Results for 'Oaths Codes'

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  1. Nursing analysis.Oaths Codes - 1994 - Health Care Analysis 2:326-335.
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    The Code of Medical Ethics.Physician S. Oath - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2.
  3. Revisiting medical oaths: how student-driven ethical codes reflect changing values.Michael Stein, Shaun Evan Gruenbaum & Alan Jotkowitz - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    BackgroundMedical oaths and ethical codes play a crucial role in guiding physicians through their professional responsibilities. This study extends prior research on ethical codes created by students at the Medical School for International Health (MSIH) by analysing codes from the years 2007 to 2022.ObjectiveThe objective of this study is to evaluate changes in the ethical principles emphasised by MSIH students over time and to compare these with previous cohorts.MethodsEthical codes from MSIH classes (2007–2022) were analysed (...)
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    “You took an Oath!”: Engaging Medical Students About the Importance of Oaths and Codes Through Film and Television.Kayhan Parsi & Nanette Elster - 2020 - HEC Forum 32 (2):175-189.
    In this paper, we will consider the role of oaths and codes of ethics in undergraduate medical education. Studies of ethics syllabi suggest that ethics educators typically use well-known bioethics texts such as Beauchamp and Childress. Yet, many issues that medical students will face are addressed by codes of ethics and oaths. We will first provide a historical survey of oaths and codes and then address how these sources of ethical guidance can be effectively (...)
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  5. Medical codes and oaths.Robert M. Veatch - 1995 - Encyclopedia of Bioethics 2.
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    Of pledges, codes, oaths and standards.M. Chiarella - 1994 - Health Care Analysis: Hca: Journal of Health Philosophy and Policy 2 (4):326.
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    What is an oath and why should a physician swear one?Daniel P. Sulmasy - 1999 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 20 (4):329-346.
    While there has been much discussion about the role of oaths in medical ethics, this discussion has previously centered on the content of various oaths. Little conceptual work has been done to clarify what an oath is, or to show how an oath differs from a promise or a code of ethics, or to explore what general role oath-taking by physicians might play in medical ethics. Oaths, like promises, are performative utterances. But oaths are generally characterized (...)
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  8. A Hippocratic Oath for mathematicians? Mapping the landscape of ethics in mathematics.Dennis Müller, Maurice Chiodo & James Franklin - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (5):1-30.
    While the consequences of mathematically-based software, algorithms and strategies have become ever wider and better appreciated, ethical reflection on mathematics has remained primitive. We review the somewhat disconnected suggestions of commentators in recent decades with a view to piecing together a coherent approach to ethics in mathematics. Calls for a Hippocratic Oath for mathematicians are examined and it is concluded that while lessons can be learned from the medical profession, the relation of mathematicians to those affected by their work is (...)
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    The Hippocratic Oath and the Declaration of Geneva: legitimisation attempts of professional conduct.Urban Wiesing - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (1):81-86.
    The Hippocratic Oath and the Declaration of Geneva of the World Medical Association are compared in terms of content and origin. Their relevance for current medical practice is investigated. The status which is ascribed to these documents will be shown and the status which they can reasonably claim to have will be explored. Arguments in favor of the Hippocratic Oath that rely on historical stability or historical origin are being examined. It is demonstrated that they get caught up in paradoxes. (...)
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    Resurrection of the Hippocratic Oath in Russia.Pavel Tichtchenko - 1994 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 3 (1):49.
    I graduated from, medical school in 1972. According to orders signed at the Kremlin by the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, I was obliged, along with every graduating medical student, to swear to a new professional code, “The Oath of the Soviet Physicians.” This was the second year the oath was used. Incorporated in the oath were promises to “conduct all my actions according to the principles of the Communist morality, to always keep in mind … the (...)
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    Codes of Business Conduct.Jayraj Jadeja, Bharat R. Shah & Preshth Bhardwaj - 2005 - International Corporate Responsibility Series 2:359-374.
    In a perfect world, physicians and drug producers would have only one goal: to advance the health of their patients. Unfortunately, ours is not a perfect world. While every physician’s prime responsibility—by oath and by law—is to the patient, every pharmaceutical producer’s first and foremost obligation, by design, is to shareholders and employees. Their ultimate objectives are diagonally diverse. This situation calls for a code of ethics to govern the marketing and prescription of pharmaceuticals. This paper attempts to identifythe business (...)
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  12. What can we learn by looking for the first code of professional ethics?Michael Davis - 2003 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 24 (5):433-454.
    The first code of professional ethics must: (1)be a code of ethics; (2) apply to members of a profession; (3) apply to allmembers of that profession; and (4) apply only to members of that profession. The value of these criteria depends on how we define “code”, “ethics”, and “profession”, terms the literature on professions has defined in many ways. This paper applies one set of definitions of “code”, “ethics”, and “profession” to a part of what we now know of the (...)
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    Statutory Disclosure in Article 280 of the Turkish Penal Code.Erhan Büken, Serap Sahinoğlu & Nüket Örnek Büken - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (6):573-580.
    A new Turkish Penal Code came into effect on 1 June 2005. Article 280 concerns health care workers’ failure to report a crime. This article removes the responsibility from health care workers to maintain confidentiality, but also removes patients’ right to confidentiality. It provides for up to one year of imprisonment for a health care worker who, while on duty, finds an indication that a crime might have been committed by a patient and who does not inform the responsible authorities (...)
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    Developing an ethical code for engineers: The discursive approach.J. Félix Lozano Aguilar - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (2):245-256.
    From the Hippocratic Oath on, deontological codes and other professional self-regulation mechanisms have been used to legitimize and identify professional groups. New technological challenges and, above all, changes in the socioeconomic environment require adaptable codes which can respond to new demands.We assume that ethical codes for professionals should not simply focus on regulative functions, but must also consider ideological and educative functions. Any adaptations should take into account both contents (values, norms and recommendations) and the drafting process (...)
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    Medical school oath-taking: the moral controversy.Robert M. Veatch & Cheryl C. Macpherson - 2010 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 21 (4):335.
    Professions typically formulate codes of ethics. Medical students are exposed to various codes and often are expected to recite some.
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    Ethics Codes in Medicine--Foundations and Achievements of Codifications since 1947: Edited by Ulrich Trohler and Stella Reiter-Theil, Aldershot, Ashgate, 1998, 357 pages, pound39.95. [REVIEW]Søren Holm - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (3):206-a-207.
    This book is a collection of essays which originate from two, mainly European, workshops in 1996 on ethics codes before, and especially after, the appearance of the Nuremberg code in 1947. The book has previously been published in German, and a number of contributions have been translated from the original German and French manuscripts. The majority of the 26 papers cover the development of ethics codes from the Hippocratic oath to the present time, but some papers look at (...)
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    Developing an ethical code for engineers: The discursive approach. [REVIEW]Dr J. Félix Lozano Aguilar - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (2):245-256.
    From the Hippocratic Oath on, deontological codes and other professional self-regulation mechanisms have been used to legitimize and identify professional groups. New technological challenges and, above all, changes in the socioeconomic environment require adaptable codes which can respond to new demands.We assume that ethical codes for professionals should not simply focus on regulative functions, but must also consider ideological and educative functions. Any adaptations should take into account both contents (values, norms and recommendations) and the drafting process (...)
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    A Brief History of Medical Ethics Code in Poland.Jacek A. Piątkiewicz - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2 (4):361-362.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Brief History of Medical Ethics Code in PolandJacek A. Piątkiewicz (bio)On March 15, 1934 a Parliamentary Act authorized the General Medical Chambers, a body incorporating all Polish physicians, to establish general rules of medical ethics. These rules governed medical conduct in Poland until 1950, when the Communist government dissolved the General Medical Chambers.From 1950 to 1989 the only medical organization in Poland tolerated by the Communist government was (...)
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    Hippocratic, religious, and secular ethics: The points of conflict.Robert M. Veatch - 2012 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 33 (1):33-43.
    The origins of professional ethical codes and oaths are explored. Their legitimacy and usefulness within the profession are questioned and an alternative ethical source is suggested. This source relies on a commonly shared, naturally knowable set of principles known as common morality.
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    The Ethics of Biomedical Practitioners: A Brief Historical Introduction.Robert Baker - 2023 - In Erick Valdés & Juan Alberto Lecaros (eds.), Handbook of Bioethical Decisions. Volume II: Scientific Integrity and Institutional Ethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 2147483647-2147483647.
    This chapter provides a brief introductory history of biomedical practitioners’ efforts at self-regulation though oaths, codes, and statements of ethical principle, tracing them from ancient oaths through the nineteenth-century transition to codes of medical ethics. The more recent foundation for modern biomedical ethics was laid in post-World-War II oaths and codes written in the aftermath of the Holocaust, and later modified in response to animal rights and patients’ rights movements that promoted principles and practices (...)
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    Knowledge, attitude and perception of Nigerian physiotherapists regarding ethics of professional practice.Samuel O. Bolarinde & Henry E. Mba - 2020 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 10 (1):11-20.
    Background of the study: Physiotherapists in Nigeria renewed their practicing license annually through the regulatory body and are provided with the professional code of ethics which stipulate the appropriate conduct, behaviour to guild and regulate the practice of their profession however, the level of knowledge, attitude and application of the ethical guidelines by Nigerian physiotherapists need to be investigated. Aim of Study: This study assessed the knowledge, attitude and perception of Nigerian physiotherapists in relation to the ethics of their professional (...)
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    The Hair Stylist, the Corn Merchant, and the Doctor: Ambiguously Altruistic.Lois Shepherd - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (4):509-517.
    The AHP Code of Ethics requires members to serve the best interests of their clients, be clear and honest with them, and keep their secrets confidential. Members pledge to represent their skills and qualifications honestly and to make appropriate referrals to others more qualified when out of their depth.AHP stands for “Associated Hair Professionals,” or hair stylists, but their Code of Ethics looks a lot like the Hippocratic Oath and the current Principles of Medical Ethics of the American Medical Association. (...)
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  23. Ethics and Neuroscience: Protecting Consciousness.Arran Gare - 2022 - In P. López-Silva & L. Valera (eds.), Protecting the Mind. Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment. Springer. pp. 31-40.
    The Hippocratic Oath is a code of ethics defining correct behaviour by physicians they are required to commit themselves to before being accepted into the profession. It was the first code of ethics for any profession. While originating in Ancient Greece, it subsequently evolved, but the current code still embodies many of the core injunctions of the original code. The most widely accepted current form is the 2006 The Declaration of Geneva by the World Medical Association to be taken before (...)
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    Liberty to decide on dual use biomedical research: An acknowledged necessity.Emma Keuleyan - 2010 - Science and Engineering Ethics 16 (1):43-58.
    Humanity entered the twenty-first century with revolutionary achievements in biomedical research. At the same time multiple “dual-use” results have been published. The battle against infectious diseases is meeting new challenges, with newly emerging and re-emerging infections. Both natural disaster epidemics, such as SARS, avian influenza, haemorrhagic fevers, XDR and MDR tuberculosis and many others, and the possibility of intentional mis-use, such as letters containing anthrax spores in USA, 2001, have raised awareness of the real threats. Many great men, including Goethe, (...)
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  25. Great harms from small benefits grow: how death can be outweighed by headaches.Alastair Norcross - 1998 - Analysis 58 (2):152-158.
    Suppose that a very large number of people, say one billion, will suffer a moderately severe headache for the next twenty-four hours. For these billion people, the next twenty-four hours will be fairly unpleasant, though by no means unbearable. However, there will be no side-effects from these headaches; no drop in productivity in the work-place, no lapses in concentration leading to accidents, no unkind words spoken to loved ones that will later fester. Nonetheless, it is clearly desirable that these billion (...)
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  26. Практическая аргументация и античная медицина.Elena Lisanyuk - 2016 - Schole 10 (1):227-259.
    The ancient art of healing and practical argumentation are closely linked, and this link points to three substantial issues: that physicians enjoy certain social status, that medicine is recognized as a special area of knowledge and that the art of healing is a profession. We use the analogy between the medicine and the judiciary for demonstrating these issues. The analogy involves two groups of norms governing the activities of judges – the norms of competence and the norms of conduct which (...)
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    The nature of confidentiality.I. E. Thompson - 1979 - Journal of Medical Ethics 5 (2):57-64.
    This paper examines confidentiality and its nature and analyses the guidelines laid down by the Hippocratic Oath as well as the British and World Medical Associations for maintaining such confidentiality between doctor and patient. There are exceptions to practically any code of rules and this is true also for confidentiality. Some of these exceptions make it appear that very little is confidential. The three values implicit in confidentiality would seem to be privacy, confidence and secrecy. Each of these values is (...)
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    Critical Interventions in the Ethics of Healthcare: Challenging the Principle of Autonomy in Bioethics.Dave Holmes & Stuart J. Murray - 2009 - Routledge.
    The view from inside : gendered embodiment and the medical representation of sex / Shelley Wall -- The politics of medico-legal recognition : the terms of gendered subjectivity in the UK Gender Recognition Act / Sarah Burgess -- Journeys of choice? : abortion, travel, and women's autonomy / Christabelle Sethna and Marion Doull -- The code of ethics in medicine : intertextuality and meaning in Plato's Sophist and Hippocrates' oath / Twyla Gibson -- Sleeping ethics : gene, episteme, and the (...)
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  29. Ethics, pandemics, and the duty to treat.Heidi Malm, Thomas May, Leslie P. Francis, Saad B. Omer, Daniel A. Salmon & Robert Hood - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (8):4 – 19.
    Numerous grounds have been offered for the view that healthcare workers have a duty to treat, including expressed consent, implied consent, special training, reciprocity (also called the social contract view), and professional oaths and codes. Quite often, however, these grounds are simply asserted without being adequately defended or without the defenses being critically evaluated. This essay aims to help remedy that problem by providing a critical examination of the strengths and weaknesses of each of these five grounds for (...)
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    Bible Traces in Roman Law According to the Law Appendices of Empress Irene.Talat KOÇAK - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (2):735-748.
    Roman Law is an important legal systematic that contains important codings of world law history. This legal system not only affected Continental Europe, but also the Near East, which was a period under its domination. Especially in the Justinian period, the law collection that emerged as a result of the legal studies starting from the East Roman capital is considered as a monumental work by many historians and jurists. Researchers who praise Corpus Juris Civilis are right. However, this selection, which (...)
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    From Magna Carta To The Contemporary System Of Financial Penalties In The Criminal Law.Aleksandra Deanoska – Trendafilova - 2015 - Seeu Review 11 (1):40-47.
    Magna Carta Libertatum or the Great Charter of the Liberties is a historical document of great significance for the constitutional history and human rights and liberties development. Although at its initial version it addressed a limited number of liberties and principles, it represented a solid foundation for the evolution of the principles of the rule of law, right to justice, right to a fair trial, just and reasonable sentencing, limitation of powers, etc. Namely, article 20 of the Charter states: A (...)
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    The Athenian amnesty and the 'scrutiny of the laws'.Edwin Carawan - 2002 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 122:1-23.
    The ¿scrutiny of all the laws¿ that Andocides invokes in his defence On the Mysteries is usually interpreted as a recodification with the aim of barring prosecution for the crimes of civil conflict. This article advances four theses against that traditional reading: (1) In Andocides¿ argument the Scrutiny was designed for a more practicable purpose, not to pardon crimes unpunished but to quash any further action against former atimoi, those penalized under the old regime but restored to rights in 403. (...)
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    Professional Economic Ethics: Why Heterodox Economists Should Care.George DeMartino - 2013 - Economic Thought 2 (1).
    In presenting the case for professional economic ethics over the past two years, since the publication of The Economist's Oath, I've encountered more scepticism among heterodox economists on the left than from those on the right. Left-leaning economists argue inter aliathat the project to establish a field of professional economic ethics is naive, since economists are hardly to be dissuaded from doing wrong by the existence of a code of conduct; off target, since professional ethics doesn't address the main failures (...)
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    Knowledge, attitude and practice of medical ethics among medical intern students in a Medical College in Kathmandu.Ramesh P. Aacharya & Yagya L. Shakya - 2016 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 6 (3):1-9.
    This baseline study was conducted to find out the knowledge, attitudes and practices of medical ethics among the undergraduate medical interns who did not have structured ethics curriculum in their course. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out using a self-administered structured questionnaire among the medical undergraduate interns of Maharajgunj Medical Campus, the pioneer medical college of Nepal which enrols 60 students in a year. A total of 46 interns participated in the study. The most common source of knowledge on (...)
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    Knowledge, attitudes and practice of healthcare ethics and law among doctors and nurses in Barbados.Seetharaman Hariharan, Ramesh Jonnalagadda, Errol Walrond & Harley Moseley - 2006 - BMC Medical Ethics 7 (1):1-9.
    Background The aim of the study is to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices among healthcare professionals in Barbados in relation to healthcare ethics and law in an attempt to assist in guiding their professional conduct and aid in curriculum development. Methods A self-administered structured questionnaire about knowledge of healthcare ethics, law and the role of an Ethics Committee in the healthcare system was devised, tested and distributed to all levels of staff at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Barbados (a (...)
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    On not Harming: Two traditions.Barbara MacKinnon - 1988 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 13 (3):313-328.
    While ancient in origin, the principle, "Do No Harm," continues to occupy a prominent place in many present-day medical ethics codes. Of all the versions of the principle two distinct varieties can be distinguished. These parallel two ethical traditions. This paper develops the contrast between the two versions, relates them to the two ongoing ethical traditions, and then uses insights from contemporary ethical theory to demonstrate the significance of one of the versions. Finally it suggests some contemporary applications for (...)
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    Ethics in Medicine: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Concerns.Stanley Joel Reiser, Mary B. Saltonstall Professor of Population Ethics Arthur J. Dyck, Arthur J. Dyck & William J. Curran - 1977 - Cambridge: Mass. : MIT Press.
    This book is a comprehensive and unique text and reference in medical ethics. By far the most inclusive set of primary documents and articles in the field ever published, it contains over 100 selections. Virtually all pieces appear in their entirety, and a significant number would be difficult to obtain elsewhere. The volume draws upon the literature of history, medicine, philosophical and religious ethics, economics, and sociology. A wide range of topics and issues are covered, such as law and medicine, (...)
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  38. Eva van Baarle and Peter Olsthoorn (2023) Resilience : a care ethical Perspective. Ethics and Armed Forces.Peter Olsthoorn - 2023 - Ethics and Armed Forces 2023 (1):30-35.
    Not only the direct physical experiences of deployment can severely harm soldiers’ mental health. Witnessing violations of their moral principles by the enemy, or by their fellow soldiers and superiors, can also have a devastating impact. It can cause soldiers’ moral disorientation, increasing feelings of shame, guilt, or hate, and the need for general answers on questions of right and wrong. Various attempts have been made to keep soldiers mentally sane. One is to provide convincing causes for their deployment, which (...)
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  39. Medical Ethics in Qiṣāṣ (Eye-for-an-Eye) Punishment: An Islamic View; an Examination of Acid Throwing.Hossein Dabbagh, Amir Alishahi Tabriz & Harold G. Koenig - 2016 - Journal of Religion and Health 55 (4):1426–1432.
    Physicians in Islamic countries might be requested to participate in the Islamic legal code of qiṣāṣ, in which the victim or family has the right to an eye-for-an-eye retaliation. Qiṣāṣ is only used as a punishment in the case of murder or intentional physical injury. In situations such as throwing acid, the national legal system of some Islamic countries asks for assistance from physicians, because the punishment should be identical to the crime. The perpetrator could not be punished without a (...)
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    The importance of meta-ethics in engineering education.David R. Haws - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (2):204-210.
    Our shared moral framework is negotiated as part of the social contract. Some elements of that framework are established (tell the truth under oath), but other elements lack an overlapping consensus (just when can an individual lie to protect his or her privacy?). The tidy bits of our accepted moral framework have been codified, becoming the subject of legal rather than ethical consideration. Those elements remaining in the realm of ethics seem fragmented and inconsistent. Yet, our engineering students will need (...)
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  41. Dual loyalty in military medical ethics: a moral dilemma or a test of integrity?Peter Olsthoorn - 2019 - Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps 165 (4):282-283.
    When militaries mention loyalty as a value they mean loyalty to colleagues and the organisation. Loyalty to principle, the type of loyalty that has a wider scope, plays hardly a role in the ethics of most armed forces. Where military codes, oaths and values are about the organisation and colleagues, medical ethics is about providing patient care impartially. Being subject to two diverging professional ethics can leave military medical personnel torn between the wish to act loyally towards colleagues, (...)
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    The physician's creed.M. B. Etziony - 1973 - Springfield, Ill.,: Thomas.
    "Consists basically of medical prayers, oaths, pledges, ethical aphorisms and codes, and covenants of physicians throughout the ages, in various civilizations."--Intro. Published 1973.
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    Participation in Torture and Interrogation: An Inexcusable Breach of Medical Ethics—A Call to Hold Military Medical Personnel Accountable to Accepted Professional Standards.Philip R. Lee, Marcus Conant, Albert R. Jonsen & Steve Heilig - 2006 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 15 (2):202-203.
    The profession of medicine has developed codes of ethical conduct for thousands of years. From the Hippocratic Oath of ancient Greece onward to modern times, a universal and central element of such codes has expressed the imperative that a physician shall “Do no harm.”.
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    De katholieke geloofsbelijdenis en de katholieke ambtseed in canoniekrechterlijk perspectief.Ton Meijers - 2005 - Bijdragen 66 (3):254-271.
    The article is focused on the profession of faith and the oath of fidelity, as has been formulated in 1989 by the Congregation of Faith. Catholic clergy as well as Catholic theologians are obliged to profess the Catholic faith and to take the oath before assuming an ecclesiastical office or function. The analyses and reflections are from the point of view of canon law. A retro prospective view makes clear that the profession and oath belong to the disciplinary tradition of (...)
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    An Introduction to Bioethics and Ethical Theory.D. John Doyle - 2010 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 1 (1):19-41.
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    Confidentiality.Raanan Gillon & Daniel K. Sokol - 1998 - In Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer (eds.), A Companion to Bioethics. Malden, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 511–519.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References.
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    What Is Bioethics? A Historical Introduction.Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer - 1998 - In Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer (eds.), A Companion to Bioethics. Malden, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–11.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Medical Ethics Nursing Ethics Bioethics References.
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  48. Lorraine Code.Lorraine Code - 1998 - In Linda Alcoff (ed.), Epistemology: the big questions. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 124.
  49. What Can She Know? Feminist Theory and the Construction of Knowledge.Lorraine Code, Sandra Harding & Susan Hekman - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (3):202-210.
    Feminist epistemologists who attempt to refigure epistemology must wrestle with a number of dualisms. This essay examines the ways Lorraine Code, Sandra Harding, and Susan Hekman reconceptualize the relationship between self/other, nature/culture, and subject/object as they struggle to reformulate objectivity and knowledge.
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    Rhetorical Spaces: Essays on Gendered Locations.Lorraine Code - 1995 - Mind 108 (429):157-159.
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