Results for 'O. Starobinski-Safran'

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  1. Hermann Cohen et les impératifs du monothéisme.Esther Starobinski-Safran - 1988 - Nova et Vetera 63 (4):289-308.
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  2. Rosenzweig, interprète de Juda Halévi.Esther Starobinski-Safran - 1994 - In Arno Münster (ed.), La pensée de Franz Rosenzweig: actes du colloque parisien organisé à l'occasion du centenaire de la naissance du philosophe. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Essais de philosophe juive.Esther Starobinski-Safran - 2014 - Paris: Albin Michel.
    De Maïmonide à Hannah Arendt en passant par Ibn Gabirol, Yehuda Halévi et Rosenzweig, ce recueil d'articles donne un panorama époustouflant de la philosophie juive à travers les âges. Esther Starobinski-Safran nous fait voyager à travers l'hébreu, l'allemand et le français pour nous révéler la richesse et la diversité de cette tradition.
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    Ideological Aesthetics and Meta-Modalization.Gila O. Safran-Naveh - 1987 - American Journal of Semiotics 5 (3/4):306-317.
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    The Persistence of the Archetype.Bert O. States - 1980 - Critical Inquiry 7 (2):333-344.
    If we are looking for an Ur-explanation for the persistence of the Ur-myth, or any other myth, in our literature, could we not more directly find it in the structure of a mind which does not have to remember in order to imitate? The occasion of both myth and literature is the social life of the species which, in Starobinski's sense, is a history of continual eviction; but as regards the apparatus of thought by which this social life is (...)
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    Jean Starobinski y la melancolía. Un paradigma hermenéutico.Nieves Marín Cobos - 2023 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 25:463-485.
    Este artículo plantea la posibilidad de entender la melancolía como un paradigma hermenéutico. En concreto, se enfatiza su idoneidad como tal para interpretar aquellos textos construidos desde la voz de un Yo. Los diversos trabajos que Jean Starobinski ha dedicado a dicho concepto y, sobre todo, su texto capital L’encre de la mélancolie (2012), serán el eje en torno al cual gire esta propuesta –esta tentativa crítica–; desde esta obra, remitiremos a otros autores esenciales, como Aristóteles, Sigmund Freud, Julia (...)
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  7. Singularidade e universalidade nos processos de leitura de Kierkegaard.José Miranda Justo - 2014 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 2 (1):83-101.
    Com muita frequência encontramos comentadores da obra de Søren Kierkegaard que procuram ultrapassar a diversidade e a heterogeneidade interna da produção kierkegaardiana mediante processos de redução à unidade, em particular transformando o filósofo dinamarquês exclusivamente num pensador religioso. A título de exemplo, o presente artigo começa por abordar a leitura que Jean Starobinski oferece desse tipo de redução. Subsequentemente o artigo procura caracterizar em pormenor a diversidade e a heterogeneidade kierkegaardianas e encontrar para elas um tipo de resposta baseado (...)
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    Comentário e Experiência Nos Ensaios de Montaigne.Gustavo José de Toledo Pedroso & Sandra Pires de Toledo Pedroso - 2013 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 5 (10):19-29.
    Trata-se de discutir o sentido filosófico da presença das citações nos Ensaios de Montaigne. Montaigne faz críticas à multiplicidade de comentários dos autores antigos, mas preenche seus ensaios com uma diversidade de citações destes mesmos autores. Jean Starobinski interpreta a presença destas citações como pautada pela ideia de independência. Tomando outra direção, procuramos mostrar como elas se vinculam a uma valorização do julgamento e da experiência.
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    Carta sobre a virtude e a felicidade.João Vitor Rebechi - 2020 - Perspectivas 5 (1):67-74.
    Em 2012, Jean Starobinski publicou o livro Accuser et Séduire. Essais sur Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Este livro, o último publicado e revisado pelo especialista francês, sobre a filosofia rousseauniana, traz no post-scriptum uma carta de Rousseau, que foi intitulada por Starobinski: La « Lettre sur la vertu », un texte oublié. Como o título sugere, não se trata de uma carta inédita, mas de uma carta, até então, pouco conhecida pelos pesquisadores. Com efeito, essa carta foi publicada pela primeira (...)
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    Animals, equality and democracy.Siobhan O'Sullivan - 2011 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Animals, Equality and Democracy examines the structure of animal protection legislation and finds that it is deeply inequitable, with a tendency to favor those animals the community is most likely to see and engage with. Siobhan O'Sullivan argues that these inequities violate fundamental principle of justice and transparency.
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  11. Philosophical Essays.O. K. Bouwsma - 1965 - Philosophy 41 (156):186-188.
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  12. Law, Institution and Legal Politics. Fundamental Problems of Legal Theory and Social Philosophy.O. Weinberger - 1992 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 54 (3):577-577.
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    After-images.O. R. Jones - 1972 - American Philosophical Quarterly 9 (2):150-158.
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    A study of Tattvārthasūtra with bhāṣya: with special reference to authorship and date.Suzuko Ōhira - 1982 - Ahmedabad: L.D. Institute of Indology.
    Study of Umāsvātī's Tattvārthādhigamasūtra, 2nd century aphoristic work, with autocommentary, on the basic tenets of Jaina philosophy.
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    The twentieth-century humanist critics from Spitzer to Frye (review).Mary Anne O'Neil - 2010 - Philosophy and Literature 34 (1):pp. 260-262.
    In The Twentieth-Century Humanists from Spitzer to Frye, William Calin examines the contributions of eight scholar-critics who produced their most important work between the mid-1930s and the early 1960s, before the advent of contemporary critical theory. Five are from Continental Europe. Leo Spitzer, Robert Curtius and Erich Auerbach were German-language students of Romance literatures, while Albert Béguin and Jean Rousset, both speakers of French, were leading figures of the Geneva school. Calin also includes English-language scholars: the Oxford don C. S. (...)
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    Can we wrong a work of art?Eoin O’Connell - 2015 - Evental Aesthetics 4 (2):116-137.
    If we can wrong a work of art, then it has moral status. This paper considers two examples of putative wrongings of works of art, but in both cases, the claim that the work of art itself is wronged cannot be vindicated. The sense that a work of art has been wronged arises when that work has a special meaning for us or has a special standing in a cultural context. There is nothing intrinsic to works of art that can (...)
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  17. On Biodiversity: An Exclusive Interview with Edward O. Wilson.Edward O. Wilson - 1993 - Free Inquiry 13:28-31.
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    Nongam Kim Chʻang-hyŏp ŭi chʻŏrhak sasang yŏnʼgu.Chʻŏn-sŭng Yi - 2006 - Kyŏnggi-do Pʻaju-si: Hanʼguk Haksul Chŏngbo.
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    Justice: Its essence in human affairs.O. O. Asukwo - 2007 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 7 (2).
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  20. The transmission of philosophy in historical form. A report on the 1998 Genoa conference of the Italian Philosophical Society.O. Cocorocchio - 1998 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 53 (2):317-320.
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    Models as Make-Believe: Imagination, Fiction and Scientific Representation.O. Corry - 2015 - British Journal of Aesthetics 55 (1):126-128.
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    Vorländer, Karl, Volkstümliche Geschichte der Philosophie.O. A. Ellissen - 1923 - Kant Studien 28 (1-2):433.
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    Fixed-points of Set-continuous Operators.O. Esser, R. Hinnion & D. Dzierzgowski - 2000 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 46 (2):183-194.
    In this paper, we study when a set-continuous operator has a fixed-point that is the intersection of a directed family. The framework of our study is the Kelley-Morse theory KMC– and the Gödel-Bernays theory GBC–, both theories including an Axiom of Choice and excluding the Axiom of Foundation. On the one hand, we prove a result concerning monotone operators in KMC– that cannot be proved in GBC–. On the other hand, we study conditions on directed superclasses in GBC– in order (...)
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  24. Images of knowledge in modern Jewish thought.O. M. Flohr - 1999 - Filozofia 54 (5):329-339.
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  25. Zeit und Gegenwart. Eine Untersuchung zum Problem der Zeit.O. Janssen - 1941 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 54:10-53.
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  26. ""El problema de la fundamentacion ultima filosofica a la luz de una pragmatica trascendental del lenguaje(Ensayo de una metacritica del" racionalismo critico") Le problème de la fondation philosophique ultime à la lumière d'une pragmatique transcendentale(Essai d'une métacritique du" rationalisme critique".Apel K.-O. - 1975 - Dianoia 21 (21):140-173.
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    History of Psychology: A Cultural Perspective.Cherie Goodenow O'Boyle - 2006 - Psychology Press.
    _History of Psychology: A Cultural Perspective_ easily distinguishes itself from other texts in a number of ways. First, it examines the field within the rich intellectual and cultural context of everyday life, cross-cultural influences, and contributions from literature, art, and other disciplines. Second, it is a history of ideas, concepts, and questions, instead of dates, events, or great minds. Third, the book explores the history of applied, developmental, clinical, and cognitive psychology as well as experimental psychology. Conveyed in a lively (...)
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    Constitution or Vatican? O'Brien - 1927 - Modern Schoolman 3 (7):105-106.
    THIS article concerning Mr. Marshall's open letter to Governor Smith does not pretend to be an answer. It suggests some philosophical considerations on the point at issue. The Editor.
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    Sensibility and Recreational Appreciation.Timothy M. B. O'Callaghan - 1988 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 22 (3):25.
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    German Idealism.Brian O'Connor, Michael Rosen, Hans Jörg Sandkühler & David W. Wood (eds.) - 2014 - Routledge.
    The course of German Idealism, which lasted from Kant to Schelling, is one of the most important and influential periods in the history of philosophy. _The Routledge Handbook of German Idealism_ is a superb resource for all students and scholars of the movement. Its twelve specially commissioned thematic chapters, all written by experts in the area, cover the essential aspects of German idealism, including Knowledge, nature, freedom and morality, law, history, religion, art and the European legacy of German idealism. In (...)
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    Letting Habits Die: Derrida, Ravaisson and the Structure of Life.Patrick O’Connor - 2015 - Symposium 19 (1):222-247.
    This essay will provide a comparative analysis of themes at work in both Jacques Derrida and Félix Ravaisson. By putting these thinkers in dialogue will I believe offers valuable insights into questions of deconstruction and vitalism. I will examine Derrida’s remarks on Ravaisson in On Touching: Jean Luc Nancy, and use his thoughts as a way of explaining the similarities and differences between Derrida and Ravaisson and thus of Derrida’s proximity to and distance from the vitalist tradition. I will also (...)
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    Saint Augustine on the Resurrection of Christ Teaching: Teaching, Rhetoric, and Reception.S. J. O'Collins - 2017 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Despite an enormous amount of literature on St Augustine of Hippo, this work provides the first examination of what he taught about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Augustine expounded Christ's resurrection in his sermons, letters, Answer to Faustus the Manichean, the City of God, Expositions of the Psalms, and the Trinity. Saint Augustine on the Resurrection of Christ: Teaching, Rhetoric, and Reception explores what Augustine held about the centrality of Christ's resurrection from the dead, the agency of Christ's resurrection, and (...)
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    The Matter of Thinking: Material Thinking and the Natural History of Humankind.Aislinn O'Donnell - 2018 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 6 (1):39-54.
    Contemporary educational policies have recently prioritised the development of generic, core, and transferable skills. This essay reflects on this tendency in the context of the ‘algorithmic condition’ and those discourses that tend toward an image of education that privileges dematerialised skills, practices, and knowledge. It argues that this turn towards dematerialisation is resonant with shifts in a number of diff erent domains, including work, and explores some of the implications of this shift. Instead I suggest an approach to education that (...)
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    Edmund Burke.Frank O'Gorman - 2010 - Routledge.
    First published in 1973, this title offers a concise and readable account of Burke's political philosophy. As well as examining the foundation for Burke's thought, the book also provides much needed connections between the fields of history and political theory. Critical comment and analysis of Burke's attitudes to the problems of the second half of the eighteenth century are also included.
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    42. Baccalaureate Service.Jean O'Grady - 2000 - In Northrop Frye on Religion. University of Toronto Press. pp. 372-372.
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  36. Index.Jean O'Grady - 2000 - In Northrop Frye on Religion. University of Toronto Press. pp. 411-432.
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    12. The Double Vision: Language and Meaning in Religion.Jean O'Grady - 2000 - In Northrop Frye on Religion. University of Toronto Press. pp. 166-236.
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  38. Philosophy at the New Millennium.Anthony O'hear - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (1):199-199.
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    Philosophy of Action.Anthony O'Hear (ed.) - 2017 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume is based on the lectures given in The Royal Institute of Philosophy's annual lecture series in London for 2015-2016. The papers collected here relate to action in contemporary philosophy. Issues discussed relate to freedom and responsibility, the relation between action and causation, and the connection between considerations of virtue and ethical concepts as applied to the notion of action.
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    (1 other version)Swift and Whitman as Exponents of Human Nature.R. D. O'Leary - 1913 - International Journal of Ethics 24 (2):183.
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    Gewirth and Adams on the Foundation of Morality.William M. O’Meara - 1982 - Philosophy Research Archives 8:367-381.
    In his book, Reason and Morality, Gewirth has defended the principle of generic consistency as logically and materially necessary: “Act in accord with the generic rights of your recipients as well as of yourself.” This paper argues that Gewirth can make a good response to the evaluation of Adams that Gewirth gives “no conceptual analysis of ‘X is a necessary good’ and ‘X is a right’ that reveals... an entailment.” The paper also argues that Gewirth has not shown that one (...)
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    Aristotle’s Natural Slave Reexamined.Charles J. O’Neil - 1953 - New Scholasticism 27 (3):247-279.
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    Logic and the Grainmarian.Rev Hugh P. O'Neill - 1928 - Modern Schoolman 4 (7):119-119.
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  44. Practical Thinking and Socratic Questions.Onora O'neill - 1986 - Ratio (Misc.) 28 (1):90.
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    Understanding Habermas: Communicative Action and Deliberative Democracy.Claire O'Neill - 2005 - Contemporary Political Theory 4 (1):99-101.
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    Gathered for the Journey: Moral Theology in Catholic Perspective, edited by David Matzko McCarthy and M. Therese Lysaught.O. P. O’Rourke - 2008 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 8 (1):196-199.
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    We make predictions about eye of origin of visual input: Visual mismatch negativity from binocular rivalry.O'Shea Robert - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    A Response to my Critics: O'Neill and Mays.Calvin O. Schrag - 1983 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 14 (1):40-49.
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    General Types of Superior Men.O. Schwarz - 1919 - Philosophical Review 28:99.
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  50. Religion als Selbstbewusstsein : "das Wesen der Religion im allgemeinen" (Kap. 2).Adriana Veríssimo Serrão - 2020 - In Andreas Arndt (ed.), Ludwig Feuerbach: Das Wesen des Christentums. Boston: De Gruyter.
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