus 55 (3):294-318.
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    Die Unhintergehbarkeit des Lebens. Zu einem Topos philosophischer Begründung beim frühen Hegel und W. Dilthey.Nikolaj Plotnikov - 2007 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2007 (1).
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    Knowledge of art versus artistic knowledge. I. The GAKhN “Encyclopedia of Artistic Terminology” in the context of European intellectual history.Nikolaj Plotnikov - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (2):221-240.
    In this first of two articles, I look at the project for the “Encyclopedia of Artistic Terminology” in connection with the idea of a synthesis of the “artistic sciences” as the principal task of the State Academy of Artistic Sciences (GAKhN, 1921–1930) in Moscow. The most important feature of the Academy was the unity of its epistemological conception (the system of artistic sciences) and the institutional structure of the Academy (its “departments,” “sections,” and “laboratories”), which embodied the interdisciplinary intention of (...)
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    Knowledge of art vs. artistic knowledge. II. The GAKhN “Encyclopedia of Artistic Terminology”.Nikolaj Plotnikov - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (2):241-260.
    In this second article, I look at the history of the creation of the “Encyclopedia of Artistic Terminology” within the State Academy of the Artistic Sciences. I analyze various versions of the encyclopedia’s conception proposed by Wassily Kandinsky and Gustav Shpet and also at the theoretical bases for these conceptions. I then show how the work on the Encyclopedia was connected with the institutional transformations in the Academy. A key factor in the work on the Encyclopedia was the extensive discussions (...)
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    Preface.Nikolaj Plotnikov - 2009 - Studies in East European Thought 61 (2-3):71-75.
    The basic tendencies in the conceptual history of the ‘subject’ within Russian intellectual history are presented. This backgrounds a closer analysis of S. Trubetskoj’s concept of ‘conciliar consciousness’, including the problems and aporiae connected with it. It will be shown that and how this conception depends on assumptions from prekantian metaphysics and therefore ignores the Kantian account of subjectivity.
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