Paul Stern [23]Philippe Stern [8]Peter Stern [4]Paul C. Stern [3]
P. Stern [2]Peter J. Stern [2]Pamela R. Stern [1]Professor Carol Simpson Stern [1]

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  1. Understanding Risk: Informing Decisions in a Democratic Society.Paul C. Stern & Harvey V. Fineberg (eds.) - 1996 - National Academies Press.
  2.  72
    Self-Consciousness and Self-Determination.Charles Larmore, Ernst Tugendhat & Paul Stern - 1989 - Philosophical Review 98 (1):104.
  3.  51
    The Problem of History and Temporality in Kantian Ethics.Paul Stern - 1986 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (3):505 - 545.
    IT IS COMMON for critics of Kant's ethical theory to point out that he presents a distinctly ahistorical conception of the structure of moral experience and to conclude that this evident lack of historical understanding seriously vitiates his attempt to grasp the "universal" principles of morality. This objection is generally supported by an appeal to the evidence supplied by the study of anthropology and history. Both of these disciplines attest to the wide variety of moral codes and beliefs that characterize (...)
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  4. The idea of risk characterization.P. Stern & H. Fineberg - 1996 - In Paul C. Stern & Harvey V. Fineberg, Understanding Risk: Informing Decisions in a Democratic Society. National Academies Press. pp. 11--36.
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    Knowledge and Politics in Plato's Theaetetus.Paul Stern - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Theaetetus is one of the most widely studied of any of the Platonic dialogues because its dominant theme concerns the significant philosophical question, what is knowledge? In this book Paul Stern provides a full-length treatment of its political character in relationship to this dominant theme. He argues that this approach sheds significant light on the distinctiveness of the Socratic way of life, with respect to both its initial justification and its ultimate character. More specifically, he argues that Socrates' revolutionary (...)
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  6. Einfühlung und Association in der neueren Aesthetik.Paul Stern - 1898 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 46:183-183.
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    Metallosis following silicone metacarpophalangeal joint arthroplasties with grommets: case report.Imran K. Choudhry, Joyce M. Wilson & Peter J. Stern - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 7--2.
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    New perspectives on nationalism and war.John L. Comaroff & Paul C. Stern - 1994 - Theory and Society 23 (1):35-45.
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    Gender‐Role Preference, Gender Identity, and Gender Socialization among Contemporary Inuit Youth.Richard G. Condon & Pamela R. Stern - 1993 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 21 (4):384-416.
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    Le Bayon d'Angkor et l'evolution de l'art khmer.Ananda K. Coomaraswamy & Philippe Stern - 1929 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 49:330.
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  11. A cost analysis of staged and simultaneous bilateral carpal tunnel release.John C. Elfar, Mohab B. Foad, Susan L. Foad & Peter J. Stern - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press.
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    Academic freedom and academic agitation at Northwestern University.Joseph Epstein, Professor Carol Simpson Stern, Professor Buckley Christ Jr, Professor Richard Hughes, Professor Ennio Rossi & Professor Addison Stone - 1988 - Minerva 26 (2):199-272.
  13.  20
    Évolution du Style Indien d'Amar'vatîEvolution du Style Indien d'Amaravati.H. Goetz, Philippe Stern, Mireille Bénisti & Mireille Benisti - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (3):284.
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    Les Colonnes Indiennes d'Ajanta et d'Ellora: Évolution et répercussionsLes Colonnes Indiennes d'Ajanta et d'Ellora: Evolution et repercussions.Walter M. Spink & Philippe Stern - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (4):483.
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    Acknowledgments.Paul Stern - 2018 - In Dante's Philosophical Life: Politics and Human Wisdom in "Purgatorio". University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 291-292.
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    Beauté-clef.Philippe Stern - 1989 - Peter Lang Group Ag, International Academic Publishers.
    Il n'y a pas de beauté sans «contraires unis», c'est-à-dire sans coexistence à l'intérieur d'une même oeuvre de tendances antithétiques pour l'intellect, mais fondues d'une manière intime. La Beauté éclate quand ce qui est intellectuellement séparé ne forme plus qu'une unité profondément éprouvée. Ainsi les oeuvres les plus belles sont celles où s'interpénètrent un grand nombre de tendances, comme si les divergences s'effaçaient lorsqu'on s'achemine vers le plus profond.
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    Contents.Paul Stern - 2018 - In Dante's Philosophical Life: Politics and Human Wisdom in "Purgatorio". University of Pennsylvania Press.
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    Chapter 4. Disrobing the Siren: The Zealous Pursuit of Clarity.Paul Stern - 2018 - In Dante's Philosophical Life: Politics and Human Wisdom in "Purgatorio". University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 138-159.
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    Chapter 7. Dante’s Human Wisdom.Paul Stern - 2018 - In Dante's Philosophical Life: Politics and Human Wisdom in "Purgatorio". University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 244-250.
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    Chapter 1. Politics, Poetry, and Philosophy in Purgatorio.Paul Stern - 2018 - In Dante's Philosophical Life: Politics and Human Wisdom in "Purgatorio". University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 1-19.
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    Chapter 3. “To a Better Nature You Lie Subject”: The Political Character of Humanity and Nature.Paul Stern - 2018 - In Dante's Philosophical Life: Politics and Human Wisdom in "Purgatorio". University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 81-137.
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    Chapter 6. “The Nest for Human Nature”: Earthly Paradise and the “Happiness in This Life”.Paul Stern - 2018 - In Dante's Philosophical Life: Politics and Human Wisdom in "Purgatorio". University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 214-243.
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    Chapter 2. “What Good Would Climbing Do?”: The Rationale and Impetus for the Pursuit of Self- Knowledge.Paul Stern - 2018 - In Dante's Philosophical Life: Politics and Human Wisdom in "Purgatorio". University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 20-80.
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    Chapter 5. “When Love Breathes Within Me”: The Desirability of Desire.Paul Stern - 2018 - In Dante's Philosophical Life: Politics and Human Wisdom in "Purgatorio". University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 160-213.
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  25. Das Problem der Gegebenheit, zugleich eine Kritik des Psychologismus in der heutigen Philosophie.Paul Stern - 1905 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 59:195-197.
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    Das Problem der Gegebenheit.Paul Stern - 1905 - Philosophical Review 14:377.
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    Dante's Philosophical Life: Politics and Human Wisdom in "Purgatorio".Paul Stern (ed.) - 2018 - University of Pennsylvania Press.
    When political theorists teach the history of political philosophy, they typically skip from the ancient Greeks and Cicero to Augustine in the fifth century and Thomas Aquinas in the thirteenth, and then on to the origins of modernity with Machiavelli and beyond. Paul Stern aims to change this settled narrative and makes a powerful case for treating Dante Alighieri, arguably the greatest poet of medieval Christendom, as a political philosopher of the first rank. In Dante's Philosophical Life, Stern argues that (...)
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  28. Die Theorie der asthetischen Anschauung und die Association.P. Stern - 1900 - Philosophical Review 9:437.
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    Evaluating Social Science Research.Paul C. Stern - 1980 - British Journal of Educational Studies 28 (3):245-246.
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    Einfühlung und Association in der neueren ästhetik.Paul Stern - 1898 - Leipzig,: L. Voss.
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    Frontmatter.Paul Stern - 2018 - In Dante's Philosophical Life: Politics and Human Wisdom in "Purgatorio". University of Pennsylvania Press.
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    Index.Paul Stern - 2018 - In Dante's Philosophical Life: Politics and Human Wisdom in "Purgatorio". University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 283-290.
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  33. L'inde antique et la civilisation indienne.Philippe Stern - 1935 - Philosophical Review 44:91.
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  34. Legal Aspects of Biotechnological Research and Development.Paul Elihu Stern - 1991 - In Charles V. Blatz, Ethics and agriculture: an anthology on current issues in world context. Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho Press.
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    Notes.Paul Stern - 2018 - In Dante's Philosophical Life: Politics and Human Wisdom in "Purgatorio". University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 251-282.
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    (1 other version)On Edward Andrew's "theory and practice in Marx and nitezsche".Peter Stern - 1976 - Political Theory 4 (4):506-509.
  37. Practical Philosophy and the Concept of Autonomy: A Critique of Kantian Ethics.Paul G. Stern - 1984 - Dissertation, Boston University
    This dissertation examines the conceptual limitations of Kant's ethical theory with the purpose of assessing its suitability as a model of practical philosophy based upon the idea of autonomy. My aim is not only to exhibit the specific weaknesses in Kant's treatment of morality, but also to explore a contrast between two different approaches in ethical theory. This contrast can be characterized in terms of an opposition between a 'formal-individualistic' and a 'social-historical' model for the analysis and derivation of ethical (...)
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    Self-Consciousness and Self-Determination.Paul Stern (ed.) - 1989 - MIT Press.
    Ernst Tugendhat's study is a unique synthesis of the contemporary, Anglo-American philosophical approach with an abiding concern for classical philosophical problems. It brings the methods of linguistic analysis to bear on such epistemological, moral, and metaphysical issues as the meaning and interconnections of self knowledge, ego identity, rational self-understanding, and freedom of the will. In this context the views of Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Mead, and Hegel are searchingly examined. The philosophical testimony of Kierkegaard, Freud, Habermas, and others is also presented and (...)
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  39.  15
    Socratic Rationalism and Political Philosophy: An Interpretation of Plato's Phaedo.Paul Stern - 1993 - State University of New York Press.
    In this new interpretation of Plato's Phaedo, Paul Stern considers the dialogue as an invaluable source for understanding the distinctive character of Socratic rationalism. First, he demonstrates, contrary to the charge of such thinkers as Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Rorty, that Socrates' rationalism does not rest on the dogmatic presumption of the rationality of nature. Second, he shows that the distinctively Socratic mode of philosophizing is formulated precisely with a view to vindicating the philosophic life in the face of these uncertainties. (...)
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    Touches d'atteinte.Philippe Stern & Jean Naudou - 1994 - Peter Lang Group Ag, International Academic Publishers.
    Philippe Stern, qui fut conservateur en chef du Musée Guimet à Paris, est surtout connu comme historien des arts de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud-Est. Il a sinon créé, du moins perfectionné la méthode qui consiste à suivre l'évolution, à travers la vie d'un art, de motifs spécialement choisis pour en découvrir la chronologie jusque-là inconnue. Il a fait de cette méthode un outil sûr qui a permis en particulier de redresser la chronologie erronée de l'art khmer, d'établir la (...)
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    Tendances et rythmes dans l'évolution des arts.Philippe Stern - 1951 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 141:268 - 287.
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  42. Ueber das Problem der künstlerischen Form.Paul Stern - 1914 - Rivista di Filosofia 5:165.
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