Results for 'Normalism'

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  1.  66
    Deduction, Ordering, and Operations in Quantum Logic.Normal D. Megill & Mladen Pavičić - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (3):357-378.
    We show that in quantum logic of closed subspaces of Hilbert space one cannot substitute quantum operations for classical (standard Hilbert space) ones and treat them as primitive operations. We consider two possible ways of such a substitution and arrive at operation algebras that are not lattices what proves the claim. We devise algorithms and programs which write down any two-variable expression in an orthomodular lattice by means of classical and quantum operations in an identical form. Our results show that (...)
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  2. Decisions by competent adults.Normal L. Cantor & My Annotated Living Will - 1994 - Contemporary Issues in Bioethics 324:429.
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  3. Arnaldez, Roger (2001) Averroes: A Rationalist in Islam. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, $34.95, 168 pp. Applebaum, David (2000) The Delay of the Heart. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, $19.95, 167 pp. Corrington, Robert S.(2000) A Semiotic Theory of Theology and Philosophy. New York. [REVIEW]Normal Nihilism - 2001 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 49:201-202.
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    Un ignorato adespotum poetico in Esichio.Stefano Vecchiatocorresponding Authorscuola Normale Superiorepiazza Dei Cavalieri I. – Pisaitalyemailother Articles by This Author:De Gruyter Onlinegoogle Scholar - forthcoming - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption.
    Philologus, founded in 1846, is one of the oldest and most respected periodicals in the field of Classics. It publishes articles on Greek and Latin literature, historiography, philosophy, history of religion, linguistics, reception, and the history of scholarship. The journal aims to contribute to our understanding of Greco-Roman culture and its lasting influence on European civilization. The journal Philologus, conceived as a forum for discussion among different methodological approaches to the study of ancient texts and their reception, publishes original scholarly (...)
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    a D eaeaeaa.Normal Coma Vegetative Minimally Locked-in - 2013 - In Judy Illes & Barbara J. Sahakian (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics. Oxford University Press. pp. 119.
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  6. 384 David Bates and Niall cartlidge.Normal Consciousness - 1994 - In Edmund Michael R. Critchley (ed.), The Neurological Boundaries of Reality. Farrand. pp. 383.
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    The Phases of Venus in Germanicus: A Note on German. fr. 4.73–76.Piazza dei Cavalieri Adalberto MagnavaccaCorresponding authorScuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, ItaliaScuola Normale SuperiorePiazza dei Cavalieri & Italyemailother Articles by This Author:De Gruyter Onlinegoogle Scholar Pisa - forthcoming - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption.
    Philologus, founded in 1846, is one of the oldest and most respected periodicals in the field of Classics. It publishes articles on Greek and Latin literature, historiography, philosophy, history of religion, linguistics, reception, and the history of scholarship. The journal aims to contribute to our understanding of Greco-Roman culture and its lasting influence on European civilization. The journal Philologus, conceived as a forum for discussion among different methodological approaches to the study of ancient texts and their reception, publishes original scholarly (...)
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    Olivier Gasquet and Andreas Herzig.From Classical to Normal Modal Logics - 1996 - In Heinrich Wansing (ed.), Proof theory of modal logic. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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    Leibniz and ‘Bradley’s Regress’.Scuola Normale Superiore - 2010 - The Leibniz Review 20:1-12.
    In a text written during his stay in Paris, Leibniz, to deny ontological reality to relations, employs an argument well known to the medieval thinkers and which later would be revived by Francis H. Bradley. If one assumes that relations are real and that a relation links any property to a subject – so runs the argument – then one falls prey to an infinite regress. Leibniz seems to be well aware of the consequences that this argument has for his (...)
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    Le Retrait du politique: travaux du Centre de recherches philosophiques sur le politique.Jacob Rogozinski & Ecole Normale Supérieure - 1983 - Editions Galilée.
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    Against Musical ἀτεχνία: Papyrus Hibeh I 13 and the Debate on τέχνη in Classical Greece.Francesco PelosiCorresponding authorScuola Normale Superiore – Classe di Scienze Umane Pisa & Toscana ItalyEmail: - forthcoming - Apeiron.
    Objective Apeiron was founded in 1966 and has developed into one of the oldest and most distinguished journals dedicated to the study of ancient philosophy, ancient science, and, in particular, of problems that concern both fields. Apeiron is committed to publishing high-quality research papers in these areas of ancient Greco-Roman intellectual history; it also welcomes submission of articles dealing with the reception of ancient philosophical and scientific ideas in the later western tradition. The journal appears quarterly. Articles are peer-reviewed on (...)
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    Filosofi greci dell'età ellenistica.Paul Oskar Kristeller & Scuola Normale Superiore - 1991 - Pisa: Scuola normale superiore.
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    Acta Genetica et Statistica Medica.Gunnar Dahlberg, H. Sjövall, What Does Normal Mean & By G. Dahlberg - 1951 - The Eugenics Review 43 (1).
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  14. Normal typicality and Von Neumann's quantum ergodic theorem.Sheldon Goldstein & Roderich Tumulka - unknown
    We discuss the content and significance of John von Neumann’s quantum ergodic theorem (QET) of 1929, a strong result arising from the mere mathematical structure of quantum mechanics. The QET is a precise formulation of what we call normal typicality, i.e., the statement that, for typical large systems, every initial wave function ψ0 from an energy shell is “normal”: it evolves in such a way that |ψt ψt| is, for most t, macroscopically equivalent to the micro-canonical density matrix. The QET (...)
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    Is normal science good science?Adrianna Kępińska - 2015 - Semina Scientiarum 14:82-91.
    “Normal science” is a concept introduced by Thomas Kuhn in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. In Kuhn’s view, normal science means “puzzle solving”, solving problems within the paradigm—framework most successful in solving current major scientific problems—rather than producing major novelties. This paper examines Kuhnian and Popperian accounts of normal science and their criticisms to assess if normal science is good. The advantage of normal science according to Kuhn was “psychological”: subjective satisfaction from successful “puzzle solving”. Popper argues for an “intellectual” (...)
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    Normality and Majority: Towards a Statistical Understanding of Normality Statements.Corina Strößner - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (4):793-809.
    Normality judgements are frequently used in everyday communication as well as in biological and social science. Moreover they became increasingly relevant to formal logic as part of defeasible reasoning. This paper distinguishes different kinds of normality statements. It is argued that normality laws like “Birds can normally fly” should be understood essentially in a statistical way. The argument has basically two parts: firstly, a statistical semantic core is mandatory for a descriptive reading of normality in order to explain the logical (...)
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  17. The normality of error.Sam Carter & Simon Goldstein - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (8):2509-2533.
    Formal models of appearance and reality have proved fruitful for investigating structural properties of perceptual knowledge. This paper applies the same approach to epistemic justification. Our central goal is to give a simple account of The Preface, in which justified belief fails to agglomerate. Following recent work by a number of authors, we understand knowledge in terms of normality. An agent knows p iff p is true throughout all relevant normal worlds. To model The Preface, we appeal to the normality (...)
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  18.  45
    When Normal and Extensive Form Decisions Differ.Teddy Seidenfeld - 1994 - In Dag Prawitz, Brian Skyrms & Dag Westerståhl (eds.), Logic, methodology, and philosophy of science IX: proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Uppsala, Sweden, August 7-14, 1991. New York: Elsevier. pp. 451-463.
    The "traditional" view of normative decision theory, as reported (for example) in chapter 2 of Luce and RaiÃa's [1957] classic work, Games and Decisions, proposes a reduction of sequential decisions problems to non-sequential decisions: a reduction of extensive forms to normal forms. Nonetheless, this reduction is not without its critics, both from inside and outside expected utility theory, It islay purpose in this essay to join with those critics by advocating the following thesis.
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    Normal Proofs, Cut Free Derivations and Structural Rules.Greg Restall - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (6):1143-1166.
    Different natural deduction proof systems for intuitionistic and classical logic —and related logical systems—differ in fundamental properties while sharing significant family resemblances. These differences become quite stark when it comes to the structural rules of contraction and weakening. In this paper, I show how Gentzen and Jaśkowski’s natural deduction systems differ in fine structure. I also motivate directed proof nets as another natural deduction system which shares some of the design features of Genzen and Jaśkowski’s systems, but which differs again (...)
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  20. Normal‐proper functions in the philosophy of mind.Andrew Rubner - 2022 - Philosophy Compass (7):1-11.
    This paper looks at the nature of normal-proper functions and the role they play in theories of representational content. More specifically: I lay down two desiderata for a theory which tries to capture what's distinctive of normal-proper functions and discuss two prominent theories which claim to satisfy them. I discuss the advantages of having normal-proper functions ground a theory of representational content. And, I look at both orthodox and heterodox versions of such theories.
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    Normality in Husserl and Foucault.Paul Gyllenhammer - 2009 - Research in Phenomenology 39 (1):52-68.
    Husserl and Foucault appear to have little in common when it comes to the question of normality. Husserl often discusses the emergence or constitution of norms from a subjective perspective whereas Foucault targets norms as a coercive problem. But if we recognize that the body is the locus of concern for both thinkers, then we can see that Husserl's interest in norm optimization is at home with Foucault's genealogical critique of bio-power . The essay draws a line of comparison between (...)
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    ‘Normal’, ‘natural’, ‘good’ or ‘good‐enough’ birth: examining the concepts.Susanne Darra - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (4):297-305.
    In the face of increasing intervention in childbirth, ‘normal birth’ is currently being promoted by the World Health Organization, national governments, professional bodies and other organisations throughout the world. This paper takes a postmodernist stance and explores the idea of the ‘normal’ before going on to analyse normal childbirth, referring to concepts of the normal and the natural. It refers to historical developments in childbearing and lay organisations along with research relating to women’s views of childbirth, to question the appropriateness (...)
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    The Normality of the Consciousness and the Normality of the Body. Husserl’s View on Normality.Imola Reszeg - 2021 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:179-188.
    In the following paper, I’ll try to summarize Husserl’s view on normality. I will claim that there is a contradiction between his early, transcendental conception, which claims the absolute normality of the transcendental consciousness, and his late genetic-generative analyzes that lead back the normality of experience to the normality of the psychophysical body. I will argue that his contradiction can be resolved from the perspective of the embodied consciousness which, according to Anthony Steinbock is also present in the late writings (...)
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  24.  44
    “Normal” Prisons in an “abnormal” society? A comparative perspective on South African prison law and practice.Dirk Van Zyl Smit - 1987 - Criminal Justice Ethics 6 (2):37-51.
    . “Normal” Prisons in an “abnormal” society? A comparative perspective on South African prison law and practice. Criminal Justice Ethics: Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 37-51. doi: 10.1080/0731129X.1987.9991816.
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    Normality Does Not Equal Mental Health: The Need to Look Elsewhere for Standards of Good Psychological Health.Steven James Bartlett - 2011 - Santa Barbara, CA, USA: Praeger.
    Normality Does Not Equal Mental Health: The Need to Look Elsewhere for Standards of Good Mental Health is the first book to question the equation of psychological normality and mental health. It is also the first book to take contemporary psychiatry and clinical psychology to task for deeply flawed thinking when they accept the diagnostic system propounded by the DSM, which reifies syndromes into alleged “mental disorders.” Where Thomas Szasz argued that “mental disorders” are myths, Bartlett makes the much more (...)
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  26.  12
    Many Normal Measures.Shimon Garti - 2014 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 55 (3):349-357.
    We characterize the situation of having at least $^{+}$-many normal ultrafilters on a measurable cardinal $\kappa$. We also show that if $\kappa$ is a compact cardinal, then $\kappa$ carries $^{+}$-many $\kappa$-complete ultrafilters, each of which extends the club filter on $\kappa$.
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    Normality, Non-contamination and Logical Depth in Classical Natural Deduction.Marcello D’Agostino, Dov Gabbay & Sanjay Modgil - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (2):291-357.
    In this paper we provide a detailed proof-theoretical analysis of a natural deduction system for classical propositional logic that (i) represents classical proofs in a more natural way than standard Gentzen-style natural deduction, (ii) admits of a simple normalization procedure such that normal proofs enjoy the Weak Subformula Property, (iii) provides the means to prove a Non-contamination Property of normal proofs that is not satisfied by normal proofs in the Gentzen tradition and is useful for applications, especially in formal argumentation, (...)
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  28. Normal Knowledge: Toward an Explanation-Based Theory of Knowledge.Andrew Peet & Eli Pitcovski - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy 115 (3):141-157.
    In this paper we argue that knowledge is characteristically safe true belief. We argue that an adequate approach to epistemic luck must not be indexed to methods of belief formation, but rather to explanations for belief. This shift is problematic for several prominent approaches to the theory of knowledge, including virtue reliabilism and proper functionalism (as normally conceived). The view that knowledge is characteristically safe true belief is better able to accommodate the shift in question.
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  29. Normal forms for characteristic functions on n-ary relations.Jan van Eijck - unknown
    Functions of type n are characteristic functions on n-ary relations. Keenan [5] established their importance for natural language semantics, by showing that natural language has many examples of irreducible type n functions, i.e., functions of type n that cannot be represented as compositions of unary functions. Keenan proposed some tests for reducibility, and Dekker [3] improved on these by proposing an invariance condition that characterizes the functions with a reducible counterpart with the same behaviour on product relations. The present paper (...)
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  30.  77
    Normality and the Treatment-Enhancement Distinction.Daniel Martín, Jon Rueda, Brian D. Earp & Ivar R. Hannikainen - 2023 - Neuroethics 16 (2):1-14.
    There is little debate regarding the acceptability of providing medical care to restore physical or mental health that has deteriorated below what is considered typical due to disease or disorder (i.e., providing “treatment”—for example, administering psychostimulant medication to sustain attention in the case of attention deficit disorder). When asked whether a healthy individual may undergo the same intervention for the purpose of enhancing their capacities (i.e., “enhancement”—for example, use of a psychostimulant as a “study drug”), people often express greater hesitation. (...)
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  31.  37
    Normal Numbers and Limit Computable Cantor Series.Achilles Beros & Konstantinos Beros - 2017 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 58 (2):215-220.
    Given any oracle, A, we construct a basic sequence Q, computable in the jump of A, such that no A-computable real is Q-distribution-normal. A corollary to this is that there is a Δn+10 basic sequence with respect to which no Δn0 real is distribution-normal. As a special case, there is a limit computable sequence relative to which no computable real is distribution-normal.
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  32.  15
    Normality: a critical genealogy.P. M. Cryle - 2017 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Elizabeth Stephens.
    The concept of normal is so familiar that it can be hard to imagine contemporary life without it. Yet the term entered everyday speech only in the mid-twentieth century. Before that, it was solely a scientific term used primarily in medicine to refer to a general state of health and the orderly function of organs. But beginning in the middle of the twentieth century, normal broke out of scientific usage, becoming less precise and coming to mean a balanced condition to (...)
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  33. Finding Normality in Abnormality: On the Ascription of Normal Functions to Cancer.Seth Goldwasser - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 90 (5):1214-1223.
    Cancer biologists ascribe normal functions to parts of cancer. Normal functions are activities that parts of systems are in some minimal sense supposed to perform. Cancer biologists’ finding normality within the abnormality of cancer pose difficulties for two main approaches to normal function. One approach claims that normal functions are activities that parts are selected for. However, some parts of cancers that have normal functions aren’t selected to perform them. The other approach claims that normal functions are part-activities typical for (...)
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  34.  8
    A Note on Measuring Normal Science.K. Brad Wray - 2018 - Scientometrics 117:647-650.
    Petrovich provides an insightful study on analytic philosophy (AP) with the intention of determining whether this sub-field of philosophy has been operating within what Kuhn calls a normal science framework. Through a citation analysis, Petrovich concludes that AP does not exhibit the sort of pattern that we would expect of a field operating in a normal science phase. I take issue with Petrovich’s way of measuring normal science. I provide some insight into how we might better measure normal science in (...)
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  35. Normal Narcissism and Its Pleasures.Richard T. McClelland - 2010 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 31 (1-2):85-125.
    Normal narcissistic functioning has to do with the regulation of a coherent set of metarepresentations of the acting agent. That set of meta-representations has its own interior architecture and dynamics. Normal narcissistic functioning is an adaptive form of interpsychic processing which can be given a general account by integrating views of it drawn from the clinical traditions of psychoanalysis, empirical psychology, and contemporary cognitive and neurosciences. This is not to be confused with any form of organized psychopathology, though pathological forms (...)
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    Norming Normality: On Scientific Fictions and Canonical Visualisations.Lara Huber - 2011 - Medicine Studies 3 (1):41-52.
    Taking the visual appeal of the ‘bell curve’ as an example, this paper discusses in how far the availability of quantitative approaches (here: statistics) that comes along with representational standards immediately affects qualitative concepts of scientific reasoning (here: normality). Within the realm of this paper I shall focus on the relationship between normality, as defined by scientific enterprise, and normativity, that result out of the very processes of standardisation itself. Two hypotheses are guiding this analysis: (1) normality, as it is (...)
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  37.  43
    Normal Ordering and Abnormal Nonsense.Allan I. Solomon - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (7):684-691.
    The technique of the normal ordering of non-commuting operators is an important tool in the solution of problems involving creation and annihilation operators in quantum physics, such as in many-body theory or quantum optics. We point out the inconsistencies in previous definitions of the two standard normal ordering procedures for such operators, and show how consistent definitions may be made.
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    Every normal-form game has a Pareto-optimal nonmyopic equilibrium.Mehmet S. Ismail & Steven J. Brams - 2021 - Theory and Decision 92 (2):349-362.
    It is well known that Nash equilibria may not be Pareto-optimal; worse, a unique Nash equilibrium may be Pareto-dominated, as in Prisoners’ Dilemma. By contrast, we prove a previously conjectured result: every finite normal-form game of complete information and common knowledge has at least one Pareto-optimal nonmyopic equilibrium (NME) in pure strategies, which we define and illustrate. The outcome it gives, which depends on where play starts, may or may not coincide with that given by a Nash equilibrium. We use (...)
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  39.  22
    Normality as social semantics. Schmitt, Bourdieu and the politics of the normal.Andrea Salvatore & Mariano Croce - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (2):275-291.
    This article takes issue with the practical and the cognitive roles of normality within political life and its relevance to the constitution of the groups that comprise a political community. From a practical viewpoint, normality fosters standards of correctness; from a cognitive viewpoint, these standards are what allows individuals to perceive themselves, and to be recognized, as group members. To achieve this aim, the article delves into Carl Schmitt’s and Pierre Bourdieu’s accounts of how politics is a field where semantic (...)
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    Closed Normal Subgroups.James H. Schmerl - 2001 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47 (4):489-492.
    Let ℳ be a countable, recursively saturated model of Peano Arithmetic, and let Aut be its automorphism group considered as a topological group with the pointwise stabilizers of finite sets being the basic open subgroups. Kaye proved that the closed normal subgroups are precisely the obvious ones, namely the stabilizers of invariant cuts. A proof of Kaye's theorem is given here which, although based on his proof, is different enough to yield consequences not obtainable from Kaye's proof.
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    Rereading Normal Science.Dimitri Ginev - 2003 - Critica 35 (105):65-89.
    This paper considers the relevance of a class of hermeneutic concepts to the philosophical reading of normal scientific research. The author opposes the view that the notion of "normal science" can only be read in socio-psychological, sociological or ethnomethodological terms. By drawing parallels between Kuhn's original reading of puzzle-solving enterprise and Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics, a context of "Continental theories" for interpreting the dynamics of research practices is delineated. The rereading of normal science provides the opportunity for developing a hermeneutic alternative (...)
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    Normal monsters and monstrous monstrosities: A response to Cary Wolfe.Christopher Peterson - 2013 - Angelaki 18 (2):191 - 196.
    (2013). NORMAL MONSTERS AND MONSTROUS MONSTROSITIES: a response to cary wolfe. Angelaki: Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 191-196.
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  43. Normality as a biological concept.Robert Wachbroit - 1994 - Philosophy of Science 61 (4):579-591.
    The biological sciences employ a concept of normality that must be distinguished from statistical or value concepts. The concept of normality is presupposed in the standard explications of biological functions, and it is crucial to the strategy of explanation by approximations in, for example, physiology. Nevertheless, this concept of normality does not seem to be captured in the language of physics. Thus attempts at explaining the methodological relationship between the biological sciences and the physical sciences by concentrating only on the (...)
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  44. Normality: Part Descriptive, part prescriptive.Adam Bear & Joshua Knobe - 2017 - Cognition 167 (C):25-37.
    People’s beliefs about normality play an important role in many aspects of cognition and life (e.g., causal cognition, linguistic semantics, cooperative behavior). But how do people determine what sorts of things are normal in the first place? Past research has studied both people’s representations of statistical norms (e.g., the average) and their representations of prescriptive norms (e.g., the ideal). Four studies suggest that people’s notion of normality incorporates both of these types of norms. In particular, people’s representations of what is (...)
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    Normal and abnormal and the body-soul relationship in some ancient medical texts.Mihaela Pop - 2012 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):185-196.
    This essay intends to reveal the contribution of some Aristotelian concepts – such as “just measure” (metron, meson) and “lack of measure” (alloiosis) as well as some other connected pathological affections (pathe) of the human volitive part of the soul (thymos), caused by certain changes of the humoral mixtures, especially the ones of the black bile, a humoral substance that was considered largely responsible for the severe alterations of the normal rational activity of the human soul (logismos). – to the (...)
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  46. Justification, knowledge, and normality.Clayton Littlejohn & Julien Dutant - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (6):1593-1609.
    There is much to like about the idea that justification should be understood in terms of normality or normic support (Smith 2016, Goodman and Salow 2018). The view does a nice job explaining why we should think that lottery beliefs differ in justificatory status from mundane perceptual or testimonial beliefs. And it seems to do that in a way that is friendly to a broadly internalist approach to justification. In spite of its attractions, we think that the normic support view (...)
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    On normal forms in Łukasiewicz logic.A. Di Nola & A. Lettieri - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (6):795-823.
    Formulas of n variables of Łukasiewicz sentential calculus can be represented, via McNaughton’s theorem, by piecewise linear functions, with integer coefficients, from hypercube [0,1] n to [0,1], called McNaughton functions. As a consequence of the McNaughton representation of a formula it is obtained a canonical form of a formula. Indeed, up to logical equivalence, any formula can be written as an infimum of finite suprema of formulas associated to McNaughton functions which are truncated functions to $[0,1]$ of the restriction to (...)
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    Normal forms, linearity, and prime algebraicity over nonflat domains.Basil A. Karádais - 2018 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 64 (1-2):55-88.
    Using representations of nonflat Scott domains to model type systems, it is natural to wish that they be “linear”, in which case the complexity of the fundamental test for entailment of information drops from exponential to linear, the corresponding mathematical theory becomes much simpler, and moreover has ties to models of computation arising in the study of sequentiality, concurrency, and linear logic. Earlier attempts to develop a fully nonflat semantics based on linear domain representations for a rich enough type system (...)
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    Kierkegaard Normal Format 1.Karsten Kynde - 2003 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2003 (1):453-505.
    A concise description of, and a detailed coding guidance to the electronic text format for Søren Kierkegaards Skrifter. Kierkegaard Normal Format 1 obeys the rules of the XML standard.
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    Some Normal Extensions of K4.3.Ming Xu - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (3):583-599.
    This paper proves the finite model property and the finite axiomatizability of a class of normal modal logics extending K4.3. The frames for these logics are those for K4.3, in each of which every point has a bounded number of irreflexive successors if it is after an infinite ascending chain of (not necessarily distinct) points.
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