Results for 'P'I.-mo T'an'

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  1.  65
    Transcriptional regulation of beta-secretase by p25/cdk5 leads to enhanced amyloidogenic processing.Y. Wen, W. H. Yu, B. Maloney, J. Bailey, J. Ma, I. Marie, T. Maurin, L. Wang, H. Figueroa, M. Herman, P. Krishnamurthy, L. Liu, E. Planel, L. F. Lau, D. K. Lahiri & K. Duff - 2008 - Neuron 57:680-90.
    Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 has been implicated in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. Here, we demonstrate that overexpression of p25, an activator of cdk5, led to increased levels of BACE1 mRNA and protein in vitro and in vivo. A p25/cdk5 responsive region containing multiple sites for signal transducer and activator of transcription was identified in the BACE1 promoter. STAT3 interacts with the BACE1 promoter, and p25-overexpressing mice had elevated levels of pSTAT3 and BACE1, whereas cdk5-deficient mice had reduced levels. Furthermore, mice with a (...)
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  2.  55
    The use of placebo in a trial of rectal artesunate as initial treatment for severe malaria patients en route to referral clinics: ethical issues.A. Kitua, P. Folb, M. Warsame, F. Binka, A. Faiz, I. Ribeiro, T. Peto, J. Gyapong, E. B. Yunus, R. Rahman, F. Baiden, C. Clerk, Z. Mrango, C. Makasi, O. Kimbute, A. Hossain, R. Samad & M. Gomes - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (2):116-120.
    Placebo-controlled trials are controversial when individuals might be denied existing beneficial medical interventions. In the case of malaria, most patients die in rural villages without healthcare facilities. An artesunate suppository that can be given by minimally skilled persons might be of value when patients suddenly become too ill for oral treatment but are several hours from a facility that can give injectable treatment for severe disease. In such situations, by default, no treatment is (or can be) given until the patient (...)
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    An annotated bibliography of Byzantine studies.P. Schreiner, C. SCholz, P. Grossmann, A. MoffAtt, Kristoffel Demoen, V. GjuzeleV, F. TinneFeld, Mm Mango, J. Herrin, E. JEffreys, C. Jolivet-Levy, P. Odorico, A. KArpozelos, T. Kolias, J. Albani, A. AcconciA Longo, E. FolliEri, E. KislingEr, H. Wada, L. Maksimovic, W. Aerts, J. Koder, E. GamillschEg, M. Grunbart, M. SaloMon, E. PopEscu, S. Bliznjuk, P. KarPov, Jn Lyubarskii, J. Rosenqvist, Y. Otuken, I. SIgnes, T. Olajos, A. Cutler, W. Kaegi, Am Talbot, M. Stassinopoulou, A. Muller, C. Troelsgard, J. Diethart, E. Trapp, E. VElkovska, C. Katsougiannopoulou, B. Schellewald, C. Morrisson, V. IVanisevic, E. Oberlander-Tarnoveanu, W. Seibt, F. Goria & S. TroianoS - 1999 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 92 (1):178-432.
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    Mastery Imagery Ability Is Associated With Positive Anxiety and Performance During Psychological Stress.Sarah E. Williams, Mary L. Quinton, Jet J. C. S. Veldhuijzen van Zanten, Jack Davies, Clara Möller, Gavin P. Trotman & Annie T. Ginty - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:568580.
    Mastery imagery (i.e., images of being in control and coping in difficult situations) is used to regulate anxiety. The ability to image this content is associated with trait confidence and anxiety, but research examining mastery imagery ability's association with confidence and anxiety in response to a stressful event is scant. The present study examined whether trait mastery imagery ability mediated the relationship between confidence and anxiety, and the subsequent associations on performance in response to an acute psychological stress. Participants (N= (...)
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  5. Plato’s Euthyphro: An Analysis and Commentary.P. T. Geach - 1966 - The Monist 50 (3):369-382.
    The Euthyphro might well be given to undergraduates to read early in their philosophical training. The arguments are apparently simple, but some of them, as I shall show, lead naturally on to thorny problems of modern philosophy. Another benefit that could be gained from reading the Euthyphro is that the reader may learn to be forewarned against some common fallacies and debating tricks in moral disputes.
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    "Do-not-resuscitate" orders in patients with cancer at a children's hospital in Taiwan.T. -H. Jaing, P. -K. Tsay, E. -C. Fang, S. -H. Yang, S. -H. Chen, C. -P. Yang & I. -J. Hung - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (4):194-196.
    Objectives: To quantify the use of do-not-resuscitate orders in a tertiary-care children’s hospital and to characterise the circumstances in which such orders are written.Design: Retrospective study conducted in a 500-bed children’s hospital in Taiwan.Patients: The course of 101 patients who died between January 2002 and December 2005 was reviewed. The following data were collected: age at death, gender, disease and its status, place of death and survival. There were 59 males and 42 females with a median age of 103 months (...)
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    Nucleation of kink pairs on partial dislocations: A new model for solution hardening and softening.T. E. Mitchell, P. M. Anderson, M. I. Baskes, S. P. Chen, R. G. Hoagland & A. Misra - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (11):1329-1346.
    Nucleation and motion of kink pairs on partial dislocations are examined by elasticity theory for materials with a high Peierls stress. Two approaches are used: one considers the change in average stacking-fault energy due to alloying elements and the other considers the change in local SFE due to a nearby solute atom. Both approaches highlight the role of SFE on kink nucleation, propagation and annihilation and both furnish strain rate as a function of stress, temperature and SFE. Model predictions are (...)
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  8. Russell on Meaning and Denoting.P. T. Geach - 1958 - Analysis 19 (3):69-72.
    The author states: "in a recent article searle has shown the odd irrelevance of russell's criticisms of frege in the famous paper 'on denoting'. I here offer an explanation of the oddity: russell had excusably, But wrongly, Conflated frege's distinction between sinn and bedeutung with his own distinction between what an expression 'means' and what it 'denotes'.".
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  9.  29
    The Life of Roman Republicanism by Joy Connolly (review).T. P. Wiseman - 2015 - American Journal of Philology 136 (2):372-375.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Life of Roman Republicanism by Joy ConnollyT. P. WisemanJoy Connolly. The Life of Roman Republicanism. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014. xix + 228 pp. Cloth. $39.95.This book was written for the best of reasons. Joy Connolly explains in her preface that she began to study the republican tradition in 2001, when “the Bush administration’s imprudence, paranoia, and disregard of democratic values stoked in me an anger equalled (...)
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  10.  81
    An Irrelevance of Omnipotence.P. T. Geach - 1973 - Philosophy 48 (186):327 - 333.
    The title I have chosen naturally suggests the question: What are you saying omnipotence is irrelevant to? I reply: This doctrine is irrelevant to worthwhile discussion of the problem of evil. By this phrase I understand: the problem how the existence of a God with the attributes traditionally ascribed to him in Christian belief can be reconciled with the occurrence of the sorts of evil that we find in the world.
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  11.  68
    Colloquial Expressions in Aeschylus and Sophocles.P. T. Stevens - 1945 - Classical Quarterly 39 (3-4):95-.
    In an article published in the C.Q. of October 1937 I collected instances of the use of colloquial words and expressions in the dialogue passages of Euripides. It was there noted that a few of these expressions also appear in Aeschylus and Sophocles, and the purpose of the present study is to collect these, together with other instances of colloquialism which are found in the two earlier tragedians and not in Euripides. The colloquial element in the language of Aeschylus and (...)
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  12.  67
    Self and body: How known and differentiated.P. T. Raju - 1978 - The Monist 61 (1):135-155.
    I welcome the invitation of Eugene Freeman to contribute a paper on the subject of self, giving my own views. I have been devoted to comparative philosophy all my life, and I am naturally greatly influenced by Indian and Western thought. But I should warn both the Indian and Western readers against equating my views in their entirety with any of the past philosophies. It is also not possible to given an exhaustive theory of the self in a paper of (...)
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  13.  53
    Evans on Quantifiers.P. T. Geach - 1978 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):375 - 379.
    Gareth Evans's two articles on the syntax and semantics of pronouns unfortunately seem to have been written far more with the desire of showing Peter Geach to have been wrong all along the line than in an endeavour to formulate, clearly and coherently, a comprehensive theory of his own. Some scattered passages of constructive theorizing there are, and in the latter part of this note I shall have something to say about them; but the controversial motive prevails.It would be wearisome (...)
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  14.  84
    Spinoza and the Divine Attributes.P. T. Geach - 1971 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 5:15-27.
    On the very first page of Spinoza's Ethics we find the perplexing definition of ‘attribute’: ‘By an attribute I mean what the understanding perceives in regard to a substance as constituting its essence’. Each attribute of a substance by itself thus constitutes the essence of a substance; if there are many attributes of the same substance, it does not take all of them together to constitute its essence. Spinoza, as we all know, in fact held that there is only one (...)
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  15. Communication Without Emergence?T. Kron & P. Berger - 2012 - Constructivist Foundations 8 (1):112-114.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Communication Emerging? On Simulating Structural Coupling in Multiple Contingency” by Manfred Füllsack. Upshot: Our criticism aims at the premises of Füllsack’s simulation model, i.e., we claim that his interpretation of the Luhmannian concept of double contingency contradicts the systems theoretical approach in fundamental ways. Neither the view of communication as an emergent system, nor the theory of double contingency is addressed in an adequate manner. Thus Füllsack in fact does not simulate a systems theoretical (...)
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  16.  83
    Why quantum mechanics?P. T. Landsberg - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (10):969-982.
    It is suggested that anoversight occurred in classical mechanics when time-derivatives of observables were treated on the same footing as the undifferentiated observables. Removal of this oversight points in the direction of quantum mechanics. Additional light is thrown on uncertainty relations and on quantum mechanics, as a possible form of a subtle statistical mechanics, by the formulation of aclassical uncertainty relation for a very simple model. The existence of universal motion,i.e., of zero-point energy, is lastly made plausible in terms of (...)
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  17. Transcendence and Historicity In the Self As ÂTman.Professor Emeritus P. T. Raju - 1990 - Idealistic Studies 20 (3):203-229.
    Can the Âtman in its infinity and transcendence be made the basis for civil rights? Can we deduce the idea of civil rights and their number from the conception of the Âtman? Can historicity be preserved in the bosom of the Âtman? It has been said that only ideas like that of the dictatorship are possible on the basis of the Âtman as conceived by Indian thinkers. Individual freedom and initiative necessary for new scientific discoveries and inventions are taught by (...)
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  18.  25
    Intelligent analytical system as a tool to ensure the reproducibility of biomedical calculations.Bardadym T. O., Gorbachuk V. M., Novoselova N. A., Osypenko C. P. & Skobtsov Y. V. - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence Scientific Journal 25 (3):65-78.
    The experience of the use of applied containerized biomedical software tools in cloud environment is summarized. The reproducibility of scientific computing in relation with modern technologies of scientific calculations is discussed. The main approaches to biomedical data preprocessing and integration in the framework of the intelligent analytical system are described. At the conditions of pandemic, the success of health care system depends significantly on the regular implementation of effective research tools and population monitoring. The earlier the risks of disease can (...)
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  19.  35
    Changes in attitudes towards hastened death among Finnish physicians over the past sixteen years.Reetta P. Piili, Riina Metsänoja, Heikki Hinkka, Pirkko-Liisa I. Kellokumpu-Lehtinen & Juho T. Lehto - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):40.
    The ethics of hastened death are complex. Studies on physicians’ opinions about assisted dying exist, but changes in physicians’ attitudes towards hastened death in clinical decision-making and the background factors explaining this remain unclear. The aim of this study was to explore the changes in these attitudes among Finnish physicians. A questionnaire including hypothetical patient scenarios was sent to 1182 and 1258 Finnish physicians in 1999 and 2015, respectively. Two scenarios of patients with advanced cancer were presented: one requesting an (...)
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  20. Empirical Knowledge: Readings from Contemporary Sources. [REVIEW]T. P. - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 29 (1):131-132.
    This is a collection of twenty-four articles evenly divided among five topical areas: skepticism, sensory perception, memory, self-knowledge, and the foundations of empirical knowledge. With the exception of an article by Meinong, all the selections belong to the twentieth century and, except for four other articles, to the past thirty years. The selections in each of the five parts compliment one another in content and are arranged chronologically. For example, the section entitled "Contemporary Skepticism" begins with Leonard Nelson’s "The Impossibility (...)
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  21.  43
    Perceptions of the effectiveness of ethical guidelines: an international study of physicians. [REVIEW]D. C. Malloy, P. Sevigny, T. Hadjistavropoulos, M. Jeyaraj, E. Fahey McCarthy, M. Murakami, S. Paholpak, Y. Lee & I. Park - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (4):373-383.
    The intent of ethics is to establish a set of standards that will provide a framework to modify, regulate, and possibly enhance moral behaviour. Eleven focus groups were conducted with physicians from six culturally distinct countries to explore their perception of formalized, written ethical guidelines (i.e., codes of ethics, credos, value and mission statements) that attempt to direct their ethical practice. Six themes emerged from the data: lack of awareness, no impact, marginal impact, other codes or value statements supersede, personal (...)
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  22.  97
    Basic Hoops: an Algebraic Study of Continuous t-norms.P. Aglianò, I. M. A. Ferreirim & F. Montagna - 2007 - Studia Logica 87 (1):73-98.
    A continuoxis t- norm is a continuous map * from [0, 1]² into [0,1] such that is a commutative totally ordered monoid. Since the natural ordering on [0,1] is a complete lattice ordering, each continuous t-norm induces naturally a residuation → and becomes a commutative naturally ordered residuated monoid, also called a hoop. The variety of basic hoops is precisely the variety generated by all algebras, where * is a continuous t-norm. In this paper we investigate the structure of the (...)
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  23.  30
    How do 66 European institutional review boards approve one protocol for an international prospective observational study on traumatic brain injury? Experiences from the CENTER-TBI study.Marjolein Timmers, Jeroen T. J. M. van Dijck, Roel P. J. van Wijk, Valerie Legrand, Ernest van Veen, Andrew I. R. Maas, David K. Menon, Giuseppe Citerio, Nino Stocchetti & Erwin J. O. Kompanje - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-14.
    Background The European Union aims to optimize patient protection and efficiency of health-care research by harmonizing procedures across Member States. Nonetheless, further improvements are required to increase multicenter research efficiency. We investigated IRB procedures in a large prospective European multicenter study on traumatic brain injury, aiming to inform and stimulate initiatives to improve efficiency. Methods We reviewed relevant documents regarding IRB submission and IRB approval from European neurotrauma centers participating in the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury. (...)
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  24. How Digital Natives Learn and Thrive in the Digital Age: Evidence from an Emerging Economy.Trung Tran, Manh-Toan Ho, Thanh-Hang Pham, Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Khanh-Linh P. Nguyen, Thu-Trang Vuong, Thanh-Huyen T. Nguyen, Thanh-Dung Nguyen, Thi-Linh Nguyen, Quy Khuc, Viet-Phuong La & Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2020 - Sustainability 12 (9):3819.
    As a generation of ‘digital natives,’ secondary students who were born from 2002 to 2010 have various approaches to acquiring digital knowledge. Digital literacy and resilience are crucial for them to navigate the digital world as much as the real world; however, these remain under-researched subjects, especially in developing countries. In Vietnam, the education system has put considerable effort into teaching students these skills to promote quality education as part of the United Nations-defined Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4). This issue (...)
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  25. Ma-kʻo-ssŭ chê hsüeh pʻi pʻan.Chʻuang Ssu-tʻu - 1955 - Edited by Ssu-tʻu, Fa & [From Old Catalog].
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  26. Jên shêng kʻu lo wên tʻi chʻien tʻan.Pʻei-ho Mei - 1960
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  27.  37
    Quantitative ion beam analysis of M–C–O systems: application to an oxidized uranium carbide sample.G. Martin, G. Raveu, P. Garcia, G. Carlot, H. Khodja, I. Vickridge, M. F. Barthe & T. Sauvage - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (11):1177-1191.
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  28. Applying Ethical Concepts to the Study of “Green” Consumer Behavior: An Analysis of Chinese Consumers’ Intentions to Bring their Own Shopping Bags.Ricky Y. K. Chan, Y. H. Wong & T. K. P. Leung - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (4):469-481.
    Drawing on the general ethics and social psychology literature, this study presents a model to delineate the major factors likely to affect consumers’ intentions to bring their own shopping bags when visiting a supermarket (called “bring your own bags” or “BYOB” intention). The model is empirically validated using a survey of 250 Chinese consumers. Overall, the findings support the hypothesized direct influence of teleological evaluation and habit on BYOB intention, as well as that of deontological evaluation and teleological evaluation on (...)
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  29. Tʻan pʻin tê hsiu yang.Chʻi-yü Chang - 1956
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  30.  30
    A Universal P.R. Function?T. Parent - manuscript
    This paper details an algorithm for a binary, primitive recursive function that apparently computes, for any $i$ and $n$, $f_i\left(i,n\right)$. The algorithm works by exploiting the fact that, in the formal system described, the index assigned to a p.r. function codes the definitional composition of the function. The algorithm exploits such a code to generate a "canonical proof" of $f_i\left(i,n\right)=m$. Since this kind of algorithm is shown impossible by diagonal arguments, the algorithm must be in error. But the error is (...)
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  31.  27
    Cultivating Curious and Creative Minds: The Role of Teachers and Teacher Educators, Part I.Annette D. Digby, Gadi Alexander, Carole G. Basile, Kevin Cloninger, F. Michael Connelly, Jessica T. DeCuir-Gunby, John P. Gaa, Herbert P. Ginsburg, Angela McNeal Haynes, Ming Fang He, Terri R. Hebert, Sharon Johnson, Patricia L. Marshall, Joan V. Mast, Allison W. McCulloch, Christina Mengert, Christy M. Moroye, F. Richard Olenchak, Wynnetta Scott-Simmons, Merrie Snow, Derrick M. Tennial, P. Bruce Uhrmacher, Shijing Xu & JeongAe You (eds.) - 2009 - R&L Education.
    Presents a plethora of approaches to developing human potential in areas not conventionally addressed. Organized in two parts, this international collection of essays provides viable educational alternatives to those currently holding sway in an era of high-stakes accountability.
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    T'oegye Hakp'a ŭi Yulgok pip'an.Suk-P'il Chang (ed.) - 2008 - Kangwŏn-do Kangnŭng-si: Sadan Pŏbin Yulgok Hakhoe.
    [1]. Nonmun p'yŏn -- [2-3]. Charyo p'yŏn, 1-2.
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  33. An Argument for Scepticism concerning Justified Beliefs.I. T. Oakley - 1976 - American Philosophical Quarterly 13 (3):221 - 228.
    This paper argues for a completely universal scepticism, according to which no beliefs at all are justified to the least degree. The argument starts with a version of the Agrippan trilemma, according to which, if we accept that a belief is justified, we must choose between foundationalism, coherentism of a particular sort, and an infinite regress of justified beliefs. Each of these theories is given a careful specification in terms of the relationship of “justifiedness in p depending on justifiedness in (...)
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  34.  27
    Cancer surgery: risks and opportunities.J. C. Coffey, M. J. F. Smith, J. H. Wang, D. Bouchier-Hayes, T. G. Cotter & H. P. Redmond - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (4):433-437.
    In the recent past, several papers have pointed to the possibility that tumour removal generates a permissive environment in which tumour growth is potentiated. This phenomenon has been coined “perioperative tumour growth” and whilst it represents a departure in terms of our attitude to the surgical process, this concept was first hinted at by Paget1Sir James Paget (1814–1899) was a surgeon and physiologist who is widely held (along with Rudolph Virchow) to be the father of the science of pathology. Paget (...)
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  35. Chung-kuo chê hsüeh ssŭ hsiang pʻi pʻan.Chêng-tʻung Wei - 1968 - Shui Niu Ch'u Pan Shê.
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  36.  13
    V.I.P. care: Ethical dilemmas and recommendations for nurses.Jennifer T. McIntosh - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (3):809-820.
    Background: Not all patients are considered equal. For patients who are considered to be “very important persons,” care can be different from that of other patients with advantages of greater access to resources, special attention from staff, and options for luxurious hospital amenities. While very important person care is common and widely accepted by healthcare administration, it has negative implications for both very important person and non-very important person patients, supports care disparities and inequities, and can create serious ethical dilemmas (...)
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  37. Composition as Identity Doesn’t Settle the Special Composition Question1.Ross P. Cameron - 2011 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 84 (3):531-554.
    Orthodoxy says that the thesis that composition is identity (CAI) entails universalism: the claim that any collection of entities has a sum. If this is true it counts in favour of CAI, since a thesis about the nature of composition that settles the otherwise intractable special composition question (SCQ) is desirable. But I argue that it is false: CAI is compatible with the many forms of restricted composition, and SCQ is no easier to answer given CAI than otherwise. Furthermore, in (...)
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  38.  19
    Correlation between resistivity increment and volume fraction of G.P. zones in an Al-3·2 wt % Zn-2·2 wt % Mg alloy.J. Lendvai, T. Ungár, I. Kovács & G. Groma - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 33 (1):209-212.
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    Pipʻan kwa pʻoyong: Hanʼguk sirhak ŭi chŏngsin.Chang-tʻae Kŭm - 2008 - Sŏul-si: Chei aen Ssi.
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  40. Pozitivizm i nauka: Kritich. ocherk: [Sbornik stateĭ]/ AN SSSR, In-t istorii estestvoznanii︠a︡ i tekhniki.D. P. Gorskiĭ & Boris Semenovich Gri︠a︡znov (eds.) - 1975 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  41. Love First.P. Quinn White - forthcoming - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
    How should we respond to the humanity of others? Should we care for others’ well-being? Respect them as autonomous agents? Largely neglected is an answer we can find in the religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Buddhism: we should love all. This paper argues that an ideal of love for all can be understood apart from its more typical religious contexts and moreover provides a unified and illuminating account of the the nature and grounds of morality. I defend a novel (...)
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  42. Squeezing arguments.P. Smith - 2011 - Analysis 71 (1):22-30.
    Many of our concepts are introduced to us via, and seem only to be constrained by, roughand-ready explanations and some sample paradigm positive and negative applications. This happens even in informal logic and mathematics. Yet in some cases, the concepts in question – although only informally and vaguely characterized – in fact have, or appear to have, entirely determinate extensions. Here’s one familiar example. When we start learning computability theory, we are introduced to the idea of an algorithmically computable function (...)
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  43. Strategii︠a︡ uskorenii︠a︡ i sovershenstvovanii︠a︡ sot︠s︡ialisticheskikh nravstvennykh otnosheniĭ: tezisy vystupleniĭ sovmestnogo metodologicheskogo seminara sektora ėtiki IF AN SSSR i sekt︠s︡ii ėtiki FO SSSR, 10 senti︠a︡bri︠a︡ 1986 g.R. G. Apresi︠a︡n, G. A. Golubeva, A. A. Guseĭnov & A. P. T︠S︡elikova (eds.) - 1986 - Moskva: Filosofskoe ob-vo SSSR.
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  44. Fên hsi pʻi pʻan Lo-su chê hsüeh ti chʻun kʻo kuan chu i tʻai tu.Pao-Chang Chu - 1957
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  45. My religion preaches ‘p’, but I don't believe that p: Moore's Paradox in religious assertions.Maciej Tarnowski - forthcoming - Religious Studies.
    In this article, I consider the cases of religious Moorean propositions of the form ‘d, but I don't believe that d’ and ‘d, but I believe that ~d’, where d is a religious dogma, proposition, or part of a creed. I argue that such propositions can be genuinely and rationally asserted and that this fact poses a problem for traditional analysis of religious assertion as an expression of faith and of religious faith as entailing belief. In the article, I explore (...)
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    Burma’s Healthcare Under Fire: My Experience as an Exiled Medical Professional.P. P. Kyaw - 2023 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 13 (3):164-167.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Burma’s Healthcare Under Fire: My Experience as an Exiled Medical ProfessionalP. P. KyawI used to work as a medical doctor in a less developed state than many big cities in Burma1 that experienced prolonged civil wars and current similar atrocities decades before the urban areas of the country experienced them. Before everything started, I was responsible for the medical management of the most vulnerable communities and had been struggling (...)
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  47. A Holistic Defense of Veritic Epistemic Consequentialism.T. Toy - 2024 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 43 (2):77-92.
    This paper offers a defense of veritic epistemic consequentialism, addressing its principal critiques. I argue that the core of epistemological value lies in its conduciveness to truth, rendering true beliefs intrinsically valuable. In response to the criticism that this approach may sacrifice individual truths for a greater aggregate and undervalues autonomous inquiry, I emphasize the well-connectedness of beliefs. Each belief's content is a proposition. Propositions are classified as first-order, second-order, third-order, etc., depending on what they are about. Higher-order propositions are (...)
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  48. Ethical Intuitionism.P. F. Strawson - 1949 - Philosophy 24 (88):23 - 33.
    North .—What is the trouble about moral facts? When someone denies that there is an objective moral order, or asserts that ethical propositions are pseudo-propositions, cannot I refute him by saying: “You know very well that Brown did wrong in beating his wife. You know very well that you ought to keep promises. You know very well that human affection is good and cruelty bad, that many actions are wrong and some are right”? West .—Isn't the trouble about moral facts (...)
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  49. Identity and cardinality: Geach and Frege.William P. Alston & Jonathan Bennett - 1984 - Philosophical Review 93 (4):553-567.
    P. T. Geach, notoriously, holds the Relative Identity Thesis, according to which a meaningful judgment of identity is always, implicitly or explicitly, relative to some general term. ‘The same’ is a fragmentary expression, and has no significance unless we say or mean ‘the same X’, where ‘X’ represents a general term (what Frege calls a Begriffswort or Begriffsausdruck). (P. T. Geach, Mental Acts (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1957), p. 69. I maintain that it makes no sense to judge whether (...)
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    The Case for Tolerance: GEORGE P. FLETCHER.George P. Fletcher - 1996 - Social Philosophy and Policy 13 (1):229-239.
    For people to live together in pluralistic communities, they must find someway to cope with the practices of others that they abhor. For that reason, tolerance has always seemed an appealing medium of accommodation. But tolerance also has its critics. One wing charges that the tolerant are too easygoing. They are insensitive to evil in their midst. At the same time, another wing attacks the tolerant for being too weak in their sentimentsof respect. “The Christian does not wish to be (...)
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