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Peter Hadreas [13]Peter J. Hadreas [1]
  1.  54
    A Phenomenology of Love and Hate.Peter J. Hadreas - 2007 - Ashgate.
    The work encompasses analysis of philosophers and writers from ancient times through to the present day and examines such episodes as the Oklahoma City Federal ...
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    Aristotle on the vices and virtue of wealth.Peter Hadreas - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 39 (4):361 - 376.
    Drawing primarily on the Nicomachean Ethics, Book IV, Chapter 1 disquisition of the virtue of Liberality, Aristotle's account of the vices of virtue of wealth is discussed in detail. Historical differences between Aristotle's post-Periclean and modern post-industrial ideas of ownership, finance and trade organizations are introduced so to evaluate the relevance of Aristotle's approach to current investigations in business ethics. It is concluded that the lasting value of Aristotle's approach lies in its capacity to incorporate wealth into a comprehensive ordering (...)
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  3. Εὺ́νοια.Peter Hadreas - 1995 - Ancient Philosophy 15 (2):393-402.
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    Husserl and the Phenomenology of Racism.Peter Hadreas - 2003 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 34 (1):87-97.
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    Searle versus Derrida ?Peter Hadreas - 1996 - Philosophiques 23 (2):317-326.
    Cet article cherche à montrer qu'en dépit de la célèbre polémique qui les a opposés l'un à l'autre, John Searle et Jacques Derrida s'accordent sur certains points de leurs philosophies du langage respectives. Les divergences les plus marquantes peuvent être aplanies par l'application de procédures qui sont en conformité avec les théories des deux auteurs.This paper sets out to show, notwithstanding their notorious polemic, how elements of John Searle's and Jacques Derrida's philosophies of language agree with each other. It is (...)
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    Comments on Professors Johnson's and Weiss's Papers.Peter Hadreas - 1993 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 5 (1):84-87.
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    Aristotle’s Simile of Pleasure at NE 1174b33.Peter Hadreas - 1997 - Ancient Philosophy 17 (2):371-374.
  8.  69
    Aristotle and Machiavelli interviewed on wall street week under review.Peter Hadreas - 2005 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 14 (3):223–230.
  9.  60
    Intentionality and the neurobiology of pleasure.Peter Hadreas - 1999 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 30 (2):219-236.
  10. Phenomenology and the Incest Taboo.Peter Hadreas - 2002 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 33 (2):203-222.
    It is argued that traditional functional explanations of the incest taboo do not sufficiently supply causal conditions. It is widely acknowledged that the incest taboo, although universal among human societies, is largely a feature of human behavior. Husserl's investigations of intentionality are introduced to supply the particularly human element by which the taboo may be understood. So as to illumine the contrast between the conflicting intentionalities, a classical Aristotelian contrast between eros and parent/ child philia is drawn. Parent/child philia and (...)
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  11. The Functions of Pleasure in Nicomachean Ethics x 4-5.Peter Hadreas - 2004 - Ancient Philosophy 24 (1):155-167.
  12. Husserlian Self-Awareness and Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors.Peter Hadreas - 2010 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17 (1):43-51.
    The goal of the paper is to offer a model of self-awareness that fits the testimony of both good and bad responders to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), of which fluoxetine (Prozac; Lilly, Indianapolis, IN) is probably the most well known. After a review of troubling current uncertainties concerning how and for whom SSRIs are therapeutic, it is argued that SSRIs, as a rule, lessen the emotionality of SSRI subjects in favor of an increased cognitive and volitional orientation. Traditional empiricist (...)
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  13.  44
    In Defense of My Reading of Husserl and a Final Note.Peter Hadreas - 2010 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17 (1):61-64.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:In Defense of My Reading of Husserl and a Final NotePeter Hadreas (bio)KeywordsSSRI, Prozac, Fluoxetine, Zoloft, Sertraline, Paxil, Paroxetine, Husserl, phenomenologyI want to acknowledge Dr. Mark D. Rego and Professor Marilyn Nissim-Sabat for the care they put into the responses to my paper "Husserlian Self-Awareness and Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors." One of the abiding strengths of Philosophy, Psychiatry and Philosophy is its debate format.Thanks to the debate format, I (...)
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  14.  51
    Money: A speech act analysis.Peter Hadreas - 1989 - Journal of Social Philosophy 20 (3):115-129.