Results for 'Philosophy, Ethics, Applied Ethics'

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  1. Is Philosophy Relevant to Applied Ethics? Invited Address to the Society of Business Ethics Annual Meeting, August 2005.Richard Rorty - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (3):369-380.
    If, like Hegel and Dewey, one takes a historicist, anti-Platonist view of moral progress, one will be dubious about the idea that moraltheory can be more than the systematization of the widely-shared moral intuitions of a certain time and place. One will follow Shelley, Dewey, and Patricia Werhane in emphasizing the role of the imagination in making moral progress possible. Taking this stance will lead one to conclude that although philosophy is indeed relevant to applied ethics, it is (...)
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    Kant and Applied Ethics: The Uses and Limits of Kant's Practical Philosophy.Matthew C. Altman - 2011 - Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Kant and Applied Ethics_ makes an important contribution to Kant scholarship, illuminating the vital moral parameters of key ethical debates. Offers a critical analysis of Kant’s ethics, interrogating the theoretical bases of his theory and evaluating their strengths and weaknesses Examines the controversies surrounding the most important ethical discussions taking place today, including abortion, the death penalty, and same-sex marriage Joins innovative thinkers in contemporary Kantian scholarship, including Christine Korsgaard, Allen Wood, and Barbara Herman, in taking Kant’s philosophy (...)
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    Applied Ethics and Philosophy.Mark D. Stohs - 1988 - Philosophy in Context 18:45-52.
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    Contemporary Ethical Applications of Kant: Kant and Applied Ethics: The Use and Limits of Kant's Practical Philosophy. Matthew C. Altman. New York, NY: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, 336 pages, $99.95.Jennifer C. Tillman - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (5):409 - 410.
    Ethics & Behavior, Volume 22, Issue 5, Page 409-410, September-October 2012.
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    Comparative Philosophy and Practical Applied Ethics.Laura Specker Sullivan - 2024 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 51 (1):44-53.
    Comparative philosophy is gaining traction in professional academic philosophy, with specialist journals, organizations, books, and public campaigns. These inroads have been made in canonical areas of philosophy, including epistemology, metaphysics, logic, and value theory. Yet comparative philosophy still plays little role in practical applied ethics, an interdisciplinary research area in which work with practice and policy implications are dominated by the anglophone world. In this article, I explain why comparative work might be especially difficult in this type of (...)
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  6. Doing Good by Splitting Hairs? Analytic Philosophy and Applied Ethics.Hans-Johann Glock - 2011 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 28 (3):225-240.
    This article explores the connections between analytic philosophy and applied ethics — both historical and substantive. Historically speaking, applied ethics is a child of analytic philosophy. It arose as the result of two factors in the 1960s: the re-emergence of normative ethics on the one hand, and urgent social and political challenges on the other. But is there a significant substantive link between applied ethics and analytic philosophy? I argue that applied (...) inherited important ‘analytic’ ideals such as clarity and argumentative rigour. At the same time these ideals are not the exclusive preserve of analytic philosophy and applied ethics. Moreover, they are under threat from various trends within applied ethics. In this context I rebut the allegation that the anti-revisionist reliance on pre-theoretical moral judgements (aka ‘intuitions’) is less rational than their revisionist dismissal. The article ends with a plea for an analytic approach within applied ethics. (shrink)
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  7. Contemporary Moral Philosophy and Applied Ethics : An Anthology.Norman K. Swazo (ed.) - 2018
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  8. Kant's Applied Ethnics On the Architecture of the Moral Philosophy of Kant and its Importance for contemporary applied Ethics.Bert Heinrichs - 2012 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 119 (2).
    The fission of ethics into two systematically distinct parts has its roots in the architectonics that Kant has developed in his moral philosophy. Despite noticeable differences between “Kant’s applied moral philosophy” (M. Gregor) and contemporary applied ethics this architectonics provides important insights which can contribute to a systematically rigorous and historically mindful self-assurance of con- temporary applied ethics.
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    Philosophy for teachers (P4T) in South Africa – re-imagining provision to support new teachers’ applied ethical decision-making.Nuraan Davids & Janet L. Orchard - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (3):333-350.
    Conventional teacher education programmes do not equip practitioners adequately to navigate ethically complex situations that arise in teaching. One initiative responding to this deficit is ‘Philosophy for Teachers’ (‘P4T’), a 24-hour residential approach to community philosophy. Piloted originally in England, a further workshop took place in South Africa in October 2017, comprising student teachers, teacher educators and philosophers from three historically different universities in the Western Cape. Significant new insights to emerge included greater clarity on the respective contributions of P4T (...)
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    Applied Philosophy and Business Ethics.Matthew Kieran - 1995 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 12 (2):175-187.
    Given the socio‐economic incentives for academic relevance, the sceptic may well challenge the academic integrity of the evolving discipline of business ethics. For, the question is, how could such an emerging field of enquiry constitute applied philosophy? I critically examine certain arguments, principally advanced by Michael Oakeshott and Stephen Clark, which might be thought to underwrite such scepticism, via a wholesale suspicion of applied ethics. Yet, I argue, philosophy can be and is properly concerned with our (...)
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    Applied ethics: critical concepts in philosophy.Ruth F. Chadwick & Doris Schroeder (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    This collection examines how the field of ethics has developed over the past fifty years, by bringing together those articles that have been seminal in the development of the subject. Each of the six volumes carries an introduction presenting the historical context of the material, and a new index is provided to identify key philosophical themes and trends within the collection. The volumes are organized thematically, and include: * Vol.1: Nature and Scope * Vol. 2: Ethical Issues in Medicine, (...)
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    Philosophy for Teachers – developing new teachers’ applied ethical decision-making.Janet Orchard, Ruth Heilbronn & Carrie Winstanley - 2016 - Ethics and Education 11 (1):42-54.
    Teaching, irrespective of its geographical location, is fundamentally a relational practice in which unique ethically complex situations arise to which teachers need to respond at different levels of ethical decision-making. These range from ‘big’ abstract questions about whether or not what they teach is inherently good, through to seemingly trivial questions about everyday issues, for example whether or not it is right to silence children in classrooms. Hence, alongside a wide range of pedagogical skills, new teachers also need to develop (...)
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  13.  53
    Virtue Ethics, Applied Ethics and Rationality twenty-three years after "After Virtue".Marcel Becker - 2004 - South African Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):267-281.
    In evaluating the merits and shortcomings of virtue ethics I focus on some central differences between virtue ethics and rival theories such as deontology and utilitarianism. Virtue ethics does not prescribe strict rules of conduct. Instead, the virtue ethical approach can be understood as an invitation to search for standards, as opposed to strict rules, that ought to guide the conduct of our individual lives. This requires a particular method. The importance of this approach in present times (...)
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  14.  19
    Applied Ethics in a Troubled World.Edgar Morscher, Otto Neumaier & Peter M. Simons - 1998 - Springer Verlag.
    The 23 papers that were prepared for a 1991 symposium that was cancelled beneath the weight of public and professional protests at some of the speakers invited, particularly Peter Singer. They analyze the application of theoretical considerations arising from philosophical reflection to particular concrete cases and situations of moral conflict in such fields as the environment, biology and medicine, business and professions, politics, law, and society. Among the topics are a philosophical critique of legal rights for natural objects, comparing the (...)
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    From applied ethics to empirical ethics to contextual ethics.Barry Hoffmaster - 2017 - Bioethics 32 (2):119-125.
    Bioethics became applied ethics when it was assimilated to moral philosophy. Because deduction is the rationality of moral philosophy, subsuming facts under moral principles to deduce conclusions about what ought to be done became the prescribed reasoning of bioethics, and bioethics became a theory comprised of moral principles. Bioethicists now realize that applied ethics is too abstract and spare to apprehend the specificity, particularity, complexity and contingency of real moral issues. Empirical ethics and contextual (...) are needed to incorporate these features into morality, not just bioethics. The relevant facts and features of problems have to be identified, investigated and framed coherently, and potential resolutions have to be constructed and assessed. Moreover, these tasks are pursued and melded within manifold contexts, for example, families, work and health care systems, as well as societal, economic, legal and political backgrounds and encompassing worldviews. This naturalist orientation and both empirical ethics and contextual ethics require judgment, but how can judgment be rational? Rationality, fortunately, is more expansive than deductive reasoning. Judgment is rational when it emanates from a rational process of deliberation, and a process of deliberation is rational when it uses the resources of non-formal reason: observation, creative construction, formal and informal reasoning methods and systematic critical assessment. Empirical ethics and contextual ethics recognize that finite, fallible human beings live in complex, dynamic, contingent worlds, and they foster creative, critical deliberation and employ non-formal reason to make rational moral judgments. (shrink)
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    Armchair applied philosophy and business ethics.Tom Sorell - 2002 - In Ruth F. Chadwick & Doris Schroeder, Applied ethics: critical concepts in philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 1--181.
    This is a reprint of an article in a collection edited by Cristopher Cowton and Roger Crisp, Business Ethics: Perspectives on the Practice of Theory (1998). The article reflects on (a) the tension between aprioristic applied philosophy --geared to thought experiments constructible in the armchair-- and applied philosophy informed by contact with relevant practitioners; and (b) the tension between the content of business ethics and the receptiveness of a business audience to its moralising messages. The contrast (...)
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    The confluence of philosophy and law in applied ethics.Norbert Paulo - 2016 - London: Palgrave.
    The law serves functions that are not often taken seriously enough by ethicists, namely feasibility and practicability. A consequence of feasibility is that most laws do not meet the demands of ideal ethical theory. A consequence of practicability is that law requires elaborated and explicit methodologies that determine how to do things with norms. These two consequences form the core idea behind this book, which employs methods from legal theory to inform and examine debates on methodology in applied (...), particularly bioethics. It is argued that almost all legal methods have counterparts in applied ethics, which indicates that much can be gained from comparative study of the two. The author first outlines methods as used in legal, focusing on deductive reasoning with statutes as well as analogical reasoning with precedent cases. He then examines three representative kinds of contemporary ethical theories, Beauchamp and Childress’s principlism, Jonsen and Toulmin’s casuistry, and two versions of consequentialism—Singer’s preference utilitarianism and Hooker’s rule-consequentialism—with regards to their methods. These examinations lead to the Morisprudence Model for methods in applied ethics. (shrink)
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    On Applying Ethics: Who’s Afraid of Plato’s Cave?Eric Thomas Weber - 2010 - Contemporary Pragmatism 7 (2):91-103.
    The present paper is a response to Gerald Gaus, who has argued that philosophers should not apply ethics. After a critical evaluation of Gaus's arguments, I present several ways which Sidney Hook has outlined for philosophers to bring their skills to bear fruitfully on public policy matters. Following Hook's list, I offer three of my own suggestions for further ways in which philosophers can positively contribute to the application of ethics and of philosophy generally. Finally, I propose the (...)
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    Confluence of Philosophy and Law in Applied Ethics, written by Norbert Paulo.Tom Tomlinson - 2018 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 95 (4):589-595.
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    Applied ethics and social problems: moral questions of birth, society and death.Tony Fitzpatrick - 2008 - Bristol: Policy Press.
    "In Applied Ethics and Social Problems Tony Fitzpatrick presents introductions to the three most influential moral philosophies: consequentialism, Kantianism ...
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    Applied Ethics Primer.Letitia Meynell & Clarisse Paron - 2023 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    _The Applied Ethics Primer_ offers a concise introduction to both basic argumentation and normative ethical theory. The concepts discussed reflect the ethical theories that currently ground most professional ethics codes and debates in applied ethics. More inclusive than many similar resources, this primer gives students a sense of the truly global history of ethics, while remaining squarely focused on providing practical tools for ethical decision-making. -/- Also available as an open educational resource (see link (...)
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  22. Responsibility, applied ethics, and complex autonomy theories.Nomy Arpaly - 2005 - In J. Stacey Taylor, Personal Autonomy: New Essays on Personal Autonomy and Its Role in Contemporary Moral Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 162-180.
    I argue that despite it being said often that the concept of personal autonomy is important for grounding moral responsibility and in applied ethics, a certain type of theories of autonomy and identification, descended from the work of Harry Frankfurt starting 1971, are not relevant in an obvious way to either moral responsibility or applied ethics.
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    Hobbesian Applied Ethics and Public Policy.Shane D. Courtland (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    Most philosophers and political scientists readily admit that Thomas Hobbes is a significant figure in the history of political thought. His theory was, arguably, one of the first to provide a justification for political legitimacy from the perspective of each individual subject. What has been largely missing in the literature, however, is the application of Hobbesian theory to a variety of current issues in both public policy and applied ethics. The essays in this volume, written by some of (...)
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    Applied Ethics and Free Will: Some Untoward Results of Independence.Tibor R. Machan - 1993 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 10 (1):59-72.
    ABSTRACT Is free will a necessity or a luxury for an understanding of applied ethics? This paper offers an argument for why it is the former. First some reasons are offered why applied ethics, under the influence of Rawls's metaethics, has eschewed the topic of free will. It is shown why this is a mistake — namely, how applied ethics will falter without such a theory. The paper then argues for a conception of free (...)
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  25. The Relevance of Philosophy to Business Ethics: A Response to Rorty’s “Is Philosophy Relevant to Applied Ethics?Richard T. De George - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (3):381-389.
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  26. A Companion to Applied Ethics.R. G. Frey & Christopher Heath Wellman (eds.) - 2003 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Applied or practical ethics is perhaps the largest growth area in philosophy today, and many issues in moral, social, and political life have come under philosophical scrutiny in recent years. Taken together, the essays in this volume – including two overview essays on theories of ethics and the nature of applied ethics – provide a state-of-the-art account of the most pressing moral questions facing us today. Provides a comprehensive guide to many of the most significant (...)
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  27. Does Applied Ethics Rest on a Mistake?Alasdair MacIntyre - 1984 - The Monist 67 (4):498-513.
    Applied ethics’, as that expression is now used, is a single rubric for a large range of different theoretical and practical activities. Such rubrics function partly as a protective device both within the academic community and outside it; a name of this kind suggests not just a discipline, but a particular type of discipline. In the case of ‘applied ethics’ the suggestive power of the name derives from a particular conception of the relationship of ethics (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics: J-R.Ruth F. Chadwick (ed.) - 1997 - Elsivier.
    Applied ethics, a subdiscipline of philosophy, lends itself to an encyclopedia format because of the many industries and intellectual fields that it encompasses. The Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics is based on twelve major categories, such as Biomedical Ethics and Environmental Ethics. Religious traditions that embody normative beliefs, as well as classical theories of ethics, are explored in a non-judgmental manner. Each of the twelve categories is divided into discrete areas that are covered by (...)
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  29. Applied Ethics: Strengthening Ethical Practices.Peter Bowden (ed.) - 2012 - Tilde Publishing and Distribution.
    The claim is made in the book, Applied Ethics, published under the auspices of the Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics (AAPAE), that it can strengthen ethical behaviour. That claim, embodied in the subtitle, is based on more than a half dozen practices set out in the book. In total, they are drawn from an examination of ethical practices across fourteen different disciplines. The purpose of this paper is to outline and support that claim, drawing (...)
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    Concise encyclopedia of applied ethics in the social sciences.Tuija Takala & Matti Häyry (eds.) - 2024 - Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics in the Social Sciences is an in-depth exploration of ethics across multiple different fields. Editors Tuija Takala and Matti Häyry collate entries from global experts to provide an incisive look into applied ethics on both methodological and theoretical bases. Covering a vast array of disciplines, this prescient Encyclopedia analyzes the many roles that applied ethics plays in the social sciences. Entries scrutinize the various manifestations of ethics (...)
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    Applied Ethics in American Society.Diane Michelfelder Wilcox & William H. Wilcox - 1997 - Wadsworth Publishing Company.
    [The book] offers instructors and students a well-balanced anthology for ethics courses of all kinds. Applied ethics, Social problems, Introduction to ethics, and Moral problems are just some of the courses that might use this up-to-date collection of readings on the most hotly debated issues of our time. The book also includes important readings in moral theory, providing students with the necessary framework to evaluate positions. The book juxtaposes several different viewpoints on [various] social issues. -Back (...)
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  32. What Are Applied Ethics?Fritz Allhoff - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (1):1-19.
    This paper explores the relationships that various applied ethics bear to each other, both in particular disciplines and more generally. The introductory section lays out the challenge of coming up with such an account and, drawing a parallel with the philosophy of science, offers that applied ethics may either be unified or disunified. The second section develops one simple account through which applied ethics are unified, vis-à-vis ethical theory. However, this is not taken to (...)
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    How has Philosophical Applied Ethics Progressed in the Past Fifty Years?Bonnie Steinbock - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (1-2):58-62.
    Applied ethics is relatively new on the philosophical scene, having grown out of the various civil rights movements of the 1950s and 1960s, as well as the student demand that college courses be relevant. Even today, there are those who think that there are no philosophically interesting practical ethical questions, and that applied ethics is not a branch of philosophy at all. This article rejects that view, both because some of the most interesting and respectable philosophers (...)
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    Applied Ethics.Richard T. De George - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 4:675-680.
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    (1 other version)Applied ethics: What kind of ethics and what kind of ethicist?Göran Lantz - 2000 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 17 (1):21–28.
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    Applied Ethics for Prospective Law Students.Douglas N. Husak - 1980 - Teaching Philosophy 3 (3):301-306.
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    Applied Ethics.John Haldane - 1996 - In Eric Tsui-James & Nicholas Bunnin, Blackwell Companion to Philosophy. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 490–498.
    This chapter contains sections titled: What is Applied Ethics? The Rise of Applied Ethics A Neglected Precedent The Future of the Subject.
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  38. Mother Knows Best: Pregnancy, Applied Ethics, and Epistemically Transformative Experiences.Fiona Woollard - 2020 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 38 (1):155-171.
    L.A. Paul argues that interesting issues for rational choice theory are raised by epistemically transformative experiences: experiences which provide access to knowledge that could not be known without the experience. Consideration of the epistemic effects of pregnancy has important implications for our understanding of epistemically transformative experiences and for debate about the ethics of abortion and applied ethics more generally. Pregnancy is epistemically transformative both in Paul’s narrow sense and in a wider sense: those who have not (...)
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  39. Applied ethics.Tom L. Beauchamp - 1996 - In Donald M. Borchert, The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Supplement. SImon and Schuster Macmillan.
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    Practising applied ethics with philosophical integrity: The case of business ethics.Deon Rossouw - 2008 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 17 (2):161–170.
    The unprecedented growth and demand for Applied Ethics since the last quarter of the previous century, has opened up a range of new opportunities for the discipline of Philosophy. While these new opportunities have been enthusiastically seized upon by some philosophers, others have frowned upon them or rejected them outright. In order to make sense of this demand for Applied Ethics training, I will first explore in general why this demand for Applied Ethics developed. (...)
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  41. Between Ethics and Applied Ethics.R. Singh - unknown - Eidos: The Canadian Graduate Journal of Philosophy 7.
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    Applying Applied Ethics through Ethics Consulting in Bioethics.Willem Moore - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 3:69-74.
    In Rethinking Applied Ethics Today, this paper would like to advance the concept of Ethics Consulting as a means of applying Applied Ethics in the practice of Bioethics. Applied Ethics is frequently described as a discipline of Philosophy that concerns itself with the application of moral theories such as deontology andutilitarianism to real world dilemmas. These applications however often remain restricted to the academic world and rarely reach the actual practice of those in (...)
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    Applied Ethics Primer, by Letitia Meynell and Clarisse Paron.Angelo Bottone - 2024 - Teaching Philosophy 47 (3):440-444.
  44. Applying Ethics to Insider Trading.Robert W. McGee - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 77 (2):205-217.
    Insider trading has received a bad name in recent decades. The popular press makes it sound like an evil practice where those who engage in it are totally devoid of ethical principles. Yet not all insider trading is unethical and some studies have concluded that certain kinds of insider trading are actually beneficial to the greater investment community. Some scholars in philosophy, law and economics have disputed whether insider trading should be punished at all while others assert that it should (...)
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  45. Personal Identity and Applied Ethics: A Historical and Philosophical Introduction.Andrea Sauchelli - 2017 - London: Routledge.
    ‘Soul’, ‘self’, ‘substance’ and ‘person’ are just four of the terms often used to refer to the human individual. Cutting across metaphysics, ethics, and religion the nature of personal identity is a fundamental and long-standing puzzle in philosophy. Personal Identity and Applied Ethics introduces and examines different conceptions of the self, our nature, and personal identity and considers the implications of these for applied ethics. A key feature of the book is that it considers a (...)
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    Applying ethical theories to the decision-making of self-driving vehicles: A systematic review and integration of the literature.F. Poszler, Maximilian Geisslinger, Johannes Betz & Christoph Lütge - forthcoming - Technology in Society.
    Self-driving vehicles will need to make decisions that carry ethical dimensions and manufacturers have (the responsibility) to pre-determine this underlying, deliberate decision-making process. With the rise of self-driving vehicles, scholars have simultaneously started investigating what ethical theories should guide machine behavior, but have not concluded as to which theory should be preferred and adopted. We aim to address this matter by providing a holistic and analytical review of the autonomous driving ethics literature. Based on this review, we summarize the (...)
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  47. Applying Ethical Concepts to the Study of “Green” Consumer Behavior: An Analysis of Chinese Consumers’ Intentions to Bring their Own Shopping Bags.Ricky Y. K. Chan, Y. H. Wong & T. K. P. Leung - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (4):469-481.
    Drawing on the general ethics and social psychology literature, this study presents a model to delineate the major factors likely to affect consumers’ intentions to bring their own shopping bags when visiting a supermarket (called “bring your own bags” or “BYOB” intention). The model is empirically validated using a survey of 250 Chinese consumers. Overall, the findings support the hypothesized direct influence of teleological evaluation and habit on BYOB intention, as well as that of deontological evaluation and teleological evaluation (...)
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    Is Applied Ethics Morally Problematic?David J. Franz - 2022 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (3):359-374.
    This paper argues that applied ethics can itself be morally problematic. As illustrated by the case of Peter Singer’s criticism of social practice, morally loaded communication by applied ethicists can lead to protests, backlashes, and aggression. By reviewing the psychological literature on self-image, collective identity, and motivated reasoning three categories of morally problematic consequences of ethical criticism by applied ethicists are identified: serious psychological discomfort, moral backfiring, and hostile conflict. The most worrisome is moral backfiring: psychological (...)
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  49. Applied Ethics: Naturalism, Normativity and Public Policy.Onora O’Neill - 2009 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 26 (3):219-230.
    abstract Normative argument is supposed to guide ways in which we might change the world, rather than to fit the world as it is. This poses certain difficulties for the notion of applied ethics. Taken literally the phrase ‘applied ethics’ suggests that principles or standards with substantial philosophical justification, in particular ethical and political principles with such justification, are applied to particular cases and guide action. However, the ‘cases’ which applied ethics discusses are (...)
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    (4 other versions)The applied ethics of Paul Ricoeur.Tomás Domingo Moratalla & Agustín Domingo Moratalla - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 3:139-146.
    The latest philosophy of P. Ricoeur offers us the opportunity to articulate an ethic applied responsive to the challenges of our time. This proposal is basically collected in his book The fair 2, a compilation of work and consolidating core issues of practical philosophy. Part of an original sense of justice where "the rightthing" does not arise as a name or abstract category, but as a sustantivated adjective. This is not an abstract value but a value whose scope, accuracy (...)
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