Results for 'Philosophy, Confucian Congresses.'

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  1. Dang dai ru xue fa zhan zhi xin qi ji.Anwu Lin & Shuxian Liu (eds.) - 1997 - Taibei Shi: Wen jin chu ban she.
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  2. Vergangenheit für die Zukunft?: Beiträge zur Lehre des koreanischen Philosophen Li T'oegye (1501-1570): Vorträge der Internationalen Konferenz zur Koreanischen Philosophie "Die Neokonfuzianische Tradition und der Einfluss der Lehre T'oegyes auf die Ostasiatische Philosophie," vom 9. bis 11. September 1984 in Hamburg.Hans Stumpfeldt (ed.) - 1991 - Seoul: T'oegyehak Study Institute.
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  3. Vergangenheit für die Zukunft?: Beiträge zur Lehre des koreanischen Philosophen Li T'oegye (1501-1570): Vorträge der Internationalen Konferenz zur Koreanischen Philosophie "Die Neokonfuzianische Tradition und der Einfluss der Lehre T'oegyes auf die Ostasiatische Philosophie," vom 9. bis 11. September 1984 in Hamburg.Hans Stumpfeldt (ed.) - 1991 - Seoul: T'oegyehak Study Institute.
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    Confucian’s Perspective on the Family Rituals of the 19 Century in Korea.Heejae Lee - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 9:175-185.
    A Li (禮) means a rituals that was expressed to outside, differ from Li (理) expressed inner mind. A Li (禮) as a rituals is not enforce law but it need inside devout attitude. 19 century in Korea rapidly changed political situation, typical Confucian value challenged by western religion and practical learning. Though this crisis, Chuzu scholars keeps their philosophy as a absolute value. They faught against westernization and also protect Confucian rituals such as community and family rituals. (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Zhongtaology: A Confucian Way of Philosophical Thinking and Moral Life.Keqian Xu - 2013 - In School of Philosophy, XXIII World Congress of Philosophy: Philosophy as Inquiry and Way of Life(Abstract). University of Athens.
    Due to the differences of languages, “ontology” in its original Western sense had not been conceptualized in ancient China. The most prominent and unique feature of Confucian philosophy in early ancient China is “Zhongtaology” instead of “ontology”. Zhongtaology is the philosophical inquiring for the way of “Zhong”, which is based on all the primordially related semantic meanings embodied in the Chinese character “zhong”. Zhongtaological philosophy indicates an association between human beings and their world, a coincidence between subjectivity and objectivity, (...)
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    The Confucian Filial Obligation and Care for Aged Parents.James Wang - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 5:120-128.
    Some moral philosophers in the West hold that adult children have no more moral obligation to support their elderly parents than does any other person in the society, no matter how much sacrifice their parents made for them or what misery their parents are presently suffering. This is because children do not ask to be brought into the world or to be adopted. Therefore, there is a "basic asymmetry between parental and the filial obligations." I argue against the Daniels/English thesis (...)
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    Neo-Confucian Converts in Early Modern Japan.Doyoung Park - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 9:63-68.
    This essay explores the sudden emergence of Neo-Confucianism as an independent intellectual and professional calling, and its adoption by both scholars and political leaders as the dominant intellectual and epistemological discourse in early modern Japan (1600-1868). I shall do this by examining two of the mostimportant early Neo-Confucian converts from Zen Buddhism, Fujiwara Seika and Hayashi Razan during the late 16th and the early 17th centuries. Their conversions were initially separate events, each prompted by personal circumstances and choices. But (...)
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    On Confucian Social Political Theory.Ming Shao - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 69:375-379.
    Confucianism designed a kind of social political theory quite different from those in the west. It was rooted in their realistic understandings on man, society, and the natural world. Generally, Confucians held that humankind has a specific meaning owing to mind though man came from the natural world and connected with all things. Human nature had to be defined in terms of mind whatever it was looked like. The potential ability of mind would be formed and perfected in a long (...)
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    The Historical Formation of Confucian Doctrines and the Possible Transfigurations in the Future.Li Weiwu - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 9:93-113.
    In the development since two thousand years, Chinese Confucian doctrine had been keeping its relatively independent form and presenting the different thoughtbarycenter and theoretical form. From the early Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty, Confucian doctrines developed one after another the Confucian doctrine of human life, the Confucian doctrine of society, the Confucian doctrine of politics, the Confucian doctrine of metaphysics and the Confucian doctrine of critique. In the beginning of 20th century, (...)
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    A New Look at the Ancient Asian Philosophy through Modern Mathematical and Topological Scientific Analysis.Ting-Chao Chou - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 2:21-39.
    The unified theory of dose and effect, as indicated by the median-effect equation for single and multiple entities and for the first and higher order kinetic/dynamic, has been established by T.C. Chou and it is based on the physical/chemical principle of the massaction law (J. Theor. Biol. 59: 253-276, 1976 (質量作用中效定理) and Pharmacological Rev. 58: 621-681, 2006) (普世中效指數定理). The theory was developed by the principle of mathematical induction and deduction (數學演繹歸納法). Rearrangements of the median-effect equation lead to Michaelis-Menten, Hill, Scatchard, (...)
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    The Historical Origins of the Philosophies of Nishida and Tanabe.Makoto Ozaki - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 8:201-207.
    The historical origins of the Kyoto School of Philosophy of modern Japan, represented by Kitaro Nishida and Hajime Tanabe, may be derived from both the ancient Chinese idea of Change and the ancient Indian Upanishadic idea of the mutual identity of Brahman and Atman. The ancient Chinese idea of Change signifies change as well as non-change, and even their dialectical unification. Both origins are structured by the self-identity of the opposed in logic, and these historical prototypes have been developed into (...)
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    Religious Policy and Local Beliefs Practical Interpretation of Neo-Confucian Rites in Early Modern Japan.Suzuki Takako - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 8:255-262.
    Neo-Confucian influence in early modern Japan was highly intellectual, indicating that Confucian ideals did not change the nature of Japanese norms of social lives. For early modern Japanese intellectuals, the conflict and contradiction between reality and ideals had always been a source of debate and inspiration. Within the theme of Neo-Confucian rites, the contradiction was highlighted owing to the fact that it included a guideline for authentic ancestral worship and religious policy. Once introduced within the Japanese circumstances (...)
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  13. The Problem of Evil in Classical Chinese Philosophy.Franklin Perkins - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 7:149-155.
    If the problem of evil is one of justifying how a perfect God could create evil, then there is no problem of evil in early Chinese thought, but my claim in this paper is that the problem of evil is one manifestation of a deeper problem, which is the conflict between the world and human values and desires. This deeper problem appears in early Chinese thought in ways analogous to the problem of evil in theistic traditions. Daoists respond to this (...)
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  14.  13
    Life Phenomenology of Life as the Starting Point of Philosophy: Phenomenology of Life As the Starting Point of Philosophy : 25th Anniversary Publication.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka & International Phenomenology Congress - 1997 - Springer Verlag.
    In her introduction to this collection, Tymieniecka presents her phenomenology of life - the leitmotif of the three-volume anniversary publication of Analecta Husserliana - as something that stands out from preceding historical attempts to investigate life in an 'integral' or 'scientific' way. After an incubation lasting throughout the 2000 years of Occidental philosophy, this scientific phenomenology/philosophy of life at last uncovers the entire area of the 'inner workings of Nature', exposing the way in which the 'sufficient reason' and the 'ground' (...)
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    Lao Tzu and Zhuang Tzu’s Critique of Confucian Theory of Moral Community.Yonghao Yuan - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 51:45-53.
    What is called theory of moral community is a socialpolitical idea that was established by Confucius and Mencius on the base of political practice of Yao, Shun, Yu and King of Chou and that was used as ideology of ancient Chinese Empire. Lao Tzu and Zhuang Tzu criticized the theory of moral community and established their naturalistic philosophical system. Lao Tzu said in the first chapter of Tao Te Ching that “The Tao is too great to be described by the (...)
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  16.  85
    A Contemporary Reflection of a Confucian Theory of the Body.Eva Kit Wah Man - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 7:173-177.
    One of the common targets that contemporary feminists are critical of concerning the problem of the body is Rene Descartes' mind and body relation. Feminist scholars can identify at least three lines of investigation of the body in contemporary thought that may be regarded as legacies of the Cartesian view, which treat the body as primarily an object for: 1) the natural sciences, particularly for the life sciences, biology, and medicine; 2) as an instrument or a machine at the disposal (...)
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  17. The Phaedo of Plato.Benjamin Plato, Jowett & Herman Finkelstein Collection Congress) - 1928 - London: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by Patrick Duncan.
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  18.  30
    Is the Unity of Goodness and Beauty the Feature of the Confucian Aesthetics?Yi Wang & Fu Xiaowei - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 1:273-281.
    Carroll denies that the spectator of fiction film commonly has empathy with the characters. He argues that the spectator typically emotes to the events in the film from his position as observer, and that this context gives asymmetrical reactions in spectator and character. According to Carroll, empathy is unlikely to occur. Theproblem with this argument is that if the differences between spectator and character that Carroll points to exclude empathy, it would also exclude empathy in real life. Furthermore, Carroll merely (...)
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    14th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science.Gerhard Heinzmann & Pierre-Edouard Bour - 2008 - Philosophia Scientiae 14 (1):152.
    The 14th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science will be held on July 19-26, 2011, in Nancy, France . In order to provide some historical background about DLMPS Congresses, we are honoured to have the opportunity to reissue a chapter of Anita Burdman Feferman and Solomon Feferman's Alfred Tarski : Life and Logic, dedicated to the early history of the DLMPS and the organization of the first Congress held in 1960 in Stanford. We are very grateful to the (...)
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  20.  24
    The Turning Points of the New Phenomenological Era: Husserl Research — Drawing upon the Full Extent of His Development Book 1 Phenomenology in the World Fifty Years after the Death of Edmund Husserl.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka & World Congress of Phenomenology - 1991 - Springer.
    orbit and far beyond it. Indeed, the immense, painstaking, indefatigable and ever-improving effort of Husserl to find ever-deeper and more reliable foundations for the philosophical enterprise (as well as his constant critical re-thinking and perfecting of the approach and so called "method" in order to perform this task and thus cover in this source-excavation an ever more far-reaching groundwork) stands out and maintains itself as an inepuisable reservoir for philosophical reflec tion in which all the above-mentioned work has either its (...)
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    ⚘ The Agonistic Dimension of Peircean Semiotics and Its Postmodern Interpretations: Sebeok, Deely, Petrilli ☀ Ionut Untea.Ionut Untea, Elize Bisanz & William Passarini - unknown
    Be aware... and you will be mindful of a notable ambiguity in semiotics as well as of those who have masterfully strived to transcend it. This event, commented on by Elize Bisanz (Texas Tech University) and chaired by William Passarini (Institute for Philosophical Studies), is part of the activities of the 2022 International Open Seminar on Semiotics: a Tribute to John Deely on the Fifth Anniversary of His Passing, cooperatively organized by the Institute for Philosophical Studies of the Faculty of (...)
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  22. Analysis of Searle's philosophy of mind and critique from a neo-confucian point of view Chung-Ying Cheng.Critique From A. Neo-Confucian Point - 2008 - In Michael Krausz, Searle's Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy: Constructive Engagement. Brill Academic Publishers. pp. 33.
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    International Congress for Philosophy of Science, Zürich (pt 1).Alden L. Fisher - 1955 - Modern Schoolman 32 (2):158-158.
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    The Confucian Philosophy of Harmony.Chenyang Li - 2013 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    Harmony is a concept essential to Confucianism and to the way of life of past and present people in East Asia. Integrating methods of textual exegesis, historical investigation, comparative analysis, and philosophical argumentation, this book presents a comprehensive treatment of the Confucian philosophy of harmony. The book traces the roots of the concept to antiquity, examines its subsequent development, and explicates its theoretical and practical significance for the contemporary world. It argues that, contrary to a common view in the (...)
  25.  9
    World Congress of Philosophy.Rick Lewis & Anja Steinbauer - 2013 - Philosophy Now 98:34-35.
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    Philosophy and Culture: Studies From Hungary Published on the Occasion of the 17th World Congress of Philosophy.József Lukács & Ferenc Tőkei (eds.) - 1983 - Akadémiai Kiadó.
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    Strasbourg Philosophy Congress.Octavi Fullat - 1981 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 1:89.
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    World Congresses of Philosophy.Venant Cauchy & Janusz Kuczynski - 1985 - Philosophy Today 29 (1):28-36.
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    The 9th Polish Congress of Philosophy (Gliwice-Katowice-Wisła, 17-21 September, 2012)—Report.Andrzej Gielarowski - 2012 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 17 (1):127-134.
    The article discusses the highlights of the 9th Polish Congress of Philosophy held in Gliwice-Katowice-Wisła, Poland from September 17–21, 2012. The conference was organized by the Institute of Philosophy of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Silesia and the Department of Applied Social Sciences of the Faculty Organisation and Management, Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. Aleksandra Kuzior of the Silesian University of Technology opened the conference.
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  30. (1 other version)International Congress of Philosophy, Eighth, at Prague, Report on.F. C. S. Schiller - 1935 - Mind 44:129.
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    Review of Zhuiqiu kexue jingshen: Zhong-Xi kexue bijiao yu rongtong de zhexue toushi 追求科學精神: 中西科學比較與融通的哲學透視 by Wang Shanbo 王善博.Chenyang Li & Wang Shanbo [Wang][Shan][Bo] - 1999 - Philosophy East and West 49 (1):86.
    At the twenty-second World Congress of Philosophy held in Seoul, Korea, from July 29 to August 5, 2008, a panel was convened to debate the ideas for a "democracy with Confucian characteristics'' in Daniel A. Bell's Beyond Liberal Democracy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006). While all participants welcome the attempt to remedy the shortcomings of liberal democracy with Confucian teachings, Fred Dallmayr worries that Bell's political thinking for an East Asian context may "point beyond democracy tout court/' For (...)
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    Political philosophy: new proposals for new questions: proceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress, Granada 2005, volume II = Filosofía política: nuevas propuestas para nuevas cuestiones.José Rubio Carrecedo (ed.) - 2007 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    New Proposals for New Questions Nuevas propuestas para nuevas cuestiones In six sections, the volume deals with different questions of political philosophy. The first section focuses on democratic theories, the second on conceptual debates, discussing topics such as collective rights, the terrorist phenomenon, Libertarianism and conceptions of freedom. In a third section on contemporary debates, perspectives on sovereignity and legitimacy as well as discourse theory versus political liberalism are discussed. The volume also features essays on democracy and law, and in (...)
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  33. Understanding philosophy, Eastern and Western perspectives: proceedings of the 77th Session of the Indian Philosophical Congress.Manjulika Ghosh (ed.) - 2005 - New Delhi: Sundeep Prakashan.
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    Logic, methodology, and philosophy of science VIII: proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Moscow, 1987.Jens Erik Fenstad, Ivan Timofeevich Frolov & Risto Hilpinen (eds.) - 1989 - New York, NY, U.S.A.: Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science.
    The volume contains 37 invited papers presented at the Congress, covering the areas of Logic, Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences and the ...
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  35. Philosophy and Culture, Proceedings of the XVIIth World Congress of Philosophy.Saul A. Kripke - 1986 - Editions Montmorency.
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    Logic, methodology, and philosophy of science, VII: proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Salzburg, 1983.Ruth Barcan Marcus, Georg Dorn & Paul Weingartner (eds.) - 1986 - New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co..
    Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science VII.
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    The third inter-american congress of philosophy.Cornelius Krusé - 1950 - Journal of Philosophy 47 (12):364-366.
  38. Philosophy of Science, History of Science a Selection of Contributed Papers of the 7th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Salzburg, 1983.C. Pühringer & Paul Weingartner - 1984 - A. Hain.
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    The 22nd World Congress of Philosophy.Filiz Peach - 2008 - Philosophy Now 70:37-37.
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  40. Ruiping Fan.A. Reconstructionist Confucian & A. Human Sagely Dominion Over Nature - 2005 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 32:105-122.
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    International Congresses of Philosophy in Mexico City.Vernon J. Bourke - 1964 - New Scholasticism 38 (1):78-79.
  42. German Congress of Philosophy.Bremen Bremen - 1950 - Mind 59:431.
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    Report on the “International Congress for the Philosophy of Science” in Zurich, Switzerland, August 23–28, 1954.Max Rieser - 1955 - Philosophy of Science 22 (4):300-308.
    The “International Congress for the Philosophy of Science” was held in the week of August 23–28, 1954 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland. The Institute enjoys a very high reputation as one of the foremost schools of its kind in the world. It was at this Institute that Albert Einstein taught at the beginning of his academic career. The Congress was arranged as the Second Congress of the “Union Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences” which has its (...)
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    Experiences of the Present Congress and the Future of Philosophy.D. Chattopadhyaya - 1975 - Proceedings of the XVth World Congress of Philosophy 6:851-852.
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  45. Philosophy of Mind, Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy Volume 9.B. Elevith (ed.) - 2000 - Philosopy Documentation Center.
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    Problems of Philosophy and Sociology in Light of Decisions Taken at the 23rd Congress of the CPSU.M. B. Mitin - 1967 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 5 (4):3-13.
    The question of the role of science in the development of our society, and the role of the social sciences in particular, loomed large in the decisions of the 23rd Congress of the CPSU. This was a consequence of the tasks posed by the present stage of the building of communism. The proceedings and decisions of the Congress emphasized the rapid advance of science, its increasing influence upon all aspects of the material and intellectual life of society, and the need (...)
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    14th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science.Gerhard Heinzmann & Peter Schroeder-Heister - 2008 - Philosophia Scientiae 14 (1):155-157.
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    The XVth World Congress of Philosophy.Archie Bahm - 1973 - International Philosophical Quarterly 13 (4):553-554.
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    Logic, methodology, and philosophy of science VI: proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Hannover, 1979.Laurence Jonathan Cohen (ed.) - 1982 - New York: sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland.
  50. Confucian Perfectionism: A Political Philosophy for Modern Times.Joseph Cho Wai Chan - 2014 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Since the very beginning, Confucianism has been troubled by a serious gap between its political ideals and the reality of societal circumstances. Contemporary Confucians must develop a viable method of governance that can retain the spirit of the Confucian ideal while tackling problems arising from nonideal modern situations. The best way to meet this challenge, Joseph Chan argues, is to adopt liberal democratic institutions that are shaped by the Confucian conception of the good rather than the liberal conception (...)
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