Results for 'P. Briant'

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  1. L'histoire achéménide: sources, méthodes, raisonnements et modèles.P. Briant - 1994 - Topoi 4:109-130.
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    The effect of context on the perception of music.Mary P. O’Briant & W. A. Wilbanks - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (6):441-443.
  3.  75
    P. Briant: Histoire de l'empire perse de Cyrus à Alexandre. Pp. 1247, 59 ills. Paris: Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1996. ISBN: 2-213-59667-0. [REVIEW]Gocha R. Tsetskhladze - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (1):219-219.
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    P. Briant (ed.): Dans les pas des Dix-Mille: Peuples et pays du Proche Orient vus par un Grec. Actes de la Table Ronde internationale organisée à l’initiative du GRACO Toulouse, 3–4 février 1995. (Pallas: Revue d’études antiques 43.) Pp. xv + 302, 26 ills. Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 1995. Paper, frs. 160. [REVIEW]M. Brosius - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (1):281-282.
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  5. Some Thoughts on P. Briant Histoire de l'empire perse.A. Kuhrt - 1997 - Topoi 1:299-304.
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  6. Tour D'Horizon - P. Briant, P. Lévêque, P. Brulé, R. Descat, M.-M. Mactoux: Le monde grec aux temps classiques: I: Le v e siècle (Nouvelle Clio: L'histoire et ses problèmes). Pp. lxvii + 456, 1 map. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1995. Paper, 198 frs. ISBN: 2-13-046612-5 (ISSN 0768-2379). [REVIEW]Anton Powell - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (2):348-349.
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    Ancient Prices J. Andreau, P. Briant, R. Descat (edd.): Économie antique. Prix et formation des prix dans les économies antiques . (Entretiens d'archéologie et d'histoire Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges, 3.) Pp. 415. Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges: Musée archéologique départmental, 1997. Cased. ISBN: 2-9502446-9-. [REVIEW]Walter Scheidel - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (02):323-.
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    Kings, Countries, Peoples: Selected Studies on the Achaemenid Empire. By Pierre Briant, translated by Amélie Kuhrt.Henry P. Colburn - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (3).
    Kings, Countries, Peoples: Selected Studies on the Achaemenid Empire. By Pierre Briant, translated by Amélie Kuhrt. Oriens et Occidens, vol. 26. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2017. Pp. xxv + 633. €99.
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    Lydie Bodiou, Véronique Mehl, Jacques Oulhen, Francis.Charles Delattre - 2012 - Clio 36.
    Le volume Chemin faisant réunit vingt-et-un articles rassemblés en hommage à l’historien de la Grèce classique Pierre Brulé et aux activités qu’il a développées au sein du CRESCAM-LAHM (UMR 6566). Il peut ainsi servir de pendant à La Grèce d’à côté, un recueil d’articles de P. Brulé publié en 2007 : les compagnonnages de l’historien, illustrés par la participation de P. Briant, de M.-M. Mactoux, de L. Bruit-Zaidman, de R. Parker, de S. Georgoudi, de M. Jost, de V. Dasen (...)
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    Philosophy and Environmental Crisis. [REVIEW]G. M. - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 29 (2):336-337.
    The eight papers in this collection, which were delivered at the Fourth Annual Conference in Philosophy at the University of Georgia in February, 1971, deal with a variety of topics related to the current controversy about man’s use of his environment. The contributors, Eugene P. Odum, William T. Blackstone, Joel Feinberg, Charles Hartshorne, Walter O’Briant, Nicholas Rescher, Robert G. Burton, and Pete A. Y. Gunter, discuss such issues as overpopulation, man’s relation to nature, man’s attitude toward his environment, and (...)
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  11.  37
    Russell on Leibniz.Walter H. O'briant - 1979 - Studia Leibnitiana 11 (2):159 - 222.
    Bertrand Russells Buch A Cntical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz bildet einen Meilenstein in der Leibniz-Forschung, vor allem in den angelsächsischen Ländern. In diesem Aufsatz untersuche ich zunächst die Entstehungsgeschichte dieses Werkes (Russells intensive Beschäftigung mit Leibniz anläßlich einer Vorlesung, die Quellen, die Russell benutzt hat, und die Hilfe und Unterstützung, die ihm von Philosophen wie James Ward und G. E. Moore zuteil wurden). Anschließend behandle ich das Echo, das Russells Buch gefunden hat. Am Schluß suche ich Russells Einstellung (...)
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  12. Be still and know.Briant, Keith, [From Old Catalog], Joseph & George (eds.) - 1936 - London,: M. Joseph.
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  13. De Samarkand à Sardes et de la ville de Suse au pays des Hanéens.Pierre Briant - 1994 - Topoi 4 (2):455-467.
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  14.  30
    A new argument from design?Walter H. O’Briant - 1967 - Sophia 6 (1):30-34.
  15.  24
    Determinism, fatalism and theism.Walter H. O’Briant - 1971 - Sophia 10 (2):22-26.
  16.  74
    Doubting the Truths of Mathematics in Descartes’ Meditations.Walter H. O'Briant - 1977 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 15 (4):527-535.
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    Gottfried Martin. Existenz und Widerspruchsfreiheit in der Logik von Leibniz. Kant-Studien, vol. 48 , pp. 202–215.Walter H. O'Briant - 1975 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (1):104-105.
  18.  31
    Is Descartes' evil spirit finite or infinite?Walter H. O'Briant - 1979 - Sophia 18 (2):28-32.
  19.  64
    Is There an Argument Consensus Gentium?Walter H. O'Briant - 1985 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 18 (1/2):73 - 79.
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  20.  20
    Leibniz: An Introduction.Walter H. O'Briant - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (1):105-106.
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    Leibniz’s Contribution to Environmental Philosophy.Walter H. O'Briant - 1980 - Environmental Ethics 2 (3):215-220.
    In this essay I survey the philosophy of the seventeenth-century German thinker Gottfried Leibniz as a preliminary to eliciting some of the implications of his views for environmental philosophy. Reference is also made to the views of the ancient atomists, Bacon, Descartes, Hobbes, Locke, and Spinoza.
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    The genesis, definition, and classification of Bacon's idols.Walter H. O'Briant - 1975 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 13 (3):347-357.
  23.  15
    The Malignant Demon and Mathematics.Walter H. O'briant - 1978 - Studia Leibnitiana 10 (1):101 - 112.
    Dieser Artikel ist eine Antwort auf Dr. J. G. Cottinghams The Role of the Malignant Demon. Ich stelle die folgenden Behauptungen von Dr. Cottingham in Frage: 1) daß die Sätze der Logik und Mathematik in der ersten Meditation nur nebenbei behandelt werden; 2) daß Descartes glaubt, daß die Sätze der Mathematik keine Existenzbedeutung haben; 3) daß „parum curant“ bedeutet „sie kümmern sich wenig um“; 4) daß die Hypothese des bösen Dämons nur eine subsidiäre Rolle spiele.
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    The philosophy of Leibniz.Walter H. O'Briant - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (2).
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    William T. Blackstone.Walter H. O'Briant - 1979 - Environmental Ethics 1 (1):2-2.
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    Leibnitz's preference for an intensional logic (A reply to Mr. Parkinson).Walter H. O'Briant - 1967 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 8 (3):254-256.
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    C. D. Broad, "Leibniz: An Introduction", ed. by C. Lewy. [REVIEW]Walter H. O' Briant - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (1):105.
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  28. Nicholas Rescher, "The Philosophy of Leibniz". [REVIEW]Walter H. O' Briant - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (2):181.
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    Gustav Beromann. Russell's examination of Leibniz examined. Meaning and existence, by Gustav Bergmann, The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison1960, pp. 155–188. , pp. 175–203.). [REVIEW]Walter H. O'Briant - 1975 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (1):105-106.
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    Making Choices: Ethical Decisions in a Global Context.Sheila Bonde, Clyde Briant, Paul Firenze, Julianne Hanavan, Amy Huang, Min Li, N. C. Narayanan, D. Parthasarathy & Hongqin Zhao - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (2):343-366.
    The changing milieu of research—increasingly global, interdisciplinary and collaborative—prompts greater emphasis on cultural context and upon partnership with international scholars and diverse community groups. Ethics training, however, tends to ignore the cross-cultural challenges of making ethical choices. This paper confronts those challenges by presenting a new curricular model developed by an international team. It examines ethics across a very broad range of situations, using case studies and employing the perspectives of social science, humanities and the sciences. The course has been (...)
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  31.  20
    Sex differences in extinction of food-rewarded approach responses.William W. Beatty & Dennis A. O’Briant - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (2):97-98.
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    Suppression of feeding by intrahypothalamic implants of estradiol in male and female rats.William W. Beatty, Dennis A. O’Briant & Thomas R. Vilberg - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (4):273-274.
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    The Genesis, Definition, and Classification of Bacon’s Idols.Walter H. O’Briant - 1975 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 13 (3):347-357.
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  34. General Investigations Concerning the Analysis of Concepts and Truths.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz & Walter H. O'briant - 1968 - Studia Leibnitiana 1 (4):284-286.
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    #LauraSpeaks: Remediations of Pellegra Bongiovanni’s “Risposte”.Gerardo Pisacane, Elisa Briante & Marena Lear - 2019 - Humanist Studies and the Digital Age 6 (1):86-117.
    This paper examines the implications of digital remediation which translates and transforms an older text, endowing it with new life, in relation to the project #LauraSpeaks, a translation and remediation of Pellegra Bongiovanni’s Risposte di Madonna Laura alle rime di Messer Francesco Petrarca, in nome della medesima. Divided into three different sections, it describes the steps involved in this project, from the discovery of the original text and the analysis of Bongiovanni’s contribution within the realm of Petrarchism, moving to a (...)
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    Representation, reasoning, and relational structures: a hybrid logic manifesto.P. Blackburn - 2000 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 8 (3):339-365.
    This paper is about the good side of modal logic, the bad side of modal logic, and how hybrid logic takes the good and fixes the bad.In essence, modal logic is a simple formalism for working with relational structures . But modal logic has no mechanism for referring to or reasoning about the individual nodes in such structures, and this lessens its effectiveness as a representation formalism. In their simplest form, hybrid logics are upgraded modal logics in which reference to (...)
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  37.  20
    William T. Blackstone 1931 - 1977.Bowman L. Clarke, John T. Granrose & Walter H. O'Briant - 1978 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 51 (3):369 - 370.
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    Économie antique: Prix et formation des prix dans les économies antiquesEconomie antique: Prix et formation des prix dans les economies antiques.Daniel C. Snell, Jean Andreau, Pierre Briant & Raymond Descat - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (3):482.
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  39. Precis of A Philosophy of Cover Songs.P. D. Magnus - manuscript
    A brief overview of _A Philosophy of Cover Songs_, highlighting some of the main themes in the book. The first part addresses the nature of covers and makes some important initial distinctions. The second part addresses the appreciation and evaluation of covers. The third part addresses covers as a clue to the ontology of songs. Written to introduce a session at the American Society for Aesthetics Rocky Mountain Division meeting in Santa Fe, New Mexico (July 13, 2024).
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    Creativity, Imagination, and the Culinary Arts.P. Engisch - forthcoming - In Amy Kind & Julia Langkau (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Imagination and Creativity. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter explores what it can mean to say that culinary products (i.e., recipes and their outputs) are creative. It answers this question by distinguishing between three different kinds of creativity (idle, productive, and super-productive creativity) and two different kinds of creative domains, locked-in and expandable ones. It argues that culinary products can be creative in the three different ways just mentioned and that, accordingly, the creative domain constituted by the culinary arts turns out to be an expandable one.
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    The flow stress of aluminium and copper at high temperatures.P. B. Hirsch & D. H. Warrington - 1961 - Philosophical Magazine 6 (66):735-768.
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    Relation between oscillatory activity and long-range synchronization in cat visual cortex.P. Kreiter Konig, Andreas K. Engel & Wolf Singer - 1995 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Usa 92:290-94.
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    Neutrality in education. (Reflections on a Paulo Freire thesis).P. J. Crittenden - 1980 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 12 (1):1–18.
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    The Ethics of Killer Applications: Why Is It So Hard To Talk About Morality When It Comes to New Military Technology?P. W. Singer - 2010 - Journal of Military Ethics 9 (4):299-312.
    We live in a world of rapidly advancing, revolutionary technologies that are not just reshaping our world and wars, but also creating a host of ethical questions that must be dealt with. But in trying to answer them, we must also explore why exactly is it so hard to have effective discussions about ethics, technology, and war in the first place? This article delves into the all-too-rarely discussed underlying issues that challenge the field of ethics when it comes to talking (...)
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  45. Again the Logic of ‘Ought’.P. T. Geach - 1977 - Philosophy 52 (202):473-476.
  46.  51
    Minors and informed consent in carrier testing: a survey of European clinical geneticists.P. Borry, L. Stultiens, T. Goffin, H. Nys & K. Dierickx - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (5):370-374.
    Purpose: A study was made of attitudes of clinical geneticists regarding the age at which minors should be allowed to undergo a carrier test and the reasons they provide to explain their answer. Methods: European clinical institutions where genetic counselling is offered to patients were contacted. 177 (63%) of the 287 eligible respondents answered a questionnaire. Results: Clinical geneticists were significantly more in favour of providing a carrier test to a younger person if the request was made together with the (...)
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    Wholes, Parts, and Infinite Collections.P. O. Johnson - 1992 - Philosophy 67 (261):367 - 379.
    In his book, The Principles of Mathematics , the young Bertrand Russell abandoned the common-sense notion that the whole must be greater than its part, and argued that wholes and their parts can be similar, e.g. where both are infinite series, the one being a sub-series of the other. He also rejected the popular view that the idea of an infinite number is self-contradictory, and that an infinite set or collection is an impossibility. In this paper, I intend to re-examine (...)
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  48.  11
    Discussion.P. F. Russo - 1956 - Dialectica 10 (4):324-335.
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    Ontogenesis and phylogenesis: Their interrelation and their interpretation.P. Smit - 1962 - Acta Biotheoretica 15 (1-3):1-104.
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    Kinds of Being: A study of Individuation, Identity and the Logic of Sortal Terms.P. F. Snowdon - 1991 - Philosophical Books 32 (1):37-39.
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