Results for 'Peter Kr�ner'

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  1.  36
    Eight-year-olds, but not six-year-olds, perform just as well as adults when playing Concentration: Resolving the enigma?Peter Krøjgaard, Trine Sonne, Maëlle Lerebourg, Rikke Lambek & Osman S. Kingo - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 69:81-94.
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  2.  22
    By-passing strategic retrieval: Experimentally induced spontaneous episodic memories in 35- and 46-month-old children.Peter Krøjgaard, Osman S. Kingo, Toril S. Jensen & Dorthe Berntsen - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 55:91-105.
  3.  12
    More than language is needed to represent and combine different core knowledge components.Peter Krøjgaard, Trine Sonne & Osman S. Kingo - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e135.
    We question Spelke's key claim that the medium, in which contents from different core knowledge systems can be represented and combined, is language-based. Recalling an episodic memory, playing chess, and conducting mental rotation are tasks where core knowledge information is represented and combined. Although these tasks can be described by means of language, these tasks are not inherently language-based. Hence, language may be an important subset of an abstraction medium – not the medium as such.
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  4.  27
    “That one makes things small”: Experimentally induced spontaneous memories in 3.5-year-olds.Peter Krøjgaard, Osman S. Kingo, Jonna J. Dahl & Dorthe Berntsen - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 30:24-35.
  5. The second nature of human beings: An invitation for John McDowell to discuss Helmuth plessner's philosophical anthropology.Hans-Peter Kr - 1998 - Philosophical Explorations 1 (2):107 – 119.
    John McDowell argues for minimal empiricism via using the notion of second nature of human beings. I should like to invite him to discuss Helmuth Plessner's Philosophical Anthropology in order to elaborate a more substantial conception of second nature. McDowell seems to think that it is adequate for his more epistemological aim to remind us of second nature as though it were to be taken for granted. But I think, following Plessner, that this right reminder needs a therapeutic elaboration in (...)
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    Occlusions at event boundaries during encoding have a negative effect on infant memory.Trine Sonne, Osman S. Kingo & Peter Krøjgaard - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 41 (C):72-82.
  7.  34
    Three-year-olds’ memory for a person met only once at the age of 12months: Very long-term memory revealed by a late-manifesting novelty preference.Osman Skjold Kingo, Søren Risløv Staugaard & Peter Krøjgaard - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 24:49-56.
  8.  67
    Comment on Hans-Peter kr Ger's paper.John Mcdowell - 1998 - Philosophical Explorations 1 (2):120 – 125.
    In my Mind and World I appeal to second nature, which, according to Hans-Peter Kr ger, plays a central role in Plessner's philosophical anthropology. But I think this convergence is less significant than Kr ger suggests.This note differentaties my purpose-to disarm the temptation to think perceptual experience, natural as it is, could not figure in what Sellars called “the space of reasons”-from Plessner's, which is to disarm the temptation to hope for an ahistorical insight into what is properly authoritative (...)
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  9.  24
    Meaningful Memory? Eighteen-Month-Olds Only Remember Cartoons With a Meaningful Storyline.Trine Sonne, Osman S. Kingo & Peter Krøjgaard - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  10.  18
    En etisk diskussion af screening for kræftsygdomme.Peter Laurs Sørensen, Fía Lindenskov & Lonny Henriksen - 2009 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):59-83.
    I 2007 gennemførte forbundskansler Angela Merkel en sundhedsreform der blandt andet indebærer, at tyske borgere ikke frit kan afgøre, om de vil deltage i forebyggende programmer, da et fravalg kan medføre økonomiske konsekvenser. Hermed udvider den tyske stat sin ret til at gribe ind i borgernes liv, når det handler om sekundær forebyggelse, fx i form af screening for kræftsygdomme. Dette kan være problematisk da den bedst tilgængelige evidens viser at tre igangværende kræftscreeningsprogrammer ikke kun har gavnlige virkninger, men også (...)
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    Erik J. Holmberg: A Mycenaean Chamber Tomb near Berbati in Argolis. Pp. 54; 29 figures and 1 plate . Göteborg: Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhället, 1983. Paper, Sw. kr. 65. [REVIEW]Peter Warren - 1985 - The Classical Review 35 (1):207-207.
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  12.  43
    Evidensbaseret eller menigheden af «ikke-troende»? Tilsvar fra John Brodersen, Peter Laurs Sørensen, Fía Lindenskov og Lonny Henriksen.John Brodersen, Peter Laurs Sørensen, Fía Lindenskov & Lonny Henriksen - 2009 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):86-88.
    I sin udmærkede kommentar til vores artikel «En etisk diskussion af screening for kræftsygdomme» beskriver Geir Hoff den udtalte mangel på evidens vedrørende nytteværdien af screeningsprogrammer for kræftsygdomme baseret på randomiserede studier. Ydermere fremhæver Geir Hoff misforholdet mellem den manglende evidens ved screening og de strenge krav, der er til evidensen i den farmaceutiske industri. Dette er en velkommen kritik, pga. en udtalt ukritisk og uvidenskabelig tilgang til anvendelse af screening for denne eller hin sygdom eller risikofaktor.
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  13.  11
    Peter Kemp: Praktisk visdom. Om Paul Ricœurs etik. Forum, Kbh. 2001. 150 sider incl. Litteraturliste, person- og emneregister. 188,- kr. [REVIEW]Henrik Vase Frandsen - 2002 - SATS 3 (2):162-164.
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    Peter Allen Hansen: A List of Greek Verse Inscriptions c. 400–300 B.C. With Addenda and Corrigenda to CEG (LGV12). Pp. 52. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 1985. Paper, D. kr. 70. [REVIEW]D. L. Stockton - 1986 - The Classical Review 36 (01):171-.
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  15.  29
    Kommentar.Geir Hoff - 2009 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):84-85.
    I dette nummeret av Etikk i Praksis belyses et etisk dilemma om premiering eller sanksjoner for deltakelse/ikke-deltakelse i nasjonale screeningprogram for kreft, i artikkelen «En etisk diskussion af screening for kræftsygdomme» av John Brodersen, Peter Laurs Sørensen, Fía Lindenskov og Lonny Henriksen. Dette er belyst gjennom intervjuer hvor divergerende meninger gjenspeiler at vi har svært begrenset kunnskap om både kort- og langtidseffekt av screening for kreft. Den politiske viljen til å innføre screeningprogram har utvilsomt vært sterkere enn viljen til (...)
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  16. Kr̥ṣṇamādhavacintāmaṇiḥ: janmaśatavārṣikīsmr̥tigranthaḥ.Kr̥ṣṇa Mādho Jhā, Govinda Jhā & Śaśinātha Jhā (eds.) - 1999 - Madhubanī, Bihāra: Paṇḍita Kr̥ṣṇamādhavajhā Janmaśatavārṣikī Samārohasamiti.
    Contributed articles on Indic philosophy, Vedic grammer, and classical Sanskrit literature; includes some on the life of Kr̥ṣṇa Mādho Jha, Sanskrit scholar.
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  17. Kr̥ṣṇājī jīvitaṃ.Cikkāla Kr̥ṣṇārāvu - 1992 - Bhīmunipaṭnaṃ, Viśākhajillā: Pratulaku, Cikkāla Kr̥ṣṇārāvu.
    Biography of Jiddu Krishnamurti, 1895-1986, Indian philosopher.
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  18. Le Prabodhacandrodaya de Kṛṣṇamiśra: un drame allégorique sanskrit. Kṛṣṇamiśra - 1974 - Paris: Institut de civilisation indienne ; dépositaire exclusif, E. de Boccard. Edited by Armelle Pédraglio.
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    Śrīkr̥ṣṇāvadhūtaracitāni Madhvatatvasūtrāṇi svopajñavyākhyāsahitāni. Kr̥ṣṇāvadhūta - 2023 - Beṅgalūru: Śrīviśveśatīrthasaṃśodhanakendram, Karnatakasamskrtavisvavidyalayena "Samsodhanakendram" iti manitam. Edited by Ānandatīrthācārya Vi Nāgasampagi.
    Treatise with auto-commentary on Dvaita philosophy.
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  20. Review by Santosh Kr. SINGH.Kr Singh Santosh - 2008 - International Journal on Humanistic Ideology 1:197-200.
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  21. Thought styles and paradigms—a comparative study of Ludwik Fleck and Thomas S. Kuhn.Nicola Mößner - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (2):362–371.
    At first glance there seem to be many similarities between Thomas S. Kuhn’s and Ludwik Fleck’s accounts of the development of scientific knowledge. Notably, both pay attention to the role played by the scientific community in the development of scientific knowledge. But putting first impressions aside, one can criticise some philosophers for being too hasty in their attempt to find supposed similarities in the works of the two men. Having acknowledged that Fleck anticipated some of Kuhn’s later theses, there seems (...)
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  22.  12
    Die Stufen des Organischen Und der Mensch: Einleitung in Die Philosophische Anthropologie.Helmuth Pleßner - 1928 - De Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Die Stufen des Organischen und der Mensch" verfügbar.
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  23.  66
    Criteria for naturalness in conceptual spaces.Corina Strößner - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-36.
    Conceptual spaces are a frequently applied framework for representing concepts. One of its central aims is to find criteria for what makes a concept natural. A prominent demand is that natural concepts cover convex regions in conceptual spaces. The first aim of this paper is to analyse the convexity thesis and the arguments that have been advanced in its favour or against it. Based on this, I argue that most supporting arguments focus on single-domain concepts (e.g., colours, smells, shapes). Unfortunately, (...)
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  24. Mīmāṃsā-paribhāṣā: "Alakā"-Hindīvyākhyādisahitā, mūla, vyākhyā-ṭippanīsamalaṅkr̥tā. Kr̥ṣṇayajva - 1985 - Vārāṇasī: Caukhambhā Oriyaṇṭāliyā. Edited by Gaṅgādhara Miśra.
    Explanation of terms in Mīmāṃsā, an orthodox school in Hindu philosophy.
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  25. (1 other version)Mīmāṁsā-paribhāṣā of Kr̥ṣṇa Yajvan. Kr̥ṣṇayajva - 1987 - Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama. Edited by Madhavananda.
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  26. Knowledge, Democracy, and the Internet.Nicola Mößner & Philip Kitcher - 2017 - Minerva 55 (1):1-24.
    The internet has considerably changed epistemic practices in science as well as in everyday life. Apparently, this technology allows more and more people to get access to a huge amount of information. Some people even claim that the internet leads to a democratization of knowledge. In the following text, we will analyze this statement. In particular, we will focus on a potential change in epistemic structure. Does the internet change our common epistemic practice to rely on expert opinions? Does it (...)
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  27.  28
    The Role of Reasoning and Pragmatics in the Modifier Effect.Corina Strößner & Gerhard Schurz - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (2):e12815.
    The modifier effect refers to the fact that the perceived likelihood of a property in a noun category is diminished if the noun is modified. For example, “Pigs live on farms” is rated as more likely than “Dirty pigs live on farms.” The modifier effect has been demonstrated in many studies, but the underlying cognitive mechanisms are still unclear. This paper reports two series of experiments that jointly point to the conclusion that the modifier effect is the result of a (...)
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  28.  41
    Reappraising Plato’s Cratylus.David Meißner - 2024 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 106 (1):1-22.
    While the argument of Plato’s Cratylus supports both the claim that there is a natural correctness of names and the claim that correct names need not be descriptions or imitations of their referents, the protagonists of the Cratylus find it infeasible to reconcile these two claims. In my paper, I account for this puzzling observation by elaborating a novel interpretation of the Cratylus. I show that the protagonists of the Cratylus are unable to make sense of the results of their (...)
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  29. Trusting the Media? TV News as a Source of Knowledge.Nicola Mößner - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (2):205-220.
    Why do we trust TV news? What reasons might support a recipient’s assessment of the trustworthiness of this kind of information? This paper presents a veritistic analysis of the epistemic practice of news production and communication. The topic is approached by discussing a detailed case study, namely the characteristics of the most popular German news programme, called the ‘Tagesschau’. It will be shown that a veritistic analysis can indeed provide a recipient with relevant reasons to consider when pondering on the (...)
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  30. Scientific Images as Circulating Ideas: An Application of Ludwik Fleck’s Theory of Thought Styles.Nicola Mößner - 2016 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 47 (2):307-329.
    Without doubt, there is a great diversity of scientific images both with regard to their appearances and their functions. Diagrams, photographs, drawings, etc. serve as evidence in publications, as eye-catchers in presentations, as surrogates for the research object in scientific reasoning. This fact has been highlighted by Stephen M. Downes who takes this diversity as a reason to argue against a unifying representation-based account of how visualisations play their epistemic role in science. In the following paper, I will suggest an (...)
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  31. Sucht oder Autonomie? Neue ExpertInnen im Netz.Nicola Mößner - 2024 - In Rainer Adolphi, Suzana Alpsancar, Susanne Hahn & Matthias Kettner, Philosophische Digitalisierungsforschung (I). Verantwortung, Verständigung, Vernunft, Macht. Bielefeld: transcript. pp. 197-217.
    During the Covid-19 pandemic, a significant number of people has seemingly been lured in believing conspiracy theories. Many deliberately disregarded expert advices by virologists and physicians to reduce new infections. This turning away from traditional expert authorities exemplifies the »crisis of expertise« that has been discussed in the philosophy of science for some time, namely that many people seem to have lost their trust in the established authority of expert knowledge and are looking for epistemic alternatives, especially on the Internet (...)
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  32.  84
    Normality and Majority: Towards a Statistical Understanding of Normality Statements.Corina Strößner - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (4):793-809.
    Normality judgements are frequently used in everyday communication as well as in biological and social science. Moreover they became increasingly relevant to formal logic as part of defeasible reasoning. This paper distinguishes different kinds of normality statements. It is argued that normality laws like “Birds can normally fly” should be understood essentially in a statistical way. The argument has basically two parts: firstly, a statistical semantic core is mandatory for a descriptive reading of normality in order to explain the logical (...)
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  33.  21
    Conceptual Learning and Local Incommensurability: A Dynamic Logic Approach.Corina Strößner - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (6):1025-1045.
    In recent decades, the logical study of rational belief dynamics has played an increasingly important role in philosophy. However, the dynamics of concepts such as conceptual learning received comparatively little attention within this debate. This is problematic insofar as the occurrence of conceptual change (especially in the sciences) has been an influential argument against a merely logical analysis of beliefs. Especially Kuhn’s ideas about the incommensurability, i.e., untranslatability, of succeeding theories seem to stand in the way of logical reconstruction. This (...)
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  34. Visual Information and Scientific Understanding.Nicola Mößner - 2015 - Axiomathes 25 (2):167-179.
    Without doubt, there is a widespread usage of visualisations in science. However, what exactly the _epistemic status_ of these visual representations in science may be remains an open question. In the following, I will argue that at least some scientific visualisations are indispensible for our cognitive processes. My thesis will be that, with regard to the activity of _learning_, visual representations are of relevance in the sense of contributing to the aim of _scientific_ _understanding_. Taking into account that understanding can (...)
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  35.  67
    Existential Import, Aristotelian Logic, and its Generalizations.Corina Strößner - 2020 - Logica Universalis 14 (1):69-102.
    The paper uses the theory of generalized quantifiers to discuss existential import and its implications for Aristotelian logic, namely the square of opposition, conversions and the assertoric syllogistic, as well as for more recent generalizations to intermediate quantifiers like “most”. While this is a systematic discussion of the semantic background one should assume in order to obtain the inferences and oppositions Aristotle proposed, it also sheds some light on the interpretation of his writings. Moreover by applying tools from modern formal (...)
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  36.  58
    Predicate Change: A Study on the Conservativity of Conceptual Change.Corina Strößner - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 49 (6):1159-1183.
    Like belief revision, conceptual change has rational aspects. The paper discusses this for predicate change. We determine the meaning of predicates by a set of imaginable instances, i.e., conceptually consistent entities that fall under the predicate. Predicate change is then an alteration of which possible entities are instances of a concept. The recent exclusion of Pluto from the category of planets is an example of such a predicate change. In order to discuss predicate change, we define a monadic predicate logic (...)
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  37.  61
    Wissen aus dem Zeugnis anderer - der Sonderfall medialer Berichterstattung.Nicola Mößner - 2010 - Paderborn: brill / mentis Verlag.
    Wendet man sich der Frage nach den Quellen unseres Wissens zu, so muss man feststellen, dass wir zweifelsohne einen großen Teil unseres Wissens über die Welt aus dem Zeugnis anderer gewinnen. In der gegenwärtigen erkenntnistheoretischen Diskussion wird nicht in Frage gestellt, dass das Zeugnis anderer zur Genese unseres Wissens beiträgt. Umstritten ist dagegen,ob die Anführung des Ursprungs solcher Überzeugungen auch zu deren Rechtfertigung in hinreichendem Maße beiträgt. Dieses Buch bietet einen systematischen Einblick in die verschiedenen epistemologischen Positionen dieser Debatte – (...)
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  38. New experts on the web?Nicola Mößner - 2024 - In Rainer Adolphi, Suzana Alpsancar, Susanne Hahn & Matthias Kettner, Philosophische Digitalisierungsforschung (I). Verantwortung, Verständigung, Vernunft, Macht. Bielefeld: transcript.
    During the Covid-19 pandemic, a considerable amount of people seem to have been lured into believing in conspiracy theories. These people deliberately disregard expert advice by virologists and physicians concerning social behaviour that is aimed at reducing the number of new infections. Disregarding traditional experts and their advice is just one example of what, in the philosophy of science, is referred to as a crisis of expertise – the phenomenon whereby people seem to have lost their trust in traditional expert (...)
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  39. Elektronisches Publizieren und Bewertung wissenschaftlicher Expertise.Nicola Mößner & Klaus Erlach - 2024 - Zenodo.
    Das Positionspapier adressiert Probleme und Schwierigkeiten, die sich aus dem elektronischen Publizieren und den derzeitigen bibliometrischen Bewertungsverfahren wissenschaftlicher Expertise ergeben. Hierzu zählen u.a. der ‚Markt‘ der Informationen (Stichwort: Verlagsoligopole), das Wissenschaftler:innen-Tracking und die Metrisierung der Wissenschaft. -/- Es richtet sich insbesondere an Vertreter:innen die akademischen Philosophie als Fachdisziplin. Das Papier enthält Empfehlungen dazu, wie die identifizierten Problempunkte innerhalb der Disziplin lösungsorientiert angegangen werden können. Folgende Punkte werden zur Diskussion gestellt: -/- - Diamond-Open-Access im Bereich des elektronischen Publizierens: Infrastruktur in die (...)
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  40.  82
    Reasoning in Measurement.Nicola Mößner & Alfred Nordmann (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    This collection offers a new understanding of the epistemology of measurement. The interdisciplinary volume explores how measurements are produced, for example, in astronomy and seismology, in studies of human sexuality and ecology, in brain imaging and intelligence testing. It considers photography as a measurement technology and Henry David Thoreau's poetic measures as closing the gap between mind and world. -/- By focusing on measurements as the hard-won results of conceptual as well as technical operations the authors of the book no (...)
  41. Photographic Evidence and the Problem of Theory-Ladenness.Nicola Mößner - 2013 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 44 (1):111–125.
    Scientists use visualisations of different kinds in a variety of ways in their scientific work. In the following article, we will take a closer look at the use of photographic pictures as scientific evidence. In accordance with Patrick Maynard’s thesis, photography will be regarded as a family of technologies serving different purposes in divergent contexts. One of these is its ability to detect certain phenomena. Nonetheless, with regard to the philosophical thesis of theory-ladenness of observation, we encounter certain reservations concerning (...)
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  42. Visual Representations in Science - Concept and Epistemology.Nicola Mößner - 2018 - London AND New York: Routledge.
    Visual representations (photographs, diagrams, etc.) play crucial roles in scientific processes. They help, for example, to communicate research results and hypotheses to scientific peers as well as to the lay audience. In genuine research activities they are used as evidence or as surrogates for research objects which are otherwise cognitively inaccessible. Despite their important functional roles in scientific practices, philosophers of science have more or less neglected visual representations in their analyses of epistemic methods and tools of reasoning in science. (...)
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  43.  77
    Compositionality Meets Belief Revision: a Bayesian Model of Modification.Corina Strößner - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (4):859-880.
    The principle of compositionality claims that the content of a complex concept is determined by its constituent concepts and the way in which they are composed. However, for prototype concepts this principle is often too rigid. Blurring the division between conceptual composition and belief update has therefore been suggested. Inspired by this idea, we develop a normative account of how belief revision and meaning composition should interact in modifications such as “red apple” or “pet hamster”. We do this by combining (...)
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  44.  16
    Die Logik der Normalität: Untersuchungen Zur Semantik von Normalitätsurteilen.Corina Strößner - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Normally, it's warm in the summer. A simple statement - yet what do we mean by "normally?" This is the question addressed by the author. She distinguishes between statistical and non-statistical interpretations of normalcy, and, in the light.
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  45. Die Pest in Zeiten von Corona – Philosophie und Literatur bei Albert Camus.Nicola Mößner - 2023 - Philokles 25:4-32.
    Im März 2020 änderte sich das Leben für viele (nicht nur in Deutschland) radikal. Das Virus SARS-CoV-2, besser bekannt als „COVID-19-“ oder „Corona-Virus“, breitete sich als Verursacher einer zwischenzeitlich global virulenten Pandemie in unvermuteter Geschwindigkeit aus. Es verwundert nicht, dass viele in dieser unsicheren Zeit auf der Suche nach Orientierung nach scheinbar bekannten Mustern fahnden. Ein solches Muster glaubten offenbar einige, in Camus’ Roman "Die Pest" finden zu können, ein Roman, der – dem Titel nach – auch von einer Seuche (...)
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  46. The Concept of Testimony.Nicola Mößner - 2007 - In Christoph Jäger & Winfried Löffler, Epistemology: Contexts, Values, Disagreement. Papers of the 34th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2011. The Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 207-209.
    Many contributors of the debate about knowledge by testimony concentrate on the problem of justification. In my paper I will stress a different point – the concept of testimony itself. As a starting point I will use the definitional proposal of Jennifer Lackey. She holds that the concept of testimony should be regarded as entailing two aspects – one corresponding to the speaker, the other one to the hearer. I will adopt the assumption that we need to deal with both (...)
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  47. Werte, Wahrheit, Wissenschaft.Nicola Mößner - 2023 - In R. Rothenbusch & Oliver Wiertz, Umstrittene Wahrheit. Die Frage nach der Wahrheit in Philosophie und Religionen. pp. 89-122.
    In diesem Beitrag soll das Wechselverhältnis von Wissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft näher beleuchtet werden. Im Fokus der Untersuchung wird dabei der Begriff des Faktums stehen, dessen Bedeutung durch die neuesten Sprachspiele auf der Bühne der internationalen Politik zumindest in den Augen vieler Wissenschaftler in Misskredit gebracht wurde. In einem ersten Analyseschritt wird aus wissenschaftstheoretischer Perspektive aufgezeigt, inwieweit der Begriff des Faktums als konstitutiv für das nach wie vor hohe Ansehen wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis in der Gesellschaft betrachtet werden kann. Diese Einsicht in (...)
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  48. Is the Principle of Testimony Simply Epistemically Fundamental or Simply not? Swinburne on Knowledge by Testimony.Nicola Mößner & Markus Seidel - 2008 - In Nicola Mößner, Sebastian Schmoranzer & Christian Weidemann, Richard Swinburne: Christian Philosophy in a Modern World. ontos.
    The recently much discussed phenomenon of testimony as a social source of knowledge plays a crucial justificatory role in Richard Swinburne's philosophy of religion. Although Swinburne officially reduces his principle of testimony to the criterion of simplicity and, therefore, to a derivative epistemic source, we will show that simplicity does not play the crucial role in this epistemological context. We will argue that both Swinburne's philosophical ideas and his formulations allow for a fundamental epistemic principle of testimony, by showing that (...)
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    Learning from conditional probabilities.Corina Strößner & Ulrike Hahn - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):105962.
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  50. Visions visualised? On the evidential status of scientific visualisations.Nicola Mößner - forthcoming - In Erna Fiorentini, On Visualization. A Multicentric Critique beyond Infographics.
    ‘Visualisations play an important role in science’, this seems to be an uncontroversial statement today. Scientists not only use visual representations as means to communicate their research results in publications or talks, but also often as surrogates for their objects of interest during the process of research. Thus, we can make a distinction between two contexts of usage here, namely the explanatory and the exploratory context. The focus of this paper is on the latter one. Obviously, using visualisations as surrogates (...)
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