Results for 'Polish Enlightenment literature'

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  1.  18
    Three Enlightenments of Modernity in the Historico-Philosophical Conception of Kazimierz Twardowski.Wojciech Starzyński - 2022 - Dialogue and Universalism 32 (1):147-164.
    The aim of this article is to discuss the reflection on the history of philosophy conceived as a cycle of enlightenments in the thought of Kazimierz Twardowski. In 1895 Twardowski adopts Franz Brentano’s model of the cyclical character of the history of philosophy. In the cycle of modern philosophy, the traditional Enlightenment period of the 18th century is shown critically as the one in which the original forces of the scientific revolution of the 17th century weakened, while the philosophy (...)
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    Towards Enlightening Future Citizens.Józef Hen & Lesław Kawalec - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (3):39-45.
    Faced with the loss of a part of the Polish state’s territory, that is, after the first partitioning of Poland by the neighboring countries—Russia, Austria and Prussia—and fearing even worse possible scenario of the loss of independence, the last king of Poland Stanisław August Poniatowski made a far-sighted decision, which he implemented on 14 October, 1773, by a motion, passed by the Partition Sejm of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, establishing the Commission for National Education, prefiguring the Ministry for National (...)
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    A brief history of Polish philosophy.Krzysztof Bochenek - 2021 - Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Reszowskiego. Edited by Leszek Gawor, Magdalena Michalik-Jeżowska, Ryszard Wójtowicz & Aleksandra Szczypa.
    Introduction -- Philosophy in the Middle Ages -- Polish philosophy in the Renaissance and Baroque -- Polish philosophy in the Enlightenment -- Polish philosophy of the Romantic era -- The philosophy of Polish positivism -- Polish philosophy in the age of modernism --Polish philosophy in the interwar period -- Polish philosophy after World War II -- A selection of post-war general literature on the subject -- Conclusion.
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    Making Sense of Polish History—From a History of Enquiry.Marek N. Jakubowski & Tomasz Voit - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (3/4):133-148.
    Throughout 19th and the first half of 20th centuries, Polish thinkers largely supplanted political philosophy with the philosophy of history. Such an approach produced an essential continuum, despite marked differences of concepts in different political and theoretical contexts. This continuity finds a particular expression in two ideas, nascent already in the 15th and 16th century Polish political thought, i.e. the idea of Poland’s Historical Mission , and a notion of a specifically Polish Love of Freedom.The author approaches (...)
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    Tadeusz Kościuszko — the Polish Enlightenment Thinker.Józef Żuraw & Elżbieta Tetzlaff - 1979 - Dialectics and Humanism 6 (1):151-163.
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  6. John Locke and the polish enlightenment.Janina Rosicka - 1994 - In Graham Alan John Rogers, Locke's philosophy: content and context. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Loyola's Greater Narrative: the Architecture of the Spiritual Exercises in Golden Age and Enlightenment Literature. By Frédéric Conrod.Patrick Madigan - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (1):145-146.
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    : Fiction without Humanity: Person, Animal, Thing in Early Enlightenment Literature and Culture.Ian Duncan - 2023 - Isis 114 (1):198-199.
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    The first Arabic translations of Enlightenment literature: The Damietta circle of the 1800s and 1810s.Peter Hill - 2015 - Intellectual History Review 25 (2):209-233.
    The subject of this paper is a circle of translators working in the Egyptian port of Damietta in the 1800s and 1810s. Based around the household of a wealthy Syrian merchant, this circle translated...
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    Poets and Poetry of Poland, czyli skarbiec polskiej poezji otwarty dla Amerykanów.Ewa Modzelewska-Opara - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 25 (2):95-126.
    The aim of this article is to familiarize the Polish reader with Poets and the Poetry of Poland, the first extensive anthology of the Polish literature published in English in the United States by Paweł Sobolewski. Particular emphasis was placed on the characteristics of this work, recreating the traces of reception of this work and showing the most important sources on which the author relied. The presented article also points out the importance of Sobolewski’s literary and cultural (...)
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    Bulwark of Liberty or Backward Savagery? Dispute Between Rousseau and the Polish Enlightenment Thinkers Over Eastern Europe.Jan Květina - 2018 - Philosophy Study 8 (9).
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    Romanticism's Gray Matter.Nancy Easterlin - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (2):443-455.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.2 (2002) 443-455 [Access article in PDF] Romanticism's Gray Matter Nancy Easterlin British Romanticism and the Science of Mind, by Alan Richardson; xx & 243 pp. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, $55.00. THE ANTAGONISM BETWEEN science and the humanities is an old story, one whose basic themes were inspired by a new understanding of the utility of science that emerged from the Enlightenment. If (...)
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  13.  50
    After Alice After Cats in Derrida's L'animal que donc je suis.Jessica Polish - 2014 - Derrida Today 7 (2):180-196.
    In this essay, I argue that Derrida cannot pursue the question of being/following unless he thinks through the question of sexual difference posed by figures of little girls in philosophical texts and in literature, specifically as posed by Lewis Carroll's Alice whom Derrida references in L'animal que donc je suis. At stake in thinking being after animals after Alice is the thought of an other than fraternal following, a way of being-with and inheriting from (other than human) others that (...)
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  14.  58
    Mickiewicz’s Models of Universality.Michał Masłowski & Klaudyna Hildebrandt - 2007 - Dialogue and Universalism 17 (5-6):53-61.
    In the paper the model of universality revealed by Adam Mickiewicz is investigated. It is claimed that his model of universality, which plays in Polish culture a role of a cultural canon, is distinct from the Enlightenment view on universality.
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    Poland’s Contribution to a Contemporary European Civilization: From Abstract Universal to Global Cultural Dialogue.George F. McLean - 2005 - Dialogue and Universalism 15 (11):7-13.
    This article sees the potential for Poland’s contribution to Contemporary European Civilization in its not having been submerged by the Enlightenment with its materialism and scientism. As a result Poland has resources of culture and spirit now recognized as important for these post modern and global times. For this the article points to the Czech philosopher Patočka’s sense of solidarity of the ébranlé; Adam Mickiewicz’s sense of Polish Messianism, and John Paul II’s sense of the place of religion (...)
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    Poland’s Contribution to Contemporary European Civilization Both Wise and Good.George F. McLean - 2005 - Dialogue and Universalism 15 (7-8):11-26.
    This article sees the potential for Poland’s contribution to Contemporary European Civilization in its not having been submerged by the Enlightenment with its materialism and scientism. As a result Poland has resources of culture and spirit now recognized as important for these post modern and global times. For this the article points to the Czech philosopher Patočka’s sense of solidarity of the ébranlé; Adam Mickiewicz’s sense of Polish Messianism, and John Paul II’s sense of the place of religion (...)
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  17.  8
    Resume.Andrzej Mencwel - 2003 - Dialogue and Universalism 13 (6):89-92.
    This summary was delivered at the closing session of the “Korczak: A New Anthropology of Education” conference on September 21, 2002 in the Polish Culture Institute of Warsaw University’s Polish Studies Faculty. Author points that the primary goal of the conference was to set Korczak’s work against modern-day thought trends and cultural dilemmas. Summing up the result of the conference author notices that the deepest roots of the Korczak’s work lies in the Judaic and Christian traditions but it (...)
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  18.  31
    Enlightenment and Pathology: Sensibility in the Literature and Medicine of Eighteenth-Century France. Anne C. Vila.Matthew Ramsey - 1999 - Isis 90 (2):366-367.
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    Literature of Violence or Literature on Violence? The French Enlightenment on Trial.Diane Fourny - 1998 - Substance 27 (2):43.
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    Language, literature and Publikum: Herder's quest for organic enlightenment.Benjamin W. Redekop - 1992 - History of European Ideas 14 (2):235-253.
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    Matthew Wickman, Literature After Euclid: The Geometric Imagination in the Long Scottish Enlightenment.Cairns Craig - 2018 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 16 (1):100-104.
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    Literature after Euclid: the geometric imagination in the long Scottish Enlightenment.John Henry - 2016 - Intellectual History Review 26 (4):564-566.
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    Creation Mythology and Enlightenment in Sanskrit Literature.Peter M. Scharf - 2020 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 48 (4):751-766.
    Accounts of creation in Sanskrit literature include a number of hymns in the R̥gveda principal among which are R̥V 10.72, 10.81–82, 10.90, 10.121, and 10.129. Later accounts appear in the Mānavadhārmaśāstra, the Mahābhārata, and purāṇas. Scholars generally describe these accounts as various, mutually inconsistent myths, or as superseded stages of philosophical thought. Even recent treatments of Indian cosmogony that praise the poetic subtlety and prowess of their composers consider their work as products of individual poetic imagination. Yet, despite the (...)
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  24.  53
    Isolated Cases: The Anxieties of Autonomy in Enlightenment Philosophy and Romantic Literature.Nancy Yousef - 2004 - Cornell University Press.
    While individuals presented in central texts of the period are indeed often alone or separated from others, Yousef regards this isolation as a problem the texts attempt to illuminate, rather than a condition they construct as normative or ...
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  25.  27
    Barbara Howard Traister. Notorious Astrological Physician of London: Works and Days of Simon Forman. xviii + 250 pp., tables, app., bibl., index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2001. $30, £19. [REVIEW]Mark Harrison - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):309-310.
    Simon Forman, as Barbara Howard Traister puts it, “turned himself into text”: an obsessive writer, he left a cache of manuscripts, some of which—like the earliest surviving chronological case records—are of great historical value. Some of Forman's manuscripts are autobiographical, and it is for the more intimate details of his life that Forman has been known in recent years. He is “notorious” today largely for his sex life, being the subject of A. L. Rowse's well‐known study, Simon Forman: Sex and (...)
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  26.  22
    The Transformation of Apologetical Literature in the Early Enlightenment.Günther Lottes - 2014 - Grotiana 35 (1):66-74.
    _ Source: _Volume 35, Issue 1, pp 66 - 74 Context and argumentative style of Grotius’s De veritate are that of Reformation controversialist theology and of humanist historical notions of truth. Controversialism, however, no longer operated from shared principles, and the textual criticism of humanist scholarship implied looking at the book of revelation as an historical document, in a double sense: a product of history, and historical narratives. To what intellectual juggling this leads Grotius, is evident in his considering the (...)
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    Orientalism and Enlightenment Positivism: A Critique of Anglophone Sinology, Comparative Literature, and Philosophy.Shuchen Xiang - 2018 - The Pluralist 13 (2):22-49.
    On January 1, 1958, in the journal Democratic Critique, Zhang Junmai, Mou Zongsan, Tang Junyi, and Xu Fuguan published the "Manifesto on Chinese Culture for the World: Our Common Understanding of Chinese Scholarship Research and of the Future of Chinese Culture and World Culture."1 This manifesto is commonly seen as the founding statement of the New Confucianism movement. Section 2 of the manifesto, "Three Motives, Approaches, and their Shortcomings in the Study of Chinese Culture in World Scholarship," claimed that Chinese (...)
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  28. The persona of the physician in the early German Enlightenment: An analysis of the mediation of epistemic strategies in medical textbooks and advice literature.Andreas Rydberg - forthcoming - History of Science.
    This article uses medical textbooks and advice literature to analyze the persona of the physician in the early German Enlightenment. The article pursues three lines of argument. First, it uses medical textbooks to situate the physician in the context of early modern observational life, focusing in particular on epistemic virtues, techniques, and technologies for conducting and documenting observations. Second, it introduces the concept of epistemic advantage to analyze the ways in which medical advice literature – ranging from (...)
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  29.  30
    Enlightenment and Political Fiction: The Everyday Intellectual.Cecilia Miller - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    ENLIGHTENMENT AND POLITICAL FICTION: -/- THE EVERYDAY INTELLECTUAL -/- (New York/London: Routledge, 2016). -/- Abstract -/- Advanced, theoretical ideas can be found in the most unlikely books. A handful of books—sometimes surprising ones—not only entertain the reader but also contribute to new ways of seeing the world. Indeed, some theorists explicitly cite literature. Adam Smith, for example, makes repeated references to Voltaire, and Marx later claims numerous literary sources, including Don Quixote. Why, though, should an historian of ideas (...)
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    Hugolín Gavlovič on moral education: Enlightenment ideas in baroque literature?Katarína Komenská - 2019 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 9 (3-4):139-147.
    The work of Hugolín Gavlovič belongs is part of the most influential literary and didactic heritage of 18th century literature in the region of contemporary Slovakia. Even though Gavlovič was not a systematic moral philosopher, the role and importance of ethics in his literary work is significant. He contributed greatly to the debate on moral education, which was (in the context of that time) linked to the fulfilment of God's will and to the accomplishment of a good life. In (...)
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  31.  9
    Enlightenment in Scotland and France: studies in political thought.Mark Hulliung - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group.
    Enlightenment in Scotland and France: Studies in Political Thought provides comparative analysis of the Scottish and French Enlightenments. Studies of the two Enlightenments have previously focused on the transnational, their story one of continuity between Scottish intellectuals and French philosophes and of a mutual commitment to combat fanaticism in all its forms. This book contends that what has been missing, by and large, from the scholarly literature is the comparative analysis that underscores the contrasts as well as the (...)
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  32.  25
    Enlightenment cosmopolitanism.David Adams & Galin Tihanov (eds.) - 2011 - Leeds: Legenda.
    Enlightenment Cosmopolitanism brings together ten innovative contributions by outstanding scholars working across a wide array of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. Interdisciplinary in its methodology and compass, with a strong comparative European dimension, the volume examines discourses ranging from literature, historiography, music and opera to anthropology and political philosophy. It makes an original contribution to the study of 18th-century ideas of universal peace, progress and wealth as the foundation of future debates on cosmopolitanism. At the same (...)
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  33.  7
    French enlightenment and rabbinic tradition.Arnold Ages - 1969 - Frankfurt am Main,: Klostermann.
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    Enlightenment in the Colony: The Jewish Question and the Crisis of Postcolonial Culture (review).Spencer Hawkins - 2009 - Intertexts 13 (1):61-64.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Enlightenment in the Colony: The Jewish Question and the Crisis of Postcolonial CultureSpencer Hawkins (bio)Mufti, Aamir. Enlightenment in the Colony: The Jewish Question and the Crisis of Postcolonial Culture. Princeton UP, NJ: Princeton, 2007. xv + 325 pp.Mufti’s comparison of the Jewish question and the Indian Partition invites readers to join building projects that delineate and then endanger minorities within nations. Literature about minorities speaks (...)
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    Redefining Enlightenment Experience: A Philosophical Interpretation of the Dunhuang Version Platform Sūtra.Jinhua Jia - 2017 - In Youru Wang & Sandra A. Wawrytko, Dao Companion to Chinese Buddhist Philosophy. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag. pp. 351-367.
    The Platform Sūtra presents a variety of concepts, but in the deeper plane all these concepts can be roughly induced as a reinterpretation of enlightenment and a description of Chan’s distinctive experience of enlightenment. Through a sophisticated display of ontological paradox, the sūtra integrates tathāgatagarbha thought with prajñā wisdom to illuminate why enlightenment is possible for ordinary people in their existential life experience. Following the claim of tathāgatagarbha and earlier Chan texts that all sentient beings possess Buddha-nature, (...)
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  36.  30
    Literature as a Source of Knowledge. Polish Colonization of the United Kingdom in the light of Limeys by Ewa Winnicka.Ewa Kołodziejczyk - 2015 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 17 (1):167-178.
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    Enlightenment and the Persistence of Human Fallibility.Dale S. Wright - 2016 - In Dale Stuart Wright, What is Buddhist Enlightenment? Oxford University Press USA.
    Enlightenment and the Persistence of Human Fallibility” addresses the expectation that the enlightening insights of Zen masters render them invulnerable to moral and ethical errors and that therefore some form of infallibility has been achieved in their lives. The chapter traces this expectation to traditional Zen literature where the great Zen masters demonstrate supernatural powers and transhuman capacities. Realizing that these narrative descriptions of the great Zen masters were animated by the ongoing development of Zen mythology and the (...)
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  38.  89
    (1 other version)Enlightened women: modernist feminism in a postmodern age.Alison Assiter - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    This is a bold and controversial feminist, philosophical critique of postmodernism. While providing a brief and accessible introduction to postmodernist feminist thought, Enlightened Women is also a unique defence of realism and enlightenment philosophy. The first half of the book covers an analysis of some of the most influential postmodernist theorists, such as Luce Irigaray and Judith Butler. In the second half Alison Assiter advocates a return to modernism in feminism. She argues, against the current orthodoxy, that there can (...)
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  39. Hermann Hesse : The journey for the self-understanding and enlightenment - Alexis karpouzos.Alexis Karpouzos - manuscript
    Hermann Hesse's works often explore deep philosophical themes and the human quest for self-understanding and enlightenment. His writing draws heavily from Eastern philosophy, Jungian psychology, and Western existentialism, creating a rich tapestry of ideas that challenge and inspire readers. Hermann Hesse's philosophical exploration in his works offers profound insights into the human condition, emphasizing the importance of personal experience, the integration of dualities, and the interconnectedness of all life. His writings encourage readers to embark on their own journeys of (...)
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  40.  17
    Ludvig Holberg (1684–1754): Learning and Literature in the Nordic Enlightenment.Knud Haakonssen & Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen - 2017 - Routledge.
    "Ludvig Holberg was the foremost representative of the Danish-Norwegian Enlightenment and also a European figure of note. He was an Enlightenment thinker in the conventional sense, with significant works in natural law and history, but also a very important body of moral essays and epistles. He authored several engaging autobiographies and European travelogues; and - not least - a major utopian novel that was a European bestseller, a couple of interesting satires, and a large number of plays, mainly (...)
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  41.  82
    The Disciplinary Conception of Enlightenment in Kant’s Critical Philosophy.Farshid Baghai - 2020 - Critical Horizons 21 (2):130-152.
    Kant does not completely work out his philosophical conception of enlightenment. The definition of enlightenment that he offers in his well-known essay on the topic does not seem to completely match the definition that he puts forward later in his essay on the pantheism controversy and in the third Critique. It remains unclear how the two definitions relate to each other and whether and how they rest on the same principle. The lack of clarity in Kant’s conception of (...)
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  42.  16
    History and Nature in the Enlightenment: Praise of the Mastery of Nature in Eighteenth-Century Historical Literature.Nathaniel Wolloch - 2011 - Routledge.
    "The maestry of nature was viewed by eighteenth-century historians as an important measure of the progress of civilization. Modern scholarship has hitherto taken insufficient notice of this important idea. This book discusses the topic in connection with the mainstream religious, political, and philosophical elements of the Enlightenment culture. It considers workd by Edward Gibbon, Voltaire, Herder, Vico, Raynal, Hume, Adam Smith, William Robertson, and a wide range of lesse- and better-know figures. It also discusses many classical, medieval, and early (...)
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  43.  22
    Enlightened common sense I: clarifying and developing the concepts of depth, emergence, and transfactuality.Dominic Holland - 2019 - Journal of Critical Realism 18 (1):56-82.
    This article is the first in a series of four articles that engage critically with the arguments of two recent and significant additions to the literature on critical realism, namely Bhaskar’s ‘Enlightened Common Sense: The Philosophy of Critical Realism’, and Bhaskar et al.’s ‘Interdisciplinarity and Wellbeing: A Critical Realist General Theory of Interdisciplinarity’. Using the method of immanent critique and focusing mainly, but not exclusively, on the arguments of Enlightened Common Sense, I identify, and propose solutions to, a range (...)
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  44.  8
    "Single vision and Newton's sleep": the Enlightenment and modern literature: notes on the occlusion of modern consciousness, and towards a reparative literary strategy.Jeremy Shaw - 2001 - Aachen: Shaker.
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    The Attraction of the Contrary: Essays on the Literature of the French Enlightenment.Walter E. Rex - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    The essays in this 1987 volume are concerned with ideas of contrarity and other kinds of polar opposition in French literature of the eighteenth century. Originally these ideas were merely part of an impulse to undermine the establishment, but as the century progressed the desire to invert social values and question accepted norms merged with the main groundswell of the age to form part of the movement of Revolution. Professor Rex considers some of the major writers of the period: (...)
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  46. The Reception in Polish Literature of Roman Ingarden's Theory of Painting in Man Within His Life-World. Contributions to Phenomenology by Scholars from East-Central Europe.Jan P. Hudzik - 1989 - Analecta Husserliana 27:417-436.
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    Enlightenment: Defining the Goals of Modernity.Dashdamir Mahmandarov - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (4):167-177.
    Modernity is seen as a historical process that started with the Renaissance and took shape with the French Revolution. Modernity, which passed through historical turning points such as Renaissance, Reformation and Enlightenment, gained its own character in these periods. In this study, the Enlightenment period and its ideas, which are accepted as one of the most important periods of modernity and the modern world, are discussed. During the Enlightenment period, it was emphasized that the human mind should (...)
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  48.  48
    Idealism and Enlightenment. Continuity and Criticism of the Enlightenment in Philosophy and Literature around 1800. [REVIEW]Ralf Konersmann - 1990 - Philosophy and History 23 (2):129-130.
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    Stanisław Janeczek. Oświecenie chrześcijańskie. Z dziejów polskiej kultury filozoficznej [The Christian Enlightenment. A study in the history of Polish philosophical culture]. [REVIEW]J. S. - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 2 (1):291-295.
    The subject of this study is the process of change which affected the teaching of philosophy in the secondary education system in the first phase of the Polish Enlightenment in the mid-18th century. Historians of science and philosophy have treated those changes as a spontaneous and uncritical attempt to include the problems of modem natural science seventeenth-century systems of philosophy, and ethical and social issues of the Enlightenment into the systematic exposition of Christian Aristotelianism, all despite the (...)
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  50.  15
    Practicing enlightenment: Hume and the formation of a literary career.Jerome Christensen - 1987 - Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press.
    In this highly original study, Jerome Christensen reconstructs the career of a representative Enlightenment man of letters, David Hume. In doing so, Christensen develops a prototype for a post-structuralist biography. Christensen motivates the interplay between Hume’s texts as arguments and as symbolic acts by conceiving of Hume’s literary career as an adaptive discursive practice, the projected and performed narrative of his social life. Students and scholars of eighteenth-century English and French literature, feminist studies, political theory and history, philosophy, (...)
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