Results for 'Philippe Séguin'

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  1.  51
    La recherche d’un fondement absolu des mathématiques par l’Ecole combinatoire de C. F. Hindenburg (1741-1808).Philippe Séguin - 2005 - Philosophia Scientiae:61-79.
    Cari Friedrich Hindenburg (1741-1808), le fondateur de la « prétendue Ecole combinatoire » (Eugen Netto), est un personnage largement oublié aujourd’hui. Pourtant, le Dictionary of Scientific Biography lui consacre un article. Il est vrai que l’Ecole combinatoire eut un grand succès en Allemagne à la fin du 18ème siècle, mais seulement en Allemagne, puis elle tomba en discrédit.En fait, l’Ecole combinatoire ne se proposait rien moins que de fonder l’analyse — et si possible toutes les mathématiques — sur l’analyse combinatoire, (...)
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    Bruno Latour’s Science Is Politics By Other Means: Between Politics and Ontology.Eve Seguin & Laurent-Olivier Lord - 2023 - Perspectives on Science 31 (1):9-39.
    Abstract“Science Is Politics By Other Means” (SIPBOM) was coined in The Pasteurization of France, Latour’s 1984 empirical study of the birth of microbiology. Yet, it encapsulates an outstanding political theory of science that Latour has never formalized and that has remained unnoticed to this day. The theory is comprised of two dimensions. The first one is the ontological labor performed by science, that is, the laboratory production of new nonhumans. The second one is the ability of science to devise and (...)
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    Émile Du Ch'telet and her Examens de la Bible: a radical clandestine woman philosopher.Maria Susana Seguin - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (1):129-141.
    ABSTRACTÉmilie Du Châtelet is the only French woman author of a work included in the corpus of clandestine philosophical literature: a set of treatises, dissertations, or letters that circulated in Europe, and especially in France, mainly in manuscript form, during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the main purpose of which was to subject religion to rigorous rational criticism (philosophical, historical, scientific). These Examens de la religion, one of the most controversial works in this corpus, circulated during the eighteenth century and (...)
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    Un monde commun d’Arendt à Latour?Eve Seguin - 2018 - Symposium 22 (2):1-26.
    Quand Bruno Latour introduit le « monde commun » dans son oeuvre à la fin des années 1990, ce syntagme est déjà fort connu en théorie politique où il circule largement depuis la parution en 1958 du magnum opus d’Hannah Arendt The Human Condition. Or, Latour ne se réclame pas d’Arendt quand il traite du monde commun et, s’il la mentionne à l’occasion, c’est toujours pour s’en distancer. En analysant les conceptualisations respectives de Latour et d’Arendt, le présent article vise (...)
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    Introduction: Science Is Politics By Other Means Revisited.Eve Seguin & Dominique Vinck - 2023 - Perspectives on Science 31 (1):1-8.
    In the past forty years, Bruno Latour’s claim that Science Is Politics By Other Means (SIPBOM) has been the underlying creed of Science and Technology Studies (STS), most of us simply taking it for granted. In contrast, this special issue is predicated on the observation of an enduring lack of exegesis of this catchphrase so remarkable that is has caused an outcry among natural scientists, echoed in some social science quarters. If SIPBOM has been a resource for decades, by turning (...)
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    Convergence of circumstances in the settlement of the expression of the extensive poem in Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.Marie-Christine Seguin - 2020 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (25):57-71.
    Entre tradiciones y procesos de transformación, asistimos a una poética del pensar del poema extenso en las Antillas hispanas. Desde la “décima”, venida de Europa, se desarrolla una creatividad lingüística por medio de una apertura pragmática, en estrecha relación con la particularidad colonial: entre mito del progreso y mito de la edad de oro. Para entender la inventiva caribeña, recordamos la práctica del Neobarroco, elaborado a base de las confluencias de lo heterogéneo. Vemos como a través de una heteroglosia discursiva, (...)
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  7. Nuestros derechos, en riesgo. Intimidad, privacidad y honor en Internet.Víctor Salgado Seguin - 2010 - Telos: Revista de Pensamiento Sobre Tecnología y Sociedad 85:69-79.
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    A Modest Reason.Eve Seguin - 1994 - Theory, Culture and Society 11 (3):55-75.
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    Archaeologies of the Future: The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science Fictions.Rob Seguin - 2006 - Utopian Studies 17 (3):543-547.
  10.  26
    Carl Schmitt’s Don Quixote.Bécquer Seguín - 2022 - Critical Inquiry 48 (4):774-798.
    How might recognizing the literary influences behind political concepts shift our understanding of their meaning? This article explores how Miguel de Cervantes’s Don Quixote shaped political concepts in the thought of the German jurist and Nazi Carl Schmitt. It does so by tracking Schmitt’s reflections on the Quixote throughout his oeuvre, from his early literary writings to his postwar book on Hamlet. Far from a curiosity, Schmitt’s scattered reflections on the Quixote show the extent to which his foundational political concepts (...)
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    El lobo de fresa y el bosque de chocolate. Senel Paz y sus variaciones cinematográficas.Jean Claude Seguin - 2011 - Arbor 187 (748):325-335.
    Desde su breve cuento “No le digas que la quieres” hasta su última obra En el cielo con diamantes (2007), Senel Paz no ha dejado de recorrer un mundo poblado de personajes que de un cuento a una película y de un film a una novela siempre están en devenir. David, Miguel, Diego, Vivian, Nancy, Ismael, etc. no dejan de resurgir tanto en Una novia para David, como en el cuento El Lobo, el bosque y el hombre nuevo que dio (...)
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    Introduction. Bruno Latour s’accorde-t-il au pluriel?Eve Seguin - 2018 - Symposium 22 (1):1-5.
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    Intimidad, privacidad y honor en Internet: nuestros derechos, en riesgo.Víctor Alberto Salgado Seguín - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 85:69-79.
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    L'espace du cinéma : hors-champ, hors-d'œuvre, hors-jeu.Louis Seguin - 1999 - Toulouse: Ombres.
    L'espace-temps du cinéma est un piège, une bonne occasion d'ouvrir, une fois encore, la retraite de l'espace à l'empire du temps. La peinture n'avait pas le temps, le cinéma l'a pris. La " théorie ", avec André Bazin, a, pour mieux assurer cette propriété, inventé le " hors-champ ". La pensée, aujourd'hui, doit se soumettre à la règle de cette ordonnance sous peine de se retrouver " hors-jeu ". Mais le cinéma, lui, obéit-il à cette loi paternelle? Que fait-il lorsqu'il (...)
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    Les feuilles d’information non périodiques, ou « canards », en France.J. -P. Seguin - 1957 - Revue de Synthèse 78 (7):391-420.
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    La politique postmoderne: généalogie du contemporain.Thomas Seguin - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'auteur réalise une relecture du corpus théorique postmoderne afin d'en dégager une grammaire politique nouvelle. C'est le parti pris de cet ouvrage que de lier la pensée politique de la postmodernité à l'analyse de la société actuelle et à sa transformation. L'objet théorique qu'il nous propose permet d'envisager et d'éclairer une série de faits sociaux et d'idées nouvelles dans notre contemporanéité mouvante.
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    Pour une pensée du vitalisme démocratique.Thomas Seguin - 2007 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 11 (1):53-78.
  18. Cosmologie et théorie de la terre chez Benoît de maillet: Réflexions sur l'imaginaire scientifique de telliamed.Maria Susana Seguin - 2010 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 59:31-53.
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    Bloor, Latour, and the field.Eve Seguin - 1999 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 31 (3):503-508.
    The debate between Bloor and Latour is based on a fundamental misunderstanding due to too narrow a view of what Bloor calls ‘the field’. The boundaries of this ‘field’ are not defined by the sociological analysis of the content of science: SSK and Latour do not share the same object of study. Latour's approach marks a shift from the social determinants of scientific knowledge to the ontological labour performed by scientific activity. The research on the science/society interface has generated two (...)
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    Book Review: Bruno Latour: Reassembling the Political, by Graham Harman. [REVIEW]Eve Seguin - 2017 - Political Theory 45 (5):727-731.
  21.  15
    Review of David Kurnick: “The Savage Detectives” Reread[REVIEW]Bécquer Seguín - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 50 (3):582-583.
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    Connecting networks of North American French.France Martineau & Marie-Claude Séguin - 2016 - Corpus 15.
    Cet article présente le Corpus FRAN, premier corpus panfrancophone en ligne sur les variétés de français nord-américaines, élaboré dans le cadre du projet international Le français à la mesure d’un continent (dir. F. Martineau). Il présente d’abord les grandes questions théoriques qui sous-tendent le projet et l’élaboration du Corpus FRAN, puis discute de l’architecture du Corpus FRAN ainsi que de l’interface élaborée pour son interrogation et du protocole de transcription. La configuration du Corpus FRAN, couvrant plusieurs siècles et plusieurs communautés, (...)
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  23.  58
    Cinema, Scenes, Aesthetics: An Interview with Jacques Rancière.Mozelle Foreman, Bécquer Seguín & Jacques Rancière - 2014 - Diacritics 42 (3):22-35.
  24.  30
    Matthew S. Santirocco.Elizabeth Choy, Aaron Freeman, Michael Seguin, Harrison Sepulveda, Judith P. Hallett & Henry Bender - 2012 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 105 (4):548-548.
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    The content of recurrent dreams in young adolescents.Aline Gauchat, Jean R. Séguin, Esther McSween-Cadieux & Antonio Zadra - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 37 (C):103-111.
  26.  22
    Survey of Mental Health Care Providers’ Perspectives on the Everyday Ethics of Medical-Aid-in-Dying for People with a Mental Illness.Marjorie Montreuil, Monique Séguin, Catherine Gros & Eric Racine - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (1):152-163.
    Context: In most jurisdictions where medical-aid-in-dying is available, this option is reserved for individuals suffering from incurable physical conditions. Currently, in Canada, people who have a mental illness are legally excluded from accessing MAiD. Methods: We developed a questionnaire for mental health care providers to better understand their perspectives related to ethical issues in relation to MAiD in the context of severe and persistent suffering caused by mental illness. We used a mixed-methods survey approach, using a concurrent embedded model with (...)
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    Olivier Bloch (1930-2021).Pierre-François Moreau & Maria Susana Seguin - 2022 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 147 (2):288-294.
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    Implication et engagement: en hommage à Philippe Lucas.Philippe Fritsch & Lucas - 2000 - PUL.
    Qu'attendre des chercheurs en sciences sociales? Qu'ils fassent tout bonnement leur métier ou qu'à partir de leurs analyses ils s'impliquent dans les problèmes qui relèvent de leur compétence ou même qu'à partir de leur position de chercheur ils prennent publiquement position sur les grandes questions du jour? Ces alternatives sont loin d'épuiser le champ des possibles, mais les énoncer invite à s'interroger sur les rapports qu'entretiennent les travaux de recherche en sciences sociales avec les pratiques sociales qu'elles étudient. Ces questions (...)
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    Entretien avec Philippe Descola.Philippe Descola - 2011 - Cahiers Philosophiques 4:23-40.
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    Leveraging the Web and Social Media to Promote Access to Care Among Suicidal Individuals.Charles-Edouard Notredame, Pierre Grandgenèvre, Nathalie Pauwels, Margot Morgiève, Marielle Wathelet, Guillaume Vaiva & Monique Séguin - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  31.  15
    Beyond Nature and Culture.Philippe Descola & Marshall Sahlins - 2013 - London: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Janet Lloyd.
    Philippe Descola has become one of the most important anthropologists working today, and Beyond Nature and Culture has been a major influence in European intellectual life since its French publication in 2005. Here, finally, it is brought to English-language readers. At its heart is a question central to both anthropology and philosophy: what is the relationship between nature and culture? Culture—as a collective human making, of art, language, and so forth—is often seen as essentially different from nature, which is (...)
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  32. Straightening the ‘value-laden turn’: minimising the influence of extra-scientific values in science.Philippe Stamenkovic - 2024 - Synthese 203 (20):1-38.
    Straightening the current ‘value-laden turn’ (VLT) in the philosophical literature on values in science, and reviving the legacy of the value-free ideal of science (VFI), this paper argues that the influence of extra-scientific values should be minimised—not excluded—in the core phase of scientific inquiry where claims are accepted or rejected. Noting that the original arguments for the VFI (ensuring the truth of scientific knowledge, respecting the autonomy of science results users, preserving public trust in science) have not been satisfactorily addressed (...)
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  33. Harnessing Advanced Technologies for Global Health Equity.Peter A. Singer, Archana Bhatt, Sarah E. Frew, Heather Greenwood, Jocelyn Mackie, Dilnoor Panjwani, Deepa L. Persad, Fabio Salamanca-Buentello, Béatrice Séguin, Andrew D. Taylor, Halla Thorsteinsdóttir & Abdallah S. Daar - 2008 - In Ronald Michael Green, Aine Donovan & Steven A. Jauss (eds.), Global bioethics: issues of conscience for the twenty-first century. New York: Oxford University Press.
  34. Philippe borgeaud, exercices de mythologie, genève, labor et fides, 2004, 219p.Philippe Bornet - 2005 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 137:286.
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  35. (1 other version)Modern science and its philosophy.Philipp Frank - 1941 - New York: Arno Press.
  36.  78
    Prolegomena to Music Semantics.Philippe Schlenker - 2019 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 10 (1):35-111.
    We argue that a formal semantics for music can be developed, although it will be based on very different principles from linguistic semantics and will yield less precise inferences. Our framework has the following tenets: Music cognition is continuous with normal auditory cognition. In both cases, the semantic content derived from an auditory percept can be identified with the set of inferences it licenses on its causal sources, analyzed in appropriately abstract ways. What is special about music semantics is that (...)
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  37. The Validation of Scientific Theories. Edited with an Introduction by Philipp Frank.Philipp Frank (ed.) - 1961 - Collier Books.
  38. François Stoll Philipp Notter.Philipp Notter - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob (eds.), Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 466.
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    Gesture projection and cosuppositions.Philippe Schlenker - 2018 - Linguistics and Philosophy 41 (3):295-365.
    In dynamic theories of presupposition, a trigger pp′ with presupposition p and at-issue component p′ comes with a requirement that p should be entailed by the local context of pp′. We argue that some co-speech gestures should be analyzed within a presuppositional framework, but with a twist: an expression p co-occurring with a co-speech gesture G with content g comes with the requirement that the local context of p should guarantee that p entails g; we call such assertion-dependent presuppositions ‘cosuppositions’. (...)
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  40. Ethique Et Infini Dialogues Avec Philippe Nemo.Emmanuel Lévinas & Philippe Nemo - 1984
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  41. Experiential parts.Philippe Chuard - forthcoming - Analytic Philosophy.
    Several disputes about the nature of experience operate under the assumption that experiences have parts, including temporal parts. There's the widely held view, when it comes to temporal experiences, that we should follow James' exhortation that such experiences aren't mere successions of their temporal parts, but something more. And there's the question of whether it is the parts of experiences which determine whole experiences and the properties they have, or whether the determination goes instead from the whole to the parts, (...)
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  42. Maximize Presupposition and Gricean reasoning.Philippe Schlenker - 2012 - Natural Language Semantics 20 (4):391-429.
    Recent semantic research has made increasing use of a principle, Maximize Presupposition, which requires that under certain circumstances the strongest possible presupposition be marked. This principle is generally taken to be irreducible to standard Gricean reasoning because the forms that are in competition have the same assertive content. We suggest, however, that Maximize Presupposition might be reducible to the theory of scalar implicatures. (i)First, we consider a special case: the speaker utters a sentence with a presupposition p which is not (...)
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    Pragmatism and Organization Studies.Philippe Lorino - 2018 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    This book aims to make the pragmatist intellectual framework accessible to organization and management scholars. It presents some fundamental concepts of Pragmatism, their potential application to the study of organizations and the resulting theoretical, methodological, and practical issues.
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  44. Iconic variables.Philippe Schlenker, Jonathan Lamberton & Mirko Santoro - 2013 - Linguistics and Philosophy 36 (2):91-149.
    We argue that some sign language loci (i.e. positions in signing space that realize discourse referents) are both formal variables and simplified representations of what they denote; in other words, they are simultaneously logical symbols and pictorial representations. We develop a 'formal semantics with iconicity' that accounts for their dual life; the key idea ('formal iconicity') is that some geometric properties of signs must be preserved by the interpretation function. We analyze in these terms three kinds of iconic effects in (...)
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  45. Research ethics and international epidemic response: The case of ebola and marburg hemorrhagic fevers.Philippe Calain, Nathalie Fiore, Marc Poncin & Samia A. Hurst - 2009 - Public Health Ethics 2 (1):7-29.
    Institute for Biomedical Ethics, Geneva University Medical School * Corresponding author: Médecins Sans Frontières (OCG), rue de Lausanne 78, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland. Tel.: +41 (0)22 849 89 29; Fax: +41 (0)22 849 84 88; Email: philippe_calain{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> Abstract Outbreaks of filovirus (Ebola and Marburg) hemorrhagic fevers in Africa are typically the theater of rescue activities involving international experts and agencies tasked with reinforcing national authorities in clinical management, biological diagnosis, sanitation, (...)
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  46. Remarks on Hansson’s model of value-dependent scientific corpus.Philippe Stamenkovic - 2023 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 10 (1):39-62.
    This article discusses Sven Ove Hansson’s corpus model for the influence of values (in particular, non-epistemic ones) in the hypothesis acceptance/rejection phase of scientific inquiry. This corpus model is based on Hansson’s concepts of scientific corpus and science ‘in the large sense’. I first present Hansson’s corpus model of value influence with some introductory comments about its origins, a detailed presentation of the model with a new terminology, an analysis of its limits, and an appreciation of its handling of controversial (...)
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    Michel Foucault in the 1950s: Beyond Psychology towards Radical Ontology.Philippe Sabot - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (1-2):57-70.
    This paper is based on the archives of Michel Foucault collected (since 2013) at the Manuscripts Department of the Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris. Our investigation focuses in particular on a complete manuscript, until now totally unknown and entitled ‘ Phénoménologie et psychologie’ (‘Phenomenology and Psychology’). This manuscript could be the first project for a thesis devoted to ‘The Notion of the “World” in Phenomenology’, written around 1953–4, at the same time as a manuscript on Binswanger and existential psychiatry (...)
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    Donkey anaphora: the view from sign language (ASL and LSF).Philippe Schlenker - 2011 - Linguistics and Philosophy 34 (4):341-395.
    There are two main approaches to the problem of donkey anaphora (e.g. If John owns a donkey , he beats it ). Proponents of dynamic approaches take the pronoun to be a logical variable, but they revise the semantics of quantifiers so as to allow them to bind variables that are not within their syntactic scope. Older dynamic approaches took this measure to apply solely to existential quantifiers; recent dynamic approaches have extended it to all quantifiers. By contrast, proponents of (...)
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    The ecology of others.Philippe Descola - 2013 - Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press. Edited by Geneviève Godbout & Benjamin P. Luley.
    Since the end of the nineteenth century, the division between nature and culture has been fundamental to Western thought. In this groundbreaking work, renowned anthropologist Philippe Descola seeks to break down this divide, arguing for a departure from the anthropocentric model and its rigid dualistic conception of nature and culture as distinct phenomena. In its stead, Descola proposes a radical new worldview, in which beings and objects, human and nonhuman, are understood through the complex relationships that they possess with (...)
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    Religion und Philosophie im alten Ägypten: Festgabe für Philippe Derchain zu seinem 65. Geburtstag am 24. Juli 1991.Philippe Derchain (ed.) - 1991 - Leuven: Peeters Publishers.
    Zum 65. Geburtstag des Kolner und Brusseler Agyptologie-Professors Philippe Derchain gratulierten ihm seine Freunde Kollegen und Schuler mit 33 Beitragen aus dem Gebiet der Religions- und Geistesgeschichte des Alten Agyptens: H. Altenmuller, J. Baines, E. Blumenthal, W. Boochs, M. Broze, Fr. de Cenival, W. Decker, M. Derchain-Urtel, E. Doetsch-Amberger, E. Graefe, J.Gw. Griffiths, M. Heerma van Oss, W. Helck, M. Herb, J.M. Kruchten, D. Kurth, Fr. Labrique, A. Loprieno, M. Malaise, D. Meeks, H. De Meulenaere, J. Quaegebeur, B. Radomska, (...)
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