Results for 'Pamela Robertson'

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  1.  35
    Unhomed: cycles of mobility and placelessness in American cinema.Pamela Robertson Wojcik - 2024 - Oakland, California: University of California Press.
    In this rich cultural history, Pamela Robertson Wojcik examines America's ambivalent and shifting attitude toward homelessness through a close study of film cycles from five distinct historical moments that show characters as unhomed and placeless, mobile rather than fixed: failing, resisting, or opting out of the mandate for a home of one's own. From the tramp films of the Silent Era to the Oscar-winning Nomadland in 2021, Wojcik shows how film cycles reveal a tension in the American imaginary (...)
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    Review of Barbara Klinger: Immortal Films: “Casablanca” and the Afterlife of a Hollywood Classic[REVIEW]Pamela Robertson Wojcik - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 50 (2):373-374.
  3.  16
    John David Rhodes. Spectacle of Property: The House in American Film. Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota Press, 2017. 288 pp. [REVIEW]Pamela Robertson Wojcik - 2018 - Critical Inquiry 45 (1):252-253.
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  4. Asymmetry, Abstraction, and Autonomy: Justifying Coarse-Graining in Statistical Mechanics.Katie Robertson - 2020 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (2):547-579.
    While the fundamental laws of physics are time-reversal invariant, most macroscopic processes are irreversible. Given that the fundamental laws are taken to underpin all other processes, how can the fundamental time-symmetry be reconciled with the asymmetry manifest elsewhere? In statistical mechanics, progress can be made with this question. What I dub the ‘Zwanzig–Zeh–Wallace framework’ can be used to construct the irreversible equations of SM from the underlying microdynamics. Yet this framework uses coarse-graining, a procedure that has faced much criticism. I (...)
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  5. Essential vs. Accidental Properties.Teresa Robertson & Philip Atkins - 2013 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The distinction between essential versus accidental properties has been characterized in various ways, but it is currently most commonly understood in modal terms: an essential property of an object is a property that it must have, while an accidental property of an object is one that it happens to have but that it could lack. Let’s call this the basic modal characterization, where a modal characterization of a notion is one that explains the notion in terms of necessity/possibility. In the (...)
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    Autonomy generalised; or, Why doesn’t physics matter more?Katie Robertson - forthcoming - Ergo.
    In what sense are the special sciences autonomous of fundamental physics? Autonomy is an enduring theme in discussions of the relationship between the special sciences and fundamental physics or, more generally, between higher and lower-level facts. Discussion of ‘autonomy’ often fails to recognise that autonomy admits of degrees; consequently, autonomy is either taken to require full independence, or risk relegation to mere apparent autonomy. In addition, the definition of autonomy used by Fodor, the most famous proponent of the autonomy of (...)
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    Gendering Humanoid Robots: Robo-Sexism in Japan.Jennifer Robertson - 2010 - Body and Society 16 (2):1-36.
    In humans, gender is both a concept and performance embodied by females and males, a corporeal technology that is produced dialectically. The process of gendering robots makes especially clear that gender belongs both to the order of the material body and to the social and discursive or semiotic systems within which bodies are embedded. This article explores and interrogates the gendering of humanoid robots manufactured today in Japan for employment in the home and workplace. Gender attribution is a process of (...)
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  8.  48
    Awareness modifies the skill-learning benefits of sleep.Edwin M. Robertson, Alvaro Pascual-Leone & Daniel Z. Press - 2004 - Current Biology 14 (3):208-212.
  9. Ethics and Policy in Embryonic Stem Cell Research.John Ancona Robertson - 1999 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 9 (2):109-136.
    : Embryonic stem cells, which have the potential to save many lives, must be recovered from aborted fetuses or live embryos. Although tissue from aborted fetuses can be used without moral complicity in the underlying abortion, obtaining stem cells from embryos necessarily kills them, thus raising difficult questions about the use of embryonic human material to save others. This article draws on previous controversies over embryo research and distinctions between intrinsic and symbolic moral status to analyze these issues. It argues (...)
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  10. Is there a case in favour of predictive genetic testing in young children?Stephen Robertson & Julian Savulescu - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (1):26–49.
    Genetic testing technology has brought the ability to predict the onset of diseases many years before symptoms appear and the use of such predictive testing is now widespread. The medical fraternity has met the application of this practice to children with caution. The justification for their predominantly prohibitive stance has revolved around the lack of a readily identifiable medical benefit in the face of potential psychological harms to the child. We argue that predictive testing can have important psychosocial benefits and (...)
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    The Question of Human Cloning.John A. Robertson - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (2):6-14.
    The idea of splitting off cells from embryos to clone human beings sounds so bizarre and dangerous that one would think the practice should not be permitted. A closer look reveals its ethical acceptability.
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    Second Thoughts on Living Wills.John A. Robertson - 1991 - Hastings Center Report 21 (6):6-9.
    Advance directives such as living wills are attractive in that they give us a sense of control over our futures. But they also tend to obscure conflicts between a patient's competent wishes and later, incompetent interests. They allow caregivers to avoid evaluating quality of life in assessing the best interests of incompetent patients.
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  13.  56
    Symbolic Issues in Embryo Research.John A. Robertson - 1995 - Hastings Center Report 25 (1):37-38.
  14.  49
    Pregnancy and Prenatal Harm to Offspring: The Case of Mothers with PKU.John A. Robertson & Joseph D. Schulman - 1987 - Hastings Center Report 17 (4):23-33.
    Ethical and legal traditions recognize prenatal duties to avoid harm to offspring. However, applying the harm principle to pregnancy requires a careful balancing of a baby's welfare with a pregnant woman's interest in liberty and bodily integrity. In the case of maternal PKU the mother can prevent harm to her baby by returning to the admittedly unpleasant diet that prevented her from being retarded. Informing, counseling, and access to medical care should be the primary policy. Seizures and forced treatment cannot (...)
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  15.  59
    Is thermodynamics subjective?Katie Robertson & Carina Prunkl - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science:1-16.
    Thermodynamics is an unusual theory. Prominent figures, including J.C. Maxwell and E.T. Jaynes, have suggested that thermodynamics is anthropocentric. Additionally, contemporary approaches to quantum thermodynamics label thermodynamics a ‘subjective theory’. Here, we evaluate some of the strongest arguments for anthropocentrism based on the heat/work distinction, the second law, and the nature of entropy. We show that these arguments do not commit us to an anthropocentric view but instead point towards a resource-relative understanding of thermodynamics which can be shorn of the (...)
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  16.  67
    Nietzsche's Ethical Revaluation.Simon Robertson - 2009 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 37 (1):66-90.
  17.  23
    The unbearable rightness of seeing? Conceptualism, enactivism, and skilled engagement.Ian Robertson - 2023 - Synthese 202 (6):1-30.
    Building on the landmark O’Regan and Noë (Behav Brain Sci 24:939–973, 2001) that introduced us to the sensorimotor theory of perception, Alva Noë has continued to develop and defend a highly influential enactivist account of perception. Said account takes perceptual experience to be mediated by sensorimotor knowledge (knowledge of the law-like relations that hold between bodily movements and sensory changes). In recent work, Noë has argued that we should construe sensorimotor knowledge as a kind of conceptual knowledge. One significant theoretical (...)
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  18. Mapping the Global Condition: Globalization as the Central Concept.Roland Robertson - 1990 - Theory, Culture and Society 7 (2-3):15-30.
  19.  85
    A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Ethical Orientations and Willingness to Sacrifice Ethical Standards: China Versus Peru.Christopher J. Robertson, Bradley J. Olson, K. Matthew Gilley & Yongjian Bao - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (2):413-425.
    Despite an increase in international business ethics research in recent years, the number of studies focused on Latin America and China has been deficient. As trade among Pacific Rim nations increases, an understanding of the ethical beliefs of the people in this region of the world will become increasingly important. In the current study 208 respondents from Peru and China are queried about their ethical ideologies, firm practices, and commitment to organizational performance. The empirical results reveal that Chinese workers are (...)
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  20.  40
    CONCEPTION to Obtain Hematopoietic Stem Cells.John A. Robertson, Jeffrey P. Kahn & John E. Wagner - 2002 - Hastings Center Report 32 (3):34-40.
    A couple may have a child to provide stem cells for another child. They may also use preimplantation testing—even, troubling though it is, prenatal testing and selective abortion—to ensure a close tissue match.
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  21.  29
    The Sociological Significance of Culture: Some General Considerations.Roland Robertson - 1988 - Theory, Culture and Society 5 (1):3-23.
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  22.  50
    A Five-Year Review, Update, and Assessment of Ethics and Governance in Strategic Management Journal.Christopher J. Robertson, Dane P. Blevins & Tom Duffy - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (1):85-92.
    Although business ethics has a long history as a core theme within the realm of strategic management it has not received considerable attention in top strategy journals until recently. In this paper, we assess the state of business ethics research published over a 5-year period (2006–2010) in Strategic Management Journal to ascertain whether there has been an increase in business ethics research published in the top strategy outlet. The results of our content analysis reveal that ethics research in SMJ is (...)
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  23.  31
    NorPlant and Irresponsible Reproduction.John A. Robertson - 1995 - Hastings Center Report 25 (1):23-26.
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  24. Internalism, (Super)fragile Reasons, and the Conditional Fallacy.Teresa Robertson - 2003 - Philosophical Papers 32 (2):171-184.
    Abstract David Sobel (2001) objects to Bernard Williams's internalism, the view that an agent has a reason to perform an action only if she has some motive that will be served by performing that action. Sobel is an unusual challenger in that he endorses neo-Humean subjectivism, ?the view that it is the agent's subjective motivational set that makes it the case that an agent does or does not have a reason to φ? (219). Sobel's objection in fact arises from this (...)
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  25. Sociability in sacred historical perspective 1650-1800.John Robertson - 2018 - In B.Žla Kapossy, Isaac Nakhimovsky, Sophus A. Reinert & Richard Whatmore (eds.), Markets, morals, politics: jealousy of trade and the history of political thought. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
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    Plato’s Moral Theory: The Early and Middle Dialogues.John Robertson - 1981 - Noûs 15 (2):219-225.
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  27.  57
    Chrysippus on Mathematical Objects.David G. Robertson - 2004 - Ancient Philosophy 24 (1):169-191.
  28. Hobbes.George Croom Robertson - 1886 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 21:652-659.
  29. Love and Justice, Selections from the Shorter Writings of Reinhold Niebuhr.D. B. Robertson - 1957
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  30. Normativity for Nietzschean Free Spirits.Simon Robertson - 2011 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 54 (6):591-613.
    A significant portion of recent literature on Nietzsche is devoted to his metaethical views, both critical and positive. This article explores one aspect of his positive metaethics. The specific thesis defended is that Nietzsche is, or is plausibly cast as, a reasons internalist. This, very roughly, is the view that what an agent has normative reason to do depends on that agent's motivational repertoire. Section I sketches some of the metaethical terrain most relevant to Nietzsche's organising ethical project, his “revaluation (...)
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  31. Korean Nunchi and Well-Being.Seth Robertson - 2019 - Science, Religion and Culture 6 (1):103-109.
    “Nunchi” is a Korean term that indicates an expert facility in social interactions and especially the ability to interpret and utilize indirect communication with ease and alacrity. In this paper, I introduce and discuss the concept of nunchi with a focus on two main senses in which it is used: as a skill and as a burden. Then, I discuss the relation of nunchi to well-being and flourishing, both in specifically Korean cultural contexts and in social contexts more generally. Finally, (...)
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  32.  59
    At Law: Meaning What You Sign.John A. Robertson - 1998 - Hastings Center Report 28 (4):22.
  33.  24
    A little too technical: The threat of intellectualising technical reasoning.Ian Robertson - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    Osiurak and Reynaud claim that research into the origin of cumulative technological culture has been too focused on social cognition and has consequently neglected the importance of uniquely human reasoning capacities. This commentary raises two interrelated theoretical concerns about O&R's notion of technical-reasoning capacities, and suggests how these concerns might be met.
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  34. Natural science models in management: opportunities and challenges.Duncan A. Robertson & Adrián A. Caldart - 2008 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 10:61-75.
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    Mind the gap: On negative and positive origin essentialism.Teresa Robertson Ishii - 2025 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):1-21.
    In “A New Problem for Kripkean Defenses of Origin Theses”, Sungil Han calls attention to a gap between the negative conclusions of arguments for origin essentialism (claims to the effect that a given thing could not originate in a certain way), and the positive conclusions one might hope for (claims to the effect that a given thing must originate in a certain way if it exists at all). Han proposes a way of bridging the gap. While I agree with Han (...)
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    Analysis of official deceased organ donation data casts doubt on the credibility of China’s organ transplant reform.Matthew P. Robertson, Raymond L. Hinde & Jacob Lavee - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-20.
    Background Since 2010 the People’s Republic of China has been engaged in an effort to reform its system of organ transplantation by developing a voluntary organ donation and allocation infrastructure. This has required a shift in the procurement of organs sourced from China’s prison and security apparatus to hospital-based voluntary donors declared dead by neurological and/or circulatory criteria. Chinese officials announced that from January 1, 2015, hospital-based donors would be the sole source of organs. This paper examines the availability, transparency, (...)
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  37.  17
    Christianity and Mythology.J. M. Robertson - 2018 - Sagwan Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  38.  25
    The consequences of qualified confidentiality.Christopher Robertson - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (2):31 – 32.
  39.  27
    Cruzan: No Rights Violated.John A. Robertson - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (5):8-9.
  40.  23
    Detection of Cognitive Structure with Protocol Data: Predicting Performance on Physics Transfer Problems.William C. Robertson - 1990 - Cognitive Science 14 (2):253-280.
    This article presents a cognitive map proposed to be associated with understanding of the “system concept,” one component of the physics principle of Newton's second low. A definition of the concept is followed by the results of a problem‐solving experiment designed to investigate whether or not good problem solvers possess cognitive structures similar to the one proposed. Think‐aloud protocols were collected as subjects solved a series of physics problems involving Newton's second law. Coding schemes were used to analyze these protocols (...)
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  41.  17
    Blastocyst transfer (sic) is no solution.John A. Robertson - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (6):18 – 20.
  42.  31
    Special respect redux.John A. Robertson - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (6):46 – 48.
    The President's Council on Bioethics (PCB) has deepened ethical and policy debates with its more conservative slant on bioethical issues. In the process it has elicited both brickbats and exasperat...
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    Contractual Duties in Research, Surrogacy, and Stem Cell Donation.John A. Robertson - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (4):13-14.
  44. A Puzzle About Kinds.Teresa Robertson Ishii - 2018 - Philosophical Perspectives 32 (1):352-364.
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  45. Are Modal Contexts Opaque?Teresa Robertson - 2002 - Southwest Philosophy Review 18 (1):79-88.
  46. CHAPTER 5: The university and its students.Alex Robertson & Colin Lees - 2002 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 84 (1):277-338.
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  47. CHAPTER 3: Looking outward: the university and its community.Alex Robertson & Colin Lees - 2002 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 84 (1):143-220.
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  48. CHAPTER 6: Aspects of university development, 1918-39.Alex Robertson & Colin Lees - 2002 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 84 (1):339-446.
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    Not When But Whether: Modality and Future Time Reference in English and Dutch.Cole Robertson & Seán G. Roberts - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (1):e13224.
    Previous research on linguistic relativity and economic decisions hypothesized that speakers of languages with obligatory tense marking of future time reference (FTR) should value future rewards less than speakers of languages which permit present tense FTR. This was hypothesized on the basis of obligatory linguistic marking (e.g., will) causing speakers to construe future events as more temporally distal and thereby to exhibit increased “temporal discounting”: the subjective devaluation of outcomes as the delay until they will occur increases. However, several aspects (...)
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    Compensating Injured Research Subjects: II. The Law.John A. Robertson - 1976 - Hastings Center Report 6 (6):29-31.
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