Results for 'Prado Coelho'

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  1. Suplemento bibliográfico 69.Herculano de Carvalho Boléo, Lindley Cintra & Prado Coelho - 1965 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia: Suplemento Bibliográfico 31:68.
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    On the Nature of Fear and Anxiety Triggered by COVID-19.Carlos M. Coelho, Panrapee Suttiwan, Nikolett Arato & Andras N. Zsido - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Role of the Board of Directors in Disseminating Relevant Information on Greenhouse Gases.Jose-Manuel Prado-Lorenzo & Isabel-Maria Garcia-Sanchez - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (3):391 - 424.
    In today's world, the corporate image of the largest companies is closely linked to their performance in the field of corporate social responsibility and the disclosure of information on that topic, specifically, on climate change. Since the Board of Directors is the body responsible for this process, the aim of this article is to show the role that companies' Boards of Directors play in the accountability process vis-à-vis stakeholders in relation to one specific aspect which has enormous significance in environmental (...)
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    Descartes E Elisabeth.Rafael Teruel Coelho - 2020 - Cadernos Espinosanos 43:399-427.
    The “problem of voluntary actions”, traditionally known asthe “problem of substantial union”, is one of the most controversialissues in the Cartesian doctrine. It is about seeking to understand howthe soul, being just an immaterial substance, whose nature consists onlyin thinking, could determine the animal spirits to carry out voluntary actions.The modus operandi, from which Descartes intended to explain howthe thinking substance would determine the movements of the pinealgland, is what greatly botheredElisabeth of Bohemia. In this article, we will present the (...)
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    Hume and the God-Hypothesis.C. G. Prado - 1981 - Hume Studies 7 (2):154-163.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:154. 1 HUME AND THE GOD-HYPOTHESIS Interpretation of Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion has always been contentious. While some think it obvious that Philo is Hume's spokesman, others think it is Cleanthes. Whether or not Philo is Hume's spokesman, he certainly produces the better argument. Nonetheless, that argument is flawed by an assumption which I doubt Hume ever questioned. I want to consider that assumption, but want to make (...)
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  6. Stay at Home and Teach: A Comparative Study of Psychosocial Risks Between Spain and Mexico During the Pandemic.Vicente Prado-Gascó, María T. Gómez-Domínguez, Ana Soto-Rubio, Luis Díaz-Rodríguez & Diego Navarro-Mateu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:566900.
    Context: The emergency situation caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has affected different facets of society. Although much of the attention is focused on the health sector, other sectors such as education have also experienced profound transformations and impacts. This sector is usually highly affected by psychosocial risks, and this could be aggravated during the current health emergency. Psychosocial risks may cause health problems, lack of motivation, and a decrease of effectiveness at work, which in turn affect the quality of (...)
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  7. A house divided: comparing analytic and continental philosophy.C. G. Prado (ed.) - 2003 - Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
    For more than seven decades there has been a broad gap between how philosophy is conceived and practiced. Two ill-defined but well-recognized traditions have developed—the "analytic" and "Continental" schools of philosophy. The former traces its roots to philosophers like Frege, Russell, Moore, Wittgenstein, and the logical positivists. The latter has been heavily influenced by Nietzsche, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Foucault, and Derrida, among others. The aim of this collection is to reconsider the often facile characterization of major thinkers as belonging to either (...)
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    Da filosofia da medicina e outros ensaios.Eduardo Coelho - 1960 - Lisboa,: Livraria Luso-Espanhola.
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    Educação e formação de Boécio: fontes ocultas da bíblia em sua Consolação.Cleber Duarte Coelho - 2018 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 34 (2).
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  10. Further Debates. Cinema and Television: The Art and Industry of Joint Works.Inês Rebanda Coelho - 2019 - In Christina Rawls, Diana Neiva & Steven S. Gouveia (eds.), Philosophy and Film: Bridging Divides. New York: Routledge Press, Research on Aesthetics.
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    Reforma Agrária no Governo FHC: perfil, tensões, número de famílias assentadas e áreas obtidas.Fabiano Coelho - 2016 - Dialogos 20 (2):179.
    O governo do presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso teve papel relevante na consolidação de políticas voltadas ao campo e ao processo de reforma agrária no Brasil. O objetivo do artigo é refletir sobre o perfil e as tensões envoltas na política de reforma agrária do governo FHC, e os desdobramentos dessa política face ao número de famílias assentadas e áreas obtidas para fins de reforma agrária no Brasil. Utiliza-se como fonte textos de pesquisadores que estudaram os caminhos e descaminhos da reforma (...)
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    On the Composition of Force: Algorithm and Experiment.R. Lopes Coelho - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (2):199-210.
    Philosophers have disagreed on the composition of force for decades. The main divergence concerns the fundamental question: given a certain motion that is observable, which force or forces are present in it, component or resultant forces? The present paper focuses on the conditions for dealing with this problem. I will argue that we are not able to infer force from the observation of a motion, as required by the problem. I will further argue that the validity of the Newtonian algorithm (...)
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    Potential research ethics violations against an indigenous tribe in Ecuador: a mixed methods approach.Esteban Ortiz-Prado, Katherine Simbaña-Rivera, Lenin Gómez-Barreno, Leonardo Tamariz, Alex Lister, Juan Carlos Baca, Alegria Norris & Lila Adana-Diaz - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-15.
    Background Biomedical and ethnographic studies among indigenous people are common practice in health and geographical research. Prior health research misconduct has been documented, particularly when obtaining genetic material. The objective of this study was to crossmatch previously published data with the perceptions of the Waorani peoples about the trading of their genetic material and other biological samples. Methods We conducted a mixed methods study design using a tailored 15-item questionnaire in 72 participants and in-depth interviews in 55 participants belonging to (...)
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    Expresividad poética y traducción con breve lectura de Fedro I. 1.Joâo Batista Toledo Prado - 2013 - Argos (Universidad Simón Bolívar) 36 (1):29-44.
    El término "expresividad poética" se refiere a las múltiples articulaciones del plano de la expresión, derivadas del valor expresivo del signo lingüístico (ROSSET 1970: 135) y de su particular papel en los dominios poéticos. Los rasgos de significado (como proyección, elevación y relieve) permiten considerar expresivos todos los enunciados poéticos que constituyen un momento particularmente denso en la consolidación formal de la convergencia entre los dos planos (expresión/contenido); por eso se destacan de los otros por su alta densidad de paralelismos (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Starting with Foucault: an introduction to genealogy.C. G. Prado - 1995 - Boulder: Westview Press.
    In this clear, straightforward introduction to Foucault's thought, Prado focuses on "Discipline and Punish" and the first volume of "The History of Sexuality, " in which Foucault most clearly comes to grips with the historicization of truth and knowledge and the formation of subjectivity. This sympathetic but critical introduction is especially suited for readers more familiar with Anglo-American philosophy than with Continental.
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    Emotional abilities and art experience in autism spectrum disorder.Sara Coelho, Íngrid Vendrell Ferran & Achim Stephan - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-26.
    In contrast to mainstream accounts which explain the aesthetic experience of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in terms of cognitive abilities, this paper suggests as an alternative explanation the “emotional abilities approach”. We present an example of a person with ASD who is able to exercise a variety of emotional abilities in aesthetic contexts but who has difficulties exhibiting their equivalents in interpersonal relations. Using an autobiographical account, we demonstrate first that there is at least one precedent where a (...)
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  17. Televisión hispana en Estados Unidos. Tensiones económicas y cambios generacionales.Emili Prado & Matilde Delgado - 2004 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 70:45-97.
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    La imaginación: el principio, medio y fin del estado de naturaleza hobbesiano.Christian David Núñez Prado - 2019 - Revista Filosofía Uis 19 (1):59-79.
    en este artículo la imaginación es el concepto clave para identificar la evolución epistemológica del hombre natural. A través de la primacía del sentimiento de placer se va a exponer, en tres momentos, el desarrollo de las facultades mentales en donde, primero, predomina una imaginación pictórica individual que refiere el placer a los objetos de la sensibilidad y utiliza la razón calculadora para asegurárselos de forma continua. Segundo, su paso hacia una imaginación pictórica mediada por un poder capaz de reunir (...)
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    Da costa on ontology: a naturalisticinterpretation.Coelho Antonio - 2011 - Manuscrito 34 (1).
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    A Comment on Solari and Natiello’s Constructivist View of Newton’s Mechanics.R. Lopes Coelho - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (3):703-710.
    The present comment on Solari and Natiello’s paper values their constructivist approach to Newtonian Mechanics. My critical point concerns only the link between the concept of force and phenomena. It will be shown that the idealised form of the law of inertia created by the authors avoids criticism of the law and that this law leads to the concept of force as the cause of acceleration. This concept appears in the authors’ reconstruction as an assumption. They add that this assumption (...)
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  21. A Dialética da Natureza: Um Novo Paradigma Filosófico para a Ecologia.José Ramos Coelho - 1994 - Princípios 1 (1):59-89.
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    A Salvação e o homem moderno.Renato Arnellas Coelho & Maria Regina Graciani Ribeiro - 2015 - Revista de Teologia 9 (16):75-90.
    In modern man’s life, everything changes at an ever increasing speed, as Zygmunt Bauman describes, leaving neither little nor space to think about the importance of salvation in his life. On the other hand, every man has a restlessness that makes him search, at least implicitly, for the things related to his salvation. Despite it, this search for salvation, besides important for each human person, is also important for the entire society. Analyzing the notion of salvation in the Scriptures as (...)
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  23. Der Begriff des Bildes bei Hertz.Ricardo Lopes Coelho - forthcoming - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España].
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    Descartes, Elisabeth e a melancolia: (tradução de cartas escolhidas).Rafael Teruel Coelho - 2022 - Cadernos Espinosanos 46:257-293.
    Trata-se de uma coletânea de cartas em que Descartes e Elisabeth discutem as implicações da doença da princesa.
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    Experience.Ivo Coelho - 2013 - Lonergan Workshop 27:47-80.
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    Estudo bibliométrico e epistemológico das teses de doutorado do PPGE-UFSCar.Marcio Coelho & Maria Cristina Piumbato Innocentini Hayashi - 2014 - Filosofia E Educação 6 (2):146-187.
    Considerando as mudanças que ocorreram no contexto histórico-social e também na pesquisa em Educação no Brasil a partir da década de 1990, este estudo analisou a produção científica do PPGE-UFSCar, tendo como objeto 55 teses defendidas na Área de Fundamentos da Educação, entre 1993 e 2007, submetidas à análise bibliométrica e epistemológica, objetivando determinar qual o paradigma foi predominante no período. O resultado revelou que o Marxismo foi utilizado em mais de 60% das pesquisas; e também identificou a presença de (...)
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  27. Fontes para a historiografia linguística: caminhos para a pesquisa documental.Olga Coelho (ed.) - 2021 - Campinas, SP: Pontes.
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    Lonergan and Indian Thought.Ivo Coelho - 2007 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 63 (4):1025 - 1047.
    The article makes a study of the few explicit references to India or the East in Lonergan and goes on to indicate points of resonance between. Lonergan and Indian thought. Lonergan is convinced that the structure of human consciousness is transcultural at its core, but he also acknowledges that human consciousness unfolds differently in different cultures. The transcultural element forms the basis of Lonergan s method, and with the variant element it also forms an 'upper blade' or theoretical anticipation with (...)
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    La France est-elle sur la voie de la dépénalisation de l'euthanasie ?José Coelho - 2006 - Médecine et Droit 2006 (77):61-63.
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  30. O Amor e a Oralidade.José Ramos Coelho - 1995 - Princípios 2 (3):86-91.
    o amor e 0 6dio, dois sentimentos fundamentais do ser humano, estao ligados as fases evolutivas do desenvolvimento sexual infantil, as quais, por sua vez, sao sobredeterminadas pelas relacees intersubjetivas que a crianc;:a experimenta. Tentando precisar 0 significado do amor como 0 sentimento de unidade entre dois seres diferentes, no qual 0 amado assume uma importancia vital para 0 amante, somos levados a definir 0 6dio como 0 sentimento de oposicao entre diferentes seres que estao afetivamente ligados, onde 0 ser (...)
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    University Social Responsibility, Service Learning, and Students' Personal, Professional, and Civic Education.Márcia Coelho & Isabel Menezes - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:617300.
    The long-standing vision of universities as the “alma mater” of students and graduates is a demonstration of its role as sustaining the person, the expert/professional, and the citizen. This role has persisted in the face of rising global challenges such as the emergence of new learning spaces, the growing diversity of publics, the call for productivity and performativity, and the hope for a significant engagement with the community and the public good. These sometimes conflicting tendencies have also stimulated higher education (...)
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    Ciberactivismo: conceptualización, hipótesis y medida.Juan Sebastián Fernández Prados - 2012 - Arbor 188 (756):631-639.
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  33. Zur Physik von Descartes: Naturgesetze und Stossregeln.Ricardo Lopes Coelho - 2002 - Philosophia Naturalis 39 (1):45-60.
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    Johannes Climacus e o pensador subjetivo existente. A categoria trágico-cômica da linguagem indireta.Ana Alice Matiello Coelho - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (2):155-164.
    Este presente artigo visa buscar os pressupostos da dupla reflexão de Climacus para melhor compreender a sua crítica ao pensamento dialético-especulativo. É tendo em mente que a dupla reflexão retoma os conceitos do trágico e do cômico, da seriedade e do gracejo – ainda que sobre uma nova perspectiva– que compreenderemos a importância dessa comunicação para a linguagem indireta, que tem por objetivo comunicar uma contradição absoluta.
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    The Pharmaceutical Market for Biological Products in Latin America: A Comprehensive Analysis of Regional Sales Data.Esteban Ortiz-Prado, Juan S. Izquierdo-Condoy, Jorge Eduardo Vasconez-González, Gabriela Dávila, Trigomar Correa & Raúl Fernández-Naranjo - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (S1):39-61.
    The global market for biologics and biosimilar pharmaceutical products is experiencing rapid expansion, primarily driven by the continuous discovery of new molecules. However, information regarding Latin America’s biological market remains limited.
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    Ethos y Polis.Alfredo Cruz Prados - 1999 - Pamplona: Eunsa Editorial Universidad Navarra S.A..
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    "Política" de Aristóteles y democracia I.Alfredo Cruz Prados - 1988 - Anuario Filosófico 21 (1):9-34.
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    The concealed art of language: Fragments of the young Nietzsche.Plinio Walder Prado - 1991 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 1:29-41.
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  39. The question of good and narrative identity in Charles Taylor.Beatriz Zegers Prado - 2013 - Pensamiento 69 (258):53-70.
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    How reaction time measures elucidate the matching bias and the way negations are processed.Jérôme Prado & Ira A. Noveck - 2006 - Thinking and Reasoning 12 (3):309 – 328.
    Matching bias refers to the non-normative performance that occurs when elements mentioned in a rule do not correspond with those in a test item. One aim of the present work is to capture matching bias via reaction times as participants carry out truth-table evaluation tasks. Experiment 1 requires participants to verify conditional rules, and Experiment 2 to falsify them as the paradigm employs four types of conditional sentences that systematically rotate negatives in the antecedent and consequent; and presents predominantly cases (...)
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    Ipseitas.Bento Prado Júnior - 2017 - Belo Horizonte: Autêntica. Edited by Vladimir Safatle.
    Bento Prado Júnior (1937-2007) foi um dos mais importantes nomes da filosofia feita no Brasil. AUtor de poucos livros mas de vasta produção ensaística, desenvolveu uma ampla reflexão sobre a figura contemporânea do sujeito, e sua originalidade sempre foi reconhecida por seus pares. EM seus últimos anos, o filósofo se dedicava à elaboração de uma trilogia da qual este livro seria o primeiro volume. ELa versaria sobre as relações entre teoria do sujeito (Ipseitas), teoria da ação (Actio) e teoria (...)
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    Deepening Understanding of Certification Adoption and Non-Adoption of International-Supplier Ethical Standards.Andrea M. Prado & Arch G. Woodside - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (1):105-125.
    This study presents a theory of causally complex configurations of antecedent conditions influencing the adoption versus non-adoption of international supplier ethical certification-standards. Using objective measures of antecedents and outcomes, a large-scale study of exporting firms in the cut-flower industry in two South American countries supports the theory. The theory includes the following and additional propositions. No single -antecedent condition is sufficient for accurately predicting a high membership score in outcome conditions; the outcome conditions include a firm’s adoption or rejection of (...)
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  43. The Formats of Cognitive Representation: A Computational Account.Dimitri Coelho Mollo & Alfredo Vernazzani - 2023 - Philosophy of Science (3):682-701.
    Cognitive representations are typically analysed in terms of content, vehicle and format. While current work on formats appeals to intuitions about external representations, such as words and maps, in this paper we develop a computational view of formats that does not rely on intuitions. In our view, formats are individuated by the computational profiles of vehicles, i.e., the set of constraints that fix the computational transformations vehicles can undergo. The resulting picture is strongly pluralistic, it makes space for a variety (...)
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    O Mundo nos nomeia: o fundamentalismo religioso no Islã e a categorização de uma identidade performativa. Dissertação.Patrícia Simone do Prado - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1658-1660.
    PRADO, Patrícia Simone do. O Mundo nos nomeia : o fundamentalismo religioso no Islã e a categorização de uma identidade performativa. Dissertação (Mestrado) 2013. 148p. - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião, Belo Horizonte.
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    Foucauldian Ethics and Elective Death.C. G. Prado - 2003 - Journal of Medical Humanities 24 (3/4):203-211.
    Concern with elective-death decisions usually focuses on individuals' competence and understanding of their situations and prospects. If problematic influences on individuals are considered, they almost invariably have to do with matters such as depression and the effects of medication. Too little attention is paid to how individuals, as subjects, are products of both external cultural and social influences on them, and of internal efforts and needs that determine their subjectivity.
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    Entre Nietzsche, Heidegger e o fim da metafísica: uma aproximação a partir da noção de vontade de poder.Marina Coelho - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 12 (1):e1.
    Partindo da interpretação heideggeriana de Nietzsche pretendemos pensar a questão do fim da metafísica nos situando na contenda entre esses dois pensadores. Para isso, centraremos nossa análise na discussão sobre a vontade de poder. A maneira pela qual Heidegger interpretou Nietzsche como o filósofo do fim da metafísica, inserindo-o radicalmente nessa tradição, e o sentido que deu para a noção de vontade de poder é foco de discordâncias entre intérpretes “pós-heideggerianos” de Nietzsche. Por isso, trataremos de apresentar também uma outra (...)
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    Hermenêutica e desconstrução: a conciliação de Paul Ricoeur e a aporia de Jacques Derrida.Carlos Cardozo Coelho - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (1):e31264.
    Este artigo pretende apresentar a diferença entre a hermenêutica e a desconstrução e mostrar a implicação de cada uma destas formas de entender o fenômeno do sentido na relação da filosofia com as outras “disciplinas” do pensamento. Para isso colocaremos dois pensadores em embate direto, a saber, Jacques Derrida e Paul Ricoeur. Enquanto Paul Ricoeur, com seu projeto hermenêutico, tenta encontrar uma conciliação entre os diversos saberes das ciências humanas com a metafísica, em uma época em que o estruturalismo e (...)
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    Por outra escrita filosófica: metafísica, poesia e excrita – a partir de Jean-Luc Nancy.Carlos Cardozo Coelho - 2018 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 18 (2):362-374.
    Neste artigo, apresentamos a necessidade de se repensar o estilo de escrita da Filosofia a partir de uma mudança de paradigma conceitual. O que importa à Filosofia e à “forma tratado de ontologia” é encontrar uma forma de dizer a Verdade, de dizer aquilo que é invariável. Ao encontrar esta forma, busca-se criar uma hierarquia de estilos, começando por aquele que diz a Verdade que, de fato, seria a única forma de escrever sobre o Ser e a existência, indo até (...)
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    Comment on Eisenthal's ‘mechanics without mechanisms’.Ricardo Lopes Coelho - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 95 (C):104-107.
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    A Life-Centered Approach to Bioethics, by Lawrence E. Johnson.C. G. Prado - 2014 - Mind 123 (489):223-226.
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