Results for 'Note taking'

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  1.  44
    Traces of the intersubject? Note-taking within the community of philosophical inquiry.Stefano Oliverio - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (13):1321-1333.
    In this paper the question of note-taking is addressed in reference to a specific educational approach, that of the community of philosophical inquiry (CPI) in the tradition of Matthew Lipman and Ann Sharp’s Philosophy for Children (P4C). After emphasizing the pivotal role that this activity plays within a typical session of P4C, its specific status (in comparison with what happens in a classic lecture) is explored, insofar as it could be interpreted as a gesture distributed among and between (...)
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    The Rise of NoteTaking in Early Modern Europe.Ann Blair - 2010 - Intellectual History Review 20 (3):303-316.
    The history of note?taking has only begun to be written. On the one hand, the basic functions of selecting, summarizing, storing and sorting information garnered from reading, listening, observing and thinking can be identified in most literate contexts in some form or other. On the other hand, Renaissance humanists emphasized with unprecedented success the virtues of stockpiling notes on large scales and for the long term, thanks to the availability of paper and a new abundance of books, but (...)
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    From NoteTaking to Data Banks: Personal and Institutional Information Management in Early Modern Europe.Jacob Soll - 2010 - Intellectual History Review 20 (3):355-375.
    Note?takers in early modern Europe mixed a number of scribal practices. Not only did they write down extracts of texts, they also collected data from observation or from accounting. Practices such as commonplacing were part of sometimes communal, rather informal personal practices that laid the foundations for personal diaries. Other note?taking was prescriptive, fact?establishing technical data entry. Yet both the personal, sentimental and technical forms of note?taking were interrelated. It was during this period that merchants, (...)
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  4. Note taking and summarising strategies for senior humanities classes.Kathleen Thomas - 2013 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 21 (1):18.
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    Note-Taking Skill Among Bilingual Students in Academia: Literacy, Language and Cognitive Examination.Mona Asaly-Zetawi & Orly Lipka - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    NoteTaking and Data‐Sharing: Edward Jenner and the Global Vaccination Network.Michael Bennett - 2010 - Intellectual History Review 20 (3):415-432.
    The massive expansion of information from the seventeenth century placed considerable demands on mental capacity, and individual scholars responded with strategies of memory training and note?taking that prompted, relieved or replaced memory. It has been acknowledged how cowpox inoculation (vaccination) and smallpox inoculation (variolation) stimulated new forms of record keeping and the standardization and tabulation of medical data for scientific analysis and to inform public policy. Yet the key figure in these developments, Edward Jenner, while a careful observer (...)
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  7. Note Taking as an Art of Transmission.Ann Blair - 2004 - Critical Inquiry 31 (1):85.
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    MEMCONS: How Contemporaneous NoteTaking Shapes Memory for Conversation.Sarah Brown-Schmidt, Christopher B. Jaeger, Melissa J. Evans & Aaron S. Benjamin - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (4):e13271.
    Written memoranda of conversations, or memcons, provide a near‐contemporaneous record of what was said in conversation, and offer important insights into the activities of high‐profile individuals. We assess the impact of writing a memcon on memory for conversation. Pairs of participants engaged in conversation and were asked to recall the contents of that conversation 1 week later. One participant in each pair memorialized the content of the interaction in a memcon shortly after the conversation. Participants who generated memcons recalled more (...)
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    The Effects of Note-Taking and Review on Sensemaking and Ethical Decision Making.James F. Johnson, Zhanna Bagdasarov, Lauren N. Harkrider, Alexandra E. MacDougall, Shane Connelly, Lynn D. Devenport & Michael D. Mumford - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (4):299-323.
    The effectiveness of case-based learning in ethics education varies widely regarding how cases are presented. Case process instruction may impact case-based ethics education to promote sensemaking processes, ethical sensemaking strategy use, and ethical decision making (EDM) quality. This study examined two teaching techniques, notes and review, and participants completed note-taking and review activities examining a case-based scenario during an ethics education course. Results suggest that providing case notes in outline form improves sensemaking processes, strategy use, and EDM quality. (...)
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    Loose Notes and Capacious Memory: Robert Boyle's NoteTaking and its Rationale.Richard Yeo - 2010 - Intellectual History Review 20 (3):335-354.
    Whereas his contemporaries were explicitly aware that the limits of memory called for scrupulous arrangement of one?s papers, Boyle?s papers remained chaotic throughout his life, necessitating a habitual recourse to memory. This invites consideration of Boyle?s views on the use of memory and notes, taking account of the precepts and options of his day. Like many other early modern virtuosi, Boyle made copious notes comprising both textual extracts and empirical information, but he did not maintain large commonplace books of (...)
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  11. The Socratic Note Taking Technique.Mark Walker, David Trafimow & Jamie Bronstein - 2017 - Teaching Philosophy.
    The notion of Socratic Note Taking is introduced to enhance students’ learning from assigned readings. SNT features students asking questions and answering their own questions while doing the readings. To test the effectiveness of SNT, half the students from two sections of a philosophy course were assigned SNT on alternating weeks. Quizzes each week alternated between the two classes as either high or low stakes in a counterbalanced format. The design was a 2 x 2 x 2 within-participants (...)
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  12.  35
    Knowledge Shaping: Student Note-taking Practices in Early Modernity.Valentina Lepri (ed.) - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    How can we portray the history of Renaissance knowledge production through the eyes of the students? Their university notebooks contained a variety of works, fragments of them, sentences, or simple words. To date, studies on these materials have only concentrated on a few individual works within the collections, neglecting the strategy by which texts and textual fragments were selected and the logic through which the notebooks were organized. The eight chapters that make up this volume explore students' note-taking (...)
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  13. (1 other version)‘Why aren’t you taking any notes?’ On note-taking as a collective gesture.Lavinia Marin & Sean Sturm - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory:1-8.
    The practice of taking hand-written notes in lectures has been rediscovered recently because of several studies on its learning efficacy in the mainstream media. Students are enjoined to ditch their laptops and return to pen and paper. Such arguments presuppose that notes are taken in order to be revisited after the lecture. Learning is seen to happen only after the event. We argue instead that student’s note-taking is an educational practice worthy in itself as a way to (...)
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    Can I take a look at your notes?: A phenomenological exploration of how university students experience note-taking using paper-based and paperless resources.Emmi Bravo Palacios & Maarten Simons - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (13):1334-1349.
    The aim of this study was to explore the note-taking experiences of university students using paper-based and paperless resources. By means of a hermeneutic phenomenological approach, the note-taking experiences of 18 students from an international program at a university in Belgium were examined throughout a semester. In order to document these students’ practices with paper-based and paperless resources, four data collection methods were used: in-depth interviews observations focus group discussions and document analysis of students’ lecture notes. (...)
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    Testing Is More Desirable When It Is Adaptive and Still Desirable When Compared to Note-Taking.Svenja Heitmann, Axel Grund, Kirsten Berthold, Stefan Fries & Julian Roelle - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Comment on Martin Drenthen's Article, 'Ecological Restoration and Place Attachment: Emplacing Non-Places?'.Nicole Note - 2013 - Environmental Values 22 (1):7-16.
    I analyse Drenthen's article ‘Ecological restoration and place attachment: emplacing non-places?’ ( Environmental Values 18(3): 285-312), focusing in particular on his use of the notions of ‘appropriation’ and ‘estrangement’ from the perspective of meaningfulness. I show that, for deeper meaningfulness as place attachment, within the appropriable there is always a tension with the non-appropriable; there is a successful connection between both. Estrangement and loss of meaning occur the moment the non-appropriable resides outside the familiar. Drenthen unintentionally causes confusion by failing (...)
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  17.  49
    Why Take Notes?Julie Loveland Swanstrom - 2020 - Teaching Philosophy 43 (3):281-302.
    For disciplines depending upon precise definitions and distinctions, students’ notes provide an avenue for student engagement with skill and content. Activities enliven the classroom, and those discussed here can also help students develop and exercise critical thinking skills through note-taking. Lecturing and experiential learning happen hand-in-hand when the instructor uses teaching about notes and note-taking as a method for critical engagement with class content. In this paper, I integrate research on the cognitive function of student (...)-taking with research on student engagement—particularly, motivating student learning, engaging students with texts, lecture, or discussion, and promoting metacognition about learning practices—by arguing that the instructor who teaches and emphasizes student note-taking elevates note-taking to a method of student engagement and daily critical thinking practice; I discuss particular methods for supporting teaching note-taking, methods that promote active learning, student engagement, and student understanding (and could be utilized in a variety of classes). (shrink)
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    Read. Do. Observe. Take note!Elaine Leong - 2018 - Centaurus 60 (1-2):87-103.
    This article offers a brief overview of recent studies on note taking and paperwork in histories of early modern science. Showcasing the wide variety of note-taking practices performed by a range of historical actors across diverse sites and knowledge practices, it argues that a focus on note taking and “paper technologies” enables us to put in conversation a number of linked epistemic practices from reading and writing to making and doing to observing and surveying (...)
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    Science and engineering students' use of diagrams during note taking versus explanation.Emmanuel Manalo, Yuri Uesaka, Sarah Pérez-Kriz, Masashi Kato & Tatsushi Fukaya - 2013 - Educational Studies 39 (1):1-6.
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    (1 other version)Pearl diving and the exemplary way educational note taking and taking note in education.Morten Timmermann Korsgaard - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory:1-9.
    In this paper, I will explore the experience of noticing/becoming attentive to something in education. What does it mean to take notice of something in an educational way, and how does some...
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    Effects of an early interruption and note taking on listening accuracy and decision making in the interview.Allen J. Schuh - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (3):242-244.
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  22.  65
    Taking Note.Lorraine Daston - 2004 - Isis 95 (3):443-448.
    Because reading was and remains a central aspect of doing science, reading practices may provide insights into cognitive practices—such as observation, economies of attention, arts of memory, and the solidification and erosion of belief—in the context of science. Reading has since ancient times been the model for all forms of understanding and possibly also the template upon which other ways of making the world intelligible were formed. Reading practices may also provide keys to the formation of the specifically scientific self, (...)
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    Taking Ross's Paradox Seriously A note on the original problems of deontic logic.Sven Danielsson - 2005 - Theoria 71 (1):20-28.
    It is argued that Ross's Paradox in deontic logic is a problem which should be taken seriously, and which can be given a solution which also solves some other wellknown paradoxes and the traditional problems with conditional obligation.
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    Taking note of music.William Edgar - 1986 - London: SPCK.
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    Taking megalomanias seriously: Rough notes.John A. Hall - 2017 - Thesis Eleven 139 (1):30-45.
    This article questions the traditional accounts that see nationalism and imperialism as being mutually opposed phenomena. The author engages critically with the influential theories of Ernest Gellner and Andreas Wimmer and argues that the rise of nation-states owes more to the political actions of imperial rulers and less to the behavior of nationalist movements. The essay specifies three mechanisms inside nationalizing empires that matter for nationalism: elite actions, the politicization of minorities and the feelings of those who are politically excluded. (...)
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  26. Notes on note-making: Introduction.Lavinia Marin, Sean Sturm & Joris Vlieghe - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 13 (13):1316-1320.
    This special issue aims to explore what is educational in the seemingly humble gesture of making notes: not only how and why the practice of note-taking is educative in and of itself, but also what it says about education as such. The contributions to the issue each highlight different aspects of note-making and approach it differently, but all assume that note-making is an educational practice that merits philosophical study. Interestingly, they mostly focus on note-making as (...)
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    Notes on What It Would Take to Understand How One Adverb Works.George Lakoff - 1973 - The Monist 57 (3):328-343.
    A natural language is a unified and integrated system, and the serious study of one part of the system inevitably involves one in the study of many other parts, if not the system as a whole. For this reason, the study of small, isolated fragments of a language—however necessary, valuable, and difficult this may be—will often make us think that we understand more than we really do. The fact is that you can’t really study one phenomenon adequately without studying a (...)
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  28.  22
    Historians Take Note: Motivation = Emotion.Ramsay MacMullen - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (3):19-25.
    The article focuses on motivation, proposing the equation in its title and opposing the contrary view, that what moves people to action is the rational calculation of their material interests. The latter view is most familiar in economics, where it was for generations seen as the best (meaning, most ‘scientific’) mode of explanation. It had a great deal of influence on historiography and found a great deal of support among psychologists also. From these three areas of research it is being (...)
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  29.  8
    Listening to the philosophers: notes on notes.Raffaella Cribiore - 2024 - Ithaca [New York]: Cornell University Press.
    This book examines the role of note-taking in ancient education as a pedagogical method, by taking readers on a stimulating analysis of lectures by ancient philosophers that were recorded by their students.
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    Guest Editors’ Note Rethinking Islamic Economics and Finance: Taking Stock and Moving Forward.Mohamed Aslam Haneef & Sayyid Tahir - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26:281-290.
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    A New Take on Semantics, Syntax, and the Copula: Note on Qutb al-Din al-Razi al-Tahtani’s Analysis of Atomic Propositions in the Lawami‘ al-asrar.Dustin D. Klinger - 2019 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 5 (2):59-80.
    Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences, issued twice a year in English and Turkish (Nazariyat İslam Felsefe ve Bilim Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi), is a refereed international journal. It publishes original studies, critical editions of classical texts and book reviews on Islamic philosophy, kalām, theoretical aspects of Sufism and the history of sciences. The goal of Nazariyat is to contribute to the discovery, examination and reinterpretation of the theoretical traditions in the history of Islamic thought, by giving (...)
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    Notes on notes on notes.Tyson E. Lewis & Chris Moffett - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (13):1359-1387.
    More often than not, notes are conceptualized as a technology for helping students stay focused on and attentive to subject matter deemed educationally valuable. This article concerns itself, however, with how notes may interrupt and render inoperative this learning function. To probe the question of attention and distraction, the authors devised an experiment in note taking. Our question is whether or not these forms of rendering the learning function of notes inoperative have any educational value. In conclusion, we (...)
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    Taking Taniwha seriously: a neutral realist interpretation of Kingsbury’s approach.Heather Dyke - 2022 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):1-9.
    In “Taking Taniwha seriously,” Justine Kingsbury proposes a way for taniwha pūrākau—traditional narratives about taniwha—to be taken seriously by non-Māori, which is one step towards respecting te ao Māori—the Māori world view. Taniwha are powerful water creatures who act deliberately to protect and sometimes punish humans. So characterised, there is an obvious obstacle to those who wish to respect te ao Māori but who are sceptical about the existence of supernatural entities. Kingsbury proposes a way to take taniwha discourse (...)
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  34. Notes Toward A Metaphysics Of Wonder: Appreciative Reflections On Leoni Henning’s O Pragmatismo Em Lipman E Sua Influência Na América Latina.Matthew Lipman - 2005 - Childhood and Philosophy 1 (2):473-510.
    "Notes toward a metaphysic of wonder" is the outcome of a "Reciprocal Inquiry" in which Leoni Henning and I participated. In our correspondence, we moved very fast: I thought each of us surprised the other. As a result, I found myself writing about astonishment more elaborately than I'd intended to. Before long I was involved not only with wondering but with awe and bewilderment and amazement, and eager to connect it all with philosophy in Latin America. So these "Notes..." are (...)
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  35.  9
    Field Notes.Richard Quinney - 2008 - Borderland Books.
    Taking his cue from Emerson and the eighteenth-century naturalist Gilbert White, Richard Quinney examines the beauty of the world and ponders our place in it in Field Notes. As much as we might look to the heavens, this earth is the only world in which we move and have our being, where we may see into the nature of all things. For many naturalists, writers, and poets, the boundaries between the animate and inanimate, the living and the dead, are (...)
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    Open notes and broader parallels in digital health: a commentary on C. Bleases 'Sharing online clinical notes with patients.Sarah Chang & John Torous - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (1):22-23.
    With more countries implementing Open Notes, the practice of providing patients with unhindered access to their clinical visit notes, research on this practice is finally increasing. Many studies report positive findings, especially around self-reported outcomes, such as feeling more in control of one’s care, increased medication adherence and a strengthened patient–doctor relationship. 1 However, comparatively less research has been done on the potential ramifications that may also arise from Open Notes. Blease’s recent article underscores this and demonstrates why Open Notes (...)
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  37.  41
    Notes for a Critical Reflection on Emilia-Romagna and Bologna.Francesco Garibaldo - 2002 - AI and Society 16 (3):243-251.
    In these notes a brief description of the most recent developments of regions is given, taking into account the impact of global business on regional processes. The example which is the basis for this discussion is the region of Bologna, Italy. To analyse these developments, several theoretical concepts are used which reflect the widespread commitment of different authors to this common cause of concern.
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    The making of the literary symbol: Taking note of Langer.Robert E. Innis - 2007 - Semiotica 2007 (165):91-106.
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    Attitudes Toward Universal Basic Income and Welfare State in Europe: A Research Note.Soomi Lee - 2018 - Basic Income Studies 13 (1).
    This research note examines the relationship between public attitudes toward universal basic income and country-level socio-economic conditions in 21 European Countries. Despite abundant theoretical and empirical research on UBI, a comparative analysis of public appetite for UBI has been unavailable due to data limitations. This research note takes advantage of the 2016 European Social Survey to explore the connection between public support for UBI and levels of social protection and economic insecurity.
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    Femmebodiment: Notes on queer feminine shapes of vulnerability.Ulrika Dahl - 2017 - Feminist Theory 18 (1):35-53.
    In a time when worlds, communities and subjects are increasingly presented as ‘vulnerable’, much remains to be said about the distinctly feminine shapes of ‘vulnerability’; weakness, softness, permeability, a sense of being affected, imprinted upon, or entered and shattered. While this presumed vulnerability of the feminine body has often been the basis of feminist sexual politics, feminist goals of autonomy often presume an internal and external undoing of vulnerability as such. Drawing on ethnographic research with queer femmes and building on (...)
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    On How to Make Adorno Scream: Some Notes on John Holloway's Change the World without Taking Power.Marcel Stoetzler - 2005 - Historical Materialism 13 (4):193-215.
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    Notes on complexity: a scientific theory of connection, consciousness, and being.Neil Theise - 2023 - New York: Spiegel & Grau.
    An electrifying introduction to complexity theory, the science of how complex systems behave--from cells to human beings, ecosystems, the known universe, and beyond--that profoundly reframes our understanding and illuminates our interconnectedness. Nothing in the universe is more complex than life. Throughout the skies, in oceans, and across lands, life is endlessly on the move. In its myriad forms--from cells to human beings, social structures, and ecosystems--life is open-ended, evolving, unpredictable, yet adaptive and self-sustaining. Complexity theory addresses the mysteries that animate (...)
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    “Pay attention and take some notes”: Middle school youth, multimodal instruction, and notions of citizenship.Anthony M. Pellegrino, Kristien Zenkov & Nicholas Calamito - 2013 - Journal of Social Studies Research 37 (4):221-238.
    The study of a middle school social studies and literacy project this paper addresses occurred in the national capital region of the United States, where perceptions of “patriotism” and immigration policies were the subjects of frequent media reports. With this examination the authors considered one overarching research question: how do middle school students describe and illustrate citizenship when given access to multimodal texts and media (e.g., digital photography and slam poetry)? The authors called on young adolescents to create slam poems (...)
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    Donald A. Beattie. Taking Science to the Moon: Lunar Experiments and the Apollo Program. xv + 336 pp., figs., illus., notes, index. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001. $42.50. [REVIEW]Maura Mackowski - 2002 - Isis 93 (4):752-753.
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    Taking Pessimism Seriously.Ian James Kidd - 2024 - Daily Philosophy.
    I note the ambivalence of contemporary attitudes towards pessimism, then offer a way of thinking about philosophical forms of pessimism, intended to encourage us to take pessimism seriously as a stance on the human condition.
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    Love notes: for a politics of love.Philip McKibbin - 2019 - Brooklyn, New York: Lantern Books.
    In Love Notes, a collection of articles, essays, and presentations, Philip McKibbin introduces the Politics of Love and explores the possibilities of this emerging theory. The Politics of Love affirms the importance of love and reimagines our relationships: to ourselves, each other, non-human animals, and the natural environment. This love is inclusive, critical, generous, and constructive. Instead of a politics of fear and distrust, of separation and narrow-mindedness, the Politics of Love presents a new vision that extends beyond individuals, families, (...)
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    Notes from an Inquiry into Contingent Work.Olive Demar - 2024 - Substance 53 (1):3-23.
    Drawing on Marxist and psychoanalytic frameworks, I collect notes and reflections about the experience of contingent work in the Writing Center at Amherst College, a private liberal arts college in the United States. Taking the tradition of workers' inquiry as a source of inspiration and point of departure, I chart the material relations of the job alongside its social and affective dimensions. Connecting the form that writing takes (in classrooms and scholarly publishing) to the political economic relations of higher (...)
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    A Note on the Relation of Pacifism and Just-War Theory: Is There a Thomistic Convergence?Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (2):247-259.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A NOTE ON THE RELATION OF PACIFISM AND JUST-WAR THEORY: IS THERE A THOMISTIC CONVERGENCE? 1 GABRIEL PALMER-FERNANDEZ Youngstown State University Youngstown, Ohio FOR CENTURIES, the moral analysis of war began with a consideration of a set of principles which together form the doctrine of the just-war and with a rejection of pacifism. However, several recent studies by Catholic moralists argue that pacifism and just-war theory have much (...)
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  49. A Note on Cogito.Les Jones - manuscript
    Abstract A Note to Cogito Les Jones Blackburn College Previous submissions include -Intention, interpretation and literary theory, a first lookWittgenstein and St Augustine A DiscussionAreas of Interest – History of Western Philosophy, Miscellaneous Philosophy, European A Note on Cogito Descartes' brilliance in driving out doubt, and proving the existence of himself as a thinking entity, is well documented. Sartre's critique (or maybe extension) is both apposite and grounded and takes these enquiries on to another level. Let's take a (...)
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    Note on Contradictions in Francez-Weiss Logics.Satoru Niki - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-30.
    It is an unusual property for a logic to prove a formula and its negation without ending up in triviality. Some systems have nonetheless been observed to satisfy this property: one group of such non-trivial negation inconsistent logics has its archetype in H. Wansing’s constructive connexive logic, whose negation-implication fragment already proves contradictions. N. Francez and Y. Weiss subsequently investigated relevant subsystems of this fragment, and Weiss in particular showed that they remain negation inconsistent. In this note, we take (...)
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