Results for 'Pao-Hsin Yüan'

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  1.  19
    (1 other version)The Metaphysical Characteristics of Hsun K'uang's World Outlook.Pao Tsun-Hsin - 1979 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 10 (4):31-46.
    Hsun K'uang was an outstanding thinker of the newly-emerging landlord class in Chinese history. Through the analytical critique, he established a simple materialist ideological system as the theoretical foundation of the later feudal centralism. In the historical development of materialism, his ideological system encompassed the essence of thought advanced before and after him. His combative proposition on the "decrees of Heaven" is an especially epoch-making achievement in ancient materialist theory. However, his world outlook, a metaphysical theory of cycles, recognized change (...)
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  2. Commissioner Lin and the Opium War.E. H. S. & Hsin-pao Chang - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (4):489.
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  3. Ou-chou che hsüeh shih shang ti hsien yen lun ho jen hsin lun pʻi pʻan.Hsin Ju (ed.) - 1974
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  4. Tʻai yang chung hsin shuo pʻi pʻan lun = Criticism on solar centricity.Chih-pai Hsin - 1978
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  5. Ti chʻiu chung hsin yü chou lun.Chih-pai Hsin - 1978
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  6. Traditional values and modern Singapore: random thoughts on the relevance of the Eastern heritage.Pao-min Chang - 1979 - Singapore: Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, College of Graduate Studies, Nanyang University.
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  7. Acts and the Isaianic New Exodus.David W. Pao - 2002
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  8. Giménez Caballero's fractured fairy tale : "El redentor mal parido" (1926).Maria T. Pao - 2010 - In Renée M. Silverman (ed.), The popular avant-garde. New York, NY: Rodopi.
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    Journey to Red Russia. Pao-P'U. - 1973 - Chinese Studies in History 6 (4):30-43.
    In this desolate ancient country, which is a semicolony, all activities [seemed to have] stopped. People's lives have also become meaningless. The warm breeze blown from other countries stirred the curiosity of youth. Go! Let us go to the free world. And so, many people left the motherland for France in Europe, as if even workers there were happier than gentlemen here. But what was the reality? They were unable to do very hard work like the average workers. So their (...)
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    Biased attention near another's hand following joint action.Hsin-Mei Sun & Laura E. Thomas - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    On the Role of Social Media in the ‘Responsible’ Food Business: Blogger Buzz on Health and Obesity Issues.Hsin-Hsuan Meg Lee, Willemijn Van Dolen & Ans Kolk - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (4):695-707.
    To contribute to the debate on the role of social media in responsible business, this article explores blogger buzz in reaction to food companies’ press releases on health and obesity issues, considering the content and the level of fit between the CSR initiatives and the company. Findings show that companies issued more product-related initiatives than promotion-related ones. Among these, less than half generated a substantial number of responses from bloggers, which could not be identified as a specific group. While new (...)
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  12. The modal problem of creatio ex nihilo.Pao-Shen Ho - 2020 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 88 (2):197-213.
    I first provide an interpretation of the doctrine of creatio ex nihilo based on the Fourth Lateran Council, according to which God creates from nothing if and only if God creates everything except God Himself. I then show that this doctrine entails the modal problem that it is both possible and not possible that there is nothing at all except God, or alternatively, that it is both necessary and not necessary that there is something else besides God. I proceed to (...)
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  13. The Instrumental Value Arguments for National Self-Determination.Hsin-wen Lee - 2019 - Dialogue—Canadian Philosophical Review 58 (1):65-89.
    David Miller argues that national identity is indispensable for the successful functioning of a liberal democracy. National identity makes important contributions to liberal democratic institutions, including creating incentives for the fulfilment of civic duties, facilitating deliberative democracy, and consolidating representative democracy. Thus, a shared identity is indispensable for liberal democracy and grounds a good claim for self-determination. Because Miller’s arguments appeal to the instrumental values of a national culture, I call his argument ‘instrumental value’ arguments. In this paper, I examine (...)
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    Relationship of fertility with intelligence and education in taiwan: A brief report.Hsin-yi Chen, Yung-hua Chen, Yung-kun Liao & Hsin-Ping Chen - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (4):567-571.
    This study estimates the effect of dysgenic trends in Taiwan by exploring the relationships among intelligence, education and fertility. Based on a representative adult sample, education and intelligence were negatively correlated with the number of children born. These correlations were stronger for females. The decline of genotypic intelligence was estimated as 0.82 to 1.33 IQ points per generation for the Taiwanese population.
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    Plotinus' mystical teaching of henosis: an interpretation in the light of the metaphysics of the one.Pao-Shen Ho - 2015 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Plotinus' mysticism of henosis, <I>unification with the One, is a highly controversial topic in Plotinian scholarship. This book presents a careful reading of the Enneads and suggests that Plotinus' mysticism be understood as mystical teaching that offers practical guidance concerning henosis. It is further argued that a rational interpretation thereof should be based on Plotinus' metaphysics, according to which the One transcends all beings but is immanent in them. The main thesis of this book is that Plotinus' mystical teaching does (...)
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    Ethical realism in neo-Confucian thought.Pao-Chien Hsü - 1933 - [New York?: [New York, Columbia University Dissertation].
  17.  25
    I'M A Sister of China's Last Emperor.Chin Hsin-ju - 1980 - Chinese Studies in History 13 (4):89-93.
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    The experiences of cultural globalizations in Asia-Pacific.Hsin Huang Michael Hsiao & Po-San Wan - 2007 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 8 (3):361-385.
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  19. Tzu jan yü chou tsung lun = A general sommary [sic] of the natural cosmos.Chih-pai Hsin - 1978
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    Taoist mirror: Ching-Hua Yuan and Lao-Chuang thought.Hsin-Sheng C. Kao - 1988 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 15 (2):151-172.
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  21. Hsien tai lun li hsüeh.Pao-Shan Kung - 1970
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  22. Metaphysical characteristics of hsun, kuang world outlook+ translated from chinese by, hushihara, morimasa.Th Pao - 1979 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 10 (4):31-46.
  23. Meng-tzu shih shih kʻao cheng.Chʻen Pao-chʻüan - 1978
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  24.  39
    Chinese Linguistics: A Selected and Classified Bibliography.Teng Shou-Hsin & Paul Fu-Mien Yang - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (3):479.
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    Language and Linguistics in the People's Republic of China.Teng Shou-Hsin & Winfred P. Lehmann - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):294.
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  26. Ma-kʻo--ssŭ Lieh-ning chu i chê hsüeh ti chieh chi hsing ho shih chien hsing.Pao-lan Ting - 1957
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  27. Ninth‐grade student engagement in teacher‐centered and student‐centered technology‐enhanced learning environments.Hsin‐Kai Wu & Ya‐Ling Huang - 2007 - Science Education 91 (5):727-749.
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    Learning Object Names at Different Hierarchical Levels Using Cross‐Situational Statistics.Chen Chi-Hsin, Zhang Yayun & Yu Chen - 2018 - Cognitive Science:591-605.
    Objects in the world usually have names at different hierarchical levels (e.g., beagle, dog, animal). This research investigates adults' ability to use cross‐situational statistics to simultaneously learn object labels at individual and category levels. The results revealed that adults were able to use co‐occurrence information to learn hierarchical labels in contexts where the labels for individual objects and labels for categories were presented in completely separated blocks, in interleaved blocks, or mixed in the same trial. Temporal presentation schedules significantly affected (...)
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  29. A New Societal Self-Defense Theory of Punishment—The Rights-Protection Theory.Hsin-Wen Lee - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (2):337-353.
    In this paper, I propose a new self-defense theory of punishment, the rights-protection theory. By appealing to the interest theory of right, I show that what we call “the right of self-defense” is actually composed of the right to protect our basic rights. The right of self-defense is not a single, self-standing right but a group of derivative rights justified by their contribution to the protection of the core, basic rights. Thus, these rights of self-defense are both justified and constrained (...)
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  30. Exploring visuospatial thinking in chemistry learning.Hsin‐Kai Wu & Priti Shah - 2004 - Science Education 88 (3):465-492.
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    Authentic Leadership and Employee Voice Behavior: A Multi-Level Psychological Process. [REVIEW]Hsin-Hua Hsiung - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (3):349-361.
    This study investigates the psychological process of how authentic leadership affects employee voice behaviors. The theoretical model of this study proposes that employee positive mood and leader–member exchange (LMX) quality mediate the relationship between authentic leadership and voice behavior, while the procedural justice climate moderates the mediation effects of positive mood and LMX quality. Multi-level data from 70 workgroups of a real estate agent company in Taiwan support all hypotheses. This study reveals the cross-level effects of authentic leadership, and provides (...)
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  32. Fên hsi pʻi pʻan Lo-su chê hsüeh ti chʻun kʻo kuan chu i tʻai tu.Pao-Chang Chu - 1957
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  33. Ru shi dao =.Pao-Chin Ruseto Huang - 2008 - Boulder, CO: Ru shi dao zhong xin.
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    The emergence of moral bliss.Hsin-Chi Ko - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1441-1442.
  35.  22
    Spoken Standard Chinese. Volume OneIntroduction to Chinese Pronunciation and the Pīnyīn RomanizationIntroduction to Chinese Pronunciation and the Pinyin Romanization.Teng Shou-Hsin, Parker Po-fei Huang & Hugh M. Stimson - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (3):402.
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  36. Linking the microscopic view of chemistry to real‐life experiences: Intertextuality in a high‐school science classroom.Hsin‐Kai Wu - 2003 - Science Education 87 (6):868-891.
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  37. Taking Deterrence Seriously: The Wide-Scope Deterrence Theory of Punishment.Lee Hsin-wen - 2017 - Criminal Justice Ethics 36 (1):2-24.
    A deterrence theory of punishment holds that the institution of criminal punishment is morally justified because it serves to deter crime. Because the fear of external sanction is an important incentive in crime deterrence, the deterrence theory is often associated with the idea of severe, disproportionate punishment. An objection to this theory holds that hope of escape renders even the severest punishment inapt and irrelevant. -/- This article revisits the concept of deterrence and defend a more plausible deterrence theory of (...)
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    Psychometric Properties and Factor Structures of Chinese Smartphone Addiction Inventory: Test of Two Models.Hsin-Yi Wang, Leif Sigerson, Hongyan Jiang & Cecilia Cheng - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Impossibility of the Public.Hsin-I. Liu - 2006 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 2:119-124.
    This paper critically evaluates Habermas's social-philosophical exploration of the public sphere in the age of mass communication, which addresses a key question: "Is the public possible in the sociohistorical formation of the mass public sphere?" In his genealogical analysis of different public spheres from feudal to modern times, Habermas indicates that the emergence of inter-subjectivity is historically based upon the dichotomy of private / public (subjective/objective). He emphasizes the opposition of the "subjective side" of rationality to its "objective side" while (...)
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    L S Penrose's limit theorem: tests by simulation.Pao-Li Chang, Vincent C. H. Chua & Moshé Machover - unknown
    L S Penrose’s Limit Theorem – which is implicit in Penrose [7, p. 72] and for which he gave no rigorous proof – says that, in simple weighted voting games, if the number of voters increases indefinitely and the relative quota is pegged, then – under certain conditions – the ratio between the voting powers of any two voters converges to the ratio between their weights. Lindner and Machover [4] prove some special cases of Penrose’s Limit Theorem. They give a (...)
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  41. Demystification of Digital Media.Lin Hsin Hsin - forthcoming - Mind and Matter: Comparative Approaches Towards Complexity;[... Based on the Symposium... Which Took Place 2010 in the Context of the Paraflows Festival in Vienna].
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  42. Shen ling tsung lun.Chih-pai Hsin - 1978
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    Epistemological approach to Chán enlightenment: a philosophical study.Hsin-Chun Huang - 2009 - Delhi: Eastern Book Linkers.
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    Text-image complementarity and genre in English as foreign language textbooks.Hsin-Jung Tsai & Peichin Chang - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (244):53-80.
    Relating visual images to textual messages may have great potential in facilitating students’ reading comprehension. The inevitable and important presence of visuals in textbooks obliges language teachers to exploit all semiotic resources to deepen students’ understanding. However, analysis of how images interact with text in textbooks has been rare, and among the efforts it has generally been found that visuals and text often fail to achieve coherence. This study investigates whether and how text and image complement each other ideationally by (...)
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    Establish a Digital Real-Time Learning System With Push Notifications.Hsin-Te Wu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study proposes a push notification system that combines digital real-time learning, roll-call, and feedback collection functions. With the gradually flourishing online real-time learning systems, this research further builds roll-call and feedback functions for students to enhance concentration and provide opinions. Additionally, the lecturers can do a roll call irregularly and randomly through the push notification function, avoiding students logging in but away from the keyboard. Lecturers can also send questions to a specific student or invite all students to answer; (...)
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    Course Design for College Entrepreneurship Education – From Personal Trait Analysis to Operation in Practice.Hsin-Te Wu & Mu-Yen Chen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Nowadays, many countries are promoting entrepreneurial education or the “innovation, entrepreneurship, and creativity” education. Entrepreneurial education can enhance a nation’s economic competitiveness and give rise to new business. At the moment, entrepreneurial courses are mostly designed by school teachers; however, while school teachers may possess business experience, they lack in entrepreneurial experience. Hence, entrepreneurial education courses call for experts with entrepreneurial experience to contribute to course designs and assist with course teachings. Entrepreneurial education not only improves a student’s entrepreneurial skills, (...)
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  47. The Identity Argument for National Self-determination.Hsin-wen Lee - 2012 - Public Affairs Quarterly 26 (2):123-139.
    A number of philosophers argue that the moral value of national identity is sufficient to justify at least a prima facie right of a national community to create its own independent, sovereign state. In the literature, this argument is commonly referred to as the identity argument. In this paper, I consider whether the identity argument successfully proves that a national group is entitled to a state of its own. To do so, I first explain three important steps in the argument (...)
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    (1 other version)Corrigendum: Effects of Two Teaching Strategies on Preschoolers' Oral Language Skills: Repeated Read-Aloud With Question and Answer Teaching Embedded and Repeated Read-Aloud With Executive Function Activities Embedded.Hsin Ying Chien - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Macroeconomic Fluctuations as Sources of Luck in CEO Compensation.Hsin-Hui Chiu, Lars Oxelheim, Clas Wihlborg & Jianhua Zhang - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (2):371-384.
    Macroeconomic fluctuations in interest rates, exchange rates, and inflation can be considered sources of good or bad “luck” for corporate performance if management is unable to adjust operations to these fluctuations. Based on a sample of 2,091 US firms, we decompose the impacts of macroeconomic fluctuations on three measures of CEO compensation. Our study provides empirical support for the importance of considering macroeconomic fluctuations in designing CEO incentive schemes. It adds to the managerial power literature on moral hazard and CEO (...)
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  50.  23
    Behind Chiang Ch'ing's "Utmost Dislike of Folk Songs".Fu Hsin - 1979 - Chinese Studies in History 12 (4):89-91.
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