Results for 'Oksana Dmytriieva'

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  1.  19
    The Influence of the Culture of the Third Information Revolution on the Formation of Personality in the M. Serres Philosophical Discourse.Oksana Sarnavska, Tetiana Yakovyshyna, Oleksandra Kachmar, Mykhailo Sherman, Tamara Shadiuk & Tetiana Koberska - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1):241-253.
    The research is aimed at outlining aspects of the influence of the achievements of the culture of the third information revolution on the formation of the young generation in the philosophical discourse of the French philosopher M. Serres, revealing the features of the achievements of the third information revolution of modern culture, in particular in the spatial, temporal and, in fact, human dimensions, their influence on the formation of personality of the “hopthumb”. The theoretical basis of the study is based (...)
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  2.  32
    Brain Responses to Dynamic Facial Expressions: A Normative Meta-Analysis.Oksana Zinchenko, Zachary A. Yaple & Marie Arsalidou - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  3.  6
    Fenomen grammaticheskoĭ lakunarnosti: kognitivnyĭ i lingvopragmaticheskiĭ aspekty.Oksana Mikhaĭlovna Akaĭ - 2019 - Rostov-na-Donu: Fond nauki i obrazovanii︠a︡.
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    Realms of Memory: between Metaphor and Concept.Oksana Golovashina - 2022 - Sociology of Power 34 (1):18-38.
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    Етизація релігії як об'єктивний наслідок її функціональних обмежень.Oksana Gorkusha - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 48:45-70.
    Modern Ukrainian society has a number of unresolved problems that can impede its further cultural and spiritual progress. You can find out about this from scientific or religious literature as well as from the media. In particular, these problems are connected with the present state of spirituality of our people, with the lack of a solid foundation in our worldview for building a worthy future and awareness of the proper moral and ethical norms of social co-existence. “In Ukraine, as O. (...)
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    Зміна смислових акцентів у стратегії взаємодії зі світом католицької церкви.Oksana Gorkusha - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 50:254-259.
    The colorful worldviews of our contemporaries are a manifestation of world-wide processes in the world, which are usually defined through the concepts of "globalization processes", "information day", "postmodern instruction" and are accompanied in particular by such negative additions as "global problems of humanity", "information gluttony" "," the loss of faith in the reasoning of mankind and its historical progress. " The latter should also include the loss of faith in the true meaning of life, the world, history and, as a (...)
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  7.  9
    The role of the Logos concept in the Christian paradigm.Oksana Gorkusha - 2004 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 29:39-47.
    One of the initial concepts of the theoretical level of the Christian cultural tradition is the concept of λ λόγоς, which came to Christianity from ancient philosophy, where it was largely understood as a discursive process of unfolding being and thinking in their proportions, objectively-logical law of the implementation of this process and epistemology), conventional, human words, or concepts. After a specific religious transformation in Christianity, the Logos began to identify not only epistemological and ontological spheres of theoretical comprehension of (...)
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  8.  67
    Механізми забезпечення економічної безпеки україни.Oksana Kalmuk - 2011 - Схід (2(109)):40-42.
    In article describes the mechanism provide the economic security on the base of combination marketing and State economic regulation levers control this process.
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  9. Участь сидора голубовича в студентському русі кінця хіх століття.Oksana Kaminska - 2013 - Схід 5 (125).
    The article analyzes the student's period of Sydor Holubovych in the context of social and political processes taking place among Western students of the late nineteenth century. Found out its role in the political life in the Ruthenian-Ukrainian Radical Party (RURP). In particular, we show students influential political force, which played an important role in the ideological evolution RURP. Noted S. Holubovych part in the activities of students society of "Academic Fraternity". Detail highlights the process of organizational development students' society (...)
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  10.  2
    Impact of awe on topic interest and recognition memory for information in planetarium films.Oksana Kanerva, Tuomo Häikiö, Helmi Päällysaho & Johanna K. Kaakinen - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    We investigated the impact of situational awe on topic-specific interest and recognition memory for information presented in immersive planetarium films. Adult participants (N = 131) were recruited among science centre visitors who were going to view one of the films shown in the science centre’s planetarium. Participants responded to questions about prior knowledge, topic-specific interest in the film and background information before viewing one of the three planetarium films. After the film, they completed the topic-specific interest scale, epistemically-related emotion scales, (...)
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  11. Івано-франківський інститут нафти і газу - центр науково-технічної роботи і зв'язків із виробництвом україни.Oksana Kogut - 2015 - Схід 1 (133):69-75.
    У статті на основі широкого кола історичної літератури та джерел висвітлено розвиток нафтогазової промисловості Прикарпаття й становлення її науково-технічного потенціалу, досягнення, тенденції, перспективи. Автор доводить, що провідне місце в широкому колі національних і галузевих вузів заслужено посів вищий технічний навчальний заклад - Івано-Франківський інститут нафти і газу, де проводилися ґрунтовні наукові дослідження та навчання майбутніх спеціалістів країни.
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  12. Genius and Art: Kant’s Theory of Genius and the Concept of Genius in Ukrainian Fictionalized Biographies of Artists.Oksana Levytska - 2024 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 11:87-109.
    The article is dedicated to analyzing the nature of genius in the context of the development of fiction about artists. From the biographies of the famous Renaissance artists by G. Vasari, who made one of the first attempts at chronicling the lives of geniuses of his time, to modern fictionalized biographies of genius artists – we can trace the desire of writers to comprehend the nature of the artists and sculptors’ genius. The foundation of the concept of genius can be (...)
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  13. Новації у визначенні злочинних проявів у радянській україні за умов лібералізації суспільства хрущовської доби.Oksana Mikheieva - 2013 - Схід 5 (125).
    У статті розглянуті особливості злочинного світу часів хрущовської "відлиги", зосереджено увагу на злочинах, що активізувалися в зазначений час. Виявлені суб'єктивні та об'єктивні чинники, що впливали на показники криміналізації та судимості населення радянської країни. Показано взаємозв'язок між державно-політичними заходами та змінами в кримінальній статистиці. Виявлено, що два піки злочинності - у 1957-58 рр. і 1961 р. відповідають різним етапам у каральній політиці держави і характеризують спочатку лібералізацію сталінської каральної системи, потім - повернення до жорстких методів.
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  14. "Спецоїдство" та "спецоманія": Радянська влада та інженерно-технічні фахівці донбасу на початку 1920-х рр.Oksana Mikheieva - 2014 - Схід 2 (128):96-101.
    The article describes the features of the relationship between Soviet power and engineering specialists, who was working in senior positions in factories and mines of theDonbasin the early 1920's. Interaction between professionals and the new government in that time was inconsistent and compromised. On the one hand, technical specialist received significant preferences and opportunities, regardless of their relationship to the Soviet authorities. This decision was based on the rational considerations about the impossibility of restoring the destroyed industry ofDonbasonly by party (...)
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    Tekstinis Pranciškaus Skorinos Biblijos egzempliorių daugiasluoksniškumas XVI–XIX a., atsižvelgiant į jų paplitimą ir panaudojimą.Oksana Nika - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
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  16.  26
    Commentary: The Emerging Neuroscience of Third-Party Punishment.Oksana Zinchenko & Vasily Klucharev - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  17.  19
    The World Outlook function of religion and church identity: challenges in the contempopary coordinates of Ukrainian reality.Oksana Gorkusha - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 80:31-47.
    Oksana Horkusha’s article «The World Outlook function of religion and church identity: challenges in the contempopary coordinates of Ukrainian reality» analyzes the world outlook functioning of churches in the events of modern Ukraine. The rhetoric and the activity of church institutions are explored, on the basis of which the 3 levels of perception of reality are distinguished: 1) global 2) "Russko-mirovsky" 3) Ukrainian. Given the characteristic of each of them.
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  18.  15
    Interconfessional dialogue in modern Ukraine: impulses, conditions, purpose, subjects, levels of understanding.Oksana Gorkusha - 2017 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 83:45-60.
    The article by Oksana Horkusha “Interconfessional dialogue in modern Ukraine: impulses, conditions, purpose, subjects, levels of understanding” analyzes the motives, conditions, goals, subjects and levels of understanding of the interconfessional dialogue in contemporary Ukraine. Interconfessional dialogue cannot have a purpose in itself. Different confessions reach agreement only in the process of such dialogue, which are carried out by mutually viable actors who have a common goal, are in the same cultural-historical context, a definite problem, for the solution of which (...)
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  19. Українсько-польсько-російські відносини у висвітленні волинської періодики хіх - поч. Хх ст.Oksana Bila - 2014 - Схід 5 (131):62-68.
    The paper reviews historical and regional studies publications of Volyn periodicals in the 19 th -20 th centuries, which covered the Ukrainian-Polish-Russian relations. Their key theme lines are indicated, specifically a socio-economic line which addressed social inequality problems, enslavement of Ukrainian peasants by Polish gentry at the time when some Ukrainian regions were a part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; a religious line which covered consequences of Polonization, threats to Orthodoxy, feats and courage of its defenders; an ethnographic line which attempted (...)
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  20.  27
    Ethical navigation of biobanking establishment in Ukraine: learning from the experience of developing countries.Oksana N. Sulaieva, Oksana Artamonova, Oleksandr Dudin, Rostyslav Semikov, Dmytro Urakov, Yurii Zakharash, Arman Kacharian, Vasyl Strilka, Ivan Mykhalchuk, Oleksii Haidamak, Olena Serdyukova & Nazarii Kobyliak - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Building a biobank network in developing countries is essential to foster genomic research and precision medicine for patients’ benefit. However, there are serious barriers to establishing biobanks in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), including Ukraine. Here, we outline key barriers and essential milestones for the successful expansion of biobanks, genomic research and personalised medicine in Ukraine, drawing from the experience of other LMICs. A lack of legal and ethical governance in conjunction with limited awareness about biobanking and community distrust are (...)
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  21.  28
    Gamification of a person’s spatial and temporal existence in the context of virtual reality.Oksana Novikova - 2021 - Sotsium I Vlast 4:128-137.
    The article considers the spatial and temporal changes manifested in the virtual form of gamification of existence. The definition of the virtual form of gamification of existence is given. On the basis of included observation, the spatial and temporal transformations of socio-cultural reality are rethought, and the philosophical-anthropological approach makes it possible to establish the dependence of the strategies of individual and group behaviour on the inclusion of game actions in the virtual existence. The analysis of the virtual form of (...)
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  22.  44
    Affective and Semantic Representations of Valence: A Conceptual Framework.Oksana Itkes & Assaf Kron - 2019 - Emotion Review 11 (4):283-293.
    The current article discusses the distinction between affective valence—the degree to which an affective response represents pleasure or displeasure—and semantic valence, the degree to which an object or event is considered positive or negative. To date, measures that reflect positivity and negativity are usually placed under the same conceptual umbrella (e.g., valence, affective, emotional), with minimal distinction between the modes of valence they reflect. Recent work suggests that what might seem to reflect a monolithic structure of valence has at least (...)
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  23.  14
    “Logical Lantern”: Analogue of the Square of Opposition for Propositions in V.I. Markin’s Universal Language for Traditional Positive Syllogistic Theories.Oksana Cherkashina - 2024 - Logica Universalis 18 (1):35-47.
    In this paper is constructed an analogue of the square of opposition for propositions about relations between two non-empty sets. Unlike the classical square of opposition, the proposed scheme uses all logically possible syllogistic constants, formulated in V.I. Markin’s universal language for traditional positive syllogistic theories. This scheme can be called “Logical lantern”. The basic constants of this language are representing the five basic relations between two non-empty sets: equity, strict inclusion, reversed strict inclusion, intersection and exclusion (considered are only (...)
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  24.  27
    Using Distance Learning in the Process of Professional Training in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Oksana Tsiuniak, Iryna Myhovych, Lidiia Khomych, Margaryta Noskova & Mаria Kopchuk-Kashetska - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (4):389-400.
    Due to the threat of the spread of coronavirus, in order to organize and conduct classes, as well as to ensure the continuity of the educational process during the quarantine period, educational institutions are recommended to conduct classes in the mode of remote support of the educational process. Distance learning is a form of education using computer and telecommunication technologies that provide interactive interaction between teachers and students at different stages of training, as well as independent work with information network (...)
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  25.  11
    Memory Studies in Search of Epistemological Foundations.Oksana Golovashina - 2022 - Sociology of Power 34 (1):8-17.
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    Religioznye normy kak raznovidnostʹ sot︠s︡ialʹnykh norm: monografii︠a︡.Oksana Evgenʹevna Avilova - 2022 - Barnaul: Izdatelʹstvo Altaĭskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.
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  27.  19
    Gedanken über das Denken: Sergei Eisensteins Vorschlag.Oksana Bulgakowa - 2016 - In Maja Soboleva (ed.), Das Denken des Denkens: Ein Philosophischer Überblick. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 179-196.
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  28.  8
    Methods of making managerial decisions in local government.Oksana Buryanina & Svetlana Abramkina - 2019 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:91-101.
  29.  26
    Здоров’язбереження в умовах суспільства споживання крізь призму діалектичних категорій «явище» і «сутність».Oksana V. Dobryden - 2019 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 61:99-106.
    Introduction. During each historical period, the issue of health preservation acquires new essence characteristics which are determined by the transformations of social systems. Under the modern overconsumption society circumstances, put on the current socio-economic and political situation in Ukraine, the problem of internal nature and systemic inter-influences of such phenomenon as health preservation becomes extremely stressed and urgent. Purpose: to analyze the semantic features of the dialectical categories of essence and phenomenon in the context of the personal health-preserving activity of (...)
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  30.  5
    “Traditions Exist When We Touch Them”: A Preface to the Translation by Halbwachs.Oksana Golovashina - 2022 - Sociology of Power 34 (1):140-143.
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  31.  22
    Collaborate to Survive: Forming Networking of Religious Schools, Groups, Professionals as an Effective Model for the Future of Ukrainian Religious Studies.Oksana Horkusha - 2020 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 91:195-199.
    The author responds to the article by L. Fylypovych "Does Contemporary Ukrainian Religious Studies have a Strategy for Survival and Development?", where she gives her recommendations for overcoming the crisis in humanities in general and in religious studies in particular.
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  32.  20
    Public activity of contemporary Ukrainian academic religious scholars in the last five years.Oksana Horkusha - 2019 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 88:40-59.
    . In her article the author analyzes the way in which academic scholars combine professional competence and social activity. Academic Studies of Religious is a strategic branch of the humanities, that the practical consequences of theoretical achievements contribute to the establishment of mutual understanding in the multiconfessional and polyscriptive social context. Ukrainian academic scholars jf religious are at the same time scholars as theoreticians and citizens of modern Ukraine. Therefore, they often continue their professional scientific and cognitive activities in the (...)
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  33.  24
    Man as a global and cosmic Being in the works of V.I. Vernadsky and K.E. Tsiolkovsky.Oksana Evgenievna Makeeva - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):160-164.
    The article reveals the approaches to the essence of man by one of the founders of Russian cosmism K.E. Tsiolkovsky and V.I. Vernadsky. the teaching of which is attributed to the natural-scientific direction of Russian cosmism, during the emergence of the vector of technical and technological development of mankind. The idea of a holistic, harmonious approach to the material and spiritual world of man united the philosophical worldview of K.E. Tsiolkovsky and V.I. Vernadsky, who viewed man and the surrounding world (...)
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  34.  50
    "Київська справа": Корупція в українській міліції 1920-х років.Oksana Mikheyeva - 2011 - Схід (2(109)):101-106.
    The article deals with the study of specific aspects of daily life of management and ordinary workers of the Ukrainian police at the mid 1920's based on the much-discussed in the press "Kievcase". This case was about systematic bribery in Ukrainian police (in modern language - about corruption). In this way we have detected the conditions, causes and mechanisms of the corruption that matter for the modern study of this phenomenon.
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  35. Традиційне та новаційне в протидії злочинним проявам у радянській україні за умов лібералізації суспільства хрущовської доби.Oksana Mikheieva - 2013 - Схід 6 (126):232-237.
    State policy in the field of law enforcement during the Khrushchev's period wasn't a stabile. The first wave of changes was associated with the abolition of some legislative acts of the Stalinist period, a significant softening of punitive line, narrowing of the scope of capital punishment, empowerment convicted people etc. On the one hand, these steps are partially rehabilitating the Soviet law enforcement. On the other hand, government actions were unreasoned and populist, designed for quick political effect. The next wave (...)
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  36. Повсякденне буття червоноармійців у донбасі на початку 1920-х років.Oksana Mikheieva - 2014 - Схід 1 (127):155-159.
    У статті на основі аналізу фрагментів з листів червоноармійців, зроблених співробітниками Державного політичного управління (ДПУ) в рамках практики перлюстрації, реконструйовані окремі аспекти сприйняття червоноармійцями навколишньої дійсності, політики та ідеології нової влади, свого місця в новому суспільстві і його соціальній структурі. Зокрема простежуються результати активної антирелігійної кампанії, прагнення більшовиків у процесі ідеологічного впливу на червоноармійців зв'язати в їх свідомості релігію з пригніченням, владою буржуазних класів. Зафіксована і зворотна реакція самих червоноармійців: від високого рівня засвоєння ідеологем, до сумнівів і неприйняття їх.
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  37.  16
    The Efficiency of Using New Information and Communication Technologies in Primary School Lessons: the E-Learning Experience.Oksana Moiko, Alina Predyk, Nataliia Bakhmat, Oksana Kravchuk, Nataliia Streletska & Hanna Zakharova - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):199-215.
    The importance of the topic of the article lies in the fact that in the era of postmodernism, informatization of the elementary school allows you to improve the quality of the educational process, through the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to simplify management of the educational process, to organize the exchange of teaching experience, to expand didactic capabilities of the lesson. The purpose of the article is the need to study and justify the importance of using new ICT (...)
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  38.  31
    (1 other version)Peter Ehlen’s Christian Reading of Frank’s Russian Religious Philosophy.Oksana Nazarova - 2013 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 18 (2):251-261.
    This paper analyzes the problem of Western perceptions of one of the most original branches of the Russian Philosophical Renaissance that occurred at the beginning of the 20th century: namely, the so called Russian Religious Philosophy. This problem still possesses contemporary relevance, owing to the fact that Russian philosophy continues to be engaged in a search for self-identification in respect of Western philosophical contexts. The paper shows that “Russian Religious Philosophy” is perceived by Western thinkers not only as “an exotic (...)
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    Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės chartijos Volodymyro Rozovo rankraščių archyve: nauji šaltiniai.Oksana Nika - 2020 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 104.
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    Gamization of human existence or absolute power of game praxis.Oksana Novikova - 2019 - Sotsium I Vlast 2:18-26.
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    Gamification of human being in the context of digital culture.Oksana Novikova - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 5:78-85.
    Introduction and purpose of the study. The article is focused analyzing the phenomenon of gamification of human being in the context of current changes in digital culture. The author reveals anthropological consequences of this phenomenon. Methods. Methods of scientific research, making it possible to identify and characterize anthropological consequences of digitalization of human being and culture, are philosophical, anthropological and cultural analyses. Scientific novelty of the research. The author describes the virtual form of gamification of human being, presented in digital (...)
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    Race, remembering, and Jim Crow’s teachers.Oksana Parylo - 2014 - British Journal of Educational Studies 62 (3):359-361.
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    The concept of revived natural law as a continuation of traditions of the modern era in Ukrainian philosophy.Oksana Patlaichuk - 2005 - Sententiae 12 (1):124-133.
    The author emphasizes the leading role of Kant's philosophy and neo-Kantianism in spreading the theory of natural law on Ukrainian territory. The article emphasizes that the idea of natural law was considered in the circles of the Ukrainian intelligentsia as a component of the general system of idealistic views. The intelligentsia was critical of positive law and called for the correction of its defects with the help of moral goals. The author compares rationalist and religious-ethical approaches to issues of ethical (...)
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  44.  12
    Modern ideas about the object of scientific knowledge and bioethics.Oksana Petrushenko, Viktor Petrushenko & Oksana Chursinova - 2022 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 12 (1-2):53-59.
    The present article analyzes and outlines significant changes in ideas about the object of scientific knowledge in modern science. Special attention is paid to the transition to the paradigm of complexity, within which the object of scientific knowledge acquires a complex systemic character and remains in the same complex connections with systems of different levels. It is marked that such changes entail a number of methodological requirements, which are especially clearly manifested in modern theories of bioethics and its real practices. (...)
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  45.  13
    Relevant Factors in Research Activity of Ukrainian Social Workers: Postmodern Studies.Oksana Povidaichyk, Oleg Lisovets, Olena Bilyk, Oksana Onypchenko, Ihor Hrynyk & Kateryna Kulava - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):561-578.
    The article deals with theoretical, practical, partly - historical aspects of scientific research of modern Ukrainian and foreign sociologists and social workers. The aim of the research is to analyze and summarize the following three key aspects: a) historical destructive moments in the development of Ukrainian/Soviet sociology; b) the orientation of the vector of postmodernist research of foreign scholars who had no censorship restrictions on their works; c) the main problematics of current Ukrainian sociological research. The latter, despite their deep (...)
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  46.  14
    Від неотомізму до модернізму: творчість Г. Костельника у світлі сучасних досліджень.Oksana Sheremeta - 2015 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:53-65.
    У статті здійснено спробу відповісти на питання, у чому причина суперечливих оцінок філософських ідей о. Гаврила Костельника дослідниками, та з’ясувати філософський контекст його творчості. З’ясовано, що в історії вивчення творчої спадщини Г. Костельника традиційно склалися кілька позицій у визначенні його філософських поглядів. Згідно з першою, Костельника вважають неотомістом (М. Олексюк, І. Мірчук,), який звертається до досягнень позитивізму (І. Мірчук): згідно з другою, – представником української гілки Львівсько-Варшавської школи (С. Іваник); згідно з третьою – модерністом (о. О. Гірник). У першому випадку (...)
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  47.  8
    о. Микола Конрад: формування української національної ідентичності у контексті проблеми «націоналізм та католицизм.Oksana Sheremetа - 2019 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:49-81.
    У статті висвітлюються погляди о. М. Конрада на націоналізм та пов’язані з ним поняття: національна ідентичність, нація, національна держава у контексті проблеми «націоналізм та католицизм», які він висловив у доповіді під назвою «Націоналізм та католицизм», написаній для виступу на Академічних вечорах Богословського Наукового Товариства. Проведене дослідження дало можливість, на основі аналізу основоположних понять націоналізму, з’ясувати бачення М. Конрадом альтернативного вчення до інтегрального націоналізму Д. Донцова – націоналізму католицького. Також ствердити, що мислителю вдалося розвинути власне ґрунтовне і виважене бачення проблеми, яке (...)
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  48.  17
    На перетині раціонального і морального: Суспільствознавство як наука у трактуванні євгена спекторського.Oksana Slobodian - 2021 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 6:47-57.
    This article concerns the evolution of philosopher and lawyer Yevhen Spektorskyi’s views on social science in the context of social thought of that time. At the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century in Russian philosophy appeared a strong need for a search for an alternative to positivism and Marxism interpretation of sociology, which would enable it to deal with pressing social and ethical issues. Neo-Kantian philosophy became one of those alternatives, and it had a profound influence (...)
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  49.  9
    Socio-Cultural Communication of Migrants.Oksana Tereshchenko - forthcoming - Visnyk of the Lviv University Series Philosophical Sciences.
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  50.  9
    Основні ознаки та суперечності розвитку української освіти в радянський період.Oksana Yakymchuk - 2018 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:188-201.
    Українська національна система освіти і сьогодні перебуває під тиском залишкових ідеологічних та практичних ознак колишньої радянської освіти, яка була надмірно централізованою, ідеологізованою, денаціоналізованою та мілітаризованою. Стаття присвячена аналізу проблем, пов’язаних із тим, як перелічені суперечності впливають на сучасний розвиток української освіти. Робляться висновки про необхідність уникнення проблем, які рудиментарним чином успадковані українською системою освіти від попередньої.
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