Results for 'Patricio Vergara'

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  1.  25
    Assessing Phonological Profiles in Children and Adolescents With Down Syndrome: The Effect of Elicitation Methods.Eliseo Diez-Itza, Patricio Vergara, María Barros, Manuela Miranda & Verónica Martínez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In the context of comparing linguistic profiles across neurodevelopmental disorders, Down syndrome has captured growing attention for its uneven profile. Although specific weaknesses in grammatical and phonological processing have been reported, research evidence on phonological development remains scarce, particularly beyond early childhood. The purpose of this study was to explore the phonological profiles of children and adolescents with Down syndrome. The profiles were based on the frequency and relative proportion of the processes observed by classes, and they were compared to (...)
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    Systemic Corruption: Constitutional Ideas for an Anti-Oligarchic Republic.Camila Vergara - 2020 - Princeton University Press.
    A bold new approach to combatting the inherent corruption of representative democracy This provocative book reveals how the majority of modern liberal democracies have become increasingly oligarchic, suffering from a form of structural political decay first conceptualized by ancient philosophers. Systemic Corruption argues that the problem cannot be blamed on the actions of corrupt politicians but is built into the very fabric of our representative systems. Camila Vergara provides a compelling and original genealogy of political corruption from ancient to (...)
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  3. Populism as Plebeian Politics: Inequality, Domination, and Popular Empowerment.Camila Vergara - 2019 - Journal of Political Philosophy 28 (2):222-246.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  4. Practical Reasoning: Where the Action Is.Fernandez Patricio A. - 2016 - Ethics 126 (4):869 - 900.
    Widespread conceptions of practical reasoning confront us with a choice between its practicality and its objectivity: between its efficacious, world-changing character and its accountability to objective rational standards. This choice becomes unnecessary, I argue, on an alternative view embodied by the thesis that the conclusion of practical reasoning is an action. I lay bare and challenge the assumptions underlying the rejection of that thesis and outline a defense of its picture of practical reasoning against common objections. On such a picture, (...)
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    Respuesta al comentario de Bogotá, J. D. “Perkins, Patricio Agustín.“La relación filosófica entre Husserl y Avenarius en Problemas fundamentales de la fenomenología. [REVIEW]Patricio Agustín Perkins - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (162):409-411.
    Perkins, Patricio Agustín. Respuesta al comentario de Juan Diego Bogotá “La relación filosófica entre Husserl y Avenarius en Problemas fundamentales de la fenomenología.” Ideas y Valores 65.160 (2016): 286-289.
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    Contextualist model evaluation: models in financial economics and index funds.Melissa Vergara-Fernández, Conrad Heilmann & Marta Szymanowska - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (1):1-23.
    Philosophers of science typically focus on the epistemic performance of scientific models when evaluating them. Analysing the effects that models may have on the world has typically been the purview of sociologists of science. We argue that the reactive (or “performative”) effects of models should also figure in model evaluations by philosophers of science. We provide a detailed analysis of how models in financial economics created the impetus for the growing importance of the phenomenon of “passive investing” in financial markets. (...)
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  7.  48
    A Critical Review of Students’ and Teachers’ Understandings of Nature of Science.Claudia Vergara, Martina Valencia, José Pavez, David Santibáñez, Paola Núñez & Hernán Cofré - 2019 - Science & Education 28 (3 - 5):205-248.
    There is widespread agreement that an adequate understanding of the nature of science (NOS) is a critical component of scientific literacy and a major goal in science education. However, we still do not know many specific details regarding how students and teachers learn particular aspects of NOS and what are the most important feature traits of instruction. In this context, the main objective of this review is to analyze articles from nine main science education journals that consider the teaching of (...)
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  8. The Doing of Justice and the Priority of Acting from Virtue.Patricio A. Fernandez - 2021 - Phronesis 66 (4):366-401.
    Aristotle famously distinguishes between merely doing a virtuous action and acting in the way in which a virtuous person would. Against an interpretation prominent in recent scholarship, I argue that ‘acting virtuously,’ in the sense of exercising a virtue actually possessed, is prior to ‘virtuous action,’ understood generically. I propose that the latter notion is best understood as a derivative abstraction from the former, building upon a reading of a neglected distinction between per se and coincidentally just action in Nicomachean (...)
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  9. Reasoning and the Unity of Aristotle's Account of Animal Motion.Patricio A. Fernandez - 2014 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 47:151-203.
  10.  82
    ἡ κίνησις τῆς τέχνης: Crafts and Souls as Principles of Change.Patricio A. Fernandez & Jorge Mittelmann - 2017 - Phronesis 62 (2):136-169.
    Aristotle’s soul is a first principle (an ‘efficient cause’) of every vital change in an animal, in the way that a craft is a cause of its product’s coming-to-be. We argue that the soul’s causal efficacy cannot therefore be reduced to the formal constitution of vital phenomena, or to discrete interventions into independently constituted processes, but involves the exercise of vital powers. This reading does better justice to Aristotle’s conception of craft as a rational productive disposition; and it captures the (...)
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  11.  86
    Corruption as systemic political decay.Camila Vergara - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (3):322-346.
    By offering an analysis of different conceptions of corruption connected to the political regime and contingency in which they developed, the article retrieves a systemic meaning of political corruption. Through the works of Plato, Aristotle, Polybius and Machiavelli, it reconstructs a dimension of political corruption particular to popular governments and also engages with recent neo-republican and institutionalist attempts at redefining political corruption. The article concludes that we still lack a proper conception of systemic corruption comparable to the one of the (...)
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  12. Acerca de la interpretación de Landgrebe sobre el cartesianismo de Husserl.Patricio Agustin Perkins - 2014 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 11:203-222.
    Critico la teoría hermenéutica de Landgrebe sobre el cartesianismo de Husserl mostrando la estructura argumentativa en la que se inserta, lo que pretende y lo que está forzada a pretender. Su núcleo duro radica en los conceptos de crítica inmanente y lógica interna y tiene como meta final promover una idea de trascendental no-entitativa voluntarista y correlacional opuesta a la de un yo absoluto. Para probar esto, analizo tres niveles del cartesianismo de Landgrebe: primero, la síntesis contradictoria entre apodicticidad y (...)
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  13.  35
    Describing model relations: The case of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) family in financial economics.Melissa Vergara-Fernández, Conrad Heilmann & Marta Szymanowska - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 97 (C):91-100.
    The description of how individual models in families of models are related to each other is crucial for the general philosophical understanding of model-based scientific practice. We focus on the Capital Asset Pricing Models (CAPM) family, a cornerstone in financial economics, to provide a descriptive analysis of model relations within a family. We introduce the concepts of theoretical and empirical complementarity to characterise model relations. Our complementarity analysis of model relations has two types of payoff. Specifically regarding the CAPM, our (...)
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  14.  31
    Students’ Perceptions of Teachers’ Corrective Feedback, Basic Psychological Needs and Subjective Vitality: A Multilevel Approach.Argenis P. Vergara-Torres, José Tristán, Jeanette M. López-Walle, Alejandra González-Gallegos, Athanasios Pappous & Inés Tomás - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  15.  52
    A Critical Taxonomy of the Theories About the Paths into the Reduction.Patricio A. Perkins - 2017 - Husserl Studies 33 (2):127-148.
    The paths or ways to the transcendental reduction are a pivotal phenomenological notion in Husserl’s philosophy. The metaphor of path, in fact, alludes to the demonstrative proofs of transcendental phenomenology. Nonetheless, Husserlian scholarship has not yet been able to end the disputes surrounding this topic, and as a result, competing interpretations continue to prevail. Since existing theories about the paths have not yet been cataloged or analyzed in their global context, I intend to classify the main existing theories about the (...)
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  16.  43
    Republican Constitutionalism.Camila Vergara - 2022 - Theoria 69 (171):25-48.
    The article presents a plebeian strand of republican constitutional thought that recognises the influence of inequality on political power, embraces conflict as the effective cause of free government, and channels its anti-oligarchic energy through the constitutional structure. First it engages with two modern plebeian thinkers – Niccolò Machiavelli and Nicolas de Condorcet - focusing on the institutional role of the common people to resist oppression through ordinary and extraordinary political action. Then it discusses the work of two contemporary republican thinkers (...)
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  17.  51
    Aristotle on the Perfections of Virtuous Action.Patricio A. Fernandez - 2024 - Phronesis 70 (2):147-182.
    In Nicomachean Ethics 2.4 Aristotle distinguishes between virtuous action and acting virtuously: a virtuous action counts as virtuously performed if done with knowledge, chosen for its own sake, and from a stable character. Since the ‘same’ action can be performed virtuously or non-virtuously, interpreters have concluded that these ‘agential conditions’ are indifferent incidental features with no bearing on the virtuous character of the action. I propose that they are instead ‘perfections,’ i.e., constitutive features of virtuous action as such, admitting of (...)
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  18. Las Alternancias Causativas Con Se En La Gramática Del Papel Y La Referencia.Carlos González Vergara - 2013 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 23 (2):226-255.
    Following González Vergara (2006a, 2009, 2012), the presence of the morpheme se in Spanish is explained by a lexical phenomenon that modifies the logical structure of sentences in which it appears. This phenomenon decreases the importance of the Actor and favors the Undergoer. According to this proposal, this phenomenon expresses itself, in most of the Spanish sesentences, as a lexical rule that makes unspecific the highest ranking argument. Taking the above as a basis, this paper explores and proposes explanations (...)
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  19. A Realistic Practical Conclusion.Patricio A. Fernandez - 2015 - American Philosophical Quarterly 52 (2):115-128.
    At least for those who uphold the rationality of morality, ethics and practical reason are not two distinct topics: an ethically sound agent is one whose practical reason functions as it should. Take, for instance, the greatest historical figures. Aristotle claimed that no virtue of character can exist without practical wisdom—the excellence of practical, deliberative reason. And Kant thought that the categorical imperative, the ultimate moral principle that governs a good will, was at the same time the fundamental principlof practical (...)
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  20.  12
    Harlem: The Unmaking of a Ghetto.Camilo José Vergara & Timothy J. Gilfoyle - 2013 - University of Chicago Press.
    For more than a century, Harlem has been the epicenter of black America, the celebrated heart of African American life and culture—but it has also been a byword for the problems that have long plagued inner-city neighborhoods: poverty, crime, violence, disinvestment, and decay. Photographer Camilo José Vergara has been chronicling the neighborhood for forty-three years, and Harlem: The Unmaking of a Ghetto is an unprecedented record of urban change. Vergara began his documentation of Harlem in the tradition of (...)
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  21.  81
    Plants and the conceptual articulation of evolutionary developmental biology.Francisco Vergara-Silva - 2003 - Biology and Philosophy 18 (2):249-284.
  22.  52
    Twenty-five years on: to move forward, we should return to Rawls’ The Law of Peoples.Ezekiel Vergara - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (1):91-98.
    In The Law of Peoples, John Rawls sets out his normative conception of global justice. The book remains a foundational text for scholars in the field. In recent years, however, new issues have arisen in the global justice literature, which Rawls did not consider. Moreover, his view has been rejected by many. So, as we move forward, does Rawls’ The Law of Peoples deserve to retain this foundational status? I argue that we have two weighty reasons to afford it this (...)
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  23. Bentham and Mill on the "Quality" of Pleasures.Francisco Vergara - 2011 - Revue d'Etudes Benthamiennes 9 (2011):web.
    John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham are often said to have held opposed views concerning the way “the value” of different pleasures should be estimated. Mill is accused of being an inconsistent utilitarian because he thought that, when comparing the value of two pleasures, we should not forget to take their “quality” into account. Bentham, on the other hand, is said to have believed that we should take “only quantity” into consideration. By verifying what they actually wrote, and reflecting on (...)
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    El fenómeno de la sorpresa: atención, resonancia y hundimiento.Patricio Mena Malet - 2020 - Filosofia Unisinos 21 (2).
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  25. Pattern Cladistics and the ‘Realism–Antirealism Debate’ in the Philosophy of Biology.Francisco Vergara-Silva - 2009 - Acta Biotheoretica 57 (1-2):269-294.
    Despite the amount of work that has been produced on the subject over the years, the ‘transformation of cladistics’ is still a misunderstood episode in the history of comparative biology. Here, I analyze two outstanding, highly contrasting historiographic accounts on the matter, under the perspective of an influential dichotomy in the philosophy of science: the opposition between Scientific Realism and Empiricism. Placing special emphasis on the notion of ‘causal grounding’ of morphological characters in modern developmental biology’s theories, I arrive at (...)
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  26.  35
    El pathos de la vida y de la existencia. La fenomenología en busca de una ampliación de la razón.Patricio Mena Malet - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (1):201-220.
    El presente artículo busca interrogar el pathos de la vida y de la existencia, a partir del estudiode las obras de Michel Henry y de Henri Maldiney. Dicho intento de ampliar la razón recobrando ladimensión afectiva de la vida o de la existencia ha orientado a la fenomenologíahacia una reflexión profunda sobre una inmanencia absoluta de la vida o sobre la apertura hacia elacontecimiento de sentido que es propia a la existencia. De este modo, nos pregunatremos quéfenomenología se apropia mejor (...)
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  27. La « main invisible » et la mondialisation (Keynes et Friedman : deux interprétations différentes).Francisco Vergara - 2018 - Economics and Philosophy 77 (I):101-112.
    Everyone has heard of "the invisible hand," the famous metaphor used by Adam Smith (1723-1790) in The Wealth of Nations. Although he uses the expression only once in the book, it has given rise to controversy that has lasted for over two centuries. -/- The famous expression has been understood, in (at least) two very different ways. In one way by most of academia, and in a very different way by Keynes, Noah Chomsky and more lately by Mark Blaug (in (...)
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  28. A Critique of Elie Halévy: Refutation of an Important Distortion of British Moral Philosophy.Francisco Vergara - 1998 - Philosophy 73 (283):97 - 111.
    The prestigious French publisher Presses Universitaires de France has recently brought out (November 1995) a new French edition of Elie Halévy's well known book "The Growth of Philosophical Radicalism", first published in France in three volumes as "La formation du radicalisme philosophique" (1901-1904) and translated into English in 1926. The prevailing opinion on this book is that it gives an excellent account of English utilitarianism. Thus, in the International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, Talcott Parsons speaks of it as the ‘virtually (...)
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  29.  24
    Estrategias gramaticales de expresión de la evidencialidad en el español de chile.Carlos González Vergara - 2011 - Alpha (Osorno) 32:149-165.
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    Motivation and goal orientation in vulnerability to depression.Chrystal Vergara & John E. Roberts - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (7):1281-1290.
  31. La temporalidad como estructura de L’Action (1893) de Maurice Blondel.Patricio Perkins - 2010 - Tópicos 19:65-81.
    El trabajo analiza la estructura de L'Action (1893) del filósofo francés Maurice Blondel en tres niveles diferentes según el modelo de la configuración triádica de la temporalidad. El primer nivel está implícito en la analítica de la acción llevada a cabo en la Introduction a la obra; el segundo nivel se identifica con el análisis de la pasividad del primer momento de la cuarta parte; el tercer nivel abarca la obra considerada en su globalidad, extendiéndose a la problemática del fenómeno (...)
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  32. Sur la comparaison internationale des « dépenses publiques » (notre comptabilité nationale induit-elle en erreur ?).Francisco Vergara - 2019 - Les Possibles 20 (Spring 2019):1-8.
    One of the most disputed questions among economists is that of "the role" and "size" that the public sector should have in a rich and developed country like France. -/- The importance of this question is understandable, because the history of nations is filled with examples of a sector (or a branch) of the economy becoming too large, or remaining too small, hampering growth or making the economy more vulnerable. A recent case is that of the "Financial Corporations Sector", which (...)
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  33. (1 other version)El vínculo madre-hijo como suelo del destino.Patricio Agustín Perkins - 2011 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 16:313-329.
    Analizo la afirmación husserliana «Los vivos despiertan al no vivo», en cuanto caracteriza la condición de posibilidad para el progreso humano desde la perspectiva del vínculo entre un niño y su madre. Primero, describo el ámbito fenomenológico en donde se inscribe esta problemática, i.e. la fenomenología constructiva. Segundo, analizo el tema del proto–niño [Urkind] y de la condición de posibilidad para su progreso según se presenta en el anexo XLV de la Husserliana XV. Tercero, amplío la cuestion indagando la condición (...)
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    Ndonguti, o filósofo africano.Patrício Batsîkama - 2024 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 33 (65):113-142.
    A discussão sobre a existência ou não da Filosofia Africana, associada à negação do direito à Filosofia caracterizou seis décadas: 1940-2000. A necessidade de apagar o espectro que as representações ocidentais (europeias) atribuem à África foi, de certa forma, respondida com várias publicações. O presente artigo pretende mostrar que existiram, também, pensadores individuais, preciamente no antigo Kôngo.
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    El espacio del paisaje y su dinámica atencional y atmosférica. Una propuesta fenomenológica.Patricio Mena - 2024 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 9:151-166.
    El siguiente texto se propone describir fenomenológicamente el modo de donación del espacio del paisaje y su dinámica atencional y atmosférica que compromete. Es así que el paisaje pareciera darse de un modo no objetivo, siendo entonces que su presentación debe distinguirse claramente de la de los objetos dados intencionalmente, así como también de otros modos de presentación. De este modo, centraremos nuestros análisis, en un primer lugar, en un examen del modo como la atención es exigida por el paisaje, (...)
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    Cold-Blooded Attention: Finger Temperature Predicts Attentional Performance.Rodrigo C. Vergara, Cristóbal Moënne-Loccoz & Pedro E. Maldonado - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  37.  19
    Equidad Natural Como Criterio Interpretativo de la Ley.Patricio Sáez Almonacid - 2024 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 58.
    Este artículo tiene por objetivo analizar la equidad natural como criterio de interpretación jurídica. Contadas las excepciones, es posible aseverar que no ha sido objeto de un estudio sistemático y profundo por parte de filosofía del Derecho; no existe claridad respecto a cómo funciona la equidad natural, cuál es su naturaleza, cómo se aplica, si acaso es un concepto moral, jurídico o participa de ambas categorías. Frente a este panorama en este trabajo se busca responder a estas interrogantes, proponiendo un (...)
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  38.  18
    La apropiación de sentido: Las experiencias hermenéuticas de diálogo Y comprensión a partir de Gadamer.Fernando J. Vergara Henríquez - 2008 - Alpha (Osorno) 26.
  39.  18
    La tradición del conocimiento del hacedor y su perspectiva escéptica: interpretaciones y consideraciones.Patricio Alarcón - forthcoming - Cuadernos Sobre Vico.
    El texto aborda la existencia de una tradición filosófica conocida como “conocimiento del hacedor”, que sostiene que conocer implica crear o producir lo que se conoce. Esta concepción experimenta un cambio significativo en el siglo XVII. La identidad entre la verdad y el hacer, que durante la Edad Media caracterizaba el conocimiento de Dios, se convierte en la marca del conocimiento humano. Danilo Marcondes ubica esta tradición en la problemática escéptica de la Modernidad. El objetivo del trabajo es analizar si (...)
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    Método científico e os paradigmas da pós-modernidade.Patricio Dugnani - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 29:138-148.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo fazer uma reflexão sobre uma metodologia para analisar a relação entre pós-modernidade e comunicação. Com isso, busca fortalecer um método que pode auxiliar na compreensão da organização da sociedade pós-moderna, relacionada ao uso de dois meios de comunicação. Para atender a esses objetivos, pretendemos partir das visões de Marshall Mcluhan, estudamos dois meios de comunicação; Michael Foucault, sua Arqueologia do Saber constitui dois paradigmas de uma época; e por Giorgio Agamben e seu método baseado na (...)
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    Are There Any True Formal Models of Success- and Prestige-Biased Social Learning?Patricio Cruz Y. Celis Peniche - 2024 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 24 (5):466-492.
    Cultural transmission theorists have proposed there is an inherent tradeoff between social learning strategies [SLS s] that rely on direct observation of a cultural variant’s payoffs (i.e., direct bias) and those that rely on a model’s cues of success or prestige (i.e., indirect bias). While the former relies on higher-quality informational goods, a model’s success or prestige cues may be easier to access. This paper reviews mathematical models that have purported to capture indirect bias, and shows they fail to capture (...)
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  42.  11
    Biopolítica, geontología y transhumanismo.R. Camilo Vergara - 2024 - Revista Ethika+ 9:103-127.
    Habitamos en un punto de inflexión histórico, denominado Antropoceno. Este se caracteriza por la huella indeleble que deja la actividad humana en el mundo. Bajo este contexto, surge la teoría de la ‘geontología’ de Elizabeth Povinelli, la cual pretende revelar la articulación de las complejas relaciones de poder que se despliegan en el Antropoceno por medio de las figuras del Desierto, el Animista y el Virus. Al contrastar las reflexiones biopolíticas de Povinelli sobre lo vivo y lo no-vivo con algunas (...)
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  43.  18
    La música y las disciplinas liberales en la antropología del joven Agustín de Hipona.Patricio Andrés Szychowski - 2023 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 79.
    La concepción de _disciplina_ y la reflexión sobre las disciplinas liberales en la filosofía temprana de Agustín se encuentran mayormente en su obra _De ordine_. Allí, el Hiponense describe la sabiduría de las artes liberales como modesta y sucinta, de modo más prescriptivo que descriptivo. Por otra parte, en _Retractationes_, el autor reseña su proyecto de volver a pensar las disciplinas liberales dedicando una obra a cada una de ellas. Esta empresa inconclusa dio lugar a una obra sobre la gramática, (...)
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    La pragmática esquizoanalítica en la filosofía de Deleuze y Guattari.Patricio Landaeta Mardones & Pedro Moscoso-Flores - 2022 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 13:37-58.
    El presente artículo discute acerca de la actualidad de la filosofía del deseo inaugurada con El anti-Edipo. Para ello, en primer lugar, se analiza el pragmatismo que inaugura esta obra, estableciendo un contrapunto con las filosofías de Kant y Marx y mostrando sus resonancias con la filosofía nietzscheana. En segundo lugar, comprendiendo este pragmatismo a partir de la invención de su método, el esquizoanálisis, que funciona en el diagnóstico de la perversión del deseo gregario. Por último, describiendo brevemente las derivas (...)
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    From the Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction to Intrinsic Motivation: Mediating Effect of Academic Integration.Jorge Vergara-Morales & Milenko Del Valle - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The studies show a positive and direct relationship between basic psychological needs satisfaction and intrinsic motivation of the students. However, there is a lack of studies that analyze the psychological processes that affect these relationships. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of academic integration on the relationship between basic psychological needs satisfaction and intrinsic motivation of Chilean university students. The participants were a total of 580 students from a university in northern Chile, (...)
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    Una lectura estética de la aequalitas en el De musica de Agustín de Hipona.Patricio Andrés Szychowski - 2022 - Patristica Et Medievalia 43 (2).
    El concepto de igualdad articula el análisis de Agustín de Hipona en su diálogo De musica. Agustín comienza por el estudio técnico del ritmo de los versos latinos con la función de organizar los pies métricos de acuerdo con su cercanía a la igualdad. La cercanía a la igualdad es el criterio de la delectación, entendida como respuesta de los sentidos ante las proporciones simples. El análisis racional de la experiencia estética da lugar al ascenso del alma hacia Dios, identificado (...)
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  47. The Power of a Practical Conclusion and Essays in the Economic Analysis of Legal Systems.Patricio A. Fernandez - unknown
    Part One defends the thesis, first advanced by Aristotle, that the conclusion of practical reasoning is an action, and argues for its philosophical significance. Opposition to the thesis rests on a contestable way of distinguishing between acts and contents of reasoning and on a picture of normative principles as external to the actions that fall under them. The resulting view forces us to choose between the efficacious, world-changing character of practical thought and its subjection to objective rational standards. This is (...)
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    América Imaginaria. Por un atlas decolonial. Aportes de Miguel Rojas Mix a la crítica de la representación de América.Patricio Landaeta - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26 (1):47-55.
    El presente ensayo aborda el trabajo realizado por Miguel Rojas Mix en América Imaginaria en torno a la construcción de la imagen fantástica de América y sus habitantes en Europa en tiempos de la conquista y colonización del Nuevo Mundo. En primer lugar, se revisan las tesis del autor sobre el imaginario, donde se comprende la función de la imagen en relación con la construcción de la identidad del otro tras el supuesto arribo de Colón a las Indias occidentales. Para (...)
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    De Ciuitate Dei I in Light of Seneca’s De prouidentia.Patricio Domínguez Valdés - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (2):311-322.
  50.  31
    Los errores y confusiones de Louis Dumont: A propósito de 'la autonomía' o 'emancipación' de la economía.Francisco Vergara - 2001 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 35:265-285.
    En este trabajo se cuestiona la opinión dada a menudo de acuerdo con la que la economía política se separa de la moralidad en los escritos de Adam Smith y su escuela. Según esta vieja idea, fuertemente defendida en el libro de Louis Dumont, From MandeVille to Marx los grandes economistas clásicos ingleses pensaron que en el espacio económico los hombres podían seguir exclusivamente su propio interés sin ninguna referencia a las reglas morales. Se muestra que esto es estrictamente lo (...)
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