Results for 'Plurinational State, intercultural relations, Bolivia, political history'

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  1.  12
    Plurinacionalidad en la Constitución de Bolivia: ¿una noción capturada por el Estado?Cristina Oyarzo Varela - 2021 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12:11-44.
    En Bolivia, el Estado Plurinacional se institucionalizó en 2009 por medio de la Asamblea Constituyente, luego de un amplio periodo de movilizaciones sociales. Sin embargo, la idea de plurinacionalidad había aparecido en 1983, en el contexto de los debates del sindicalismo campesino. El objetivo del artículo es analizar las características de la noción de plurinacionalidad en la Constitución Política, historizando sus dimensiones más relevantes. La hipótesis es que esta formulación fue capturada por la noción de Estado, enfatizando su institucionalización en (...)
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  2.  44
    Motley Society, Plurinationalism, and the Integral State.Anne Freeland - 2019 - Historical Materialism 27 (3):99-126.
    This article examines Bolivian vice president Álvaro García Linera’s use of concepts originating in the work of Antonio Gramsci and Bolivian sociologist René Zavaleta Mercado. Zavaleta’s concept of sociedad abigarrada has a history of misappropriation in which García Linera participates by articulating it with the related concept of the estado aparente to claim that the merely ‘apparent’ state which does not effectively represent the heterogeneous social reality of a country like Bolivia is abolished with the official establishment of the (...)
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    Energy from the South towards Peace: The Role of UNASUR in Preventing Internal Political Conflict.Eduardo Soto Parra - 2014 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 24 (1):87-117.
    This article is about the novel role of the Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (South American Nations Union) - UNASUR as a peacekeeper in the SouthAmerican region. It begins with an overview of UNASUR, its history, legal framework, and its mandate related to peacekeeping activities. Then, the efforts for regional integration and peacekeeping are addressed, with an explanation of the different frameworks backing those intents and the new peacemaking body known as UNASUR. Examples of political conflict are outlined, namely (...)
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    The Disenchantment of the World: A Political History of Religion.Marcel Gauchet - 1997 - Princeton University Press.
    Marcel Gauchet has launched one of the most ambitious and controversial works of speculative history recently to appear, based on the contention that Christianity is "the religion of the end of religion." In The Disenchantment of the World, Gauchet reinterprets the development of the modern west, with all its political and psychological complexities, in terms of mankind's changing relation to religion. He views Western history as a movement away from religious society, beginning with prophetic Judaism, gaining tremendous (...)
  5.  2
    A History of Political Philosophy: From Thucydides to Locke.W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz - 2010 - Global Scholarly Publications.
    It can be argued that political philosophy begins with the question “What is justice?” raised by Socrates in Plato’s Republic. The debate about justice that takes place in the dialogue leads to two opposing positions: the position represented by Socrates, according to which justice is a universal and timeless moral value that provides the foundation for order in any human society, and the position represented by Thrasymachus, according to which justice is purely conventional and relative to human laws that (...)
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    Розвідки культурного порубіжжя: border, boundary, frontier studies.Kolinko Maryna - 2017 - Схід 2 (148):91-95.
    The article is devoted to the study of the borderland as a social and cultural phenomenon. The concept of borderline space can be realized in recruitment and solution of boundary and place. It is necessary to consider that the вorderlands may be considered as geographically and procedurally. It is outlines the history of the formation of the concepts of borderand and frontier. A boundary can be called the limited space, the time, the line of separation of a territory. The (...)
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    Contemporary Claims of Political Injustice: History and the Race to the Bottom.Naomi Zack - 2018 - Res Philosophica:219-233.
    Injustice theory better serves the oppressed than theories of justice or ideal theory. Humanitarian injustice, political injustice, and legal injustice are distinguished by the rules they violate. Not all who claim political injustice have valid historical grounds, which include past oppression and its legacy. Social class, including culture as well as money, helps explain competing claims of political injustice better than racial identities. Claims of political injustice by the White Mass Recently Politicized (WMRP) are not valid (...)
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    For whom the bell tolls: state-society relations and the Sichuan earthquake mourning in China. [REVIEW]Bin Xu - 2013 - Theory and Society 42 (5):509-542.
    In the wake of the devastating Sichuan earthquake in 2008, the Chinese state, for the first time in the history of the People’s Republic, held a nationwide mourning rite for ordinary disaster victims. Why did this “mourning for the ordinary” emerge in the wake of the Sichuan earthquake but not previous massive disasters? Moreover, the Chinese state tried to demonstrate through the mourning that the state respected ordinary people’s lives and dignity. But this moral-political message contradicted the state’s (...)
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    The sense of history: On the political implications of Karl löwith's concept of secularization.Jeffrey Andrew Barash - 1998 - History and Theory 37 (1):69–82.
    Written during the period of his emigration to the United States, during and just after World War II, the originality of Karl Löwith's book Meaning in History lies in its resolute critique of all forms of philosophy of history. This critique is based on the now famous idea that modern philosophies of history have only extended and deepened an illusion fabricated by a long tradition of Christian historical reflection: the illusion that history itself has an intrinsic (...)
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    A social history of Western political thought.Ellen Meiksins Wood - 2022 - London: Verso. Edited by Ellen Meiksins Wood.
    In this groundbreaking work, Ellen Meiksins Wood rewrites the history of political theory, from Plato to Rousseau. Treating canonical thinkers as passionately engaged human beings, Wood examines their ideas not simply in the context of political languages but as creative responses to the social relations and conflicts of their time and place. She identifies a distinctive relation between property and state in Western history and shows how the canon, while largely the work of members or clients (...)
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  11. Immanuel Kant, ‘Toward Perpetual Peace’ and Other Writings on Politics, Peace, and History.Pauline Kleingeld (ed.) - 2006 - Yale University Press.
    Immanuel Kant’s views on politics, peace, and history have lost none of their relevance since their publication more than two centuries ago. This volume contains a comprehensive collection of Kant’s writings on international relations theory and political philosophy, superbly translated and accompanied by stimulating essays. Pauline Kleingeld provides a lucid introduction to the main themes of the volume, and three essays by distinguished contributors follow: Jeremy Waldron on Kant’s theory of the state; Michael W. Doyle on the implications (...)
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  12. Material conditions and human freedom.Enzo Rossi, Annelien de Dijn, Grant McCall, David Wengrow & Karl Widerquist - 2024 - Contemporary Political Theory 23 (1).
    This debate or “Critical Exchange” section from Contemporary Political Theory includes the following four articles discussing the book, the Dawn of Everything by David Graeber and David Wengrow: “We make our own history, but in circumstances of other people’s choosing: intercultural materialism in The Dawn of Everything” by Enzo Rossi, “Questions about The Dawn of Everything” by Karl Widerquist and Grant McCall, “Freedom and the bureaucratic state” by Annelien de Dijn, and “On historical materialism and The Dawn (...)
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  13.  6
    Exploring power dynamics in a food bank in Bolivia. A case study during the Covid-19 pandemic.Galindo Darío, Gruberg Helga & Dessein Joost - 2024 - Food Ethics 9 (2):1-30.
    Hunger reduction, a universal goal, is often pursued through the concept of food security, which partially shifts the responsibility from national states to food banks. However, the active involvement of various stakeholders in food banks is frequently overlooked. The first waves of the COVID-19 pandemic prompted the High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security to acknowledge the necessity of stakeholders´ participation in achieving food security. Despite the significant influence of power relations (...)
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  14.  22
    Applying the principles of Vivir Bien to a court resolution in Bolivia: language, discourse, and land law.María Itatí Dolhare & Sol Rojas-Lizana - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (3):269-281.
    ABSTRACT The Plurinational Constitutional Court is the final arbiter of legal disputes involving the interpretation and application of the Political Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia (2009) (BC). Its role is especially important given that the BC follows a type of decolonial ‘hybrid’ constitutional model that incorporates the Indigenous concept of Vivir Bien (VB) as part of their legal paradigm. Using tools from Case Law Analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis, this article explores the Court’s judicial interpretation (...)
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  15.  20
    The Relations between Soviet Government Entities and Scientific Institutions in the Context of a Postmodern Approach to History.Oleksandr Lada, Vitalii Kotsur, Lesya Kotsur, Viacheslav Redziuk & Yegor Gylenko - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1):198-213.
    The article examines and analyzes the state structures of Soviet Ukraine in the 20s and 30s of the twentieth century, which were responsible for the organization, support and control in the field of culture and science of the country. In line with the postmodern transformations of this chronological segment, the system of state structures and their influence on the activities of semi-independent scientific organizations have been reconstructed. In view of postmodernism as a philosophical current, the nonviolent resistance of the scientific (...)
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  16.  16
    Beyond tragedy and eternal peace: politics and international relations in the thought of Friedrich Nietzsche.Jean-François Drolet - 2021 - Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press.
    In Beyond Tragedy and Eternal Peace, Jean-François Drolet provides a synoptic interpretation of Nietzsche's reflections on politics and international relations in the context of the late nineteenth century. Revolving around questions concerning conflict and political violence, the study examines the symbiotic relationship between Nietzsche's critique of Western metaphysics and his analyses of the political processes, institutions and dominant ideologies shaping public life in Germany and Europe during the 1870s and 1880s. This includes the Franco-Prussian War and the unification (...)
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    Citizens to Lords: A Social History of Western Political Thought From Antiquity to the Middle Ages.Geoff Kennedy - 2011 - Historical Materialism 19 (1):304-318.
    This article seeks to contextualise Ellen Meiksins Wood’s recent survey of classical and medieval political thought within the context of some of the prevailing approaches to the history of political thought. After an initial elaboration of Wood’s ‘political-Marxist’ approach to issues of historical development and contextualisation, I emphasise what is significant about Wood’s specific contribution to the study of Greek, Roman and medieval political ideas in particular, as well as to the history of (...) thought in general. (shrink)
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    Politics and the Limits of Law: Secularizing the Political in Medieval Jewish Thought.Menachem Lorberbaum - 2002 - Stanford University Press.
    This book explores the emergence of the fundamental political concepts of medieval Jewish thought, arguing that alongside the well known theocratic elements of the Bible there exists a vital tradition that conceives of politics as a necessary and legitimate domain of worldly activity that preceded religious law in the ordering of society. Since the Enlightenment, the separation of religion and state has been a central theme in Western political history and thought, a separation that upholds the freedom (...)
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  19.  54
    An analytics of power relations: Foucault on the history of discipline.Roger Deacon - 2002 - History of the Human Sciences 15 (1):89-117.
    To understand how we have become what we are requires, following Foucault, not a theory but an `analytics' which examines how technologies of power and knowledge have, since antiquity, intertwined and developed in concrete and historical frameworks. Distilling from Foucault's oeuvre as a whole a rough periodization of western political rationalities, this article shows how the processes whereby some people discipline or govern others are frequently closely connected to procedures of identity-constitution and knowledge-production. Platonic, Stoic and Christian pursuits of (...)
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  20. The changing architecture of politics: structure, agency, and the future of the state.Philip G. Cerny - 1990 - London: Sage Publications.
    A landmark study in the field of political science, The Changing Architecture of Politics charts the profound structural changes taking place in the late twentieth-century state. Looking at both theory and practice, Cerny argues that political structures--states in the broadest sense--are the key to understanding both the history and the future of modern politics. Included for discussion are such salient topics as the problem of locating institutional and structural theory within political and social science, how to (...)
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  21. Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilisations: Political Aspects of Modernity.Leonid Grinin, Dmitry Beliaev & Andrey Korotayev (eds.) - 2008 - Librocom.
    The human history has evidenced a great number of systems of hierarchy and power, various manifestations of power and hierarchy relations in different spheres of social life from politics to information networks, from culture to sexual life. A careful study of each particular case of such relations is very im-portant, especially within the context of contemporary multipolar and multicultural world. In the meantime it is very important to see both the general features, typical for all or most of the (...)
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  22.  25
    On the Way to Intercultural Philosophy.Marietta Stepanyants - 2016 - In Stepanyants Marietta, [no title]. pp. 240-256.
    In this autobiographical essay, I will sketch some events which have played a significant role in my intellectual biography. I began my career with a study of Islamic thought in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries before turning towards a study of Sufism. The exchanges, which took place with colleagues during conferences conducted by the East-West Philosophers’ Conferences, proved to be crucial for my further philosophical development. My current philosophizing is marked by a turn towards intercultural philosophy. In many ways, (...)
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  23.  36
    Non-Europeans and their Presence to History. Universality, Modernity and Decolonization in Ricœur’s Political Philosophy.Alina Achenbach - 2021 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 12 (1):106-123.
    This article reconsiders Paul Ricœur’s political philosophical writings on the task of decolonization and European responsibility in light of a horizon of intercultural dialogue. Departing from the exchange between Ricœur and his former student Enrique Dussel, it discusses the Ricœurian critique of modernity. After giving some background on Ricœur’s reflections on decolonization, it will clarify what Ricœur calls the “crisis of the concrete universal in the thinking and in the historical experience of Western Europe,” and what role cultural (...)
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  24. The Leviathan in the state theory of Thomas Hobbes: meaning and failure of a political symbol.Carl Schmitt - 1996 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by George Schwab.
    One of the most significant political philosophers of the twentieth century, Carl Schmitt is a deeply controversial figure who has been labeled both Nazi sympathizer and modern-day Thomas Hobbes. First published in 1938, The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes used the Enlightenment philosopher’s enduring symbol of the protective Leviathan to address the nature of modern statehood. A work that predicted the demise of the Third Reich and that still holds relevance in today’s security-obsessed society, this volume (...)
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  25.  10
    The Political Morality of the Late Scholastics: Civic Life, War and Conscience.Daniel Schwartz - 2019 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    The late scholastics, writing in the Baroque and Early Modern periods, discussed a wide variety of moral questions relating to political life in times of both peace and war. Is it ever permissible to bribe voters? Can tax evasion be morally justified? What are the moral duties of artists? Is it acceptable to fight in a war one believes to be unjust? May we surrender innocents to the enemy if it is necessary to save the state? These questions are (...)
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  26.  19
    Oakeshott on the State: Between History and Philosophy.Gary Browning - 2019 - In Eric S. Kos, Michael Oakeshott on Authority, Governance, and the State. Springer Verlag.
    Oakeshott sets out philosophical and historical views of the state. They are distinct, and their distinctiveness harmonizes with his notion of the exclusivity of philosophical and historical perspectives. The modal distinctness of philosophy, history, and practice is established in Experience and Its Modes and is then rehearsed in subsequent publications, notably in essays in Rationalism and Politics. History is a way of seeing the past that is at odds with practical thought and philosophy. It is the sign of (...)
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  27.  14
    Polis: a new history of the ancient Greek city-state from the early Iron Age to the end of antiquity.John Ma - 2024 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    The polis, the dominant political form around which ancient Greeks structured their lives and activities, is perhaps their most fundamental creation and enduring legacy. It was a highly successful form of social organization in which Greek culture thrived, including architecture, literature, and philosophy. In this book, ancient historian John Ma offers a new history of the polis from its origins in the Early Iron Age through its eclipse in Late Antiquity. He aims to answer a few big questions (...)
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    Political philosophy of Kautilya: the Arthashastra and after.Rajvir Sharma - 2022 - Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publishing.
    Political Philosophy of Kautilya: The Arthashastra and After offers a critical analysis of ideas and institutions as described in the ancient political economy text Arthashastra. It discusses the contributions of pre-Kautilyan, Kautilyan and post-Kautilyan political thought to the evolution and development of political theory, in general, and the impact and influence of Kautilya's contributions, in particular. The book examines Kautilya's theory of state, power, law and justice, administration, security, society and social well-being. This book examines the (...)
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  29.  8
    Prophet of Decline: Spengler on World History and Politics.John Farrenkopf - 2001 - LSU Press.
    Oswald Spengler (1880--1936) is best known for The Decline of the West, in which he propounded his pathbreaking philosophy of world history and penetrating diagnosis of the crisis of modernity. This monumental work launched a seminal attack on the idea of progress and supplanted the outmoded Eurocentric understanding of history. His provocative pessimism seems to be confirmed in retrospect by the twentieth-century horrors of economic depression, totalitarianism, genocide, the dawn of the nuclear age, and the emerging global environmental (...)
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    Intercultural Exchanges in Fourth-Century Attic Decrees.Katarzyna Hagemajer Allen - 2003 - Classical Antiquity 22 (2):199-250.
    Focusing on the analysis of Athens' relations with both Greeks and non-Greeks as recorded in extant fourth-century decrees, this paper challenges the applicability of the notion of Greek/barbarian antithesis to the interpretation of formal diplomatic exchanges between Athens and the non-Greek states. A comparison of the types of decrees and honors reveals a remarkable uniformity in the forms of Athens' foreign relations irrespective of the ethnicity of honorands. The distribution of honors among individuals and groups of recipients within single decrees (...)
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  31. Toward Perpetual Peace and Other Writings on Politics, Peace, and History.Pauline Kleingeld (ed.) - 2006 - Yale University Press.
    Immanuel Kant’s views on politics, peace, and history have lost none of their relevance since their publication more than two centuries ago. This volume contains a comprehensive collection of Kant’s writings on international relations theory and political philosophy, superbly translated and accompanied by stimulating essays. Pauline Kleingeld provides a lucid introduction to the main themes of the volume, and three essays by distinguished contributors follow: Jeremy Waldron on Kant’s theory of the state; Michael W. Doyle on the implications (...)
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    The Political Philosophies of Aquinas and Awolowo.Francis I. Ogunmodede - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (2):265-282.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE POLITICAL PHILOSOPHIES OF AQUINAS AND AWOLOW0 1 FRANCIS I. 0GUNMODEDE Semlnary of SS. Peter and Paul Ibadan, Nigeria Introduction W:HAT POSSIBLE connection is there between the hought of Aquinas and that of Awolowo? We must first observe a sharp difference in personality and approach to politics between the two men. Obafemi Awolowo ( 1909-87) was a recent Nigerian philosopher and politician whose works on politics include The (...)
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  33.  15
    The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt: Terror, Liberal War and the Crisis of Global Order.Louiza Odysseos & Fabio Petito (eds.) - 2007 - Routledge.
    Presenting the first critical analysis of Carl Schmitt's _The Nomos of the Earth_ and how it relates to the epochal changes in the international system that have risen from the collapse of the ‘Westphalian’ international order. There is an emerging recognition in political theory circles that core issues, such as order, social justice, rights, need to be studied in their global context. Schmitt’s international political thought provides a stepping stone in these related paths, offering an alternative history (...)
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  34.  69
    Handbook on the politics of memory.Maria Mälksoo (ed.) - 2023 - Northampton, MA USA: EE | Edward Elgar Publishing.
    Providing a novel multi-disciplinary theorization of memory politics, this insightful Handbook brings varied literatures into a focused dialogue on the ways in which the past is remembered and how these influence transnational, interstate, and global politics in the present. With case studies from Africa, East and Southeast Asia, Europe, South America, and the United States, the Handbook focuses on the political features of historical memory in international relations. Chapters examine key concepts of memory politics, including accountability, commemoration and memorialization, (...)
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  35.  4
    Demos rising: democracy and the popular construction of public power in France, 1800-1850.Stephen W. Sawyer - 2025 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    A political history exploring the concept of demos in the French government during the period of 1800 to 1850. In his previous book, Demos Assembled, historian Stephen W. Sawyer offered a transatlantic account of the birth and transformation of the modern democratic state. In Demos Rising, he presents readers of political history with a prequel whose ambitious claim is that a genuine demos became possible in France only with the development of government regulation and administration. Focusing (...)
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  36.  25
    Carl schmitts appropriation of the early modern european tradition of political thought on the state and interstate relations.Peter Schroder - 2012 - History of Political Thought 33 (2):348-371.
    Carl Schmitt (1888-1985) appropriated the early modern tradition of political thought to his own juridical and political writings. By examining Schmitt's use of this tradition, it is possible to decipher the structure of his own political philosophy and better understand his polemic. This article therefore discusses the key sources and concepts that informed his understanding of the state and interstate relations. The main focus is on Schmitt's engagement with Hobbes, Bodin and Gentili. It becomes clear that Schmitt's (...)
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    Neo-liberalism and the symbolic institution of society: Pitting Foucault against Lefort on the state and the ‘political’.Antoon Braeckman - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (9):945-962.
    This article sets up a dialogue between Lefort’s view on the relationship between state and modern society and Foucault’s thesis of a governmental turn in the modern power regime. Whereas Lefort’s political ontology leaves room for divergent agencies from which the symbolic institution of the social may unfold, his preoccupation with democracy leads him to link the symbolic institution of modern society inseparably with the functioning of the modern state. By contrast, Foucault’s history of governmentality documents a shift (...)
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  38.  1
    Earthborn democracy: a political theory of entangled life.Ali Aslam - 2024 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by David Wallace McIvor & Joel Alden Schlosser.
    The relationship between ecology and democracy has a complex history and an uncertain future. Ecological crises threaten all forms of life on earth, and democracy too is endangered, as popular discontent, elite malfeasance, and unresponsive institutions herald crisis if not collapse. It is clear that our present political concepts and institutions are inadequate for meeting the challenges of living in right relation with the more-than-human world and, moreover, that these inadequacies are themselves symptoms of a failing political-cultural (...)
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    Ideas and Events: Professing History.Leonard Krieger - 1992 - University of Chicago Press.
    Leonard Krieger has long been revered as a contemporary master historian. With an eye toward placing his critical achievements before an expanded readership, he helped compile this core collection of his most important essays. Together these essays bring under a single cover the key themes and ideas of his life's work to serve as a handbook for intellectual history and historians of every stripe. This book reflects Krieger's conviction that the value of intellectual history is as a source (...)
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    The state of nature: histories of an idea.Mark Somos & Anne Peters (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
    The phrase, "state of nature", has been used over centuries to describe the uncultivated state of lands and animals, nudity, innocence, heaven and hell, interstate relations, and the locus of pre- and supra-political rights, such as the right to resistance, to property, to create and leave polities, and the freedom of religion, speech, and opinion, which may be reactivated or reprioritised when the polity and its laws fail. Combining intellectual history with current concerns, this volume brings together fourteen (...)
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    Shifting the geography of reason: gender, science and religion.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino & Clevis Headley (eds.) - 2007 - Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    MARINA PAOLA BANCHETTI-ROBINO is Associate Professor and Chair of the Philosophy Department at Florida Atlantic University. Her areas of research include phenomenology, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, and zoosemiotics. Her publications have appeared in such journals as Synthese, Husserl Studies, Idealistic Studies, Philosophy East and West, and The Review of Metaphysics. She has also contributed essays to The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy (1997), Feminist Phenomenology (2000), and Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology on the Perennial (...)
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    The political theories of P. J. Proudhon.Shi Yung Lu - 1922 - New York,: M. R. Gray.
    Pierre-Joseph Proudhon was a nineteenth-century French philosopher and socialist whose contributions played an integral role in anarchist and socialist thought. This book offers an in-depth analysis of Proudhon's political theories, including his ideas about property, labor relations, and the state. Through a close reading of primary sources, the author provides a nuanced and engaging account of Proudhon's contributions to political thought. This book is a valuable resource for scholars and anyone interested in the history of anarchist and (...)
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  43. Political Poetry: A Few Notes. Poetics for N30.Jeroen Mettes - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):29-35.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 29–35. Translated by Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei from Jeroen Mettes. "Politieke Poëzie: Enige aantekeningen, Poëtica bij N30 (versie 2006)." In Weerstandbeleid: Nieuwe kritiek . Amsterdam: De wereldbibliotheek, 2011. Published with permission of Uitgeverij Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam. L’égalité veut d’autres lois . —Eugène Pottier The modern poem does not have form but consistency (that is sensed), no content but a problem (that is developed). Consistency + problem = composition. The problem of modern poetry is capitalism. Capitalism—which has no (...)
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  44. Human Rights, China, and Cross-Cultural Inquiry: Philosophy, History, and Power Politics.Randall P. Peerenboom - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (2):283 - 320.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Human Rights, China, and Cross-Cultural Inquiry:Philosophy, History, and Power PoliticsRandall PeerenboomStephen Angle's Human Rights and Chinese Thought: A Cross-Cultural Inquiry (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002) is a wonderful book that combines philosophically sophisticated discussions of controversial human-rights issues with a detailed intellectual history of the evolution of human-rights discourse in China over the last several hundred years. I will use Angle's book as a platform for consideration (...)
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    The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes: Meaning and Failure of a Political Symbol.George Schwab & Erna Hilfstein (eds.) - 1996 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    One of the most significant political philosophers of the twentieth century, Carl Schmitt is a deeply controversial figure who has been labeled both Nazi sympathizer and modern-day Thomas Hobbes. First published in 1938, _The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes _used the Enlightenment philosopher’s enduring symbol of the protective Leviathan to address the nature of modern statehood. A work that predicted the demise of the Third Reich and that still holds relevance in today’s security-obsessed society, this volume (...)
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    History and the International Order in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right.Davide Barile - 2020 - The Owl of Minerva 51 (1):35-57.
    For a long time, the sections of the Philosophy of Right dedicated to the relations among states have been neglected by contemporary International Relations theories. However, especially since the end of the Cold War, this discipline has finally reconsidered Hegel’s theory, in particular by stressing two aspects: the thesis of an ”end of history” implied in it; and, more generally, the primacy of the state in international politics. This paper suggests a different interpretation. It argues that, in order to (...)
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    "Was uns unbedingt angeht": Studien zur Theologie und Philosophie Paul Tillich (review).Sybille Fritsch-Oppermann - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):161-164.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 161-164 [Access article in PDF] Book Review "Was Uns Unbedingt Angeht": Studien Zur Theologie Und Philosophie Paul Tillich "Was Uns Unbedingt Angeht":studien Zur Theologie Und Philosophie Paul Tillich. By Werner Schüssler. Münster, Germany: LIT Verlag, 1999. 271 pp. In this book we are introduced to central themes of Paul Tillich's theological and philosophical thinking. Several essays deal with the problems of secularism; Tillich's concept of (...)
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    The main features of the culture of political relations between the USSR and the People's Republic of China.Ван Ц - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 5:51-58.
    The main subject of the article is a comparative analysis of the cultures of political relations between the Soviet Union (USSR) and the People's Republic of China (PRC) in the middle of the twentieth century. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as ideologization and authoritarianism, centralization of power, control over society and the phenomena of political cults. The article analyzes the key principles and values underlying the political systems of both countries, as well (...)
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    The trouble with history: morality, revolution, and counterrevolution.Adam Michnik - 2014 - New Haven: Yale University Press. Edited by Irena Grudzińska-Gross.
    Renowned Eastern European author Adam Michnik was jailed for more than six years by the communist regime in Poland for his dissident activities. He was an outspoken voice for democracy in the world divided by the Iron Curtain and has remained so to the present day. In this thoughtful and provocative work, the man the Financial Times named "one of the 20 most influential journalists in the world" strips fundamentalism of its religious component and examines it purely as a secular (...)
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    ‘The Indian Wars have Never Ended in the Americas’: The Politics of Memory and History in Leslie Marmon Silko's Almanac of the Dead.Rebecca Tillett - 2007 - Feminist Review 85 (1):21-39.
    Published to coincide with the quincentennial celebrations of Columbus's ‘discovery’ of the New World, the Native American writer Leslie Marmon Silko's apocalyptic 1991 novel, Almanac of the Dead, is a harsh indictment of five hundred years of colonialism, racism and genocide in the New World. Silko clearly links this inhuman(e) history to the contemporary social policies of a range of nation states within the Americas, to present a variety of political issues that are of crucial significance to contemporary (...)
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