Results for 'Omar Montoya Suárez'

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    Análisis prospectivo para la universidad tecnológica de pereira al año 2010.Omar Montoya Suárez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Docencia, investigación y extensión en la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia: una caracterización.Omar Montoya Suárez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    De la téchne griega a la técnica occidental moderna.Omar Montoya Suárez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    El estado de la capacidad de vinculación del sector productivo del departamento de Risaralda con la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira: una reflexión.Omar Montoya Suárez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    El estado de la demanda tecnológica del sector productivo en el departamento de Risaralda: una provocación al debate.Omar Montoya Suárez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    El proceso de instrumentalización del conocimiento científico y sus implicaciones para la investigación y la praxis universitaria.Omar Montoya Suárez & J. Jaramillo - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Universidad y conocimiento en la sociedad moderna.Omar Montoya Suárez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Encuentro entre la adúltera y Jesús: el triple juicio.Leonardo Suárez Montoya - 2019 - Mayéutica 45 (99):117-129.
    “Dos se quedan allí: la miserable y la misericordia” es una de las frases más conocidas de las obras de san Agustín y que más se emplean en homilías para hablar de la misericordia. En este texto nos proponemos analizar el concepto de misericordia en san Agustín siguiendo su comentario al evangelio de san Juan sobre el encuentro entre la adúltera y el Señor. Para sistematizar el pensamiento agustiniano, repasaremos el triple juicio en este pasaje bíblico: el juicio de los (...)
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    The eradication of hate speech on social media: a systematic review.Javier Gracia-Calandín & Leonardo Suárez-Montoya - 2023 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 21 (4):406-421. Translated by Jeremy Roe.
    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a quantitative and qualitative synthesis of the diverse academic proposals and initiatives for preventing and eliminating hate speech on the internet. Design/methodology/approach The foundation for this study is a systematic review of papers devoted to the analysis of hate speech. It has been conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol and applied to an initial corpus of 436 academic texts. Having implemented the suitability, screening and (...)
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    Integrating Sustainability Into Business Accounting: An Approach to Responsible Economic and Financial Management.Edwin Lizarazo Luna, Lina Rosenda Bonilla Rueda, Omar Hernán Nova Jaimes & David Andrés Suárez Suárez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:2086-2094.
    A systematic review was carried out on the production and publication of research papers related to the study of Business Accounting, Sustainability, Responsible Finance, during the period between 2017 and 2022 under the PRISMA approach (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses). The purpose of the analysis proposed in this document was to know the main characteristics of the publications registered in the Scopus and Wos databases during the study of the proposed variables, achieving the identification of 64 publications (...)
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  11. Azafluorenonas en corteza de oxandra longipetala RE FR.(ANNONACEAE).Alberto Angulo Ortiz, Gilmar Santafe Patiño, Luis E. Cuca Suárez & Omar Torres Ayazo - 2007 - Scientia 13.
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  12. (1 other version)Scientific representation.Mauricio Suárez - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (1):91-101.
    Scientific representation is a currently booming topic, both in analytical philosophy and in history and philosophy of science. The analytical inquiry attempts to come to terms with the relation between theory and world; while historians and philosophers of science aim to develop an account of the practice of model building in the sciences. This article provides a review of recent work within both traditions, and ultimately argues for a practice-based account of the means employed by scientists to effectively achieve representation (...)
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  13. Deflationary representation, inference, and practice.Mauricio Suárez - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 49 (C):36-47.
    This paper defends the deflationary character of two recent views regarding scientific representation, namely RIG Hughes’ DDI model and the inferential conception. It is first argued that these views’ deflationism is akin to the homonymous position in discussions regarding the nature of truth. There, we are invited to consider the platitudes that the predicate “true” obeys at the level of practice, disregarding any deeper, or more substantive, account of its nature. More generally, for any concept X, a deflationary approach is (...)
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  14. Bohmian dispositions.Mauricio Suárez - 2015 - Synthese 192 (10):3203-3228.
    This paper argues for a broadly dispositionalist approach to the ontology of Bohmian mechanics . It first distinguishes the ‘minimal’ and the ‘causal’ versions of Bohm’s theory, and then briefly reviews some of the claims advanced on behalf of the ‘causal’ version by its proponents. A number of ontological or interpretive accounts of the wave function in BM are then addressed in detail, including configuration space, multi-field, nomological, and dispositional approaches. The main objection to each account is reviewed, namely the (...)
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  15.  36
    Philosophy of Probability and Statistical Modelling.Mauricio Suárez - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element has two main aims. The first one is an historically informed review of the philosophy of probability. It describes recent historiography, lays out the distinction between subjective and objective notions, and concludes by applying the historical lessons to the main interpretations of probability. The second aim focuses entirely on objective probability, and advances a number of novel theses regarding its role in scientific practice. A distinction is drawn between traditional attempts to interpret chance, and a novel methodological study (...)
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    Modulators of the Personal and Professional Threat Perception of Olympic Athletes in the Actual COVID-19 Crisis.Vicente Javier Clemente-Suárez, Juan Pedro Fuentes-García, Ricardo de la Vega Marcos & María José Martínez Patiño - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Indigenous populations in Mexico: Medical anthropology in the work of Ruben Lisker in the 1960s.Edna Suárez-Díaz - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 47:108-117.
  18.  13
    Vindicating Lineage Eliminativism.Javier Suárez & Sophie Veigl - forthcoming - Biological Theory:1-15.
    This article defends a selective eliminativist position with respect to the concept of “biological lineage” as used in certain areas of contemporary evolutionary biology. We argue that its primary epistemic roles in these contexts—explaining social evolution and cumulative selection—clash with empirical evidence, and that enforcing the concept of “lineage” even obstructs fruitful research avenues in several biological research fields, including phylogenetic research. Drawing on this, we suggest that, in many instances, it would be best to get rid of the concept (...)
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    Breaking the chains: Decolonizing the language of Nursology.Daniel Felipe Martín Suárez-Baquero - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (2):e12422.
    ResumoNeste artigo discuto o conceito de “A descolonização da enfermagem”, respondendo que é este processo, como e quando deve ser levado a cabo. Introduzo a ideia de domínio epistemológico e os conceitos de colonização e descolonização do conhecimentos na enfermagem. Descrevo as minhas experiências desde minha origem na América Latina e me confrontar com a academia anglo‐saxónica para discutir conhecimentos disciplinares de enfermagem e forneço reflexões sobre a descolonização da língua de enfermagem.
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  20. Perception and self‐awareness in Merleau‐Ponty and Martin.David Suarez - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (3):1028-1040.
    Merleau-Ponty suggests that to perceive is to be “geared into” the world. In perceiving, we are related to a temporally structured modal space of bodily possibilities that is co-constituted by the body and the world. When we perceive, we are “geared into” this structure and responsive to it; when we misperceive, we are not. In misperceiving, we are unaware of our failure to be geared into the world, and in this respect, we lack awareness of what we are doing. In (...)
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  21. Causal inference in quantum mechanics: A reassessment.Mauricio Suárez - 2007 - In Federica Russo & Jon Williamson, Causality and Probability in the Sciences. College Publications. pp. 65-106.
    There has been an intense discussion, albeit largely an implicit one, concerning the inference of causal hypotheses from statistical correlations in quantum mechanics ever since John Bell’s first statement of his notorious theorem in 1966. As is well known, its focus has mainly been the so-called Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (“EPR”) thought experiment, and the ensuing observed correlations in real EPR like experiments. But although implicitly the discussion goes as far back as Bell’s work, it is only in the last two decades that (...)
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  22. Art, Authenticity, and Understanding.David Suarez - 2023 - In Jens Pier, Limits of Intelligibility: Issues from Kant and Wittgenstein. London: Routledge.
    Early 20th century debates over the possibility of ‘metaphysics’ are grounded in a set of questions and answers whose central themes are already delineated in Kant’s critical philosophy. Wittgenstein and Carnap are sympathetic to Kant’s dismissal of transcendent metaphysics, but skeptical that there could be any substantive account of the fundamental conditions of our meaning-making. By contrast, Heidegger follows Fichte and the early German Romantics in seeing answers to the problems raised by metacritique not in science, but in the non-discursive (...)
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  23. Probabilities, Causes and Propensities in Physics.Mauricio Suárez - 2010 - In Probabilities, Causes and Propensities in Physics. New York: Springer.
    These are the introduction chapters to the forthcoming collection of essays published by Springer (Synthese Library) and entitled Probabilities, Causes and Propensities in Physics.
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    Populations of Cognition: Practices of Inquiry into Human Populations in Latin America.Edna Suárez-Díaz, Vivette García-Deister & Emily E. Vasquez - 2017 - Perspectives on Science 25 (5):551-563.
    In this special issue we explore practices of scientific inquiry into human populations in Latin America in order to generate new insights into the complex historical and sociopolitical dynamics that have made certain human groups integral to the production of scientific knowledge in and about the region. In important contributions, other scholars have shown that the science of human difference is racist and all too often has been a mediator of development ideologies. To further unpack these arguments we focus attention (...)
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  25. (1 other version)On the analogy between cognitive representation and truth.Mauricio Suárez & Albert Solé - 2006 - Theoria 21 (1):39-48.
    In this paper we claim that the notion of cognitive representation (and scientific representation in particular) is irreducibly plural. By means of an analogy with the minimalist conception of truth, we show thatthis pluralism is compatible with a generally deflationary attitude towards representation. We then explore the extent and nature of representational pluralism by discussing the positive and negative analogies between the inferential conception of representation advocated by one of us and the minimalist conception of truth.
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    The Complex Nexus of Evolutionary Fitness.Mauricio Suárez - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (1):1-26.
    The propensity nature of evolutionary fitness has long been appreciated and is nowadays amply discussed. The discussion has, however, on occasion followed long standing conflations in the philosophy of probability literature between propensities, probabilities, and frequencies. In this paper, I apply a more recent conception of propensities in modelling practice to some of the key issues, regarding the mathematical representation of fitness and how it may be regarded as explanatory. The ensuing complex nexus of fitness emphasises the distinction between biological (...)
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    (1 other version)On the legitimacy of the meta-philosophical interrogation in philosophy of biology.E. Joaquín Suárez-Ruíz - 2019 - Humanities Journal of Valparaiso 14:377-393.
    One of the most controversial and currently developed lines of research in philosophy of biology is that in which philosophers investigate pre-Darwinian assumptions that would still be present at the base of other philosophical sub-disciplines, such as ethics, epistemology, philosophy of language, etc. This type of inquiry, which I will call here “meta-philosophical interrogation,” can be thought as a complementary approach to the epistemological one, which allows us to broaden the critical approach of the discipline in question. The objective of (...)
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    Propensities, Probabilities, and Experimental Statistics.Mauricio Suárez - unknown
    I defend a three-fold form of pluralism about chance, involving a tripartite distinction between propensities, probabilities, and frequencies. The argument has a negative and a positive part. Negatively, I argue against the identity thesis that informs current propensity theories, which already suggests the need for a tripartite distinction. Positively, I argue that that a tripartite distinction is implicit in much statistical practice. Finally, I apply a well-known framework in the modelling literature in order to characterize these three separate concepts functionally (...)
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    Attentional bias in high math-anxious individuals: evidence from an emotional Stroop task.Macarena Suárez-Pellicioni, Maria Isabel Núñez-Peña & Àngels Colomé - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    (1 other version)The Pragmatics of Scientific Representation.Mauricio Suárez - 2002 - Discussion Paper (DP 66/02).
    This paper is divided in two parts. In part I, I argue against two attempts to naturalise the notion of scientific representation, by reducing it to isomorphism and similarity. I distinguish between the means and the constituents of representation, and I argue that isomorphism and similarity are common means of representation; but that they are not constituents of scientific representation. I look at the prospects for weakened versions of these theories, and I argue that only those that abandon the aim (...)
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    Enfermedad y metáfora.Luis Fernando Cardona Suárez - 2020 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 76 (288):89-111.
    En el presente texto abordamos a la luz de la antropología filosófica la pregunta por nuestra experiencia de la enfermedad. Como seres dotados de palabra, esta experiencia está mediada siempre por nuestra manera de hablar sobre ella. El poder nombrar lo que nos pasa nos configura como individuos orgánicos peculiares, frente a otras formas de vida. Pero al hablar sobre nuestras enfermedades caemos en una profunda paradoja: tenemos la necesidad de comunicar a otros nuestra vivencia, que es algo tan íntimo (...)
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  32. Sensory Substitution and Non-Sensory Feelings.David Suarez, Diana Acosta Navas, Umut Baysan & Kevin Connolly - 2018 - In Fiona Macpherson, Sensory Substitution and Augmentation. Oxford: Proceedings of the British Academy, Oxford University Press.
    One of the central limitations of sensory substitution devices (SSDs) is their inability to reproduce the non-sensory feelings that are normally associated with visual experiences, especially hedonic and aesthetic responses. This limitation is sometimes reported to cause SSD users frustration. To make matters worse, it is unclear that improvements in acuity, bandwidth, or training will resolve the issue. Yet, if SSDs are to actually reproduce visual experience in its fullness, it seems that the reproduction of non-sensory feelings will be of (...)
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  33. (2 other versions)Scientific Realism, the Galilean Strategy, and Representation.Mauricio Suárez - 2009 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 101 (1):269-292.
    This paper critically reviews Philip Kitcher's most recent epistemology of science, real realism . I argue that this view is unstable under different understandings of the term 'representation', and that the arguments offered for the position are either unsound or invalid depending on the understanding employed. Suitably modified those arguments are however convincing in favor of a deflationary version of real realism, which I refer to as the bare view . The bare view accepts Kitcher's Galilean strategy, and the ensuing (...)
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  34. El holobionte/hologenoma como nivel de seleccion.Javier Suárez - 2021 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 36 (1):81-112.
    The units or levels of selection debate concerns the question of what kind of biological systems are stable enough that part of their evolution is a result of the process of natural selection acting at their level. Traditionally, the debate has concerned at least two different, though related, questions: the question of the level at which interaction with the environment occurs, and the question of the level at which reproduction occurs. In recent years, biologists and philosophers have discussed a new (...)
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  35. Metaphysical Disputation V: Individual Unity and its Principle.Francisco Suárez & Jorge J. E. Gracia - 1982
  36. El mecanismo evolutivo de Margulis y los niveles de selección.Javier Suárez - 2015 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20 (1):7-26.
    Margulis’ evolutionary theory entails a revision of certain core concepts of traditional biology. One of these changes is related to the hot debate about units of selection. This paper considers Margulis’ proposal as a new research tradition (RT) and evaluates its consequences to the mentioned issue. Three ideas are suggested here: firstly, that her theory represents the revision of many classical biological concepts; secondly, that her position implies a reappraisal of many traditional issues in philosophy of biology; and thirdly, that (...)
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  37. Probabilities, Causes and Propensities in Physics.Mauricio Suárez (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Springer.
    This volume defends a novel approach to the philosophy of physics: it is the first book devoted to a comparative study of probability, causality, and propensity, and their various interrelations, within the context of contemporary physics -- particularly quantum and statistical physics. The philosophical debates and distinctions are firmly grounded upon examples from actual physics, thus exemplifying a robustly empiricist approach. The essays, by both prominent scholars in the field and promising young researchers, constitute a pioneer effort in bringing out (...)
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    Is logic useful for doing Philosophy?David Suárez-Rivero - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (1):1-4.
    Providing some basic arguments and a historical context, I introduce the special volume What can we do in Philosophy using Logic? In this introduction, I discuss whether logic is useful for understanding, evaluating or building arguments in philosophy. I argue that, although there has been research supporting the idea that logic can serve as a philosophical instrument, this has not shown completely its utility. This is the reason I offer to discuss the importance of logic in philosophy, trying to show (...)
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    Introducción de los editores invitados.E. Joaquín Suárez-Ruíz & Rodrigo López-Orellana - 2024 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 13 (2):1-2.
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  40. Dickson on Quantum Chance and Non-Locality.Mauricio Suárez - 2000 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 51 (4):882-892.
  41.  26
    Boolean valued semantics for infinitary logics.Juan M. Santiago Suárez & Matteo Viale - 2024 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 175 (1):103333.
  42.  8
    Connaissance et langage des anges selon Thomas d'Aquin et Gilles de Rome.Tiziana Nani-Suarez - 2002 - Paris: Libr. philosophique J. Vrin.
    "Ce volume presente la seconde partie d'une etude sur l'angelologie medievale dont la premiere partie a paru dans cette meme collection sous le titre: 'Les anges et la philosophie: subjectivite et fonction cosmologique des substances separees au XIIIe siecle', Etudes de philosophie medievale LXXXII, Paris, 2002"--T.p. verso.
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    Les anges et la philosophie: subjectivité et fonction cosmologique des substances séparées à la fin du XIIIe siècle.Tiziana Nani-Suarez - 2002 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    A partir de questions sur l'ange, son individualité, sa position et sa fonction par rapport aux autres êtres, dans l'architecture cosmologique et dans la structure métaphysique de l'univers, les penseurs médiévaux élaborent des théories autour de la structure et du sens de l'ordo rerum, et d'un paradigme de la subjectivité. Par le biais de ce dernier, l'ange figure le meilleur de l'humanité.
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    La resignificación del espacio urbano a través de la música pop mainstream.Eduardo Viñuela Suárez - 2023 - Arbor 199 (810):a726.
    La música popular ha funcionado en numerosas ocasiones como una herramienta para articular discursos y lanzar mensajes que desafían los valores de una sociedad. Más allá de repertorios musicales con un explícito mensaje político, existen numerosos ejemplos que desde el mainstream y a través de estrategias más sutiles envían mensajes que resultan subversivos y generan debates sobre convenciones que han sido normalizadas en nuestra cultura. En los últimos años, la proliferación de las redes sociales ha incrementado el papel de la (...)
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  45. Insight and illusion: Wittgenstein on philosophy and the metaphysics of experience.Alfonso García Suárez - 1973 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):415-417.
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    La tolerancia y el reconocimiento del otro en el acuerdo de paz entre el gobierno colombiano y las Farc-Ep.Aurymayerly Acevedo Suárez & Andrés Botero-Bernal - 2024 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 45 (131):501-530.
    This document presents an analysis of tolerance and recognition of the other in the text of the peace agreement signed between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia People’s Army (FARC-EP), and its implication in the success of the Agreement and the construction of a stable and lasting peace. A documentary review was conducted and the hermeneutic method was followed toanalyze philosophical texts that address the concept of tolerance and recognition of the other. Then, a dialogue was (...)
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    La deconstrucción ayer y hoy : de la escritura a la plasticidad.Ainhoa Suárez Gómez - 2023 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 21 (145):85.
    Jacques Derrida resignificó el concepto de escritura, que pasó de describir la transliteración de la voz, a ser un fenómeno de inscripción de sentido previo a cualquier signo. Esta extensión conceptual es la base de la deconstrucción. En este artículo se analizan los planteamientos centrales del proyecto filosófico de Derrida y se plantea una reflexión sobre el desenlace de la filosofía de la (archi)escritura en el contexto actual de la renovación de los nuevos materialismos y, en particular, el proyecto de (...)
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    Leyendo el miedo. Miguel Ángel Oeste y la posmodernidad.Pedro García Suárez & Miguel Tomás Magaña Terrón - 2023 - Arbor 199 (810):a736.
    Desde un punto de vista interdisciplinar, esta investigación explora la forma en que la palabra miedo funciona en la novela de Miguel Ángel Oeste Vengo de ese miedo (2022). A partir de este análisis, el trabajo pretende dar cuenta de la problemática de la identidad y la búsqueda del sentido del ser humano en el mundo contemporáneo, esclarecer la importancia del cuerpo y las emociones en la sociedad posmoderna y arrojar más luz sobre una de las tendencias más importantes de (...)
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    The Impact of Clinical Ethics Consultations on Physicians in a Latin American Context.Nathalia Rodríguez-Suárez & Paula Prieto-Martínez - 2024 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (4):635-651.
    Clinical bioethics plays a significant role in hospital settings through bioethics consultations, which focus on providing ongoing assistance in complex situations within the doctor-patient dynamic. These consultations entail regular interaction between physicians and clinical bioethicists. This situation prompts an exploration into how bioethics consultations affect physicians. The current research aims to understand the influence of bioethics consultations on physicians’ bioethical knowledge by analyzing the lexical content in their patients’ medical records. Medical records are a synthesis carried out by physicians, often (...)
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    : Genetic Crossroads: The Middle East and the Science of Human Heredity.Edna Suárez-Díaz - 2023 - Isis 114 (1):222-223.
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